Davinci Resolve Animated BULLET List Tutorial / Fusion

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my name is William justice I make videos about filmmaking editing with DaVinci Resolve and creating animations with fusion today we're gonna create this animated flexible bullet list using DaVinci Resolve infusion in my latest video which should be coming out soon I was sitting but bullet list to go through each of the tips in the video as I was talking about them I started setting up the bullet list and trying to get that video finished but I had to put the brakes on that and create a video about that the bullet list itself because it was actually interesting to set it up my goal was to create a bullet list that was flexible customizable animated easy to set up and that could be reused for any project that I was doing I've created a link in the description for the fusion settings if you'd like to try the bullet list out for yourself if you like my videos please subscribe comment below I'd really love to hear from you ok let's create this customizable flexible reusable bullet list alright let's first step is to get into Fusion so we're gonna right click in the media pool area say new Fusion component and we'll set it for uh I don't know 35 seconds to create drag that down into the timeline and click fusion at the bottom to get into Fusion alright the first step is to create the bullet so we're gonna create a small circle with a number on it and some text so we use a background node and with the background node selected we're gonna hit the the circle to get the mask we'll hit to on the background node so we can kind of see what we're looking at we're gonna make the circle a lot smaller just about like that and then we're gonna put a number inside of it and some text out to the right so with the background selected we're gonna hit the text option in the toolbar so we have a so we have a merge with some text and we're gonna go ahead and hit the text one more time so we have another merge and the second text so the first text is going to be the number on the bullet and the second one is going to be the text that goes with the bullet item I'm going to right click on arrange tools and say to connected that helps things line up a lot better okay let's go ahead and add our text so with the first text node selected we're gonna put a number one for the first bullet I will select the merge two and hit two on that so we can kind of see what it looks like so it looks like the number needs to be a little bit smaller so we'll take the clicking text and we'll drag the size down just a bit to make the number fit in there okay now let's add the the text for the bullet so we'll click on text too and start typing and see bullet text okay you notice that it overlays you notice that it's right on top of the graphic and we want it to align to the left-hand side so we're gonna go to the horizontal anchor and click this little icon right here and that's gonna set the the text to align to the left side of where the X is where the x position is now we just need to move the bullet text over and let's make it just a touch smaller that looks pretty good so now we're going to just do a real quick animation on our bullet let's go to the first frame and for the ellipse we're gonna animate this we'll hit a keyframe on the level and a keyframe on the width and height go over about six frames and we're gonna keyframe the level and height and width go back to the first frame and we're gonna bring the level all the way down and the height and width all the way down so that has the the circle is going to expand and come in now at the same time well the circles expanding I'm with the number two do the opposite so I'm gonna have the number start big and then go into that position okay so we're gonna do this using the merge so we'll select on the merge and we're on the very first frame and we're gonna keep from the size and then we can also keyframe the blend and that's gonna allow us to adjust the opacity we'll go to frame number six hit a keyframe on the size and the blend so that's going to set that's going to be where we're going to let's go back to the first frame and we're gonna bump up the size of our number pretty big like that and then we're gonna set the blend to zero so we have a little animation looks like that the next step is we're gonna animate the text using the right on so right when the bullet finishes getting there with the circle and number let's hit this text number two and we're gonna set a keyframe on the right on and we're gonna pull that all the way back and go over like five frames and have it right on so this is the basic bullet it's gonna look like that the last thing we're gonna do with the bowl is we're going to go into the spline editor is select all of the fields let's highlight all the points and we'll hit this to smooth them just gonna smooth out all the animations just a touch the NEX time we're gonna do is we're going to add a couple little things to the end of this merge so that we can do some animations later on we're gonna add two transform nodes and then we're gonna add a time speed node and that's basically everything we need for each of the bullets right here okay so how do we how do we create more bullets we could highlight all of the nodes here copy them and paste them to create a second bullet and merge it in with the first bullet select the merge put it in the viewer by hitting - and adjust the Y position and there we go we have we have two bullets but the problem with this is that obviously we can change our bullet text right there that's the first one and we can change that's this that's the first one and that's the second one so we can change the bullet text but if we want to adjust any of the styling so for example maybe we wanted to change the bullet color it only affects the first one or if we wanted to change the font it only affects the first bullet so we're going to do is we're gonna have to copy and create a node instance and I'll just demonstrate that really quick so we'll take this text to node we'll hit