Have You Ever Walked Away In The Middle Of A Date? (r/AskReddit)

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have you ever left in the middle of the date if so why I told her I was color blind she recoiled and said it was gross and sat there looking at me like I had the plague or something I just sort of got up and left it was really odd we were already dating but I thought it would be nice to take her for a meal one evening she walked in followed by her sister then her best friend and their respective boyfriends all of whom had no money she got upset when I said I didn't have enough money to feed six when a meal for two would have set me back 40 pounds or more so I left she sent me a text on my way home saying we were over I didn't bother replying to this day I have no idea why she thought it was socially acceptable to bring four more people to our date without telling me first she didn't think it was okay she didn't really like you and wanted to see how much she could use you for met girl online she shows up for our first date drunk with a drunk friend and one month old some that she had forgot to mention baby was sober I think I excused myself to the restroom and ran like my butt was on fire she started talking about our wedding and our future kids on our first date she wasn't joking around and when I told her that it was way too sudden to be talking about that she looked at me quizzically and said don't you want to get married first online date I had ever gone on plenty of awkward ones after that including the girl who got drunk then admitted she had an infant son and lived with her ex-husband but that one took the cake he brought another girl with him guy from occupied a few years back takes me to a five-star restaurant I try to stick to the middle-of-the-road drinks food as it's a first date dinner went really well so we decide to go for post dinner drinks I get to the point where I feel I should stop drinking since it's a first date and I wasn't really ready for him to see me trashed he orders me another drink and then invites me over to his house because his wife is out of town date over we met online she brought her sister on our first date she never spoke and all her sister did with drill me about my plans and my intentions after ordering she said I hope you're planning on paying that's what a real man would do on a first date so I said true but this wasn't a date it was a job interview I dropped my half in cash and walked out bTW I drove us there never heard from them again such a perfect retort I'm picturing you walking away from the restaurant while it explodes blind date Indian restaurant first thing he does is produce a folder of photos of him and various celebrities shows me them one by one he keeps clutching at me after about 15 minutes of this I say this isn't really I don't think they're compatible I think I should go and get up to leave he stood up to and shouted at me as I left no I did not look back he was 45 minutes late got mad that another guy had started chatting me up at the bar while I waited then proceeded to tell me about the hidden satanic messages in the opening ceremony of the Olympics yes went to get coffee to test the waters with someone new first thing he did was ask me to turn around and lift my shirt so he can see my butt I got up turned around and walked out the door I was in my late teens and went on a date with a friend of a friend he seemed nice and I got the okay from my BFF so I anticipated a pleasant quiet evening we were just going for frozen yogurt and TV at his house after all well everything's going smooth and he seems really sweet he tells me he likes to write poetry and my teenage girl brain is sinking Wow a sensitive guy how refreshing then he tells me that he wants to show me something I assumed it was a poem he wrote because we had just talked about it me okay what is it him well it's not ready yet but it will be in a couple minutes as he leans over on his side away from me me confused because I'm expecting a poem is he going to write a poem in a couple minutes this is going to be awkward he starts making all these innuendos about what it is I get annoyed because he sounds like he's describing his dog and the joke is dying fast finally just to shut him up I say if it's your dog then now I don't want to see it him oh okay then and he sits back normally on the couch I'm super confused and think he's pulling my leg I asked if he's kidding and says no he seriously wanted to whip out his junk and show me me what the heck am I supposed to say to you while your dong is out him well my last girlfriend told me she'd been waiting to see it all night me stunned silence then Oh H H being the awkward teen I was i sat back into the couch not touching him we had been cuddling up until that conversation and uncomfortably waited out the remainder of whatever show was on TV and then bolted after I got home I called my BFF and frantically told her what had happened a response oh yeah I forgot to tell you he likes to do that Oh Cupid date emailed back and forth had some common interests seemed like we would get along we met up and got food a couple drinks seemed to be getting along well then he starts talking about how good he is at karaoke he's been in contests in won first place he and his friends go all the time etc I tell him I've only done karaoke a few times when very drunk and with a big group of friends I also mentioned that I'm pretty sure I'm tone-deaf he tells me there is a karaoke place only one block away I tell him I'm not interested he tells me you get your own little booth no one else will even hear you you can pick whatever songs you want no waiting while other people sing it's clear he's not giving up so I grabbed two shots of vodka and say fine I'll try it we go to the karaoke lounge and get our booth and he does three or four songs perfectly I start my first