WC3 - ToD's Tag Team 3 - WB Final: Foggy & HawK vs. KraV & Starbuck (Ro16)

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looking forward to this match for sure starting with the two and two once again foggy and hawk and kraft and starbucks how good are foggy and talk together i didn't see the first round match honestly they they used to be really good i feel like but i don't think they played that great uh off i don't know i don't want to take anything away from their opponent as well but yeah they lost to uh whiz and said double night elf double knight also weird combo reminds me of good old wc3l days with uh axe love and strife crow that was a fun combo you remember that by any chance but okay we get our overlays up i guess always a little extra effort for the two and twos and then we kick this off the two and twos in this uh format especially important i think yeah because whoever wins the two and two is gonna decide who would play the fourth match if there is a fourth match so if you have like a match that you feel much better in then that's the one you'll pick and in this case i feel like they would probably try and avoid foggy for that one yeah that'd be their biggest chance no faith and hawk today sorry no faith and hawk today oh it's just like between him and foggy you know it's it's very clear that foggy is like way scarier in my opinion so i not only forgot the ping thing like you earlier today but i also have the wrong zoom like whoa i said i forgot the zoom as well like this one fight into so it's base this fight was all over twisted meadows it felt like it was crazy you guys picked a sick match to cast for a first match because that was really amazing today those games i can't wait for more man it didn't really feel like ping was an issue which was nice i mean it wasn't ideal uh scenarios i think for neither of the players but it never felt like one party lost because of ping or something that was nice yeah because they didn't complain i think all of these guys are like really nice about being like la cifron every time that he played away on west india and he played a lot of games on west india he had 181 ms in lobby that means that in the game he probably has close to 200 and he never said anything but yeah for sure he wasn't like he lost these heroes multiple times with like greater healing and stuff and i think he could have maybe probably played press that earlier you know to adapt to the ping but if you're not super used to it it's very hard and of course ping is always difficult to deal with yeah but here should be perfect conditions we have european servers and they're really good so let's see what these guys bring to the table hawk and foggy no race switching here as we saw prior uh with vortex playing night off i didn't even know he had an off race and lawler playing multiple races today yeah i played human as well yes i didn't really expect this i think he just wanted to count me and then it worked that's actually his operation like his his uh second race he played a lot and he wins a lot of mirror matches against [ __ ] and chemical so maybe you wanted to taunt you a little bit we saw that in chat as well and uh we're quite good i realized after his series against low light that started but there was a great thing i could have said which was when the veto started i was like i would have been like hey pick human show me imbalance again before playing vortex imagine if you yeah oh my god oh my god and then he wins can you imagine that it's pretty good i would lose my mind yeah but i definitely would agree to what you said earlier i think craft and starbucks are the favorites here i think the combo is a little better and they might be more practiced in two and two in general yeah in 202 i think they're one of the on the best european teams actually right now i will go as far as saying like i think they are very very good they are one of the people that take this or just the two and twos in general the most seriously they had the show match against i think it was grubby and knock a while back they practiced like mad for that and then they were like okay well we gotta detect him and there's wp champions playoffs eventually uh at the end of the season coming up so the other guys that in my opinion practiced the most and one of the best teams out there but i'm already a little surprised this is craft and there's no crypt lord what am i seeing is this a bug yeah it's maybe playing some mind games here i don't know maybe because of the map they thought that it would get like out crept out maneuvered if they went for [ __ ] lord it can be kind of hard sometimes to pull off it's like lots of us open spaces and like running around potential but then again they'd be the players with the aura technically right to that so this is one of the new oh we might have a creep check here let's hold that thought for a second are there in time doesn't seem like it they're willing to engage into this already that's quite early yeah hawk once you have archmage level 3 you always want to start fighting a little bit here and there but archers are really the danger unit like once you move anywhere on the map those guys are going to die very quick that's an entangle here yeah they're not doing too bad so far it's a very weird strut by kraven starbuck not often you get to see like tc grunt being played and he's still tier one to that no headhunters in two and two is really weird it's an absolute slaughter in the middle of the map i think two grunts went down two footmen a couple of archers wild start yeah got unfortunate with uh can i talk to you with some of the items here it feels like the scroll of the beast in the first place is not amazing for foggy and hawk because of the units that they are making but they can save that up for later when it's gonna be much better when there's like two big armies and use that the value is just like insane and a craft force to temple i don't really understand this build like if if you're gonna stay here one for this long here starbuck i feel like you probably should have expanded like at the top there is a whisper in the position though and on the other side the expo is already up for hawk yeah i don't really get that either there's a lot of sustain on foggy and hawks side as well now so it's gonna be hard to break this expo and they have a bit of firepower thanks to krav that's it they're not rushing tier three they just arrived at tier two it feels like now there's attack by starbuck but yeah that does feel late indeed yeah i don't it's kind of i really expected them to just play like the one build that they've had so much success with on ladder i wonder what the reasoning is for them playing like entirely differently maybe it's like a one-off because of the map but as of late teams like chic and bizarre and craven starbuck it was a lot of creep lord expo and then on the other side faster head into and then just that very solid style that a lot of people have been struggling against but like i said then again so in the low lights they tried that today and they lost on that one map yep so maybe we were wrong and this push will work out great with the dark ranger edition it's something you don't see too often in two and two but kind of makes a lot of sense against footman against archer against workers this dark ranger can have great impact yeah i wonder it was probably call of starbuck i would assume oh my god the archmage in danger gets surrounded can he get up no it's not a full surround there is a round and he has to town paul any town follows down there this shop and there is he's not tier two yet so he cannot buy potions they're chasing the other heroes now yeah it feels like they don't realize that they don't focus too much on it nice block by craft definitely another kill oh boy this is more murder damn i'll show it feels like there's such a terrible unit two out here they just get caught and die yeah your plan is to go giants i guess yes so often with night elves in in two and two for sure it's it's kind of weird what do you start with as human native right do you want footman archers do you want footman huns do you really want to start hunters and rifles yeah i think i assume and if you expands the question is like i mean you're always going to open with footmen but then the question is what do you go after do you try to make rifles and stay on tattoo i would say against what the opponents are playing right now maybe it wouldn't be so bad to do that at least get a lot of footman defend in the first place but hawk he doesn't have a second racks he's going to rifle that one rifle is stuck he's going to shoot the grunts inside of his base right now wrecking those peasants oh no the worst rifle ever look at all the skeletons man this dark ranger is working so well there's one arcade tower but yeah say goodnight to that the grunts will they even leave oh my they survive hey the alchemist fell it got surrounded he was going to stuff out got cords and now starbucks fishing for surround on the keeper probably gonna buy staff there is no stomp yet okay he gets dust but there was already a dust oh there wasn't not true pocky you was the one that used to confuse me you're supposed to buy the dust in this potion and then sell the dust usually but maybe he was so stressed that he clicked on the other one instantly yeah recently in many many series it felt like foggy does take some time to get online really it's not like it's the first map of a match and and foggy is there 100 percent yeah yeah i mean during a dreamhack i think it was because we were playing without zoom maybe yeah because because for some freaking reason i don't know like the zoom wasn't allowed which is really stupid but here in the here this tournament you know we're pretty smart so we allow obviously everything like hose bots zoom and all that so yeah foggy is right now playing walker three basically from the moon he's got the sixty thousand zoom probably same as low light right all these night elves lola had played human with like an absurd zoom i was looking at the stream i'm like what is this i can't even see anything maybe that's the key to success yeah maybe oh mountain giants around that's definitely not a key to success you know it's funny actually like low light played so weird as well like he plays something completely off meta that nobody does he just made mass casters in my foot but he made no breakers rusty front was so confused i'm sure by what he was facing okay it takes forever but this seven supply is gone craft is causing more trouble at hog space wow to kill the giant plastic around again yep lynch is on the way and hawk is completely screwed he has the nk level one he's barely got any rifles and another surround are you kidding me and this stuff okay there's now a staff and alchemist and orb yeah you probably don't want to fight this but maybe you can kill the alchemist again [Music] it's always the thing that we hear you just have to get mg's out well he's got energies up but i don't know about the rest of the army here oh the archmage there's no tp alchemist falls ultimate falls i think we're close to a double g todd yeah hawk really struggling here not the best base builds and the expansion was countered super well here with that attack i mean it's so much speed to even just have endurance level one and then unholy alright level one it's already so much speed for the orc and uh undead's team starbuck is doing a one-on-one with foggy and crime is doing a one-on-one with uh yeah and both are crushing their opponents like it's not even close really altar falls as well so the heroes won't come back foggy lost 14 supply mountain giants without getting anything out of it okay maybe a grand or two what come on yeah the the sanctums were going down at the expansion here of hawks so he's finally getting some sorceresses out but i mean it's trying to counter the grounds which is the only army of starbucks right now he's finally adding a vista he like super late he might have been feeding crab until now for craft to get online like super fast with the tier three but yeah crab all he has to do here is to get a couple uh a couple destroyers and then these slowing casters will be countered extremely well after that yeah the first one is already out maybe second and third one coming soon first he crushes all the workers in hog space lich is level two already didn't creep a single camp hawk's archmage is back okay willing to fight more but he's losing quite a bit here as well now that the shadowhunters in starbucks should tp i think yeah there we go it's almost level five so we can get that easily by going to creep a little bit because finally he got countered effectively but it took both players to get on top of him and finally uh not let him escape here with this this full grunt army i mean this is weird like orc brain in full effect to stomp surround craft expanded on the back of things so now they are base up as hawk was losing his main base and attack i don't know what foggy and hawk have to do here i think they should just creep a little bit and then try and take somehow like a really good fight um awkward made the altar at the expo so we can remake the mountain from there here in a second there it is but yeah you can just get casters like this is just terrible i think he's gonna re-expo yeah sending peasants oh wow in the meantime they tried to creep up a storm but that camp okay with mountain giants you can creep everything on any map i guess it's a tough camp and they are getting creep jacked oh no don't tell me they steal this unholy aura 2 and [Laughter] alchemist is getting nuked bye bye keeper is getting nuked bye bye gg yeah everything's getting nuked dude that was pretty one-sided yeah uh i need to fix my zoom this was really bad i cannot believe yeah okay then i'm adjusting the score and i think uh you take care of maps and all furious start by crafting starbucks which is a weird combo a little bit like how do they know each other do you know like what led to to them playing together i'm not actually sure like yeah i guess they might have encountered one another at some point and then they got offered right do we know the next map s e i don't even know what the abbreviation stands for s e is shattered exile oh we saw that before that was a cool one mafei one of my favorite map makers of them all always something special for us in store uh i think that lobby is bugged i don't know rehost yep yep yep thank you carter's portland for the nine month reserve much love yeah i don't know why there's like this bugs sometimes but as long as we notice and we don't try to start i think we're fine yeah yeah i don't really know why that happens either but should be fine now it's back right maybe it's because there's three teams displayed and we have so many observers i really don't know i should wait until everybody joins maybe to make it like a four-player map true we figured this out we learned i think maybe the more observer the more chances it bugs out like this yeah should we join after the players are in that's the easiest right well i'm hosting so ah two two to two there first yeah just tell me when the players are in at least we reduce the chance by a little bit that it box again yeah you can join okay yeah this looks good yeah you got an easy match today in terms of issues there was only like one regame needed i've had matches where we had like so many regains like so many rehos it was insane with the chinese especially because i saw something like is he pulling a sceni or something oh no cindy actually he was gone for a while and then his teammate even said like hey i think he left and i was like what the hell and then he shows back up and he's like yeah i was taking a bath big match he was taking a bath before playing the last matches so that became a meme so that's why somebody like vortex earlier said yeah i'm gonna go take a bath yeah i gotta get a second priorities man he wanted to relax a little who can blame him unreal man these guys professionals please use a good bath bomb are you a yes kind of guy i am definitely a bad kind of guy and i saw the bath bombs on i think your instagram or something yeah have you got a nanny or not yet i forgot the name after i saw it lush bro lush bath bomb okay so what they what do they do they just make like uh products like soap whatever like all as cosmetics and whatever and like one of their things is their bath bombs they are amazing they smell so good they make your bath look beautiful it's it's great man okay i'm gonna order some after the cast and then i'm gonna show you later or tomorrow whenever they arrive um what do you do when you're in the bathtub are you watching movies or series or you're listening to music or nothing for one sec they're confusing me with the maps okay why should losers be rewarded though well because they lost yeah so why would you reward them for losing they should be punished it's not a reward it's more like yeah handicaps i know i know just fooling with you all right ready ready go go yeah for their first match i um i wasn't available because i was playing masterchef so site kind of took over so maybe that's like a blurry memory or i'm not sure how the vehicles were handled but it's supposed to be a b a b veto and then a b pick but which means the peak holder like in any esl tournament but they might have thought that it was a b pick for uh as loser's choice but then we would have played the third map first now we played the map first so it i don't know yeah it's fine vetoes and players man they never read the rules i feel it doesn't matter what you do they will never learn so you have to explain it over and over and over again just like nobody reads the chat rules right it's like the therms and condition anything yeah you just scroll through and then you press exit yeah exactly and then you complain later i didn't know it's like this well you didn't read the things he banned me just because i said this and this because i asked who was opponent actually it's not even in these rules that's why i asked that i was confused i was like did you remove it like can we not ask who is the opponent he should just install the booster right and then nobody would ask anymore you should just ban the word opponents or that yeah yeah all that would make things so much easier for him but oh look at this we got a rifleman opening by hawk yeah we saw thorsen actually play with paula rifle extremely well in two and two star-shaped and those and they were able to beat lin and moon that's so sick man these guys are so sick and then at w3il they got beaten by ido and sunny that was wild yeah who the hell loses to edo yeah yeah exactly how can this guy even reach the quarterfinals in esl [Laughter] a crippled build on the other side it's like a kind of easy expansion might be on the right side they both would be towards it it's so strong this build i think honestly like you just get a shot towards the expo and then the criplod is the one using the clarity so he has like a lot of impels and then depending on what the opponents go for you you get impaled level 2 on level 3 a lot of the time against mass i'm not actually sure but i feel like it might be better but there's going to be a timing when hawk and foggy both reach like you know 30 to 40 supply but they're gonna be so strong against ghouls and expansion because ascribe you don't have so much army yeah i think you can stop the timing push a little bit especially with impale but need some follow-up so it's definitely up to starbuck to create some space and i think that is already working wonderfully as he is attacking the engine of war good splits against the wisp so the detonate won't do too much if he cancels this engine of wall it's already so much time won it's super far forward so far he's like almost in the center i think he wants a big indicator for starbuck and krav that the opponents want to play aggressive it almost should discourage craft to expand but i don't think he can help himself and why wouldn't it work so well for him i think they wanted to clean the mercenary camp and then push with some kind of mercenary support yeah i think yeah if you're hawking and foggy like foggy just wants to harass a bit hog will just level for a while and like i said like 30 to 40 supply for both they just go and the army will be so much stronger they can attack anywhere as well they could attack the organs i'm a little bit surprised at starbucks fast tech i feel like usually when you see this kind of build like if it was chicken bizarre you would see a lot of second barracks and then orc just think tiago one and going to 50 supply with mass head hunters to make sure that he can support his teammates and get the expansion online get that [ __ ] lord leveled and then they can start spamming impels and then just win the fights yeah this is what i saw as well in w3al and some show matches but new approach i like that they switched things up maybe they figured okay we we can get away with this there's no time that they have to to punish this and if i have a i don't know shadowhunter out or something then it's even easier yeah craft but double class here well on the way to level three put them in the center and yeah now there it is the second rocks so maybe starbuck just wanted to rush that troll regeneration upgrade on tier 2. get 45 as well to help him out with that and maybe a second hero here in the plants yeah i think second hero can be really good either shadowhunter alchemists maybe even a pit lord i think shadow into your usual choice here to help out with the healing because there's already so much damage with head and toes impaired and all that it's good to add a little bit of sustain okay hawk hasn't taken it yeah it looks like he's expanding but pally rifles expansion no way right you know when thousand does this barely attacks after two rifles this build is so sick that's possible because uh usually star shape is covering a lot with the keeper play right yeah yeah i think at least i'm not an expert but foggy should level a little bit because you only have steering arrow right now so i think at least true shot level one would be very helpful absolutely it's gonna be a cool double uh aura play by foggy and hawk with