ctrl C and is supposed to hitting ctrl V we're gonna hit ctrl shift + V and this creates a node instance so that the text to right here and the text to instance are identical so if we edit either one they both have the same thing in them so let's connect up the text instance to the time speed here and the merge and we'll bring that down so we have the instance and the main text and they're identical so if we did something like change the font it's going to change in both of them just like that so we're gonna use that so that we have kind of one styling on the bullets and they'll be reused so in our case we're gonna want to copy these nodes right here the two text nodes we're gonna reuse the circle here but we don't need to include that in our instances so it's like the two transforms and the text nodes and we're gonna hit ctrl C and then we're gonna hit ctrl shift V and that recreated all those nodes in those green lines means that they're instances of the other node so let's create one more control shift of B so this is going to really get us three bullets and we're gonna take we're gonna take the this right here is just the bullet itself we're going to drag drag that into each of the nodes down here for the bullets hit this merge here so we can kind of see what we got they're all on top of each other so to fix this what we need to do is we need to connect up the second bullet instance which is in this row right here to the time speed and we're going to need to put another time speed in there let me go ahead and do that one copy that got you here no wait here and then we're gonna take this time speed and bring it into that merge and then finally we'll go to the media out so we have three bullets are on top of each other to see them we can use this merge right here and we can just kind of drag this one down and we'll select the media outlet so we can see it and we have this one right here and we can drag that one down that's the basic the basic bullet setup now the problem comes in with the text if we wanted to we obviously we want to change the text of each bullet so we'll go to this instance of text to here and you notice that anything we change it changes for both of them if you've copied a node instance you can D incident specific node property so that everything is the same except for what you want to so we're gonna right-click on the text and we're gonna say D instance and that's gonna allow us to change the text only on this one we'll do that on the third bullet down here we'll go to the text for the third the third bullet we're gonna right-click on styled text here and select the instance and we got we can put three three three there and we'll go up to the top one and so we have our three bullets I'm going to go ahead and do that for the numbers in here real quick okay so at this point we have all of these nodes connected and everything can be controlled with what's on top here so if we wanted to change the style of the sex that we want to change the color we select the the one on top and we can choose a different color we can make it Orange and we have our orange bullets there that's because all the other ones are instances so they're gonna carry over all of the same properties that not that have not been d instanced so let's go ahead and reset that back to white and like I said we can adjust the size or there's all kinds of things we can do so let's take a look at the animation right now right now so they come in and the text writes on so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna use the custom tool and this is going to allow us to edit all of the bullet items in one place hit ctrl + space and search for custom right here and that's our custom tool so it has a lot of different fields and we're going to use this to change the properties of our text nodes so we'll hit this second part the the second option right here for setup and these are just fields and we can use them however we want so we're gonna do let's high pin but one yep okay so this is some text here so how do we get this text to replace what's in here well there's a quite a few different ways to do it the easiest one is to right-click on the text and set choose expression and we're gonna connect this style text to the custom tool so with custom tool selected hit f2 on it and we're gonna call that settings to make a little easier to remember go back to the text node and where we said the expression we're gonna say settings dot set up one because in here this field is called set up one and you notice that once we did that the text change to bullet one let's do that for the next one we're going to right click on style text choose expression and we're gonna go settings which references this this node right here and the property on that node is going to be set up too we have that bullet text changed and we'll do that one more time okay I'm going I'm going to show you a different way to do that so if we go to these settings right here we can right click on the set up three property and we can choose publish so that's going to make this property available when you're connecting with other nodes let's go back down to the third instances as as bullet text three so instead of using an expression to do it we're gonna say connect to and settings showed up and then set up three and that effectively did the same thing so now we have bullet one two three when we go to our custom node here we can in one place we can edit all the text for the bullets and it's gonna be really nice to it if I wanted to turn this into a macro or something like that it'd be really easy to do having everything in one place and I can add more bullets in and connect up the different fields so the next we're gonna do is we're gonna position this thing actually I'm gonna go in I'm going to go ahead and add some more bullets so we can kind of see have a little more to play with we have everything set up now I went through and did the D instancing on each of the bullet items the next thing we got to worry about is the positioning but you just want to show you how all of this is connected if