People Share RUDEST Things GUEST Have Done IN YOUR HOME (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit once the rudest finger guest has ever done in your home my grandpa was visiting us for a day and I was ill had fever and all so I was in bed resting after we all ate lunch I crawled back into my bed five minutes later he came into my room kicked me out of my bed and started to have a nap my mom came to my room to check on me few minutes later she found me laying on the floor next to bed and kicked him out of my bed told him to leave I was like 10 years old then edit never thought I'd get this much response someone mentioned about dominance and yes you're exactly right my grandpa is useless but believes men runs the world my grandma only had two daughters and he was pissed eldest sibling is always the best but my mom youngest being brighter than the eldest pissed him off then my mom had me daughter and my little brother he was pissed with my arrival but ecstatic with my brother he tried to control my brother but he couldn't because he was growing old and my parents and Grandma interfered with it constantly I was weaker than him so I was an easy target for him he did so much more than taking my bed like he tried to run me over with his car but that's another story for another time edit - couple of people asked about the car story so here I go TLDR my grandpa was driving and sped up braked in front of me in a mall parking lot as a joke one day he took me to shopping and it was extremely boring for me because he only shopped for hims all and he made me carry everything he bought once we got back to his car he had me put everything away in the trunk and as soon as I closed the trunk he drove away WTF I was confused didn't know what to do so I just stood there lost but he came back few minutes later laughing and saying you didn't really think I'd leave you did you I was upset but happy he came back so I reached for the door and I missed because he moved the car forward he did that phew more times and drove away again WTF ash - I was crying at this point then I spotted something on the ground it was my angel pocket Polly Pocket I must have dropped it while I was chasing the car I started to walk to ward it and I saw him coming this way next moment my butt was on the ground and the car stopped right in front of me with loud screech he sped up and braked to scare me I sure was scared alright I thought he was going to run me over I was crying uncontrollably he told me to shut up and get in as we were leaving the parking lot he said you're no fun it was just a joke I sure had fun my grandpa is an ass posted this before I was a kid probably 9 or 10 and my mom had a friend and her son over for lunch the kid disappeared for about 10 minutes and at the time I thought he had gone to the bathroom cause I really had to go so when he came back I quickly man averred my way past him into the room before the bathroom where we had a fish tank this would be completely irrelevant if the fish tank wasn't cloudy and swirling about at first glance I didn't know what it was until I noticed smashed and ripped apart pieces of little fish faces moving around in the swirl the kid reached into the fish tank AMD squeezed the ever-loving life out of every single fish in that tank edit type Asst update one ended up speaking with my mother anyway and when I reminded her of it she said she would have to call me back after she thought about it after talking over with my father they determined the date at which they had the fish tank in that room as 1985 because it was remodeled shortly after it was three large fancy goldfish in an 8 gallon aquarium they were laughing at all the details that came back to them the date also means I was 8 years old so I was close the timeframe helped her remember exactly when it happened my mom remembers it is several women over for a birthing class at the time my mom was a midwife and did everything baby from breathing to delivery one of the women had a tent eleven-year-old boy who she kept loosing track of would keep wandering off as he put it and ended up eventually being the culprit he was not scolded but rather talked to in a conversation up close and quietly my mom said she didn't really remember much about her the kids mom reaction cause I was crying so she my mom was dealing with me rather than them she luckily kept track of all the babies / families she helped deliver up till a certain point when she stopped midwifing in the late 80s she also agreed to try and get the answer of what happened to the kid if possible after I explained raided wanted to know which I also had to explain what Roy did actually worse I'm pissed just typing this even though it has been years some of my wife's family came to visit the idea and was that on their weight of the Smoky Mountains they would stop and visit with us for a day or two since we seldom see each other and our house is on the way turns out that was total BS they just wanted to use our house as a free hotel which to a degree is fine I don't mind lending a room to a family member but they were not even remotely cool about it first they called and asks if we could have something for them to eat because it would be late when they arrived and had no time to stop so I decided I would make a listen here since I'm kind of known for that in the family so I spent like $60 and several hours to make two big pans of