song and he starts criticizing me and pointing out what I'm doing wrong while I'm trying to sing then he picks up the other mic and starts singing over me I say Frick this and just get up to leave he chases after me and tells me I need you to pay for half of this it's $60 I look in my wallet take out the only cash I had and said here's $20 and you can go freak yourself then he follows me to the bus stop and tried to make idle chitchat while I wait to get the Frick away from him had joined a new Sports Club and there was one guy who was quiet and kind of just hung around the periphery of the group I felt kind of bad for him so was always trying to bring him into conversations and talk to him one night we all went out for drinks after the game and I talked to him for a while conversation was hard work that he seemed like a nice guy he texted and asked me if I wanted to go out for coffee I wasn't really interested but knew given how quiet he was that it probably took a ton of nerve to text me that and I thought maybe in a 1:1 environment he would be more comfortable and I could get to know him a little more we met at the coffee shop and he had a big backpack with him we ordered drinks then chatted with me again doing most of the talking he rarely initiated but would answer questions about one stroke to our and he said he had a few things to show me to let me get to know him better he then did a show-and-tell from his backpack pulling out various items and pictures and telling me about them some were kind of interesting a family trip and some I had no idea how to respond - here is a picture of how I had my hair cut in grade 8 he had stuffed animals and lots of items from his childhood I kept trying to bring the conversation to the present to find out if the item linked to a current interest to a hobby but he kind of had the story about each item rehearsed and he would go right back to the show-and-tell eventually the table was full of stuff and I tried to politely say that I had seen enough and changed the topic he told me had still had more to show me I ended up saying I felt sick and left I felt kind of bad but it was just getting too weird poor dude he was trying so hard to form a connection but he just didn't know how I left in the middle of a movie once the date was going great but I forgot that I had left upon pie in the oven in my apartment only broke college guys and old people eat pot pies I remember a few minutes and and whispered something along the lines gotta get my pot pie out of the oven so I don't burn down my apartment I'll be right back I did return but she was mad thought we could go see the potpie and have a laugh arrived at my previously empty apartments to find my brother and the neighbor girls drunk and make it in my living room showed her the pot pie and she said something along the lines of you and butthole take me home that's just hilarious I would have stayed around for a second date to at least see what else happened I've had a girl walk out on me took me weeks to realize why this was day three we've met initially at a night club randomly kinda just said hi and our groups merged the boys and her girls met up a week later at a carnival and hard a great time this day in particular we met up for a basic lunch at a nice little spot near my place and just had nothing to talk about which was odd she seemed semi vacant lunch goes by with small talk we pay separately and she asks to come back to my place no problems there she's an attractive girl and I have a dog anyhow we get back to my place she throws on a DVD while i snack up the coffee table and we start talking about pet peeves with the opposite gender usual things come up first like toilet seat positioning and get ready time for outings somehow it leads on to a story about this girl I knew who was dating me whilst having an actual boyfriend on the side and how disrespectful it was in the end she just goes pale white grabs her stuff and make some excuse about forgetting something at home I thought I'd maybe sounded a bit cocky or come across like a doubter bag kind of felt like an but for a day or so and moved on my housemate ran into her and her boyfriend shopping a week later that was awkward she probably thought you knew and panicked he scraped the bottom of his low-to-the-ground car on my driveway he took it and me straight to a mechanic to look at the damage he told me that if it was a quick fix he would only make me pay half I said my brother is a mechanic let me go call him left and called for a ride Frick that she brought up politics and religion attacked my stance on both then pestered me about my financial stability all before the brought out the bread we had been on a couple of dates and he invited me to his house to watch a movie I showed up and he immediately brings me an ice pick I don't like vodka and I wasn't in the mood to drink but I thanked him for the drink and I sipped on it a little he commented that I wasn't drinking fast enough I said oh well I'm not really in the drinking mood he kept pressuring me to drink I inspected my glass to make sure there was no residue or anything else in it there wasn't but when I finished he made me another without asking I thanked him but said that I really didn't want another he told me not be rude and that I should have drinks with him if he's making them for me when I finished that one I said I really don't want another he brings me another it's obvious that he's trying to get me drunk he keeps trying to make out with me and I said that I really wanted to watch the movie he keeps literally pulling my face towards him and shoving his tongue down my throat I turned the other way on the couch so I had my feet down by him and he couldn't get on my face he then gets on the floor and walks on his mother frickin knees to my face and starts trying to kiss me again I said I needed to go to the bathroom