[Vinesauce] Vinny - Spelunky 2

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Glad the daily challenge death directly after true ending made it in

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ryanizawsum 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] it's blunky too it's finally here yeah i mean uh it's finally out and for those that uh don't know spelunky the original is one of my favorite games ever this is a very familiar sight look at these look at these characters there's this badger we'll go with anna daughter of spelunky it's been 15 years since my last entry so much has happened since i escaped the cave of olmec with his treasure good fail tutorial here we go no no monty don't no all right good cycle citizens the walls are [ __ ] oh my god here it is a new spelunky and there's already [ __ ] monty stay there already first mistake turkey what i can't control that turkey oh [Music] there's desert this is what people wanted me to see they wanted me to see desert look at its face it looks constipated oh now now i've got turkey you got boost power it's like yoshi oh [Music] i spent too long on the turkey chat oh the ghost i see what i've done i see the error of my ways now that was a ghost jar it summons ghosts [Music] hmm wow that is fast that [ __ ] shopkeep is back shield freeze ray i can't afford the freeze ray run [ __ ] no looking for turkeys want to help yeah oh damn it i'm so close to actually accomplishing this tap get off the ladder [ __ ] [Music] desert please no do you remember the the dead space 3 interview where the dude was like oh we made sure that getting pulped was awesome in this game so that when you pulp your enemies pay attention to what's going on here you're going to get to see necros getting pulped into this giant drill which is awesome us gamers you know we like when things get pulped in video games no problem oh [ __ ] your goose is cooked that was funny christ it's gonna be super awesome when i pulp this guy [Music] oh and and some food oh next area this is the volcano it's one letter off of volcano oh sorry oh sorry oh no what are you doing how you doing oh how you doing [Music] we already got pulped i did that to myself oh jungle this time classic jungle chat oh [ __ ] that i forgot about the shopkeeper yo what is this thing axolotl please oh you took a bomb well who's to blame for that monkey this is a game where if you take your eye off the game that can happen okay the cat is pogging while you hold it you know i don't actually have to kill this dude no no no you can climb god christ [Music] i'm assuming i need that for the uh you know the true ending or whatever like in the original spelunk then you have enough money you should buy it okay [Music] this is so weird [Music] what well back to one one good what [ __ ] you dick weed [Music] yeah eat your own [ __ ] bullets come quickly quick quickly now [Music] remember this was my most anticipated game of the year chat and it's delivering it's doing exactly what i want [Music] this is the run [Music] oh skeleton lad oh there's a skeleton that comes to life oh there he is he's there [ __ ] boat [Music] and now we're all dead are you happy axolotl i i look for nap videos every now and then like just good eat pee pees in the beep beep [Music] what what what cook the turkey for me brilliant oh no oh this is new neo-babylon capital city of the almight's a place of high technology untold wonders and endless stimulation well now i'm in completely unfamiliar territory [Music] oh okay i try not to be on the internet more than i have to be just kind of show up from time to time do my streams eat dick eat lots of big and then when i don't i just go offline play some music uh watch a movie go for a walk gotta get the clover in seven seconds [Music] got it no today's gonna be a good series of runs i can i can really i can feel it oh i'm dead i'm i'm like deader than dead [ __ ] no no no shopkins is good yay finally some progress coveted amulet was created by the gods for followers deemed worthy enough to have their life extended of all the stupid ways to die try to just press the button very quickly chat oh hidden roo yo holy [ __ ] oh god she lived i've never seen that i've never seen that one is probably the answer why would i do that right hi [Music] what the [ __ ] oh my god i've never seen this and i just doomed myself i believe maybe not maybe not yet oh my god what the [ __ ] all right let's go back to the tide pool oh oh tiamat's throne where queen tiamat gave birth to the world now a seat of power from which she guides her unruly children is my shotgun just gone now vinnie you have spike shoes you can stomp him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can't just do that oh i've never seen that happen before huh recoil i can't believe the shopkeeper is the final boss then he just go i need the shotgun i did it did i do it i just wanted to finish the game at least one of the endings john spelunky i am not completely done goodbye massive health well i don't have a ton of health but glacial sanctuary was built over the deepest part of the sea and i'm poisoned kingu tmn's loyal companion and what unwavering protector mighty shell once withstood the impact of a comet [Music] okay tablet of destiny a tall servant of clay marked by the eye shall open the door for the aspirin desperately i need to eat some some meat [Music] what have i done i've killed the dog i've killed the cat chad that was a bad idea i needed to rescue the cat not kill the cat and dead [Music] right forgot about that forgot about the shopkins a little cheese rizzo being um of rat caliber oh [ __ ] i don't think i've quite seen that happen so when things get a little bit you know shitty [Music] all right this is the divine sauce mod by cheesy draws i guess i can play as me my name is rafi now everybody get the vine rising wait a minute wait a minute whoa whoa shopkeeper's marsha yes he is shopkeep is more shoe yang is mr dink i'm looking for turkeys what a help still no damn rope can't get up there ah you see how i just do pop pop pop pop i'm loving it eat dick i don't want to be the sheriff of gottingham i just want to get to olmec what is this why is he that's ozymandias dead oh saved by the skeleton oh yes vinnie to beat the game do not let your hearts reach zero that was like game pro advice [Music] oh no i don't want the cat to die and i don't want to lose my shotgun either [Music] i mean there was a chance the cat could have lived no chance yes cat lived what [Music] nice you're gonna have to slow that footage analyze that with a team of [ __ ] scientists [Music] how did i live how did i live so as you can see i'm here with joel hi joel hello