lasagna since it would have to feed several people they showed up with chic-fil-a bags and said they had already eaten then they went immediately to their rooms upstairs not to sleep but to watch TV TVs in the bedroom without hardly saying a thing to us besides hi how's it going then in the middle of the night one of them got cold and turned the thermostat up to like 77 degrees which means the heater and non-stop for hours and hours and we woke up damn near in a sweat when they woke up they asked if I normally cook breakfast I said no not on weekdays because I have to go to work they gave dejected so I was like fine I can make breakfast would you guys like waffles or eggs and bacon they said eggs so I made a [ __ ] ton of eggs and bacon and left it for them because I had to go to work when I got home they hadn't even touched the food I made the kitchen was an absolute disaster because they decided they wanted waffles instead and help themselves without even asking dirtying every damn dish in the house and ruining my waffle iron because they left it on until it auto-shutoff but by then had burned the batter until it was fused to the thing in the whole house wreaked of burnt waffles for two days they also clearly scratched my wife's car as they left because it was in the driveway and coincidentally had huge scratched when the rune paint had rubbed off and guess what color their van was I asked them about it and they said they had no idea how it got there my little sister 23 at the time house and dog sat my three dogs for a month while my husband and I went to Europe one of these dogs happens to be an 8 week old puppy of hers that we adopted because she couldn't keep him after a recent breakup and move everything seemed to be going just fine via the FaceTime calls and almost daily texts but it was a whole other story when we got home there was dog piss and [ __ ] everywhere under the kitchen table all over inside and the entire surrounding area by the puppy's kennel she apparently ran out of puppy pads and instead started using our [ __ ] bath towels to line the kennel instead of washing the towels she threw them in a pile in the backyard when she ran out of towels she moved on to my husband's shirts that were in the laundry she also had some guy stay with her that she allowed to smoke cigarettes in our house including our bedroom at one point she accidentally locked herself out climbed through a window and broke a lamp in the process she also broke our vacuum and her pathetic attempt to clean up before we came home while all of this was happening a pipe apparently broke underground in the backyard on day four of our trip it was raining heavily so it was hard to now especially if you completely ignored the sound of full blast running water and the notice that was put on our tour by the city to contact them urgently sister took the notice set it on the table and never mentioned it we came home to an $1,800 water bill on top of everything else it was an utter disaster to come home to after a month of traveling and a full day of flying we were [ __ ] furious we made her pay to replace all of our towels have the carpets cleaned and she paid for the puppy's food and pet insurance for a year I didn't talk to her for quite a while after that edited to it I was not expecting all these replies trying to answer as best I can Little Sisters is fine now it's been four years back to who she normally was a responsible tidy respectful person this whole thing happened to coincide with an awful breakup she had after seven years that spun her into depression and self-worth issues paired with some heavy drinking our relationship is back on track and has been since she profusely apologized and paid up but I had refused to speak to her for about seven mths because of it at the end of the day it's just stuff edited again hey thanks for the silver stranger my first edit hash three gold Wow thank you my eldest daughter had a friend come back with her from college over the summer and we had agreed that she was fine to stay with us over the summer break since they both were doing summer internships luckily it was our first time meeting her and initially she was a delight for all of about three days the first thing that really got to me was that she decided that she needed to give our housekeeper specific instructions on making her bed doing her laundry and when she was allowed into the guest room or not our housekeeper is only there to feed and walk the dogs during the day because we are gone and the kids are away and do light laundry and grocery shopping for my husband and myself only our kids manage their own laundry when they come home and I clean my house on the weekends she tried explaining this to the girl but as my housekeeper said she wasn't having any of that the next thing that happened will she decided that maybe a low pay slash no pay attention wasn't for her and that she would just chill out for the summer and enjoy her vacation I found this out by coming home early one day because I wasn't feeling well to find her and two guys naked in our hot tub after hearing about the summer job being over with and her desire for a vacation I reiterated the rules of the house and that she agreed to them on day one she proceeded to tell me that she's a grown damn woman and she'll get with whatever man wherever she damn well pleases I turned around and walked in my house and locked the doors