WC3 - WGL:S Western - LB Final: [NE] Foggy vs. Blade [HU]

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are you ready can we be ready last game of the day lower bracket final the second ticket to wgl the loser can still play the wild-card qualifier but that's gonna be our Nettie's and that's gonna be super tough since fortitude and fly we'll be playing there Hawk probably as well the bracket stands like this X Lord through the winner's bracket with only two map losses foggy finds himself the lower bracket once again late marvelous run so far and now we conclude this another best of five three maps to WGL foggy birds played another great game an amazing week so far towards the end of the week here we've had great matches throughout all of this week and we're continuing tomorrow by the way no rest on Monday quite the ordeal here for foggy this evening was a full best-of-five against explored more than two hours some exertion excruciating games among them has he refreshed has he reset his mind - now face blade Europe's best human late has one weakness and we mentioned this before and you see it here in the tail of the tape and that is the matchup versus night of only 60% win rate but it's clearer where you see the stats versus foggy 79 versus 21 that is very one-sided foggy is one of the best night of versus human players not only in Europe but in the world late so far couldn't catch up with him is it time now forgets defeated hawk already in this tournament and showed how great he is with exactly this hero its warden time this is where normally foggy looks the strongest late-game multiple bases macro high supply multitasking this one we've come to expect oftentimes from terrorists and nowadays and the hero certainly indicate it as well with m'kay we won't see single base with warden we won't see single base so get settled in friends this might be another long one all right if you live fix for the four-month freeze up amazing game and game English thank you very much for your prime stop renegade wizard goes down scroll the beast for blade and the warden what did she get double mantle great start the question is what's next for blade moving to the middle with the MK double Shadow Priests he stole 100k wait what is he not expanding forces he played one base before on this map was it the yourself for another fall someone played one base before on terrorism pretty sure it's blade all right he arrives to struts the creeping foggy also must be quite surprised that's a lot of healing dispel not really necessary here and it doesn't get the tele staff I didn't see no nothing here just sells items late the madman one base techs already berserkers stolen by foggy though that takes some pressure second Berserker goes to blade that is the respectable human force now but normally what works what makes it push like this strong is a level three m'kay but that is far away but fog is also compared to all the other water players the earliest to harass with immediate level three and go maybe blade just tries to prevent this so is it a steel yeah item to foggy Thank You shaming with a four months and coltain with a five boots of dust fan secures the kill staff still up for grabs and what beast isn't staff of better steel compared to boots that's helped the MK a lot especially when it actually does come to fighting when it actually does come to a real engagement we have a blacksmith coming so blade wants to go into rifles before expanding what is this strat blade special normal play didn't really work versus foggy so he prepared something here its warden still not three and that is an accomplishment after five minutes since foggy invested intentional for a second and show for killed so he can't go to the lab he disrupted this warden play hard true but also himself he's not level three and he's not got an expansion to but [ __ ] he doesn't have an expansion either thank you Shaymin coltain and SAR nation for the subs that's the staff that's the typical foggy play and played in typical blade fashion with the late arcade yeah but I mean what is the level three needs one peasant and gets it perhaps later to paid closer attention to this now this starts to hurt all right buying time there's more fans one rifle shouldn't be enough more killed skill that was hard that was rough no clap by the way either blade just pushes forward takes up the Berserker reduces one more for me he's pretty much all the economy ops my second the warden attacking the MK attacking the boy the same guy is killing a lot of Units over there yep that's purchased paid off you know in a second is gonna help but so gonna take a while until then lures will be getting canceled still very strong and he kills the second lore before you got half a level here at the expo a plate that plates X plates echo is so critical waiting for tell yourself to come off cooldown go to harm stuff Catchings arm all right folks it's not a kill Kelly Steph is ready now we that worked out well another obstacle alright so one side is losing the whole army the other side is losing all this economy mm-hm I think he's waiting for the demon hunter yep and then it's time to stash back that makes sense doesn't want to get both surrounded that didn't work against Hawk we saw how great for usually it passed these blink torches but the moon dues is all gone yep it's daytime late just pushes away for me scold 700 gold already in counting for the mercs few bashes could lead to killed right here fan of knives but no kills - should be blink with a mud golem now how good is that can't reach there doesn't want to use it and Lady and the mercs thought this entire tour will miss like that cost the Berserker yep this is a kind of a scary army here that lady's mustering and foggy only one lure can't rush this fell slowly but steady the Mountain King getting mana again will be burned soon we lose and blocks himself a little catches the bash his block gets to the back muddy will soon pay warden with the fan of knives dealing with this army now cutting everything to have in the meantime sanctum is finished more rifles are coming more priests are coming and with priests that's gonna be some pretty decent to spell up here a sustain I mean first please already here a players forces are under attack even hunter deny to the creeps that's weird easier to him up that way I guess then with mu juice and potions and should protect her coming up as well yeah he wants to save the moon juice for the warden that's the key here I guess stumbled on an illusion it's been a long long long long day for both of them these drives are having a tough time long bash again oh there's a lot of bashes when is the time for brilliance they're gonna be a little while no abolish for wool almost a double kill but saves both actually the priest the priest what a hero yeah but the AP is a warden getting bashed crazy there were fun CPU right there what stops it - pretty much everything has to go for the TP now foggy in the ropes this mud golem is so crazy effective it's one of the oldest mud