Walking in the Wind | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up everybody Darius Daniels here I'm really about to get you right into this message you're about to watch a message from a series we did call water walkers but before you watch this message I want to just inform you of all the great things God's doing through our church change church multi-generational multi-campus multi-regional Church and we are launching in Orlando Florida now depending on when you're watching this we may have launched already but if you're watching this before January the sixth 2019 I want you to know change is coming to Orlando I want you to meet me I love to greet you and to have you partner with all that God's doing you change Church in Orlando Sunday nights in Orlando will never be the same the address to our location is on the screen if you need more information send us an email the email address is also on the screen Sunday nights will never be the same in Orlando I'll be in New Jersey in the morning but I'll be in Florida at night I can't wait to see you enjoy the message take care you ready for the word let me hear you one more time you're ready for the word yeah okay let's go to the book of Matthew chapter number 14 verse number 29 Matthew 14 verse number 29 everybody here it is it says in verse 29 it says then Peter got down out of the boat walked on water and came to Jesus but when he saw the wind everybody say saw when he saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink cried out lord save me I want to talk from this subject in our time together subject is simple walking in the wind walking in the wind we're in a series of sermons here that we've affectionately entitled water walkers I want to know are there any water walkers listening to me water walkers is simp simply a description that we have given to persons who embrace and who are attempting to implement this principle called the principle of exception this principle is rooted in the revelation that you are not mass-produced but you have been customized by your Creator that literally when God made you he did break the mold and there is one biblical writer who defeated Goliath named David who had this level of awareness about his own identity and he said I'm fearfully and wonderfully made that God knew exactly what he was doing when he made me I am NOT a mistake my parents may have been surprised by my arrival but God was not my parents may not have even intended for me to be here I may not have been a product of their purpose but God had purpose for me and somehow someway arranged for my existence in this place called Earth you are not a consequence of some coincidence you have been strategically and intentionally placed here by your God for such a time as this you were born when you needed to be born where you needed to be born and like you needed to be born and so when you look in the mirror you need to look in the mirror and say oh I think I like me because God knew what to do with me and he didn't leave anything out of me to be who he called me to be and to do what he's called me to do I am NOT deficient I am not living with deficits because embedded on the inside of me are the competencies and the capability to do what he's called me to do and to be who has called me to be if he wanted me to be lighter he would have made me that way if he wanted you to be darker he would have made you that way so you need to look in the mirror and if you got a whole bunch of melanin or if you have none at all say God made me just the way he intended to make me and if he liked it I love it and if people have issue with how God made you make sure you put return to sender on that opinion because of your problem with me is not my problem that doesn't belong to me I've got to give that back to you because he made you the way he wanted to make you the color he wanted to make you with the strengths that he needed you to have to do what he's called you to do are you hearing me and a person must understand that and embrace that if they're going to walk in the reality of this principle of exception which says what happens with them does not dictate and determine what happens with me if you've been customized by your Creator if you're operating in your own unique identity it means that you cannot look at what happens with others and allow that to limit what happens with you you are not limited by the limitations of others that God can empower and enable you to exist as the anomaly as the exception as the one who walks on what other people drown in as the one who is on top of what is normally on top of of the people you sir you ma'am can be should be a water walker I want to know do I have any listening to me today and over the course of the past several weeks we've we've we've talked that a water walker is not literally a person who walks on water but they are a person who walks by faith and our text is tailored to teach us today that not only must a Waterwalker have strong faith are you ready for this I said are you ready a Waterwalker must also have long faith last week we taught you the levels of faith to help get your faith strong today we need to talk about the length of faith to help you get your faith loan because a Waterwalker must learn to walk in the wind because I don't know if you know this there's wind on the water and when you're on the water you experience wind in ways you don't experience it when you're on the ground see when you're in the city the wind is inhibited by and obstructed by buildings that prevent you from feeling the full force of the wind but once you get old water there are no buildings there to inhibit you from experiencing the full force of the wind and while people are admiring people who are walking on water the people who are walking on water want to give you a warning it's windy out here I can't hear my church I said it's windy out here there are people who are aspiring to entrepreneurship and they want the freedom to create and to make full use out of the gifts that are on the inside of them they won't flexibility of schedule they want to make a contribution to the