SUBNAUTICA IN SPACE! | Breathedge #1

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six okay now that I have your attention did I tell you guys about the jacksepticeye how did we get here live show comedy world tour critics are calling it the jacksepticeye how did we get here live show comedy world tour yo dawg i heard that the jacksepticeye how do we get here live show comedy walk tour is all sorts of whack huh well you're wrong dumbass the judge cept the guy how did we get here live show comedy world tour is being heralded as amazing hey guys jacksepticeye here from the jacksepticeye how do we get here live show comedy world tour we're going out on the road again specifically we are heading to Europe in like a week it's real soon we're going out in the road very very soon we're going to Amsterdam at the 21st and then for about 3 weeks we are touring all across Europe to as many places that we can actually get to it that sort of time for him it's really hard please understand look at all these places we are going to that have appeared on screen as if by magic Wow ok save time so people can actually see them good Wow you can go to such places as this one or hey how about that place am i right and who could have forgotten of course so if you want a chance to come see the show from what's probably gonna be the last time ever you can go to jacksepticeye right now and there will be a list of all the places that were up on screen and you can click right next to them and take you to a site where you can get your tickets the jacksepticeye how did we get here live show comedy world tour super awesome style I hate myself in the nose or did you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to I think it's breath edge but I keep pronouncing in his breath that whenever I see it but it's it's a game that I saw Robin was playing he suggested it to me and he said it was really really good and he enjoyed it a lot so I decided I play it for myself as well and it kinda looks like prey Dave the game that came out recently and it kind of has space elements to ignore this kind of stuff and little survival elements to it so it looks exactly like the type of game that I like playing but it's only early access so far as you can see in the bottom over here and I think there's only one chapter in it but it said that it was a funny game and I think Robin said it was funny as well so I like funny I like space put him together beautiful babies let's play this i'm playing a standard yes name of the game right yeah i want the name of the game to be brand hello pinup space oxygen lady she was cute that's my wife she she's waiting at home for me i'm up in space making the cheddar space cheddar that's what the moon's made out of plenty opening credits it's a chick now okay alright i see what we're in for from the creators of the matrix there's been no news lately it's like the start of 2200 hordes some other games received like the star of Deadpool searching for this font took up half the development time director isn't needed here I like this you guys got some [ __ ] you guys got some comedy the red ruins suffer extreme is categorically against smoking which causes yes yes and ship no let him smoke you know what I want the authentic space experience I want to go up there into space and think that these robot people are smoking let them smoke away spit put on a defined expression spit in the face of this piece of iron can I Spit again oh god [ __ ] my head don't [ __ ] my head stop it [ __ ] spit again spitty was a lousy idea we agree you'd better tell your story first you can still have your defining you still have your defined expression I'm a spit all day take that robot Jesus oh stop hitting me if you keep hitting I'm gonna keep spitting man the game gives me the option I'm gonna just keep doing I know you're saying that same things over over my face my beautiful perfectly golden sculpted face I was spitting I got an achievement for joining the BDSM Club the sense for bondage domination sadism and masochism or violence I know it from afraid don't look up my kinky history okay alright Abbas just tell them let's get this show on the the year is 2073 somewhere on the outskirts of the universe the guardians of the galaxy were chasing famous okay hi interstellar liner unnamed your yogurt or some other garage ads could be here my interstellar liner don't let me leave Murph make me say Murph oh that's a man that's a chicken my lover we knew each other for lots of years we had a polyamorous relationship with this chicken three universe broccoli attack what the hell is this game oh we're going down chief oh that's bad Oh God we're being sucked like a $1 hooker okay now granddad my love Rose also my granddad was a lot worse than I thought it was and I'm over here making jokes turn around every now and then I get a little breakfast no only that you're never coming round turn around no like confirm oh I thought he could spin so I told him the wrong story and that's a played-out okay what what actually happened okay so far so chicken okay my wife is back hi you better not be sleeping with some broccoli back home okay I don't they say eat your greens but that doesn't mean eat that broccoli dick P DSM fan club achievement unlocked come on my face greetings a new wife now in guide to the world of space funerals before we start communicating further confirm that you were still able to read after the impact all right yes okay so acceleration sprint controllers down stabilization jump turn item flashlight fly you've gotten into a non-standard situation the Breathitt Coble funeral agency is proud of the compensable history death may cause the loss of its reputation Oh God we said stop the gap to stop the leakage you'll need an object without any holes oh okay but can I put the gum on the chicken making up any useful items you can stuff them in your bucket it's calling it no I don't have Bogut with the [ __ ] chicken convinces stick it in the chicken's ass there we go you deserve some words of encouragement space penis very spacesuit isn't designed for long-term use of persons or animals in outer space it is recommended to immediately call for help on the Interphone improve the spacesuit or become depressed what a depression