WC3 - FFA Master S31 - Semifinal #1

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we're here with a very special F of a Content free for all FF a masters League season 30 and we're in the semi-finals sexy Neutron Legos and a Sean and Michael caster is high tech and he will introduce us to the beautiful world of FFA we see Neutron as human does that happen often yeah he plays human on and elf in FFA and he feels more comfortable with human I did yeah an interesting conversation with him earlier about it today human is a very strong race in FFA due to mass TP late-game yeah and masonry also but FL also very strong so it's yeah I don't know I I like his his elf more in in FFA but also yeah this human should be should be decent and his early pushes are cried quite strong so he spawns here from Moscow Russia here in the top right and he's next to each on from New York City who chose elf I think he he plays random regularly but here he is with elf and yeah probably going to face a strong opponent here in Neutron next to him so it's going to be an interesting one and then we have from Phoenix also another u.s. player we have sexy who plays random on letter but picks under most of the time in in competitive FFA and he had most points going into the semi-final so this map the crucible was his map choice and it's an interesting one because it's not a map that we regularly play because it's it's not a very balanced map arguably but it's it might be good for him I'm looking at his base and he's checking already what the is this build this enormous a build yeah that's quest build I'm not sure I haven't followed his build exactly if it's 100% quest build where you check instantly I don't think it is no it's not II like usually you would because you don't face any risk of being rushed usually mm-hmm like there are very few rushes in competitive FFA simply because you usually can't finish an enemy quickly enough and you just lose so much time that's why people are not rushing regularly and that's why you can check very greedily especially as I'm dead weight you want your heroes out quickly oh yeah we forgot I cut you off before you introduce the last player sorry about that no problem yeah that's but not least we have Lee goose or I don't know how to pronounce him he's from he's not from from France but from Russia so it's probably not Legos I don't know but he's from the he managed to secure the semifinals slot from the rookie bracket that we had this season so he played FFA until 2007 I think and then he abandoned Warcraft 3 for over a decade and now he returned so yeah he's the least experienced player of these four year followed by FFA wise followed by Neutron and sexy and Asian have more than 10 years so probably roughly 15 years of FFA experience so that's yeah and that makes a difference because FFA sense just to have an idea what's going on on the other side of the map without scouting everything all the time is just very important these matches yeah it seems super complicated to me when is the timing to push when do you team up what do you do when two people are teaming up against you like the the possibilities of this game-mode seem rather endless yeah there are more ways to victory usually normally you have two one-on-ones early on and only once one player is defeated you end up in a threeway where everyone takes turns and you just team up with the other or at least you wait and let so it's like a balancing obviously you you always want to maintain your winning condition so you never want to you never want to spend all your gold on one enemy late-game in every way if the third player has plenty of gold still and can just easily erase both of you so that's why you always want to you always want to balance it at that point and early on it's really like piecing and four-way is it's a very controversial thing because it's not usually it's expected but all players to fight early on but there are some players to tend to piece too early which yeah it's a bit of a controversial thing but we'll see here so piecing is like the no rush rule right leave your no until a certain moment exactly I mean there's no ultimate rule for piecing and there can be backstabbing so you can even piece and attack someone 30 seconds after that's considered like obviously you'd lose like you want players to trust you to some degree so that's something you want to avoid if possible so usually you want to peace in order to either scout stay alive or potentially team up against a player that becomes too strong so piecing is always temporary and it's not to be mistaken with pre teaming which obviously is forbidden so so that will reduce to players making a pact before the game then okay FFA competitive FFA only works out because everyone should go into the game with is somewhat open minds obviously you know that some players are stronger than others but should be prepared to fight every player if needed and like it's not supposed to be two and two or something so and we do see here sexy is securing the dragon creep we came here in the center which obviously with karcsi can take very early on and they're not them and there are a lot of orange creep camps but it can be difficult to find if you're on the on the wrong side of the map it can be difficult to find creep camps later on so it's nice to get this to get these experience boost early and also and that's something we see by Neutron here very nicely there are only two minutes to gold mines in the center with 20k gold each so it's very difficult to continue mining them later on but this early it's really nice to get some gold of least 20k then we see a lot of expansions already yeah usually unit yeah on most maps you will never attack in this kind of a match before the second Expo because it just you fall behind too much if you if you don't take the second so you almost on almost every match you would take two to three Expos before taking the first fight unless you you're really into rushing and there are some strategies to do so but in this case yeah players will play a bit more conservatively and try to get some experience just to make very sure this is best of one right so whoever wins this this in the grand final exactly exactly right so it's all in on nothing so that's usually like the fun thing about FFA that even if even if it's perceived as luck very often and on letter it can be more random because players have little idea what's going on on the map but all players have have a higher interest in winning the game and scalp well and have decent FFA sense it's usually like you can't win straight up so you really need to find solutions you need to yeah you just need to overcome many challenges and it's like a win is more what difficult arguably but also more rewarding if you find two hours and you get a victory and metrascan lasts from 35 minutes until agree we had some six-hour matches but okay I'm not ready for that you said oh it's gonna be like two hours yeah with these players I'm very confident it's it's not going to last more than two to three hours rather less will see will be interesting I've invited all right it doesn't matter what what happens I'm with you for sure you're casting eight hour and so but it gets frustrating on some maps because some maps have hidden islands that you can take so there is an island rule this season because if there is none everyone can just what there are situations where place just start to camp on islands that you can't really like that you need to Scout first of all and then that you need to kill late-game somehow and it can be very frustrating to have one player just camping on an island in the corner and maps like silver pine forest or Twilight ruins have these islands so this this season we have a one building for island rule and I don't think it comes into effect here because I don't think there is an island on this map actually so there is here but it will be very difficult to reach it so probably not going to happen so for the night up we see the same hero combo here at tier 3 with the tinker Panda and keepers at the norm yeah that meant more viable hero combos I think but tinker these days since they buffed the rockets yeah the Rockets can can deal more damage and deal damage to air units and what did they always steal damaged units no I don't think so that was changed into air right and also the mechanical yes so since then tinker is just very very strong in FFA yeah we even see them in one on one so I can definitely imagine him making an impact here especially at a map of like mana fountains and stuff and with heavy item use you can just spam them like so