earth that is not limited by the constraints of the normal corporate structure and if someone wants to do that that's fine but there are people who are walking in that reality who just want to offer you a word of caution is windy out there that there are people who aspire to experience promotion to some degree and to some level that they want more responsibility and more authority and they want the length and the breadth and the scope of their work to be expanded and made larger and there are people who are locking in that reality who just want you to know go for it but we just want to warn you before you step out of the boat is windy up here there are some people who are single and they're ready to change this that is they're ready for the rock to be on that finger they're ready to click on Facebook and move from is complicated to [Applause] right there they're ready to move but samara people just want you to know you gotta share bathrooms and share juice and share ruffles and share later they just want you to know what you know is windy when obstacles you can't predict wind inconveniences you did not expect wind those seasons and situations that make it more arduous and more difficult to advance wind any water Walker will tell you I had to walk in the wind it's hard it's tiresome it's grueling it's discouraging you see the glory but you don't see the story you see the Instagram posts but you don't see the pressure that I'm living under in order to create this reality that you admire and there are people who are not on the water looking at people on the water saying I wish I had your possessions and there are people who are on the water looking at people in the boat saying I wish I had your piece it's windy it's windy out here and they water Walker has to have more than strong faith like Peter which got out of the boat but they need long faith faith that will outlast the wind and here's my question it's not do you have strong faith it's do you have long faith do you have faith that will last it could it be that this communication is intended by the Holy Spirit to bring some interpretation to your current circumstance because there may be some people who are in the middle of a season and a situation you want to come to a conclusion and maybe God is giving you an extension in the middle of your inconvenience because he's trying to give you some education in the area of your faith and let you know your faith is already strong but I'm making you wait because I'm getting ready to make it long could it be that God is not trying to strengthen your faith could it be he's trying to limp in your faith and give you a faith that outlast the wind pastor Darris where did you get that give me in the back James chapter number 2 verse number 1 I want it in the New International Version James chapter 2 verse number one I want you to see this it's incredibly it's an incredibly powerful and potent passage in James chapter 1 I'm sorry verse number 2 this is what it says brethren and sisters the Bible is an equal-opportunity Bible okay it is consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds I want to know is there anybody who's feeling me on that many kinds part this is like I felt that Pastor there said many many kinds many kinds if it's not this is that if it's not him it's them if it's not them it's there if it's not he it's me just many consider joining us because you know listen to this that the testing of your faith produces perseverance wait a minute don't miss it and let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything here is for my note takers sometimes God waits to work on it because he's using it to work for us because you don't learn patience and perseverance in church you don't learn patience and perseverance from learning the Greek word for patience and perseverance you don't learn patience and perseverance by writing down the definition of patience and perseverance you only learn patience and perseverance when God drops you in the middle of a season and situation and says even though you're ready for me to take you out I'm gonna make you wait this out because the only way that you learn patience and perseverance is if I put you in a situation that you want to get out of and I'll make you stay in it I want to know is there anybody here that knows what I'm talking about there that there are some things God could have moved swiftly on I guess I guess for everybody else God just always comes through as quickly as you want him to okay watch this I want to read the same same text to you in the message version of the Bible this is probably the version of the Bible that many of you should read if you're just starting to read the Bible because it puts it in contemporary language listen to what Eugene Peterson says in the message translation of the Bible consider it a shear gift friends when tests and challenges come at you from all sides you know that under pressure your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors [Applause] is there anybody here that's honest enough to say there's some things pressure push out of me that I didn't know was still in me until I got under pressure some of us didn't know we still had a little meanness in us until we got under pressure people call your name you like what listen to this so don't try to get out of anything prematurely let it do its work let it do its work let it do its work let it do its work let it do its work what's the it that it is what's causing pressure so instead of resisting let it do its work so that you become mature well-developed and not deficient in any way why would God say that the testing of my faith produces perseverance unless he's trying to teach me that he tests my faith with time that the test of faith is not always how big I can believe but how long I can believe can I keep on believing can I wake up Monday believe for it to happen all day and did not happen and then wake up Tuesday and check your faith tank and say it's still in there I wish you would help me preach this and then believe all day for it to happen on Tuesday and it not happened on Tuesday and then check your