devotion and shoe shot on the other side there's nothing yeah eventually uh we're supposed to get unholy aura when dk comes into play and gets the two but there's not even a tech yet for crab oh my god they're gonna try and creep the reds okay this was quite a quite a beast but it looks like the jacket there's been a lot of bad items so far do one oh my god they don't need a game i mean for now it's quite good at the moment their army is pretty slow yeah just keep the dk maybe i think you need the healing don't you and get a lich check dammit that's how i play diablo for sure i get that so starbucks getting torn chieftain so they do want to have something a little bit of extra stern here with stomp and joints eventually but now is the timing i was talking about 40 supply for hawk and foggy both we got 40 for starbucks and 34 for craft who's only playing with ghouls mostly okay here we go he rushed to tier 2. starbuck did but uh is the tc coming out it's not easy to repair against this and boom ap push off we go oh this is going to come out he could have come out in the middle of everything if you're ready a little better maybe he was worried crypto is almost four that would be a giant power level and craft picked up double mana potion from the shop of starbucks before coming over so he's gonna have a lot of matter to work with that was super sick a little bit of more aoe this is so much damage on craft and starbucks side next impale just blasting these out one after the next and i don't know if foggy and hawk have enough sustain like looks like these hunches they're melting and the ghouls didn't even reach the rifles yet yeah there's a mana potion where the cooldown is reloading right now this ap is almost surely going to be cancelled there's going to be an impact as soon as that matter person finishes he's trying to get in line to impale everything okay that didn't work too well the inward potion maybe the bottom dodge it as it was all lining up there's a little bit more mud on the [ __ ] but it's not enough anymore man that would have been such an opportunity to kill all the rifles did the bottom was that a greater involvement yeah that impact were not the best but they've held and now they're so far ahead with that expansion running foggy has no more mana on his hero neither does hawking because he takes so late the blood mage is not out yet it only now started well it is not looking good for foggy and hawk at all but i think they expected this as well this is not something they practiced too much i guess they rely on the one-on-ones oh she's in trouble damn getting blocked get civil too there's no more impel i'm surprised they're fighting but they it probably can just build blood in the water here they have so much anyway we need some undead reinforcements i think the rifles seem to be pretty okay at the moment and there's mana from the moon world so you can hold the light and keep them intact yeah they don't have to fight this they have an expansion they can fall back heal up mess up and just do it again i think krav maga got graveyards here he cannot get fiends he can only get ghouls right now and he's still not starting it only halfway here too this is not the army to get mass goals against but then again he has crippled four now already so the floodgates are open in terms of actual impales he's supposed to buy double clarity now double mana monopods and then just be ready for the next fight okay hawk is that tier 2 is the blood mage ready now there's a t2 expansion okay let me just leveling with siphon right yeah yeah the xbox scouted instantly on the left-hand side so they know that there is an attempt now it's kind of for craft and starbuck to decide how they want to play this but behind this with what is getting demolishers and the doctor okay the doctor is weird call the doctor oh yeah uh yeah i'm not sure maybe some century words around the map to have extra map control and then demolitions i guess technically against if you have like a front line for them to do damage they can be okay like against hunts and stuff it's slightly against rifles i mean you might go for liquid fire pull the kiwi key on it yeah they should be pretty protected right oh is he getting a zeppelin and get out yeah nice idea crap um they should be in the third row right behind the ghouls and behind the headhunters and then comes the demos it's not that easy to to get to them yeah yeah exactly especially when you have stunts at the front like a storm yeah and impel it's like so hard because they're not making units that are like anti-magic there's not gonna be any dryers no mg and no breakers so everything can get hit by that okay can you just take this witch doctor to give me oh my god you were right to give me stairs trap but man it's actually burning oil oh yeah i say liquid fire it's burning that's gonna be sick man and gargoyles against a lot of rifles makes sense eh i was wondering actually like pravis plays so weird man it doesn't really make sense to go guards here it feels like fiends would just be so much better and like put here three then add slaughterhouse units but he can't help himself you know he has a lot of economies like all right triple creep cards i mean then again he's only making one i think right now maybe he's worried about the encounters that oh is he not messing them he is now oh yeah yep off we go yeah i mean at one point what do you attack you can't attack everything at the same time it's probably not the best army but if you add fiends to the mix they will clump up with the headhunters right so having something in the air might give them more surface you know uh thinking in 3d yeah yeah i think they could start hitting running because they're the players with the aura true speed rs i mean they have uh well technically even the orc has unholy aura right he kept it on the tc yeah so at this point they could stop running all over the place starbucks buys a supper it gets scouted and they're right behind and he gets the second one blow it up baby what oh okay but damn it's killing [ __ ] gold mine with one hero what is this he said the skeleton like a minute ago or a minute and a half ago was constantly nibbling at the gold mine but yeah hawk man he won't get 50 supply anytime soon first world problems no lumber where is that ptr upgraded a player's forces are under attack yeah dk actually looking to get level 2 here towards the top if there is any crips left and there's three demolitions with two one upgrades look at that damage 74 125. this is going to be sick this is going to be super sick and they have good attack speed as well thanks to the aura tc stuns everything they can't move away getting hit by demolishers instantly okay scrub protection was pretty smart oh my god they are trapped in a really bad spot here with the blights on their back private hasn't even pulled back yet with the dk there it is he finally tp is behind the two armies here we get from the other side they're gonna get sandwiched oh boy okay the gods will have to face the rifles which is not perfect but on the other side the headhunters are wrecking these hunts oh starbuck is in trouble has to get a lot of potions and scrolls out here oh this impale absolutely beautiful and there oh if if that'd be another one that would be instant dead and gg i mean no chance against this army i would say easy to oh yeah kind of what i expected to be honest like i said i rates private starbucks very very high in two on two so not surprising and now we move on into four give us this craft i expect that to be a little bit harder oh yeah baby we had glimpses of this matchup earlier in law light versus vortex but yeah this is this is gonna be amazing foggy of course we see him in all the matches versus happy and now we see him against craft usually this goes towards foggy but maybe kraft learned a thing or two since dreamhack yeah he played really weird with the [ __ ] lord and stuff like he felt like the first game even though foggy said that he he knew about it he didn't really look like he did yeah um but yeah after that he played really well against it and it didn't really look like private too much of a chance even though concealed here they put up a pretty good fight i thought like uh making frostworms maybe was his mistake against a foggy who was only messing drier so there's always they can have some interesting games sometimes but it feels like foggy usually always gets the better end of uh craft let's see maybe the times are changing now i'm doing a little break so i'm gonna mute you and send my viewers into the pause screen and you have to do the vetos anyway i guess so we see each other in a couple of minutes all right first one-on-one foggy versus craft oh boy this is super exciting did craft find a new weapon against foggy will foggy's old weapons work still oh [ __ ] wrong map oh my god didn't that happen to you uh a couple of times before i think i saw that in chat somewhere [Laughter] sometimes feel like you have to pay attention to like seven different things and there's always if you forget one then it's like a disaster yeah then it's rip we're not too used to the flow service yet so a couple of mistakes are exactly for sure somehow the map doesn't always seem like the most obvious you know it's like kind of big you know it's on the right side and stuff yeah should we put them on the left hand side maybe so that's more obvious i don't know yeah i don't know but it's so much better than hosting all the maps like like it was in the old battle net yeah oh my god it was pain have you heard about the tinder thing the tinder thing no so we were doing vetoes with uh it was cooper and somebody else and tight hunter was still in the maps and cooper wrote minus tinder so a new meme was born yesterday i was uh already i was guessing with death's note and i asked him like have you been on tinder recently he's like no i don't want to meet cooper man oh my god they picked the same team oh my god what is it so all right this tournament is cancelled [Music] what's this oof ooh is that something new that hog does i saw that a couple of times now as well i have no idea it's an absolute weirdo dude today in chat this this afternoon uh viewer was like why are foggy and hot called protein powder they are like stick figures why would they call themselves protein powder what the [ __ ] did you look at hawk how buffed this guy is i go on this guy's instagram you're gonna see some serious steroids and heavy lifting man needles everywhere whatever he's definitely trying to make up for something that guy how's your diet going terrible yeah man i feel you i keep eating five guys man i'm addicted you're just opening cologne and it's so good do we have that and every time it's like burger fries shake so yeah needless to say [ __ ] yeah you're screwed you might need a second camera soon i can't fit in the cell uh with my cellmate remo anymore oh my god dude you don't want to be a cell mate with remo trust me i've been locked with this guy in a hotel room for two and a half weeks and you don't want that i have room with rotterdam a couple times but it's remo dude well i don't know rotterdam is pretty special as well okay all right pretty special our players boom let's go three times the charm now everything is working craft in the blue foggy in la rouge off we go that's too complicated yeah i was so bad at french right german yeah indeed like a lot of necromancy dude i speak german look at this flawless man flawless next time i'm gonna interview you in german at massachusetts so i don't get [ __ ] confused with english man every single time i interview you but you you can't see uh remo clearly or why why are you talking or can you my case was really funny he just raised his finger and he's like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but yeah usually i don't pay attention to what he does but [Music] this time i noticed well usually it was him right or was it you everything it was me every time okay oh my god he's trying it again man [ __ ] lord against night off yeah the last time though they faced twice right they faced the first time and then i think foggy lost to hawk yeah uh craft beats played and then they met again the second time they played it really wasn't close it seemed like forget completely figured out how to play against this so i'm a little bit surprised unless he he watched those games and he was like oh yeah i could have done this this and this but like the last games that they played crippled looked terrible in that matchup yeah the last map especially there was such a [ __ ] show was it ts where we had the four chimeras at the end yeah yeah yeah i think so how's the demolition i was trying to uh make it happen that carson and uh we do could cast hitman and arcs match but schedule wise it's not possible sadly so this time they can't but if arc and hitmen win i think next time we'll try to have them involved and we have to get some and proper na bias oh my god i can't even imagine video casting hitman i don't know it might be torn though because i don't think he has too much love for ark but he has a lot of love for hitman i don't know what's bigger there yeah but every time that i hear we do cast on the dreamhack n a thing uh and he he's casting somebody playing as hitman or whatever or he's just like praising players a lot you know he's like really a nice guy if he do yeah that's true and you know i like his cast then but i prefer it's when it's back to warcraft or just like you know non-official stream video then he really you know let's let's the dog out you know yeah he's got he's so special when he when he makes these archer sounds it's really confusing but boom you even get one acolyte yeah hey i think you don't want to cancel tech here so the fifth echo is going to be greatly delayed there's gonna be quite a bit of gold loss for craft but his text is already well underway i think that's fine foggy what is your arts are doing here i thought for a second he wants to hide and then staff onto it or something but no he's trying it again he's rushing north again he's being a hanging out with sonic man maybe it's the influence it definitely looks like a sonic game right here sonic said that he wants mom and dad so me and him to adopt a child oh my god do you know where the child's name would be muscle mic oh my god dude oh my yo i can't i can't imagine that would probably lead to violence after a week oh my god i think he definitely needs to be taught a lesson yeah both of them though yeah ah sonic sonic's funny oh she surrounds him oh my god okay well he was just stuffed now yeah he shouldn't have impaled if he surrounded him without impale then that means that's the kill because then when he starts you can impale sometimes krav is a little bit too greedy and just wants to kill kill kill and doesn't think about his actions too much i think there was a prime example here second crypt and graveyard so he wants to guard but the second creep's a little late oh yeah it's quite a bit late the graveyard is also a little late but of course that all uh comes down to the one acolyte that died in tech [ __ ] you is having a good life so far but the tree is only at sixty percent this might work out the town is under siege yeah i think the plan is just to level up a bunch and then eventually to expand i think that was the main thing also that bothered me in the one game that they had on this map that was really close is that craft never expanded even at the end when he was mining out instead of explaining he just made a ton of units and tried to win one last fight against self it's almost always a bad idea because if they barely escape with even just their heroes they have access to moon wells so it's like not good for you to do that yeah it was also kind of crazy that he was so stubbornly going for a frostworm instead of adding one or two statues if the game goes super long the value of statues is way too crazy so always good to go for them at least in the next patch you won't even need a sec beat anymore yeah that that will certainly help but you can't rely on the [ __ ] lord anymore man what do you think about that ptr man uh it's okay it might be too much on the human side at once i would like to see more but slower changes but we can't really expect uh more changes so my initial reaction was a lot more one-sided uh now i think it's it's kind of fine i think i overestimated the impact of the lumber upgrade a lot yeah have you seen the video where you can see the difference between like yeah yeah yeah it's pretty much like it's not much a player's forces are under attack it's nice to see those because from reading something you can't always imagine very well how something's gonna change oh my god he's gonna harass with [ __ ] lord gargoyle while he's expanding or creeping the expo at least with dk ghouls that's new okay this will cost a couple of coils and definitely need some multitasking here but might be fine is it working out there's no rod of necromancy so that's weird yeah i think i don't know maybe i'd already bought it on the [ __ ] board but i see there's only one charge left dude that tree oh my god it's kind of close man he has no spells anymore that needs one wisp here for the detonate it's only one detonate left you could have killed a wiz yeah that clipboard can't be going yeah yeah okay there wasn't tangling what the hell i think is it not on cooldown okay now he's out of range for sure but the drive is coming in is it fast enough the archer's blocking a little bit oh the keepers in the north he wanted to save mana maybe for trions and a tangle here that's why the cancer looks like a town is under siege yeah crop is in a poor state there's also an ap coming tree and still do damage on this acolyte that was really good by foggy he's even getting an ap on the left side yeah he will hold this like i don't know i'm not sold on this [ __ ] lord against nate hilf nope nobody is but krav player's forces are yeah i love how he was talking about that story he's like yeah prancer called me and he did so many times because i tried to tell him i was creeped out of this night off and then finally we saw it against foggy and it kind of worked and i'm like oh he did it what are you talking about well the first series kinda worked second series definitely did not work but uh yeah gotta celebrate your victories while you can right i guess yeah i guess that's a win you know and people did that's always with a pilot rifle of thousand they're like oh buddy modern map against happy and deadly close to you two maps yeah oh you're one of them too i see for sure that that the build is so imbalanced man you can save everything with banish [Laughter] by now after like a year and a half since that one series i saw the paly rifles fail more often than i saw it succeed so it's definitely not an imbalanced build frozen is just playing it really well and maybe you don't know yeah crap is trying any build with rifles is bad okay maybe not so some of the bills against nato but yeah i was about to say like you should not tell this to law line he hates the rifle so bad against some dead well i got this odd idea of course especially if the crosstalk especially rifles in a fire like don't get me started i'm not dreaming yeah it can be countered quite hard just like this undead expansion which gets counted for the second time easily two zero guards yep i can make dragons disappear the dream is that for craft is that he gets 250 supply here soon with lots of guards more than now and he has those two counter triads and then he has impel and ghouls to counter ground he gets true shot oh my god okay pretty much the third attack upgrade yeah i don't know on paper it's kind of easy to say you got the guards against the giants you got the heroes against the ground but there's a demon hunter on level three so there's not much impale definitely needs a potion okay that's one that's kind of fine a player's forces are under attack yeah foggy's got such a good rhythm for creeping on the other side too he's not just sitting back doing nothing or making silly moves like attacking in the uh opponent's face like no i'm a head you're not expanding i'll just creep like you are and then i'll outmast you and then just beat you straight up he does have lumber issues though he's at 60 just ah okay oh that shouldn't get sniped no that should be fine at least there's dk level three but he's not working with too much mana and there's a there's the demon under he's actually wait what he stabs alone the rest is close impale on the workers doesn't really work and craft is trying some interesting stuff but nothing seems to be working really yeah what do you think about the delay for these kind of tournaments i told the all the broadcasters that they should have two minutes but i told the players they can pick whatever they want so all of them are picking zero like no delay uh i mean as a broadcaster it kind of sucks because some people always hang in uh in the players streams and then they spoil the others and now i gave them ideas and this will happen more often i think two minutes is fine but from a player's perspective if you do half a day of letter stream and then you have to uh turn off the stream to enable delay and it's also kind of bad i totally get that i really wish twitch would add something to add delay or remove it or something without restarting the stream yeah i think that's easier to do uh like to add some delay then to remove it you could just did this play two minutes of a pause screen or something but how would you remove delay you have to cut something then hey you could just i don't know actually yeah that's the tricky part i think you could add but you can't remove a player's forces how do you add delay no that that should be possible like i don't think it is uh no but i mean that that should be easier to do like for example oh yeah uh yeah you give a command like i want to add two minutes of delay and then twitch displays two minutes of like a break screen or something oh separate but it's not available right now no no no no it's not okay a bit of a diving inside of the undead base here foggy's like okay you don't want to be at home i'll pay fz to your home yeah it's pretty smart adding the zapper here