WC3 - WGL:S Western - WB Final: [UD] XlorD vs. Foggy [NE]

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hey it's the winner's bracket final it's the best-of-five for a ticket to w g l walker of gold league we're not more than the world championship and seventy thousand dollars are on the line it's between axe Lord and foggy it's gonna be a great game 2 of Europe's greatest going up against each other and I wouldn't have thought this according to the war three and four itto ranking X Lord is ahead of foggy on rank nine foggy on 10 up by one single yellow point oh wow that is that is seriously surreal excellent played a lot of dread Crypt Lord yesterday this will probably not work against night L forgot the picks and bans foggy gets rid of twisted X Lord gets rid of Terran Oz for he picks equals at Northern Isles excellent picks concealed Hiller last refuge we saw this best-of-five first two three on Amazonia or two players here an little introduction for them they deserve it foggy two silver medals two bronze medals he was the star of Europe until happy showed up he loves the gold League and the gold League loves him he wants to be back and he got a good shot one win in the next two matches and he's going again next lord o international competition we haven't seen it much some German offline tournaments and he was very successful there he is our Meister shaft and he looks very hard there what will these two bring to the table how good excellent how good is a lot without the crib Lord still pretty good I would say fast expansion though without it shouldn't really be possible but even in a straight up one base one base game the Microflex Lord certainly is there happy maybe the best but X Lord is not far behind excellent for you by the way they have met over the last two years quite a lot and that surprised me not too many games between them stand out to me they met nine times over these last two years and foggy one every single time whoo-hoo-hoo dad's best of one someone's best of three they've even met him best of fives but in the end foggy until now always was the winner probably of course full-time pro now maybe a little distracted by getting married soon but this is the match up then he put the most practising this is the matter we wanted to kill happy for such a long time and usually when he plays against any other undead he looks so strong all this practice must have paid off excellent with the scout acolyte lightning shield prevents this creeping a little slows foggy down for a tiny second but on this level the top two of Europe this is where it comes down to yep nice little delay foggy not denying anything is doing this properly Agito gloves of haste pretty good so far XR also trying to go for the lightning should creep but there is a wisp nearby for the possible detonate he's also hurting his goal quite a bit this doesn't seem perfect but should be fine in the end Circle it for him foggy oftentimes plays in a very aggressive demon hunter excellent still taking some time this gives foggy some time to lure out the one trapper and the second trapper and go for this brother : I guess Iman are creeping up early as much as you can that's important stickers very nice already slippers for EXO as well decent drops for take a started for foggy take a started for X Lord came early game and excellent respecting the fog nice play goes for in the rubia to school building explore is playing here you can also creep very quickly to cobol's in the middle especially but also the corner camps the mercenaries and guess where the wisdom in the perfect position for foggy scouting everything else quick reactions as well pulls back the wisp now can go over there with Adam on in a moment to harass doubles slippers close to level 3 this early game is looking not bad for foggy at all but he lost the wisp there by the way not detonating so that slipped his mind for a second X Lord getting the taskmaster claws of attack that's pretty good next up was always dominating Germany when he was playing EPS but this is nationally one like region war he was really really good and for SK gaming he showed really good results but I'm the solo highest level never the big breakthrough that we Germans were hoping for for such a long time maybe that's changing one decade later would be pretty cool with happy not participating in this season's WGAL Europe is looking towards someone else the amount is so strong level three quickly boots slippers and he prevented the DK level three this is pretty much a perfect girly game for foggy boots now as well four arches little up engine of wars making its way through the trees to creep the natural very soon there is I think yeah ultravision coming and foggy is about to bully this DK so two to four X Lord graveyard now what's the bills very important thing when I have to remember is Naga also needs levels moonshot is very impressively recently against one to zero not just the demon hunter needs it but also the Nagas and she might be going towards a natural creep but there is an acolyte scouting for this or when I was already in position look for kills the demon hunter couldn't chase the heroes for its entirety who were distracted by the demon hunter a little eye thing but the Naga is getting punished can the ghouls connect finally in can you get the articles exxon has the dust ready leads to with the first blood second pool comes in but he's still at level three another demon knows where the naga is so should be easily able to follow her around and burn over and over three a slaughterhouse what's far is built into the floor and tech no expo yet no second lower yet I was looking for the crib jack but foggy is doing the same so they kind of two ships passing in the night now they're gonna meet up again movement speed explored a little more thanks to the aura and is locking okay just getting ready for tier three both of them preppers being killed when was the last time they met GG's nine in April okay the best of one that is not saying too much best of three the last one was rising star cup eight in January quite some time going yeah very unique matchup you don't see it too often but excellent not playing too much still always so impressive when there's a tournament and he takes part and often times he's immediately in the top four creep checked with the DK now hurting this Naga that's the right approach now only the DK by himself carrier do much the Naga Forex Lord was forced away by the demon hunter himself the strength of demon with boots and level three this is why you want to prioritize this so heavily in stuff Wars going to go down to the creeps though so the DK harass actually did do quite a bit another Archer dies excellent is doing quite a bit of damage here yep still lacking the level stop when will that change Nagas creeping with fiends with statues stacking up damage now as well the engine survives it's a 20 level 3 I'd gets burned right away before the coil yeah so waiting for the Lynch foggy here was trying to see if he could slow down something kill something before the tier 3 4 XO comes online but again that's a quite a bit of downtime for creeping if you can get a level 3 knockout quickly as the night off that can be very helpful but now again creeping along with the demon hunter so seems like she's gonna be stuck on level 2 for a little while longer an expert ready for his power spot frenzy destroyer Lich alright funky again using his team as a spy mana burning almost perfectly ya can throw another one against the DK perhaps even against the Lich does not want to allow this natural creep double-end snares that's not the greatest but we got a good new party take his fire in the potion the lit shock was already in the air and frenzy is done quite greedy by foggy here without his nog I was getting the orc with only four units are you going down is okay but he can't afford to lose the Bears staffs that one out need to be careful natural explore moving back once its own consumable abominations coming over right here not yet can't afford it at the moment okay knows exactly what's happening and didn't burn a lot of mana before exelon spelling all of the zeros so don't spell each like that no but the Bears coming in one more read you is gonna help out this is such an important moment in this game who will take the fight when excellence does he have enough damage will it be the cryptic 20ma bars don't look too hot for X Lord foggy finding a nice angle for this fiend there's no coil most lightning though rules are falling but rates for dryer definitely good damage on the Bears needs to use the staff soon probably burns have been good delicious in trouble fog lightning could be the end right here but just barely makes it away the snow was sig needs a potion needs to be in range flex the littles helping out and there's the potion turns around what's happening in the fight nah got in trouble against the region could be the spell not really long range card on 15 to save that one for the second one I'm not too sure turns to damage onto the demon hunter where's no TP just a potion Naga should come in with a stab she asked the DEP reveal use fiend death really trade the bear for it looks like it old staffs out the other bear going down though the demon are definitely chasing too long after that Lich could have done a lot more damage in that fight if he had remained with the main army but still supply wise very even no expansion floor before we coming up DK in trouble might be forced them to @e piece that you blocks it dry it has another slow here once again the damage in the Naga is pretty damn good DK is saved and it feels like X load is getting more kilts yeah I think the control effects are also a little bit better foggy it doesn't still not want to give this up fifty supply this dry yet little too brave maybe thanks with