Voice Actor Reviews YOUR Voice Acting

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as a Welshman I am offended by that sheep first video I ever voiced in black butler /c dog V a fanfiction what the [ __ ] brah hello once again and welcome back to voice actor reviews and as always we need to get into our professional attire because we're gonna do business so this time I tweeted out asking you guys to send me your voice acting clips on Twitter and I would review them now I'm gonna try my best to be constructive and not mean I may have to take that back later on in the video but I will try my best I will send you the most feisty porn I have wasted Wow that is uh that is a strong start don't I look better in this suit than she ever did it's kind of hard to really get a grasp on if it's good or bad I've just one line unless you really mess up the line here is my character demo real for you clearly you and I have two very different concepts of reality I've got nothing to lose oh that's hard so Zeke's demo I like it a lot there's a lot going on here you can clearly tell that it's been professionally pretty used to get a studio and I believe it does say that in the description of the video which is you can clearly tell by one how warm the microphone is that's a really good sign that this microphone is some high quality [ __ ] I was definitely recorded in an environment with which is perfect conditions there's no reverb the audio just sounds so clean and so crisp look I'm scared too all of us are gonna make it but the world won't forget what we do next I like that he has started with his strongest voice it definitely sounds like his most natural voice out of all of these and it sounds really good however there are some things about this demo that I think could be improved upon first of all I do think the enunciation isn't quite there now enunciation is very very important and voice over and especially with certain types of genres if you're doing narrative work commercial work educational work anything that would require pretty much flawless enunciation it is really important to make sure that comes across in your demos if clients here that you might struggle to say words they probably won't hire you the second thing that I honestly is my personal preference that I'm not fond of in this demo reel I can see a light in there this still has the scary and maniacal voice that you chose I really don't feel that it suits your voice type I feel that you very much have a you know an anime protagonist voice that's more on the higher pitch end and it kind of took me out of it I really like the voice that you used afterwards I feel that voice is fantastic I think maybe just restructure the demo a little or play into your own strengths one thing that you will notice and I imagine it will come up a lot during this video is that often people feel that they are more confident in certain characters or certain voice types than they actually should be that's not saying that you know don't try and expand don't try and improve upon stuff that's out of your comfort zone but your voice will naturally have strengths and if you're only good at one thing just be the best at that one thing [Music] the most important thing to keep in mind when you're doing a new voice or new character that you've never tried before is to ask yourself is this real is this believable is this character this voice that I'm doing does it sound real without a hesitation of a doubt that doesn't even make sense what I just said but that's that's the kind of logic that we're going for you you need to be 100% sure that your voice and character that you're performing is real you have to live and breathe this voice now Sebastian I know you're good dev hi welcome please don't mind the tiger in the corner he's not as scary as he looks [Music] oh I love it but the filthy Frank piano music is killing me I've worked with Sebastian before he's been on the channel Pat's been on the channel Kevin's been on the channel they're all very very capable actors and I don't want ecoboost to them five ten minutes you know I'm a British lad voicing girls and guys for a living will not fall to you so easily I will learn my name okay your voice has a very unique quality to it and I'm digging it that's really good I really like that your demo sounds very crisp very clear I honestly I don't really know what I would improve I think that it's pretty damn good if anything I could only take points away if you're using a little too much modulation on the second voice I feel that especially when you have a demo you kind of want to stay away from modulation as that's typically gonna be something that they will want to do in post I think for a demo you're trying to show off just your rule voice coming at you live from Beavis Street it's complete and utter chaos here there's a 1/6 chance [Music] girls I want you to voice my AI like can you just like get in my watch or something and talk to me I love your voice it's great Sebastian impression you have balls to throw a Sebastian impression to me that's how I I went from foetus online to seasoned veteran for deep fried worshipped well hello there welcome back to a brand new video everybody but whether you do know that I'm trying my best to in bra I've heard I've heard of that now I'm so biased in this but I think the British people are better at doing an American accident then Americans are doing a British accent and I think this further proves my point I'm kidding I'm kidding again it's it's not bad but it's got a lot of work this is a fandub scene okay am I gonna get claim for this sorry I feel bad there's like only like one way to say it like it's either good or it isn't right and it like this wasn't you know I imagine if you know your friends or family heard this they would probably hear that it's pretty good because it doesn't I imagine doesn't sound like you what I hear is someone struggling to keep a higher pitched voice than what that voice naturally