I quietly called my best friend and told her I need her to call me back with something urgent in a couple of minutes so I could get out of a bad date she did and I took off after that he kept trying to call and text me a lot and I just told him look you were obviously trying to get me drunk and kept forcing kisses after I said I wanted to watch the movie this is not gonna work out this was a third date he was a nice enough guy an editor at the local newspaper we're at his house and he's made me dinner and suddenly he drops in normal conversation that his fetishes freakin girls that are unconscious I immediately stopped eating stopped drinking and made my exit I did not get roofied but Dan was I scared that it was in the cards for that night so this is about ten years ago a few friends and another city introduced me and this girl we call each other chat on instant messenger and texts a bit i tell i'm going to see my friends in a couple weeks and we set up a dinner date we met at the restaurant big hug and huge grin from her we sit down chat and are talking a bit when two of her friends get seated diagonally from us if she gets up to go say hi never introduces me and proceeds to have the waiter drop her food off at their table her friends asked why she's leaving me alone and without any shame she says he's fine waiter comes to pick up my plate I'd already ordered and I didn't want to be a dong and screw the waiter and drops off my cheque then hands her her own cheque I just shrugged it off handed the guy out $20 saying keep the change and left she calls me on my way back to my buddy's house be me out then had the balls to ask if I'd buy her alcohol to take to her party I was 21 she was 19 I laughed she called me a dong and hung up then I questioned why I answered the call in the first place she would not stop talking about babies her friends had them her sisters had them her brothers had them and made sure it was perfectly crystal clear she did not have one yikes met a guy online who lived about an hour away we agreed to meet up closer to me and he told me he was just going to stay in town that night I figured he had friends here or whatever he gets to the date and he is clearly about 15 years older than his pictures represented I figured I would finish the meal thanked pho after dinner he insisted on walking me to my car and then said okay so while I just follow you back to your place then I was quite shocked and a little scared for my safety so I said okay and then ripped out of that parking lot before he could get to his car he texts me an hour later and told me he was home law never heard from him after that she started doing blow halfway through had been on a couple of dates with this guy at his place watching a movie he climbs on top of me I tell him I'm not comfortable he does it again adding I like shy girls date over you're pretty smart for a woman it was an occupied 8 and we met for coffee after talking a while he had a sour look on his face when I got there so I wasn't expecting too much when our coffee came out he said I'm glad you didn't ask me to pay for that because I don't think you should be drinking something with that many calories I'm a fat person but he was way fatter than me so I thought he was being self-deprecating I was prepared to roll my eyes and let it go but then he ranted for about 15 minutes about how women were getting too fat and how they should be pressured to lose more weight eventually I stopped him with the you saw my picture why did you even agree to coffee his answer was I was hoping you had lost weight since the picture was taken because no one would put themselves on a dating app in that condition row just wow picked up a girl for a first date on the drive to eat she's tapping away on her phone a few times get to the place to eat sits down tapping away texting a few minutes later texting again I excused myself to use the bathroom and leave you could have at least texted her I took a girl once to my favorite Mexican restaurant she proceeded to pretty much give me a rundown of her past five boyfriends why the relationships failed how each was in bed what they all did for a living where they all took her for vacations my eyes started to cross and my blood was starting to boil I was relegated to one husband wow that guy's and butthole responses she seemed very disinterested in anything I had to say and I was frickin done as I was about to get up and walk out the waiter brought my fajitas so you know what I just rolled with it started asking questions about her ex-boyfriends all the while I was stuffing my face with tasty tasty fajitas honestly most of the dude sounded like pretty good guys but I put on a brave face and crap talked them in between bites once I was full I got up said I needed to go to the bathroom paid for my half of the meal at the register and just left and she was busy texting someone and didn't even notice on my way home she texted me and asked me where I was told her that I left and that maybe she should ask one of her ex-boyfriends to come and pick her up since she spent the last 45 minutes doing nothing but talking about them I got a couple freak use your butthole texts on the drive home but it's been radio silent ever since TL DR dammit now I want steak fajitas yet just complain about me to your next date it was the second date he was complaining because I wasn't wearing a low-cut top so freaked him i straight-up left you have been visited by the ingenious Joe comment brain so you always see the glass half-full if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 46,132
Rating: 4.8980584 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit dating, reddit dating stories, reddit dating advice, reddit dating tips, reddit dating horror stories
Id: -d0sRTIrCaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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