gone we've ever seen surviving for so long and so forth oh how late turns the table on foggy no multi base no multi screen no macro just a rifle puss mala is initiative Fran is good but limited finally gonna get this mom : no way okay the guys make it out but they die one of them how long can play keep up this insane pressure reinforcements should be getting this priest in Istanbul soon do you want to stand out back one kill for level 4 and this Istanbul yeah and there's also better bash which actually in this game makes a big difference I think you just give us a penis forces already hurt already okay it's gone nice fair he does so much damage with these vans but he hits chrome might be ready again oh yeah and blades gonna get it should get it are you trying to steal he got it oh my what a reaction what a presence of mind machen he's dead Oh course he gets it too now the brilliant boy twenty supply lead no water level four link to is gonna change a bit he's gonna be more mobile bears coming now to damage my blade is really good that is doing decent damage here but there's just no follow-up you can't send anything in against these rifles it's gonna get gunned down like it huh it's advice that you can't go for more bears late chokes them out never for what foggy desperate going for that Nate's trying to go for that night but the rifles are a big problem I get the shop here already in one second one gets it now and what's up with the fans now he can tank a little with these rifles Gigi foggy losing Tara nursed and with a very unusual aggressive MK refusing the macro game level 2 MK aggression follow-up tear to push huh dude what's happening here today 104 blade whoa this was all not to be expected none of it quick they were some bugs imagine a wgl without foggy well we have had it before without foggy and happy without foggy and happy blade and exploit though would be strong replacements too early of course to tell Taron us this is fog east hometown this was this is he old stair understand yeah normally he comes to fruition they're always and has a powerful late-game to bolster in my opinion echo is actually better than tearing us but first we go to Amazonia okay for his first pick for he seemed very surprised by this yeah rightfully so who plays this we cast a lot of Nettie's games we catch a lot of nyla versus human on terra's yeah and this normally never happens very rarely yes absolutely Amazonia a much smaller map one of the smallest maps in the pool and a map where the night off first hero isn't so set in stone a lot of wardens here are played quite a few keepers and today colorful showed even a demon hunter can work even against players like in fee but that is kind of a rare occasion normally demon hunters have been failing mostly lately what's far we gonna pick yeah the norm would be kind of keeper and blade should be back to Archmage here absolutely will be I am certainly for the human I'm also expecting a keeper I think foggy has found a good rhythm with that hero and its strategy again against human and it is blade will want to scalp this early and play accordingly against it it's important to pressure the keeper on level 2 and not allow the level 3 to easily so you have like health is rifle push going against the keeper adeimantus seems to be overwhelmed soon probably needs lake actually I would love to have this tone of it offline and just send X Lord and blade to sign up and somehow we have to get a third slot for neutral when he comes in there might be last have seen opportunity here a little greedy stop punished circuit for the keeper and gauntlets automation with gloves no lightning shield hereby blade that's pretty good see the sometimes and slippers both not with like dream drops but this is one of the reasons why they keep is so strong here this early taskmaster cool and yeah I'm harass against it seems a little late or is foggy just so fast blade doesn't go north it will be too late anyways it's gonna go for his own taskmaster for his own level three four he left one of the apprentice wizard okay giving this camp away unpunished is that the right thing you bring the militia to the middle is afraid of grab some contention very pass it early normally we have learned that that's not the greatest thing against keeper as now we have untangled level two but again blade has it's his very own mind we saw that in pretty much all his games tomorrow matches especially today there's no arcane the main by the way surprise late hate the are canes apparently it's just trying to cut every corner possible question is how is this punished by his opponents the answer is right a bit but only level one play has to go for the counter-attack how much damage can he inflict certainly a shop cancel staff back from the keeper and these forties should be in trouble yeah we've seen this in the past 10 days or 14 days when footmen are in range of the key part they are just dead and yeah everyone tangas kind of a kill and that is what happens 3 for free yeah and you know the defend yeah good against archers but don't need officers to kill for these not if you have this bad boy late starts to deny some experience that is seems like quite a feeding frenzy though it's like you won't forgot to play how I get to play against the keeper in all regions though oh no the Nagas more single targets there's gonna be the tier 3 marksmanship stuff again I'm pretty sure yeah I still haven't seen it beat automated trouble Oh foggy what a strong comeback Oh was about to entangle the frog the frog the trader well he's kind of in favor of the night of isn't he part of nature just a different force of nature and to be fair blade was kind of lucky with a couple of batches on terrorists and so let's keep her looking real good again crazy right now all of a sudden he's great again nope great again they doesn't give this up scouts Heights a bit in the base not to have a shop and a her dogs made it dangerous oh no wait is he just dead that was a pretty big mistake I guess keeper is chasing this boot on the Archmage to eat say I got my piece surrounded here opens up the waist or bald though and tangle under up the second hero step out Mountain King say hectic game is running into the archers arrows to the bag Jesus even heroes what's up with this 10 + HP things today first the expansion of 40 with 13 HP now the Spartan King with 12 [Music] how does he get back Auggie he's looking for him but doesn't know where the two heroes are the priests all the priests thank goodness he knows now yeah but keep it was out of mana had to go back to the moon was first alright stressful stressful moment for blade but survives water Joe think about 33 months when it's vegan cooking stream coming it's ready you got a potion how can he okay one in Valle and tangled up its the mk2 tanki that seems like a waste okay it's enough now and that's another entangle breaks out of it with an evil potion but militias are coming and killing a lot of archers mana potion next entangle focus fire no way out no way out good block