crazy and Robo goblin should be nice as well against heavy nuke for example yeah it's the best best hero in base race and late-game and elf has the weakest heroes in an FFA so base race very often is your best bet late game against high-level undead and human heroes so tinker obviously great for that and campy nuke as easily so it's great and we do see here a little aggression by Lee goose against sexy but yeah not not really yet and yeah the goose with three Expos here staying on fifty supply sexy also fifty supply and now you see like everyone on rather low level still but yeah no normal creeps left so we do see the first aggression give a neutron on each on but this is this is the crucible so you can't really push into main bases with round armies yeah I thought that let's see let me man there's a high ground there's like 500 towers there's the Tinker operating from from range neutral what are you doing yeah and he's became really predictable with Neutron and human because he always goes for the same rifle push here early on so I don't think it's unexpected here for Asia and she prepared well and with tinker Panna you should be able to fight this off and as we see he's able to stay on 50 while neutron is on 80 supply so he on is getting way more gold right now so as long as he fights fights dissolve he should have no issue at all obviously neutron has one more volt line potential if he gets the fourth one but yeah that looks like a super hard siege we had in a fire mortars but yeah this these rockets Breath of Fire combos love them already and I definitely love Neutron getting trashed by FFA players so far yeah he has a superior micro but sometimes this army composition is a bit off early on and Andy Chan is as I mentioned a very experienced player his mic room might not be the strongest but he's one of the most tryhard players so he always tries to find a way to victory beer by chat be it by hiding so he's he will never leave the game unless it's really out of options all right so it's it's one of the challenges to fight him early on that he will usually try to man up the other players into it if he's about to lose it becomes very difficult to finish him off because he will start to he will try to manage the other players into turning against you but yeah Neutron is not falling back he needs to make use of his eighty supply army in here and he's going for this expose so he shunned it's forced into getting an army now he's going from Mountain Giants chimeras interestingly this is super expensive army of course I like what Neutron is doing not banging his head against these tower walls when scouting adequately I think taking out the first expansion scouting the second one as well so at one point I guess Nightwing has to react or each one has to react he doesn't Oh paladin trapped and killed oh boy yeah that paladin has a short life and for elf this is it's an interesting position because usually you want like I would just go try to go up to a hundred supply now because now he's losing his expose go up to a hundred supply and try to push the human main base that is rather unprotected here so you want the human to TP into your rockets and Breath of Fire and ideally if you have many cameras you can try to kill the council and make sure that the human can't get any tanks or something so doesn't seem to be as plan here yeah it seems like neutron has no intention of not killing anything so it's a typical play would you say that like two players are having peace in the south and just building their army and one of the other two is stupid enough to force fight and that will hurt them in the late game as each and says or is it just a trick to stop this I I do think the other two players will start to fight at some point because you you need experience like at some point you mean we need to start gathering some experience but it can be nice on a map like this to get some gold and as I mentioned I mean the goose is a bit more a bit less experienced and sexy has the advantage no yes the centre 20k mine so as an undead getting staying on fifty with five mines it's obviously a lot of gold that you don't want to that you don't want to waste so it can make sense for him to just hoard a bit and it's like the pros and cons to it and like one of the process obviously you can't get a lot of gold early on and then you just continue to fight all the time so there can be better than having a quick fight early on but you see right now with Neutron like he's stuck with this eighty supply he's going up to a hundred now but he's not really getting much done except killing some expose that will just be rebuilt quickly so this eighty supply push it's not really worth it unless you can get some some stuff done okay neutral already looking for excuses and slaving I like that is exactly what I expected yeah I reminded players that we that we will be that you will screen the game so they should I mean there's censorship unbound at anyways so they can't save the worst thing yes yeah it's sometimes difficult to find like a red line but we do see sexy here pushing up to the elf main base just to scalp will be forced to TP but I guess he doesn't care and now we see like who's pumping chimeras and sexy going for these widths which is very important since there's no shredder on this map so he knows that there might be a lack of lumber potentially which we see is also an issue for a neutron here it's just not even for human on a map like that it's just not that easy to get up in all right he's still banging his head against these towers now with tanks even wow I haven't seen Barrett's in like five years looks actually kind of decent the aged IRAs are pretty strong since bigger buffed also more pricey but if you manage to keep them alive very nice nice and yeah now he has a better chance here if he doesn't lose this MP well it's actually breaking this with all that a the lower ground here he should not get supply block though he has enough moon wells uphill third as you see that's the downside for human like he can't really heal these units exact with staff so it will take a long time for him to heal all these tanks up and all these jurors so should be able to hold this this Caledon is going to die again here's a super rough time at this mountain king Wow staffed with 3h feet it was pretty sick by Neutron there is what on one skills come to shine we have another attack by the way by Lagoon his chimeras against sexy finally getting some damage done yeah 97 supplied for the goose against 76 for sexy I like that the elf is going for hundred supply here otherwise the D under will not be forced into producing and will just guide you forever and undead heroes are fully strong late game against against elf against most most units so you really want to get some stuff done early on can we stay on guard sorry sorry yeah well I didn't want to cut you off explain the important things no I just wanted to mention that Neutron due to losing the heroes he managed to get up to level 6 on his archmage yeah I'm SDP obviously very strong but you need to support him with some gold and it doesn't have a gold at this point so I don't really think he can make use of it so the late-game undead hero combo seems to be mask arcs and then some damage behind it yeah and that has the issue that like on one hand heroes can or you want your heroes to carry late-game and you just need some units to defend hundred supply pushes early on and darks aren't the obvious solution but Garza difficult to keep alive and very expensive so and that just wants to underdogs into experience early on and alternatively and we see that by sight he plays necro wegen often very nice but also very difficult to micro and not very flexible cell and we see right here like sexy it's just kiting here and he has the mana fountain in the center to just get back the beauty of the unholy aura same like in one-on-one still got his Expo kick and has now like two gold mines remaining I think yeah he lost the other gold mine too but he is on 15k gold almost yeah that looks pretty good and if we could if you're compared to who had just one line less but he's on 3k so it's a big difference already now he's diving with these people so not sure that's a good call here needs to get some Breath of Fire and some rockets onto these carks before diving with the hippos I think yeah we got the Breath of Fire and drunken hazen but the Rockets are definitely missing Kieran swarm hits hard but still around 100 supplied like he didn't lose too much I'm just reproducing like crazy and so that's tricky that if you lose that much gold early on if you if