Kindergarten Color Grading Effect Tutorial / Davinci Resolve / Fusion

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my name is William justice today we're gonna be a bit silly we just it's time to have some fun I know that DaVinci Resolve is a great tool for color grading I understand all the controls I kind of have an idea of how they work but honestly I'm really really bad at it and I just don't have a lot of experience and it's one of these things you have to get around and play with and that was what I was gonna be doing in this video with some experimentations tutorials on color ready to help myself learn and then I got this other idea in my head I kept thinking when did I first learned how to use color why not go back to my coloring book days I was a master at staying in the lines this guy could be read it didn't matter anything was possible so coloring books are a great way to experiment with color got me thinking how could we use this in a video well I think I came up with an idea at least something to try I'm not the most artistic person so I figured having some lines would be a great place to start maybe we can use this to create an interesting effect right this effect could be interesting and hopefully it'll get your creative juices flowing now that we know how to create a blank coloring book page let's create one without me in it because I want to be able to colorize the whole background let me get out of the way all right it's time to put the crayon to paper we're gonna do some experiments and try out some animations and then I'm gonna take you behind the scenes and show you how I did everything from creating these to doing the draw over effect and how you overlay it on top of an image to create an interesting transition from a sketch to a real photo or video okay that looks pretty good not too bad of a start so let's try this with some real photos and videos we're gonna start with a sketch do the color on effect and then it have it transition or blend back into the real photo on video and pick up from there [Music] [Music] you like my videos and are looking to learn more about DaVinci Resolve or maybe you're just looking for a bit of inspiration subscribe to my channel like this video and follow me on YouTube if you have any comments or questions leave them below I'd be glad to hear from you and I'll get right back to you alright let's jump into DaVinci Resolve here and I'll show you kind of how I set this up really there's a unlimited number of possibilities here is tons and tons of different ways to set up this type of an effect obviously I did some with a coloring book page I did some where I took some some video a couple different ways so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you three different ways that I did this one the manual way where I took the took the page colored it and then blended it together we're gonna do this one right here I'm gonna do this one in the editor right here in the editor timeline so I can kind of show you how to create the effect here and this last one we're gonna do the same thing go into a little bit more detail and we're gonna jump into fusion and I'll show you how you do it in fusion it's kind of all of this place together throughout each of these using a lot of the same stuff it's just a little bit different way to set it up okay so let's start with this one right here we're gonna this is the one that I did manually where I started with a picture of my office had a coloring book page right here and blended from the drawing of the coloring book page into the picture of my office once you have this picture this is gonna be the final spot we're gonna duplicate this by hitting alt and we're gonna drag it up and put it down here in the sequence here we have the picture my office the colored page and then back to the picture my office so what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn this into some lines for the sketch so to do that we're gonna go into the effects area at the top click effects library and we'll get rid of that and we're gonna search for with with the open FX select we're going to search for edge detect and we're gonna take the edge detect and drop it right on there and you can already see we start having some starting to have some edges there the next thing we're going to do is add an invert so up here search for invert and invert color and we're going to drop that in and then we got our dark on light so let's go in and adjust some of the settings on the effect so in the inspector open FX we're gonna change the color mode to grayscale and there we go we pretty much have a black and white picture there you can adjust the threshold to see what the lines are gonna picked up and smooth it out I took this photo this picture right here I hit P to go to full screen and I did an alt printscreen and I printed that out then I took the print out and just did a coloring job I don't have the best coloring skills but I was just kind of one to come up with something pretty quick to see what see how it worked and then we got that so we're just going to transition from one pictures or the other now one of the things we needed to do here is you'll notice when we transition from the black and white one to that one you know see where I had the habit adjusted the zoom and the position let me reset this picture here and that's what I did so I basically laid this on my floor and took picture of it so it doesn't really match up with that one it kind of jumps so what we need to do is we need to get it to line up and to do to do that you drag it up you kind of overlay it on top of the sketch and change the opacity so we're gonna click and click it and we're going to drop the opacity down and you can see where the pictures overlay so all you do is you just adjust the size and position to get them to match be a little difficult to get it right right I think I had to adjust the angle a little bit cuz my angle was off so we'll put the opacity back to a hundred and we're gonna take the clip and drop it back down and back down to the spot okay let's zoom in a little bit so here's our three clips and we just need to do a little transition between each of them so go to the effects library what I do is I hit effects library and then did video transitions and this is where they all are here now at the bottom there's some new ones down here called fusion transitions and what we're gonna use is the noise dissolve for these so we're gonna take the noise dissolve and put it right there and you see it that's what doesn't there's a bunch of settings for that so right in front of this we're gonna start out with a white screen and we're gonna have the drawing come in so we're gonna go to generators in the effects library take solid color and put that down we're gonna put that right in front