Voice Actor Reviews GOOD & BAD Voice Acting

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you guys want to hear what a Polish lion sounds like do you see now that your breasts can be as devastating as armed torpedoes how do you keep a straight face reading that that's professionalism at its finest yes tuxedo mask I don't believe it I really like that lied but let's break it down anyway it is that time once again to review good and bad voice-acting I will for sure be doing this series again in future so if you do want to be a part of it and be able to submit your own suggestions you can do so by following me on Twitter or Instagram c-dawg yeah but without further ado you guys know the deal I tweeted out asking I think it's that time again please send me good and bad voice-acting clips for me to review in a video so that's what we gonna do today but of course you know how it is I can't do it in this this joke attire I gotta look 1% more professional yet the different blazer from last time I'm glad you guys noticed stepping up a little bit we got production value here we can afford to blazes I was actually sent this clip the other day by a friend and I just want to show off to you guys one of this a masterpiece sounds like yeah well that's just that's just amazing really uh do race full movie there's a lot of views hi Reuben may I ask what book are you reading oh hi Hannah I believe in what it says I think I would be asking Ruben are you a robot pretty human being cuz I can't tell oh this is a real thing oh that's some good cover off can we hear that awkward laugh once more that was really really painful oh yes Hannah it's actually so robotic that the only human being could do that is Mark Zuckerberg first of all there's a lot wrong most of it we've already seen before if you're familiar with the rest the episodes of the series or you can click up there if you wanna watch them but let's break it down anyway listen to how she says how she says librarian as the head librarian here that's like I don't wanna say the word let's just say some of that I must recommend for you to read perhaps some more informative books this is also like another thing that you'll uh you'll notice on a lot more amateur stuff is uh there will be no static and the moment they talk there's static and that's because whoever's done the mixing on this has actually like muted the the white noise in between or his only just cut them very strictly so I can give you an example okay so here's me talking blah blah blah blah blah let's say this is the line that Margaret just performed for us I think it's Marc as it with Margaret I don't care it doesn't it really doesn't matter what they've done is is they've just done something like I think it's silence isn't it I don't I don't use what I see I use quotation what happens is you get this perfect silence and just before they start talking the static comes back in as they start speaking this is like a thing that's quite common that you'll hear in like bridges or average of objects where they're using a USB microphone every single USB microphone will have a tiny amount of static in there unless you're buying an extremely expensive USB microphone which honestly I think most people would recommend against because you can just buy an XLR microphone at that point you know there are there are situations where you might want to get a USB microphone that's expensive but that's not the point the point I'm trying to say is if you're making a game and you want to record it you want to do it on XLR because you won't get this horrible horrible static that you hear and then on top of that with the compression of the game files and then I'm guessing the compression of the YouTube video it's just dialed up that you hear all this horrible stuff in the audio coming out perhaps some more informative books and then of course the classic no pop filter we heard the P the plosive you can use a pop filter if you want just put it in front blah blah or honestly there's an easier way you can just turn your microphone so the main diaphragm isn't pointing in your mouth so that when you do do a plosive let's say at the side it just goes to the side of the microphone that's another way you can do Oh Hannah there's a game I think that you would fit perfectly it's called NBA and I think you'd fit riding with the rest of the cast it would be a great collaboration to be fair laughing I still to this day tell people it is very hard to do a natural sounding laughs if now I had to do that before if you're at home watching this try and do a laugh right now just try and do a convincing natural laugh like your normal laugh okay now everyone thinks you're insane but that was hard right that was hard it's hard but but you know that God they just play the same but why not just record - I who I'm very small and so very thin and I don't feel like I can raise them I'm just a woman you know my ovaries just get in the way of me running and I can't do physical activity of the Bible forbids it can you create this cringy rubbish please how did you get here wait wait it's okay I know it's weird that I taught this sounds like a phone or a headset microphone or even a good laptop like a phone but never use a laptop microphone ever and for any reason ever no don't even Skype with your parents with