WC3 - CC Masters 3 - Grand Final: [NE] Moon vs. LawLiet [NE]

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let's get this grand finals started Remo best-of-five the only best-of-five in this entire channel you will crown a new champion after a back-to-back win by Lin he couldn't get the three-peat thanks to la Lian so it's a Korean night off Mira we had four Koreans in the Final Four and the Night Elves prevail this match number one on Northern Isles between him the greatest player of all time more than $500,000 prize money here to his chest and he's up against his protege it was always moon and remind the Korean Knight offs but around 2050 in law lion took the spot after being coached a little by remind in the past so the winner of CC Masters 3 coming from Korea it's gonna be a night off would it be the old guard the legend moon or is it la lai it's the master the warden the warden won't help them in this grand final but everything else will what are we going to be seeing here what is the meta there's a lot of options nowadays in that of Mira when the past was only bear Mira for a long time now is much more diverse starts with the first heroes bottom is very trendy nowadays and we do have pardon for low light but not for moon who normally it seems like always makes use of the bottom when there is an option to play her but here we see it's happening differently Laurel I add with the pieces of the moon and that means most likely huntresses most likely expansion but they have been other strats as well for example yesterday in the game versus colourful moon played a bottom and unconcealed hill didn't tech stayed on to your one didn't expand either you just at some point pushed into colorful main with 70 supply mastiha one Hunt's grave and he wondered just the phenomenon even with 33 years of age he doesn't slow down at all 21 supplied trick by law I to scouting things out doesn't see bottom here that might give him an indicator already even have to us creeping at the flash cedar some two spots at the same time problem with aura first not without steering I would probably not going for some steals hunter saw coming no super early tech for him but for moon we do see that in the past especially India Mira it seemed like Nigel's had a gentlemen's agreement that the first camp was going to be left alone so they oftentimes would go for greedy creep camps even on LR we saw double merchant creeps from both sides oftentimes and here the greedy camp would be the toe Scout camp but with the meta being possibly a lot more aggressive nowadays and a part of coming in to harass it seems like Night Elves are playing and lot more creeping a lot more conservatively now on the first camp de man are trying to those still quickly get up to level three has found some nice items here one of Illusion gloves and slippers the amount is quite low and the archers and snare that could be a good opening for lal ayat moon saves the archer but Oh does he shadow well oh that Archer disjointed this arrow but there's reveal and that's first blood in the grand final I couldn't save that Archer Revere was always there but made a little bit more expensive at least moon did Archer numbers very important when playing against bottom the bottom will be accompanied by hunts most likely and that is what we're seeing here you need to make sure you have a decent amount of archers to bring enough firepower against the huntresses and need to make sure you don't get blindsided creep jacked flanked and lose those archers so what mode is doing right now moving out somewhat far from the main with the archers who tried to creep that's dangerous you must know I guess low light doesn't have many hunts yet but of course more and more hunts will become and pressure by low light mana burn of course only a little bit of damage prevents the sheep block for hours to life speaking of blocks this one looks kind of Oh okay so for searing a real great damage addition +10 on level one and the Archer couldn't take a bath and the moon dues and that's the second kill for low light and low lies Archer actually survived because moon doesn't have a wisp at the lab which seems like a mistake and now he does raviga came in right there and gets the return kill it's a whisper low light per left maybe use for protective push t2 almost done for low light as well so it's not heavily committing like DNA scene is doing most of the time and matter of murres no forty supply push at all because next objective and that's a terrifying position for these archers big asset for the demons for the beast or reveal again how much value from to death archers dead the normally against the bottom that means GG that's almost level three no mana to burn and the hunters position is great Lal I it on fire in this early game yeah this opponents drive seems to be working out very well double engine of lower coming the dryer transition will be coming in all but here comes a Naga now for moon able to force the TP least you got that so much experience both items are quite good scroll the beasts of cross loses its value so he sells it but gloves and slippers is nice socks and slippers nice for the bottom as well helped in getting these lasted if this goes to bear Mira la lie it is stuck with the bottom its mood abusing that of players I think more will be wanting to go to bears here at some point and fluoride the normally the bribe player would be trying to mass with expansion in mass riots we see now Expo yet we also see no tech by moon yet Wow a big camp for life this is of course like creeping with four hands and the two heroes is so easy oh and the young ward is the best item by part lost is TPE earlier so gotta be careful with that has a lot of gold oh yeah you can just creep everything ultimate map control for all idol especially when you get the next food riots which are coming very very soon wealth allows boots not too bad for the bottom plus 18 plus searing arrows so that's 28 [Music] who not taking of course on the other side like beer Mira would be great against the bottom in general but fighting a dryad Mira versus moon isn't that one of the scariest things and all of Warcraft control is insane we've seen this countless times and for that reason perhaps he is not even going to just more and more and more and more dryads the way to 200 attack upgrades plus the level to tutor Laura this is a hell of a lot of damage threatening a creep check a little too late you warned in the back art secure level 2 for the Nagas counterkill Malalai it damage seems to be too much for moon he can't save his dryads the focus fire is insane yeah wal Ayad has the way stronger army here in moon perhaps with a bit of luck calculation thought it could do a lot here with the creep Jack but he's getting punished hard for the early game was already very painful for moon and now he's suffering more losing every single one of those dryers here both are kind of going for the bottom