you're starting to fight with that kind of gold disadvantage it's very easy for that in this case under to just tome you and just just kill your stuff over and over and it's it's not that easy to scout even I'm not sure the goose will realize doesn't realize even how much how far behind he is in gold like that he's up against 15k so he you could argue that he has know if sexy wanted to kill him he could he couldn't do that right now you could just push with multiple hundred supply armies but he doesn't have to because he has more expose and being the dominant player can have a disadvantage in FFA if you dominate from the get-go you tend to get teamed harder later on so and obviously he wants the high level heroes as you mentioned before so he has these little traits he can super easily replace his units and he's kind of feeding of lagoons then yeah exactly and you can in some cases you can't keep your enemy alive barely but you need to be careful obviously to not like you need to keep him in check you don't want the enemy - yeah - you want to keep it want to remain in in a in a dominant position and obviously if in this case Neutron and each on continue to fight and one of them finishes to the other he is actually all of a sudden might be relying on Lucas or mega team fire because the goose knows that he has mined a lot so it's it's always difficult you don't want to finish too early but also don't want to prolong human one-on-one Huell strategies in place we check out one chimera drunken haze Breath of Fire and immediately out of that fight again mr. Chan's pretty crazy carrion swarm as well and seems like Neutron and Isha and they kind of found an agreement finally oh yeah but the guards man they're so way too crazy that Lukas has to get out losing pretty much everything yeah I guess it's not them not the worst thing for him he could consider you can consider dropping to 50 supply now just detonating some wisps and yeah that's what he does I guess yeah he's killing his own chimera to go on 50 he needs gold he knows he has no chance in like just competing in gold so and it's it's bad spot for him then on the other side Neutron and a Jean agreed to to peace and to just get some gold again it doesn't make sense really - it doesn't make sense really to just continue fighting on 80 without getting anything done you just fall behind both so it's nice to get some gold and then continue to fight but a neutron is in some hamm heavy lumber issues here so yeah super high on gold of course 7.5 k with 4 gold mines that looks nice ah ok he contracts the lumber mill is this looks a little bit like H of Empire risk right now yes maybe it's not the most beautiful one I have witnessed but it gets the job done and yeah usually I mean it's in most games on a map with with that many mines we do see almost all players with 10k 15k gold at least and it's like not uncommon to see players getting up to 25 or 30 K gold but also especially with higher heroes later on and and hundred supply armies you can't lose gold quite quickly like 100 supply army is can easily be worth four to five K if well with certain units so if you just lose it too quickly you can get rid of 20 K pretty quickly Wow within within 15 to 20 minutes so it was here so as a one-on-one player in caster I see here talents in cruel form do they actually have a use here or is it just me Ming right now it's it's nice like nice addition to your army like you get vision and you get that more reduction which can be very key and in air fights and obviously you can you can always use them for scouting for example or can use them in tailored form so it's not unusual but lazy elves sometimes like me tend to just go for in the past like back in the days around like until 2000 and I don't know 1213 so before even I joined the FFA community many ealth players just went for pure triple not even investing in a bear or in a in a dryad for this bill so just pure chimeras and hippos always that sounds like a typical night of unit combo yeah yeah or FFA it does but nowadays like it's exactly worth to invest in bear a bear try it's for this bill and the bear former units every now and then I like this little Kimura attacks over the forest seems pretty hard to defend them they come out of nowhere and like two valets and the Haunted gold mine is gone yeah you need to be careful on this map on one hand it's a very nice map to see our main base with air but you also need to be very careful with chimeras because obviously they are much slower than hippos and gark so yeah can get killed easily and yes ex is trying to get some more pickups here but it's getting scouted here the reveal by Neutron so Neutron Neutron knows that Lucas is in a bit of a weaker spot but you're not sure I mean everyone is scouting and getting some gold here and it seems he Shan might be attacking Lee who's here yeah simply because he knows that legacies in a weak spot and it doesn't make any sense to keep anyone in the game so it feels a bit nasty but can make sense to attack the weakest player like in an honour format you want to try to finish your 101 in this situation it's it's just tricky because they they know that sexy with that mid mine was having an advantage so and about the final so it's all about the W yeah and you want to win at all costs yeah so yeah Neutron very nicely dropping to 50 and that's something that ish on in this situation I think a big mistake for him if your initial enemy drops to 50 and you piece you don't want to stay on 80 supply if he's on 50 it makes no sense he loses so much gold for you no really he realized his mistake earlier in chat and what can you really do now except take out more expansions he's kind of stuck on that side of the main of the base or TP somewhere and force a fight with Neutron again but that doesn't seem to be like the best advice either where he needed to kill off his units I guess like even killing 25 supplier can make sense if if that allows you to to hard-on for mines for 50 minutes that's definitely worth it so bit of a mistake here and yeah we see here like the the elf eros against good well kiting on that the elf heroes will get almost no experience because you just can't get can get to these guards and the undead Hebrews are getting experience so I right here it was a pretty good user to spoil of healing I think it was like three tinker rockets plus Breath of Fire combos but always healed against that yeah that seems to be a big upside for the undead shop in FFA for sure depending on the map on this map here and I mean at least Lucas passes the shop whenever he comes to and whenever he walks across them to the map here to the left but it's it's annoying especially for else to know have you see have seen exes you seem a little frustrated against undead no it's alright I personally I think fighting Arnett is not the worst like I think it's okay humans complain most about Annette like that's a pattern in FFA also and whatever exactly yeah and apparently with like humans were hit hard by the buff of what patch was it the 129 patch where dreadlord carrion swarm all of a sudden could hit mechanically mechanical units yeah that was a huge deal so all of a sudden undead from probably the worst race maybe potentially in FFA became a very strong one maybe not the worst race second worst race but that was a huge huge change and obviously tanks being for supply yeah also so sexy we'll do some negotiation lagoons didn't answer so the killing continues yes actually knows that with his shades I seen a shade somewhere he knows that they have pieced and also bad chat so he knows it's it's difficult because in his position I still think it what makes sense to finish Lee goose but it's not easy like the goose is up to eight K gold and here's a piece here uphill and that's a downside like that was probably one of the reasons why sexy shows this map because if you're a dominant player with nice micro it's very easy to defend against multiple players here because you have uphill and you can just kite out of your main base but it's also very difficult to kill a player here I like that lagoons had no idea that his Expo was gone for like three four minutes just realize that yeah can happen if you're okay especially since he's it since he might be overwhelmed after just returning to FFA yeah for the season it's not easy to keep track of everything if you're focused on staying alive in your in your main base so it's not super sweet that he apologizes forest but that came like it's always nice to have some positive chat or some fun chat I can turn can turn the other way quickly but I yeah that's that's