sounds like I wonder if there's any other clips of you and your channel or we can hear your voice but that can't be true it's just way too far-fetched yeah it definitely sounds like you're struggling to keep a higher voice than it is natural to you that could be for a number of reasons if you are struggling to go deeper or higher sometimes that means that your voice is probably never going to be comfortable in that range or maybe you just haven't found a way or a technique to allow your voice to go that high lows some people naturally have the ability to control really high-pitched noises and really low-pitched voices and some people just don't like me personally I cannot at all go high-pitched at all it just doesn't work for me but it doesn't matter I don't need to go high-pitched there's there's tons of tons of roles for a voice like mine that I why would I ever need to go high-pitched it almost reminds me of you know when I was a lot younger and I you tried to record things in my parents house I didn't want them to hear that's the kind of feeling I'm getting from this it's a sound brace Finkle if you're watching this I would recommend just going don't worry people around you your parents will probably understand if you're making weird noises in your room if you tell them that it's just for Hanuman I'm kidding but seriously just go for it turn your microphone up a little get like this this far away from it and just go ham criticize me and my fellow abridge friends okay this is the third time you tried to bring some that microphone or first it was Bella Swan I can hear the air being pushed into his microphone then that blonde bimbo Buffy wait every single plosive I can hear you needs a pop filter or just talk away from your microphone I'm the real deal sweetheart oh you're alive wait this is why there's like a noticeable difference between an abridged made by say team four-star unabridged produced in someone's bedroom now for those of you who have been asking me to review team four-star voice acting I'm in some of the stuff so how could I review it I'd be so biased I'll link down below to the episodes that I'm in but anyway back to the main point when you are producing a professional project you know in an official studio the reason why they want everyone in that one studio and why you won't get cast in something in say Los Angeles if you live in London unless you're going to fly over there is because they want the local talent they want people who they can get in you know on a short notice because they want everything recorded on the same set that is important to make sure that everything can be mixed and treated the same way the reason why a lot of a bridges are a lot of fan projects are kind of hard to watch for the majority of people is because the different kinds of microphones and different kind of sounds really take you out of it because the first thing you think is why does it sound weird like that why does that guy sound like he's into the microphone every line and why does the other guy sound like they're recording on a tin can you know it's it's it's weird variations that like that that take you out of it the guys Crysta you know what never mind I mean you can clearly tell this person is a beginner or this was done very long ago when they were had just started out the audio mixing is pretty bad the microphone quality is pretty bad the guide sounds like a girl it's just basic stuff that's not good good and if you are a beginner watching this I know you have zero voice I think experience and you want to whenever you get to that microphone forget about everything else don't think about you know is someone laughing it is someone gonna think this is stupid just go have because otherwise those insecurities are gonna come through in the voice I guarantee it I can hear it straightaway could it be my limit I won't fix it wait the virus does a fake show we've talked about this in the last episode or the episode before I come over which one fake shouting or the quiet shout which is wait you know where you don't want to scream maybe to someone in your house or something but honestly with the scream I don't wanna hear that [ __ ] I want to hear you go right you know my dad's probably gonna hate me right now because I'm living with my parents for like the next week whilst I'm in the middle of moving but if you're gonna shout I want to hear as we say in the business a big big energy shell okay I don't care if you don't have a penis I want to hear big dude I'm sorry the professional persona has to go I'm taking this off it's too hot oh my goodness gracious dum diggity oh you are listening to the demo reel of Jimmy Sherwood this is the thing that I don't really like and I don't really think is necessary and in as far as I know every studio that I've have been to in London they would never do this when they produce your demos they would never ask you to say your name at the start of a demo I really don't understand why people would do this because when you think about it if you've ever been in the situation where you've had to listen to a hundred plus auditions or demo reels you are going to be clicking off those demo reels as fast as humanly possible if it's not what you like and why would you want to waste five seconds of someone's time introducing yourself when it's going to be on the email or the paper somewhere or the website you know there's really no need to take up valuable time saying your name it's going to be somewhere else don't say your name in your demo reel but let's actually keep listening to your demo my brothers we are taking every little street form there Stan that's a really impressive voice if you haven't done any editing to that again that's also a pretty good voice I could definitely see that in the kids TV show in the UK all right to the next life new goodbye I do think it is important even in a character Demirel to still show off your natural voices you know you are yourself attacked you know