now try it oh my god it the damage of the bottom every searing arrows 20 damage super 49 searing arrow man nah guys coming back from the main so now double slow with the Dryad and the cold arrow that was probably moon's roughest Dryad fight in years yeah normally oftentimes of micros the opponent but well I'd hear a good amount of drives there himself he had Huntress is still in front to block and of course the strong pot him in the back Thank You Axl I quit for the seven one three sub check W and peace make her thank you for the stuff as it's wonderful near to see you having embraced the character use we didn't shed we did it it was a rough road but finally neo became a mirror just like the rest of us all right here we go again dry yet battle all the things for that much double level up and now moons try it micro seems to be better he adjusted a little to it demon after our TP outlast second can I give this Huntress kill so to step bang of course and saving the dry yet with the 0 HP can't heat it up though under attack one just completely dry and low light has the export moon under pressure it basically has to win big with the next fight in will the shop what also very big deal by the way are we go in again human tank me in the front there's no staff to save him by the way move no steering arrow here but the cold air out that was the searing arrow sealing the fate of this demon hunter save just a moment before with that TP but nothing to save him the next fight the bottom is inches away from level 5 plus 3 levels of true shot there should be absolutely no way that moon can win this game how many times was that set by casters in the history of Warcraft 3 and then it turned around I guess right now low light says a very small army only for dryads if he who can hold on to this expansion and produce two more minutes or so it's gonna be looking much better and the first dry it's not so much damage against buildings okay maybe the last strong moment for the fifth race dry it's take quite some damage try it control what's good or healed scroll realizing you can keep this dry it in look at it unbelievable level five partum now okay mood is losing a lot as well mood is losing a hell of a lot as well bottom is actually surprisingly tanky with all these and ER more items yeah it's my mad at the slaughter your Northern Isles but again how to save the demon anta no answer searing arrows Zack and that must that is it 104 Lal I'd already a better result for him compared to the wgl make qualifier and he out dry added moon yeah and we saw here how strong the bottom can be in the night of Mira but still not a bad game by moon yes he lost and there were some mistakes with the archers in the early exposing them so much yeah but normally when you lose five arches in the early game against pot um hunts you're just dead to rights but moon said alive moon made it a close game and moon gave Lorelei to run for his money so these two are very evenly matched and I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot more potent seer throughout this best-of-five this will be a sick night of morale looking forward to this and a wonderful wonderful purchase by just thank you he's a German thank you message but I'm trying to simultaneously like while reading translate thank you very much for your efforts and your engagement for the Warcraft scene I'm watching with my father really every day in every event and we enjoy our share love for Warcraft and that's only possible thanks to you thanks a lot they ordered submerge here to wear it together I think that's really cool back to Warcraft uniting families even that's amazing your father must be an awesome dude that's super sweet man by the way when that merch lands please send us a picture on Twitter you have to see the family United absolutely yeah or on Facebook or send it send us a mail or contact me on discord all the channels are open so we don't block any private messages I'm not responding to all of them due to time but I read everything so yeah this is really awesome super cool thank you guys we did get the maps now by the way oh um so LR vetoed by moon and there's a lot of clicking for me I'm not the youngest anymore okay so that Maps moon vetoed LR Lorelei vetoed Tara's moon chooses echo and concealed yeah Alya chooses a Z and T M that was the perfect speed for me too so we got this now and the one Oh lead for Lorelei of course looks like we're going into this map too with the lead for the underdog I think man this would be an insane ello boost if he defeats Lyn and moon on the same day yeah true you should be then top three at the very least he stopped for now Lowell I drank one you know that has never happened before true we had lynn we had moon with in fiat happy for a long long long long time th and in fear with the relative inactivity have dropped down a little bit we will see them tomorrow though in the rock warriors clan war versus been Lao Pao eSports Club that's gonna be so good did seeing those two try hard always amazing like we go into the game let's see how moon can deal with being a map down without a shadow of a doubt best night out in the world what did they bring to the table here on Echo Al's I was quite surprised on our first map on northern to see that it was known going with the demon and la lion with the poram I've seen moon and quite a few night of mirrors recently and if as I said earlier if there's an option to play part of normally moon does play the part of but that wasn't the case on map one we see deviation as well in builds here on equals our second map moon going for the safe camp at the green and low light taking a bit of a risk going to the Merc camp must mean warden right [Laughter] maybe specifies dude if he plays warden now I'm going so bad starting some fireworks here like Pistol Pete and Bugs Bunny you know it would be quite the site but [Music] are you kidding me I was but this is freaking real right now I of course knew it no what the we've never seen her a night of mirror before like not in serious games not an important games it's two thousand dollars on the line here and so much prestige against you and of course she's an amazing force against under the floor I played her she can also work against or even very rarely sometimes I'm tearing a stand or something but in Mira this is my best read of all time I mean he can bully the pot of heart right it's a big gamble if moon is playing demon hunter this game is instantly over yeah but it's not he doesn't know he missed the scouts sees it it's not you know wispier if he wins this game ring of region perfect item Westside now and most must be like are you kidding me bro yeah he he lost I think okay yeah let's have fun I mean cloth for the part of his lights he was happy about that but shadow strike ring of reason is he going for blink no but what the hell if flow line just goes into dry it's drier than shadow strike can't he like fine pickoffs 24/7 