faith tank and say it's still in there and believe for it to happen on Wednesday Thursday and Friday and did not happen and you open up that faith tank and you check it and you say it's still in there and believe for it to happen Saturday and then not happen and you check that faith tank and it's still in there and then wake up on Sunday after you believe all week and nothing has happened and you look at Sunday and say this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it it just might be my day can your faith last last the woman with the issue of blood would have kept bleeding if a faith didn't last 12 years the woman with the bent over back would have stayed in her condition if she faith didn't last 18 years the man at the Pool of Bethesda in John 5 would have stayed in his condition if his faith didn't last 38 years the man who had been blind since birth would have stayed in his condition if his faith did not outlast the blindness long faith looks at the wind and say one of us go quit first and it will not be me long long faith I want someone to say this say it like you add a girl's game or say it like okay I got some woo I got some hate there a sale like you add a Giants game then okay but whatever floats your boat but say that you say it like you're at the concert or you're famous at your most the most famous artist or your your favorite artist say God is a listening my fame he's making it long and God teaches no irrelevant lessons if he's teaching me something is something I need to learn if he's lengthening something it's because it needs to be lengthened I don't know about you I've heard about strong faith but I have not heard about long face people tell me to be strong but I don't hear believe long keep on believing watch this the text says we read it when Peter saw the wind he got filled with fear and began to sing do y'all see where I'm going with this he saw the wind and the wind gave him fear okay you missed it Jesus told him come he came but then when he saw what he saw influenced him more than what he heard what Jesus said in the beginning got him out of the boat but what he saw in the middle cause him to sink in the sea and is there anybody here that's honest enough to say that it is one thing to hear God at the beginning and jump out of the boat it's another thing to let what you heard have more influence than what you see it is like Jesus I know I heard you say come but I see some things in the middle of this and what I see has more influence over me than what you said but if you're going to be a Waterwalker you cannot allow what you see to cause you to disbelieve what you heard if you heard him say come it doesn't matter what you see if you heard him say leap it doesn't matter what you see if you heard him say go it doesn't matter what you see if you heard him say it's yours it doesn't matter what you see you cannot allow what you in the middle to influence you more than what you heard at the beginning I got some rest this week I got some fire I [Applause] want somebody to say it like you mean it say I heard something hallelujah then that's why I'm here because I heard something and that's why I refuse to quit because I heard something and that's why I won't let you talk me out of it because I heard something and that's why I will not be defeated because I heard something and that's why I'm gonna get up every time I fall down because I heard something that's why I'm gonna walk with tears in my eyes cuz I heard something that's wife it doesn't work on my tried again because I heard something and I will not allow what I see to cause me to question what I heard because what I see doesn't change what he said but what he said will change what I see I heard something is there anybody here they heard something if you heard some pause for a minute and give him a praise for what you heard how many won't long faith well the same text teaches us how God lengthens our faith faith fertilizes every now and then I need God to sprinkle a little fertilizer on my faith I needed I need it to leap then here it is here it is if I want to lengthen my faith faith that outlast the wind number one I must increase my intimacy I must increase my intimacy there's a 17th century theologian named Martin Luther some his store Martin Luther some historians suggest that the great dr. Martin Luther King was named after this theologian and in his treatise on faith Martin Luther says that the strength of a person's faith is only as strong as the credibility of the person they put it in did you hear what I just said that the strength of a person's faith is only as strong as the person they put it in let me put it to you this way I'm gonna see I'm gonna see him disservice this service always the honest service so I don't have to worry about that okay here it is here it is y'all ready there are some situations we get in we know who not to call is that too honest you say I love them but I can't call you I can call you number one you're not gonna call me back I'm calling you you're gonna text me and ask me what I want that's number one you you know who not to come that's not making a judgment on that person that's not saying that's a bad person it's just saying you know I know who number not to call something we may not even know who to call but we know who not it's not that you believe that help is not possible for you you just don't believe they have the credibility to help you there's something in their track record that says to you they aren't credible it doesn't mean they're bad it doesn't mean that God did love them it means that as Jesus says you have to know a tree by the fruit it bears is that what he says see some people who don't understand that that it's flawed exegesis they don't understand that they think knowing the tree is judging the tree Jesus teaches this principle of knowledge about a fruit embarrasses it's important you can't even manage relationships properly without fruit inspection [Applause] you don't know who to go to for what without fruit inspection it's not judgement to say it's apples on this tree I like oranges so some trees have a track