she was still outside with no clothes in just a towel I scooped up her [ __ ] into a black contractor bag and threw it out on the front porch - our other daughter's car keys who was away at school the girl that airily had a very cushy summer with a free car room food and just about anything that she could have needed as long as she worked five hours a day three days a week and followed the house rules instead she struggled to put her underwear on behind a shrub and walked away carrying her [ __ ] in the black garbage bag edit to address a few PMS yes we had surveillance equipment and now I will not send you a video of her putting her underwear on seriously y'all need help and unfortunately I'm not licensed to offer that type of help my daughter and her were friends throughout several classes in school so they were not roommates or anything she was from out of state and managed to pick up an internship in our area and the professor Otto got my daughter and her together in hopes of maybe helping each other out my daughter said that she had never witnessed her act anywhere near the level of disrespect that she showed our family or she would have never asked for her to stay my kid was just trying to help out another broke-ass college kid as were we when we agreed to let her stay I didn't pay attention to what color or style her panties were please refer to number one you'll need help I let my mom and her husband stay at my apartment during a particularly cold winter a few years ago they were homeless heroin addicts at the time I had put the simple rule of don't bring that home and I would allow them to stay for the first month or so it remained an out of sight out of mind sort of thing not ideal but I didn't want to ditch my family at such a bad time eventually they had to screw it all up without going into too many details her husband had a warrant out for his arrest I was unaware of this at the time so I got to be awoken at 1:00 in the morning to my mom busting into my bedroom to let me know that the cops were in my living room of course I groggily make my way out to one of the most irritable cups I've ever met he demands to know where he is I don't know I was asleep they searched around the apartment looking for him and making a general mess about an hour later they leave at that point I needed to be up at 4:00 for work and I was too angry to even care I went to bed the cops ended up watching my apartment for about a month to make matters worse about three to four days later I hop onto my computer in the living room I noticed that my mom had left her m/l open and decide to do some snooping about maybe not my best moment that I come across an email chain from earlier that day about scoring some dope for later that night I was livid bringing the cops into my home at horrible hours and then not holding to the only thing I asked them to do I tried not to ask for March and they couldn't abide by that one simple thing I didn't ask them to quit just don't bring it into my home I saved some choice screenshots and called my work asking for the next day off when they came back I told them to be gone tomorrow and they weren't welcome back I stayed home to make sure they didn't steal anything and made sure they didn't have a key I sure as hell wasn't happy about it that boundaries needed to be placed I had been dealing with their drug use for years and I wasn't going to have it continue to affect my life as it stands now she doesn't even know where anymore and I don't plan on telling her not gonna happen again years ago an out-of-town family mom dat adult daughter invited themselves to my parents home and stayed over the weekend this was a former coworker of my mom's they were not well-off and they saw this visit as a little vacation to our remote home without any warning they brought their too aggressive and spoiled poodles while knowing we had a dog we had to lock our dog in a bedroom for the duration of their stay as the other two would attack him the dogs also peed and pooped everywhere inside the house and the owners would simply point it out and do nothing or offer to clean it they'd simply sit and watch my poor mom scrub the floor at one point I was outside and the adult daughter walked over to let me know she wanted tea I pointed out that she knew where the kitchen was and that she should feel at home and make herself a cup she huffed went back inside and made a scene about Hal died a young kid was a rude and terrible host and had the audacity to suggest that she a guest make her own cup of tea she refused my mom's offer to make her son and she did not stop complaining until I got dragged in and made tea for the first time in my life I might add the whole thing was very strange my parents have had many guests over the years but never anything remotely thus entitled they were never allowed to return edit should add that my parents host their friends and acquaintances a lot they live in a touristy location our social butterflies and have room in the house so people gather there for holidays birthday parties et Cie and sleepover a lot over the decades that's the only occasion that stands out people are generally well mannered and nice I had just moved into a new house I invited my one friend over for celebratory drinks cause hey I just got a house things were going great we were tipsy and having fun my boyfriend was coming home so I made her a bed on my pull-out couch