yeah pardonnez kind as a squish hero also oops that's the pot I'm gone passage CP right all my time oh dude he was about to throw it and that's pretty smart how long it's nighttime all forever okay what now both concrete I mean for mercs yeah you can't go anywhere to buy dust he wants to use a lot of time he could bring it his units up there close this around with the units and then bring dust with a pot with a warden but seem like that's not even worth it mag perhaps I'm sure sorry about the screaming by the way it was too much for my limiter apparently usually I have a filter on that there's a little move and bye-bye put home or is it did she has so much region because it's nighttime survives with six players forces are under attack okay no kill all the mana for the pot I'm gone okay warden is kind of far away from 3rv thank you for the six-month three server warden versus bottom dude how cool man Mira matches recently are so cool like dreadlord versus Crypt Lord warden versus bottom breakers versus breakers we see a lot more tier 3 do you think do you think any other night off player would save the part would be able to say at the bottom here no no right it seems so simple it's just like clicking D or whatever heart he is but this is the excellence of home all right the warden is level 3 is where she begins hitting her stride and yeah Archer kills could absolutely easily be claimed can we stand what but more is going for dryads and what does the warden do against Rio mr. Fisher I think it's just here all the freaking time focus on that problem in that case it's very important we have safeties TP double wars [Music] second hero time what is this tinker mania and hand Panda demon second for moon makes sense [Music] panda like doesn't it play it into the witness against giant yeah it's uh that's what I was thinking it's a double negative that makes a plus though let's see about that if you ever tried to throw two coils onto a spell breaker it said it's not possible there's no Tier three so of course all the bonus experience is gone now anyway what's the light doing it's going to your one yeah do you want attack afraid I don't really know what it's happening right now this is uncharted waters but honestly the warden so far not that impressive no you played around really well double claw on the bottom by the way could become a very very strong hero down the road circuit one more is playing just mass range right chittu I'll just try it war does not believe she needs to be understood all right go Tier three marksmanship because marksmanship archers normally do very well against triads and if you want to be marksmanship Archer seems like bears or something but if there's bears then you have the Panda and the warden against them which could be good this is your hands are under attack think low light it's like one good creep jack or like one focused force a TP or two kills something to get this little edge to be able to a forty three and he didn't get any of it yet he knows about the expo he knows he has to do something pandas of course great against buildings is that why he picked it it could have been a tinker than as well I don't know if fingers also kind of good against riots because the talk works do good damage against riots yeah but also the pocket factory is Smike very easy I don't know how many clock words come out of its position and your opponent wastes time not killing dryads while you're killing dryads ap attempt again by but you don't feel good you don't fool moon like that both are staying on to your two again moon at the shop attack you're gonna get the second one within this potion yep alright is just a tiny bit too late we're moving over this he's gonna try to end it in an AP push but isn't working okay alright tying the slide of Marat is different from any that I have ever seen before okay has to burn through the shadow strikes immediately otherwise gonna get burned flank is okay arches 200 upgrade that's a lot demon hunter bullied next shadow strike and he's gotta fall to the wall that's the hero killed healed before level 3 berserkers falling but moon already down to 45 now its axis left against Dryad threat the fire of course much relatively useless but the shadow strike double juice called already invested is he doing this he's doing this is he actually doing this he's actually doing this got him close to 4 right click there's a TP has to use it to the main to heal up so how much damage is there now against this expansion level 4 there's a Breath of Fire shop is coming up for clarity's warden panda yep-yep takes a long time to take out this tree though only piercing damage pretty much moon going for his own reinforcements from the merc camp Breath of Fire detonate now and the shop isn't finished for potions is 170 Gold moon with a big supply elite now it's a light expanding bottom right yes he is gets the kill can TP out he can just easily TP out he doesn't want to because he knows he's gonna get some more kills oh boy this madman it's not over yet though more drives are coming from moon bottom is getting somewhat closer to 5 and the demon is gonna get level 3 right here that's a big level up for him even his back no items no oh the poem is found wait a minute shadow strike shadow mouths down to 50% Manas very low bottom cancel the clarity that was more important than her own age he may be in moon this pendulum has to swing back right and lower its face we need to be careful with his bottom position only 300 HP yeah so many options again Church says and her magic potion could help well that's Tier three my friend yeah it's far away players horses all right thank you parallel for the t1 sub put 20-month already bottom level four-and-a-half wisps are coming in engine of what position is great for faster reinforcements into that fight more wisps just lots and lots of wisps can he burn the demon hunter before he burns the water little for warden by the way fan of knives doesn't seem to make much sense but maybe that's the spell that tips the scales one comes to hero focus and maybe low light isn't experiment doesn't expect it nice little gentle mild ambush right there demon is certainly tanky okay that's the warden without mala we're locked by moon no staff on Lala outside so crazy right in Europe receive pretty much be Amira all the time and these to play ward versus poor them yeah the first time in 15 years I see this moon 856 expose almost up again I live not breaking up Cape yet that seems pretty greedy really indeed oh he's going tier 3 as well what the hell our life how is he feeling so confident how is he so sure that he needs no upkeep that he's totally safe and he can easily go to u3 right now the past couple of weeks man boosted his confidence apparently a lot rightfully so and again this cool shadow meld ambush would have been ready with a perfect concave for the approaching moon water could be level 5 monster ins for Panda and warden as well