TRAITS OF THE GREAT | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up everybody Darius Daniels here I'm really about to get you right into this message you're about to watch a message from a series we did call water walkers but before you watch this message I want to just inform you of all the great things God's doing through our church change church multi-generational multi-campus multi-regional Church and we are launching in Orlando Florida now depending on when you're watching this we may have launched already but if you're watching this before January the sixth 2019 I want you to know change is coming to Orlando I want you to meet me I love to greet you and to have you partner with all that God's doing you change Church in Orlando Sunday nights in Orlando will never be the same the address to our location is on the screen if you need more information send us an email the email address is also on the screen Sunday nights will never be the same in Orlando I'll be in New Jersey in the morning but I'll be in Florida at night I can't wait to see you enjoy the message take care mark chapter 6 verse 45 it says immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to Bethsaida while he dismissed the crowd after leaving them he went to a mountainside to pray I'm gonna read verse 46 again after leaving them he went up on a mountainside to pray after leaving them he went up on a mountainside to pray after he left them he went up he went out and then went up but he didn't go up until he went out I want to talk from this subject I just need to know ahead of time y'all talking to me today or not how's that gonna be I just I just need to know so I can set my expectations we're good we straight today okay I wanna talk from this subject the traits of the great the traits of the great family I'd like to begin our time of teaching today by informing some and reminding order others that your existence on this earth is not ordinary in other words I'm attempting to articulate that your presence on this planet is not a result of mass production you are not mass-produced you've been customized by your Creator you have uniquenesses you have differences you have peculiar era T's that are necessary for your life's purpose you are not a carbon copy of any creation in the words of the psalmist David you have been fearfully and wonderfully made David got this revelation and after he said he was fearfully and wonderfully made this is what he did he looked in the mirror he didn't have a mirror this is a metaphor he looked in the mirror and said marvelous are your works that [Applause] is not that is not cultivating a confidence in your goodness that is acknowledging the uniqueness of God's goodness David looked in the mirror and say God you good what what what what am I attempting to do family I'm not attempting to infect you with arrogance I'm attempting to encourage you to embrace your uniqueness why because your greatness is in your uniqueness and a person who refuses to embrace they uniqueness is a person that will never experience their greatness can I hear a good a man in the house yeah and and and I say that this is the case because embracing a person's unique identity empowers and enables them to overcome the Kryptonite that is watch this that is a kryptonite called comparison comparison is a calling killer comparison creates an appetite in someone else for something God never intended for you to have if you've been customized by your Creator then it means you've been built by design it means that God placed everything even if it is unrecognizable and even if it is underdeveloped God placed everything in you that you needed to do what you've been created to do so if you don't have it it's because you don't need it because God never created anyone with a deficit are you hearing me but the tendency to compare creates an appetite to covet and when someone is coveting what someone else has they are subliminally suggesting to God that what you gave me wasn't enough and if you had given me what you gave them then I could be who I needed to be and do what I need to do it's comparison and this kryptonite how can we compare players that aren't playing the same game how can you compare yourself to someone who's not played in your position they don't need your height because they aren't playing your position and you don't need their skill because you aren't playing their position but there is a skill that is resident on the inside of you that is absolutely necessary for the position you've been called to play and if you just simply admire their position without desiring their position you could play your own position and you'd see how great you are if you just play your part can I hear an amen in the house got a part to play and nobody can play it like you you may not do it like them but if you do it like you've been created to do it you may not fight Goliath wearing Saul's armor but if you get your slingshot and your five smooth rocks David you cannot that giant down if you embrace your uniqueness because your greatness is in your uniqueness and so we've got to kill the thing that can kill our calling we have to kill the tendency to compare the Bible speaks speaks very clearly to this in the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter number 12 the Apostle Paul writes to people who compare themselves on all kinds of levels they're comparing themselves spiritually they're comparing themselves intellectually they're comparing themselves economically and Paul says to them listen he says this is what we do on my side he says we dare not to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves listen to this because when you measure yourself by yourself and compare yourselves with yourself they are not wise he says not only is this not right he says this isn't even wise it's illogical it's unproductive and it is emotionally unhealthy if I look at someone else and feel less about me because of what I saw in them that's unhealthy and on the flip side if I look at someone else and I feel better about me because of what I saw in them that is unhealthy also if if you if something has to be wrong with you for me to feel right with me then nothing's wrong with you something's wrong with me comparison comparison comparison comparison is the womb that gives birth to the fruit of jealousy and the purpose of jealousy is to mutate into a thief jealousy's job is to steal from you not your skills your abilities and possessions but to steal from you your ability to