but double kill for foggy and that might just be the one one pleased what's also pretty good for the keeper know that we think about it yep but four years down to twenty nine supply maybe blade just stays but Tier three is coming Tier three will have two will have triple hero mgs at some points marksmanship orb good point there Zeppelin for foggy to be saved from your stumbles think no stumbled stuff is the only thing that can help late now this little tower it's still a tower in the base of the plate [Music] it is so low creeping for the M cake so that's not bad next symbol is also almost ready again very important against this hero focus style he can come back from this hey I don't know we'll see the town is under siege classic 4kz game simple and drop spot of his play for a long time marksmanship coming Laura's coming late still trying to creep but Optima doesn't even back yeah the militia was just been sent out how we fought lightning right-click third zero for healing yeah that feels good to fully healed army in your enemy base and he's not mining late was ready for a tree and harass but not for Fulham your ass that is so painful one of mana stealing well the Optimates just be greeted by an entangle epitaphs training for just fell yeah all the sapper of course [ __ ] with and now TP out damage done echo wrecked okay dude ladies not giving up though nope he was resting for like two hours and foggy was playing as hard out against X Lord maybe he wants tire mad man lumber is a serious problem for later yeah good thing you're a revived doesn't cost lumber pie it takes a long [ __ ] time under attack marksmanship is ready by the way it's the m'kay carry but with lap instead of bash good leg wins this game how crazy what this fakie like I wouldn't be surprised like ten out of ten if this happens today we saw colorful defeating in fear today that tells you how crazy the day was don't know what you mean colorful just an amazing player all right played at home this time to defend but boy that's a lot of creeping for the other two heroes for for me yeah it's gonna be acid bomb at the moment the alchemist isn't scary just his brain acid bomb nitrous from heaps I'm so busy there's not much to creep anymore the Blake knows do that creep back though yep clap oh oh Zeppelin is on the other side no TV dude there's sentry here yep he's all these archers oh my god who killed all the arches for the second time main is in trouble though how does this man not need an economy it is so time for zappers again so many treants foggy is flooding blades base how long is this Archmage on the bench he's about to be back no separate this time m'kay level four already well well well so the experience got a lot of solar experience lady stop soon Mining past how long is this keeper their crazy game for a crazy day dude Warcraft was once one of the easiest games to cast it was always the same always the same build always the same heroes always the same maps always the same creep route these guys making our life quite hard these days did this a single harassing I am yeah and he's forcing quite some healing now dude what what are you doing blade what if the keeper just staffs on to this well he's used to the feeling of playing MK solo not using to make towers blade Walker thingies mountain Giants coming Warcraft thing is I was reading said and they were talking about the Walker throughout info ego ranking and this was somehow still my brain cache speaking of which EXO it's gonna make a good jump this week yeah I think the back to walk F cup is quite far away from him for so let's take a look at it's a thousand I thought it would be worse madam geez mg's muscles dealing with MGS without tier 3 as human zip the zip is dead really impressive though despite how late has been getting battered this game how he's still contesting the map how he's still making life difficult for foggy yeah yeah before gee I guess this game was over after like what four minutes and then he lost all of his archers and they did office address again yeah kind of man if you lose this game as foggy though that must sting a little bit or attack after the tower pushed against X Lord where you invited him back into the series yep Tier three now shredder it's gonna have all the lumber he needs soon workshop as well so maybe he can go for gyro against all this pesky Zeppelin nonsense how can blade ever afford this Tier three tech well I mean did you see his economy for like two thirds of the game yeah it did because there was none he never lost army though he only lost the peasants all the time and it's only one empty like this is not scary yet you know fire is gonna be real good also staff we're gonna see an early in this didn't miss by keep her as well could play again the foggy can he somehow kill the shredder can't entangle it and can be repaired red spot for blade level 4 go with the Magi Bambaataa games it's a shredder gone no he's right lead lead into one excellent drop them are on the other side of course and three Mountain Giants whoa that's a lot of supply suddenly yeah you're right at Tier three though shredder harvesting lumber in the middle of the map why not hmm no upgrades for foggy at O on the arches one checking if you can go for the red spot that would be quite bold so now I know my plate now you don't need it Lord oh I bought it in volt unbelievable she comes the pally and okay you know fire taking another minute that is a timing window to shorten the MK is ready for the archers oh he's dropping his hands together okay okay oh this would be big if he gets the wisps not willing to commit there we go didn't get anything the peloton dies immediately ye is in focus fire so hard there's a nimble as you say clap again walk lightning well that was an underwhelming interval potion by the way mala shield for celebration for foggy just like me and we have the series tied and we're down to best of three I missed that before so what's left [Music] three more maps last refuge for our second third map I mean concealed echo the next maps if we go full distance for it takes a little break online for 11 hours 10 minutes and we're not gonna stop for that for sure true long stream today and this game could have been over a lot faster late not giving this up I kind of like that fighting spirit yep yep last refuge nowadays also a map very popular with the keeper keeper Expo tier 3 and panda oftentimes played this is the style that moon has been playing a lot so we now foggy studied it foggy stop making these small mistakes I think here on a Z was just a little overconfident but the game she did in game five against Nick Lord like that's not happening anymore yeah true are you feeling it I had a banana in the break I feel so refreshed I had a glass of water and a banana like I would be so great in jail what like I could just sell all my other things I need like a slice of bread and a banana per day and I can trade off my other stuff okay yeah energy level for me now that the very highest but let's get them back up here map three