record of not being credible so the more I know a person the easier it is to believe in their reliability and credibility because you don't have peace giving something that matters to you to a stranger and the reason sometimes we can't give stuff to God and leave it there is because you given it to a stranger just because I come to church didn't mean he's not a stranger just because I believe in his existence doesn't mean he's not a stranger it doesn't mean I know him intimately see intimacy increases accuracy so someone could say you someone can say to my wife they can say you know what I saw pasady rise up and he was eating vegetables and salads my wife would look at you and say hmm you say well he had on the same shirt he had on Sunday she said I don't care what that fella had on you said he was eating salad and vegetables that was not my husband Wow because when you know somebody you can speak confidently about them in their apps in their absence watch this you can predict their acts because you know their ways and the Bible says in the book of songs that God made his acts known to the children of Israel but he made his ways known to Moses when you know his ways his behavior becomes predictable you can say things like he may not come when I want him but he's always on time because I know it's ways am I making sense and what happens is people want intimacy without investment it intimacy requires an investment the currency that must be exchanged for intimacy is time you will not have intimacy if you're not willing to pay the price it costs time it costs intentionality and in any relationship when the intimacy leaves very often there is not the investment of time required to obtain it or maintain it when you look at the get factor leave in relationships not all the time but often you can trace it back to the leaving of the behaviors that actually created it in the first place we used to talk now we have the Russians we used to talk about each other now we talk about life and bills and the kids and work don't hear anybody I don't hear anybody talking to me yes we used to engage one another and get a pulse on each other's feelings but we we no longer make that investment and because we don't make that investment we don't see the return of intimacy and if a person is not intentional about being consistent in walking in unity with a person once they knew them in one season they will assume they the same person in all seasons and they will be in relationship with a person you used to be because you are evolving and you are growing and your needs are different and your wants are different and if a person is not constantly in tune with who you are becoming you will hit a season in the relationship where they will be irrelevant to your present because they stuck in your past you gotta pay the price intimacy requires time time with God and prayer in the quiet time and the level of challenges and the worship and the worship in the car it requires an investment intimacy and in God God God responds to intimacy he got response with intimacy to those who make the investment of time Jeremiah says God says if you seek me you'll find me if you seek me with your whole heart if you seek me you're finally if you seek me with your whole heart and there are times where that you experience this divine absence whether God removes the awareness of his presence from the level that you are owned in an attempt for that absence to create an appetite for you to go to another level and you're like where is God and God's like I'm on the level I'm trying to pour you to and if you will get to this level you will get me again but if I didn't move from where you were you would not be motivated to go to where you used to be and you're wondering why is it prayer producing the results is because gods like I'm on another level and until you raise your level to the level that I am on its price intimacy intimacy it gives you a confidence God's got this he's with me he's for me are you hitting what I'm saying it's agonizing to be on the cross and have to ask why have you forsaken me the cross is hard enough it becomes unbearable when I got to do it alone intimacy is that all right yeah can I give you number two okay number two is this number two is improve our accuracy this is a toughie right here improve our accuracy here this can I have five minutes all right okay somebody said I got three y'all to say five let me hurry up okay I love the honesty no three okay all right um here it is some people struggle with long faith because their faith is in a God they created [Music] god [Applause] woo Saint Francis of Assissi said this he said God made human beings in His image and unfortunately human beings have tried to return the favor yeah if if your God likes everybody you likes but dislikes everyone you dislike that's not the God that made you that's the God you made if if the God that that you serve is the God that loves your strengths loves the areas that you strong again but hates the areas somebody else's we care that's not the God that made you that's the God you make if if your enemies are the enemies of your God that's the God you made not to God that made you because some people you don't like God find with [Applause] just cuz you fell out don't mean God fell out with them yeah God didn't fall out with everybody you fell out with and very often people don't realize that the God they serve is a God they created it's a construct of their own imagination and the Bible says in the book of John chapter number 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was the Word was with God in the Word was God the logos Jesus the Word of God so God knows that everything he's invisible he's intangible everybody's gonna say God is like this and gods like that God told me this God told me that God says imma give you a way to differentiate their God from the God of the Bible I'm gonna give you the Bible and whatever your concept of God is put it through the filter of the Bible and if your idea of God lines up with that filter and makes it through the filter then that's truth if not your idea of God issue