the demon hunter want these clothes so that leaves the decayed alone for now just once the unit's gone reveal already Saburo is useless but trading fiends for bears looks like good trades here for explored and now all the dryads gone no more rides not to worry about the guy getting focused but should be fine so far he is staying in a little bit too longer it seems once the UFO crash killed in will pose another ledge though 7 second save and a new arrow star more yep and that helps so much I'm willing to use it on now first abomination out can you get a potion or something to threaten a TPE maybe the right clicks are enough and they are DK save to the north and foggy again so eager to get these undead hero kills not working out and that it finally be time for this rock golem he's been teased for quite a while but now exile gets it and everything he finds here is good no matter what great Batman ah okay okay pop the small one to be able to coil bogey level four foot level ups here as well is there a transition to mg's it no just no no Expo no MGS but the next fight when the story getting focused hard another destroy and morph so many deaths drones against all of these illusions despite everything DK in trouble has a TP out map second floor showing great controls but this is the Merc M in the upper left for foggy excellent needs to rest a little needs the healing so much gold spend on items but guess what's finished soon disease count that makes a big difference over time also big difference over time makes scourge bone chimes especially on the demon hunter he cannot level four yet that's the problem at this point usually ideally you want to be number four DK for the level two aura red camps are still left but they are an invitation for a creep Jack goes to the bottom right with the ancient of war interesting approach continues theorize with the demon hunter level 4 alright sees the disease clout now even burns the statues but mana looks ok for X alone at the moment maybe not too many no of us Oh vamp aura and Sobi mask and little for Nagas also good for the improved slow but you know what no TP a lot of damage bogeys army looks so tiny with nutball bears here naga and trouble he wants to save himself with focus fire naga has no items on her and Lokar already explored maybe that was an invitation to a trap there was to call big mana pop and no matter for mana burn anymore all the Nagas in trouble village and the fiends great splitting by explored saving everything towards the back now making use of his superior move speed one bears gonna go down that's the DK almost with the level 4 foggy now has one more mana burn but now he's super dry again and so many dried dying in the back oh my god the abomination still alive another bear falling bolo used and this time there is no reveal again he's trading bears for fiends all the freaking time forty supply remaining for foggy only that's nothing you need to moose I'm just looking really hot with super wealth and Rito thank you boo huzzah for the two month three sub and does a lien for the 11 month resale shop control for export experience is almost tied to the point decay level for this is gonna make these next engagements quite a bit tougher for foggy not the destroyer scout as well right he is thinking about it - Oh upgrades for foggy nothing Forex Lord goes for cannibalize now tense game man this is Game one off hopefully five bogeys getting ready for mg's and he probably won't break 50 up great starting to become real good I really don't like that it's not going armor upgrades I hope they'll be coming later much later gonna be three over zero zero [Music] like to an app he wore quite some time now starting to add up without the demon here Bobby certainly no chance of taking a fight also far down and supply now can explore with the supply now claim the red campus inventor has no TP Naga has no TP double step one in war one heal scrofa X Lord one envelope to heal scrolls and two illnesses are under attack that's what the foggy bottom right I think I'm smart by poem for creep Jack would be dangerous he's got a way less supply and this is a 50/50 split however XOR probably benefits from these experience points more they're just gonna get level 3 that's a big one great creep I foggy with this Dryad log this granite golem is not doing any damage and he can kill water he's yeah that's exactly what he wanted move speed doubled slow from Naga and dryads additional movement speed here explore what do you get medallion of courage okay can be decent foggiest aiming for the Lich a lot to want right check damage on the literature as well but of course it's not an aura and that is pretty much all the creeps gone the little apprentice Wizards dying last man they never leveled up must be pretty bad in school I didn't see any books did you not really no just chillin all but all day that's what you get when you're lazy so 3mg suddenly Oh Oh finished already yeah I thought production oh there's a fourth one coming and they have three one upgrades I think explore dismiss calculating this it's gonna be very hard to micro against all these em geez Stano expansion remains about to run out the tree of eternity can walk over now would be the time for nature's blessing but for me is going to 80s of like five mountain Giants it's that too much excellent looks like he's losing patience a little fighting into the night out of bays not what you want normally extra would love a few corpses for cannibalized to work demon hunter in the middle of everything bears focus DK also very far down all the fiends can reach the dryads though he's almost no anti-air these destroyers rain yeah birds will be taken out quickly Guddu still lasting for a little bit longer not for too long I suppose there's the cannibalize taunt does not break it also interesting to know he'll scroll used here in proportion still on the Nagas wall that car goes into nowhere think he popped the potion for it yes he did for he has more supply but it's only mg's love tankiness but not much damage at all he's taunting won't unquote the fiends with the dryads again to leave some pressure here for lightning Naga focused but okay we're gonna be out of Mara soon 4x Lord and goes down excellent he has to fall back DK o''h very far forward taunt to be in trouble or is in avoid in repose and breaks through and he can't taunt trap the Nagas 3-1 against 0-0 yeah seems like explored should have started investing into those upgrades at some point main goldmines downs are under attack [Music] can the heroes do this usually when only dryads are left the heroes can there's a lot more left and riots foggy usually super strong in these late-game no gold scenarios extra micro nice against the taunt that's a second last one for guys only 69 goes good nuke there's still a statue for explore keeps them far in the back and that's the staff right here DK in the trap again has an infant what to use it yet service the safety of the statue has caught see constantly has to micro again to the taunt it looks like for he gets this the traits are starting to me better does not want to step on to blight and against this black Citadel though of course good mana burns again boots and ancient Django make this quite easy the tree is now entangling one minute away is foggy from incoming again see Airport 364 see he's on summoning and all in attack twenty four minute mark past it's hard Willie's mg's up again moon juice is very low most of them are kind of okay at around fifty disease cut of course it's still like a total of 3,000 HP missing good thing is he has like four thousand more in level five would be a big upgrade slow on the destroyer can he take out Froggy's army or is it the 104 the form of vice world champion wisps are coming in huge detonates heroes are dry before the fight really starts great usage of the West's so much lumber on foggy he doesn't really need them anymore coil forced already as well we're all reveal kill very close now to double level five would be great for this demon and Naga next Lord feels like the answer must be coil Nova but look at the mana bars they're fairly existing DK cannot be threat oh my god the MGS are clobbering the fiends it has to come down to the undead heroes the Nagas very early pizza all almost all gone now gathers around he wants to Syria so bad your staff yep well this would be great to get dark ritual' maybe even too many units anymore attack mg is falling dry as well Exxon holding on to the 46 supply late-game Zeppelin how smart so good fork lightning as well demon hunter level 5 more dry it's falling though DK is out of that fight has to retreat knockouts in trouble Lich is low no coil DK also very low everything's low excellent has to run can the dryads connect for the slope principle that was the second last coil if he's not getting burned and foggy is mining again what a fight there was the coils just to move back home manager understaffed you very smart that's a sustain and summoning almost everything but the nerubian tower is still standing game is not over until the nerubian is gone right Kevin these detonates so key to have the presence of mind to have them in position and to use the mechs I was trying to nuke against it it was just a tiny bit too late XO has to find the hero kill ya that is his only out but there's a step and there's an anvil this is a plan there's no way he's called super-early he's aiming for that Nagas hard before he has the gold and Excellencies it that didn't work the Hail Mary goes into nowhere and foggy takes map number one great play by foggy patiently staying in this realizing when his late-game strength is gonna come in and that was with the mountain giants bears cannot be relied on as they get destroyed oftentimes too easily by ik Nova and fog lightning but the energies are very tanky and they already