slows craft down forces the tp buys foggy more time he just started the tech himself so he's waiting for probably mountain giants or something he can have his expansion pay off more and more and more he's getting just further and further ahead with the third base in the middle now i'll do it next is starbuck against hawke oh yeah and when i posted the link of the match or like the screenshot for the score thing from wikipedia at least starbuck has an undead and he said like assuming that i'm just playing on that so i won't do it like i can assume and i would expect him to plan that but i mean he might mix in a different race worked really well against sony cage right yeah yeah so why change and here actually you can pick per map it's the same system as there was in like a super wgl or whatever wgl yeah if you want to play all the races you have to disclose it before the vetoes start and you say what race you will play on every map yeah starbuck definitely capable of doing so but i would think he's on that she's smart for sure just as smart as foggy who just completely outplays craft at the moment oh there's any pill there's an in-wall okay there was no keeper's mouth in this up yeah yeah yeah i kind of cursed him here i think okay whoopsie kind of weird he must have thought maybe he had a teepee or he thought the crippler was too far that he couldn't get impelled yeah or he thought the mana burn would be too good anyway and there's not much mana on the i don't know foggy has some moments it's like ah what what what did you think there we don't really understand trance demon gets targeted he uses default this time he said he didn't waste that before but lynch is there too good attention on this illusion that soaked up quite some damage the lich was in yeah that's quite a surprise going for the keeper now but there's the staff bye bye oh my god the leech he's trapped what ha oh my god no way two trees and the demon hunter survives on the right hand side oh crap what a disaster only level one hero though can he kill this expansion no way right he can delay it but never kill there's so much his army is just not effective against this this is like are you kidding me team right now so how many more times does foggy have to punish craft for this [ __ ] lord before he realizes that this is not a good build infinity ethics of two there's no way he's gonna stubbornly try to implement the [ __ ] lord against night elf it depends how stubborn he is that didn't look convincing at all you know it was uh pretty clear pretty early this is uh this is gonna be a foggy map and yeah foggy has to win his matches for sure they have to catch up and the one once could actually be like a 50 50 thing foggy is the favorite against kraft starbuck okay hawk should be the favorite against starbuck as well but with undead you never know right todd yeah well you know that if you're human you're screwed but the rest a hog against undead looks really good usually though let's feel when one of the french casters tries to admit i don't know i try to be the fairest possible for players you know like i gave them like open schedule they can schedule whenever they can and stuff yeah so it's like one of the things where i wasn't sure whether i should force them to have delay but like you said if they ladder and then they play tournament which is almost always the case it's hard to tell them to have delay but they they need to understand also that you know they can't come complain later if they think that somebody you know was watching their stream but it doesn't seem super likely it would happen yeah i think in other communities where uh yeah like i don't know league of legends or something that would be more common with people are maybe a little more childish that should be fine and yeah if they put on no delay and they're getting stream sniped it's their own fault yeah they know that i'm sure all right then map two is it a [ __ ] lord again or will he finally come to some sense you can't play [ __ ] lord four times in a row right that's insanity at that point what 10 crypto four times in a row yeah against night off yeah against nato yeah yeah but playing crippled four times in a row most of the time it's kind of recommended to them yeah yeah yeah it does work quite well only one more month todd only one more month and then he's totally unplayable oh my god oh no it's gonna be i have i have no faith in this ptr by the way oh really it's gonna be like last time remember the last ptr six months ago oh my god it's gonna be the crazy human patch they listened to todd about everything it's gonna be human domination i'm still waiting anytime now any time the dimensions because i think too many people complained and then blizzard backed out of a lot of the changes yeah which i think is good but in general to to take things slower than they initially wanted with the first versions of the ptr i would i wish they would just patch more often because then we wouldn't get stuck if something's completely broken like the keeper patch or the criplot yeah i patch wish there would be world peace and no poverty but you know that's as realistic as blizzard patching more often yeah i wonder like i don't know what goes into video game development so i don't know how hard it is to actually patch maybe it's like super hot but maybe it's not that hard who knows i don't think it's that hard dude we have a dk opening so finally and we have a neutral hero build on foggy side yeah beast master or could be firelord the hot build the hot build if he thinks that craft is once again expanding super quickly and that that he keeps on playing so stubborn fire lord would be pretty good but okay beast master it is a beast master has been looking good like the bear has so much hit points quill beast also really good he was patrolling a little bit actually with the quillbeats for some reason okay oh they're very well done by craft they pulled the murlocs knowing that they wouldn't snare the wisp that would be placed there so he they got the end snare and then he got the detonated and not even too much poison on every oh nothing not poison on them that's good on the other side foggy with the mercamp i wonder is he expanding or is he again pushing so hard like some night elves decided that it's really good to be super aggressive early on with ap pushes and stuff yeah krav likes expanding and he likes playing cards it doesn't seem that foggy has so much trouble against that to be honest so far yeah i agree like usually when he loses too happy it's more off of the back of you know past year three gold into finns so let's try hero good creeping good timings yeah and the execution in the fights like sometimes they're on even footing or it seems like it's uneven footing and then the fight starts and it takes four seconds and happy wins the fight i think foggy's super convinced this is an expansion second incentive for huntress solely hasn't tacked at all yeah yeah he's gonna push this expansion on the expansion he's in for a shock that craft tech ages ago his tech is halfway through and he's getting graveyard already that's foggy no no no he probably does he's uh where's the acolyte there's there's supposed to be an acolyte where's the eclectic oh my god he committed to a second engine of war yeah there's supposed to be blight on the expo like he sees no blight they're still not starting yeah okay the items are also not the greatest watcher what's kind of fine but yeah this time craft is outsmarting foggy without smutting him maybe but that bear is still a raging bear level 2 with 900 hit points right now yeah that's yeah but i mean if you retreat into your base look at the main foggy one skeleton sees the four wisps move out ap push he's like don't do it guys don't do it this is not gonna work i'm only gonna give you one more warning you pull back right now okay coil that need one extra so instead of four it's two not good but okay i've seen this from sonic work i've seen this almost work by foggy against happy and kevin got really close against ido as well with kind of different circumstances though he's doing the right thing by the way he immediately slaughterhouse like you need wagons against this yeah he's getting lich as well so he's gonna be able to coin over statues and wagons both amazing oh the counterwars how nice are we playing dota here those freaking dota tryouts man after a couple games recently every time i wore that the words and because you're the supports you're like so squishy you go in d word and then you run into the carries like boom game over yeah i would never play dota with you i think well i'm pretty good man are you good at team games though like i'm good at everything the team aspect of team games yeah i know you're good at games i've been playing 4v4 actually and i kind of enjoyed it uh like for last two days or so and i've been doing pretty well so you muscle mic sonic and no 4v4 is only a random team a random team okay but every time there is a human i ask what he does and then whatever he does i'll do uh what the other units that could help sounds good i don't think this is going to work here hot tech this is going to fail by foggy yeah i mean there's a tower he got the heroes he needs he adds the wagon he will probably add a stat he sue like very quickly after yeah he can just call nova everything foggy nose it's kind of a trap whoopsie it gets a little easier yeah it gets a little easier when the glaives are here yeah but even then like the meat wagons are gonna kill the aps pretty fast private's fighting a little too hard here he should pull back but his base actually kind of plays against him if he cannot retreat behind the ziggs first ap killed okay would love to relieve some pressure sniping a couple of these glaives but good positioning by foggy so far even the shop is like kind of at the back so it's safe for crab like if you had lost that first that could be really bad if one of yours gets targeted or whatever yeah or if the shop is in the north or something and could be sniped easily but very well protected and usually it's super hard if there's a keeper and you get entangled and then there's a lot of focus fire and you lose one unit after the next but this is just a beast master oh wait wait wait wait what the [ __ ] went down yeah the feeders were targeted a bit see is he giving this away he needs a statue man yeah i think he he just needs to kill the ap and then he's he can fight the rest of the army easily he needs to move his wagon here he can touch the shot of the enclave throws oh my god crap he's not moving the wagon oh my god he loses it oh my god this is unacceptable ap stays up once this uh beastmaster but that's also not gonna work that was almost the last bit of mana i got one more coil that's probably end up on the lid on the whiz dk's almost four oh my god i know you're level two yeah baby give me that sweet region good damage on the litter as well and the beastmaster runs out of mana this is probably yeah not working anymore at least total four but he's on mano this is one of the most useless heroes ever now craft will never build a statue will he i think after this like once you save that's when you get the statues then yeah when ah there we go you kind of start the game with dk4 and lich 2 it's pretty good to have statues yeah yep yep yep and the glaive should be fine the wagon should be fine now as well against incoming hunts oh [ __ ] falls is kind of a problem should we make that asap [ __ ] he's so stubborn i mean what's the alternative though right like you can't expand at this point really the heroes will just knock it down it's not tier three but it's only tier one for foggy and the expo is coming up yeah this is a hard position for foggy yeah i don't know if expanding is the right choice i mean he's just so far ahead he probably feels like he can do anything but the one scary thing of foggy here is the beastmaster so if you root rush destroy an orb it might be better to deal better with this overall but like i said he's just so far ahead probably because he can just set up an expo and then win crap is always so greedy with his expose i think every game where he can go for an expo he's definitely gonna do it this game was a quick and good reaction seeing that it's a beastmaster and it's not gonna work scouting for a night of expansion which is not there so that's a relief there's a portion of involved importance [Music] and the on the other side no it's very close to five yet here for foggy actually oh also like never got any bonus experience because no attack but you see that he attacked where the lab is with the uh zone attack without even seeing the crips to send them down that's pretty well done all right it's getting wrecked now though bye bye wisps or at least one any items i'm not committing yet i mean he doesn't have to commit the expose coming hey [ __ ] it just wants to go for a follow-up ball and like craft has no idea if there is attack or whatever yeah foggy just wants to mess and then go again and try and finish this keeps the statue safe another card like he's getting so many pickups with coronova there seems to be always mana thanks to sethu and potions gonna be hard for foggy to find the solution healthstone doesn't really help level five would be amazing but oh boy level three let's yeah i think christ should get a second statue and then he's gonna be in a great spot overall how many units did he lose at that creep spot like five just to get that bear he's going for a garg right now what he thinks maybe there's a set ball or maybe he sees no atr at all yeah except cool beast i guess what that's it and some mercenaries oh gets a lot of bashes out with that blink bear better like last ditch effort by foggy huh misha the bear that's in dota right i think it's campaign i don't know how it is it is again in in dota yeah in the campaign you can only summon one bear but it's like a stronger bear when i started streaming walk up here again years ago there was a guy who kept going to my chat and spamming can you please make me shut a beer please make me say i was like like he would spam that like all the time every day i was like are you serious like what is up with this guy's fetish with me the [ __ ] beer that's not even his name in the game it turns out it actually is did you saw that oh my god it's getting wrecked it's called the miss yeah like a squirrel protection as well on top of things the model takes care of the wagon well the crypt is almost down mana is looking okay though but the statue is not kraft is losing so much he has the expansion okay and the ziggurats there are kind of helping but he's donating the statue away dk is out of position what the hell the [ __ ] is putting up a crazy fight here and the aps will finish and behind us if you can set up glaive throwers he's gonna eliminate this entire man and maybe win the game what the hell you did say that expanding is maybe not the right call yeah yeah oh my god he's gonna win man oh crap oh my god [ __ ] him he's right he's second and center four he has two hundreds stuck there okay he realizes extreme abuse detected okay he's getting one more [ __ ] is like three glyphs or drawers if you haven't lost the glove throwers if you had like a zap that would have been huge so two minutes ago one guy in chat says if craft loses this game i will eat my chair yeah looking forward to that brian we need video evidence okay foggy is losing quite a bit now as well though foggy wins this i'm gonna eat five guys later [Laughter] do they know you by name already soon they will oh you're watching this is really busy pretty crazy [Music] baby oh no he's missing four xp okay was last the last chance [ __ ] he had he's still tier one 15 minutes in he's not really close to level six two base versus one base level four like five four heroes soon where do we get crab probably hope for like a menace doing here maybe even uh if the wisps are gone book of the dead when of mana oh no that's not this the whisper gun right once the wisps are gone you can over them sure and you can dispel the beatles as well okay foggy i said this three times but this might be the last chance you got i destroyed finally yeah oh and the summons wall clumped up that was good damage oh snap no involved no tp oh he said the huntress in the world that's amazing oh the ddk got through the litch the destroyer goes down the litch gets caught last second on the deadline it's a tiny bit too late they could have been so sick and now kraft got to hear what up all right is there a coil nova no the statue is not helping oh my god what's happening he's gonna do so much damage the antar is gonna die can't we make the leach he calls the beastmaster [ __ ] he's just gonna suck the beastmaster oh my god focus there's a glaive focus focus foggy go for the outside dude you're right next to it what the where the cliff is shooting a ziggurat for some reason yeah because he knows his crap of supply stuck and foggy calls for the gg whoa wait we missed something there was a drop on the other side by the way i just saw that on the minimap uh the main of foggy is gone i think oh no maybe he was walking into the expo but it was only 17 minutes i don't know something happened on the mini map there was no one actually yeah good that we have two professional casters here take care of everything i'm too busy me whoopsie map three was was it autumn lives no yeah it is oh snap oh yeah new map all right didn't really expect that but once kraft is not playing crypt lord he actually wins games against foggy i open the stream to try and see what happens with the main okay let's see i think there was a zap with the wagons maybe wait who's the like french craft is streaming right they have delay so we can watch you can open my stream or your stream and then right now you'll see like that moment yeah there's something pink in the top right i think he probably dropped one or two again and they killed the main ah oh yeah french craft is way better equipped than us that's exactly what happened he looked yeah yeah yeah so it was a zeppelin two uh wagons feels bad man yeah i looked ahead the minivap was like wait a second like it looks like there's a main missing though i was way too busy screaming at this altar so well this is big points for craft and starbucks now if the beastmaster had been slightly healthier i think foggy could win here without a mane or with a mane okay with the mania as well yeah if you got the full stampede and erase the entire main of crab cause it was only one destroyer against which the quillbeast stopped pretty good yeah and i think he had a staff ready like if he survives the stampede he might get the staff off and then clean i don't know but kind of glad we get game three and now i'm really curious how well do they know the map and well the strats here this looks like a easy expansion map right yeah yeah it is usually and the thing is though for night elf if you're really on the undead it's very hard for the undead to actually expo against like whisps keeper harassing you and i assume it's going to be a keeper unless poggy wants to play something different oh yeah ultimately we have i think today is the first time we've actually seen it earlier in a solo and now again so is this like the two first time you were there for the first two times how does it feel it's an honor taught it's an absolute honor we had uh lola no it was lucifron versus sowen in augment here feels good field feels good to be on new ground that also looks a bit different after all the lordaeron summer maps for 20 years it's good to get some some fall in some ice maps in some oasis maps in yeah for some reason the runes of azshara really didn't catch on i blame remo for trying to hype that map too much maybe uh i saw this on on some discord maybe if you have like the fourth iteration of the map you should just rename it to reset people's mind and also change the title set and all the crypts basically make another map i'm just kidding i don't know why like i think it was just too big before uh i haven't been really giving maps a chance like for some of them weirdly enough like for autumn leaves and tide hunters i really did and i like them so maybe i should invite the runes of ashar as well it would be nice if people would show the example first but i feel like no pros are really unvetoing it either and i don't see any games on it and uh i actually i also think that the new echo has potential i haven't completely reviewed it yet i will do it later but it could be a good map yeah i saw it as well it looks really interesting also there's a new version of turtle rock in the work like the map makers are doing crazy work at the moment on this map you can do the same as on conceal here with the expo right because the big kobold taskmaster is level five yeah players so if you entangle him don't know if that's the plan here gonna be way easier to kill kinda screwed it up i guess oh no it's just triangles so it can't entangle really but yeah that seems to be the play fast tech later expansion and craft again with the dk i like that yeah i guess if you want to do the entangled thing on the taskmaster you need to be level two first because he was only one so maybe the creep route is not ideal he should have done the other green first on the left side but he will still be able to clean out that whole camp down there and now crap what do we see attacks he's playing gogs again right like pretty likely especially if he sees that the expansion spot is crept already that gives the way that foggy is gone it's likely gonna expand then garx should be really good and that's energy that's an entanglement gonna hurt yeah with moon whales it's so crazy to be able to have that yeah who had the idea of buffing moon wells man i still don't get that i don't know actually who is it probably matt morris who gave it to him because that was not probably not his own idea i don't know man maybe he had a couple of fears too much one night was playing in the editor a bit and thought that value looks really good it's above this i don't know he was like wandering on twitch you accidentally click on star-shaped stream and make sure you're bringing back to warcraft you have to listen for 45 minutes about how night elf is the