does that make sense and so there there are times where we have to ask ourselves is the God in my head the God of the Bible and if it's not that's not the God that made me that's the God I made the one that lets me does everything that lets me do everything by my own rules you know that that God Church attenders don't matter to that God that whole don't forsake the assembling of your sales thing that don't matter that not to my god but if you put that through the field to a scripture you know people said God's not like that I'm cool with that I just won't know where you got that from them that's all I just want to know where it came from I'm not even judging where it came from I just want to know reading that Bible that Bible was written by man so is that book you got on the corner that book that somebody sold you outside the store so is that book that Bible is written by man and maintain it so is your history book that Bibles revisionist history social history book but this book the Bible has way more credibility written by 40 different authors over a period of fifteen hundred years fifteen hundred years a long time to Creek create a conspiracy theory at some point somebody to go say forget it 15 whatever just forget it that while scientists thought the earth was flat the Bible said the earth was a circle insists on nothing then while people were coming up with ideas and concepts to explain the disintegration of the body the Bible taught that man was made from the dust of the ground and to the dust back to the dirt that it will return that hundreds of years before Jesus was born there was a minor prophet named Michael who said where he would be born down to the city he's got way more credibility then look books you gave try to put it on my face like everybody else just dong we just dumb all of us reading the Bible we just done all the sin here we missed it but somehow you got it we just come to church and we do I'm sorry I don't know where there can we just come to church and we don't use our brains we just stop we're just doing this and it's not working for us [Applause] you mean imma stick with this all these years and it's not working for me the devil is a liar I'm stronger I'm a wiser I'm healthier I'm better I'm more hopeful you can't tell me what works for me this Bible is true because I tried it it told me weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning and I didn't know what that was true until I had to cross some tears when I was hurt so bad and I didn't know if I'd stop crying but I know I've got some witnesses in here that'll tell you he'll wipe away every tear from your eyes this book is true yes I trust it more than your book [Applause] and so sometimes we have this inaccurate view of God because I want a God that don't touch stuff I don't want to change I want a God that don't want me to adjust something that I don't want to adjust I want when I want a God that think like I do I want a God that is limited to the inferiority of my own reasoning I don't want a god that think like me if everything God does make sense to me it means that his level of reasoning is on par with mine I want a God with superior reasoning I don't have to understand all the instruction and every parent should be saying a man there because there are some things you instruct your children they do not have the capacity to understand you can say all you want to do not hang with them I don't care what they mama said I said do not hang with you can't go you are 13 you don't get to stay out until one I don't care what your friends mothers do they don't understand it but you don't command them to understand you tell them obey until your understanding catch up because I'm not trying to control you I'm trying to protect you I'm not trying to inhibit your freedom I'm trying to preserve your freedom I'm not trying to ruin your life I'm trying to save your life because you don't understand the danger of being in the wrong car at the wrong time with the wrong person you don't understand it only takes one night for you to ruin your whole life listen to what I say even if you don't understand Lord I preach too long and God's China I feel that right there and God is trying to tell us listen even when you don't understand so if I say stop stop if I say don't touch it don't touch it if I say don't do it don't do it if I say forgive forgive if I say love your enemies love your enemies don't wait until your understanding obey and then let your understanding catch up because I'm trying to say you're lucky I feel the power of God breaking out in this room somebody needs to release a praise right here cuz God is speaking to us on this Sunday come on and play Jerry I preach too long [Applause] hallelujah and you know some some concepts of God are concepts we created there are some other concepts that were given to us by sincere but wrong teaching so there times we have a view of God because that's a view of God that's been given to you through a through a religious tradition by people you trust in love who mean well but whose theology is still developing or should be still developing and it's not and so there's some people who are holding God hostage to promises he didn't make and they're mad because they're following Jesus and they had to cross sometimes because their God is a God that prevents them from crying that's not the God of the Bible that God said you will share some tears he says but I count your tears and I'll put your tears in a bottle and if you sow in tears you'll reap in joy their God says you'll never go through trouble and the God the Bible says weapons will form against you but they will not prosper it's my promise they won't prosper that's the God of the Bible and so people are disappointed chronically disappointed so they can't experience movement because they're in a perpetual state of mending because God's got to keep healing their heart from disappointment because they're believing stuff God never said and it was handed to them by people they trust and people that love them but it was bad theology you're mean and vengeful God was handed to you but that's