last refuge I don't understand how you cannot be high that's [ __ ] for this may have had to do with the 11 hours of casting we already did tell this point we had a five-minute break in between I know I don't know why like when I was casting the FFA these guys were tired up to four hours it's like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway this is probably the only thing where I can brag that's where I really good at casting Warcraft for long hours so last refuge bottom left blade upper right foggy is this a weird warden play or is that shut down now after this MK Thank You Trish a nine with a super Reno I'm saying keeper let's do it say warden no way okay 5qm boys baby we didn't agree to that buddy I make sense this went really really really well seems like the humans did and maybe it's also like for these hours they play for such a long time maybe less hectic then a war less stressful like one camp after the next entangle focus entangle focus not so much jumping around difficult creep camps difficult routes I mean so blade Expo yay or nay one base player three straight up right like expansions always rare for him even against undead also can slide off on Neddy's the meta here is mostly fast Expo for human but as we said blade has his own ideas you help potato for the five heroes a little extra for the nightshift great stream guys thank you very much thank you so formally already has wisps ready for some detonates and scouting of the nest as well so on the militia no or peacekeeper with +9 that's pretty good please taking that is another it's your to plate needs to apply more pressure this time can't let keep okay little three for free again and seems like you learned in the last game pretty similar to how you place versus standard under holy aggression try to cut through you nerds delay levels last hit late gets it good daughter skills by both to me it's absolutely crazy after all these long hours they are still able to get these lawsuits I could play against AI easy and I work there pretty good man that's pretty good so keeper where to get every answer intercepted and a little ball in the middle late kind of close to level three now you see for getting the blacksmith there we might just be might have been a little busy I'm sorry Akane deny its Oh actually survives all right these are nice very important you mentioned there's a lot like it since second half of 2019 last hits and denies became crucial part of a walker three skill set well that's an interesting creep on the high ground oh my god if blade realizes this this could be a sick creep Jack he's like well what he was just checking it just to do it to get up the checklist it's actually there foggy this gamble didn't pay off they're not guys in as well big last hit late gets it level three he rewards by bite oh and the illusion her ass did end up killing the ancient of war at the Merc that's the only agent of war he wants to play archers he wants to play a lot of archers it's kind of okay doesn't work without mention of war also slows down to creeping immensely straight up into lures I mean he has to go laws for bears right otherwise blade just stomps it I think I'd rather see past your three tier 3 is coming down to them you made escape jog but MK is on the way and militia should also be called pretty quickly here one-for-one trade for the are chosen with foggy being so limited on archers this is good trades for blade I'm not willing to invest the next on vault how quickly its blade gonna go to your three here's the question not there's stuff okay no priest for any just felt yet great bye [ __ ] just right-click this rifle like the footie kills doesn't matter the rifle kills do matter a lot our chickens also matter can't be remade oh I am getting focused hard no TP anymore Kristin yeah can always stop this with a stumble of course has a priest ready double or steer three time no adapt upgrade yet a player's forces thank you Oh two hunts with a 686 donation back to Warcraft great job back students to please would love to we have to convince Ingo to give me the ride one of the wins can always these sweets more CC always appreciate it Pierre three and three-quarters it's several in time and guess what bleh does not have aa weight something of a base something that doesn't move sometime you can Hana kidding is kind of missing huh humans do that a lot usually don't they like these towers right not here gyrocopter coming about this will take some time power belt could prevent this that's a very powerful build indeed oh my god super expose me come keep them like Fiat for Tier three I like zero right now yeah well at least he's gonna get a gyro soon yeah doesn't have a lumber mill either [Music] I'll read captain re that's a lot of experience over here it's not so easy to creep it turns out though he's this everything's about to die that's what stuff ah it's alright damage control yeah high praise heal oh hello fella great word reward Oh to the Zeppelin oh my god oh no no no no no no has to unload saft off the Zeppelin but how'd he get this keeper out the keepers trap he's dead remember when I said oh Fogg he doesn't do these mistakes any more than he did in Game five against exlode yeah guess who's wrong right there when you said yeah creepy this is no problem I know that feel but boy is that an invite for blades come back man Yeah right camps can be hard they got a weird way of dealing with a growl and stuff before he going hard and skin to mg42 hogs coming back now he is triple euro can play just end this taking advantage of the weakness of Boggy right now level 3 and K level 4 am big item gone may die the amount of mana items this day is pretty decent okay for you let's see if you learn from your mistakes this should be a little easier with the MGS would you play I can't kill the altar in time or you lost an officer doesn't seem like oh wait a minute wait a minute and Clarisse yeah stumbled Naga perhaps oh yeah out in the open doesn't really need that clap keeper is back though oh she just ending this no lumber for blade at all it's one of the best defense positions for party though oh by the new ward all right these dryads Oh baby they're taking a lot of damage from The Rifles arch is almost all gone quite a feast seems like [ __ ] he needs a second door but I think he just purchased that one so it's a long cooldown walking walls keep foggy in this autumn is coming back that should be fast pork is gonna be supply stick to em Jesus kind of okay he's rebuilding these no he's not oh [ __ ] Oh m'kay Peter focus has an interval must use it now it was the one in the window sweet and guess what play is getting ready for tea a three step tons of gold hasn't been losing anything for a really long time your blade dude how one failed creep just swings everything around Jesus Naga it okay Steph that was sick Oh without heal disentangle doesn't work anymore and blade is moving forward and forward and forward squeezing foggy against the wall running back in getting distracted by taunt a little entangled