I've known seize the main seize tier 3 coming moon knows there's gonna be Marchman ship suit double ring of return on the warden that's so good bring a vision also on the D minor mountain giant mountain giant for low light yeah that makes sense there's no way or door doesn't he to get these upgrades needs one upgrade only right true but also wants to make more mgs I suppose yeah thousand gold warden with bling copy great for the shop inves potion heal scroll didn't eat the in wall 10 seconds for the next hit squad fan of knives began steed arch is actually canonized but of course they have a loons gray so don't take full damage to that as well upgrades zero zero but we have the attack thanks to true shot to all four the archers 0:04 dryads going for defense upgrade last now the first mg is out will it arrive in time archers mg's foggy introduced this Tier three is finished can go for the orb of venom now can go for marksmanship now and that should be cleared right away yeah super wells as well down the road hardened skin cute you know I had my crusted his arch as well these dryads from moon I'm gonna die super fast yeah I'm gonna take a look marksmanship halfway done second attack upgrade first first defense upgrade sorry for the arches as well that's skipping on that one there's another heal scroll hardened skin finishes now mg is coming marksmanship finish as well heavy power spikes being hit moon is going bears they don't survive Lions marksmanship let me tell you nope but he doesn't have time for him geez himself Rito is kind of good there's limited dispel but the damage is so suitable 25 average damage and just pure mass but at 70 taunt being used shadow strike being used and the team hunters out with almost full mana on the warden mg grabs the stick Breath of Fire is great against the repair can just kill this tree and gets out certainly has lots of damage finally does get this kill oh quad kill on the wisps as well with that Breath of Fire good users of the mana now the Panda still has the potions got a heal score as well W score for law light moon in the ropes we can engage it's too much damaged it's too much tankiness with the MGS yeah - now they can like quad Tom how could he break this I think you just can't with this back against the wall kind of literally as well and now should be a good time to fight for low life he can reproduce much easier not enjoy that 50% is their staff I don't think so so that one might fall Breath of Fire again potion committed demon hunter in trouble read you though so good field scroll number one used bears ok get one you'll scroll himself but the do you have to kind of stuck there there's a staff soaking up a lot of damage oMG almost dead two players are sent out or the warden in trouble uses the TP not be involved and look at those drives melting to the object got the level 5 panda moon at 58 for 3 heroes still close to 5 Expo fell and supply stuck well I had not over-committing 1,300 gold investing immediately more attack upgrades going bears himself now go bottom third it would actually be really good for the aura and an orb carrier yeah Missy 5 5 X 4 or 5 I mean ultimate ever gets to 6 of course or the warden does okay maybe you wanna yeah some ultimate sin mind does he even need them not expanding a third time this feels like la lie it has Omni vision he is responding perfectly to everything yeah I haven't seen moon getting so outplayed in night of mirroring along me right this is insane waiting for your Scrolls they're ready there's no gold anymore and there's gonna be war for these archers very very soon this is a game for the history books moon losing the night of Mira against the warden do you think this is just this one pocket strategy can't play one time or is it actually a strategy that you can play even if your opponent if you expected he just plays d mana first and then I guess the game is horrible but with a part of being so standard recently this this might influence the maps up in a way that we see less partum again low light and galaxy brain yeah third attack upgrade we're not willing to give this up though main goldmines 1000 it is quite a few bears from moon but crocodiles Breath of Fire is actually pretty good against bears and of knives oh one play by law light in the night elf face playing this like he plays against human to get up to level 5 players forces are okay speed away he's going to 100 supply just kind of waiting for Camaros for the ultimate humiliation I can dry it archers perhaps not the best idea but if you just throws two more mgs in here to go to four Mountain Giants Plus illusions yeah exactly what the hell is one supposed to do my god well if we can save them to the ultra late-game law light is the one to mine out first but I don't think one can survive until then seven yep okay moon last stand shop is down at the bottom left already fan off nice was quite nice but one bear stabbed demon hunter down to 50% only has an impulse in goes for the Panda does double yield skull on that Panda and drunken brawl it makes it actually quite nice fan of knives left oh my this is so much damage this is so much damage shield scroll used there was only the first of two moves damage doesn't matter but absolutely doesn't matter he's wiping the floor with the greatest elf of all time with a warden demon-hunter Falls GG that game was historical and a - Oh lead for LA lion warden man Remos stunned he was absolutely nothing but stunned he actually defeated what the hell nighters are gonna try to do this on ladder and they're gonna notice man this is pretty damn hard only lowlights real real things are happening in the CC Masters Cup what the hell it yeah yeah that's guys in case you're not watching so often and I'm so familiar with Matt Mira what just happened that's kind of the same as if someone wins without playing a hero this is so crazy this has never happened before just unbelievable in all regards really he's the master of the warden and all of a sudden he's bringing her into the night of Marat that's so crazy men should be very mad specific though should be a very rare sight yeah next map is concealed hill but Moon's first map choice is already gone this is his last last refuge kind of and long it over though law lied has what's left um a Z and T M yeah moon has beaten law light three over four so the reverse sweep is absolutely possible yeah but Laura it seems really really strong today first map against Lynn not so much but why did he pick up pace unconcealed hill strategies should look very different paadam hunts is so strong on this map I feel like there's almost no way around it so this might turn into a mirror paalam hunts Mira thank you Louie d TG for the prime sup LOUIE LOUIE LOUIE LOUIE well if Moon River sweeps this this postponed like this delays the Western qualifier for quite a bit true but it would be a worthy delay yeah really rare to see so much suspense and so much joy and shed the