enjoy them that's the purpose of jealousy see when someone is jealous of you jealousy doesn't take from you what they're jealous of all jealousy does is takes from your ability to enjoy what you have because you're dealing with the fruit of their jealousy and isn't it interesting when people competing with you and you're not playing the game I feel realness over here so I'm pretty out for a minute in it interesting they're comparing themselves to you and you're not even thinking about them like that you're like wait a minute I'm not competing I'm competing with me I've got my hands full trying to keep me in check I've got my hands full trying to get me to do my best I'm not competing with you [Applause] you see sometimes you just got to say you know what you win you win you win so everybody can beat you in so you can sleep at night you in so you won't make life so difficult for me you win so you won't be upset with my elevation you win [Applause] somebody say comparison it's a trap it's a trap to look at where someone is was at your age and assume you should have been there when you didn't have their help when you didn't have their head start when you didn't have their resources when you didn't have their information it is illogical to think that you are less than because you did not do what someone else did in this season or state in life could it be God chose to say the best for last you could it be he's still going to do it could somebody felt that one didn't you I say could it be he's still going to do it could it be you're limiting God to timetables and if God is sovereign he is not limited by the limitations of time he'll do it when he want to did you hear what I just said I said he'll do it when he gets ready acts ever will he do it answer Rachel won't he do it did you hear what I just said acts Abraham won't he do it he'll do it when he gets ready I'm attempting to encourage you to embrace your uniqueness because you're your greatness is in your uniqueness and the embracing of your uniqueness is a key and critical determinant when it comes to your ability to become a Waterwalker did you hear me why do you say that pass Adair's because if you notice this series is not called water walking this this series is called water walker so could it be that this series is not just about behaving but this series is about becoming could it be that God is not just attempting to encourage us to behave a certain way could it be that God is attempting to encourage us to become someone could it be that faith influences more than behavior could it be faith influences my becoming that I need faith not just to behave but I need faith to become could it be that there's are you on the inside of you that won't come out until you believe it will y'all y'all giving me love over here could it could it be could it be that there's a you you haven't met yet that God wants to introduce you to could it be that just like it was for Peter in the scriptures who was at one season of his life temperamental impulsive unpredictable not reliable overly talkative [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] prone to violent outbursts could knock people's ears and stuff could it be in the midst of all of that instability Jesus saw Rock cuz out of all the people he picked to speak on the day of Pentecost Peter was the most unlikely but underneath the insecurities and the impulsiveness and the impatience underneath all of that was a man that was reliable that was dependable that was a rock could it be there's a you in you that looks nothing like the you you see and could it be God's trying to call that out I want somebody in the house to open your mouth and say come out come out there's a shoulder you you better come out of here there's a wiser you you better come on out of here there's a more focus you you better come on out of here I refuse to linger underneath the dirt of limited potential I won't experience a resurrection of my best self there's a me I haven't met yet and faith needs to pull it out from underneath the dirt of my present condition I came to tell somebody they in there they in there you made some mistakes but they in there and you made some missteps but they in there and you may not be where you want to be but they in there and you may have some insecurities but he's in there and before this series is over God's getting ready to pull her or pour him out they are in there the water Walker is in there somewhere it's time to come out and I pray God not leave you alone until they come out I pray God becomes a supernatural stalker and will not let you rest until the best version of yourself come out I pray every time you start to settle he agitated you so that you refuse to live a life that's less than his best for your life come out it matters not how long you've been trying to get that person to come out they in there [Applause] faith not only impacts our behavior faith impacts are becoming we don't need faith just to behave we need faith to become this the Bible captures this in the book of John chapter number one around verse 12 I believe the Bible says yet to all who did receive him to those who believed to those who believed to those who believed to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become to become to those who believed he gave the right to become the believers became because I need belief to become so God believes there's a Peter in your Simon but do you because whether or not you become it's based on whether or not you believe God knows there is a better version of you on the inside of you the question is do you because those who believe become here it is I believe the heart of what God's attempting to articulate is this water Walker's have more than talent they have traits did you hear me water walkers have more than talent they have traits John Maxwell wrote a book called talent is not enough I need more than Talent I need traits what separates the good from the great is not just talent its traits some people have the skill but they don't have the wheel did you hear what I said so they don't reach their potential not because they aren't skilled enough but because they don't have a strong wheel they got great skill but a weak wheel and so the trait of a weak will makes the power of the great skill ineffective the difference between some athletes and others is not the talent it's the traits it's the work ethic it's the hunger it's an appetite that says I want it I want it I'm hungry do I have anybody that's hungry for the