it I only I don't see them it might be easier for you if you think of me it's more of a spirit if your microphone was better I could probably enjoy it a little bit more but it's fine so this is an English anime dub that was made in Japan what are you fighting for huh I only work money to buy games no all right why'd you pen let's break it down what went wrong everything went wrong but let's be more specific other than everything went wrong listen to this car that's a hidden bargain and they cut in the end the end sounded like it was cut off at the start listen to the end so that editing is a bit that's a bit terrible what are you fighting me they've decided that when the characters mouths moved that that wasn't an important detail to match up with so they just did their own thing I mean take a look after you what our youth how long does he talk before his mouth our prince wow I love talking I only work because I need money to buy games what a motion you going for and top it all off is this fantastic scream at the end let's listen I'm sick and tired of your hero gimmick let's like the level of frustration when you'd like miss the UPS guy by like 10 minutes it's not that frustrating but it's like yeah really the only reason I can really imagine why this has turned out the way it is is there's just no director like there's no one who like is really on top of this and there's the quality level that it should be or how good it should be you'll notice that in anime in Japan is that lip flaps are kind of almost loosely matched whereas in English dubs they're extremely strict about matching lip flaps it's a lot more important that it is to Japanese masks give me a break he's not even here so eyesight I am Tuxedo Mask he is Tuxedo Mask I don't believe it it's got a lot of charm to it it's a little goofy but like that's pretty good he is Tuxedo Mask I don't believe it I really like that live October she feels more human than an anime character and I think that's that's really refreshing to hear but it's kinda feel like dubs were more like that back then in the 80s and 90s when you know they were just kind of still still trying to find a big market for it and there were more you know just traditional actors coming in and they'd have this preconception of how animation sound and it's kind of refreshing I like a lot of the older dubs best video game ending of all time why do I have a feeling like it will be there [Laughter] oh wow come back Shane my name's not Shane kid [Music] Shane my name - why does the gun sound like the weakest ass clap of all time listen to this my name's not Shane kid is it bad that I kind of really like it I like how I feel like this must be intentional it's for the amiga oh okay that wasn't such sound this bad listen to this stomp sound effect you know the mixing was questionable the sound effect choices questionable but everything was so bad that it was good I liked it come back Shane that sounds like a kid definitely doesn't sound like a man in a van who would pick up children at all no no no that sounds like a child to me my first attempts at voice acting it's got one view or you little runt you better get out of our territory mm-hmm this one seems like a cutie I'll keep her inside so much this flooding is uh kind of rapey I'll keep her she's mine well I mean if I saw that line like the way you read oh I just didn't feel like I'd kick to it listen to me I again for you little runt you bet is out of our territory I want to see you hit these exclamation points like Oy you little runt you know I give the ports it's a pause it's an exclamation point Wow it's an exclamation point you know you want to let it breathe on it it sounds like you were struggling on the second line you kind of rushed the you better get out let's listen to that again you kind of rushed it or you little runt you better get out of our you stumble on the tea right you are thinking about starting the next line and you already feel like there's a half a tank of and you just just replenish you know because because if the line at the end and I've done this a thousand times where I thought I could do the line without breathing I would say the line and there the end of the line you can just hear me running out of breath and I have to redo it again now that's one line but I can already tell just off one or two lines you know the kind of mindset that you're in because you know I was there I know exactly how it feels to be this level of voice actor I want to hear his extremely angry line actually to touch oh that doesn't sound like extremely angry to me it sounds like you're scared of people in your house or you're scared of people hearing you you have to go all out all out you know shout it I'm gonna do it my neighbors are gonna hate me I'm gonna do it it's like don't touch me Morgan like that you know I miss me being like turning it down because I don't wanna oh I love House of the Dead I love House of the Dead so much right watch this before I probably have dogs at the AMS time they mainly move everything set all we need to do is wait houses the dead 2 is an arcade game from the 90s and obviously when they brought it over you know and they want to bring it to the west and audience the last thing they're gonna think about is oh crap we need a dub this and no doubt they gave it to