throughout the night of Mara waiting for moon he's perhaps watching the replay and trying to figure out what the hell just happened we were all stunned by this warden is this the big surprise the big reveal of this best-of-five grand final or is there another ace up some one sleeve is it now up to moon to dazzle us yeah uncie ate his last map pic three match points for low-light Warcraft survival battle was his already moon wandamae qualifier these guys are insane shape with W GTL coming up and with WGAL coming up there's no better timing for this I had a three old my Lorelai Dover moon would a statement that would be match points championship points for low-light allied won a game was a bottom one again with the warden it would be pretty amazing if now it could close out the third map with another first here oh wait yeah but as I said this map is so good for part of hunts pretty easy level three easy aggressive potential easily you can steal Scrolls away from your point as well and perhaps most importantly fountains fountains of health which you can make great use of with the map control that you get from part of months when moon played against colorful on this map yesterday when was playing Potter and masked here one and he destroyed colorful despite colorful playing pretty well against it I would say but the strength of paadam hunts on this map is just I think impossible to match with another strategy but let's see these are two masterminds yeah what do they show us Thank You pitch now for the 14-month Risa moon trusting his own free stress again Lorelei it goes the same route okay Potter mera we've seen moon with a lot of AP pushes law light followed that direction recently who's better with it and who was the one pushing and who was the one defending and at forty supply at fifty supply and I find timings in between very hard to say what's happening now creeper xxt thank you for three months up when you're going pot hunts against Parliament's normally there shouldn't be a way for you to AAP push normally there shouldn't be a way for you to expand because you're playing the same strap you're hitting the same power spikes so when you go for something like an expansion or an AP push it is gold flying into nowhere for a while it's an investment that for a long time doesn't pay off and that losses your momentum this is a reason why all this math we quite often see just mass hunts into glaive drops going up to 40 supply or something like that and then glaive throwers and Zeppelin's and then the game becomes really one because then there's clave drops happening and building kills and run buys and yeah this could get real weird real fast no one is rushing attack they're both going for a double engine of war and mass hunts okay so no one's cutting corners same creeper out okay this is the first real Mira match takes a little while does someone get the slippers is the question here that's the lucky find everything else kind of bad gauntlets from moon lovely face by the way not at all bad for the searing earlier and slippers for LA Lions yep we've seen a crazy pardon before and I I might see one again by the way if you're asking why I tuned into the game so late had to restart the tool I have to restart the tool sometimes takes a while leaving each other alone for the time being just creeping and hunts I imagined before forty supply we're not gonna see any kind of tech as the danger of falling behind is great yeah especially with MU you don't want to risk anything in the early game or a ketone plus - that's nice you don't want to risk an early loss now that you are down to all you think walleye it's becoming a little bit nervous here to go up against moon one map away from a historic victory for both when do we lose and once again can be nice for a fake forty supply Porsche and then you've used some illusions okay but illusions on the other side as well and then it looks like you got fifty already yeah and even if you pop it in the middle of the fight and the opponent realizes they're fake yeah it's not like you can ignore all of them and the glaives are gonna fly wherever they want yeah they can't soak up a lot of damage also for creeping can be very good identical three rounds right this is a mirror match and this is like that shows why it's called Merle ads tamanna not really useful in will forces can be useful okay no scroll the Beast that would have been a big difference maker here would have been quite imbalance so you remain fairly fair I guess first big deviation here is the tech Lowell I did go for a rather fast tech before forty supply risking a little bit losing the arms race glyphs are coming already moons still producing another hunt now it's the second glaive cute attacker Greg yeah the light is a tiny step ahead and everything and especially in the tech look at the PATA movement does he realize moon's shadow melted here and he's taunting him a little bit I wouldn't be surprised that I wouldn't be surprised and now they're just both hiding I mean lord I it makes make sense for him to wait for the tech he's under no pressure he's a tech head I think the light knows he's there it's looking quite suspicious you can feel it the presence of the moon sixpence Lord he's parking the graves in the main and he has a wisp at the lab I wouldn't be too surprised to see the zeppelin real soon yeah we're definitely double Zeppelin they become available at daytime people tend to wait a little bit longer people do you know how much Ramone loves the glaive mera well you know if there's some other units involved it's okay it's just when it's pure glazed versus pure play play start crying we're gonna get there maybe they are it's there's a little dance off right here on the high ground and low light is the first one with the zap Oh moon actually ready with three as well here we go EEE I love this and now it becomes really weird like kill a micro is a thing totally for itself like it's not like normal units these projectiles you want a dodge you want to have the right angle you want to hit multiple targets at the same time then there's uploading then there's unloading then there's Huntress flooding it's real weird it's it's kind of a game of its own and again there are loads to glaive drops towards the enemy base alright moons a little faster no nature's blessing an engine of wind for maybe he pokes or fairies or something good counter if he takes up the hunter soil that would prevent a lot of upgrades obviously moon has a different target no waffle blades yet and of course it wants a hippo against the Zeppelin I'm an idiot arches are therefore moon yeah it's looking kind of scary for like now he doesn't have the glades with him no and this is a lot of damage that moon is bringing to the table also supply stuck hard real hard moon as well but not that crazy where is that Zeppelin polite he needed extremely badly he's coming can he back step or not really I'm just I'm missing I think