[Vinesauce] Vinny - Mario Games

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wow wow that intro yeah game.com sure it's crusty it's the wrong pitch it's fine chat it's mario day it's not mario day super mario kart extreme you know the game's gonna be good when it's only the arrow keys [Music] okay is that not even mario's voice what did he this is the best way to celebrate mario i think he's gone when mario dies there's no more extra lives in this game let's do this let's try luigi and see if he [Music] huh wait whose voice whose voice was that it's sped up it's speed luigi yeah maybe mario fan games was a bad idea remember though this was the time when if flash games you needed copious amounts of blood [Music] uh some interesting art choices but not bad not bad at all mario looks a little traumatized [Music] so okay it's kind of like happy wheels a little bit why did the feather shoot a fireball oh cool every weapon is just fire a fireball every weapon oh my god is that captain lou the two mario styles classic mario and captain lou okay so luigi is here but i cannot control luigi also luigi is just a slightly thinner captain lou sprite i'm a little bit disappointed because danny wells carried that show i've said it before captain lou had charisma he knew how to do wrestling promos he was fantastic on ed improv danny wells was the actor i watched the show again and you'll see captain lou there are times where he starts a sentence and then he just trails off into and then danny was like no you're right mario you're right that's why we gotta get some meat for why are there two luigis okay this one looks a little bit more professional and then i see dragon instead of koopa really whoa this is actually cool i still don't know why he's named dragon but it kind of makes you feel like the person making this doesn't even play mario games like not a single bing bing wahoo not much is going on like there's no items or anything but i think this is the easily the best game i played tonight fantastic trio [Music] the three pillars of video game mascots mario sonic with a k and aladdin oh my god this music couldn't really be farther from mario but that's okay why do the points explode into points but each coin has randomized points but i still only get one coin also mario bleeds very weird decisions by the game creator some of which nintendo should really look into for their next entry amazing title screen already choose your fighter luigi luigi is good [Music] something is making the window change sizes [Music] wow toad got [ __ ] massive some like hgh going on here or fgh i don't know whatever fungus eat [ __ ] mushroom man the weird part is the fighting isn't that bad like it's actually kind of doable the mario bros begin [Music] okay that's amazing that that is good that's a good gag i like that it's a nice tribute to captain lou rest in peace captain lou you were the best maybe rowdy roddy piper was a little bit cooler but you know you didn't hear that from me i mean he was on the mario brothers show too that jabroni he threatened to kill them burn down their house and bury their corpses [Music] he didn't do that he didn't say any of that because that that would be too considerate for rowdy roddy to bury someone he would just leave their corpses out in the rain what can i say about this game it has shiny blocks those are the nicest shiny blocks and coins i've seen all night [Music] i've got a cool flame sound effect but the actual like um sound is crust like it was recorded recorded off-screen this is pretty good i'll say that this feels like someone who re toad why am i toad is that a glitch [Music] what the [ __ ] super mario existential crisis mario were you towed this whole time i don't know anymore luigi [Music] i don't like these koopas they look like diseased super mario trolley oh oh speaking of happy wheels isn't this a shopping cart though do they call it a trolley in other countries like a shopping cart like a pram and a baby carriage we've got to put mario from the tram to the trolley again happy wheels comes to mind there's probably other games i can't think of that have um this level of physics where you have to use the thing and not have the character escape you're mario you're mario so this is your mario okay i'm a fan of the music being off by default that was a nice considerate option what what happened can mario not touch goombas oh come on why am i collecting blocks and not coins that's another interesting decision we are really celebrating mario just because a day happened to almost look like the word mario we're really in the thick of it now what let's go thingios side a i don't know what this is um i think it was a request [Music] i mean after some of the stuff i played this is actually quite well made wait do i really have to execute all these eggs that egg was just stronger oh is that metal slug explosions god damn god damn the presentation on this game wait that was a dream okay [Applause] it was a dream within a dream i see hmm everything here is fine oh no oh my gosh apparently this was yeah this is 2010 in a nutshell easily one of the best things i've played tonight you are using sticky keys do you wish to turn sticky keys on i leave sticky keys on just in case something like this happens once every three or four years it's fun this is a bug you are soft blocked all right i got a couple more flash games for you this one's called tortoise run after super mario tortoise why is it called the tortoise this is weird and now i'm being reminded of turtle club you can click ben to stop him stop ben on the button ben yeah kill the past kill the cows this could be a reskinned game yeah it certainly seems like it mario remix boss edition dracula what oh [Music] uh strange game very strange game oh [ __ ] off wiggler in the