have tackiness so what do you want on them damage three damage upgrades early by foggy very well done perhaps X Lord should have used that time where foggy was being greeted with the upgrades to expand that's something that happy does a lot in this matchup proactive expansion and fifty supply but excellent never did then the pressure is on foggy of course he has to move across the map he can't camp on his moon wills but the time to go for 3m geez I didn't see it you didn't see it Chad probably didn't see it as well all of a sudden they were there that was the perfect time for this really really really good thank you sergej put the serpent forward for the 9-month threesome last refuge the second map here will be providing a lot more creep potential for the undead triple hero especially with destroyers extremely effective and probably also easier of a late-game expansion from Foley's point of view for a long time but he played here was demon Naga Expo mass air don't does we don't see him play that so much anymore but always a strategy is up his sleeve yeah and that was him it feels like this was a mental warfare here on a-z and this was just setting the tone and you angin a mix of the 3-month reserve I'm not only impressed by the casting of you two and the great content but also about your knowledge about the players and the community keep it up you're doing a great job thank you thank you men that's always very heartwarming to hear ladies waiting in the lower bracket final watching the games very closely gotta say AZ was always one of fogies best maps against under yeah with a quail's together yeah and now X Lords on last refuge schnitzel lord thank you for the 35 mantras up I think I know who you are cheering for let's drink for great games whoa well ancient of war what what is that [Music] can you creep the merlocks into the natural with this ancient of war I've never seen this before me neither but if X Lord pushes this oh sorry push the mic can't you just wake up all creeps and send it to the ancient of war we've seen this before what this week it's all a blur again I don't think you can import so you can't pull the natural because just getting sneered and die I don't know how it works with the Merc if the a guy gets ensnared said can you help me out what game was it where we had this three cams together fighting one expansion oh yeah there was there was also this map that was moon versus fly well moon versus someone focus focus maybe yeah yeah excellent sees it so what to do I think he wants to scout the man to see if it's neutral here oh if it's dark Ranger because that's like a typical dog Ranger play but no it's demon yeah this should be demon all the way DK on the other side in this matchup and there is still the old on that pretty limited okay very aggressive Thank You Lord Loki lots of lords coming in here slippers again it's his third pair across two games yeah okay DK what can you do not the first seal not the second steal nicely done by foggy with all the patients thanks for checking and our our first old still with a happy build three to four ghouls at forty five goals into Tier three and well this so far is not accomplishing that much keeps the demon away from creeping as well and like of course go level two here with the ogres can always easily creep the expansion haha how quick what does that Nate he was waiting for that absolutely was so good thing about this model creep of course is there's no poison and the nice thing also is Merlot Camp all has normal damage to the D minor takes more - on that this green camp has mostly piercing damage so the D minor doesn't mind it so much little mid maxing I feel and the expansion now behind the image of war couldn't you just creep the natural right now and just expand on the spot [Music] yeah the booths got the burns no hunters all by the way this might be the mass airplay again there is an expansion now yeah you're right missing I'm so or I guess more recently he's been playing the marksmanship style could be both in the past with his archer expo for us oftentimes skipping boots because of course they cost quite a bit of gold maybe slow down your timings a little bit but the value of boots over time Neal it's so great you don't want to skip him yeah I heard about that like some some guy is just yelling at me for years how good this item is and I think I finally understood good o'clock with the nagas ii thought could be pretty strong as the demon hunter is not level three would not be able to bully her so easily all right Fergie seems to be in full control so far a collide died to the Tree of Life almost up and explored got the zero experience on his first map choice which come in second slaughterhouse beans t3 okay well you should now be easily able to creep this natural with two heroes and three archers that should be easy enough thank you so marksmanship yeah and this easy trip trying to get something done at one point of course you need I'm so you will see that in a bit many ghouls do we have 4x low one two three four lych early should be way better against mass archers with no van right clicks man this DJ is playing like a lake master just across the map harassing annoying my creeping at all do you want some levels on this guy at some point though waking up the creep so he's trying to getting in snared that wasn't perfect now get some damage then yeah it reacts differently on different units like for example footies you can pull this camp without getting an snare pulse cousins to I don't know why but that's the way it is cuz there's some ins because of age not the greatest game so far flagstone really was able to harass anything barely got any creepin done now fog is stealing a camp away from him he used to scroll on the ground that knows slot there we go the zippers values values ring higher slippers now quacks Lord and Tier three is done froggy is not online yet like the level three only gets to just the outskirts left just enough in this potion immediately but expert knows yeah you should have seen it very fast abomination skips destroy us all together as there's no bears moving back [Music] it's gotta be double three for the nagas then nice timing on the shop get so much info he knows he has a lot of time that it's ketchup on chimes yeah not really necessary of course for the D minor which was that game recently I wasn't moon versus colorful just for the diamond aside these colors on the way fifty percent and that something foggy doesn't know he seized abomination so this should do you read oh if he steals this little don't steal the Lord from the Lord you can see the lasted if I can't reach for the item I'm pretty sure this for the lives lots of damage on this ledge rewards hood of cunning man excellent not too happy with these items and here comes the Naga rough spot for explored he's blocking with the abomination to spread the disease cloud so many coils and restaurant it's already in the fight is even begun but the artist couldn't quite reach block the block the block what a freaking crazy block this is good thing has a staff it's one thing to move like when the movement isn't one line but Ferg was trying to move into all four directions and work SEC sixth acolyte X Oryx it kind of expanding we'd love to see a sacrificial skull here as well popped on towels quickly mana pot the in transition for X Lord level three dates faster level three lips than a DK he finds for visa sitting at 50 banking he can go up into supply in just a moment if exile gets to four four levels though and gets like two to three more a bombs it's not easy fighting against that with just massodgers partum is only level one only one or pet frog is not where he wants to be yet second attack upgrade only not the third one level of too short not the second one or not - ah also not the greatest light on is pretty swag that's good going out but there's a risk of they're creeping turtle and red spot at the same time okay he's just donating adoption for foggy as well expose running for quite some time one destroyer will be valuable against the roar let me call it or live chaga Expo not sure if the wisp scouted this probably score harder to bears any supply you lose and sees it there's a little bit of distraction extra confidence all right this is the push I guess YX toward 64 versus 78 and he'd just commit demon on this year not as here okay he is expanding and for he was moving back for you must know now okay not all of these are real where the wisps though preparing for now partum comes in down to 50% bear stabbed Abel's tanking a lot of damage this goes surprisingly well and now come the archers that is the true damage bottom super close to three started shooting he just wanted to buy time for the expo and that worked I'm here just yet cannibalize again then we see this more and more it's a good upgrade for who owns most level 40k now one kill it's you come the demon hunter wants to get him out needs to call on this abomination and gets it just a back and forth just to buy time sweet fork lightning by foggy though he looks against it and another know what to slow the rest down oh that a bomb actually survives what the hell back to the graveyard like we've got a long game ahead of us like so doesn't want to fall back he wants to keep up the pressure he wants to make sure the expansion in the north is safe especially the known Arab Tower yet went a little foggy feel the pressure to go north typical foggy play would be to go for some sappers send them on a little expedition yeah if I was going for wagons and upgrades love that second upgrade first wagon just thread the cloud make movement harder get some damages on the back line on archers on the first map we saw some uncharacteristic impatience by X Lord but this game you seems to have all the patience in the world they're trying to harass the