this bug quick the smile north uprooted lures killed he keeps his FK up this should be his game level 4 he got 1500 gold yeah we've not been losing anything that after 20 years of Walker's death the key to success just turned as you know just to lose units just like happy maybe we're onto something here getting pushed all the way into the last corner of his base how can you get out master training coming here 3 will unfold for the neckbreaker soon Naga waiting for the next stumble there's one storm bolt here we kind of need to dodge it otherwise that's probably a kill spending his gold does he feel like a almost yeah in the 50s apply not saying anything to upkeep saves them all in walk-in will invoke a it's 14 supply dropping here I'm so stunned how foggy is outplayed in human night out with one bass play this just this is so smart by blade again foggy is the strongest in multi-phase play style harassing everywhere and ages plays one bass yeah he's even giving fogging the finger and coming my bass I don't have an arcane here he is the invite he doesn't care mm golden still not going up keep but now we have inner fire it's just replacing the rifle see looming that's all he does and it's not that many it's always one here and there ever seen flap again to detonate watch me wait a minute oh oh no didn't consider the forked lightning rivals appalling level for no items anymore my good thing he has a bit of a bank yeah Taman revive instantly this push has been happening almost his entire nighttime it's about it's daytime though foggy doesn't have any moon juice anymore he's about to run out of healing watch matches back for the hora hero focus everything you just felt alone entangled kills the alchemist that's the healing gone m'kay it doesn't really matter if he dies he just buys him back it's nice and hot wait W no kill what the streamer visor would be a little much warmth and thanks jeez please please to get healing v am Chris okay was that too much was it triple Griffon aviary Oh like is he just touring with his prey or what's happening here yeah I think he's having a bit of a girl mate you could lose the a.m. again though I think this is the most important series in blades career here right right here that's no need not to have fun no reason not to have fun oh oh no TP no pally it's like it's a trap now I got inves he saw the triple Griffin here by the way yeah uh-huh you can't just go mess wait no what what does he have to do but can he do not much man no if he goes hippos then there's lots of shackles if he goes dry it's and there should be dragon hawks as well red spot and good if he gets killed by a soft way painful already okay Anson Django that's pretty good if this happens at WTI right let's imagine play qualifies and he's an important magic and small I don't moon and he plays this [ __ ] I've gotta rip his head off all of a sudden this man is at 75 supply he spent all his two K gold rifle inner fire Griffin's with a pally on the way foggy survival skills were crazy but what now these bears sayonara can't hold that it's impossible to hold this not expanding it's not giving this up yet two drives about to fall mg about to fall they're about to fall like everything is just dead in will post this time he uses it even in repose in the nagas as well the mass hammer strategy and blade has match points okay two chances to punch the ticket to virtual Shanghai I haven't seen foggy being dominated in this matchup in a long time in a long time I can't remember like even the matches against infi where Fergie was without chances it was not dominated like this but he just doesn't give him multiple points to attack just plays at one base yeah takes the biggest strength away and if we didn't see expansions before I'm pretty sure we're not gonna see one now unconcealed bogey is about to miss the third wdl ever the first one he wasn't allowed to play second one he got eliminated by cashes human when we weren't too aware of his random strategies blade and there we thought foggy was the biggest favorite he came so close against X Lord dude this AP rush that will haunt him in his young what he wouldn't give to go back to echo isles or perhaps even concealed when he wasn't expecting the guards quickly enough yeah yeah was this the knockout punch for fari ladies just stylin on in here when did this game go like what adjust the creep spot pretty much right like in the middle the trade for it against archers was okay but he lost the engine of wall ready yeah this was a same play as well downhill it wasn't do what the creeps I'll kill the engine of war and we kind of know that bogey is more of an early birdie maybe it's getting late for maybe he's just not used to these hours I feel you for me I can't sleep until like 5:00 a.m. tonight I'm alright concealed match points for played his first wgl is one map away we would send two debutante to wdl this never happened they know me yet they know they're happy is therefore he that cashes their [ __ ] hunter of course I'm sure sonic left a lasting impression everywhere he goes right okay late upper right about to punch the ticket how much it is keeper it is I think what play was doing in the very early on LR was the right call get level two and then be aggressive don't let the keeper creep really to level three does this work here as well as as well as it did on last refuge I think it should I think you keep I think here can be even faster with the aggression because you creep the first camp the normal one with the militia and then you move out with level 1 a.m. you start the tech and then you call militia and do the green and can simultaneously get level 2 that might be a way to play this and one foot is going to be scouting out the opponents whereabouts I imagine what's what's the special trick by blade this time for your third law again start with comes in late what oh it's a level two for the keeper that's very nice yeah don't need to go Turtles it's not the end of all hope of foggy losses still the wild-card qualifier but man that thing's getting stacked by now fly for to remind for me Hawk who that's not gonna be easy imagine have heat signing up that would be cruel awesome wc3 fanboy thank you for the 25 months Raji take my energy but now blade is pushing into the night of basic and against the keeper with them tangle did of an AZ already in that backfired hard yeah the other key boys level three so it was worse but I think you should just contest the map keepers very close under level three just moving away from it now if you gets the object kind of okay these two detonators were a big deal for the keeper got him very close to the desired level up all right Foley's got a solid early here again Fogg is back on track text as well about the same what look at the base there's a tower I can't believe this it just took him six hours 15 minutes to realize that a tower can be pretty good in this matchup or in a tournament in general he's learning from his mistakes as well not stubborn three here we go this is the power spike just a