next level in here it's not talent its traits there are people who are equally talented yet not equally effective because there are some doors only certain kinds of people walk through some doors are reserved for certain kinds of people and if I'm going to be a Waterwalker I need to adopt the traits of the great could it be is not your talent that's holding you back could it be God trying to cultivate the traits of the great could it be that you have good traits but you've got a great destiny and so good won't get you to great it's not that you have bad traits you could have good traits but maybe you got a great destiny but it's so if you got good traits and great destiny you won't fit through that door a great destiny requires great traits this is why you can't fall in the comparison trap because you'll be looking at what God by His grace allows with other people and you will be upset and agitated that he will not allow that with you that they are allowed to get away with things you are not allowed to get away with that they can date people God won't let you date and they can I felt that I felt it I know I'm on something right there yet that every time you date down God breaks it up because your destiny requires something different of you than them you cannot compare [Applause] let me wrap this up I'll see these looks I'm getting [Applause] traits any faith not just for talent but traits and without question without question the ultimate example and epitome of greatness without argument for the religious and the non rigid religious alike without question unequivocally it's Jesus there is no figure in human history whether you believe in him as Messiah as I do or not there is no figure in human history that has impacted the course and the trajectory of as many people as Jesus whenever whenever time is divided between your birth and your death you on another level think about that BC and AD think about that yeah you want to on another level when you live 2,000 18 years ago and people are still gathering in places and spaces in 20-degree weather on a Sunday to come in to your house to worship you and receive from you 2,000 years later you want your different kind of dude you you you you that's that's something different right there and we are not uninformed over emotional unread individuals who who just out of ignorance are worshiping a figment of our imagination we are here because intellectually it makes sense and experientially it's been validated we are here because we've had an experience and you cannot invalidate my experience you can't tell me he's not real if you're gonna try to convince me of that is too late too many doors have already been open too many ways have already been made too much change has already transpired in my life it's too late now I know he's real I'm not uninformed you're uninformed read the same thing you read I just don't believe it I need traits and so the text reveals I'm gonna give you three this week and three next week three key and critical traits in the life of the greatest man that has ever lived a man that we like in love and a man that we want to be like and this text reveals to us three three traits it here it is number one is in verse 45 chapter 6 verse 45 the answers in the first word if you look at your Bible here it is in the first word verse 45 it says immediately immediately as soon as he finished the miracle with the two fish and five loaves of bread immediately he made his disciples get in the boat and go ahead with him to Bethsaida it did say incrementally it didn't say later it said immediately now commentators suggest two possible reasons for this the first of which he is he had to leave them so that he could get to two today he had to leave this group of people so he can get to another group of people on the other side of the lake and so here it is there's this sense of urgency that was driving him to a different phase in his assignment so here it is this is this is the first trait I see here are y'all ready water walkers have power over procrastination [Applause] give me verse 45 again give me verse 45 it said immediately not I'll get around to it not tomorrow immediately he was not paralyzed by procrastination he didn't imprison his purpose to procrastination procrastination will imprison you or you'll end up serving a life sentence without parole because you are imprisoned in your today about what you put off to your tomorrow procrastination is always based on the assumption that you'll have another opportunity procrastination does not take into consideration the cycle of seasons that you're not always going to be this young this pretty this handsome this sharp I'm trying to tell you your mind is not always going to work the way it works I remember how easy it used to be for me to remember scripture and I can't even remember what I read last night I can't hear anybody you see you see it assumes that you're always going to be in summer and spring in that winter is not coming it assumes you're always gonna have the help that you have that you're always going to have the support that you have and so ladies and gentlemen it mismanages your most precious asset and commodity and that's your time what could have been done by now if you did it when you knew you were supposed to do it and what could you be doing right now so that when you get to a season in the future it'll be done but you aren't doing it because you're lamenting that you didn't do it when you were supposed to do it so you're having a pity party about what you didn't do when you wish you've done it because it be done right now now realize if you just start doing it right now you get to the future and it be done but if you keep complaining about what you didn't do when you wanted to do it instead of doing it when you can do it you got to get to a season where it could have been done two times and it won't be done because you were complaining about you didn't do it when you know you should've did it just go ahead and do it so it'll be done and if you don't learn the power of the danger procrastination through revelation you're gonna learn it through pain and the Holy Spirit who is your helper empowers and enables you with a divine energy and ability to get you under control that the Dominion that was lost by Adams act in the Garden of Eden has now been restored to you by the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that enables you to do things that you could not do prior to his assistance one of the primary one of