worst race in the game by far that can't beat anybody it's like we gotta help these guys so pretty much like the balance team feels now when they open your stream it's only after i lose games in my case some chef also does it when it wins true that was so epic man wins the game goes on a 40-minute rant [Laughter] this stream is one of the best yeah the sarcasm is like when you say something and it just lets it rest and i love that the swedes also laugh at it a lot like i think he was uh scoot who shared the feedback video about the patch of thoughts in his star shape and he added a comment like guess if he jumps out of the window by the end of the video yeah team sweden is a good he's a good gang he didn't wind as much as i thought it was very reasonable which is rare which is rare indeed maybe it was like for youtube it's official or something or serious mode i don't know so how's the game going okay we got garx we got a lich we got a harassing keeper i made a tangle two so usually the goal here is to kind of wreck those ghouls who run for your lives don't block me that looks like a super safe expansion once again very good timing by foggy to distract here yeah it seems like as long as he can expand his confidence against craft even if craft can expand to because crive always canada goes into like this mask or his armies which once foggy has like 60 supply they are so hard to to make work beam in second again what do you think about the panda third we saw earlier by law light was yeah exactly panda second demon third yeah it's not too bad actually you might think that malabar level one is like insufficient but i kind of liked it yeah i like it better than like i don't know portum or whatever yeah yeah that was nice ideally it's on a big map and then you still have some crips and then you get like three through three or something and then it's really really sick but even with level one demon can be okay okay is this ghoul force enough to knock this tree down i kind of doubt that still five arches keeper looks good and tangled like this [ __ ] rallied one more wisp to his gold mine and at the expo and he'd say six out of five even though the wisp is sparked outside yeah [Music] i think they should change the color by the way i think yellow and yellow is like too hard to see when you have the wrong number it should be red you know ah that's a good point yeah that's good feedback yeah i hear that very often for sure no stuff yet but it's getting sharp i should be getting that no does they have more nuke nope just right click but foggy is just distracting right like the ghoul forces has been moved back no pressure on this expo and the the guards are not in the main they're not harassing wisps too much it's a clean tier 2 expo tier 3 attacked by foggy without too much hassle and it yeah if you look at the army that kraft's going for he's going for cards it's not like foggy is going to be in real danger any time soon like yes it's going to be annoying and he might lose some wisps here and there but as long as that expo keeps running the whole time it just feels like he's going to be super far ahead eventually he's gonna orb there it is he gets a slaughterhouse aircraft so this time wants to play differently than when he has frostworm wow is that gonna be the game that foggy makes bears and there is no frost rim yet uh it's kind of good to see that craft is adjusting reasonably to what foggy is going to play this must work better than everything else we've seen in the past couple of weeks from craft against foggy what's your favorite soda you know wow what a change of topics uh big fan of dr pepper yeah dude i love dr pogba it's amazing not too many people like uh the cherry coke flavor but i love that yeah cherry coke is also one of my favorite men we also like actually i was just i just went to the supermarkets i don't know why but sometimes i think i drink it like a lot of water almost only water sometimes i'm on different water so i get like some san pellegrino you know it tastes almost different and it has bubbles so it's kind of craving that so i went there and then on the way there was like a cell and i saw those orangina bottles and i was like i gotta get some of these so i got like one regular and one red one they are pretty good damn they're living the life man all the treats recently five guys orangina and in the red corner weighing in at 102 kilos the french yeah i'm getting there as well just way too lazy to cook oh it's a pizza again oh it's a pizza again yeah you're getting to 102 kilos i don't think so no no not yet but if the lockdown continues for a year then getting close fingers crossed this keeper is so unthreatened yeah he doesn't give a [ __ ] oh oh oh oh okay ah [ __ ] he's good at math it's all good he calculated this really well unlike corrupt horses uh shredder went down right dad it was no crap he wants he's running around the map killing everything he sees on his way yeah how did that happen we should talk more about maybe a little bit talk about games and not about soda but [ __ ] kind of no no okay foggy cannot give it away he needs a little bit of mana but then things are fine i guess is that it's still on 60 supplies so it's looking good it's looking fresh he's looking spicy looking smooth double sharp that's fun double sharp double engine of wind yo foggy will explode i think by the way the the change on the bears where they have more mana i think that's a big change me too yeah it's one of the least talked about against any push that's happening now your bear comes out yeah boom instant prejudice boom it's the original example he's gonna die right after because now he doesn't have the mana for transforming but hey read you free dude or you cast roar and you morph that's awesome yeah yeah true it was so funny a lot of nighters on twitter were like who was asking for this this does nothing what is that even supposed to be like didn't didn't even get that they have an extra spell basically looking at you ark uh but yeah it's not a very obvious one but it could help but lola had said then well if human go into a creeping game we still lose if it's not a push they go into a creeping game and then we still lose might be the cases he's very smart what a guy he's very spot but he complains a lot about human for a guy that smashes them every time he meets them ah every time pretty close recently actually he did worse but he did worse against all race so it doesn't count true i wonder what was happening with him during uh dreamhack he had such a hard time yeah i think he really feels the pressure of winning a big championship so whenever there is a big championship um he's kind of crumbling because of the tier two tournaments he's doing really well but at the tier one tournament is that from talking to him or from random pro science that you've assembled random bro science of course oh okay i think okay foggy's trying to buy time for the hippos to be there but is the monitor does it have a town portal oh and the staff sound cooler on the keeper that's interesting dude the items by the way warsong and flute not bad foggy steps today she's gonna run to the keeper and tp out yeah that's the plan okay that was a big distraction he didn't lose anything look at the distraction this air army of crime is gonna get erased out of there well except for he's uploading the archers again oh does he have artists left no he doesn't good for foggy dk head in oh there we go oh with a little bit of kiting can you wait for another nova i don't think you can wait against this oh no not with roar okay bye bye guards so it's ghouls versus tier three and triads and double orb it's not easy yeah [ __ ] he shouldn't even lose the keeper is there stuff yes there is that's why and imagine [Applause] sick block with the statue but again the staff was ready but the heroes by craft are doing pretty well actually yeah but when the hippos come back they're gonna kill the destroyer and then after that it's the keeper it's gonna be like all right yeah baby yeah that's gonna be problematic that's true and there's still an expansion yeah that guard play didn't work out gg 1-1 so that means hawk versus starbucks next exactly i wonder what starbuck would play against or foggy then is it also undead or something entirely different nobody knows but that means we get uh more than three series which is great that means we get human versus undead next which i'm looking forward to a lot especially uh since we're casting together and then we'll see who gets match points sounds good i'm going to take a little break as always but i got a couple of subs here so thank you king in the north metzger zebra sergeant siu kafka time robot with 500 bids much love will the ducks and dirty don with 13 euros much love you guys love the support love that you love what i do and take care of that match arena we need some boosts on this match to reno we got two direct contributions if i see that correctly so looking over there thank you slints for the five euros and of course the coupons lots of coupons to be used maybe they're still up check it out contribute add tot four to the match to reno coupon code and boom contribute easy ass there's a lot of them there's a lot of them yeah good all right then head over maturino exclamation mark tag team there's the link see you in four minutes all right let's kick this off starbucks defeated johnny cage already previously so he's kind of good he got the best mentor in craft really curious how hawk looks against undead when his opponent is not happy i'm pretty curious what craft tells starbuck to do against human well the answer is build a [ __ ] lord just wait creep lord bro just attack you know yeah just like vortix said you know i want the game when i selected crypt lord first [Laughter] it's funny actually like last time uh price team you know they're really hyped about him playing in this tournament and like doing well and stuff so they tweeted about his win and they wrote like oh crap just won the match today against uh cooper and johnny cage with his russian teammates who crave replays he's from slovenia on yeah i almost slipped as well i uh selected the serbian flag and then i was about to send out the twitter oh no oh no i should probably double check that and then yeah yeah yeah sorry the flag is similar to be honest it is also sounds pretty similar serbia slovenia or that ah my brain is simple man i'm not used to that yeah i know your brain is simple because i saw this stream of maestro after each interview dude i can speak two languages that's that's not the simple brain okay that's more than every american did peter we do earlier today sorry english is only my seventh language [Music] what a guy do you know it's french like did you talk in in french once yeah i think a little bit for some reason we always talk in english i feel like we should talk more in french no i think you should i don't know if he sounds smarter in french if he sounds worse yeah i don't know is that east where they talk french or west coast east coast right yeah yeah dude i'm kind of ashamed sometimes my german is this bad but i don't think it's an easy language is it supposed to be easier no i heard it i mean for me obviously because i grew up with it but everybody says it's super hard because technically i guess but yeah learning as a kid is so much easier i'm also super bad with languages like i don't pick them up quickly and then i become frustrated and then i play video games again oh your english is the yeah the english yeah the english is okay but i get through but i tried to learn chinese ones failed failed so hard why would you want to learn chinese because we talked a lot with chinese and we were in china like twice or three times a year so i thought picking up at least a little bit of chinese would be good then my brain said nope not a good idea yeah yeah my chinese is like very basic i can get around very easily like tell the taxi what directions to take all their stuff at the restaurant but it doesn't really go much past that one guy that got good at chinese by living there and without even like really properly studying was sassy and the way he did it is that he was talking with a lot of girls classic and then he was just using a dictionary to like search all of the words that they were using and he was using and then eventually he actually got very decent he's like much more conversational than me yeah nicker picked it up really quickly as well and he thought oh it's super easy i don't know what he got but he's also speaking like 13 languages or something yeah knickers nuts traveling everywhere still traveling the world right how is that even possible yeah i mean it's like in remote parts of the world like probably i know there's a penny coming yeah i could see that so we got an amazing ghoul run by by starbuck have fun with that hawk yeah it's an interesting timing because it looks like hulk's gonna be able to get a cancel on the gold mine but then after that could get punished you got really good items by the way here uh claw mental and circus so that's plus 10. yeah right so you never use any dating apps no what the hell man do you yeah [ __ ] yeah and you still fail how dare you oh he's trying to go for the archmage yeah that's damn i've seen so many of those impales where it's like so clear it's not a good time to impale they still go for it starbucks a little bit desperate here yeah sometimes it feels so greedy i got this cool spell and if i use it i might get us around oh it's actually getting us around here but without impair can you close the visit oh oh so close okay this is not very good for a starbucks you should run to the human expo right now and cancel it for talk to go back and then you could restart expo yeah it was also a big investment like the three ghouls he sent plus the bursary got mana is empty that's another castle right there the biggest chance for crowd and starbucks to win is if they both fits hawk now i really don't think that starbuck would have a high chance to beat foggy yeah yeah i agree the craft can certainly be talk it's not going to be easy but he can but starbuck was foggy i don't even know what racy is going to play dark mage oh my god okay and hawk already attacked as well oh wow there's two cribs quick wait what it's still t1 yeah yeah it looks like desperation for sure like me on tinder [Laughter] what's your profile text uh something basic i think [Music] gotta ask remo for advice remo is good do you think i did i think so remo probably is like the most douchebag profile ever yeah absolutely okay travel the world i speak three languages sophisticated philosopher i like to go on long walks and uh like intellectual you know you need to be able to hold the proper conversation if you can cook that's a plus if you can't quote faust by heart you're not for me oh my god yeah kind of slaughter here um on both sides though hawk is still in a good position gets the towers up or some towers up gotta be careful with the archmage but apart from that everything seems gucci oh my god the rugged lip sometimes you wake that guy up and he decides to ruin your day but that wasn't one of those times in fact surrounded this is terrible oh the ghouls one down two down three down ouch good focus fire warhawk this is not looking too hot for starbuck no well what can i do now do you think bido isn't in there for sure with with a super douchebag profile like i don't have any standards just hit me up or something super desperate like please make one of my days good and swipe right or left or whatever it is if your profile says no others please block me i don't think carson is on tinder though i think being in a rock band that's not necessary then yeah he probably has to wrestle people to be able to even spend one night of sleep alone that sexy mustache of his true that's the secret the sex symbol of warcraft carson and remo they got it the item is right here guys are you kidding me yeah that would be a new impale if it goes through but maybe no time either needs the damage in the fights oh there were starbucks before i feel like most players will have left already i credit him for still trying but if you don't have like a very specific plan to try and come back in this it's gonna be really tough but yeah castle tech on the way like i don't think starbuck wins this game uh very often here a player's forces are you didn't see it right how starbucks won against johnny cage because he had to play yourself uh yeah i think maybe i was around but i think he just kind of demolished him with ripley if i remember like i've watched so many games since then wait here's the opposite happens yeah donating your archmage maybe the one where you can maybe make this a little bit closer otp if he gets this around he's dead well oiled up like hawks biceps do you think he orders himself for sure what yo that was a very one-sided thing yeah not the most convincing [ __ ] lord play in game one beetu isn't on tinder he's looking at the just chatting section of twitch [Laughter] and he's swiping right to all of them at his screen let's go more [ __ ] lord probably a better chance for starbuck yeah seems like a lot of humans still love last refuge especially in this okay i wrote in the chat remo did anything walk off the patch by himself i think you can call that philosophy you would disagree wouldn't you i mean it's it's philosophy it's really bad philosophy everyone right now abuser i heard the abuser guy made fun of me and beedu earlier what do you say i think he he restreamed us and used a green screen to make it look like he's sitting in between me and bidoo and made it look like he's talking with us or something like some stupid fun okay it's probably just streaming [ __ ] it laden did that last time he put me on the desk next to him you know he has like a desk with like a screen and stuff he did that as well now that he's a cool guy i like him a lot he sent me a photo of him on the train uh earlier i was really confused what was that supposed to be like i'm home soon or yeah but he wasn't even casting or anything he just wants to bond with you man yeah i think he just like took a selfie where he thought he looked pretty good and he just shared it as as many people as he could and he was going through his disco he's like todd there you go okay let me check what he wrote give me some praise give me some friends give me attention it says korean metro now i mean it's just a selfie of him on the train with his mask he was probably just bored yeah i was looking for some conversation social media man it's crazy some people i know some people that post like 30 stories a day or 20 stories yo that's so sick i guess especially now when nothing is happening like i i can't even think of what to post everything is the same every day oh it depends where you are i know a bunch of people like poker players that are in vegas well and over there everything looks absolutely normal there were roaring masks they're playing poker every day and stuff a lot of people telling me happy birthday my chat is tomorrow guys maybe they're living in a different time zone oh true yeah i think in russia isn't it plus two in russia yeah it's plus two in moscow time see happy russian birthday todd speaking of birthday what about happy where's my gift can i finally ask who's the opponent can i get one by unhappy happy is so bothered by this question i really don't know i really don't know um and i don't understand why he's not um automizing it or something or uses booster or whatever i don't understand man i don't have answers yeah questions like this do you think that when the dorothy champions playoffs come you will play maybe it depends on the price forces are under attack but i think he's playing more games on higher ping now that's what i heard yeah he's just leaving if people annoy him with stupid questions or what he thinks us doing stupid questions like somebody asked him is this really happy and he's really happy i didn't i didn't realize that was a stupid question dude but he he dug his own grave with that like everybody followed up on that he lost so many games because of it three mmr why not all right starbuck with a straight expansion creep here no crystal ball one time he's telling you what he's thinking it's a perfect vitality it doesn't feel very useful because you're already so tanky and you have a lot of hit points on the [ __ ] lord so yeah compared to some of the better items that you can get not as good pog gets double ring and the second one is at least the one of regen yeah this will be crazy i think once the patch hits with a better cell value i don't think we will see a lot of heroes with the ring of regen for example that will be an insta cell ring of regen is one of the better one i think that might be one of the one of the ones you keep but what surprised me is that all the all the items will have increased cell value i didn't i wouldn't think that they would increase the downpour one yeah you know why because they have the choice there's like a global value of uh i think selling price so you have to change one value or you change them by hand for every item so what do you think they do they obviously this one exactly they change it for all uh but yeah that will probably be addressed because that's very easy to tell that it's gonna be too strong fight in the middle on [Music] depends on how the game goes i guess if he needs money he can sell it if he sees that he will probably join the late game then he keep it yeah maybe it feels like he doesn't need the gold yet yeah more and more players have been hitting hitting up that uh marketplace though and like selling whatever they don't like in start because his expo is about to finish i think for starbucks if you would just run to the human expo it'd be a lot better i think the marketplace change really came with northern ireland like echo isles marketplace has been in position for such a long time it was never really used we got surrounded well yeah can't step out there's an impale this game is looking a lot better for starbuck he's not going to the expo for some reason starbuck thinks this is a one base play by hawk or maybe he just thinks he would be in position early enough to defend so maybe he wants to just get