you your voice can be used to portray a character it doesn't all have to be silly but yeah overall quite good my sister did this thing to me to cheer me up [Music] Wow yeah that sounds like someone who should be euthanized I agree Katelyn D's on today view beautiful that's probably not a good idea to use copyrighted material in your demo reel as that could get you in trouble yeah the music throughout all of this has been pretty loud I would bring it down like two three four decibels just a little bit I really like your voice shine oh I love the visuals on your demo so the same old place huh you guys never change who's there tell me yes I think it's really important and your demo reel if you weren't gonna you know go for these really these heavy hitting scenes and you are going to be thrown punches I want to sound like punching and then you know when he does that last scream at the end really sells it you really want to show direct isn't and show these people who are listening to your voice that you can hit those emotions and you did a great job at it you gave me a purpose after this world I'll see you on the other side not to sold on the dying there but again that's the hard thing to do it's like how do you teach someone to die just go on tumblr for 10 minutes like I don't know as a Welshman I am offended by that sheep that was there was not an accurate sheep my first video I ever voiced in Black Butler slushy dawg V a fanfiction what the [ __ ] Sebastian oh I've always called for my thigh that was the moment when cut sale sounds like he's in a wine cellar what was that reverb oh my goodness reverb will happen if you're at a big open room with you know maybe no carpet if it's like think about a bathroom you know when you walk into your bathroom there's 40 tiles very reflective service you talk you're gonna hear it reverb thats why normally you do want say you know you might see in some youtubers they have acoustic foam all over their walls and that's pretty useless with putting acoustic foam all over your walls and stuff isn't necessarily going to stop the reverb it's more so about you know can you get a smallish environment with lots of dampening elements near your microphone all where you're talking you know think about a closet you have all these thick clothes lined up if you talk into that thing it's gonna kill the sound straightaway go into your closet right now and just scream why why did you do that why would you scream in your closet that's kind of weird but but you did hear what I was talking about there right nice Green Goblin audition you avoided my glider you said it right didn't Timmy you could have left me out of the way but you didn't hit me you killed me Peter did you record this while hurricane Dorian was next to your house with them I wanted to try VA ok you wanted to try V Oh God 18 + URI URI this sounds like you're just inside of your microphone here this is from when I was younger I think it's bad but enjoy yeah you're right it's bad well I don't see what the final boss you know master that's funny there is a pastry here that I absolutely love it's soft sweet and very creamy yeah no I honestly are Terrence I I think you're you're you're clearly capable and clearly quite good I think it's just a matter of confidence I think you're so close to being extremely confident in some of these voicings Josh Portillo / site oka hi there I'm Rintaro Kimura hello there I'm Rintaro Kimura hi I'm Tamara I don't know who rent our camera camera is but I suddenly don't give up the worst Fire Emblem fandub ever I'm excited we're professional voice actors by the way my god that first one and killed me [Music] her family told us she was a great driver microphones too loud I oh you're too close one of the other they didn't know that she used her phone when she went to drive the car isn't even moving in this show they're not moving look Oh Alejandro Saab has also submitted his demo reel I believe he voices in a lot of anime it's another wild goose chase hopefully we end up in the same class again yeah this is just a great example of a really good visual demo reel he has a variation in accents yes a variation in voice quality none of these characters that he's presented so far sound the same they all sound very strong and very unique and that's fantastic it's a tick it's a tick tock all right blow me away I don't like sleep tonight my most popular and cringy video I get like hey you breathing on the mic is all you have a cold as well I mean it's clear that a kid has made it on their phone I don't want to be too mean to it cuz I don't think it's supposed to be anything more than that I did force acting for my own web series okay let's listen you so much for making it to the end of this video I'd also like to thank my girlfriend Jessica for helping you with this video oh you're welcome Sally alright that was interesting we had a lot of variation there if you're interested I will link down below to a SoundCloud with my commercial and narrative demo reel and you can Harrod apart if you will as well but yeah thank you guys for joining me on another episode of voice actor reviews I hope you guys had fun but if you want me to review more voice acting in future please do let me know if it'd be good bad your voice acting let me know or go to my Twitter link down below and tweet at me voice acting clips that I should react to but in the meantime my camera's gonna die [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,005,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voice Acting Review, Voice Over, Voice Acting, Voice Acting Reacting, Voice, Acting, Voice Over Review, Voice Actor, CDawg, CDawgVA, CDawg Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Over, Parody, Wired, Wired Parody, voice over, voice actor, voice acting, Voice Actor Reviews YOUR Voice Acting, Viewers Voice Acting, Viewer, Your
Id: j6zLHEcZ-W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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