expo X lot trying to go for us around season with for gold is quite hard dad one wagon the damage potential with the spread of the disease Oh guess what sappers I knew it three of them can the ghouls prevented he sees it rather early but this will blow up one no repair two gone and in the meantime we start the fight X Lord was teasing for me so hard to get this X Club but the Ukranian knows better fighting it to the undead base though is that allowed the wagon so far has been spreading the disease in the back too much archers really left alone until this point now the ledge starting to right-click on to them yet scroll by explored the wagons still no jacking the profit targets now starting to Bears are almost all down that means the themes are saved and that is when X or I would for me needs to fight with the last hit on the abomination the expo didn't really pay off and foggy constantly on two bases 300 here shredder now yeah and here level team good would have to see another Expo by foggy set up another tree and then continue to push it 70 Red Spot is gone it's just about experience probably zero zero are great this time on the Bears and riots and this cloud is working for a lot second slaughterhouse-five so four more bombs might not have been the worst idea but he's actually transitioning mostly back into fiends away from the multiple a bombs as we get more law units that doesn't make sense foggy with a sec second base scouting with the owl at the same time love it don't need the damage really five pairs TP stab Oh Nova in the back here it could be big one kill explore again patient will be wonderful to see the wagon here spreading disease but I can it that the expansion might unite the army now to be protected I think if X Lord fights close to his bases he's favored but out in the open it might be foggy and that is why fog is so easily able to establish third base and you know what a good sign is that the night off wants to finish the game chi Mira roosts top of the tree of eternity doesn't have weapon a player's forces are under attack oh there we see it Zeppelin's loss wagon that's really cool throwing out a couple of disease clouds Wow on this very spot oh he shot a hole in their first oh yeah I think I don't know if it's available all the time oh my god dude damn sneaky X the next level plays this guy just shoot holes into all the little trees oh my god this guy's so smart [Music] I'll scout always flying around nothing you can do about that nope [Music] extra wants to expand and that's gonna be quite a surprise for him here huh oh he knew using the wagon now to tack this luring foggy out of his safe space but the counter-attack should come as too much of a surprise as again the old Scout is just following shouldn't exhort try to secure his own third base maybe wanted to install a deck I was already in the way yeah I mean top left I think I'd have been an idea one ship is coming oh there's no icon the ground by the way thank you he has a weapon a bit zero to upgrade soon plus devotion aura so I didn't see the second rules but there's a second post somewhere ah in the middle all right [Music] I thought it's a really annoying POS with this wagon now yeah at one of his specialties in and outside the maps okay it goes into the night our face at the time from sappers he has a thousand gold even hunter focus fire has an invis and an in-wall in this kind of cross be dispelled lots of fairs first chimera easily focus though second one not making the same mistake I guess Oh Dean wept here but all that damage is not ending up on the Bears that's what the destroyers are for a Wii is good second Camaro down as well it's enough two bears left Ferguson high upkeep is foggy vegetable five big Nova available right there into the Bears that's use it going through the archers arches in the back completely untouched until now DK level five but will TP out what morphine might be falling Oh everything saved and in the meantime he's still attacking these wisps and he's still attacking this export to chimeras for pretty much free a couple of bears as well main goldmine down expo only 1500 he's a sea breaking this third base and then out mind the other one in wisdom at a scary Expo not for the Lord the wisp sees it the obvious at this point Oh for you will mine out soon at this expansion as well excellent will not I think now just playing defensive might be the proper all sapper XO does he cancel know what a specialty I thought the demon art that would be going to the lab here and do something there but all this knowledge before he in wisdom in attempts only level 3 throughout the entire game it doesn't have to fight uphill it's not fortifying this year three chimeras takes up the stats you level 14 have to so much more tanky trying to take off the best I take of the camera it is kind of successful with that the meat wagon should be safe more web coming in can you finally reach the background it looks like a drawer is so much damage on the artists abomination survive so bears continue to fall excellent sixty-four foggy 76 but it doesn't look like it they're soon to be dying disease cloud is spread everywhere lips in trouble let's go also oh my god both sides losing units like crazy late-game Zeppelin coming in for the save great addition these archers should be fodder for X Lord fiend save last second the meat wagon finally taking out double kill for the demon hunter but these arches they're just dead but what is what about the lips gets frost almost slows down the demon hunter blocks with the DK can he still reach though there is a TP so this is more space for foggy to mine another fiend down X Lord 50 supply foggy 51 slaw per knocker everyone loses everything there's almost level 6 but don't see that doing much here x4 mind out layers forces are is it the undead Heroes is that it doc ritual you're pretty good now yeah I can get an info that's really dangerous Josefa DK girls death and decay and mira tell TP no that's not nova gets rid of all the wisps and the tree foggy wait 13 no way he lets this tree stay alive Ottoman focus mana burn last second he must be sure to slaughter this fight for lightning not too great for some or really good though yeah this tree is still standing you could eat acolytes and get mana from it Oh walked and she has items though and also moon juice there's more moon juice 300 diving next to the tree is that the right thing to do I don't know fork lightning acolyte almost dead my god what a neck-and-neck fight the undead heroes 6 and 6 still it's in trouble from this right send something players forces are under attack the destroyer could still kill the tree I don't think you realize that anymore you can watch this replay and he will see this a bomb down excellent below 40 god doesn't get the dispel with a destroyer read your runs through oh that's big foggy expanding upper left with the tree of eternity explored too busy it's falling apart foggy too stable I'm not even sure he has one but can't my nanny I can't sell anything of course he has something remain in the expansion destroyer stays up all master Pierre now what now what now he has a mana potion it's pretty much only the hero's an imagine if EXO also had the Naga but he doesn't well then the heroes wouldn't be six six yeah the level sixes don't do that much you know last coil only said 38 as well but he needs only time this tree should have been dead it should have been dead can he somehow get it definitely came again it was kind of expensive focused at 650 gold morphine's and the statute tree of eternity is mining my freaking God 13 HP he could have sent everything even a statue the skeleton yeah it's the high ground now getting reinforcements there won't be easy foggy edit drives now for the spell against frost armor that's a big deal very very very limited mana okay first Dryad tip fiend focuses good what lightning is good as well we had 50% this shredder looks juicy the demon hunter is the raid boss though dispel again against the frost armor but again all rides dead the DK in trouble another frost on what comes out you know the a-bomb comes in oh but the ledge chasing after him with the involv but the level 3 aura so much written and now with the a-bomb is it enough atomic bomb again didn't have it in the group Kenny saw Steven denied it it is unbelievable is it time for death and decay margin man I doesn't quite have it yet we wants to detonate foggy moves to heroes away here's the burn okay bye-bye old yeah that turned out to be a bad decision in the end which again getting focused frost on more line drives dying fees dying the heroes so far remaining alive and the drives again dead again from someone cannot be the spell he's smarter on both side it goes back and forth this is one skill level DK you have to use the involve ah staffed out haunt him level four and now let's load with the Triad the rest of the army is exposed there's no aura there's a new chimera bye-bye fiends maybe bye-bye DK demon is still sending the frontline looking for the damage dad is getting taken out the mid focus now as well this this this chimera really is worth the gold how would this game have looked and he just killed the street yeah sometimes 13 HP make the difference dude how long can export stay in this though to base versus one it's unbelievable yeah he's trying again six wisps all more experience level seven soon for Dark Ritual the fog is not allowing this this exit seriously trapped now chimera they do tank quite a bit DK in trouble has a heel toe in monopod and the uke stroll uses to scroll first level seven for the lid finally getting the killed but what to sacrifice not ocean coil here's him up one more time but that is it for the mana because a yield pot still left may have to use it here soon Jim's taking out the statues he was taking out everything else without