probably one of the cheapest companies that offered to do it all the in-house that wouldn't surprise me I don't have a story behind this dub I don't know if even there is one it's my friends from the AMS it's me Goldman it's a I like the voice choice though the voice choice is pretty good which shows to me that there was some consideration of casting going on but it's just like there's no direction so I don't know maybe this guy was just like left to it like he had no no references and maybe they just told the guy hey here's the lines that should do it that wouldn't surprise me but I miss certain that even knew House of the Dead games in arcades right now like the newer versions still have terrible voice acting I'm not really sure why but I'm pretty sure they still do Moses ammunition as a whole the Floyd's are but then will be immortal let's go damn [ __ ] you guys want to hear what a Polish lion sounds like let me show you you know I wasn't really gonna comment on it because I felt like I don't have you know the authority to comment on Polish dubbing but uh yeah that's not that's a pretty sure there's no lines in Poland and uh I see why if their lines are specially intimidating right this is not quite intimidating they're just in the booth and they're like you do a lion scream nah great we got it we got it one tape one take nice almond scream I've heard a lot about this scream I've heard a lot of people say it's really bad let me listen [Music] where's it supposed to be supposed to be bad there's some people are saying that's that's pretty good you have to give it to them it wasn't just a monotone shower that was a really like Gotha will scream that took everything and that that's really good especially for a character who's you know they think they're about to die that is a scream of someone who thinks that life is over that was damn dude I have to give mad props to that if people try and [ __ ] on that that just I that's just too much for me who do you think you are I know who I am it's used living in a fantasy stupid girl he's addicted to your big fat lactating breasts you should be ashamed I saw you having sex with him it's sick don't you understand the power those breasts hold over poor koji one day I hope to marry him please try to act like a normal and don't tie him up with worms in the basement and boyk him all right you're right Borden Kim I took full advantage of my breasts power tonight so you promised to use your breasts only for good from now on do you see now that your breasts can be as devastating as armed torpedoes mom I still love you okay well it's pretty late I'm going to bed good night wait wait mom mom what oh my god you dare compare my titties to torpedoes she has felt their power and you'll never take it girl if I had to walk into a recording studio you know like my papers how dare you compare my titties to top top instant money I'm not reading this correctly this can't be real how do you keep a straight face reading that I remember when I did team full stop and it's by far like the funniest thing I'd ever recorded and I couldn't do the line because I was laughing every five seconds I took me like five or six tags because I think the first like three or four I was just pissing myself laughing how can you look me in the eye and tell me that you you dare compare my titties to topia there is no way that's professionalism as it's at its finest honestly I am I am stunned and I also want to watch the full thing and I will let me save this my name is hanzo hasashi I like that dude I love Patrick sites there he always does it good job every time I've heard him in anything he just kills it if you you know you want to split a line in two sentences so like he just listen to how he ups the ante every like sentence Stassi listen to it now you killed my wife my son and then you burrowed your way into my head misdirected my vengeance cost me my one chance to have them restored that's just perfect that's exactly how you want to deliver a line like that you know he is shouting towards the end there but you know throughout that line he is conveying such intensity without actually having to be loud and and that's a sign of someone who gets it Patrick sites always does shouting characters and he does a lot of characters and stuff that I love oh yeah he's do he's do and Jorge Bizarre Adventure I feel like he's the only one you even get close to the do in the Japanese Wow see don't be a WoW you use Singapore table that sounds interesting hey looking good are you sure you sure it's not too much looks like too little to me oh my god I thought this wasn't real for a second Wow I this is the thing with like clips like this where they sound good but the writing just sounds insane like you know the quality the microphones and stuff that was pretty good and the mix things it was it was pretty good it was just weird because the dialogue was so dumb hey I think she loves you if they had a decent script and someone good directing them I guarantee those actors would would have performed much more tame and realistic or more accurate to the show than that that's insane it's like they had came in with like a car commercial director like yeah just shout the whole time be really loud perfect we've got it yeah this must be the place where your motto to Kara no Mikoto