definitely a cool factor about FFA compared to the one-on-one where everything is so super serious and they seem to be some jokesters as well but that is just one goldmine remaining paula goose yeah and soon and that's it at the upside right now soon all these mines will be empty except the mid mines and I do think once you can find out the top left here which will be rather soonish and also the bottom right and neutron will also be done with this Expo soon I guess there is no more incentive to just stay passive so it will be all about these center minds and all about like really getting some gold and killing some player so yeah right now Neutron with a gold lead so after his difficult rough start with this with this eighty supply push he's now in a decent spot with 20k gold here getting some towers up and I like that he's getting cocky and tower is very nice for scouting yeah pretty sick just see it for the first time it's like the biggest mess of arcane towers I've ever seen I will definitely advise to team up on Neutron as well just because it's Neutron but we have another fight in the world south yeah and Lee goose is still like he's still level 3 3 - it's so annoying as elf and it's if you have slightly higher levels you can just try to get more chimeras try to push the undead main and you usually get off some damage with with Tinker and Panna you could also consider to transition to fairy dragons at some point simply because they can get moved but on the other hand under with 17k still able to get hundreds of plug arcs and it's not like not nice for faerie dragon so we got two new subsea thank you jet Byul for the 10 month you must construct additional pylons wrong game buddy and expect for the three-year research three years love you guys love you too yeah we have no no subsea but to subscribe see it at the top of my second screen we have two subscribers so thanks thanks to them I have no idea when they subscribe probably a month ago or permanent subscribers but yeah thanks to them oh my 1000 viewers right now should definitely head over to twitch.tv slash FFA masses and give at least a follow yeah and if you're not interested to watch like very long games there's also the YouTube channel where we tend to only upload the more exciting games or finals and we do see an attack year yes okay neutron is getting attacked by Ishaan who is still up to 77 supply but this may trigger a neutron into getting unwritten supply and trying to mass TP and yeah he's pumping now wow this is still in time to TP over no but this expose like with 870 gold oh yeah yeah whatever it doesn't really matter at this point he's up to 23 ka almost and not that much number but I guess it's alright in the meantime where would you see Zac see who obviously realizes that they are fighting again on the other side so he can now try to push into the health base more aggressively again defended financial protectors duel and splash that's pretty nice so when is dude from ready for this he said eighty now could TP if he wants to yeah I don't think that he should I think he should try to go for an STP and just tried to get hundreds apply first you really want to have these convincing fights and he knows that he's up and in gold he had the mid mine and he wasn't fifty supply Hisham was only on a supply so he knows he has an advantage and I sleep so far oh and the Panna dice just the moment I skipped away to take a look at the expansion of course there's the new typical neo camera control that may have to happen more often yeah nice and did you defend of you lagoon's is calling for help 20 supply down 25 supply down doesn't have that much gold anymore is it an option now to really come for help to sandwich sexy here at this point because like that I think that's a common mistake unless sexy is like super far ahead which they know he is not many less experienced players would help in this situation but in that if you do that it will like all four players will remain in the game and your chances for winning no matter what position you're in lower if if it's a four-way so you want to get into a freeway and that's something we do see neutral now attacking sexy and I do think that's a mistake very often that you will see very often by less experienced players a good player in this situation like a very experienced FFA player what never help why would you help i guess 20 k gold so he's not at risk here really - he's not at risk to lose to sexy later on right now so the only thing he does right here is attacking sexy so it's not going to end up in 3-way and he is at risk of getting team three with one now so the goose is able to stay alive and has 6k gold still so 6k gold is a nice Bank to stay alive nutria disease the under 0 than undead army we're dead yeah and these undead heroes are very scary you can still team the uh net later on exactly it's on 21 K but maybe Neutron feels confident to get some experience of Wow three or four HP yield and he kills the Mk so yeah the DK just died so no aura anymore makes of course hiding a lot on who needs a revive for that instant revive here he has the gold and yeah undead here being surprised is losing a lot of HP here on these cogs but you can afford it but this is exactly the situation where as a human player you are you usually don't want to help because now like you still have four players in the game and you get Tim later he's very lucky here that he shuns trying to get some experience of the ghouls now because of each on each n could decide to either just continue to heart now or like he's in a strong spot now and neutron yeah neutral needs to get some stuff done now and this is not a nice position to fight into an undead main base we know that from one-on-one as well never fight into an undead base remains to an FFA as well especially when it's blocked like this this looks like Starcraft asked how this choke is protected yeah we see some damage here but I instantly losing the Mk slightly under level and yeah humans can't really heal this these mechanical alleys and in the meantime and that's a shun is able to is able to use some of his goal to get experience of Lee who's here but yeah it's interesting constellation we do see to cross map fights usually not we had yes yeah there we had two trees of life fighting about this gold mine but now it's mined out and they is he okay buddy it's a draw let's let's have a beer together and she loved it yeah I guess there's not much gold left right there is a apart from the one from the mid mines heard will be much more difficult now to mine them and that was a better fight here for neutron killing some guards sexy down to 67 supply is pumping up instantly I think he is not like he doesn't have as many crypts usually he has one two three four crypts you want to have five groups okay so guess he's all right but you usually want to have more crypts here in this situation just to pump our units quickly and that's a mistake many FFA players do on letter that are not as experienced even if you have mass gold it's not that easy to defend if you only have like two or three production buildings so you really want a lot so we do see some human players in particular going up to 15 workshops we saw the season just a nightmare yeah just to convert units gold into into gyros in that case quickly so in otherwise you have a bottleneck yeah for production obviously the goose found some of these eco lights here of Zack see so he is getting some kills and what's each I'm going to do here is he going to attack neutron so with slowly but steady going towards level 6 on a couple of heroes is there any ultimate that is really super strong I mean of course mass teleport you mentioned that already yeah that's the strongest in this situation obviously dreadlord level six with the infernal very very nice to have and for elf he they want the ticker on level six but pannattu and also tranquility is amazing so he want all heroes on level six year four hundred it's mainly it's mainly the threat board really death and decay can be useful later on but in this situation he will not use it anyways at the end that is going for our our three just like in one on one I soon yeah and this very difficult to push interest so he can definitely hold on here and or should be able to hold on I think he's a bit too far out of his main base here needs to be careful and no in whole on this dreadlord catching the coil the current swarms are hitting now is like the gyro numbers are definitely depleted but he also faces five tanks with Baron so maybe it isn't that easy the ant here in the south we do see each and just at seventy-five supply