statues what can you do still lots of kills on the dry as the fiends are great but the DK is about to die and foggy takes map number two as well insane back and forth attack of war throughout what feels like days and it might come down to 13 HP in the end man these two are delivering in this final it's delicious danger would enjoy this a lot thank you cloud Thank You cherry killer for your subs and this is just the winner's bracket final we have one more at first forty three match points one map away one map away from his favorite tournament Hawk didn't know if it's best of five four best of three we just mentioned this five to four times in the tournament Channel thank God it's best to five men I want to see more of these games yeah blade is waiting in the losers final that's number six series regardless of who drops down yeah they'll be pretty happy about this I think about this was also fun yeah I think such a foggy normally has his number foggy normally has everyone's number in Europe outside of happy yeah how close are these games if one movement then the game is flipped Jesus super fun to see men this is there's some great Sunday evening entertainment European Warcraft man it is amazing foggy with a chat to close it out now concealed Hill a third map we're live for nine hours now and four he takes a little break 4700 people watching this live yeah that was another really long game right how long did it go thirty minutes minutes remind out mains and both of these games yeah anti-natural on map to game one was such a warfare was so close and you're so close to winning this and then all of a sudden this 3mg game to it comes down to maybe 13 HP this must be so brutal 4x Lord but I think he doesn't even really care that's what I would think like damn yeah he's mentally very strong he never normally beats himself up and falls psychologically behind another question here though is this is also a test of endurance this is scientific um a long series and I imagine a bit of practice may have been done already earlier before and of course here in this important long series you are mustering all your mental capacity so yeah these games are tiring we know that for ye is taking this very very very serious exercising nutrition all of that I say you might have an edge here down the road or he's ready all right explore this matter and give us a go we start this would require a reverse sweep three maps in a row against foggy on his maps so to say yeah this is excellence last map concealed and there would be no denials and equals off we go [Music] okay if you say so and we do this again it seems like foggy has X Lord's number these tiny little mini mistakes that usually foggy does against happy seems like excellent does them against foggy this if foggy feels like it could be a decent map for a keeper curveball some night off still do play it among them for his big Idol moon on certain maps should he let go of the demon hunter he felt I felt really good yeah definitely won't be the expo into marksmanship Autry strat I believe level 3 demon too hard here Expo too hard here so should be a Tier three rush then even I'm sure it is decay it is standard builds so far also standard creep route going back to normal level 3 demon we saw be very impactful in Amazonia order attack and also to a certain extent on LR but there it was a lot of lot later much harder here not so easy to snipe some camps for easy experience and easy items lots of the camps you are quite difficult lab too tough to do early merchant quite tough to do early green camps are an option but they are predictable might be explore playing aggressively against it all the first detonate in the north if that one lands this would be a big deal I'm not willing to go for it if the skeletons get lit only wants to go forward at the same time look at this gala knock against the demon huh that's pretty cool so it knows he wants to come in to start the burning whew he saves the skeleton against the detonate and then blocks the demonic that's really cool now I'm gonna have to try to start at the Browning and begin though no mana anymore and oil was chosen as the first spell fergie Wow oh I was about to say he saves that that would be crazy with the body block but on against the bull in the end evasion already finishes the troll anyway first mistake of the game by exploit that girl really is never supposed to die it's too more text in the meantime talk about the tech as well and now it contains him in his own bass players forces are under attack and waits for the archer numbers to rise for archers that's where you normally can start feeling confident to take somewhat bigger camps like the merchant for example I want to give out the pressure once the delay level 2dk as much as you can and I imagine we're gonna see some boots for archers already where he stops most likely and he tops the demon hunter quite nicely now that he continues dripping he goes for the new was a book to say Turkey oh boy it's getting late for the turtles but with even unturned for archers you can pretty much creep all the easy spots on this map not contesting the shop but a little crap and I think explored should be scouting better against this didn't get in the second road of necromancy so he's gonna have a tough time looking around with Stubbs comes in now for the harass but again no skeletons to put an additional damage second crib thanks Lord returns to gargoyles okay good to creep the drakes and he was so very good with this can he this is gonna be a test of strength or foggy has he mentally prepared to endure the X Lord guards I'm trying to wake up the creeps here trying to kill the ancient of war perhaps at least be annoying sentry wards for the demon hunter that can be fantastic didn't really work out this harass of the ancient of war foggy doesn't know yet what's happening if he did I'm pretty sure he would see a tree of life somewhere but the DK harassing not creeping no second hero plus there's a staff it slide slow quite suspicious good item with the cloak reveal though and it's too late for the staff ultravision out double engine no floor how many guards can e cool staffing on to that it's nighttime so you can heal Wow those pretty good and a few guards should creep the Drake is the lab for foggy dough and feels like fog he doesn't really know what's up but he has boots on level 3 so roaming is part of the deal now now he's gonna realize in a second it doesn't check the main okay see the cogs now certainly knows what's up at this point yep so follows on no threat prioritizes his own flipping over taking out wisps four guards now perfect time for the demon come in I'm gonna land oh oh okay DK picks it up I'm like won 2-0 against Moon pretty predictable that the guards will be going to the other fountain so should be a good point to attack for or seriously station something he's for the Nagas hog is not building and expansions forces are under attack still he's checking to Tier three unlike side what there's on tier two for a long time XR wants some form and frenzy where the way nope and I against this stuck with the Naga now too many wisps have died at all lumbers looking completely fine didn't even need any protective yeah pretty impressed this is not work now for ex law really second drag goes to foggy he prioritizes that a lot darks have to heal first before they can harass and he's not opening a second front to these guards so he cannot switch back and forth between the bases maybe that's better if you Dobbs file yeah I mean once the guards come out I guess then it's too late to expand but ideally you want to see the second trip coming and on the way to church you go down that extra that didn't happen so honestly this game is still anybody's match to win map to where I thought has to it's just position away kills the ancient very old-school style with the DK tele staff no upgrade surprisingly yet on the cars now one is coming tier 3 is done could slap down a oh no you think he's that he's that old school yeah sure that's you yeah little second acolyte he's gonna car expand more just for a shape Shea would be great and why did I say counter expand just expand it's not abusing his superior mobility hi movespeed air escaping across the tree line oh that shredder would love to snipe it there's drier than everything else around nice protection by fog he takes care of his new toys when even the demon at the fountain to possibly kill healing guards pretty cool yeah do we have to stop them here waiting for stone form we're really ready step for him as well still only double crap next attack afraid lit out or now we can he'll be accepting you for this 19-month Arisa okay how good is one base against these guards and for how long and normally not so great specially we don't have a panda even Scouts up her ass a little bit turns a little bit but can't take a full army on by himself shade sees the army coming so that's easy loss plus 9 and low and DK almost 4 and has to get the guards healed and he never was in the bay there's only one ap foggy expanding in his base now dark could find that and cancel that quite easily and oh man they're flying right to the X they're missing in a possible fight though but was level 2 aura should be able to just run away the shredder it's an important one trying to hide behind the APS but when your coming now no way man for worms sacrificial skull or trying to expand but of course foggy has been expecting this for a long time been scouting up here basically the last 10 minutes shake its found what's next when yes so the supply stays at 50 little cores underwhelming a piece moving over that was quite some free damaged a player's forces are under attack the town is at night for me prevent the expansion and off but so does next door cancel the tree again yeah this is gonna be a long game