How to Turn a Flat 2D Photo into a Dynamic 3D Image in DaVinci Resolve 17 Fusion

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hey there good people my name is scott and you're watching sword and shield studio right now we're going to learn how to take a flat 2d image or photo and give it a dynamic moving 3d effect now this works best if you have an image that is a higher resolution than the video you're ultimately going to output and if your subject in the foreground is well separated from the background in the image with that in mind let's get right into it okay i'm on the edit page in resolve where i'm ready to create this 3d effect the first thing you'll need to do is create a new fusion composition so in order to do this right click the media pool on the left of resolve here and hit new fusion composition from the drop down menu here you can name the composition whatever you like i'm going to name mine 3d effects and set the duration to about 10 seconds and you can match the frame rate you're working with here in my case i'm working in 24 fps so i'm going to leave it at that and hit create then double click the fusion composition you just created in the media pool to open it in the fusion tab and left click and empty space in your node tree at the bottom here hit shift space and type bg to get the background node either click add or hit enter to add that to the node tree and with this background node still selected we're going to load the image that we want to make the 3d effect with so hit shift space again with that background node still selected and type loader to get the loader node and hit enter or click add and this will bring up a prompt in your os to load the image with i'm going to select mine in this folder here and automatically fusion has merged these two nodes you just have to hook up the merge one to the media out now it will show up and with that merge one selected you can then resize your image and position it how you like in the frame and once you have it in a position that you'd like which i think that looks good you can box select that merge and loader node and hit control c and control v on an empty space in the node tree to copy and paste it with all of the settings that you changed intact with the size and position and then with that second merge node selected hold shift and bring it between the merge one and media out nodes to connect it now in order to keep organized i'm going to rename these merge nodes i'm going to select the first merge1 that we created hit f2 on my keyboard to rename it and i will call this background and the second merge that we copied i'm going to select that hit f2 and rename that to subject now we have two identical images with the same scale and position properties loaded into our composition above the background that matches the resolution of our video the next thing we want to do is mask out our subject to separate her from the background so that we can apply separate transformations to our subject and the background so in order to do this we will have to mask out our subject merge here by adding a polygon mask to that now select the loader node that is feeding into the background merge node and hit 2 on your keyboard to display it in your viewer and then left click the polygon node again to make it active and i'm just going to left click around our subject here and do a basic trace to mask her out from the background okay so once you have your subject properly masked out left click the loader fed into the subject merge here and hit two on your keyboard let's preview what that mask will look like and then click your polygon node again to make that active and adjust the soft edge value just add a little bit of a soft edge to it and i think that looks pretty good there and when you are finished adjusting your mask how you like left click the media out node and hit two on your keyboard to make it active next select your background merge node and hit shift space on your keyboard and type dve we're going to add a dve node between the background and subject to transform and scale the background separate from our subject that we just masked out in the foreground so one thing to keep in mind is you want to try to keep any changes you make with this dve node subtle to keep the subject in the background concealed behind the masked out subject in the foreground that we're gonna transform separately you can alter your background however you see fit but in my case i am going to add a slight rotation by adding keyframes to the x and y values in our dve node here so make sure you're at the beginning of your composition in the timeline with whatever changes you're going to make i'm going to just add about five degrees of change to the y value and maybe a little less with the x add keyframes to these and i will scrub to the very end and i think i will just reverse these by making them negative and if we scrub over the course of the timeline you could see just adds a slight rotating effect to the background now if you look at the edge here you'll notice there's a little bit of the transparent background being revealed because of the resolution of the image i'm using you may or may not have this problem depending on the resolution of the image you're using but if you do you can correct this by hitting the background merge node and in the inspector change the edges type from canvas to mirror that will mirror your image along the edges to give the illusion that they're there is a continuous image here and it works pretty well as long as you don't push it too far now return to the dve node and make any additional changes you might like i think in my case i'm going to add a slight z move to give the illusion that the background is zooming out slightly so i will make this a value of 1.05 maybe at the maximum set a keyframe at the end and i'll make this 1.02 in the beginning let's see how that looks pretty good it's a pretty subtle effect but it does add some 3d depth to it now once you're satisfied with the keyframe so you set here and their values you can open up the spline editor at the top right here and select the dve node and hit this icon here zoom to fit and then you can hold left click and box select all the keyframes you set and hit this smooth icon at the bottom left of the spline editor now just add a curve to all of these keyframes to ease the motion in and out give it a more natural look so we have our background moving we've added some depth to that let's move our subject now by selecting the loader fed into our subject merge node and hit shift space type dve and add another dve node to her now i think since the background is rotating from left to right and zooming out a bit i would like her to rotate slightly in the opposite direction and zoom in just to give that 3d effect so i will select the z move value here set a keyframe at the beginning of my composition [Music] timeline and set a value at the end of my composition of say point nine eight and you could see that has revealed some of the subject in the background so i'll have to move her slightly up to keep the illusion i think it really looks good without any rotation but i'm going to add it anyway just to see what it looks like and just rotate it slightly looking at that i think it looks pretty good and i will do the same thing with her i'll go since i'm satisfied with my key frames here i'll go to the spline editor and select my dve 2 node hit zoom to fit here box select those keyframes and hit the smooth icon at the bottom left now if i play this back we should have a nice smooth 3d effect just like that that does it for this tutorial i hope that after watching this video you feel more comfortable taking your own 2d photos and giving him some 3d depth using this technique if you do please consider subscribing to the channel where i upload a video just like this one every week like the video if you like this one leave a comment if you have a question thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: Sword & Shield Studio
Views: 10,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, tutorial, video, video editing, how to, Blackmagic Design, Resolve 17, DaVinci Resolve 17, video production, 3d photo, 2d photo, 2d image, 3d effect, 2d to 3d, effect, Fusion, pop out, pop up, editing, photos, depth, add depth, three dimensional, 3D, 2D, image, flat image, flat photo, 3D Photo DaVinci Resolve, How to Turn a Flat 2D Photo into a Dynamic 3D Image in DaVinci Resolve 17 Fusion, How to Turn a Flat 2D Photo into a Dynamic 3D Image, moving photo
Id: bkOcBU4ztCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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