not the God of the Bible the God that cares more about your clothes and your souls that was handed to you but that's not the God of the Bible the god of legalism was handed to you but that's not the God of the Bible who writes the law on your heart the God of truth was handed to you but that's not the God of the Bible the god of I was full of grace and truth grace is first because you need [Applause] Jesus in John chapter 8 when that woman was about to be stoned Jesus gave her grace first which made her receptive to truth right gave her grace she said who's here to condemn you she says he said she said no one he said neither do I hear comes true now go and sin no more see we're trying to give truth to people in culture without giving them grace they don't want to hear your truth when they feel judged this is too much so this was happening during Bible days and God spoke to a prophet named Ezekiel and he tells Ezekiel something that's really scary in Ezekiel chapter number 2 he says this chapter 13 excuse me verse 2 he says son of man prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are now prophesied he says you got people in Israel prophesy he said prophesy against them say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination this is not even me it's their imagination here the word of the Lord this is what the sovereign Lord says woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing he says you prophets Israel like jackals among ruins you have not gone up to the breaches in the wall to repair it for the people of Israel so that it will stand firm in the day of battle of the Lord their visions are false the divination czar lie and even though the Lord has not sent them they say the Lord declares and they expect him to fulfill their words he says it's they're people that are speaking on my behalf that are feeding you candy that sounds good going that feels good going down but it's not repairing the vulnerable places in your life so because the weak places are not being strengthened when you hit the day in your in the season in your life where the wind blows you have not been built up enough to withstand the wind because the teaching you got tickled your ears but it did not change your life I don't want to put my faith in the God I created I don't want to make a god I want to believe in the God that made me [Music] last point is I'm out of time evaluate your environment you can't have a long face if you're around people that keep sucking the faith out of you I [Applause] can't tell you how many people don't get this I'm gonna tell you something family listen to me I mean it there are some seasons of your life better faith sensitive every season requires faith but there are some seasons where you need a little more and there are some people who really love you but you got to know when you in a season is faith sensitive how to set boundaries between you and them because every time you engage them you don't leave them full of life you know some people you call it you ready you ready to unload your heart and you can't even get halfway through your conversation they're gonna intercept and interject themselves into it but let me tell you about me [Music] and if you're gonna walk on water these three things are necessary to fertilize your face so it gets long because most of everything God has done in my life has taken much longer than I thought what you look at and say this happened fast it felt loan to me you might look at me preaching it to some of you for some of you I'm old to some of you I'm young but to those you who think I'm young I've been preaching 20 years 20 years I've been reading my Bible since I was 15 I put my Bible in the backpack with my sneakers on high school basketball games and when everybody else was in the locker room we had something called Walkmans back then cassette tapes at the rewind well they were listening to Walkman I would read scripture since I've been 15 this means that I'm 39 it's taken me 24 years to get a command of Scripture maybe short to you is long to me so stuff God's gonna do it your life's gonna take longer than you think the question is is your faith long enough to keep walking in the wind can I pray for you [Music] I don't know how y'all sit under preaching this long [Music] that's a long sermon what was a long sermon Wow father I pray in the name of Jesus lengthen our faith many of us have spent our lives praying for stronger faith but in this season we pray for longer faith give me faith that outlast the wind so that I may walk on water and be who you've called me to be in Jesus name Amen clap your hands everybody you're glad you came to church today give God one more praise well I hope that message bless you and added value to your life listen to me there are two things I'm gonna ask of you one is to press that subscribe button and it's because we've got some exciting new kinds of content that we're gonna be rolling out incrementally something different than just Sunday morning sermons we believe it's gonna add value to your life some conversations that we're gonna be dropping throughout the week and we want you to be notified about that that's number one then number two I'm gonna ask you if this message blessed you I'm gonna ask you to bless someone else we are blessed to be a blessing and we want to reach unashamedly as many people as possible with this life-changing ministry we believe in Monday messages messages that you can apply on Monday and you can help us spread the word thank you so much take care god bless
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 81,608
Rating: 4.9190941 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, pastor matthew stevenson, levi lusko, joel osteen, henry cloud, chad veach, carl lentz, pastor ron carpenter, john maxwell, dave ramsey, rich wilkerson jr, pastor mike todd, pastor toure roberts, bill hybels, tye tribbett, noel jones, jamal bryant, pastor michan carter, mel robbins, tony robbins, marc lamont hill, michael eric dyson
Id: GWqhjvVlgms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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