I this one but he can jump on that and then should be kind of free rein qu'ils close would be amazing Zeppelin drops or mood is losing quite a few but these hunts they're all about to die level for him oh my god the low light I think by now is the best Zeppelin player in the world oh boy I say that and he drops everything twenty-nine supply part of in will potion oh how sweet this inversion is now gonna zap about to die unloaded everything it's the hip already it's it's coming now oh my god what a slaughter I'm gonna hat moon with the Zeppelin Micra now show me how it's done never five Jesus Christ it was a over of a came early but boy what's that an action-packed fight here crazy moon 41 supply low light at 1800 doesn't even come out just barely okay this zap is gonna fall at one point it's not 100% over yet it's a lot of pickups here for low light moon teepees out on almost that as well how can he recover from this he took so much damage did so many moon was lost all moon juice now gone bottom can't heal and moons gonna be up back at 50 in just a moment here double engine of organs one additional for all the moon wells he needs against but not all the moon well she needs so moon just very clever pushing at the same time this could have easily been a base raise if lowlier does the same but he wanted to defend but against glaives how the key moment was when the glaze hit the main the huntress army by moon was able to push back a light to his main so moon could unite his glaive army and his main army ax and maybe he had that edge because Lowell I was investing into an ancient of wind and was wasting in quotes resources there yeah moon just had two archers and that was enough and he's pushing again these cliffs man today it's not a clean three oh we go for not full distance yet but we go on to the first map choice for LA lion which will be easy crazy Zeppelin micro by both low-light it's just absolute madman he must have spent like two weeks straight just doing this yeah those he saved like in the span of four seconds three hunts and a glaive on a combined 10 HP that was ridiculous yeah but he was so far behind unfortunately that it was not enough you make this a series Ken moon reverse sweep him it would fit it would fit these players they're so unpredictable last map by the way would be twisted Meadows baby Norfolk man I got to go to the restroom real quick I have to carry for a minute all right you're in right yeah okay Amazonia is our map for and just like concealed Amazonia is so strong for poem I don't think there's a way around playing Pato hunts here so I think we're gonna go into double plot of hunts again just like unconcealed oh and we're wasting no time gonna hop into map for here in a moment this would be a great moment in lowlights career finally surpassing moon in one tournament not in general but besting him in a tournament in a big tournament not quite the offline world championship but certainly a big online tournament with lots of the best players in the world in attendance but you can never count out moon if he wins this year suddenly we're all squared again even and would be going to twist it as the last one but one step at a time Amazonia now first we saw a brilliant curveball with the warden anecca oil's is there another one available somewhere all right I'm back right in time as I see let's go Amazonia the screams for bottoms again yeah I feel like it has to be part of months if you don't play part upon senior fall so far behind we saw this very impressively at Dreamhack Anaheim when moon was playing was it against Neutron against somebody and he played Paul Hunt's against team hunter had full map control crept the whole map yeah I knew Sean it was against Neutron yeah got pot of five and like Naga three or something and then he just said okay I guess we'll go lighting I guess what going bears now and then he played pollen bears which you could easily afford because yet so such high levels and gotten so much gold from creeping hotter bears moon probably the only player to win the night of murder with pollen bears so column here autumn here no surprise make sense so it's the same story as I'm concealed like lab access rush to Hans who's pushing who's not are both pushing is it a base race glacier was Zeppelin drop or not could just be like the exactly same game yeah clay thrower drop shenanigans might be a little bit less effective here though because this is map map is so small regardless of where your opponent is he's normally always quickly back in his Mane again to defend yeah that's very true whereas unconcealed let's say you're at the fountain or something or you're even at the enemy natural or something getting back to the main takes forever so perhaps we're gonna see heavier emphasis on normal fighting units like hunting archers but of course glaives cannot be counted out certainly do we have a place here as well it could also be an AP protected Huntress bush full moon lots of damage on this engine of war should be all right Klaus and gauntlets for long ayat ring and gauntlets for MU and slight edge for long ayat moon is ready I'm an idiot it's the other way around sorry moon with the glare Klaus I lied yeah that's a pretty unfortunate find here for a light no damage boost at all which is what you want with the bottom again Murad creep routes damn how different the first two maps were and how similar the second two maps are yeah so double engine of war again by both tech will be severely delayed yes with a searing arrow there was well done alright you're slightly ahead and hunts like the hunter saw was a little faster but it's just split seconds with this build now getting a good trade forcing your pawn back is very valuable on this map if ever you are strong enough and know that your pawn is gonna be hurling a little bit claiming both middle camps both the cobalt camps is a massive boost in experience and possibly also doing it with one huntress though is that possible we should I'm just gonna get bashed forever that's quite some bash indeed that's I don't know doesn't this doesn't seem very efficient slipping some some German words into this I saw you guys yelling at me well he's gonna get at the end of the day but that costs so much health yeah only a ring for it hunt low bottom low and searing arrow use so it's not even that it's a cheap region these are some yeah he felt he was forced to find it for something to be competitive rest of the camp goes to more weight this is level 3 we're just taking the fight in front of flawless base might help you light a little slow with the micro it will gets the level 3 and that's map control yeah ii cobalt camp oh wow oh wow that's brutal mo hunts forty supply players forces are under attack and as you say that's the camp yeah well I don't know about this we're getting that cab with only one pot m1 Huntress I think we don't like well hey my items are already worth I lost that officer and felt