couple of arches and stop wonders I was to look really close to tier 3 at you faster at camp pretty cool sniping the Overlord mm-hmm seems like it's not ready for that no contesting a shop that closed I'm not sure it is Wow this will weird big-booty over-counting not the greatest reward but also not much damage blade is pushing again what the hell so let us said he's the human sonic all of what is there gonna die there's no question about that how much damage can you do in the meantime I guess he has a choice of researching defend and make them worthwhile now oh no I am gets out oh that's a big mistake like three box and the footman also how did only one footy die there are you serious whoa that's a big missed opportunity by foggy this wdl qualifier is a marathon is he running out of steam here such a hierarchy remove turns out it was the right one who would have known again Mountain King four blade again what's he doing with his time it's a pretty quick penalty sorceress damage to three second and four once he didn't lose a lot of options in the other game and he didn't lose the engine of war so this is where the strategy and falls the water metal Scout but how much can you really do here all the damage of the MKS is listen it's trying to block damage like the heroes are already 50% it's another kill good max damage can't really afford to lose to these rifles here though what you won't give him another gift like an LR hopefully all of militia time use perhaps again making t3 difficult foggy of course long on tier 3 all the way already 40% and small more kilts foggy is switching the targets from Fruitland to rifles and this seems to be great we got staffs here they're more mana but good slow from the Naga the archer style once again looking really good Rena bringing quite some damage so Zeppelin time this time there is an arcane as we said this boat coming up great for the rifles well more level create my stuff again the workshop that's going to be delaying tier three once again it's probably just like crazy yes of course he only has 20 lumber though yeah all right fall you can't do too much in the main perhaps once you go somewhere else put on scouting seeing what's going on good defense this time by just being there but it's more time for foggy internal or unfolding a player's forces are under attack and here's the gyro good here like what never heard it before thanks for the rest of the red spot goes too far guess well to do some surprises to default lightning maybe and some level from the alchemists er as well seven supply free for the MMG thank you working on well yeah yeah definitely agree eat em geez they took the scales oh beep drag here with a flan could be really power okay yes of course he is on the naga hero focus immediately but new spray is ready and ladies losing quite some stuff but there is the club only level one detente isn't ready still able to force a TP and came the respite for himself with a couple of obstacles well done yeah my bad my bad replenish right after that looks noise no tier 3 by blade going sorcs and in base did that before it's one sort for envious m'kay and that's pretty much it oh that gyros so cool looking forward to move up north again sees foggy isn't coming so he knows he's very safe to creep this and also his natural you can go for the lab if he is feeling feisty again first NGO mastership coming no different upgrades for our mgz visa forget about them keeper into the main plates and upkeep by the way also along not for long o'clock for expanding clean safe scroll of the beast or blade the Penta foggiest there or not usually yes players forces and I ceiling now at the fountain but it sounds a creep checkable Judy flying machine sees it early Oh in the m'kay with the ending is that clap could be crazy missing the m'kay there we go one staff but that wasn't against the last one Tom fall out early from this alchemist to cut the Sufi mask and a lot of healing but the second town for will in just a bit am level four that's pretty good does he imagine an expansion down there if this is super cool with a gyro you can speak Scout so much so fast a players horses are under it yeah that's really cool need to scout this does it and he's so close you can shut this down yeah it's definitely a cancel keeper or steps on cooldown but it's still not Tier three for blade the town is under siege realize this image on the MK looks like a weird investment just once orc and free upgrade for that sort yeah but oh is it impactful with the class will it push through the entire night time again keeper this is stepping back another clap burning through his mana quickly as the MK I'm not willing to commit to scroll yet you know focus of the Naga claps okay will he pay for his life not yet mg is blocking the way out seven seconds in world only there's more entangle right not much more will is also super dry in the blade got what he wanted killed the expo killed the Nagas didn't lose much mic road right there they die very fast these marching trip archers can you drive again there is more juice must be careful scroll the beats committed but only on half of the army late is rebuilding units say 456 for here no upkeep how do you expand in the back of this fight in the middle m'kay Geils : TP on him sentry ward and tango and this must be the TP must heal Scott wants to stay in this make God he's so brave get the stone ball ready but allies for these continuing to do this units ladies not again that's the secret after all these years of Warcraft we finally figure it out where's the storm ball gonna land was he gonna go clap knockouts gonna be back very soon though yeah in case it still hurts sick that Nate doing lots of damage to these walls and lentils never have for the alchemist plus the subway mask he's a savior still 17 supplied not 10 all of a sudden late needs a new interval here it seems yeah can't commit to this with the Mountain King solo and he wants to keep up the fight and he can if he just retreats to the shop a little froggies X bottom plate scouting was great really smell versus you this gyro so yeah the one gyro at the once orc diversity huh great impact our clients a bit of free experience okay foggy trying to hold this with fifty supply as a bomb fork Lightning clap all used here in repose and yield scroll aiming for that alchemists staffed out no he'll spray at the moment expo finishes but it won't be standing for long I don't think doesn't have nature's blessing daytime illusions again taunt all right but he's lining up for the next clap okay impose imposing TP oh yeah in the portal is gone already alright expose last-second kill blade got almost everything you wanted foggy supply stuck at fifty got two expansion shut down and can't jump up to seventy and dad is finally time for the tier three ladies getting closer and closer and closer and the gyro again out scouting Oh m'kay about two at level four that's very nice lots of great items from the small camp ring evasion pendant area for you trying to expand bottom-right gyrus should