probably like this is like the tactics in game 1 and 2 were the most or the more action-packed strategies and they went to 25 minutes plus a little too lost on what could be good but then again before the dryers [Music] excellent doesn't know with detonates the blade perfectly nice constant anymore this cat gasp I would have been great and dry it for one guard seems to be the trade here one arrives not gonna be as a surprise Kelly step up north from the demon cancels the expo again cost a little bit of resources every time will we ever see a full-out fight you can't read too much on this map anymore the item conflict crystal ball more Scouting's more good yeah not bad in this kind of game a player's forces are under attack both kentley's of its expansion all the time no bears yet but the tree omg's jeez mg's know if they grab a stick they can attack shut up I mean how can you do damage till the leaders forces are under attack while he's getting upgrade on the drive that's important explore with 300 already on the cogs calm upgrades also for those wouldn't meet you bad ap is ready in the north I love it it's a really good solution to not use the D hunter all the time for free though very good people miss of course insanely fast and export will he see the mg it's only upgrades and another cancel so this is not really a game of micro and macro but who frustrates the other more you know this used to be played all the time yep this style yeah sometimes people romanticize the past if you know that I heard about this yes thousand gold bags go getting ready for 70 and he gave up found that expansion plan so what do we do if we mined this out again I think it's gonna be one big push to 50 probably air to 80 and then let's take a fight wait the rules are going to the AP they can't kill the AP though staff everyone's gotta stare okay Oprah like it's enough no hey Pete you're strong is it frizzy breath three Oh upgrade soon to be three one doesn't want to fight without of corruption good movement on the Garg so far off the trees Oh Fergie aiming no he this Expo is exposed annex Lal is pumping fog is already at 70 supply thanks to 3m jeez but what's the best thing they can do taught the literature few temps kill buildings [Music] able to go bears but they get killed it is bouncers taunt doesn't work on air units what it didn't but you know I'm not sure yeah we think a lot and then the Warcraft engine proof says otherwise if it works on air units it's actually super good APU finally gone that was worth it mano a mano with the okay so we macro now alrighty shredder gone DK five but that's big for the worm for he still 1700 yeah the cause stops at 63 supply goes for the lure okay that was a good snipe take you down ha this must be so nice yeah this is the typical excellent play from back in the day nowadays he's more use to a special place but in this matchup and also in mirror matches ex Lord was not a pleasant opponent patient patient play it's attacking to entangle goal but at the same time knockout has to take care of novelty con so expose and guess what now the two mg's up in the north and I said they killed buildings very very very well oMG smash Alice a huge 1st sapper of this map he has a long way to go though excellent no counter sappers ok we can ask red flight again but yeah this is just smash as you say and tangled one down mr. Jack you should have gone crazy breath bogey is like ah now I'm not using my staff before this like as part of the mean yeah let's got level 4x who's gone alright so where does that leave us 500 gold here Excel will be mined out very soon third time we might out the basis Jesus Christ this can be such a little bit 9 hours 30 Oh No and near alright two slices of bread there in quite the diet all right do we have get one big Haiti fight and then export smash or what man or he just sits on this expansion but as soon as your haunts the does Apple will go off their separate didn't do anything didn t boots cares about the boot zapper blew up bTW items Oh cut the boots again saved EXO likes to spoon his way into Game four dude there's the creeps left on this map mm-hmm three is walking into the middle all right the Lord sees it Lord sees everything we know you must know it Joan is under Slayers forces are that could expect the expansion bottom right here huh just walking on with it now if the trees above the water he can't root then he can die really quick especially to to frost worms perfect time for EXO to movement does he see that you have eternity yes he does is that enough damage sound : at the worm shots TP out excellent things it's enough if it's 13 HP again I'm going crazy but it is not nobody is mining and nobody minds for free Fergie has no gold focus supply stock must sell [Music] thank you store bearer of Mjolnir for the four month research seems like X Lord goddess what about a base race bogie is a genius in base races the Nagas involve in trouble where the hell are all the dryads not with the heroes in the North Lord after 25 minutes finally he finds the opening but there's a lot of juice in this base yeah but the damage of the two worms is crazy as well the German about to close this out another staff but the army just turns around and repeat trying to staff away doesn't work damage is too crazy and that is GG it's not a clean sweep it has X Lord prolonging this and he found his solution multitask garg's who plays gorks nobody good game backs Lord it wasn't the most thrilling the most flashy game ever but it was a win export played it well very obnoxious super patient waiting for that one mistake pounces on the Tree of Life pounces on the Naga well done where we go full distance it's been a week of full distance games so this wouldn't surprise me yeah I'm expecting a 13 hour cast here today when I am three and a half hours for max of seven maps yeah yeah we can do it we can do everything oh man we're gonna have twisted Meadows 17 minute game oh nice I'm ready it's so warm here I'm so afraid of summer was it not storing today no clue I don't remember what whether it was today are you getting hungry it's okay actually I had a good bit of food in the short break which I wolfed it down in record speed guys will be our third no fourth map and then the last one yeah moon plays keeper on this map by the way mm-hmm that might be an influence thank you so pile for the prime sub thank you thank you you know what the best thing is removed this cast might go till midnight and then 12 hours later back again yeah I know no rest for the wicked WGAL tomorrow it's gonna be pretty good ll rock warriors man and did it hog versus spiral took 30 minutes this could have taken a lot longer mhm Warcraft the better and what was the initial plan for the lower bracket final I tweeted it out somewhere 21:30 we could make that if it's a cool Russian echo and fails we are super in time except if this goes full distance then we're a little delayed they are gonna mine out the main bro don't get of course they will 2x Lord is the restarting real quick we have seen him having some FPS issues in the past I hope this will not repeat so better be safe and of course a little break for these guys yes L open has come to an end by the way Krav wins yam beating Sheik in the final with 3 to 2 not bad bad so who was in the semis happy defeated by Krav and Sonic defeated by Sheik huh my dolphin undead again huh I haven't done it all the way I wonder why must be your P so are people or maybe all the good humans are here and the orcs are freaking lazy and don't play anything Thank You SIL VAX s for the prime sub Coffee is better than an energy drink yeah would you come here and bring me one that would be awesome I'm gonna have time we have five minutes between the games there's not there's no time kind of do production go do socials no time for nothing not even eating you poor guy okay Lord is back mousesports versus sparks here foggy is ready waiting for the Lord all right let's get into this first map loss for foggy in this winner's bracket final still two match points in a row now for the first time his map he can unfold what he wants to play well the winner's bracket final end over we go full distance fitting to this week I would like to see another map certainly and if I had a choice I would prefer to not see gorgs again but we'll see how that goes can you play gorgs here as well excellent can play guards everywhere it shouldn't be impossible but fast expansion on this map is certainly a lot easier for night off and that is the number one counter against cards car counters and riots it's not hippogriffs it's not even necessarily panda it's fast expansion and I'm sure that's something that fog you will be looking very closely at this game okay amantha keeper may be weird warden answer in a second what's map I look like Kiba it is keeper Allah moon I'm not sure if keeper is the right thing to do if your opponent is not expanding an excellent a standard yeah no GU build no fast Expo built here by our Lord [Music] is he just like foggy is too intelligent to Durst do this blindly yeah I mean there's obviously a plan B if the other isn't expanding this is also a strong expose strata with the keeper potentially but we have seen lots of fun there's nowadays effectively counter expanding against the keeper fast expansion that is in fact what we saw what 2-0 doing so pause the game okay seems like that fixed maybe some program was still up for something probably sees the normal build all right no rush done Acula is not checking the first hero surprisingly thank you for ridiculously eyes just checking the American creep okay nothing there people ring DK or our ass again that did look too great earlier looks like it huh no creep yet always hidden sides to go for the kill and with that decides to go for the coil I think fog is fine with us seize the DK isn't