came down from the sky oh my god that was a line this must be the place where yamato takeru no Mikoto came down from the sky I mean props to the guy he just said like three hardwoods like in succession that's pretty good [Music] [Music] what was the direction for that okay so uh for this one I wanted to sound like you're scared and then you become aroused and you and you finally finished because of it I think that's what we should go like like I'm being dragged out by a golden magical goose yeah exactly alright why does it chewing sound like Titanic crushing into the iceberg you're too kind it's annoying cuz the footsteps are so obnoxiously loud but this guy is amazing we gotta make up for this Wow I should kill you stupid that's good oh it's Mark Hamill that makes sense Mark Hamill is the Joker is amazing as well I'm sure I know I got a lot of comments I should've spoke about that on my good voice acting I wanted to but I just I didn't have time to include it at first I thought it was really goofy because the the editing and the mixing sounded really weird but then you hear the voices and it's like damn the mixing and the editing like complemented how good the voices were and how could the acting laws it would be so if the footsteps are so loud but that's really good hi there I'm an express our owed you this much your debt is the highest it's ever been accrued in the history roseyd I think it's more sentient for you I feel like I can always know like I immediately hear Pro CD in anything that he does I feel like he's an extremely distinct voice even when he changes it you could still hear like his mannerisms and the way he speaks and also the very deep quality to his voice even when it does high-pitched voice it's there's like a little artifact of that stole that but yeah I mean I like it I think he's pretty talented and it's honestly really refreshing seeing someone like perct succeed and do well coming from you know he was a Viner if I'm if I'm correct when he started doing a lot of really voices and you know managing to then transition that into professional career and that's really refreshing to see especially you know when you know five six years ago a lot of these established actors just thought it you know I'll the voice actors who started online were kind of you know silly and goofy and they would really come to anything but you know we're seeing more and more voice actors and actors who started out online you know slowly bleed into the you know professional scene accelerator laughing oh god yeah when I watch this show I remember this being really obnoxious it's kind of impressive though it's like why but also nice nice then you can do that with your voice but also why why are you doing that what does it my musics all right that's all we have for today let's let's discuss the overall quality you know there's a lot of really really good voice typing out there and to be honest we're showing a lot of bad voice-acting clips but we really are struggling to find these they're not that common anymore and I feel that most the time we get voice acting that is good or like inoffensive or there's nothing bad about it in this series we've probably watched like all of the notably bad performances or just shows or games that there there is and and that says a lot of how far the quality has come you know most of the stuff that we are showing is quite old as well you know we've got we've gotten to the point now where we do value voice over and we do want it and expect it to be good and we don't really notice when it's good anymore no one says if the voice acting is good anymore and reviews of games they're just like soundtracks good game play is good and they only ever talked about voice acting if it's bad or extremely exceptional which is very rare and I'm happy that's the case I do actually want to review good voice acting again and I would love to talk about some more of my favorites I would love to go more in depth into mark annals Joker I think that deserves you know at least five minutes of me gushing over it because it is just phenomenal and I really want to do that so if you do want that let me know down below and let me know on Twitter if you want more of this let me know if I should review more of your voice acting let review good voice acting but bad voice acting anything at all let me know on Twitter it's c-dawg VA it's so easy to find me and if you do enjoy this video series please do put subscriptions on and the notification bell like shares all that stuff I'm a patron as well all the YouTube hood crap that we have to do nowadays Bob without further ado thank you so much for joining me once again I hope you guys have an amazing day bye [Music] hello everyone it is me Russian man from Estonia
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,003,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voice Acting Review, Voice Over, Voice Acting, Voice Acting Reacting, Voice, Acting, Voice Over Review, Voice Actor, CDawg, CDawgVA, CDawg Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Over, Parody, Wired, Wired Parody, voice actor reviews good voice acting, voice over, voice actor, voice acting, Bad Voice Acting, Good Voice Acting
Id: KVAKX25Atx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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