forced to do something creative yeah maybe I think that's it does moon feels so strong that he's gonna try to steal the merchants away that would be quite bold okay forty supply moon push we get glaze by moon we don't have them by Lola but he could use them really well [Music] whose moon back was waiting for his transition but it's finished now players are under attack - blaze ready is moon gonna bring them or is he gonna hide them Josep alone so far he's hiding them and that is okay equal hunts okay we'll reveal them now and that should ignore the retreat for LA lions yeah well I can't fight this ad oh there's no chance starting a few shots oh my god three understand can't surrounded as well yeah got it vanilla surround by moon Swede has the reveal against it obviously playing with fire of course but that's fine with the region TP or GG was the question yeah they did get one hunters in return at least at this unwinnable level for pollen goes to just double three for glaives against zero one will be the one to push but there's no tier 2 advantage it's a 10 supply lead it's unwinnable it's crawling now for mone certainly needs that one oh I'm just into the creep camp something I like Canada for now ma'am moon coming back with a vengeance how does he do it how does he do it like is this the Michael Jordan effect when law lion taunted him with the warden first is this what's happening here you made him angry and now moon is showing his real face he just needed that extra spice to bring his best performance Michael Jordan effect I like that amen he's focused these last two games moon is laser-focused 2/10 kind of destroyed low light on these last two maps to to now and of course we go full distance DC master cap wouldn't have it any other way and the perfect map to end it on moon Meadows ladies and gentlemen yeah thank you crook'd guts for the three-month resub vanilla how are they losing the maps they pick you never know what's gonna happen did you have a game plan everybody has a game plan until I get punched in the face and our reference is all over the place for his basketball no boxing James up twisted meadows years ago was ahead of the meta if you will this is where we started seeing pot him hunts me rough first before it became popular everywhere else okay we also saw a lot of keepers here we sleep in stall alchemists first we took Panda first but in mirror it should just be maybe with Zeppelin's down the road movers check wc3 el finals come to mind log of stuff depends on the starting positions it's also a map that can be amazing for warned creepin and are you kidding me and it's it's pretty likely that your opponent won't be playing the amount here like if you play demon and face a partum hunts you're gonna be in trouble in real trouble there's a bit of dice rolling going on here with the first hero picks okay we're gonna conclude yeah CC masses three three days of awesome Warcraft we've seen moon verse one to zero there was just absolutely glorious and it all comes down to this very map $2,000 for the winner a oh yeah could be loll I at second win in a month after a Warcraft survival battle could be moon second win in a month after winning wgl June called me make qualifier there's been a great final so far both players evenly matched but the later maps of this grand final seem to be in moon's favor he seems to have the momentum that low light exposed all his tricks on the first two maps already or is there something she win this one map $2,200 and we have mercury that does increase the chances of a warden they're not very high imagine if he does it imagine if he beats moon on the final map with warden a second time so no tavern builds at least yeah okay and a light isn't going for the super flashy he's playing reliable predictable is playing a huntress opening so it's gonna be most likely paadam Hunt's opening no creep camp first where moon is going for the creep and low light will be trying to harass this but first of course yes to scout it your choices moon with a okay this is personal now it's the Jordan effect I'm gonna destroy you with your hero oh my god and it's not stupid it does also strategically make sense again if you play demon hunter here first it's super dangerous you can fall behind against the bottom hunts so easy he's doing the morph voice get jester now come at me sick sig series we'd love to see moon in those awesome Morpheus sunglasses remember the clip ons of course its matrix one man I remember everything I remember back then they were actually kind of popular they were not so cheap I think 400 euros yeah Shadow Priests stolen moons game big mana potion yeah makes up for it playing an aggressive bottom stop creeping at all trying to get some last hits but that's not happening and Lola is going for a super fast tech before the Hunts Wow interesting so the priests gone huh and no searing arrow first mm-hmm doesn't make sense I guess moon will heal why's the ward might be able to put a lot of damage on you and that way you can affect ela more effectively from the moon wells so what is this then fast tech still paadam must be some range is like okay if low light is now playing talents to talk like to moon to play his units I think we can rule out air because of the mercenary camps he's playing archers just mass mass archers maybe a Naga mark and Naga improved those timing or something jack I'll just go all the way to you three marksmanship then I think that he wouldn't play double agent of water at least for a while I mean warden is already delayed with her progress only now level 2 or 4 minutes is are under attack well I can go for a second here in a moment if he wants what was he gonna try to set up an archer trap maybe what an interesting game already West scouts domain and mode should be seeing double engine of war no hunter soul that's kind of weird archers around could force the warden in to blink but no I'm not having um fun of knives against this mass build could be pretty dope I think we have to keep an eye out on the entire map that could be our moon has the engine of war here already to scout for ApS I love that wouldn't dark Rangers second be super good yeah yeah Nagai it is also very great so ops a battle Oh Naga Naga Mooney she's gonna kill her there's no staff but can it get the water no gets the Naga kill that's good experience the whispers come do you see that the whispers coming bottom-left wants to send set up a piece but uh uh moon it's already there this is so great I think Goliath's game plan was just destroyed but the longer this game goes whoredom leveling up getting better aura for mass archers could also of course be good so what is this are we going mass odds on both sides now are we back to 123 Oh fine without keeper is so really good we get upgrades and I got coming back one level three we all didn't decide for the second skill point yet moon with the first staff of the game no upgrades of course for low light as