please look it's September my wife is on this as well she's very famous back on earth moon a typical calendar with girls miss September see it really works out that my wife's name is September she's also a calendar girl they're her real name is September April March very fortunate grandpa loved and carefully collected such things I remember in my childhood grandpa would come in and say hey look at these titties alright what are we actually doing let's take this a little bit seriously that's my radio okay the waste disposal system is damaged and is operating in Reverse mode the toilet can suck objects flying past the shuttle when the takes are full okay so just my [ __ ] I'm gonna fix that I use Interphone hello come on you'll have to go into outer space okay home phone number okay that's my wife's phone number okay don't any of you take it down okay blank it out no Robin rewind it censor it home phone number can't have people call to my wife okay take back scratcher the memory processor in the kitchen where you can create this item using the necessary resources probably okay got a roll of fabric ah home those damn bananas continue kidnapping my goats that's a sentence I never ever thought I should have to say okay I'm just taking all these pictures just so the things go off screen that's a [ __ ] mean picture weird where did that one go in this [ __ ] one I can't even look at it whatever okay let's use the process a we're gonna make equipment I need a roll of fabric to lead paints and aluminum times for radiation suit okay resources roll of fabric objects tools okay a drill I need to refine metal a battery a thick electrical tape or a grabber and you refine metal battery wire aluminium I said aluminium before an aluminium this time my god I'm a European or am I saying an American make up your [ __ ] mind me okay check the antenna I find the infirm or get to press I found the Interphone okay no depression for me not today bad thoughts insert video tape I don't have a videotape I put my dick in it survivor guide on the survival haja oh okay now a videotape a video tap a oh wait videotapes adds breath to pee or not to pee this is weird okay can I turn you off space so dangerous so unpredictable you in space you can find yourself left at the most valuable equipment at the most inappropriate time Oh [Applause] tip number two try to keep always in thought let's race okay I can place okay I can go outside the spaceship then I can find space poo and pee on that open up my suit I'll die a freeze my willy off whoa oh and then you can take the peak you have a toilet right there why are you pissing all over everything let's head on out I want to go into this space a source of increased radiation is detected probably this is the central core of the liner be careful the radiation will kill you instantly in such a suit need a handy scrapper tonight can I put my grabber beat the [ __ ] out of things okay no I need a scrapper not a grabber those are two different things all right fair enough Oh God tape recorder you need a handy scrapper okay scrapper seems to be the thing to get how can I just stop you know Andy scrapper of course I do I am just gonna collect nonsense this is so cool-looking oxygen is not unlimited where's my oxygen level oh I even ate seconds Oh balls Aroo okay okay that's [ __ ] bad okay am I gonna die am I gonna die no I'm not I refuse [Music] that was a close call try to adjust the antenna there you've got great engineering skills you've broken the antenna completely oh you're still playing it all Oh Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom dump dump dump dump refined metal yes very very useful it looks like this the great news using my ingenious 2 digit password matching algorithm I managed to hack the Interphone activation codes now all that's left is to build a cryptographic debugging station and reconfigure the Interphone using these codes which will take about five years with your current skills your blueprint battery oh cool all right so I can take stuff off the walls with my with my with my granny granny thanks for reminding me about my depression okay I get her a nutrition pack you wanted or I can get water yes I made the [ __ ] nutrition bag I might give you okay well I'm gonna need it eventually I guess but all right now oh wait I stopped it nutritious goo is in it well I'm gonna turn this nutritious goo into some [ __ ] nutritious poo let us drink some water nice ooh all right what else do I have to do now then the phone is broken what what's my what's my mission chief create a debugging station how do I do that cryptographic debugging session I need wire how do I make wire all right nice okay anything around here Thanks shut up excuse the crap out of me every single time wait judging by the primary analysis of the destruction most of the passengers of the liner ride this might be the biggest catastrophe in the history of astronautics the reasons were yet to be clarified what oh the freakin okay okay I get it yeah I'm heading back but there's bodies here place to save them place to bring them back to my kobe Hall I'm not alone after all I have friends what is this so John I'm bored radio speaker something any music right wait can I grab these dudes wanna bring them back to my spaceship and make a play place of boys I can't grab them yes yes come with me friend oh this is fun okay uh space the beautiful void okay you want to sleep on my bed all right you're my friend there you go ah nice and comfy cozy just what you belong okay let me just shove you right in there right in there that a boy yes that's my new best friend so put this okay I'll put my o a transfer not drop what my handy-dandy family photos in here my dog beer I'll keep the picture of my wife okay Hey okay get back up there you that's where you belong that's your bed now yeah just shut up come on buddy you're coming this way as well okay okay no no Reginald no okay ah look at my boy he's getting along okay getting a lot stop fighting right no you get in there you're gonna be hairy and Larry okay stay stay all right hurry okay I know you're burnin loins were gyrating for this man but hold on really okay okay beautiful like real people do okay and then you go in there nice everyone's relaxed and