and he has more Maggie's not due to this mountain giant and also the expo he has a smaller army then when they go so can really fight this and this is going up to hundreds of pie and hippos and doesn't seem to be willing to do so Neutron going couple of breakers now is that I think the last one mining on this map for 450 and what do we do when there's no gold mines anymore and then it's about like really spending the gold and the dread of being surrounded here it's be very careful and not lose it he is forced into the teepee and we shouldn't forget that Dex is playing with like a 200 ping here from us Midwest here's West Coast so always surprising how well he can play with this kind of ping in it's not easy without you as East server thanks blizzard and our community is very diverse geographically so we have some South American players some many players from the US and then Europe and Russia up to Siberia very far east in Russia and it's just a pain with the current like without a whole spot so it's why I'm really frustrated with whenever there's there's a hater host bot hater on reddit they asked their host pots were really bad anyways because they were only flooding the custom game this yeah I hate it I hate it like it was such an essential piece of our infrastructure and now it's we have to make a pledge for for pad to finally invest some time and bring them back yeah I saw Neal's in the on the back to Warcraft server earlier today I mean he was the legend who implemented all these great whole spots and all the infrastructure early on so at least there should be some document some document about it still so maybe at some point someone will be able to do it all right we have another fight here with it it's on now trying to push into the goose base again but it's kind of like a stalemate situation between them especially with the high ground yeah if he's Ethan doesn't want to commit 200 supply cross map here because he's not entirely certain that he can finish it and he's not entirely certain if Neutron is just like he knows that both have gold still so he doesn't want to commit too hard into this elf place you want to get some experience but a neutron is interestingly is the player who maps most here he's trying to convince someone to team up against his XE and and we do see that he is defending quite well I don't think he's he's at risk of losing his main base here with all these towers don't you need like a huge advantage to break these chokes yeah it depends like if you can't get off like with infernal for example over time you can easily kill towers if you stay back and you coil the infernal you can like it just takes time but you usually have more time in FFA and especially like if you are an elf with Tinker and Panna on high level it's very easy to go towers if the human plays very passively that's why the greatest human F of a players were always playing very aggressively like they make use of the gold they mess TP all over the map and you like you you're getting into a more passive and reactive situation so oh and would you see a fight here between sexy and each uninteresting so did I piece ah I don't know no they did not so sexy trying to get some experience of each one here which I guess a nice move for us but can be can be difficult for him later on because that's an easy thing to do if you want to get teams neutrons cry for help is finally paying off but doesn't seem to be too efficient DK in trouble as a TP and he'll score gets out so far or more he'll Scrolls here so that's a very good situation for for Neutron right he's cleaning out that your base and then you should be fine if he's paying attention the big mistake you buy sexy I think - you never want to attack a second player if you know that one other player is going to attack you again yeah he need some more mana here so he needs to he's not going to the mana found interesting and he's losing the DK again Oh level six dreadlock now Oh Mountain King also dead nice little slowly you sexy down to 67 and that's how you can easily get rid of your gold if you just lose zeros and revive you cavern heroes over and over like that's so costly so it seems like the piece little Lucian is towering this expansion to make sure that there's no mining going on it still 7,000 left could have some value but of course everyone will keep tabs on that one remaining gold mine and we do have six six six year four fours XE so very nice levels but also Neutron caught up in levels so he's six five three and obviously you want your paladin on level five but as soon as you have divine shield you're not going to lose them as quickly and m'kay level fives already very nice so really only lose lagging behind in levels right now and there's no way sexy will allow you try to tower up this Expo interesting that lagoons is still in this game and still doing some damage like he's so far down in gold he must be super careful yeah but it's not like it's it's always tricky if you don't have the levels you want your MK on level six but you know you can always come back and win somehow so that's why if you being one of the other players you want to eliminate your you want to finish your initial one-on-one unless one other player gets defeated before that so infertile is out being dealt with rather quickly I'd say that's the biggest mob damage oh that's a expensive Oh helden that's the expensive were I was about to say but say for a second it gets round of the decay yeah ooh but the Paladin super hard to see okay everything survives for now Gretel was soaking up some mana at the fountain can dash out more carrion swarms but whoopsie there's a storm water than another surround he's the one carrying the DPS should be fine oh it's not fine at all maybe that's the pink coming in yeah the he should have teepees yes very obvious and it's heavens that that threat Lord is going to be very costly but this joke is not good for the human the undead can easily kill off these tanks getting sandwich now though yeah that's yeah a very bad for sexy here we do see him getting teamed here like who's also trying to get some pickles obviously he's yeah he's just desperate for levels so he needs some experience and it's that's a bit of a tricky situation always for elf in this situation if you are stuck with five K gold and low levels you need to use time to get some levels so usually you would want to go up to a hundred supply now and try to in this situation probably try to fight each on here just to get some levels because so the longer you wait the more difficult it will get for you to not just lose your army without getting any experience or yeah not an easy situation to be in but at least he's in the game still saw you as a knight of have to explain something to me I see a tree of eternity being done of course we have seen a lot of cameras for each done and now he checks again yeah it's yeah better safe than sorry so I personally would not take check to trees to not to trees to Tier three but it can make sense to buy potions still like you really want these portals okay it's obviously a second tree if you are potentially up against mass TP and he even has three trees here and this may mace the second tree can be nice just so you don't accidentally lose your main base to mastery tanks but uh yeah that's the thing of course I didn't think of that and also Tier three very nice against very nice due to anti magic potions so that's something you like that's nice to have but I wouldn't take up to three or three just because of that another little pushed by Ishaan but I think the goose is just holding on like always we have a couple of subs thank you new hero for 19 months let a for 4 month with tier 2 sup you wonderful human being Ruffins for 5 month and ZB for light for 20 month madness this is Warcraft and we have a hundred supply 5 here and Raguse just with 80 supply but and we still see right here the power of hundreds of pi now assha joining with hundred supply here or starting the fight with hundreds of buy and we do see you right here with low levels it's a nice move by asian with low levels you can't really defend against hundreds of buy no matter how big your main base is so he needed to scout in early and get up in units soon enough and now asian what's he doing he's just staffing back out so he can just wait for the goose to get some more units and then just get some more XP here so we do see right here he's holding back his units and sure is mining again and he finally got the level 6 tinker so Robo goblin available big rockets and another TP force he's getting pretty fat with his zeros now yeah and that's