level three first then he will push but yeah he's stacked this time he's like the opposite from last game he's gonna be up way quicker yeah tech is already on the way one third expo is mining for hog nothing's really working three workers only at the expo no tech yet why is he going defend the [ __ ] maybe and also he anticipates he's gonna have to fight fiends which okay right now there is no sign off okay that's gonna delay a stack even more right makes no sense i mean if you have the resources you can cue it for sure but it feels weird boots on the crib lord level three off we go new ghouls as well this might just destroy him though okay standing there at the expo oh dear god he's the cripload with boots look at him go yeah he's uh he's indeed going away i was hog scouting the run by on the right nope it's gonna stay as consumable as you like to say you hate that still right i don't care it's like it's the correct word i think uh when we met in at wcg or something you said that you and your consumables i hate that word so much when you say it that i i heard you cast and you said it as well i was like okay good i can you you infected me with that word sorry i'm i am very infectious in multiple ways good players forces are under attack is rimo gonna cast any tag team of it i don't know you gotta ask him remo is a mystery to me he just disappears like a wizard once in a while well then at some point you see him on twitter and then you know what's up going for his traditional sex capades it's twitter man it's so weird like last time when he compared kendrick lamar and kanye to whatever weird stuff that was okay dude that's a bottle of flicker for sure but tournamental can i give a lot of xp here it's gonna shoot for the night look at this yep imagine if the archmage gets impaled next okay because yes stuff is down i think yeah starbucks just gonna play standard but wait what no it's going triple crypt what and tier three but uh wait did he forget he had already two crypt because yeah he's super late if you want to go guards you need to make that way earlier maybe he wants to go for frenzy timing what do you think this is mad frog i don't know i'm just trying to make sense it's not that easy in this game oh no anti-air at the moment so zeppelin makes a lot of sense could could he drop even yeah there's no towers he's still not producing anything i guess the upside is that he's staying on the oh temple temple oh yeah baby here we go dude imagine hawk scans or checks the expo and cs2 crypt is gonna be convinced that some sort of like ghoul garg style yeah whereas it's the opposite oh he needs this ball but he's rushing t3 and also iova made towers it is super bad to overmake towers against uh necromancers because they don't do anything for you in terms of actually being able to fight the units effectively yeah for sure i think it's pretty bad for hawk but i'm not going to be as far as saying he's going to lose for sure because the last time i did that during dreamhack he actually won with massier against the commencers and i was like how did this just happen oh yeah oh is he going for that no right we don't see any griffin aviaries just one sanctum at the moment yeah it kind of needs to scan and prepare the zeppelin saw it now oh the dk what the hell are you doing whoops then i have that rune braces that's the big potion should be fine close though good timing on that creating ah let's go now ah kill him kill him right so he turned around oh no that ghoul could have gotten him oh my god he had the boots you know what this does is that he keeps hogs busy and hawk right now has no idea what's being made ah he knows he's scouted with a zeppelin two temples yeah really yeah okay and why is he going double gray for navieri he's going double sanctum double griffin avery for priest the spell and uh griffins okay but why is that what it's going for because it's terrible against the command well the griffins worked last time right oh my god the griffins of that game are going to be like the same as the in fear against happy yeah yeah yeah when i come to your necros you just make triple oververy buzz griffin oh they're styling with zeppelins cool place who's going to get these oh close item on the ground put it on fenergy pick it up pick it up pick it up oh dmk got it right yeah oh snap save that last second saves here this is the weirdest fight feels like nothing really takes damage nobody has mana anymore really statue heals up priests are healing up nothing changes is it ready not yet not ready oh snap oh dk pick it up pick it up pick it up is ready in a second here's the web oh boy go for it surround yeah man kill em all wait we surrounded it to try and get them to disappear okay didn't really work first knight is out as well wait why is hawk still fighting you just get out because he can i guess kind of face tanking with the archmage i think he ran the leech oh my god there was the paladin and two breakers and a griffin fighting whoopsie why was the lich there and not with the rest of the army it's banshees by the way yeah what the hell is this it's a very smart transition is what that is actually yeah because if there would be a lot of knights it would be very good but there is not many knights not one but and the magic shield is always good curse is good sort of cunning not so good nice entire oh tp out he still wants to brawl right they're so wild there's so much fun on the lips here we go starbucks should get out yes no matter i haven't know them but yeah that shouldn't do it two things down oh he's losing so much but he's also getting casters kind of good what the hell is this fight stomach this is so bad still has a supply list in trouble though lives in big trouble getting killed oh your creep in the back is attacking the statue ouch uh said he's not healing not reasoning there was a tp ready maybe through the game away to his main and run to the bottom right to the right like how far ahead he would be now yeah yep that would have been good and now he goes there [ __ ] with the extra bass with 53 supply what the hell so confident so cocky but i mean you got late game human army what can happen to him pretty much nothing it's unbeatable just silence yeah kayla is supposed to be funny during dreamhack he's kept making jokes about human against undead yeah man he really did his homework like what can i do to annoy todd that was probably fifty percent of his prep for that like a human against undead is coming up a foregone conclusion [Laughter] he has like such a way with english as well we'll attack on the left to kind of send him back i don't know why starbuck's not going for the red in bottom right maybe he's afraid his expo is going to be attacked in the meantime what's he doing with the feeds gifting them away did you not get this for upgrades nope possession oh gets cancelled talk with some great micro that's a big club level two instead of everything and starbuck might be overextending here yeah not much man anymore this ball comes in expo up and there's not much left in the back paladin on the menu maybe oh there should be the vine shield oh no did he go devotion it's a bold move hero focus all the way automation trouble tp out though big club again you keep it at the expo yeah to regenerate their clarities and everything does he tp back in it's always the question he doesn't have much to play i don't think he should but then again starbuck also didn't have that much statues are super hurt heroes are kinda low no mana potion yep here we go just jump around oh big level up now though jump up jump up and get down and the creep thought he's like jump jump enjoy it while you can guys it's actually killing quite some units man break her down griffin down night is not looking too hot oh my god downtown baby okay stumble as well though back it up back it in let me begin you know the rest nope it's kind of think that's starbucks game here gg well played was called and hawk indeed played it really good that was fun that was a messy bloody nice back and forth game on northern iles yeah well done and now it's time for i guess they have to choose between uh private against hawke and starbuck against foggy so i feel like it should be krav against hulk okay yep as they won the two and two craft and starbucks they can choose and in the meantime we take a look at the maturino because we got a new contribution thank you mr mirror for twenty dollars go moon and lynn they're in the playoffs already uh along a couple of other koreans already low light and so on so chemical and sock as well people are using the coupon code very nicely as well thank you very much you all you have to do is sign in at magirino contribute type in tod 4 and then 50 cent appear and then you can contribute super easy you don't have to pay anything all you have to do is spend a little bit of time to increase the price pool to make this even better we got a good 400 today that's already fine we cracked the big 3k yeah right more today it's almost 600 today oh that's pretty sick yeah we got a big 250 before we're in a good way guys with a good way but we got uh way more content way more games lots more fun so just keep it up keep it up keep it up use the coupon code throw us a dollar or two every single bit helps to reward the players and we will see what next what what game is coming up next hawk and foggy have match points craft and starbucks fighting for survival in the winter bracket i'm going for a smoke sending you into a break be right back and with that we move into map number four this match points for foggy and for hawk at the same time it's down to hawk to slay yet another undead if he defeats two undeads in a row it's clearly a sign that human is overpowered my co-caster will absolutely agree with me on that i'm so focused on the material i know i know that's why i'm talking [ __ ] now and not when you're actually listening and responding because i'm so smart we got crap in the upper right uh once again and i think he will be playing a pretty decent grip lord here this time definitely a better matchup of his compared against knight off and hawk we saw him already against starbuck he's practiced well practiced now it is concealed hill first i just checked the page and i couldn't find the exact twitter questing so you might have to tell me later and then i'll enable it yep i have a question about the colors if you could pick two colors for players to always have what would you go for red and yellow red and yellow really you think that's the best some people don't really like yellow so much to see like every time but on what surface is yellow bad it's good on green it's good on blue it's good on brown or red yeah but is it really the best looking color but it's about visibility i think yeah but it's also about aesthetics you know no it is not for me it's only about what i can see like for example if people pick a blue color on northern isles i'm going crazy you got like a neon yellow shirt you're like yeah if i wear this at night people will see me for sure i'll not get wrong that's why i'm wearing black all the time dude yeah definitely definitely definitely uh red and blue is kind of fine as well but then there's a problem with northern isles that blue and blue kind of sucks as well red and yellow for sure some colors are pretty i think purple's pretty purple is pretty indeed but if the opponent picks pink and it's a mirror match good luck man yeah all right hawk gets a ring i'm sure he's gonna be thrilled but krav is playing some one base oh my god private just posted a clown fiesta video where he played thousand it may have been on this map and actually i saw a couple moments from this game but i didn't see the game entirely okay i'm to go investigate real quick on craig's youtube all right so we might do that build here if like i'm up for clown fiesta all day i like clowns i like fiestas i like [ __ ] lords i'm up for everything nice surround with the help of the murlocs teaming up here the frenchies and the creeps yeah hawk probably not expecting this he's creeping up he thinks okay i get my free level two that's nice a little bit of a scout but craft has a lot of stuff lots of skellies lots of beetles he called it cry versus those in circus game [Laughter] and he just grabbed one camp and then he went to the human expo another i'll just to kill all the peasants of thor zane i guess didn't see it coming oh that's pretty sick yeah that can be really strong it's going to be went into double slaughterhouse destroyers and finished him yeah i think thor zayn doesn't have the easiest time against undead either feels like he's a little frustrated in that matchup yeah i don't think too many humans having an easy time neo let's be honest here yeah they have to step up their game finally yeah stop being so bad and get good exactly i mean there must be a reason why i have a 10 win rate against human right it can't be only my skill dude he still chose to [ __ ] it this is like one of the hardest expos to creep on he pulled a couple of militia oh he's hitting the archmage almost trapped lots of damage oh my god the peasants i gotta go yeah this is not looking too good for hawk i would say uh one kill that's level two there's plenty of mana is he spamming that impale again is the question easy level three like easy level three but easy lasted and yep he's spamming that impale again but this time with good reason tier two is almost finished for a craft he starts tier three immediately and he didn't have to bring a ton of gold so he actually already has the lumber to start uh double slaughterhouse he gets the dk seconds and then behind this very easily can go into a double slaughterhouse and then just spam destroyers which if you go for an expo this late there is no way you can hold one more set of beetles do you want to continue this race not really he has plenty of time behind this yeah double slaughterhouse indeed good call todd have been experimenting more with one base crypt load at times to mix in different styles but yeah hawk is in a lot of trouble here in this game i think crap has to retreat now without mana or at least wait for the dk until he brings some potions then continue man these attack waves are going to be super strong what do you think about the format of this tournament could it be improved do you think or it's absolutely perfect todd whatever comes from your brain is absolutely perfect thank you it's the two and two always the first one is that the format okay would kind of love to see it in the middle just to shake things up here and there yeah i don't know i love two on two so it's i feel like it's always nice to start with that and also there is the rule that the team that wins the two and two decides which match is fourth if it's two one which i think is really cool because it adds more importance to the two and two that could still be the case if it's the third map right yeah yeah it could yeah yeah oh yeah i love two on two and it's like only one two one two and two match so i'm almost like damn i wanna see more two and twos but at last team was crazy for that because it was teams of three and there was three different two on twos per team and it was only two and twos then that was almost like too much you know yeah we had the same uh the chinese team league i think or the yeah whenever chinese do teammates also have two two and twos but then it gets stale i like that two and two is still something special yeah that's amazing like some of the games today were insane it's so wild i like that there's no clear way of what to do there's so much room um to improve and to like do something different so many combinations so much stuff is working actually which is i think it's kind of a miracle that so many combinations in walker three work as a two and two yeah some teams play really weird as well like moon then lin it's like they respected nothing they just played blademaster demon against mass he's like what are you guys doing like why would you do that it's like the hardest possible scenario and then they still won't like i think this is a cool distraction attack by by hawk i mean of course he's not killing much but he forced the tower he's getting some mining time he falls to repair he's keeping kraft back the attack will come now pretty hard but at least he's smiling at least he's playing time for towers yeah i don't know how he's supposed to hold this but yeah actually krav is not gonna go for destroy push he made litch third which means that he's gonna creep i think and maybe even expand himself and then just take my control and say to her oh you're making all of these towers well good for you yeah good luck attacking with them close on the ground there we go you could just go to center do the reds then go to creep the expo up there and like just creep the entire map what's hawk gonna creep with it's 50 thousand ideas per base he has one archmage yeah solid question valid question i think that archmage has to have the time of his life but he probably won't my craft was not training what he's gonna oh he almost got dispelled oh my god the destroyer sleeping on the job that was close okay craft is still creeping and he's gonna harass the haunted that's pretty smart it's more time yeah there's already a tower there and then once he does that he's like kind of trapped in the base but what's disease clouds for towers uh for for catapults all the times me and remo complained that this cloud wasn't being researched early enough now he gets hit while having only destroyers is he at 50 he's not even at 50. like what the hell okay stepping out is gonna be a little problematic why is he not waiting for the stab oh well there was an involved okay maybe there was a reason for that yeah that didn't work out too well was time but this also buys time for creeping like complete map control for kraft best unreadable too that's by now it's quite some towers t3 started mountain king coming but still not much entire cars gonna exploit center i think you should scout what uh hulk goes for before he makes an album because see like there's two aviaries oh yeah okay he just saw the aviary he should cancel that album then maybe making one is not too bad but i mean against pure air you should make zero i think yeah especially if you already committed to the disease cloud you kind of want to get something out of it you could do it with a uh meat wagon though look at that crypt frenzy fiends how many ghouls do you have you should have cancelled frenzy it's actually cost lumber to make this and the ghouls just should just stay at home and mine anyway oh dmk bye bye wait rough like how this archmage is trying so hard to be relevant well he is not like himself on twitter you know he's just not watching [Music] [Laughter] will you accept the show match now on the next pen why would i play jesus to prove that you're better todd how do you know that i'm a better person than him good enough for me oh that mk can't prove anything anymore as he's dead again yeah this archmage really doesn't do too much yeah kind of weird crafty didn't seem to be too in a rush to get the expo up oh yeah he's in a good spot i feel but uh he did maybe a second crypt i guess just spam those fins against mass air like you don't need much else you don't need to mass destroyers just get pure mass fiends once you get like seven eight it's so much easier to fight against foreground because you impale the ground even go to scroll of the beast so like the bigger army you can get the better it's going to be for him when he actually fights and lich is he's going to be oh my god he's going to be 333 in a second yo and the damage is pretty good as well item sobe mask nice yo this is going to be good it always feels like an album and at some point do you need anti-magic and some banshees maybe going there but no not really i was going to the castle oh my god good the three dragon hawk cancel i would not even have tried this one it's such a crap unit man but sometimes it has their moments and that was exactly their timing right like they're not doing anything after this but if those get boots on this crypto by the way it would be catching up easily to this army all the time because he has an early aura as well he might kill the blacksmith masonry 2 200 1 400 hp yeah next two minutes he will be busy by canceling this blacksmith hawks levels are so bad yeah send peasants to repair that's going to go real well oh my god little overkill here i think but oh my goodness move them that plus two is actually gonna finish watch this oh oh oh my haha it's healing the worker to let the upgrade finish not bad yeah that comes a little too late my friend and his space building near the expo is so awkward i kill the statue with blizzard oh my god yeah i think kraft is getting a little lazy here it's so weird to have archmage with blizzard and orb yeah it's a bad combo but i mean what do you want to do oh snap he's taking the fight craft has only two fins oh my god crap okay he's gonna do this yeah the a-bomb is just a one-shot once the griffins reach can they reach against aura not sure there's so much air now there's oh my god dude destroyer comes around the impales bye bye paladin maybe bye bye okay there's an involved but mk is there a staff yeah there's affinity center guarding that expo rough position for kraft now expo not fully saturated like the only thing hawk kind of needs is levels then it's fine yeah but uh his side of the map has no creeps left except the one on the right side which cry is about to take away from him that is indeed a problem does he have a cloud oh he's researching it now yeah it pushes it better into the center i feel that's a good upgrade for undead as well disease cloud should disable towers okay no comment these clouds should disable human towers because it stinks so much in the tower then that you can't work and can't shoot arrows i think that makes a lot of sense i lost widow boy i got three old by ante it's not enough for you you have to make these jokes as long as i'm losing 90 of my games against human yes i will continue that's probably like what five games against human you you lost four you won one yep it's pretty close i guess griffin getting caught this is very bad but private doesn't have the critical mass