we change our bullet color it's going to change everywhere we can change the the text styling we make it italic it's gonna be that way and we'll just back that okay so what we're gonna do with the spacing is I'm going to go to these merges and reset them to put everything back at the same position so the positions of all the have all the bullets been reset they're right in the middle so we need to fire how to move them around so when you click the transform and we move the y you'll see that they're all moving because they're all right on top of each other and they're they're all right on top of each other with the same instance so what we're gonna do is we're gonna D in since the Y property on each of them and as opposed to manually setting the the position we're gonna actually use a formula in conjunction with the settings here we're gonna use this number in one and when we adjust this it's gonna space it it's gonna adjust the spacing of our bullets so to set this up we're gonna go to the very first transform for the first bullet and for the center position we're gonna right click on that and say expression and we know that 0.9 or 4:1 is the top and zero is the bottom so we're going to start it out it's the this is the x position right here followed by the Y position so we're gonna set the Y position to point nine and that's going to move it up to the top so what we need to do is subtract off for each one of these we need to set each instance we need to subtract a little bit more so this is gonna be the base formula we're gonna go point nine minus and we put in parentheses and this is where we're going to use this property here this number in one so we can we'll be able to use this slider to adjust the position so go back to the transform and in here we're gonna go settings dot number in one and we're going to multiply that times zero for this one in every instance we're gonna change this formula just slightly so now we see is when we have this it's not going to move at all because that's x number and one times zero so let's go to the next instance right here so this formula is copied from the first transform so we need to D in Stinson so that we can set a specific formula for this are some specific expression for this property here so we're going to right click on that and Sadie instance and we're gonna go number in 1 times 1 and there's our second bullet right there so now when we go to our settings with the control you can see that we can adjust the bullet positions and this becomes important as we change the size of the bullets and spacing let's do one more this one right here we're gonna right-click is it the third bullet right click Sadie instance and this is gonna be times two and there we go we got the bullet so what I'm going to go through and do the rest of these real quick okay so there's our seven bullet list and we can adjust the size here and shrink it together if our bullets are smaller we can also use this transform to change things about it so if we wanted to adjust the angle of the bullets we can do that and they'll all go to follow that yes we use the second transform we can adjust the size of the bullet so if we need to make them a little bit smaller we can do that and we can move them around with this transform right here let's play our animation you notice all the bullets come at the same time come in at the same time so that's what we're gonna use this time speed for now I'm just gonna go through and change the delay on each of these so we're gonna change the delay we'll go up by five each time the first delay is five and what that did is that means the second bullet is gonna come in start animating five frames after the first one like that I'm gonna go do that for each of them so we're gonna set this one to ten and then 15 20 [Music] okay now let's play the animation they come in like that and the best part about this is everything's customisable if we wanted to change the bullet we could change the color we could positioning like that so go by let's do a blue bullet there I mean the same thing with the text we could come in and if we wanted to make the text a little bit bigger we can do that a little bit smaller it's all customizable and if we want to change our bullet list we'll just come in here go to the second settings page and we can type in really whatever we want so we don't have to mess with the structure down here we can actually we could actually take a lot of this that we don't need like that and we can create a group out of it just to kind of clean things up a bit now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this whole this all of this right here and save it off so that I can reuse it let me make it a little bit smaller here so anyway here's my reusable bullet list should be pretty easy to do to read this I'm just gonna highlight all this stuff so I'll right-click on this and you just do settings save as and you can say what we really want to and load it in when you need it if you put it in the fusion area it'll actually show up in the templates so that you can just click it and drag it in and use it here's a quick sample of what we built I think it looks pretty good I'm gonna be using this in a lot of my upcoming videos I'll be able to drop in the fusion animation edit the text and in just a couple clicks and a couple keystrokes I'll have a nice bullet list okay the fusion composition is a little bit complicated it didn't take too long to set up but I've included a link down below you want to be able to load it up yourself to kind of get a jump start on setting up a bullet list let me know if you use it in one of your projects if you want to see more videos like this one please subscribe comment below and if you have any questions or anything let me know I'd be glad to hear from you thanks for watching you you
Channel: William Justice
Views: 10,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, Text Effects, Bullet List, Animation, Davinci Resolve Tutorial
Id: kkHofLkuxHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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