exactly like he was behind in gold and he found a way here and that's something neutron was responsible for by piecing with each on and attacking sexy he allowed each end to attack the weakest player and get experience of him so I mean neutron also got experience but I think it was very interesting for say the least but now sex is coming for the help here interesting ends alright I like the aggressive playstyle but in this situation I'm pretty sure a shun and neutron about to team against sexy yeah after both got attacked by him now Lutron is is waiting for it for like 15 minutes already yeah you trying I guess yes become you know a lot of Tanks but this map is just horrible for tanks thank you I don't see him pushing into this undead main base except he has some yes it in this MK but that encase now chose exactly that what's the staff ready didn't use it so I guess the tanks are bad because there's so many chokes and I said so many narrow positions yeah I mean you can't mess if he enter main base that's if it's not closed like else can close up close out that main bases very easily but a neutron has forced to mash DP on or to TP out here and will now ask each on to team against sexy I assume we'll see so usually you would use mass TP offensively and then normal TP defensively I assume yeah I mean unless you can mess TP out I guess yes a350 yeah yeah I really like the best players and it's not that easy on a map like this but you just like they are not walking anymore like Neutron is walking across the map a lot you just messed EP around like why would you walk because masterkey all over the place like the cooldown is like 15 seconds yeah it's ridiculous there's no need to walk anymore and now he's forced into deep level 776 for the undead continues to push forward so gold wise sexy is still ahead but Neutron is still very close and like they already lost 20 K gold here in like useless pushes and now young it's still in 7.5 K and it's in a very comfortable spot because no one seems to have him on the radar here he's just yeah he's just getting levels of Legos he can wait for each other for a neutron to fight sexy sometimes so the Newton Newton Asian feud continues and I need to be very careful with each on his he's he's very small and very easy to very easy to man up you if you're not careful he also joined like season 28 joint under Smurf like there's a history of smurfed smurfing and FML like it's it's prohibited but rectify one legendary elf player who won one of his FML titles under the Smurfs what was it dark flame master I think and you shouldn't try to join the season I think it was season 28 under under the Smurfs Velociraptor and was discovered how do you figure that out with like key bindings and stuff yeah some ways back then it was easy because it was there were some we have more control over hospital yeah yeah yeah I can imagine so Europe and but never fight here night of Marat in the South again yeah and now he's on with the with the level advantage ee we need to go 200 subscribe to kill the remaining reigning army and again sexy coming in here and Wow getting some experience you should be able to get so much experience if he pushes through sexy you stay get nice little back step here forcing a TP just grabbing up more experience getting big earlier I'm not sure honestly like him sex issues it's just a difficult situation after he pushed after he attacked each on here because I keep he could also just finish Lee goose now like he knows he could do that and maybe he hopes that Legos is going to help him because it's it seems very obvious that he's young and Neutron are going to team him for a while now so still I think it would be a better situation for him to just finish li kui's now like he's just it usually Ecklie rates the game once he finished the fourth player and there's just not like lagoons in this situation he has 1.1 K gold he has low-level heroes and as long as he's in the game there is not like it's more difficult to balance I love the jet going on it's absolutely wonderful that Neutron and Eve Sun finally come to a conclusion that it might be good to team up again and sexy is a scouting only here he's diving into the main base or is he going to attack he is going to attack and he's almost sniping did that keep a dive he did yeah EFT wizard just needed he looked for a second as if he was about to was about to stuff it nah and yeah too much microphone night elves obviously yeah go with it and yeah this is a free ticket for Neutron here to attack sexist mayonnaise and I like that sexy is cooling off its main base in a box but these two Nubian towers so this spirit L will not be a lot of help here against tanks though this looks like it's a lot of fans right now but okay yeah there's a lot of damage but should still be fine now he's forcing the back and uh the army bag and that in case you're getting closer to level six so it's be careful that's a lot of damage here and could have seen that coming it's the ultimate garage nutri was just waiting for it I guess to move through so we'll see I even if Neutron loses everything here he like he's dealing some serious damage to this main base and may get his mk2 level six even which would be pretty good for him magic immune worse the undead hooray give me bad sleep on the Paladin that's waking up and now the DK is forced into the entered the involve may try to move the Archmage here but is off running out of mana and wants to use the carrion swarm against the remaining tanks here the Lich also has to watch mate in deep trouble with another nuke so that's a TP out and I'll be okay down there was what's it little spell on the Paladin anymore or did you just miss it no mother yes had a staff ready on a kiloton so like micro mistake here but Neutron force and 70 supply GaN or fifty supply gone so he has to use like what four K to get back in fighting shape 4k 5k yeah Sun neutron is like it's investing a lot of coal now to push again and it's just not like mechanical units at this point of just not doing the job we have a gyro kill on the DK once again as there was no TP anymore you shine with nice timing on this attack and that was a very important kill here getting level 6 on the Paladin and also the the keeper getting closer to level 6 agent trying to get some free experience here but at some point he will I guess he might be forced to piece with sexy here if he Scouts that undead main base he should realize that this undead may miss is super weak and unlike on some other maps on this one without a left you don't have the chance to hide any acolytes in a Zeppelin which usually is the best way to stay alive and interesting sexy is killing off his own worms here because he's supplied blocked and wow he that's a lot of net worth just gone down the drain yeah so he should he should tell the other players let's see you watching it yeah he wanted to be but there was one back step too many and now Ishaan has had enough and it's gonna wreck him 30 supply that's it yeah if he/she wants to he could if he feels confident against Neutron he could try to finish sexy but it's risky because they're still that's what I meant earlier they're still here in the South if it shot had finished him he could potentially try to just finish sexy now and easily they have a straight up battle against Neutron but in this situation we'll see yeah if he wants he can definitely try to finish it and he seems to go for it here and that's a big mistake for sexy to not have saved any echo lights across the map so like he chose this map so it seemed to blame you can easily die here each on is going to piece potentially like he doesn't want to take the risk [Music] it seems very tempting to just kill him off yeah it's risky though like you still have a human with master key against you and I'm not sure he knows how much gold neutron has because he didn't potentially didn't see how much um yeah how many units Neutron lost so maybe it just finishes the production buildings here like he's not killing the altar here at least not yet and he does so he just wants to make sure that em sexy is on 10k gold almost so it could easily get an army and yeah he's he is falling back now in in in house mattress like just casual matches I guess he would have definitely gone for the kill here but there's too much on the line you don't just want to give Neutron a free wind potentially if you're not entirely sure that you can finish the game all right so what did lagoons do I didn't really see it here's the resting here with some fairy dragons yeah I fell exactly so now he's going to pay for it and the downside like once you're