of fiends that he needs to fight air effectively yeah actually what he just keep it back i guess the dklich were coming okay what's next 75 pallet in his bag more upgrades defend upgrades this time oh did he oh no hawk should shoot two dragon hawk in the same very shame maybe it was supply blocked for a bit wait why is hogg getting uh iron plating knight transition against fiends i don't know or he wants to kill him cheeky tank i don't know man but those nights are gonna start anytime soon right because i'm looking at that bear accent yes they're kind of sleeping there i know it huh have misclicked or something right you gotta remember so much as a human man all these upgrades are very confusing it happens okay hawk has no tp that's risky dude he's gonna have time to do the fountain look at his decoy militia here he sent them he's like kill us kill us keep us let's keep you busy i'll do the fountain no love for the working man that should never have happened actually like craft should have never allowed hawk to go to the fountain like this include but maybe he just wants to get to critical mass of fiends lionhorn is sweet can easily go into divine shield now a player's forces are under attack yeah against undead and creep lords definitely good event shield anyway yeah i mean he didn't against starbucks but i think he was a little cocky there yeah yo six armor now that's pretty good third attack upgrade coming as well that is a low griffins yo these statues will pop in a second jeez little 40k makes kiting a little easier but i don't think he has the chance to do that focus fire may be a little off but storm hammer is so good man all that damage with the aoe with blizzard as well and clap yo this army is not gonna be an army much longer yeah fiends getting wiped out you have mass griffins and you fall off my screens then you have clap and blizzard it's obviously going to be ideal with those aoe yeah gear is evaporating pretty fast and there is no real counter to this forest it's kind of true dragon hogs still feel at some point you need enter magic but huge supply lead well what to make of it now is the question there's no mana pods oh nova maybe that's enough no wine shield level two coil also not enough for this one there's a holy light if you had an impale he would just replay the new trailer of mortal kombat in his head finishing have you seen that no no no i don't are you a multi-combat fan not really oh i'm a fan of killing paladins no dude i'm a street fighter kind of guy what is that stuff staff is still of cool down i guess the krump is kind of coming back to this game but focus fair enough only at holy light huh oh no he passed the tp and dies oh that's bad okay now he's back that was expensive dude it's so funny the the trailer for uh volatile combat came out and they're not playing the original music so some guy made a video where he's filming with his phone and he's playing the original music on top of the current trailer and he's shouting at the at the studio that made the movie it's like it's so it's not so hard guys listen it's not that hard just split this music okay the music is freaking iconic though why wouldn't you include it that's stupid is that a tick-tock video i don't know where i saw that maybe like twitter or something but i remember just laughing pretty hard oh archway man this is just nukes everywhere all the time plus two attack fiends aircraft actually doesn't have big supply here because they've been trading the entire game under attack and i think that was his mistake in the first place like he just made too many towers in center didn't have the units in the right spots went into the second [ __ ] way too late he finally has he's going to gogs actually he's kind of known for doing that if hawk doesn't realize that's happening that could be pretty bad but i feel like craft would have to get like you know maybe up to eight gogs for it to be really good yeah it's it's really not that easy to counter them at this stage yeah because the base are gonna man out soon eventually like the main already did there was like three k three left for uh hawk it's got eight k5 left for craft yeah that's not a single workshop he's already broke because he's an upkeep all the time it could be smart for kraft to do that for sure yep absolute mana you can feel the fight is coming oh yeah and you can't even touch them magic immunity is a wonderful thing but oh sneaky attack players so that should be brilliance three yeah oh he went blizzard three it's actually gonna see it from down there does that work no yeah craft knows that that was possibility so he's gonna engage do you want to see dead birds yeah there's a lot of dead birds in the air already but they don't do any damage because they miss all their freaking attacks oh that statue melted leech gets the infant on time he's gonna start targeting the reference the [ __ ] lord oh my god he needs to transfer things out okay and tries to go for the mk there's stuff i think storm ball ah too late a little bit could have been a target as well hawk's still at 70. i know that fountain is going to be amazing for hawk to replenish oh yeah of course like he has he has two staff but it's good to be able to maybe preserve that as well for the fights oh just used it still has a mother potion still has an involved hero levels are looking amazing oh he's trying to expand again might be the game where like if this expansion comes through then that wins in the game love it when the story is okay so i don't think he can fight this because there is staff there is holy lights if there was more destroyers he could but yeah crowd needs some statues really bad here we should sell one of the uh slaughterhouse maybe oh cancel the expo no yeah yeah that was never gonna happen okay here's the first garg but until they have an impact how long does that take they can be storm bolted there's shackles there's focus fire gryffin rider yeah this is the point of the game where it's really tough to crack a human it's got a mass destroyers no it's too worried about going for finns because there's those high level human heroes and blizzard and club so it looks like he just wants to get mass destroyers but yeah they're not that amazing against uh everything overall you have like one fight where you have mana and if you don't smash that real hard you lose oh cloud and griffin attack nice what can you do against that nothing yeah if you're not in position not much private needs to own someone like one slaughterhouse and one crypt probably maybe even like one of his towers in the main to get like a little gold back he's a little stubborn on staying here he could have been summoned everything already yeah and hawk even cued the third armor upgrade so it's gonna be three three in a few moments oh it's gonna be sick and yeah first destroyer has mana but that's only one out of what five 25 supply doing no damage nice i don't think the nuke is enough anymore now it's always holy light isn't involved as there should be steps hey hawk is so confident man feels like craft and starbucks they say hello to the lower bracket if this continues this way yeah seems tough let's see if you can deal with the others of course dk that influence about to run out and i think that's going to be the queue for the mountain goes for the lich instead because there is no coil yeah yeah exactly there's no healing g g hawk winning three maps against undead in a row how is that even possible it's a christmas miracle it is man one hour away from todd's birthday hawk is giving presents after presents yeah uh i think no banshees is definitely a mistake at some point you gotta go for that or a bunch of guards as you said but some kind of transition sometimes craft is really stubborn when it comes to this yeah just not enough scouting that first cancel with the three dragon hawks if the expand goes up then you know that was great this is the kind of thing where if you would watch happy against hawk like you would never make like all of these mistakes and it would just i think if like if happy was in that game he would just absolutely destroy hawk yeah if they had the same stars in particular but yeah a lot lots of mistakes were made here for sure but it was a fun game lots of action lots of hero focus lots of killing how many heroes did craft kill i don't know man that was a lot and yeah the moment where hawk got on the left side to keep the fountain also that should never ever happen like it should be craft having the map control completely at this time but he got scared for a second and yeah all right hawk is taking a second so we have a little bit of time and what do we use that time for of course our beloved maturino ladies and gentlemen exclamation mark tag team gives you the link or you just put it in the search match arena that would also be good because you can contribute to the prize pool for pretty much free we're super close to the 3100 made a little long or big steps today from 2500 up to 3100 would be a nice end to the journey today as we have many more games much more content we still have moon and linen the playoffs law light and so and have displayed their strength already chemical and sock we still have thor zane and star-shaped in the race and many many more hitmen and arc of course not to be forgotten and everybody who lost today so head over make it big blow it up maturino todd's tag team yeah 3k1 already that's pretty amazing like we started with around 500 and we're shooting for 2k and when i pitched the tournaments to uh a lot of the players like moon and lin i told them you know we're starting with 500 but i'm confident we're gonna get at least 2k and then i'm sure these guys they're probably looking at the price ball and they're like you know they got dollar signs in their eyes they're probably pretty happy they're going to be making a bunch of cash for sure can i treat the ladies or the children why not both why not both exactly okey-dokey last refuge next hawk kind of dismantled starbuck here so it's uh time for craft to make up for things tournament life on the line for starbucks or not tournament like willow bracket live on the line for craft and starbucks if craft loses this map then they are in the lower bracket not gonna be too easy as cooper and johnny kate for example out there yeah and wiz and said as well wiz and said as well santa's gonna play uh dust league europe by the way real cool yeah lastly europe is looking to be pretty dope yeah carson and b do casting prime time starting tomorrow 6 pm off we go we got a sick group tomorrow uh with thor zane for example pull that up real quick what do we got we got the dice vs thor zayn spiral and foggy in that group as well the entirety of the group will be played so thorsane versus foggy can't wait spiral playing orc again can't wait maybe eventually like the goal is to eventually do a dust leak with europe n a together or yeah exactly we had the american version already and the top i think four qualified and the top something of europe will qualify and then the next edition is going to be a global one so it's only going to be europe and neo there will be also asia no just european aid okay gonna be interesting damn yeah the top side now we're talking about this top eight i think uh qualified or something you have to it's a prize as well too and it's growing as well we didn't even start the tournament it was just for the qualifiers and we already doubled the price yeah man the scene is amazing how much money they throw at tournaments and players and streamers is really really nice it's a good racial distribution as well or well you only have two arcs but i mean it's europe which doesn't have europeans okay orcs six night elves four and there's four humans and two orcs [Music] yeah i mean when the two orcs are sparring and cooper they could go pretty far i think so and spyro has confirmed that he's going to play orc at least that's what i heard well i hope so because dreammake asia two works in the finals so now he's got no more excuses really people will always find excuses yeah you remember that wtl which one do you remember that if you want to wgl was it was about to say like remember that wgl where two humans are in the finals and you still had excuses they just played like [ __ ] man all their opponents exactly no i uh there was a good excuse that they didn't match any uh undeads on the way so yeah that was actually a good excuse in that case but right now balance is a hot topic it is because of the ptr and stuff isn't it funny or how everybody wants buff for their race though really how could that i just want to see like one guy somewhere in the thread be like guys by the way i really think my race is way too strong please nerf it if that happens i'm reporting that dude to the fbi like he's got some dirty secrets for sure there is something wrong with him yeah or maybe drugs involved man you never know how tried to pull the mercenary camp crips to there actually gets trapped he gets there for it and the creeps are knowing everything how dare you wake me up but i denied him no way the trapper denied him that was the exclamation mark oh my god legit troll confirmed i would have been a good step towards level three okay cool show up at the expo again and hawk not ready oh yeah oh yeah oh not at all one dead he didn't even start anything yet two dead no end snares no slow no boulders craft actually went very fast graveyard here something that all modern days are starting to do so you have access to uh spirit towers if need be as well instead of just nerubian and you can start finn production way earlier as well craft would strike me as a guy who goes for ghouls as long as he can but yeah fiends can be super powerful of course with the second push next push is coming this time in the base yeah there's no tp by the way what uh okay craft it's a little dangerous okay now he moves up it's preventing mining from hawk right now and look at park's economy he cannot even force his expo he doesn't have the gold i can't sell the unit yeah oh my god the ghouls are back footman take care waffle mental as well the girls are backing down thin lizzy oh you know that i didn't know you're a classic rock kind of guy i'll listen to a little bit of everything i'm definitely no uh emo only black wearing guy like you a player's forces are under it i saw that there was oh yeah we talked about this last time there is like online concerts nowadays right yeah are these any half decent it's not the same it's good music but it's not the same experience did you try and do a mosh pit on your own yeah man i got the mattress up against the wall and jumped against it threw some beer around you go to the kitchen and your roommates are making something you're just like pushing them around they just feel like tomato sauce what are you doing man i step on the table and uh and i'm trying to crowdsurf nobody caught me it was a bad experience i miss going to the restaurants the most but then second most is uh going to theater i watch a lot of movies movies yeah it always kind of annoyed me that there's other people in the theaters but me that's that's the downside of theaters man other people oh my goodness horses are under attack i don't know if we should talk about this it's pretty it's a pretty risky topic but why is germany so far behind on vaccinations compared to yeah dude i don't know so many friends that are getting vaccinated like every day these days and in germany i'm like yeah we're we're still at the 80 plus and then up next next month is the 70 plus i'm like what the [ __ ] yeah some people [ __ ] up bad where that german efficiency i've heard true right i've never seen i don't get it either the players forces are under attack rules into the expo again they are trapped actually potentially no no they can run up on that ah oneness run you're fools oh nope man craft has no love for these ghouls okay this archmage what it's so deep maybe it's not because of the cloak he can hide a little and it's actually kind of working is that sonic life coaching that's what you do you pick hero you run into bass you tp you run into base where you go mike no listen me but you're so new you're so bad mike the best oh my god some of these clips are so gold oh i tried close to the golems yeah yes we were start pretty fast here for crab second creep there's just gonna be standard fiends there's an impale soon gotta be careful hog yep nice pay attention to the mana pool tp out in time it's actually stabilizing yeah probably she's super low on supply for a second wait what he starts double guarding yeah okay didn't get the memo he's just supposed to pump out finns and play like very standard from here he actually doesn't have much lumber maybe that's why he does it for the fans i mean there's tower it's already at the expo there will be oh will there be a godzilla yeah i think so once they arrive yeah it's not it's not going to be an easy game for craft players i wonder what's the plan because there is already a slaughterhouse we saw him fee so many times just get a couple guards and double temple necromancer but yeah i don't think crowd is the lumber here yeah i haven't seen that slaughterhouse i haven't seen necroz in for ever it feels like they are like uh fashion of the week kind of thing and then they disappear you seen remo oh the dk oh my god surrounded rimo tweeted that necros don't need to be nerfed and they need to be nerfed you feel like he's just woken up i can't just picture it you know he's just woken up he's hangover he's like what do we tweet about today and then someday somehow it lands on like kanye and like whoever some of the times it's just necromancers i think he has some kind of roulette at home that he spins when he's in the mood of tweeting a crab made more gargoyle okay this is craft plays weird like we know he plays weird but usually like it makes more sense than he does now yeah like the [ __ ] lord against night off okay actually that was terrible [Laughter] he's switching it up now and there is a temple actually so you see switching it up instead of double tempo one slaughterhouse is going double slaughterhouse one temple that was perfect man that was absolutely perfect swaps the involve over seven second safety beetles are all busy oh he's gonna be so careful with that dk goes for the archmage what a bold move tp no follow up right he can't reach he can't reach okay what's the follow up here for cryblack yeah um i wonder what's coming out of that temple it's gonna make one more building what is this second temple yeah what super laid what he has like here's six production buildings united these fights are so intense both refused he just wants to dodge it right he wants to show his skills well bolt is far away now okay two ways to base cool stuff it is actually necro wagons that's the latest necro wagons i've seen in a long long long time yep what's up yo death note what's up just play a tournament skill cup how did it go i have one really sick congrats thanks alright so now you're equal with remo you're both skilled kept chimps yes it was gold cup today right yes so who did you beat sonicus and and finally it was sonic was like fish and another black players how much you win i don't know what oh i just didn't check you know like it's not so many players is playing it's uh i thought like when blatis won last kill cup before was was before he won less than mr winner or uh or arma in like bronze and uh silver cup yeah but they deserve the money more sure watching the game what do you think yeah it's a good photograph i think he creep rat he have like initiative good for him but the kickoff only guards is nothing so late game it will be better for for hawk it's gonna be a lot of disciple for sure yeah i want to see and they're still waiting this full patch everywhere he goes like mikhail harassed him so much with the mr dispost a player's force yeah it's not stopping anymore i think all right this meme cannot be stopped you think it's funny todd we got some good ones recently brilliant three or not that's my question here that's yeah give me that sweet region it's on the stock uh all of this so what are you into those three apparently not oh man why though against your monsters brilliance will be better the only thing that triggers me more than finding a ring is seeing somebody who finds the ring and leaves it on the archmage for the whole game i mean there was a lot of hero focus on the archmage so having a little bit of armor is not bad please don't what no it's terrible it basically negates the orb oh my god you don't see the value of the rings todd that's why you lose against undead all the time wow what do you think like to make ring plus 3 armor and also plus 3 damage and the name like this item to another like another name of protection and aggression what the [ __ ] you renamed my god that lich inventory maybe i have a question like how to how could it scout it i don't think so i don't think so either oh it goes frag shards maybe yeah if you go frog shorts and they didn't see a lot of chiropractic and blizzard oh yeah he does okay oh there's a lot of aoe clap level two here's blizzard level three oh yeah it's gonna be good the octopus is coming they're coming guys prepare bring the alarm retreat retreat prepare for battle oh he's going to the skill is on foot man already though these guys are going to be really bad i like that man in this mk okay don't really get the storm ball but okay there's one for free this is so hard for kraft oh my god the friendly fire here we go welcome army of the dead okay he fell just for the mk the sony mouse yeah he didn't even hit the outside standing in the disease cloud he doesn't disable too much i guess nice and fail again nice clap working man how could you just tell me that the spell doesn't work there's one different needs more though oh boy because he didn't have the ring guys he passed it over yeah that's why that is why exactly nice and pale can't heal can he nope uh looks like game three come on hulk what are you doing what did you do man [Laughter] oh wait he exposed he took a lot of damage and then crav made double slaughterhouse but then he did nothing with it he tried to expand and hawk cancelled it image mass air and then craft played like [ __ ] and he lost concealed bye bye castle craft played first game without expansion yeah you tried twice expo here asked at first whoo craft and starbucks stay alive necro wagons for the win everybody crap in starbucks yeah yeah exactly i don't know why but this is really not funny but somehow it's funny [Laughter] okay i joined the game thought you can stop shut screen not 14 breath northern isles to decide at all or what well there still could be foggy versus star wars but i don't know how sonic comes up with this stuff like music mug [Laughter] we can't follow up what's in sonic's hat man we just we are we're not worthy he called ldc lil deal it's kind of an insult huh that sounds like a rapper name i won 83 dollars not bad wow buy me some food bruh apples and cottage cheese oh my gosh no protein powder no let's not eat his protein through his meals okay oh todd guess what we got two donations by rico mortis ten dollars and by stfo blade another ten dollars fantastic tournament and casting go on so we cracked hundred the 3100 three thousand one hundred seventeen point eighty eight thank you so much guys actually to spend that coupon because we got a lot of it actually we got a lot of coupons here we go where do you get these coupons i asked for them sick butcherino love me man i've done quite a few uh events on their page i've introduced them also to some people in starcraft so they like me they give me coupons let's use them let's use them coupon code is taught four so head over there match arena and we head over to northern ireland to decide this fourth game if craft wins this we go into the fifth game and if hawk wins this we're done with the day wrong called our position for hawk this road with which he want to play is not best in this map here we go let the hating begin his first building placement was wrong [Laughter] how do you know what he wants to play because altar is always in position when you went to creep yeah but do you think only good creep out on this is tusker first against the against criplortius if even that can play like this knight or crypt lord i think your creep wrote is best okay let's see i think earlier actually like his crew part was weird because he did like small green and then he did expo immediately after so he only had level two right so he pressured and he accepted kind of like the expansion trading but i think starbuck made a mistake by not going to the expo early enough to kill peasants but he made a graveyard what hmm dude i wasn't even checking because he crap i was like for sure like this is just normal yeah man it's like ted fiends but with a crypt lord that sounds like freaking terrible everything he did so far sounded pretty terrible but he still won two maps so when you don't know exactly it's [ __ ] lord or this knight like chic also like explored he can play leg grip lord and this knight so if you want to creep like orange with two scars he can like demolish you and punish for this creeping they can block with acolyte beaten so you have a big troubles so i'm sure that against like players who can play like this knight or crippler need to use like creep small green another green with moonlocks and with militias you crap like another murlocs so you also get level three when you went to creep expansion oh this is similar to the creep route that i did against paul zane in the video that he posted on youtube he creeps a bit then he goes to the expo to kill peasants actually no yeah he played destroy push after that i don't know guys like why are we traveling is the sonic of undead without expansion is it's a real craft it's a new style i think it's i don't know a little similar to the six skeleton arrested expos in the last patch okay first kill private expansion never more i couldn't do sonic and rushes yeah that's not in this ball that's what it is blade and alcohol i think we got a lot of candidates when it comes to that rimo is competing sometimes i'm competing sometimes oh my god planet of energy not bad grip lord uploads three faster than hulk or not i think not it's similar there we go oh yeah pretty much the same time sick yeah how did you know he's an expert dude he knows this matchup did you win a cup recently by any chance war three royalty here on stream what are you gonna do with the money destiny a town is under siege just by like fly in uh your city come and meet you i don't think that's enough doesn't say that if you lived in germany you couldn't even afford the pcr test with what you wanted all right what the hell straight up tier three as well this doesn't look too powerful yeah this is just weird pinot was getting surrounded no coil yet a player's force i understand why craft plays this kind of build it's just so good at expanding like doing all the expanse with uh crypt lord and then after that you know doing whatever you need he feels like he just wants to confuse he wants to yeah create chaos well he allowed hawk to expand pretty easily so there's just no chaos like if you're the human here you're just really happy at how the game has gone so far i'm not saying that it's good or that i agree but i think that's going on in crap's head um hope have like a very huge experience to play like to defense expansion here very good like to use potions like clarity all the time same footmans because like ton of games like hundred games was happy made him like a machine against undead what is this slaughterhouse in crowds main base i mean it's not even in his main base to be honest it's like yeah it's really it's an outpost outside of his main base like what is this this slaughterhouse is trying to escape the base of krav if it was the human centipede this slaughterhouse would be in the center in the near future what the hell it's for scouting man if you watch the human centipede yeah once when i was younger how traumatized oh you know it's uh where i grew up that was kind of normal so i wasn't too shocked you know sase is a sicko like he told me watch the human centipede we're eating yeah i don't have trouble with that at all i can separate that yeah yeah i wish i could say the same damn three arcane tower and two more guard towers at the expo fox a little paranoid what's gonna hit him though i think kraft's doing the same as he did first game he's getting lich and he's gonna expo okay hawk has almost no lumber actually and he queued the masonry before cueing the improved lumber harvesting all right should be easy fight for craft but again it's pretty much the same as in game one right it keeps them busy keeps them away from the expo what he started to make acolyte so yeah here i do expansion does that help well he kept scrolls a beast to push a player's forces kraft seems a little indecisive he queued a garg and then cancelled it again now expanding maybe he's not too sure what to do and he's getting creeped no not with that force how do if crafts saw the book of the dead any cute destroy form look at this house it's gone a player's forces are under attack and football is follow acolyte yeah kill him yeah that's a problem no expo here so it's kind of dedicated to a push but he can't break hawk at all 1 200 gold you always want to fight when you just got your mountain king but here i'm a little bit worried for a hawk because there's dk-3 crippled three and there's lich with orb so technically he's not supposed to kill anything and the destroyers there as well to this bill but the first episode of uh falcon and uh what is it a player's forces you know the the show you told me about on disney plus falcon and the winter soldier did that yeah yes you watched it no no i will after this extreme okay oh mk surrounded bye bye could somebody please tell me how hawk is supposed to win this game just turtle a bit and play human late game easy game play some knights on a click wow the silence here the silence is definitely i love it i love it yeah crop is in a really good spot now is not very good to defend against these attacks yeah those are so many towers i think it's a little too many yeah oh dude if you haven't made this slaughterhouse somewhere else are you kidding me right now why are you getting so triggered because it's so dumb like look at where it is the towers are not even shooting like it makes zero sense to make it here you should be happy oh my god so greedy even went like in the perfect position to eat them all just lost all mana from arcane tower oh my god i'm not thinking the great escape just losing like so much money from arcane towers yeah i think it doesn't really matter does it oh actually it does and look at main base of craft forces hulk kill the altar yeah and lose the sniper mk dies on the right hand side what is this game this is so weird force two towers oh my god he's making tanks no way he made one he's getting his second one aircraft have stopped with teleportation he can send destroyer to this fault like a long time ago say it like you mean it that's oh my god best item for or this horrible pipe is but better how do you think not because with this our like now until you have unlimited speed yeah yeah yeah this is i don't know why he's not dude he's gonna lose his whole base what is going on here he's probably like this is i'll take this yeah he doesn't want to defend like i'll take that [ __ ] how many accolades are left like four again he's constantly rebuilding them but he's buying so much time jesus i forgot the attempts no my god hello paladin oh [Music] unfortunately the ring didn't save him who would have thought but if graphics creep another red he'll be insane heroes he'll it's already insane but okay so much more gold he just needs a little bit of time i think it's not about gold if like rough for like creep all the map and he almost created all the map these units to hope can't win anymore because like 20 like 30 supply advantages like jude like just nothing it's just like only straight with tanks and try to win this mother king might get level 2 here which is absolutely unacceptable this 4 should have been to the right spot in this so he could have jumped on him four four four super close but now i think he can be punished yeah something else as well oh no no holy light jesus at level five and hook is dropped the tanks the zipline look at that needle slow two towers crafty like yeah yeah he's gonna take them out it's not much repair is good oh my god feels like we're getting game five guys do you think uh starbuck is happy about that i wonder if foggy is still awake wait what time is it 2 a.m hey it's all right he was falling asleep and his wife is like you better not fall asleep there's 3k bucks on the yeah they're kind of never alive [Laughter] yeah ascend a few things again like to make heroes 555 please okay one gyro it's also not really enough but yeah maybe this expo works uh mountain king is back paladin is alive that's kind of good a player's forces are under attack oh these impales oh sweet impales yeah never did christmas carol expansion will die just hit this leech attack the peasants and bitey people craft or just run because he have so much speed he's already doesn't matter watch this hawk is gonna have the nerf to restart an expo can you believe this guy it's gonna be close and then destroying the bottom right somebody else i think better to make expansion on left side of hawk he have open space so it's his base can be mode protected i feel like these attacks don't really do too much anymore but he can't fight anyway like it's he can stay or just try to best right and kill on that base it's only like a hook chance but you should sell vampiric for sure but for fuel for heroes and also three abominations it's not so bad are you joking you know and you know you you always have a like a time to solve this if like craft for example lost 10 supply and 11 supply and then 250 so he can sell it without a keep and take more gold listen to you you know all about those trades huh like a mini razor man over there expert broker mr cool item trader pro well how long can hawks stall man what's what's his late game plan i don't know i think he's hoping that krav will make like a big mistake but he's the one making a big one right now by engaging outside of the tower range oh the dk [Applause] oh boy okay no healing anymore but yeah everything else is kind of dying where all the nights there were so many nights before this night nope use the to potion already this is the first armor like hook it will never to kill this this night all right dk back that just cost like 500 something gold players forces [Laughter] five five five heroes okay let's slaughter a little more hawk's gonna lose this he just has to realize and accept and wake up foggy what surprises me when i see hulk staying this long in this kind of game just like you're just hurting yourself mate he's got some resilience you know yeah yeah yeah probably pushes himself at the gym pretty hard one last trap how to say that he need to play gryffins us in first game are you listening to him yeah i just opened his stream and i wanted to hear like what what he will say so yeah so that's so much gold but can't really spend it i thought hawk almost never talks actually during this kind of game level six let me see that ultimate graph just to celebrate come on give me that locust swarm when did this altar not work man it feels like once the one hero is back he has to reproduce the next one yeah in a rough game as of late i'm surprised cried still not expanding oh yeah when is this expiring oh no for a change of his style he before he always expanded now he's never expanded yeah that's true actually the couple of units that are left will now all die as well come on hawk give it up baby give it up [Music] baby give it up give it up baby give it up did you know that song no it's an amazing song it doesn't sound like it baby give it up give it up baby give it up and then everybody screams you know that song that's not no no [Laughter] culture there's the expo you guys wanted so bad i know on this song eight meals a day [Laughter] eminem eight meals yeah no no you want to stay under down all right hockey you have so much confidence in your towers and your base oh another tank he is kind of actually trying to turn this around but how if he stats where does the hero go under the castle uh isn't it bottom right it's random actually technically but i'm curious where do you think the next one would go ah okay i said bottom right i feel it oh the expo is cancelled but hawk is mining out as well so nobody has gold anymore well 500 for crawford look on the top left there is a beetle about to surprise this peasant it's ambushed hello boys by the way i never expire what's up [Laughter] yeah why is there no priest to diesel what's the destroyer doing oh okay that's a little unnecessary see bottom right yeah with this cloud this is pretty tough oh okay the right thing is going for the fiends wow the zero focus is so sick mk has a potion needs the potion okay survives for a little longer but archbis is exposed bye bye so yeah the altar is gone he has no gold anymore that upstage won't come back no reason to give up this game though if your first hero dies oh my god that beethoven is going to kill like six peasants eventually it's gonna take two more minutes but oh mk dice as well okay this one tank i think hawks uh hog's fate is in the hands of one tank he's restarting the altar yes look a swarm let's celebrate with a couple of bugs also todd's favorite kind of party he has like four speed auras now like level three can you show the experience graph holy [ __ ] difference 4 000 different dd and we go game 5 everybody it was destined man two matches today all go full distance so we get foggy vs cry starbuck unreal absolutely we i am going for a break for sure in four minutes we're back and then we have foggy versus starbucks the decision who's gonna go into the playoffs the winner of that next match see you in a bit and foggy versus starbuck is the last match of the day series is tied to two two and two going to uh went to craft and starbuck then foggy won his match hawk won this match wait something is wrong in my opinion oh crap won the second match and yeah craft tied it up and now the decision between these two wonderful players i really wonder what starbuck is playing do we know uh he says random oh sweet that's a new challenge so how do you veto how do you open like especially against foggy who has very specific builds usually i think yeah he has only two vetoes so there is some maps on which against outfit will be very tricky regardless of the matchup it's kind of weird because you have to think of from the opponent's point of view like let's say for example terena stands if you play against foggy's elf like what do you think he would open with and what would he be good against what would he be back against yeah it doesn't really surprise me that if he told it actually right this guy yeah i mean yep yep yep yep foggy ready starbuck ready another question how tired is foggy obviously as always when we have these late night uh late night casts foggy usually goes to bed early wakes up early holy smokes todd we got another 75 contribution by ban listed 3193 so i think we also got a new goal for the end of this stream and that should be the 3200 right push it push it push it like this like mr disciple in the gym that was just i don't understand did they pick the same team again i think so thank you so much everybody uh with the donors and the help with the tournament i think those players are going to be thrilled that the price pool is is being built so nicely and uh yeah it's very nice it is very nice indeed and we try this again to host it todd you're in a player slot that's fair when you called me every time connected with my fault that they were shitty move yeah i mean we're all old we don't pay too much attention so teams are ready races are ready castles are in i think we're good to go go let's go champ let's go who's the champ now uh you do pidu yeah vito is definitely it speaking of vedu he's casting the card on africa in a bit where kraft also has to play against kiwikake it's a 2 a.m our time right wait do you know which match is first not too sure probably crawford's kiwikake oh my god he random night elf all right so if you're starbuck and you're playing foggy on this map and you play random you probably anticipate that foggy will go demon hunter i think so the thing is foggy is a beast in mirror and he knows very well how to play against spot him so do you try potter with your starbuck yeah man also do you want to go in the late game scenario against the main player of that race in a mirror yeah probably not potter might still be his best option i think he you know random players they are not experienced with each race as most other players that play only one race so they tend to do a lot of cheese i think doing potterman doing uh trying to do some sort of ap attack might be the best option but usually when people have done that against foggy it's gonna fell flat on its face because foggy is like usually super creepy yeah and it does go bottom all right let's go for a little bit of a push here on concealed also base to base distance pretty long push arrives a little later but moon and low light there were trading pushes as well with a lot of glaive throwers too there are some strategies that can actually work but foggy goes for a keeper that's also a pretty good pick as he has summons and and tango once there's no wisps obviously yeah keeper kind of surprises me here i expected a demon hunter but i guess against human keeper would be fine um against undead it's really good against orc it's really good yeah yeah and against light of its playable i mean technically it's totally fine against uh pollen absolutely yeah and he probably thought maybe foggy even anticipated he's like 300 iq he's like oh if he gets night elf he's gonna think that he should he needs to go bottom because he has no chance with demon so then i keeper will be good against everything foggy's a genius man he absolutely is a smart kid the engine of war is in a little bit of trouble but okay now the bursar could die boy stressful opening for starbuck and foggy sonic style just rushes over yeah i really wonder like what's the exact plan here for a starbuck you want to do some sort of all-in kind of feels like you have to like just go massan's and then go for it but he queues a second archer huh okay you can play a mass range strat as well archer talons archer dryads foggy's already preparing like hunter saw walling everything off not much surface area to that push if he can go place oh my god what is this build huh is he continuing out to production after this one probably right yeah you can play mass range t2 especially if your opponent is like investing too much into a tier 1 defense yeah so no good block good block that's some extra damage here i wanted to go for sticky with block but that doesn't work who was close and uh the thing about this is that foggy saw the tech now so he knows it's not some sort of like weird yeah mass hunts yeah but it's instead like archers i don't i'm not i'm no expert on the night elf mirror but maybe he wants to get like a second hero like a naga but then what's the army like what does he add to these archers does he stay on full archer like is that even really a thing you can oh dryads you can go talons but talons don't really do too much we have two new donations by the way just dross and nam so we cracked that 3200 [ __ ] goddamn much love just ross name as well thank you so much guys hundred and twenty 3228 dollars right now and eighty-eight cents probably because of peter's donation all right [ __ ] is trying to distract tries to get some map control tries to slow starbuck down preventing level three and it works quite well has good scouts over there too scouts to the right if there's anything going on but there isn't it's so weird to see the keeper player be the one playing with hunts and the pollen guy is the one with the archers true yeah usually bottom hunts good stuff but there is a lot of damage you can't single stuff out with one dryad there's a hundred holes so it is a dry build the thing about foggy is that he's super well-rounded i don't know what race starbuck could have random that he has like the best chance