boyfriend came home and we all went to bed around 2:00 a.m. he heard rustling around he thought nothing of it he just assumed she was drunk and playing with the cats I woke up around 4:00 a.m. and got a bad feeling and woke up my boyfriend we went upstairs and noticed the bed hadn't even been touched hellos and blankets still folded I turned the lights on and noticed my front door was open and all the caps were gone furthermore inter looking around we noticed his wallet was open and over a 100 dollars in money had been taken out our change bowl was empty and his box and brand-new a lead sparks controller was gone as well as my laptop she stole his medicinal marriage lender and broke glasses I called her freaking out and she said I left cause I didn't want to hear you guys having sex which we never had and she let my cat out to run away because she didn't like cats she then proceeded to say my partner was a piece of [ __ ] who was cheating on me she had never met him until that night we called the cops she denied stealing anything I messaged her theme K saying what she had done and what she had stolen he messaged me texts screenshots of her asking how much she could get for his barks and barks a lead controller thus proving she did steal it sent all these screenshots to the cops and they went to her house a couple times and eventually find her hiding in there not answering the door on purpose she got charged with petty theft and they found out she committed fraud against her fee and K and her dad it was a [ __ ] ow last summer I was in another city doing a clinic internship and a few friends asked me if they could use my apartment to crash for a few nights during the festival that was going on back home being the nice person I am I said of course and prepared everything for them made the beds cleaned everything spotless stocked the fridge with food and even stocked up my minna before them I told them they should feel at home at my place they can use whatever they want including TV ps4 sound system et Cie the only thing I kindly ask them not to touch is my record player it was new and super valuable to me talked to my landlord who's also my neighbor and a pretty good friend about it and he was totally cool with it they get there by then I was already dancing my clinic rotation everything's great check up on them daily to see if they need anything etc I asked them to leave my keys with my landlord upon departure friend tells me he did I come home that day with 20 missed calls from landlord turns out the friend didn't drop the keys off and my landlord let himself into my place friend left the door unlocked and I gave my landlord permission to do so and almost had a heart attack upon seeing the state of my place there was trash everywhere cigarette butts all around there were wet towels bunches up in every corner of every room some of my clothes had been taken out and thrown around food was left out Rossing everywhere and worst of all they left my record player run covered with a record playing and there was trash on top of the record landlord sent me pictures and I was livid he had to call in the cleaning service to sort out the mess and take all the trash out himself I immediately contact my friend asking him WTF and he told me they had left my apartment completely in order making up lies that my landlord maybe caused the mess I told him that he needed to reimburse me for the cleaning fees and all that and that I expect him to drop of the key which he kept the next day when he got back to the city I was doing my ins and shippin dude rescheduled only six times about giving back the key guess he was embarrassed too but at least he ended up paying the cleaning fee anyway I get back home a few weeks later and everything seems in order I go to inspect my stuff and lo and behold somehow they broke the starless cartridge and needle on my record player it was a really expensive model too I cried out of frustration that's what I get for trusting people needless to say we are not friends anymore came for the weekend after many years apart had never met his wife wife turns out to be a disgusting opinionated alpha [ __ ] they walked into the house for the first time after a long drive our kids meet and run excitedly into the other room alpha goes after them and loudly admonishes them for god knows what my wife attempts to say that they are just having fun and are perfectly fine she wheels around on my wife and barks our rules apply here too she had been in our home for 90 seconds this sort of barking continues for three days they were sleeping in our basement which is finished into a kind of mini apartment all the kids toys are down there she goes through every toy box and shelf and removes the batteries from everything because her kids aren't used to that kind of stimulation alpha interrupts playtime at 5:45 p.m. in the summer the grill is just getting hot ffs to put the kids ages eight and five to bed complains that the kids wake them up before 6:00 judges us because ours are up later just because of this all bed times were suspended my five-year-old is up till 10 now [ __ ] you yells at my kid at a restaurant because kid passed a bowl of mac and cheese in front of one of her run fortunate kids that's probably got eggs in it he's allergic to eggs whose sorry we didn't realize what happens if he's exposed to eggs well he might get a rash in a couple of days my wife decides