the primary things you can do again is to regain control of you to make a decision we doing this today makes sense alright one of the second reason that some commentators say Jesus dismissed that he fed these people that didn't fell oh ship and fraternize with them was because according to verse 14 to 15 these people saw what he did with the two fish and five loaves and they literally wanted to make him a king over Israel and some commentators suggest or one commentator I read suggest that they would have made him king by force so they saw his activity and wanted to give him an identity they saw his talent and wanted to give him a title they saw his ability and wanted to give him a sign and assignment and Jesus said you can't give me a crown that don't fit my calling see this is the blessing of knowing who you are you also know who you not and when you know who you are not you don't allow people to assign identities to you that is out set outside the context of who you call to be so here it is number two number two so we can wrap up here is this alright water water walkers don't allow people to put them where God has not placed them thank God Jesus did not allow these people to gas his head up this is because I have the ability doesn't mean I'm assigned cuz you're gonna live a whole life or a whole bunch of people are gonna be telling you who you're supposed to be and if you don't know what voice to give more value to you'll be confused about your caller oh you can do this and you can do that and you can do this and we when you are good you're always gonna have options the better you are at a thing the more discernment you need you need a level of discernment that matches the level of your expertise because if you are good at anything you will always have options and options are pressure let me go to this side some people think not having options of pressure but options are pressure [Applause] yeah but water Walker's don't allow people to put them where God has not placed them all right last but not least text says Jesus dismisses the disciples right and after he dismisses the decide the the crowd he also dismisses the disciples now when Jesus missed the crowd the disciples are probably like yeah it's time y'all to go then Jesus like yeah y'all go to like wait y'all go to I'm sure the disciples would have preferred that Jesus go with them but the Bible says Jesus did he left them and went to pray I'm done here's my final point water walkers know how to maintain their priorities under pressure listen it is this is a trait of the great everyone will have a preference of how you are supposed to use your time your talent and your treasure when people have preferences for your life that's pressure especially if there's people you love let's be honest some people's opinion matter more than others [Music] that's pressure people have preferences the more influence you have the more people that will have opinions about how you ought to use it and it's become more about this you need speak up more about that you need speak up more about this you speak up more about that people always have preferences on how you should use what God's giving you and the person who constantly Falls to that pressure is a person who will not give themselves to their priorities the only way Jesus was able to walk on water in public is because of what he did in private he was able to help the disciples in one season because he disappointed them in an earlier one water walkers have to be able to live knowing I have to make decisions that are in my best interests that might be disappointing to others but the tendency you what you cannot be a Waterwalker in a people-pleaser and I'ma talked I'm gonna talk to you about this in March of next year when I do a serious call rejection rehab because no one in here has everybody here's been rejected if you've been broke up which you've been rejected if you got denied a scholarship you've been rejected if you got denied a promotion you've been rejected everybody's experience rejection to some degree so when you talk about someone who has a I've never seen a people a people pleaser who's a Waterwalker you can't because the decisions you have to make to be great are decisions that disappoint people you love am i making sense family and you don't overcome people-pleasing by willpower you overcome people please and when you get healed because the people-pleasing tendency is a symptom of a heart that's not been healed from rejection so when people do things to please people you're they're doing those things to please themselves people pleasers are ultimately pleasing them I want to give you what you need because hopefully if I keep giving you what you think you need you'll give me what I need and sometimes I just need peeps sometimes people just need the feeling of knowing somebody's pleased with them Oh Lord I don't have time how many things have you done that you did not want to do let me rephrase that how many things have you done that you know you shouldn't have and ultimately it was about that person but it was also about you because I'm afraid of what an O will do to our relationship [Applause] instead of stepping back and saying if our relationship can't handle oh no it's not what I want oh my if our relationship can't handle a no what kind of relationship do we have and so Jesus is leaving them was his commitment to prioritize prayer that's his spirituality but also because prayer has therapeutic implications because when you really see God write prayer becomes therapeutic because you see God is a non-judgmental being so that becomes the one place where you can really talk about whatever you want to talk about it's amazing how people fronting and prayer gods like we when you're gonna talk you know Lord I just got like we're gonna talk about you mad you act like you don't know I know your thoughts from afar off I see you mad we will talk about that so prayer only becomes therapeutic when you have a right revelation of God and when you see them right it becomes a non-judgmental environment I mean you straight up go to him you tip that you go to him be like whoo Jesus you better help me today I feel real this the real side today you like help me all up in here today Jesus cuz you and I both know [Applause] I'm done Jesus teaches us that a Waterwalker has to include in their priorities the priority of self-care that self-care is not selfishness this self-care is stewardship that the best thing you can do for those that are depending