creeping off to a very slow start and with that DK harassing so heavy again it's kind of smelled like dogs again doesn't it yeah I would agree the same time but not much she's gonna be stopped by entangle my tangled doesn't work against the air unit of course good thing here can't be burned this entire game probably beautiful who does that right yes because I really seems to have some issues that's weird suddenly [Music] okay stop working I restarted so everything is possible [Music] keeper play against excellence all that before the Meister shaft he seemed to know exactly how to play against that then but there was quite a different game what's much more creep focused at least in the early X Lord said that the number one thing to do against keepers delay the expansion as much as possible seems like there's a bug the hotkeys don't work what the hell his last pause we have a referee yeah new hero must have gone I mean like technically in-game role referee ah no yeah either have referee or observers yeah but you can do it so that only the host is referee in the rest of the believers huh never saw that all right Expo arrest acolytes denied kind of hard to get something done here there is wisps moving over players forces are under attack it's a huntress Hall and detect okay I thought maybe a second engine of war yeah I know it's just distraction I thought it's just one for distraction but three it's like going to scout for this he is implementing this more and more into his play for gears so if you are super well prepared you should but he didn't show a single sign levan take you for the fifty man three sub also a tier 3 sub you wonderful wonderful person I told you to not thank you all right the rules the rules at the natural here this will not be an expansion we have the APS coming up not looking for them not yet at least how much time does he have there is a slaughterhouse so no guards Lich instead of Naga and he gets the item here he gets a little bit of experience but he doesn't have a staff he needs to walk all the way back keep her same for him hunts or glaives immediately not even hunts again a very very decisive series and foggy tries the AP push it's not looking bad oh oh it's nighttime he does see it yeah finished so slaughterhouse is ready immediately going for meat wagon skipping the set use Thank You mini jumbo 43 month one whisker for the DK for level two level do is a really big deal alright all the artists here now engine of war and the ancient protectors move forward happy was able to defend this in a crazy fashion can ex leaves getting intercepted by the creeps getting distracted I should say are they using a couple of her spells getting kills damage isn't great excellent still Tekken wagon is up damage is good second wagon you're three about to be finished yeah okay and this is a lot of damage to this AP there's always Nova there's always right clicks this decent kills for Excel already that's two wagons now I don't think you can repair against two wagons me neither it's trying to dive onto it with treants good reaction what's he doing on tier three echo line third wagon not having the perfect damage uptime though oh here we go now onto the one AP for Wisc repairs that enough no good okay life isn't as well trying to take up the nerubian but there's mass repair excellence moment not mining third third meat wagon now ready okay second blade excellent okay splits has income again foggy taps out GG it was a quickie again and we go full distance okay okay the cheese backfires yeah backfired heart skipping the statues man I didn't think it would go dad well yeah turns out to be absolutely the right call despite how normally under it's always love statues in that game the wagon more important yeah this was weird this was I don't know unnecessary he's so good again stunning on this map maybe he felt the expo delay was so severe he rather go all in like that it did work we did have one map to gamble as well yeah it did work before for him so it's not like a huge cheese that never worked before or something X Lord and foggy both one map away from wzl blade has been waiting in the lower bracket for quite some time the loser will face him yeah probably another best of five for some juice northern I'll try the way last map oh yeah this will be going two hours at least like I don't mean the last map I mean total yeah if we ever mined out all of Northern Isles by the way don't think so but we got Amazonia so yeah check their euro tournament are so good that was that was such an easy defense I'm still kind of baffled yeah sure Diaz maybe try to pressure the wagons with the archers but then they walk into the slow of the black cell then they walk into the skeletons into the gold into the ledge yeah also like it was pretty smart by extranet thing to use Co Nova's super quick get skeletons do some more damage and then how fast he was able to pump out three wagons so looks like X load is fixing his keys adding some more tension we have seen a little bit of European Warcraft here in this tournament also in the last few weeks with those results in mind can we definitely say that export for E and blade are the best Europeans the best three after happy I think X load is heavily contested with like four ticks for example I haven't seen vortex in a long time yeah the Muslim had a great run at the stay at home story Cup since then I haven't seen him but looks like it ultra cool to see that that choice is not so easy of who the top players are we have a rich yeah Oatman of top players nowadays for such a long time it was so easy to say yeah there is Fergie hot cash kinda that Syd like there was what she fridge there was yours but only for a brief period of time and now it's love the euro scene gonna be great to see how they fare in the WGL in the main event of course they're gonna have to play on Nettie's the ping is not gonna be doing them any favors Fergie did great already in Nettie's tournaments before yeah so did happy so under its can do it as well and explored has played on Nettie's in the past he's not completely new to the ping you let to have the Lord back we're all set it's too too foggy taking LR and AZ back-to-back X Lord's taking CH and Eccles back-to-back both X Lord wins non-standard games darks and defending at out push it all comes down to this one of these two players the winner of this map will participate alongside 15 other players at WGL summer for $70,000 is it foggy again he only missed one boat League turned to gold League comes right the first one and then the one where cash eliminated oh yeah yeah exactly still one of the most successful gold league players ever yeah through an viewed throughout the entire history not many people can say that and all of a sudden like usually he must have been so happy when he saw I hope he isn't playing and that all of a sudden there's another undead pretty much out of nowhere not really out of nowhere but I expected extra to just play either myself maybe if it suits him at dreamhack something but committing to a Chinese event was not expected through the Open qualifier to match points and guess what did we have to keep her again mmm he can't tower here get foggy winds with demon and standard twice the problems don't seem to let up for explored now really unlucky difficult super annoying that can throw you off or you know it's just excellent anagen with him you never know the keeper acolyte plea just follow him check if there's an expansion again there is a Ted Fein build order by X lot once more just a normal creeper think your buffs please 420 for the four month Reiser I think with exports doubting the ancient award the green perhaps should have gone more aggressively towards the middle to harass exactly this camp because if the DK shows up here to steal assets to be a coil or will be i acolyte it can be very problematic for the night Oh very tanky keeper now might not be that easy of course you go for coil again big Tusker and the trolls are still up did I all right export successfully delays the keepers progress successfully delays the expansion but also slows down his own progress in the process ok Expo this time no ap rush not in this game of 5 nice users now with the ghouls taking the rest of the green that is very efficient but now exhale again going into the main instead of her keeping harassment up at the expansion don't know if that's the right play oh foggy mixes up the juggling fumbles a little ok but still clears the natural got the level 2 no wisps nearby though and this little sheep ticket needs one more wisp actually for the level up all the coils are point-blank so mass air huh or just should be crippled like tier three yeah could be marksmanship I felt like this strategy is outdated felt like the strategy has been figured out if players have great micro next what certain does are you that's skeleton and taking this whiz it's another kill yeah well for you not quite paying attention there yeah feels like like is attention is slipping a little currently Ted is noticing us that the engine of war denied something as well and it is double engine of war wind wind yes yes is it I don't know foggy I am NOT a fan I think this can be hard countered by great micro and great kiting an EXO to be capable of doing great Scott and Scott on your back so in the middle wants to know if foggy is creeping the marketplace especially and then we'll want to creep Jack or if he's playing aggressively and ex-ored we'll have to be more defensive it's actually for fog is amazing though yeah right protecting very well against these creep Jack attempts mana potions super early yeah kind of cool perhaps is gonna find you see under mid-game her ass but it's always gonna have value later on as well yeah yeah if we can afford it why not and he definitely thinks he can doesn't want to move out