he has no answer oh no that moon well in the bottom dad's signals that low I'd wants to push again yeah against the level three it's just at the start of level two with the pardon the warden is a fairly easy target to focus as she's melee she's always gonna be running in close range Oh a shadow meld ambush again I kind of didn't expect that did expect that I think and the options for mode are better supply way it's kind of equal going for that Naga again and second kill no staff well Steph is on the naga here it could be a bigger kill SC's level two mana shield with that quite tanky yeah does survive the focus and the warden has one more shadow strike kills this Archer without it and now kill this Archer with it right into that watch you're going down Michaels is he doing it unbelievable warden Naga mana shield I'm speechless well I came so close but now this game not looking so hot anymore the bottom again in trouble sit with the TP playing with fire a little bit here not sure if he should use all the searing arrows she's so hurt now they're coming back more archers no expansion by moon naga still using the mana shield clarity's now health unknown is quite low though but yeah wait a minute he's got tons of mojo as he didn't use it yet that made against the warden clarity still running cancels it now tier 3 tech by moon right the life he's forced to cream at least a little he's not getting any levels from this he's not taking and he's losing the moon well I think the light needs some involve pretty badly against this focus but these camps are painful to walk into you can't creep these merchants easily no summons no actions of war no tanky hero food think we'll item yet what kind of era is this ward and mana shield in night of morass the Wild West so at what point is for lightning really good in this magic at level three it's pretty good but on level one or you know once the man I'll get three actually it's not too bad even against the protected archers if they a little hurt but not too hard then it's before he'll scroll or something that could be nice tier 3 where moon is almost done getting more upgrades ultra vision for him only 200 archers and both at the same supply so fight right from the light at the moment staff for us no staff well he was kind of cool [Music] oh the red can really top of darkness with resource never fail thanks so much yeah I guess those enemy heroes honestly this doesn't do much expose that 80% soon the light is getting all the items this is a very very very very dedicated push let me just cancel this and keep on creeping yeah it seems like he doesn't want to cancel all right could be a sick backstep we have fork lightening by moon we have yeah no fan of knives here we go much damage on the archers we have marksmanship on one side we have trooper on the other you'll scroll immediately against the first fan of knives this tree is gone we'll ETP allah take the fight he's losing so many archers but she's protected by the mana shield warden reveals herself again using her spells out of mana now hiding again the shadows here potion as well the pot of math the teepee she's getting focused now she can't save herself what about the Nagas you got the in one has to use it the second wise move definitely ahead reveal focus fire no mana for a fault lightning that could have been crucial so now the warden is out of that fight but still alight is the one to TP home 15 supply lead that was very expensive to the Naga and the bag almost dying that covered half of to3 he's getting Hunters Hall as well this expansion was expensive for moon and it mattered if she ever gets to 6 once she get 6 this game is instantly over levels are about 1,000 experienced ahead there's still lots of creeps on the map now I can perhaps catch up shaken creep clockwise now for more it's not that easy well that's gonna have marksmanship here real soon and then the aura kicks in oh yes oh yes love the armor upgrades on moon as well going from zero to two or more makes a big big difference thank you it's ridiculous 300 bits would love to see law light win damage on the warden by the way plus 20 against low HP units its Surya plus of course or plus plus 9 for the postman that's great or she wasn't focused fire so many times alchemists third these guys are so great expansion attempt number two for moon how cool is this dude warden naga alchemist is the ultimate Claus again this poem I will be good yeah he's using all no level to searing around that scouting yeah oh boy lap cam-follower at f/4 for moon red spot fillol ayat there is no TP full online guess the item handed of mana and click it what standing on top of it how bad is that and the aura is gone from the arches has to run now you got that man I want now but I think pose himself oh no what it is asked a triple kill for moon level five or while expanding oh my god these are them knives almost killed by the creeps that's level two for The Alchemist already healed spray an acid bomb damage it's too crazy against these hun I guess these archers that wasn't even an item that gave him too much okay well I about to be killed about to be reversed swept moon with all the arches in the world trying to go for a year okay there's no mana shield anymore but slithers away the bottom dies first hero down moon the legend does it again defeats law lie it with the warden the Jordan effect kicks in 100,000% two wardens in one night of mera series 100% win rate on the warden by the moon the man of the hour carrying his team into the W GTL playoffs winning WGL May and now winning CC masters the first player out except Lin winning this tournament and what an exclamation mark towards rope warriors Yellin LP this moon is on fire yeah absolutely super cool final deserve it winner I guess known the legend the god as we know him to be but also low-light was a great performance almost defeated moon on his way to the final if he had jamika fly and learned very impressive performance as well he is getting closer and closer to finally truly establishing himself as a tier one player who a fantastic final for a night of Marat man this was all we could have hoped for for Laura attic of course a little sad but it's moon and sometimes moon is just moon he defeated Linda was good but moon was too powerful so looking forward to seeing them on w GTL probably facing each other again as we have ll versus rise again so we got 15 minutes of a break and then it's time for w GL western qualifier day one we will start with X naught versus spiral this looking pretty promising afterwards foggy versus side so let's get a little snack and refill our drinks and then we see each other here in 15 minutes with Western Warcraft stay tuned
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 20,658
Rating: 4.907455 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: EHjyRu19y5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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