with it seems like everything is so damn hard to make workings foggy all right he's going for that moon well he's probably gonna kill it that would be horrible for this push because that would prevent the second hero as well oh starbuck that's not good that's a lot of wisp dead already so lore going up keepers second and on the other side double lore quick tier three getting a shot as well and no second hero yet for [ __ ] yo that's a little rough you know what's also going up your age because it's past midnight happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear heart happy birthday to you hey man how can you special birthday better than casting warcraft with me yeah what else do you do really the only thing that i can think of that would be better is if i was lettering right now and using the cripload didn't lose your humor even in high age that's my time starbuck and tangled too early so foggy actually got out with the uh stuff of teleportation here late demon hunter rocky always knows the exact right prioritization of things here like i said he's a beast in mirror in my opinion so yeah i think the order was just like double lore fast yeah three danny added the shop and then only did he make the second hero there was no reason for him to rush that quicker yeah it makes a lot of sense against the keeper for sure what's this keeper going to do if he's getting burned and he's a walking thorns aura but what do you do with thorns or like okay against bears is kind of okay but that's pretty much it like the motherlock just keeps going it's like yeah because bear is kinda okay and then you just come back and like they're taking a lot of damage because they're melee and they're taking damage every time they hit the units the opponent has to try and react to this and do something this is knowledgeable the knowledge bombs today continue man it's just people learn so much in our cast today at least you didn't say that there's there's not many europeans in europe thanks i'm slightly better than b do man that's that's that's the praise i need today what's up so sick of this helmet by the way like i really think this is such a garbage item to get in the center it's so bad well soon you can sell it for good gold please for a pit lord it's amazing you should play more pit lord yeah but i can't totally like you man that's a problem for sure but inner fire a player's forces are under attack so it feels like starbucks tier two army is not really coming online he's continuing with that archer dryad thing but yeah once there's a lot of bears [ __ ] can just go for a zeppelin drop kill the base and win yeah i mean like i'm looking at this game right now and i'm like okay i don't know how starbucks ever makes this work against foggy here yeah the fight is eventually gonna happen and it's gonna be very ugly like yeah probably but you know foggy also makes mistakes here and there so a promon and not too much a night of more although that's a little bit of an issue oh flute of accuracy feels bad wow hey this would be a good time to get some good item you know in match five of an important match like this yep so we mask on a keeper for example that's pretty good yeah sorry i just heard the letter at the same time so i didn't hear what you said uh i think uh keeper was pretty good i think sabach kind of missed his timings thanks to that counter-attack by foggy good answer to that is it sapper time no scouting someone made a big donation and i have a really long alert donation it's like a rant of whitey that lasts one minute [Laughter] i almost never hear it but it's so amazing woody is a great guy yeah well deserved well deserved so foggy is pushing into that base not too easy to attack because everything is walled off but yeah starbuck is already supply blocked focus fire i don't know he's attacking a lot of illusions unfortunately yeah actually this is almost like best case scenario like he was shielded behind buildings for a second but now with the moon whales being gone technically is under a shot demon going ham on the keeper can you make it to the back connects with the moon well here the imminent is really really deep but they he's pretty flawless i was gonna say but he gets entangled at the perfect time for the demon to go down oh my god what was this attack are you kidding me you probably didn't hear it but i said well foggy tends to do some mistakes here and there and well here you go boom boom boom down to 26 supply that is absolutely nothing dude what was that that was the worst spot like starbuck was perfectly shielded away behind buildings like why would you attack that's a good question maybe you wanted to go back to the waifu i was a little impatient bottom all of a sudden level four keep it close to level four wow i'm actually so shocked this just happened here he's super low on lumber but he builds two moon will so he can produce soon again could go for some items as well starbuck immediately queued the tree of life in the main so wait dude it doesn't have nature's blessing yet oh wow that will take forever actually he has no lumber because he lost so many wishes the whole game like he detonated like millions of them and he built two moon wells that's 80 plus the expansion oh [ __ ] is actually scouting for the expansion but misses it that could be misleading salt crystal ball a familiar sight here i always keep it because i'm too lazy to scout it's good for lazy players yeah but do you use it yeah yeah then you're not that lazy imagine keeping it and not using it because you're lazy well that's bad then yeah i'm pretty sure that keeping because you're too lazy so the only two camps left is mostly this lab the one in the top left and maybe a little bit of what was at the bottom and the actual looks like they're gonna go to starbuck that's level five bottom or at least close dude i'm watching this game and i'm like this composition archer dryad shouldn't be working in like a million years but somehow yeah yeah also on tier 2 like i don't know well foggy kind of gave it to him um he has an or no he has a tier 3 advantage does he have wellspring yeah so quite some improvement for foggy here now but next fight coming up can he fight this without the buildings is the question good question here yes double orb that last entangled by the way was amazing because i think foggy was planning to staff at the perfect time and yeah there was no unit in position to dispel all right that almost happened again to that bear but great abolish by foggy who had also cued the uh the staff on time dude starbuck goes for tier 2 mountain giants is he kidding us here it gets bears what energy that cube yeah we'll see about that maybe just get rid of that three is he waiting for the involved there's no staff i guess one step starbucks seems a little overwhelmed that tree will help on the defense now free violence all right and i'm pushing news team is completely out of matter okay he's not gonna be any more meta burns here and again he runs into the building though no way the tree is blocked by his own dry reposition starbuck and then this could be yours dude that tree is slapping away is can he reach oh yeah keepers a little bit of trouble gets the heel potion more bears are falling stabs on cool down does froggy not have abolish or he's not using it on the trees at the bottom yeah he does have it oh giant sucked without the upgrade demon hunter has a potion there was a little bit of wasted damage neck and neck fight town portal out oh boy okay get one last beer this is never supposed to work yeah i think foggy's winning still still despite his best attempt to throw up with the attack earlier in the pain a player's forces are under attack close to level five bottom one mg actually not too bad to just disrupt a little bit but he has seven supplies okay that's a lot second lore i think foggy wants to end this now [Music] and the top elves are so good at knowing like they fight with bears and then they just replenish with rejuvenation and then they reengage with mana and like yes the fountains that is back usually would have to staff here a lot of the time but now he has only one and they're gonna have even more mana soon oh boy oh boy no shop anymore the buildings die so fast against this that foggy's saying you have to engage now and this time there's no wall of moon worlds and other stuff whis could detonate there we go no mana on the keeper yeah starbucks this is rough here try the hero focus no way yeah but no everything is in the middle of all the bears yeah that's a that's a problem for sure 35 supplies they're molding everything like a bib for the demon abolish was ready and on time oh my god this giant did absolutely it died quicker than a foot man without yeah i mean again bear with roar with an attack upgrade it's kind of obvious okay we continue to slay everything the expo is up but i guess that's the only thing that keeps starbuck in the game foggy making mistakes but still winning the game gg one step away from the playoffs that was chaotic yeah unfortunate i think to get elf because this is really i mean it feels like there is no good race against foggy if you're gonna random but i would say mayor is in my opinion one of his best yeah i agree alongside the human matchup i think and then i'm like yeah and then you're like yeah with orc too and we're like yeah let's get it everywhere no i don't think it's like we'll get this actually huh he's struggling a little bit against orc but it's only against like the best orcs in the world which is like really hard to tell yourself oh yeah i'm just gonna do the same how did he play in awl today or was it yesterday uh tomorrow no it's what's today right i didn't see actually let me see oh he lost 2020 to linen fortitude well it was on that east so doesn't really count it was group stage two yeah what fortitude beat one to zero two oh what what the [ __ ] what's next he's gonna beat moon i think you have to i think you have to catch up on some replays yeah i don't even know if they reveal replays to be honest well it's one two zero so it was probably a clown build knowing him yeah the vods will suffice almost ready could be the potential last map of the night let's go champ we're only casting for 10 hours and 15 minutes i want some more warcraft i want the full series go starbuck are you talking about you took a break in between yeah this is one hour go on it doesn't really count just whatever i did 10 hours straight uh two days ago and and that in your age todd that's pretty impressive yeah exactly last i checked stallone and jackie chan all these guys are also still making movies you know like they haven't said that the last word they're in their 50s like me some even get more successful the the older they get i don't have a good example handy right now but there are probably are some people i'm like really are they have you seen any of these guys in a big blockbuster recently or was it isn't there like rumble 17 or something yeah that's not a big blockbuster piece of garbage i didn't even see the last one and the guest that's killing it is uh the rock man dwayne johnson yeah a hole is he 45 or something he still looks like 36 it's 48 man oh sick so sick it is ripped with a six-pack and everything and he started his movie career as the tooth fairy or like i think his second or third movie was the tooth fairy who would have thought back then that that the tooth fairy is becoming the biggest movie star in the world yeah nobody probably [Music] oh starbuck with undead dk double ziggy let's go expo seems always a little craft inspired what he plays yeah i mean they might have like similar styles maybe he probably gave him some advice beforehand like if he would get done dead but it's only one chance out of four so good he didn't gave him the [ __ ] lord advice for starbucks a little smaller than that foggy again opening up with a keeper and i think that we will see that throughout the entire series are you gonna cast any dust league no that is for ricky and carson i have the weekend off dude damn yeah living the life look at you sitting on your throne ordering your minions around new employees yeah and that is the life now 24 7 bathtub here we go did you just did i agree no foggy would never deny a creep wait huntress all right he's anticipating an expo and i i can't blame him i mean yeah someone kind of tricks him with that build yeah exactly but it is also a very very late tech by pulling the ghouls and going for this uh creep spot here like foggy must be a little confused with this but not necessarily in a bad way because you just got level two pretty easily now he saw the movement of the undead now all the practice against happy pays off [Music] all the detonate pretty perfect pretty much old school approach this early harass oh sweet dodge foggy late night micro moves it was he was so ready for this too but now if you're a starbuck you saw the lack of tech you probably uh he's just taking himself no expo jason's stay time is also 53 what really that's crazy jenny for lopez man how old is she like 60 right now i don't know but she's hot man she looked pretty good on the what was it the last super bowl with the shakira in the halftime show with them ah yeah yeah i didn't watch that i saw a couple photos i can't imagine in your bathtub right i think some jlo no i'm not cinny poggy is always happy to set up the expo it seems like if he can against undead like we saw how convincing he looked against krav when that happened yeah he basically also against happy he built everything around that expansion he was protecting that so hard with aps and engine of war and moon wells and shops around that everything was tailor-made for that expansion so we know you love concert and music if you could meet any artist of your choice and hang out with him for a day who would it be good question you know they always say don't meet your idols or something i think you'll never never meet your heroes never make your heroes i think that's kind of true uh i would love to hang a day with jack nicholson though even though that's not a musician but i think that guy is going to be super interesting yeah i love his movies it would be so intense i think yeah i heard a funny story actually ever i think maybe it was one of my one of my friend was like oh yeah never meet your heroes right he's like oh yeah i met with uh chuck liddell you know the ufc and he's like yeah this guy is just a straight up drunk he just wanted me to buy him drinks like all night and he i couldn't even understand what he was saying he was just slurring words and then every once in a while he would come over because when he when he wouldn't have a drink anymore and he would just be like and i was like okay i'll get you one it's so funny because he threw her yeah you know what they said never meet your heroes right yeah man that that must must've been so expensive like probably vegas i think yeah so sick jesus yeah that's a good thousand thousands of dollars probably i think also i would be way too starstruck come on man you're a online broadcaster yeah but i'm alone in my room you know that's okay the spotlight you know we just had four lights a green screen and stuff for dreamwork you know so unnecessary oh my god i still haven't taken all that stuff to the basement yes but i still have packed it up it took me like days to finally find the strength to pack it up it took me 10 like like maybe half an hour to pack everything back but yeah not in the basement either still sitting behind me okay a big creep jackie actually oh my god there's so much in the reds the items on the grounds yeah this game is the same keeper with the comments you know this game is also not looking too good for starbucks i think this school play didn't really cause too much damage the fiends oh no he uses the mother stone to save the fiend and the fiend dies how unfortunate actually uh all the seeds once i think advanced so far that's probably a good seeding then yeah and uh i think hawk and foggy will also see it once coil misses as well when it rains it pours on this poor poor starbuck a player's forces are under attack do you like starbucks actually i think the last time i was at starbucks was with you when we had green tea or something so where in cologne we went there i don't remember wow i don't even remember well the last time you were here was for meister chef after masterchef i think the time before i don't remember i don't even know why but yeah i don't know i know the time before we went for the schnitzel place yeah i remember that but the time before you remember every time that you were here and we hung out and i'm telling you that none of this times we went to starbucks no that was not tournament i was in cologne for a concert exactly i was in cologne for a concert and we met out and i don't even know if we had food but we definitely went to starbucks it's like two and a half years ago or something who was the concert of coheed and cambria of course my favorite band [Laughter] yeah yeah kind of similar you should do a couple batman will be good all right starbuck with a it's a 50 supply push with 42 supply so there is a few units missing yep leaves getting targeted right off the bat i'm not it's decent hero focus but on both sides and yeah with chemical rage fog he has a great time for now or actually survives good safe to the forest is the coil sweet yeah foggy uh late night but still on top of his game it's so hard to micro this fight if you're not an actual landed player i think this would be so damn good with destroyers yeah oh yeah yesterday there was the the great wall against blade reverse race so much yeah and then you could see blade he was really good overall with undead but he definitely didn't know how to use destroyed this spell it's like one of the hardest things but it was really struggling when there was like a lot of soldiers and stuff whereas like a normal undead would have pretty easy one but yeah he still won three one and then he was proven that [ __ ] loves would be of course that's the proof we all needed okay this might be the last moments of this winter bracket final as the dk ah actually gets out but there's a mana stone he can easily consume that go for yet another entangle and there is no way out anymore the trees say good night alicia about to come back out then he has to restart the death knights it's actually really hard to deal with like there's the slow of the triads so much control you do so much damage with acid bomb yeah that's an excellent foggy game not risking too much i'm just wrecking yeah it looks like team protein powder is gonna be heading to the quarterfinals here exactly and they will be joining an all korean star lineup so far it's been lola it's so in qualifying linen moon and soft jimmy go and hawk and foggy once again in the middle of them zappers everywhere gg ending this with the bang man full distance lots of action lots of hero focus in this one cool two and two as well this was everything uh we can expect from todd's tagline tournament really cool stuff well when chinese are playing also a lot of joint bugs and regames and well that was just because we weren't there yeah the lucky charm yeah sure show up for show up for one of the matches next time let's see uh yeah unfortunately we're busy on sunday so we're gonna have your fun with hitman and ark and thor's in star shape but i think that should be pretty reasonable so yeah do we have uh well we do have all the matches lined up do we have more confirmed dates for this yeah can you show a google calendar and then just put the third stack theme oh there's let me show let me see if that works well is it not wikipedia it would be good no i just i created a calendar on google calendar yeah no no no yes you can just enable this one then only this one will appear so we don't know about uh my private stuff your massage appointment tomorrow at 6 00 the special one okay let's see got it up wait no what the hell okay this is a little more complicated than i thought if you're on full screen there we go getting there slowly but steady all right it's up yeah so tomorrow then we have crolu terror against cine pink at 3 p.m and then 7 p.m we'll have whiz and set against johnny cage and cooper and then on sunday 6 p.m we'll have a hitman an arc against those in star shaped so it means after that we'll only have two matches missing from the lower brackets matches i think actually no just one i think uh yeah the the side and spiral one against bizarre and shake which we haven't scheduled still because it's been the hardest one with the schedule but it should be happening sometime next week that one all right probably gonna be there if it's not during meisterstuff results so far sure foggy and hawk advancing from group ace the remaining set with cooper johnny cage of course crawford starbucks second chance low light and so advancing from group b and this front end vortex waiting for their opponents linen moon through in the playoffs 15 sway and shaokai waiting this gonna be a banger match like group c is a very very attractive group and in group d michael and thunder waiting for their opponents all right that was a big pleasure my man will you continue streaming or is it time to celebrate now uh no i'm going off immediately but thank you for joining me uh yeah it was it was really fun to listen to you earlier today and then now to cast with you and uh yeah i'm looking forward to people getting excited about this tournament watching more of it you casting more of it if you want like whatever you want to do yeah you're free too and yeah thanks to everybody again who tuned in and also helped boost the price pool as much as they did today absolutely sick 3228 we boosted that quite a bit your community amazing i have the weekend off now enjoy dust leak it's going to be amazing tomorrow starting at 6 p.m sunday as well with carson and beedu speaking of the two they will be online on africa tv for the card in one and a half hours so enjoy that as well see ya soon
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 18,382
Rating: 4.7345972 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 14sec (14114 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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