on you is to give them your best self and you are responsible for that you are ridiculously responsible for that it is no one's responsibility but your own because no one knows your limits but you and you have to know how to dismiss them so that you can take care of you and I pray that God will give you the grace and give you the courage to do just that I pray that you don't have to learn that lesson the way many of us myself included had to learn that lesson I pray that it doesn't cost you years the way it cost me I pray it doesn't a prayer doesn't cost you sacrificing things that you never had to sacrifice to get to where you were trying to get to I pray that you get this revelation before it's too late that you have to prioritize you I pray that mothers get this a couple years ago a few years ago my wife was in an accident and I drove over to where she was to make sure she was okay and I picked her up we were driving and we have this it's weird and you got to be individually healthy enough to do this but we have this commitment to emotional honesty like yes so we will say how we feeling and it needs to be a non-judgmental environment now some people want that but you're not healthy enough for that because if I tell you how I feel then you put me in the interrogation chair so why you feeling like that you know yeah we will talk about if I'm right later what I'm feeling is real it might not be right it may take time to discern that but what I feel is what I feel and so I was quiet kinda and she asked me she said well this was later later that night she said what's wrong you quiet I said I'm a little upset with you and she said uh why I said you were rushing trying to get through that light weren't you she said I was because she works so hard she does so much she's working to the last minute she would do it kind of periodical I be like babe it's not that serious they're gonna be alright she's trying to help this person help that person like they're gonna be good yeah and if they not good [Applause] sometimes you got to have a spirit you should have [Applause] and she said yeah you talked to me about that she didn't get defensive and and I looked at I said do you know what we would do is something happen to you do you understand how consequential you are to everything man these boys got going on my hole there is not one part of my life that's not affected by you and I said I've been telling you that we need you some of these people that you rushing for are gonna be on to the next one I know you think you got some people in your life is gonna be with you forever I'm telling you as soon as they drawn from your will all that they can draw and I'll go to another one so do you understand and I wish I wish oh I wish you mothers would get that that is probably gonna take you getting the heaven to see all the value that you bring to our lives this the bottom line y'all might not like this I'm just talking about my life if it's not your life that's fine this mean I could be out of town my wife come she'll be alright I mean she's like missing me relationally but she don't eat she still you understand where she go [Applause] I'll let a player when you see them in the streets it's like have you ate no I'm hungry [Applause] wear your clothes I don't know some spill baby light up the room I don't know anything that's true that is if I'm telling the truth say man we'd be in trouble she'd be like help the boys ain't yes this morning maybe a 7:00 in the evening they gotta eat again I'm playing but I'm serious [Applause] you get my point self-care Kate walk on water without it you got to take care of you the best athletes do it the most healthy spiritual leaders do it and the most healthy business leaders do it it is very rare that I run into healthy spiritual and business leaders emotionally overworked overdrawn especially they got creative minds they don't develop the discipline to bring order to their life in order is administration is a gift order is a choice you make a decision to bring order to your life so I want to pray for you father I just pray for those watching those in this room do you give us a revelation of how to be good stewards of us the some of us our fathers and spouses and business leaders and religious leaders parents surrogate parents we've got people depending on us would you show us how to take care of what you've given us and take care of us at the same time want to be a Waterwalker want to be a good steward of me and only you can show us how to do that in our own lives I just X this blessing on this house and these people I pray against burnout and fatigue I pray against anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed because of in order to amounts of activity your word says you're a burden bearer now bear our burdens we cast our cares on you for your word says you care for us in Jesus name I pray amen clap your hands all over this house everybody come on give Jesus the best praise you got left well I hope that message bless you and added value to your life listen to me there are two things I'm gonna ask of you one is to press that subscribe button and it's because we've got some exciting new kinds of content that we're gonna be rolling out incrementally something different than just Sunday morning sermons we believe is going to add value to your life some conversations that we're gonna be dropping throughout the week and we want you to be notified about that that's number one then number two I'm gonna ask you in this message blessed you I'm gonna actually to bless someone else we are blessed to be a blessing and we want to reach unashamedly as many people as possible with this life-changing ministry we believe in Monday messages messages that you can apply on Monday and you can help us spread the word thank you so much take care god bless
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 83,388
Rating: 4.9087286 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, Carl Lentz, Pastor Ron Carpenter, Pastor Matthew Stevenson, Rich Wilkerson Jr., Chad Veach, Pastor Toure Roberts, Pastor Jamal Bryant, Pastor Michan Carter, Pastor Levi Lusko, Marc Lamont Hill, Pastor Chris Hodges, Pastor Criag Groeschel, Pastor Bill Hybels, Henry Cloud, John Maxwell, Dave Ramsey, Michael Eric Dyson, Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins
Id: poEUMDsii5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 15sec (2835 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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