cozy I'm feeling better about myself anyway I feel like I finally have friends there's another one another friend hurry Larry and Barry they're not dead they're sleepy sleeping friends okay he's the worker man he's gonna stay there good job Barry okay Barry's had one too many alcohols okay he's a little cool tipsy right now there we go perfect perfect Thanks across everything he's super relaxed he's fine and Harry's leg is supposed to be like that that's the way he operates he's on a higher plane of existence right now space poo judging by the amount of joy around this is the debris of the liners public toilet Oh No Oh Rati the hamster he was killed oh god that's horrible you his stuff from the toilet cause it was too much [ __ ] coming out I proposed to called Hamid I'll put this toilet doesn't look like it made robot oh poor little Hammond he died doing what he loved being covered in [ __ ] he made yellowish water made from ordinary water by natural alkalization through the kidneys so it's piss I'm making an accelerator a complex device for outputting accumulated gases to accelerate the body in weightlessness and effective when used on a healthy stomach wait can I go faster now quick oh nice one thing getting o2 tank you can get a helmet and get all these things okay I need I need a second rubber I don't know where I get these things I don't know what more wire cuz I need to make wanna know one of these cryptographic debugging station most sophisticated okay so I need wire and I don't know how I get wire like a wire nice okay I know where to get wire now we're doing a [ __ ] beer oh okay now I understand where I get wire I thought wire might have but just been like a loose resource out in the open but no it's on the ends of all the cables which I mean to be fair in the games defense that is where wire would be I just didn't realize it would be so like literal about these types of things package a packet of melted honey ooh when eaten it won't smear hands feet or the environment neato oh I can build it yes I need one wire for that and nice okay so how do I use it bind to slot okay here's exactly what was on the blueprint then tried to reconfigure the receiver if you have any doubts concerning it that you'll eventually suffer an electric shock and that your space suit will automatically take your body measurements to order a coffin from our company thank you for choosing the global funeral agency okay this system looks like a debugging station thing cryptographic debugging station I put it in my one slot it comes out as this grandpa's mug the hell do we use this for I don't know what I'm doing debug the receiver okay hold on let me get my oxygen again so confused do that all right are we all going to be all health it up we sure are all right oh is this supposed to be a joke that the debugger is just a [ __ ] mallet that I have to beat the [ __ ] out of things with shuttle is still functioning with such damage oh it says it's the thing indoors right I'm so topsy-turvy what the hell is happening all right time to debug [Laughter] that's kind of fun okay call for help Mayday Mayday attention survivors the rescue shuttle hope was sent for you from the nearest evacuation route he was a rival time exceed your estimated lifespan by four thousand three hundred sixty nine years you need to get to the extraction point yourself getting past the radiation however it's impossible to do this with your current skills to increase your level you need to create some crap imposed by the developers hey man these are self-aware about it okay so I have to make now I've to create and put the crap imposed by the developers in your hands so we could tell you about a unique upgrade system in the game I still don't know what that is no I don't want to drop this are you gonna tell me what this thing is okay it's back indoors that makes sense oh maybe there's just a new item in this uh handy scrapper okay now we can actually start beating the crap out of things and making some progress objects what else did I get a crap imposed by this road it's actually just called the Hat actually some crap imposed by the developers I got a message from babe incredible survived one I see your avatar online hundred shots my babe let me talk my waifu able to determine the coordinates of the survivor communication only works on reception which gives a good reason not to respond and not to be distracted despite the objections of the hormonal system oh but I want to bow down any to refined methods of wire and stick electrical tape alright so now that I know where wire is I have to try and find out where rubber is all right I got my handy super wrapper I already had a handy scrapper it's called my [ __ ] hands okay ice ball no master oh yes [Music] sweet Jesus do you take a long time to break the durability of my thing is crap no come back come back no come back we're cool oh god is this part of it it's just [ __ ] ice I know [ __ ] me man why are you able to smash into things I really need to get used to using my stabilization because that's the thing that stops me from making a Hames of everything goddammit I've wasted all that your ability on my freakin thing for nothing I mean it's here somewhere my name is babe I'm very beautiful you saved me I beg I'm completely alone are you thinking ice that's not what I [ __ ] wanted something out there that leader has very sweet accent causing fatal errors in micro medical functions shut up alright there's a lot to take in there's a lot to look at oh man so tedious let's keep going back and forth all the time oh wait that's a gas booster what am i doing alright smash one of these again see it's just annoying because then it floats away from you so they the urge to just keep going towards it is really strong and then when it breaks it leaves you nothing but sadness and [ __ ] misery oh you undercarriage it's got some [ __ ] wire at least I want as he was in one of these cases break this thing open and see within it there must be some good resources in it there you go refined metal an oxygen candle a battery and some shear I know what I can do with shears some scissors yes indeedy what are you it was just ice cool ice ice baby stop screaming at me all the time it's well actually it's kind of