in once you're once you lie on the ground like you're easy to you're an easy target and you should better stay on the UH the radar for the rest of the game so now he will get killed potentially chimera streaming in no mercy anymore he was left alive for like 15 20 minutes but oh yeah sexy was helping him earlier but now he has no heroes to help with and it's usually good for the game if it's if one player is out like feels bad for the goose he's a nice guy would have deserved a slot in the final but eventually only one player can win so coming from the rookie bracket keeled on for like an hour it's pretty cool and made it to the semi-final it's also pretty cool so next season can advance on that and quite a bit and you can manage to get the skipper to level six years so very and the goose has some hidden tree still so he's not entirely out so here's one here he is harassing me Chanel but I don't think they will allow him to stay in the game there should be enough scouting but Neutron is going for the end that's that could turn out to be huge mistake here neutron is going for the kill on sexy and the biggest his biggest weakness that he feels too confident sometimes and honestly I think this is a very very risky buh-bye I'm here to go for the main base at least so it's like 20 supply lead but the undead main there's no towers anymore just no way okay I know the heroes are all back on today no let's just missing let's just still dead and there's no way sexy can't defend this with 60 supply and a low HP DK saw and he hasn't managed to save an echo light store and big mistake here if you really want to win the game and it's just some shades he would love to remove them I guess yeah dreadlord could come TP anywhere it's just dead he could TP but he doesn't want to yeah I mean it yeah exactly it doesn't help him it's just 20 meters east west and sexy is whispering to us human frustrated and yeah now he's a Venetian can't feel very confident here despite only having three K gold he just really want to save some acolytes telugu sister Lin sexy is somehow still in both super crippled Neutron is definitely the richest just needs some more supply so how does the armies feel like it looks like ether than neutral are gonna be the the final two yeah usually it's both will be hesitant in these games at least both will be hesitant to finish normally to finish sexy because it's a huge risk you don't know if he's really like if you can really finish off his last buildings and if you're not able to finish him entirely you're like a team by high level heroes so that's why usually you try to weaken players a bit more before like usually neutronic ish on once it becomes a three-way would try to attack each other just to see if they are really like how strong they really are in this situation i don't think any of these bears could feel can't feel overly consistent to finish the other he Shan has strong heroes and yeah Legos just without a chance here losing the keeper and also the Panna is going to die here I knows exactly where he's just sniping him as it seems yeah there's no TP anymore next hero dad bye-bye level 7 we got a big host by the Muslim thank you very much for the 600 viewers welcome to some FFA act we do seem STP here probably Neutron on the invisible night sweet and where's our me there in the center not many thanks just 71 supply so it's usually again especially against moon wells that many moon wells in a level 7 ticker I don't think seventy supply can really do much but we'll see yes going for it as it seems preparing something a fire and all right it's a nice draw and now as X you find some time to save an echo light here fine and I that's 10 minutes or so yeah you like straight-up fighting but he's not he's usually not spending much time on preparing for the late game and he is not losing the acolyte yet but now MSTP coming in here and don't think he can get much stuff done I guess the two Camaros of course as a couple of towers Oh TP by 8 yishun as well wants to fight this and now it's a really good thing that the tech tip tier 3 once again TP out without many losses the backup tree of eternity turns out to be a nice move yeah it's definitely helping to have a second tree there but it's just like he killed one tree ok was a bit costly but he will need a lot like now obviously each I made peace with sexy and it will take him a long time to finish the Alfie er that so many moon walls it's 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 he Shan has more than 20 moon wells here so I don't really see him losing and a second night coming in but don't really think that's seems like it doesn't do too much like he's giving the other players some time to to get information and in sexted case to rebuild yeah 70 supply or 80 supply the human armies against level 7 tinker and level 6 7 pen are just not very useful you really need hundred supply and then you you can't get some stuff done it also became more difficult for it's also became more difficult for elves to defend in the past before they nerfed these sentinels you could simply put one of these owls in the tree with your hunts and then you could see inverse units but yeah basically it's not possible anymore you have a timer on them right so second last building down a third last second last he has another tree of life and that's I guess rightful of getting one more is trying to hold on but 480 gold that's going to be it here there's still five K gold in this mine I don't think there's that much anymore in this one so like a three key 3 K 3 and a half K okay so at least something but we'll see you is going to get that so there's just a question when they find the tria when they care about this tree and Neutron with a 2 K a response to the gold here or just telling the other so that he's on 2 K gold why having what while having 6.7 K it's very common for players to either either state 30% or roughly 60% of the gold count they actually have I mean it's it's very obvious that he's lying the right like why would he tell the truth yeah that's i mean sometimes if there are players that always tell the truth it can be used as an advantage true now not a goose defeated and I'm always undecided whether I should write GG can be perceived as unmannered but who cares in FFA so if he goes first and for sure so the rookie is out we're down to a triple threat and from this position who has the better or the the best chance and now it's all of a sudden it's pretty equal again I would say as X is in a good spot here in an 89th supply not much gold but he has levels and he still has no acolytes or no more acolytes here frost map so needs to be careful and it could turn out to be mistake here by him to weaken the the elf main I'm not sure if he has scouted all these towers but that would be my top priority and now mess VP into it into the main base here and he's going for the tree of eternity this time he doesn't have a backup so bye-bye yeah once we offline at least yeah okay but yes that's his place then ok Neutron Tom folding away healed up refresh do it again yeah maybe Neutron masterpiece a bit too early into into that main base here was a nice position for him to have vaccine weakening the health base you know so much gold Sexy's crazy heroes and even with the highest supply so quite an interesting three wait for us well okay we're teaming up on each son again DK is kind of stuck he actually could be no Rockets not enough to stun him level three or away me like that sex is willing to fight here but he needs to be super careful just leading this dreadlord goes for the interval to keep him safe without a TP yeah and it's just so difficult to fight uphill here and Jean ninety-six supply so that's a very comfortable position for Neutron now seeing them fight and I think also it was a mistake now I was actually to attack here because he's in such a week's and I keep his he was a strong but he just doesn't want to get attacked in his main base like he needs some time to prepare maybe so this main is if each am wants to kill sexy could easily do so I mean sexy can't really lose anything anymore it's down to one thousand gold which pretty much nothing so he doesn't want to fight now I guess no maybe kite yeah but it's so risky you don't want to lose I don't want to lose here you're heroes of course and and that's a bit of a tricky situation for undead in this situation without gold they know where his buildings are he can't really hide buildings well so either of these players could easily face race him right now at least until they unless they lose all the gold and that was a very powerful Breath of Fire