be scouting for this a player's forces are under attack oh the gyro getting intercepted by the archers didn't see the bottom right okay that's some time for froggy maybe also little suspicious what's the items in wall and Hills phone OTP he put on the way into the main she realized this all the gyro sees it nice he doesn't care one bit for p2m geez but blade be dead before the expo again keep her ass again very annoying are you chapters export out again gyro saw this a lot of peasants going down in the main focus got almost a thousand gold I got it now played at 350 will we go full distance Oh will we again go full distance all depends on this hold I guess almost mining up domain late lost almost all his economy he can't eat up that easily why it wasn't the case when a check last moves again empty needs to heal spray is not moving into the hips we are just a blocking big damage may for me though but he wants this expose so bad and he doesn't get it ladies down to one passage and the keepers is going north again ready to do this play again nighttime forced over already but will be nighttime in a bit again hope somebody alchemists stair-step keep us back aggression is his best offense next time MK is completely out of mana here quickly blade has to fall back a little should be researching priest master training now isn't doing it at the moment he's focusing on his economy that could queue it in Lodi again thousand volts can't go to new shops or something he's pickups they're not that crazy this should be crazier now it's nighttime so much region again alright main goldmine 300 foggy out of lumber plate still 1200 due to the your asses it's gonna be a fight until the last year and I feel close to level 5 bottom edge should go brilliance are all right I think so under attack Gen Con yeah how do you get out keep us there has a staff Fergie's out mind moves the tree over bottom right keeping stats on cooldown yeah can you kill is keeper the F mala with a slow anti magic good dogs it's all just too slow too far finally master training and appalling is coming that's big upgrades for blade has he gonna had a single shop this game well he built a tower already right so don't expect too much we're getting there I'm getting there 60% in the fire at the gyro go down I think so yes no gyro anymore more rifle lizard okay it's gonna be hard to position well though having a good blizzard that doesn't just get entangled right away and focus fire and stuff yeah well ladies they don't think was she under say I'm did oh my god it's nothing but there was the case before and it didn't really matter good defense is set up here by fari he kept the century for really long for a crucial time and I was gonna have to text in here against this in this okay foggy is mining again in a bit nine gold three mg's blades all in push he's out mind as well waters gone he knows doesn't it was okay but he doesn't know where level five heart rates still close big flank acid pump didn't it - well Fault lightning on the priesthood that could be crucial MK goes into the back tries to go into the back it's not too much actually good for euros a lot getting entangled getting right click there is a nimble there's a you scoff militias coming in as well Holy Light clap again block brighten to go into the US well there was a lot of item alley in trouble not a spell for him oh there is you - holy this MK as well with the fork lightning the carry is gone the support is about to be gone as well average being healed one more time the blizzard has to do it now but the fields hopeless had tangle in this out of there but the paladin he's oh my god inves saved again plated 46:20 supply lead the MGS are about to die the Archmage finally falls with that it's GG and of course we end this week with a full distance best-of-five foggy is still alive he wasn't only in the ropes he was with one leg out of the frickin ring but this game let's all the foggy fans hope again that looked better last [Music] map can foggy keep his nerves together late was he ever in a position like this this map normally means fast Expo normally means warden yeah what's know what's normal man what is normal sealed he'll go into fog in this series wouldn't it be fitting if he destroys him now with the warden after being countered so hard on Terra nos wouldn't this be full circle maybe a good story of redemption and we writing quite some stories here this weekend either blades first wgl or foggy with a crazy comeback we by the way broke the 12-hour mark easy and we are back in around 12 hours tomorrow by the way yep thank you fortress for the four-month grease up home for G from 40 with love having forgive my wife thank you very much 40 how fitting it supposed it's about to be ghost time midnight in 20 minutes ladies ready waiting for foggy maybe he goes into his uh what's it called the Dragon Ball Z chamber yeah he doesn't even time to write into his you know mind tries to concentrate again we saw him meditating a lot yeah a tenth map in a row here for foggy yeah he was one map away against X Lord and was one map away against blade massive shout-out to our admin new hero by the way who carries this pretty much alone today for seven hours straight and it's just he's just a freaking blessing absolutely hero you deserve some room after this we all do we all do you got some cracking at home finish did yesterday go back to Havana I think you expert smiler for the two-month resub still waiting for foggy no response at the moment thank you Mike so from three euro donation these games are not ESL thanks for casting it - great job thank you Mike's so foggy foggy with the go easier let's do this the last map of the day here we go one last time that asking is that good of your grandfather left yeah best of seven this is the last map of the tournament of the stream of the day whoever wins this follows X Lord to wgl summer to fight for $70,000 it's no babe they are already in the fallback net in the safety net but with after losing to explore so plate is that ultimate or is it working I think it's a.m. could play em m'kay m'kay one base just like I'm tearing us okay it's an engine of work at the Merc there could be a one it's not rich it is a warden okay okay here we go foggy trusts her again after she let him down on map one the mountain king overwhelmed her he never got back he trusted the keeper but not an echo else how to beat the warden echo that is a question that we've asked a lot of times yeah if we go to base to base and she ever gets level five it seems impossible to save your peasants no lab on this map know for a second I thought he was gonna teleport no Zeppelin we will wait we load up the peasants yeah so this time fog is getting his own shadow please ladies not stealing anything away just yet with no engine of warden I ring of region for the warden fantastic but doesn't get a lasted don't tell me your tower pushing dude do that oh great mr. Scott stealing experience away so again back to this kinda game steal experience away from your opponent