nice because then I won't die so gonna die eventually but not today oxygen camera a bit of this a bit of that that's the voltage how do you are you still alive I cannot name my coordinates but there is debris here and there is debris on the left and you have to help I beg you quick fly me through the radiation way you can't inhale enough oxygen okay so this just gives me 40 oxygen cool I got a condom in space no one can hear the condom break I got some metal I got some wire okay cool oh wait no that was rubber that's also actually very useful all right let's see if I can break one of these I know just give me give me a little bit no my thing is gonna break before this breaks god [ __ ] damnit man who the broke Alemany oh I am your God now all right get back indoors every day I am your God now that but I'm dying so hurry up time to make a grabber I have some shears now grabber shears all right so the shears can cut these things but I don't know if I want to do that in my spaceship or if I want to do it somewhere else I'm probably gonna do it somewhere else what is this I supply no I don't need an ice supply I need a nice supply you're getting confused I know English is hard and everything but [ __ ] off all right probably should have made a new scrapper before I headed out huh yeah that would have been a real smart idea on my part but you know what brain no work in the space he do I'm not listening to you anymore boobie Lady Mary what are you doing around who put you there who hurt you did you hurt him don't hurt Bartok he's a friend he's a bro okay no not in the ground I told you there we go breakdance and berries that they've always called him all right time to head out again I'll be back amigos keep the place dead until I get there oh my God look at that place there's so many floating people they're not spacemen though okay I don't really have time to like look around here I need to get back to my ship real quick I just need one more metal to make a scrapper so I can break things to get more metal an email around there's no matter round ah Frick a frack man alright heading back indoors make a drill now if I want same as grandpa had it worked on one battery although it would still work without able to make holes in things that shouldn't have holes don't know if I should use it yet ooh to refine metals and then I can make the crap imposed by the developers oh I need eight men let's do that okay so I need one metal to make a scrapper and then the scrapper can break up the other metal to get more metal to make the thing oh that is crap imposed by the developers isn't it oh it sure is alright let's just go out here and get some somewhere there has to be like one methyl floating somewhere this God forsake you forsake avoid force taken stake ah one metal boom got him daddy okay time to head back head back make the scrapper alright you know what I'm just gonna do it as I go I am low on health I'm not like 25% alright come in here get equipment tools scrap a a boom and then I've come back break up some metals to get eight get two refined metals then I can come back in here get the two refined metals and then make the crap imposed by the developers alright here we go handy dandy tasty lacy bring on the montage no I was out there for 14 years you never really you never really understand how much time goes past into montage until you're actually in the montage holy Christ okay reasons you're famous I'm gonna like a Big Mac or something I need one more metal oh god the montage is not over no I do want it go but I don't want to go back yeah god time in space or one really none can exist without the other it's all a construct I've seen all existence at once it's all pointless okay car cropland posed by the developers here we go what is it okay reach maximum level I can install it or hit myself fleet having traced your brains activity while you were working your brain was stimulated with small electrical charges to improve your engineering skills judging by the result it didn't work and cost a number of hallucinations however it was entertaining you still can't get past the radiation but I will mark the coordinates of the rescuers for useless motivation great it's literally just crap you hit yourself okay can I hit myself with it [Music] that's [ __ ] clever okay I ended up killing myself because I hit myself in the head with the crap way the developers too much but then you just go back in there like that couldn't have happened because you're here telling us the story that's clever game I like that it's kind of tales from the borderlands of jazz punky I like that hey Larry I thought you were too alive back in the pen okay it's it's no time to be our debate when you have zero-g on you right now all right okay so tada do I still have to crap with the developers did I make that what's my next mission create the crap imposed by the voters okay so I still need to make that I'll make that again next time because I am going to leave this episode here make that again next time and then not do anything we didn't go on to the next part of the journey instead of doing it again here now but I like this game a lot there's it's a lot of tedium there's a lot of just going back and forth all the time and I'm sure that it get better once I create a better oxygen tank and those kinds of things but it reminds me a lot of subnautica right now it's like subnautica mixed with prey mixed with jazzpunk and I like that a lot I like all three of those games so I really like this game so far but for you guys thanks so much for watching this episode you liked it punch that I put in the face who are your boys and plays a rope [Music] thank you guys don't sell your nose now I need to go eat some delicious goo because I'm [ __ ] starving
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,498,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Breathedge, Breathedge Game, Breathedge Gameplay, Breathedge videogame, Breathedge Jacksepticeye, survival game, space game, outer space, PC, PC game, PC survival game, funny, funny game, chicken, comedy, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, download link
Id: 42oPGKKt5Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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