vinnie hello see vayne and i operate under friend coins now i cost oh my god do you need to kill that spider for me all right let me so you can actually actually [Music] all right well don't worry don't worry we'll we'll be back yeah but we can't get that so listen joel i want i wanna let you know that that white stuff isn't is it's it's tears it's funny milky it's it's a little funny milk but it's it's not it's just no you're gonna die no no no no [ __ ] you're doing it well how the [ __ ] you doing this it's a little trick there's a friend you get the friend you get the friend you you bomb the before you got to redeem yourself then there's an altar so i might want to do that won't you think about that man no no no no no no no yes we want to because then we get good health sick health how about i bonk you in the [ __ ] [ __ ] and put your milk so here let me sacrifice this friend um really yes what yeah dirty man i mean i know i know what i did ready yeah i think so should be good right you are very well equipped you have a lot of good stuff i i'm well thank you i'll go over there and be alive you'll check my ass out no no joe i have one health let me do it i volunteer as tribute i'm dead all right no no liv joe oh no i got this because i can help with the ghost i'm gonna freeze this this son of a [ __ ] he's dead no he's not he's not he's not he's not he's not oh no i was kidding know i'm gonna carry the ghost johnson here did you call him ghost johnson yeah what else do you call them just ghosts will golsan have names vinnie you can jump out of another player's grab effectively giving you a double jump good good to know you know that's who's going to kill us chad dude any like strategic tip here he's just like hey you want to die more funny do you want to die more funny what's the terminology you want to do it yeah i'll do it all right let me show it's done all right go ahead okay you just need a one i can't fail it all right will you get money back no okay well one more one more we have to go in right after this attempt no no no no no ghosts joe no no listen listen ghost means [ __ ] to me when i'm gambling that's good ghost joel look look just one more man oh i got you i got you are you you did the funny business yeah i got this you have to be crushed like wharf now i i i'm dead you want this cat okay you know what yeah try it try going if you got a space you got a space go halfway come back never mind this is this isn't real you can get your own power pack let's just i'm gonna oh whoa but not me yeah i [ __ ] did nothing oh no i want to end it on one more discussion you know voyager when the doctor is talking about like how his upgrades have been doing and he mentions that i've been enhancing myself with genitals i remember that episode that was cool yeah i am also fully functional much like commander data from the enterprise remember when when the circumcised oh that episode was sick and then he was like i got a new stew i want to try out with the crew do you remember when alexander was [ __ ] every time he was [ __ ] every episode sling on diarrhea no he was just awful was that the episode where uh dax is getting married yes and then she gets really hungover at a party yep you got it and i think odo is like naked in a closet or something i think he is do you remember the time when ordered like turned to a cloud and like came no what no he i swear to god and then the lady is like you know try anyway and he turns into a [ __ ] cloud and they have like does he doesn't he envelope her yeah yeah you know what i mean i think i knew what you mean yeah the way you said that was in my mind i pictured odo as a cloud reigning [ __ ] is that why they have the environmental controls on ryzer because it's just other [ __ ] gissing down every day wharf starts an insurrection otto wasn't there by the way only only bashir was but you died how'd you die joel are you still here star trek conversation can be fun okay you can't you won't [ __ ] believe what happened i was hitting my desk because i was [ __ ] cackling like a madman are you in that phone yes i'm on my phone because my pc died i love that i can hear that your quality has changed that's incredible all right [ __ ] you [ __ ] where i got it no watch after that bomb oh wait wait i got this i got this no just leave no no no no please hey remember the time when i want to turn into a clown you know what's [ __ ] up you ever think about this your nipples is older than your teeth what the [ __ ] you're right [Music] well you can hover you can hover down got him got myself tablet of destiny cracked servant of onyx marked by the snake shall open the door for the aspirant can it accidentally break [Music] killin creature of myth whose arrival is said to coincide with the important events the history of humans and gods you're [ __ ] if it dies but it can fly forever just go up don't fight go up oh okay this is nice no second chances huh chat it's doable it's doable chat chat there it was there it is no it's not i hate this phase so much what oh god you got to be kidding me that just fly there's lasers i remember the lasers i don't know if i'm going to succeed but i remember them vinnie opinion on garlic yes ah many bombs down there chat i need to raise many gold [Music] oh how many more frames a second do i need for that not to happen you have to remind me chat my memory is bad you know this but break it that's death oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] man slave piece of [ __ ] bingos two one two one two reborn you've done well to reach this place i was here too chat holy [ __ ] we're leaving the moon okay sunken city in the bottom of the well the first city sleeps oh god there's a big skeeter down there big skeeter oh jesus boss fight next level start climbing immediately [Music] what now chat get your arrow what do you mean oh chad i thought i could land on the egg only been here once before i will not try to jump on the egg that sounded good that sounded good i did it first run of the night too oh look it's john spelunky original okay just ignore that oh no i i knew that was gonna happen i swear to god old man oh no oh oh yeah right balls [Applause] [Music] as you make the vinnie confirmed me by the way derek told me [Music] wait you're telling me that this is the guy who beat badonkadonk live on his stream on twitch.tv
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 125,237
Rating: 4.9821334 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Playthrough, Let's Play, Gameplay, Spelunky 2, Roguelike, Spelunky, Vinesauce Mod, Highlights
Id: Sd_oHJFwhlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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