he's relying on tripping at the same time or he's nowhere near as only whispered mating it's a mistake double claw for blade this is good it's real good you should take this out undersea plate taking are you taking now how many great human worst night of maps syriza's have been decided on a coils that creep jack to shut a prison smeared big damage damage dealers here now no way to save this one so notice but I gots puzzlement to say more but mana is low at the moment anyway said he'll strike again wardens trying to bully yeah yes TP I would tell blade what to do he knows better I guess you're right but he has his very own head right wait what oh no plate what this will take out and the warden my god no wait how wasn't he in range anymore it's nighttime now probably know also vision can he just outrun him this freaking the safe against hawk on last refuge and now this he fools her for these are trying to get the engine of work kill you can't quite get it though not yet there's another tree consumed whisper as well and double mercenary for me this was expensive once again but worth it same goes for the donation by carthoris 20 euros you guys are still at it to champions hello from Boston keep up the amazing work greetings and thank you it really feels like you can go for only one or two level three now big Lincoln fan there's no leakage I look like no fan and Tinka or panda Naga teeth what Gingka could punish this creep so hard nah goddess and the one bass one bass very good for the pickup good positioning for fogging this must be a TP oh we got a potion because it's exactly that well we still set that before okay Sehwag and ego double-click TP he knows it's double-click TP star therefore must be somewhat Musk yourself okay watch me save he's going real Doughboy what what wait what this is at work now I cleaned the rest scroll the Beast same as weird oh really wait hotlink Archmage's so another look stop old no link yeah but cait Istanbul again this heel is not enough wasn't enough and no second stumble at the moment blade is he to address if is he - Baldy what game fine mace this is mistakes adding up arch Mitch down foggy getting experienced Naga can't pressure stays on tier 2 for long oh that by Safari is so much time and time is what you wanted award that's exactly what you want to do first of all water coming he has no time for that Oh what if the staff ready is the question this could be so brutal but it's not saves the staff Giants are coming in now all of a sudden it's blade under tons of pressure what is here full mana shadow strike trees need to work overtime ouch match back good retreat couple periods foggy with his best sonic impression this game thank you Abra keep opera awesome nickname 12 hours guys unbelievable don't let Abbott's Minister find out that you only took like 15 minutes of a break today take this as a sign of appreciation you wonderful human beings thank you very much thank you thank you alright it's still only Channel strike it's only single talking with the Giants are following this up in kind of moon fashion call to arms right almost all the lumber workers Archmage is still not three it's taking one even after the next shree of eternity is almost done that's warp nets Master Bears Death Mountain Giants get so much from play ladies losing one unit after next good amount of rifles here now 44 supply supply ways it's even but levels levels and economy are a real issue staff back now all right blade what's the play here yeah that upgrades 50 supply he is broke waiting for the long rifles and go obvious tier 3 though and all this economy her ass is so smart to prevent human tier 3 if human gets big army 70 supply with tier 3 that is super strong but if there's no lumber that's not possible he's leveling up that's when he leaves the arch moves on to to go for Mountain King on three he'll screw up in the ocean again absolutely necessary first three bears with a finished master training parties going for the throat there's openings there's no towers this free reign it's level four things are spiraling out of control yes this times looked like a base race over here and you know was one of the greatest in these Bay's races the Fox stuff he's just sacrificing the main yeah is that the right call foggy has a teepee foggy has master bears that's the only three peasants on a way that's a few more six peasants he doesn't kill them though Fergie supply stock one can blink after her if needed shop down and rifle to kill these moon wells to prevent the region and also giving up the base oh boy late has no resources for another base foggy neither Tom Pollock he did kill the building I'm not sure the main yeah he did alright so no more income for blade probably ever moon well is falling but it's dry anyway doesn't do too much for lightning is good Mountain King s almost has no mana has to rely on the aura this solo shadow strike again is there a way to save him with an impost yes there is preset to work overtime right things from a nice concave of blade needs to let you off work the naga needs to let the off work for him bears down Naga film 150 percent osmate in trouble there's no TP can follow this up fork lightning is this the end and seems like it ah qh faults for the second time and this is it foggy goes to w GTL well done by foggy there in the end does find his footing again almost lost his chance twice but prevails in the end and won't have to miss him another time hey blade came so close but this season won't be his to make his debut still has the chance to go for the wild card but man dad was kind of devastating for blade playing so good this entire tournament coming so close but not enough foggy finding his mojo again at the end not making mistakes and it was after the disappointing warden on Terra nas the dominating shadow strike warden and that game 5 was the map where blade did the major mistakes and you can't do that in a game 5 yeah true they'd allowed that obviously oh ok there was a long day of Warcraft my friend but we just can't get enough so we're back tomorrow at noon here is once again your final bracket Europe the western scene since X Lord and foggy vice world champion is going back to the online competition WGL this time an X Lord will debut all the others have a shot in the wild-card qualifier next Friday and Saturday we're gonna of course broadcast this as well we're gonna fortitude and fly there among others for the last shot the two remaining spots that was quite an awesome day tomorrow we continue with W GTL the $120,000 tournament with ll vs rise with vs. rock warriors and LP vs. rise again thank you very much for tuning in thank you very much for the support we are done see you in pretty much exactly 12 hours
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 16,569
Rating: 4.7307692 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: xlcBa3vY6L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 38sec (6278 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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