yes it will post it again while the tinker is fighting the infernal crazy matchups here when sexy didn't lose too much right just a lot of HP and some items but not on unit but of course the gold is running low far he'll scroll says well turn the last second Steff out what about the keeper though leave the TP so just go for it that's just to keep her going how could that happen Wow and he's also losing the dmg and the try it so it's quite painful and neutron is already prepared to mention yeah but it's tempting for him and he's trying to go for his exes main base first here so they'll now they definitely have to team up against neutron if they I guess at least from the exes position it's too risky to face master key here and this so many tanks what's there to kill the tanks I guess carrion swarm and yes predator very nice to be so will be very difficult to kill them all without losing all the buildings but now he's pulling them back so okay he's here I guess easy kill on that DK yeah so sexy should ask for help instantly like there is this echo light here but it's very uncomfortable to be down to one building so and you shall is pretty close as well like we could just kill him if he wants to yeah I'm not sure he wants to because it's a risk and you can get help by sexy right now so maybe you Neutron feels comfortable against the elf honestly I would not in his shoes even with nasty P yeah he could just jump into Ethan space now I guess if there's still the invisible unit yeah this but it's super risky like against these elf heroes it will just lose all the tanks so tricky so Neutron needs to I guess if Neutron wants to finish it quickly he needs to finish off sexy first and then try to mess CP the elf base with hundred supply and hope for the best but will not be easy here oh and that's a girl the two minutes Ritalin I'm not too sure if you can TP anymore now we can okay you should do that though they're all doing that I guess he's giving up yeah maybe he is let's see I mean he needs Thank You King okay now he is unsettling his his necropolis it's fun to g2g so it's I think he could have like it's still semifinal so with that he's in a very rough spots I don't think it's easy for him to win here but okay now we have a one-on-one year against five K gold Neutron who isn't a nice spot all of a sudden but five K gold you need to pee meters and your five came very wisely or you lose quickly if you're Asian why would you leave your base yeah he should not right now I mean he can try to cut off the trees maybe needs to be very careful to not lose this chimeras here because he is really no gold left and now mass TP going to come in here in a second there's an expansion by ishan by the way in the bottom so he wants to mine out that three K or whatever it was 7k scouted though immediately yeah and as he will not be allowed to get any more gold here so let's see I mean we for now I think Neutron is in a great spot here to win this with the gold lead but it doesn't take too much to lose all these tanks to take a Panna and if you do so he doesn't have that much gold left oh but he shall is leaving his main base yeah and that's the teepee instantly so it's like to take out the buildings as possible it's just staffing the Panda here and and you John doesn't write like you just want to SCP and Messi Pio you don't want to do as much and yeah it looks pretty good for him right now so playing it well playing it differently than he did in previous games where he went try to go all in early on and this time he was more more careful more hesitant and I'm very surprised that Isha and Lexi did not try the team and for at least some time to get rid of these towers but yeah you shown wasn't scouting well as it seems from the ffaith player's perspective isn't like if for what are one player that are kind of known in competitive Warcraft is coming into the F of a scene does it feel like an intruder or does he get teamed often no I mean we we were very fortunate to have Neutron and and side joining us before the previous event because it's always great to see new good players especially if they have aggressive play styles we what was frustrating in the past is if you have one-on-one players that expect to have instant success in FFA and that's often not going to happen and then they will just blame the mode and will not try to improve yeah but it's still it's much easier for what good one-on-one player to get used to FFA so if they know the matter and figure it out I guess so we have another last EP was revealed quite quickly so that was well done later yeah and now he needs to get rid of these tanks here and not lose the keeper potentially kill the keeper but too much moon juice left because the ticker is going to town against them the pan has bring to town against them and it's to make sure to keep us cameras away from these tanks like you don't want to fly over them you're not going to kill the keeper here and you say he's focusing on this cosmic ray too much doctor where did they start his staff to the south here so far away Souls also far away level a ticker all right Rockets take out more of these tanks and so the tanks might die but I think at this point figure getting surrounded here that's it for each on I think with 600 K at 600 Colt you won't be able to won't be able to do much we can just revive the keeper if he wants to but this main base will die so this one this one second where you left his main base and got nasty P and was out of control immediately punished well done by Neutron I would just want to say that that escalated quickly as you said before like if one player is out then the snowball starts I guess and the carry hero dies level 8 and 7 for MK and paladin and looks like that's neutron in the finals yeah lucky for you didn't even take three hours lucky for me and it's a pleasure for me to be with you yeah same was really looking forward to these two semifinals and what was supposed initially was supposed to be last weekend but then I got postponed last second so now it turns out to be very very cool to have both in two days so tomorrow we will see you a bit of a more conventional FFA map and with site and Yonkers am the winner of season 30 and alien one of the old-school legends from the US we will have a very nice cast tomorrow so to hear it Neutron with top scorer here doesn't matter in the semi-final but your own winning and yeah it's just played it safely utilizes mass CP when he he saw a chance to finish the game and apart from that I think it was very even between these three players but eventually it's just massed EP is just very very strong there was pretty damn entertaining with a lot of kiting with a lot of back-and-forth with diplomacy going in like who's attacking who when it's time to back step and when it's time to like piece up and stuff and who's the that it's not willing to piece ever face great yeah let me enjoyed it like I usually I prefer games that are really really close until the last second and we have this base race often but in semifinals it's it can be like sometimes it just spirals out of control and then you have these these wins in this case kind of free win for Neutron just by using mass TP early on but it was a it was a fun game and yeah I'm really glad you joined me and you streamed it so and today was a little bit of an introduction I guess everybody was learning I was learning a lot and tomorrow we can go into more depth and see the legends of FFA colliding with side looking for yeah inside has a also very entertaining play style very aggressive place similar to 101 just sticks the neck of wagon but also he likes the dreadlord in FFA and we'll we will be interesting for sure right tomorrow the starting time is a little different today it was 6:00 tomorrow it's gonna be 8:15 p.m. CST right right so yeah then good night everyone I guess we're going to bed soon and and yeah thank you and yeah speak to you tomorrow oh man high-tech is going to bed at 8:00 p.m. you can find these guys at FFA masters dot net on Twitter on Twitch and they have their home page as well so give them a follow if you're in twitch set now and they have a youtube account as well so if you're on youtube I will put all the links in the description thank you very much for watching we see each other tomorrow at 8 high tech have a wonderful evening
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 20,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: lcvVr2k5-Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 9sec (5409 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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