with any fiends really because the keeper is scary and you really want to start loving this alchemist yeah if you don't get him to level 3 quickly it's not easy to find the kill to get the fiends EXO trying to distract even more [Music] on fiend parked here already narrow tower up waiting desperately for tier 3 and destroyers an expose up and pretty much Sun contested a couple of wisps of course in the main but that's it daytime arrives destroy forum is queued and finally creeping resumes greater mana [Music] 375 extra mana over a long extended period this could be standing for DK there's no mana burn this time he needs wet though from his super low on lumber mining has started a player's forces are wondering what more hippos coming from claim the marketplace does he get this shot as well another wisp not detonated it's just I needed things but that's something we don't see that often oh boy we going north now mm-hmm wanting to go for the counter-attack probably if it's still not there it's only destroyed upgrade which level to UK not level 3x not willing to fight yet Q's another fiend and here we go harass into the main excel reacts quickly pulling the acolytes getting the tower a spear tower but is it gonna cost some acolytes I imagine yellow lumber can go for Webb soon I guess no anti air without it for the next attack that's a ziggurat of course more gold for for he's breaking upkeep already can just play whatever you want like X I was not stopping him no level three no web and now prescribed no destroyer up yet resources forced into the tower and a transition to fairies already excellent wasn't able to find this crucial timing at the expand against the expansion wasn't able to slow down the creeping and The Tree of Life the first one in left forces I believe bring up region decays still not three and it's an observation for the alchemist is pretty awesome hunters all for upgrades now foggy wants more damaged an expert gets over three gets over to get the web we are getting close to a big fight Oh zapper DX let's see it no destroyer close by where what Oh for the towers it's daytime the ears time he detonates okay sapper number one defended those two fairies for free but foggy move them back the stakes so high X or putting towards the expo in the meantime counter-attack by their pose and the fairies second spirit hour is coming up cats the ziggurat though second cigarette will take some time and collides need to repair foggy what damage does he do goes for the tree it's a four line lots of acolytes dying for you continues producing almost up at seventy supply now and the repair is good probably reacts good kills a lot of explored space and now encode has to win the fight to acolytes remaining well today flying back but still gonna take a second can these greater mana potions safer web for free I was a little bit of damage here on the statues acid bomb and tango one after the next when these fairies they tank a lot okay level three lives that's what you want against these hippos hiding back slot looks good so far good micro back sort but it's from trouble focusing on the ledge questionable choice and again foggy constantly does this moves forward oh this here walk by foggy though so much healing XO doesn't stop it now does it it feels like excellent isn't losing anything yeah ready night by explored and this mass air army you mentioned earlier can absolutely be out microfiber and adds and now fog is down to less than fifty suddenly yeah yeah that hurt excellent echo not yet back up but last acolyte is coming no TP anymore for foggy sambar again Augie needs to connect this Apple on the towers does X Lord realized this is another possibility that could be a lot of damage there's not much to defend exact quick house it's their distraction for he moves in from the left to draw the attention of the tower that's the double kill right here could be a triple kill acolytes exposed as well and that's the way back into the game because xor can't rebuild these echoes mistake by extorted if you just killed this APRA with the towers this game is most likely his wasn't ready for it not for the second time maybe thought okay he has to go for more army he can't afford the sapper but he could and now well he has to rebuild to ziggurats he's still three mining acolytes and fog haze expo is lost big blows to both players are you going at a cup great no second expo while you can't take a fight for a long time and he's like way more supply he needs a new expansion how does he buy time for that keeper her ass is always an option no disabled he has a stabbed alchemists is leveling in the meantime excellent protecting the space quite paranoid here explored and it's almost cost him the game teen it's understandable yes another is coming clean of life not right next to the goldmine not super obvious I had a destroyer scout top left that was really nice so we're for he was and he certainly cannot engage this red can that would be quite unwise like like like like like Oh like like like like like like like keep me in the game keep me in the game keep in the game my god I'm sweating here another expansion double expo by foggy classic ex lord needs to shift the paradigm and become the aggressor he can't just hold back and sit back and wait you can move out used to get tele staffs probably yeah and some more towers yeah DK has no TP no staff limited mobility and there's no towers up yet except the one that was already there it's very hard to come by the ferries could also leave one fiend in the main one fiend can be spared yeah that person's a per yeah okay needs to make it a priority every time he sees movement near his main on the mini-map always look for these sappers yeah maybe even part something at the level or scout for the labs with destroyers or something to see the stock look for the expansion but just a little off to the side in the south and this is sneaky sapper movement during daytime though distraction by the towers again does see you kissed I'm okay better reaction and now excellent pushing for the base that's a new word i created i mixed main and base for maze oh and two ferries getting caught foggy can't afford he isn't low in supply fairy dragons are not great at fighting Excellus repairing playing the save for yes buy time can these towers defend by themselves though when everything comes in I guess the cat is just not enough fairies I'm creating upgrades either guess what for he moves the wisp to the lab next zephyr only in 60 seconds - but he has two more from the left-hand side Oh bombing his bed these are the big ones is he bombing his way to wgl Oh excellent GPS he kind of knows alchemists and focus of everything yet the sappers afternoon not sent back oh furgus making mistakes foggy is making a lot of mistakes that was a great train for excellent and now new TP and again try killing expansions he needs to know that there's two expansions foggy still needs to buy time but if both of if one of them pays off he's back in the game his expenses are crazy though finally now tell his staff Forex don't like that and the Destroyers got at the bottom one that he just barely missed before going into upkeep now losing quite a bit of gold aside from the base against a person now we got ferries separate the chair by the death shows yeah there's a second one and the tree is walking to X Lords natural yeah he doesn't have the time to creep the red camp I guess I'm gonna lose this one again foggy you're in trouble yep no TP yet separate connecting maybe destroyer sees them again jigs up it's exposed to splay is exposed foggy seems to be the unwinnable position that's it GG excellent a gold league summer out of frickin nowhere the western scene might not sound happy they send another undead this time reverse sweep over foggy the are you asking for an interview yep just real quick three minutes or so geez what a surprise he doesn't have to travel to China and that maybe makes it possible from Open qualifier to winner's bracket winner explored meeting plate it seemed like it was gonna be Blade versus X sword again it seemed like that is that may have been also the preferred matchup for blade but no next lured with the reverse sweep and foggy trying together took huge for his own good maybe repeating the same thing over and over didn't work at the end like excellence learning in this game was great like he was fooled once but not again that was pretty sick I wonder if he's got a new meme on Twitter and storage man I wonder after how many years is playing an intercontinental competition again excellent actually has a Wikipedia entry did you know that in German and Russian god damn this matters Fame [Music] you tell responding to me all right Man X Lord the bombs didn't win the war nice end to this winner's bracket final and yeah I'm still trying to look this up when was it the last time 2010 pretty much exactly 10 years 9 years in the 11 months after weg he's back to international competition man the Lord supercool he was barely 18 long lied was asking me about him was saying hey XR is looking pretty good maybe we're gonna see him in wgl and absolutely right we are unbelievable the first one we have one more ticket though X Lord seems to be busy popping that champagne for the gold League we take a little break foggy needs to rest a bit we need to rest a bit we're gonna be back in ten minutes and then we have another fire best of five its blade verse foggy who's gonna be the second one will it be blade for the first time we send two debutante to virtual Shanghai or will foggy a company in scene a bit [Music]
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 27,516
Rating: 4.8485804 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 41sec (8201 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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