of our first clip and let's set it to white can go back to video transitions and take the noise dissolve and we're going to drop right right on the front of that one and you can see the kind of it comes it comes from the white and the picture comes in now the noise is all in this fusion transition it's actually built in fusion and this is something I may go into a little later video you can actually right click on it open in the fusion page and it'll show you exactly how the effect is being done you can actually create it modify it make your own and create your own transitions that way but what we're gonna do is there's a bunch of different settings over here in the inspector where you can get the picture to draw in you can change it so this number for one seemed to work pretty good it kind of comes out like that we're gonna slow it down a little bit we'll take that transition and drag it out and we'll drag this one out and we can there's a few other settings we can do we can soften up the edges a little bit and adjust some of the animation right there so this is kind of what we have right now it draws in it comes in with the color let's do the same thing with the color we'll click on this second transition here and we'll go to number four and let's see we'll take that border off and it'll kind of a paint in effect just like that and we can do the same thing on the very end we'll take the the noise dissolve and put it right on that clip and we'll choose number four over the inspector and here's kind of what we have so the color clip worked pretty good you really you can get as creative as you want you can design anything but also kinds of crazy stuff in there and blend it in to a regular picture of background and have an interesting effect now what if you don't want to do all the coloring what if you want to just take take a video and kind of have a similar effect going from the line drawing to something that looks like it's kind of a color effecting thing into the real video so that's what we're gonna do with this one we're gonna do this one in the timeline so the first step is we need to break this up into sections for each of the pieces so go to the beginning of the clip hit shift right arrow two times that's gonna go over two seconds and we'll hit a break and we'll do it one more time over two more I hit shift to the right arrow and work you know put a cut cut right there so we have three pieces the four peace is going to be the sketch then this is going to be kind of the colorized thing and the last one is going to be the real video in the beginning we're gonna make it white so we're gonna steal this little piece over here that we already made for the white background here we're gonna hit alt and hold the mouse down and go up and that's gonna duplicate that piece and we have it all right there so this is the sequence that we're going to use what's a zoom in a little bit okay we have our three pieces here and we're gonna add the effects in so let's start with the sketch so the first thing we want to do is go to the effects library click search with open FX selected we're going to search for abstraction and we're gonna drop that on there this is going to help us remove some of the lines so that when we add the edge detect on there it's not gonna be too detailed this one we can play around with it quite a bit we'll do the pre blur see that would be way too many lines we're gonna bring it up a bit okay that's probably good enough to go with them this is something you can just play around with it and actually each image is a little bit different so you just got to kind of find how to find what works so now we're going to search for edge detect and we're gonna drop edge detect on to the first clip and we're gonna add the invert okay I think we want a few more lines on here let's adjust this a little bit that's again and this is going to be our kind of a the colorized version and we're going to just use the same abstraction function on this one so we have the white to the sketch this is gonna be abstract one and then this will be the full video so we'll go to our FAQs and we'll search for abstraction okay we'll take abstraction and put it on this clip right there well we'll select it and go to the inspector and this is where we can adjust it kind of giving a more stylized look a little kind of a painted look a little bit my experiment with watercolor it looked really good but unfortunately it must be really CPU intensive because it was running way too slow and I actually would had some crash issues and things like that we're gonna do what we did before we're just gonna add in some transitions so we'll go cancel out of the search hit video transitions and we're gonna use the same ones let's go we'll do this noise dissolve and we'll put that right there we'll put it on each of these clips and let's see what yeah it's looking pretty good and then the last one I think a cross-dissolve tends to work a little bit a little bit better for the going from the the painted kind of a look to the main to the main video so let's see what we got alright now this one we probably want to adjust the timing so we can we can kind of bring this in a little bit I'm gonna stretch these out to where they're the transition is pretty much the full time so it will make it pretty pretty seamless as it's going between them okay here's what we have now just like that and you can take these like we did before and play around with some of the transition settings like this noise of the the number four and this noise dissolve tends to go from the middle out which is kind of an interesting look so we'll do that on those two and here's the final look so you can use any of these transitions you want create some interesting effects change up the settings there's a lot that you can play around with including adjusting what the lines look like pretty much everything okay now so here's where we're gonna get into fusion and do something similar in fusion tends to have a there's going to be more you can do kind of customize a little bit more okay so now we're going to take this video and we're gonna do the same thing that we did before so we're going to do this in fusion and it's going to give us a little more flexibility we're going to be able to overlay these things a little bit better and adjust the timing and do some things like that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna right-click on it and say new fusion clip and let's get into fusion so we're gonna start with a background take the background node and drag that in and we'll connect the background to the immediate out so as before we had kind of three different clips we were working with or three different segments so we're going to use a dissolve node for each of those set our background color to white and with