that maybe if she has a few drinks this tyrant might calm the [ __ ] down we are a couple drinks in and they start making eyes at each other the couple disappears for 15 minutes or so come back looking flushed and rumpled my friend [ __ ] that begin my guest bed next drink him alpha notices that she has been drinking some kind of diet wine cooler starts freaking out because it probably has artificial sweeteners turns red and starts making a scene all this after the drinks and the sex there are many other stories but suffice it to say that we've never been so glad see a family leave and we haven't spoken since years later I can be standing in the kitchen and say my god what a [ __ ] and my wife will reply right you believe she removed all those batteries my fiance and I decided to invite my friends over to our house for an I party this was a big deal because we had just moved in about ten days prior but our friends were getting married close by and Nana vaartha friends had a place to stay after the wedding they wanted to extend their stay overnight and we all never get to see each other so we figured it would be fine they're our friends right my one friend a was always a snobby brat in college but for some reason all of us still tolerated her we graduated got jobs she got married and she seemed to mellow out a tongue seemed is the key word here so way into her husband are staying at our house along with like ten other of our close friends I make a crock pot full of meatballs and a bunch of appetizers as lunch slash dinner for Nye I had spent $200 on bottles of champagne and we had air mattresses and sleeping bags all over everyone was having a great time except a she comes over to me and asks me if we have any other food besides this super fattening stuff well no because we literally just started staying here two days ago she says oh well can you tell me where the closest Whole Foods is so I can go get something that I can actually eat sure which it's five minutes down the road bye she comes back about an hour later walks into my kitchen and just starts pulling out pots and pans without saying a word to me she made chicken alfredo for herself at this point I honestly don't care what she's doing I just thought it was hilarious that she made such a fuss about meatballs being so fattening and now she just poured straight cheese all over some chicken and she didn't clean up after herself of course because obviously she deserves to have a butler it starts getting closer to dinnertime and my friends and I decided to pop some champagne little early so I grabbed a bottle and start pouring her a glass she asks me for the bottle and says this isn't even real champagne it's from California will champagne is from Paris you didn't even buy real champagne law that you even are you the Duchess of Alfred L source I calmly and sweetly say that it might not be Parisian champagne but it's really [ __ ] delicious and it was relatively inexpensive not the cheapest that I had actually asked the guide the wine store for a recommendation and this is what he gave me she asks me where the closest wine story's leaves and comes back with ten bottles of Sambhaji shirt the best part she took eight of those bottles home with her because everyone else preferred the cheap California champagne that I had bought needless to say she is not invited to my house ever again kind of late to the party but here it goes when I moved away to uni I lived alone in a small shitty studio that I loved at the time a year later one of my friends from back home moved to the same city for uni but didn't really plan her move very well so ended up having to stay with me for a few weeks until she found a place wasn't thrilled but I said okay it went well for the first couple of weeks but then the nightmare started she slept on a sofa bed a few feet away from my bed and for some reason thought it would be appropriate to furiously masturbate all most every night when she thought I had fallen asleep then she stopped washing dishes and all my pots ended up being caked in her burned sources so I had to scrub at them for ages then she started meal prepping which meant every single one of my pots were full of her food which she didn't want to share bTW so I didn't have anything to cook my food in one day I came home from uni way earlier than usual and surprised her wearing my bathrobe and using my body lotion the straw that broke the camel's back was when my boyfriend came to visit for the weekend and we were planing on going to a gig with some friends early that day my friend asks if she could send a text my phone when we were out that evening I looked through my phone for something and found her text something along the lines of hey my stupid roommate just asked me out to a gig with her stupid friends obviously I said no but she'll be out tonight so come over around 8:00 and we'll get smashed I ran home and found her having sex in my bed with a guy who looked like a Russian bodyguard and who could probably snap my neck in two with one hand I started screaming at them like a crazy person that you'd bolted but the girl was screaming back at me blaming me for being a bad host I took her stuff and threw them out the window we are not friends anymore thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Id: pKl2O5g2vZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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