background select we're gonna hit control space and search for dissolve and add that in now we're gonna take the median one and connect it up to the dissolve node and what the dissolve mode does is it lets you mix between two different images or two different videos so we have unless effect we at the background and foreground so let me open this up so essentially we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be adjusting the background and foreground to do our transitions listen let's do exactly what we did before here's our median one and we're gonna create or lines right here so we use the same abstraction to adults face the same effect is available inside of fusion and we're gonna add that and we're gonna adjust the settings to try to get rid of some of that detail that probably ought to be good enough and I'm just gonna go real quick on this you can do really whatever you want so after with after abstraction we're gonna add in the edge detect so hit with abstractions like to take control in space and search for edge detect and add that in and there we have our lines we're gonna in the inspector we're going to set it to grayscale and then we just need to invert it and right color so there we have our sketch so that's that's step one and we're going to use the dissolve to transition between white and the sketch and actually the dissolves can have a fast noise in there which is going to give it the interesting effect so the next thing we need to do is we're going to need another dissolve node for the next step for just the plane colorized version so we're with the dissolve node selected we hit ctrl spacebar and search for dissolve so we can take the same abstraction effect and drag it into this dissolve and there's our kind of a painted look we need one more dissolve for the transitioning from the painted look to the full full video so with dissolve two selected hit control space search for dissolve we'll add that and on this one we're gonna just take the the median one and go directly into the dissolve so what we're gonna what we're transitioning from is the white background click the second dissolve to the sketch to the painted look to the full picture so let's just set up a little bit of timing here okay so we're going to go to the first dissolve here we're gonna select it and hit - so we can see it up in the viewer and this is going to transition between the white and the sketch so let's go to the first frame and we're gonna slide this in the inspector all the way over to background and we're gonna set a keyframe so we're gonna start with white and let's see we'll go over about 60 frames and transition to the foreground so now we have a transition from white to the colored picture let's go to the next dissolve and we're gonna do we're gonna overlay these a bit which is kind of nice for the timing that we can do here so let's go to like frame a 45 we'll set a keyframe and let's hit dissolve 2 down here and hit two in the viewer so we can see it so we can be doing this transition right there between the paint a picture and the lines someone's seen frame 45 okay we're gonna go over about 60 more frames so it's gonna be about frame 105 and we're gonna come in with color picture then we're gonna go back about 10 frames let's say go frame 90 for like 95 or a good frame 90 like that we're gonna go to dissolve 3 and we're gonna set a keyframe there and let's put dissolve 3 in the viewer hits all three and hit two and one frame 90 so we're gonna go 60 frames we go to like frame 130 right in there and will dissolve into the main video so let's see what it looks like right now so we go from white to the sketch to the painted version to the photo all right that's the basic setup now we just need to add in the effects for the transitions and we're gonna do that with a fast noise so we'll start with this first dissolve here so we can take fast noise it's this second icon on the the toolbar here and we're gonna take the output of the fast noise and put into this dissolve here on the dissolve the operation we're gonna use gradient wipe okay so with gradient wipe selected you'll see that it's using the information from this fast noise to put in different parts of the transition at different times and this is thing you can you can play with the dissolve in the fast noise as much as you want so let's take we'll take the same fast noise and we can put it into dissolve - it's like dissolve - and we're going to set the operation to be gradient wipe and the last is all we're just gonna leave that as it is so here's what we have with the with the fast noise in there and that's pretty much all there is to it in with the fashion oiss if you wanted to have the look where it's coming out from the center which I kind of like that one the way to do that is to select fast noise hit the color option up here and we're gonna select gradient and we're gonna choose radial and this allows us to set a starting and ending point for a gradient and we're gonna put it we can drag this little line around here to get the gradient set up and you can see it's going to go from the center and out like that now in the other ones you can you can play around with the timing on some of this to speed it up and kind of make it a little smoother by getting spline and you can select select each of these and so these are our timing points and we can actually select all of them kind of hit them to curve and we can adjust the timing so if we wanted to go a little faster we could take these points and and move them in and this will make the transitions happen a little bit faster this is something you just need to play with and see what you like and the fast noise has all kinds of all kinds of crazy settings you can do we go to the inspector you can change the detail on it you see it gets a little we can change the size like that so it's kind of interesting transition do you can use it just for other things tune-up not even beyond just what this is like I said this is the dissolve which uses the background foreground to transition between two things and we set up the dissolve to gradient wipe using the fast noise as an input and it uses the information for the fast noise to do the transition thanks for watching I hope this video gave you some ideas or at least you had a little bit of fun watching it please subscribe and comment below I would really love to hear from you also be sure to check out some of my other videos on DaVinci Resolve fusion and lots of other fun topics thanks again
Channel: William Justice
Views: 4,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, Animated Background, Davinci Resolve Tutorial, Davinci Resolve Fusion, Sktech, Color Grading Effect, transition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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