mario games you can land on any segment of wiggler in this game you only the head [Music] music's a little messy don't worry about that though man i don't know i kind of hate this [Music] i'm having trouble wrapping my head around the controls a little bit [Music] really shy guys should be easy [Music] what what the [Music] i'm a little confused and yes i am the goomba i am the goomba and mario it's like lost vikings a little bit but you play as both at the same time i mean the only thing this has to do with mario so far are vague hills and a re-skinned mario as a wendigo for some reason and also um a goomba what am i doing here i don't want to i don't want to be in this game shoot them or jump over [Music] why did the koopa made a human scream noise yeah i love that that's a good sound effect that's mario that's his voice oh my god oh it's so perfectly of its time yeah it could be the sniper 2 mario version nintendo like the sniper 2 so much they got the developers to make their very own sniper mario game sure oh yes another mario gun game okay there's so much announcer that it says ultra kill at a certain point yup it's a little crazy uh oh god i'm back i don't want to be in this game my queen princess peach wow okay well we've got a gun again i guess i kind of understand it when you're young everything should have a gun you know if you like video games like what would happen if mario had a gun and not just a fire flower and a tremendous hog i can't believe bowser is already dead vinnie the coins sound like nut [Music] i'm sorry what do you mean are you defective are your robots part not working it sounds like someone's saying nut okay [Music] the super mario bros dimensions why is there a bull lying in this fields and why is it the green did you hit your head or something i do remember i just had my dna altered in a castle from another dimension owned by some turtle did you say something about the turtle that must be the turtle club man [Music] oh god it's this [ __ ] song it's the bars i don't like more than anything okay it's kind of like a version i need to make this window bigger if possible there we go now i now we're good it's not an entirely new concept but it's it's pretty cool and it uses the mario 3 style which is how you get brownie points in my book field of coopers nope cavern of goomba [Music] scarier cave oh god laser mario [Music] i [ __ ] knew it wasn't this like an actual beta track in mario 2 or it was two right [Music] got new card mario you can get cards chat cards i don't know if you knew this but i kind of like cards enable the streamer buy him product find it at msrp send to streamer make him stream tank the poke market make it impossible for everyone else to find these cards at msrp enable enable enable well that was very good that was very good i have one more thing that i'd like to show you so this goes into the the good mario territory again this is called new super mario land and it is for the super nintendo okay i don't love the new super mario brothers stuff but this is really well done and also if you haven't noticed it is a remake of super mario land which i think is a pretty cool mario game if utterly bizarre there's these lads yeah the koopas also explode i've said it before but one of the reasons i like this game so much is because they took a risk like it was before the mario formula was so firmly established that nintendo was like yeah we don't stray from that problem is the gameplay kind of like eats dick because game boy like it's just a really early game boy game like everything all the sprites are really [ __ ] tiny so this kind of remedies that this is also way faster like this is a faster version of that someone said please get to world 2 for the music i think we could probably do that oh yeah there's daisy oh daisy but is it daisy no i don't know why she says that either here's okay so there's the ufo that mario arrived in [Music] and this level has great music this version's music isn't doing it justice but it's still pretty cool kind of like the original gameboy composition a little bit better i love the mario 64 noises when you destroy an enemy with a star there's only one power up in this game too the super ball yeah i guess uh i'll play one more level because those enemies are great it's nice to play good mario after playing flash mario for so long but you know being it's march i can say that mario is one of my favorite game series but the amount of fan games that i've played think about that i've played more bad mario games and more mario fan games than exist official mario games by maybe like a couple hundred now you know how our sonic fans feel a lot of my opinions on sonic have been established as a result of a lot of bad flash sonic games it just dawned on me like we're really far along already it's cool but i'm bored i know boredom is a problem that affects many of us per year that's why you need to get the latest and greatest drug it's called viagra [Music] again it was much more exciting when it came out in 1989 but this version does some good work it makes it much more playable but this is probably like the speed run for this is probably like what five minutes maybe i won't finish this tonight but i'll show you this world the easter had easter island head levels yes this was a thing that was in mario at one point you know what maybe instead of the same grassland mountain fire volcano you know all the usual stuff they were like let's try easter island all right ufos sounds good vinnie you're describing odyssey yeah no odyssey had some yeah it is it kind of oh yeah those lads it is kind of strange hearing mario 64 throughout this whole thing but i kind of like it well anyway that's mario that's mario stuff thank you for watching and i hope you enjoyed is that frozen elsa olaf mario take a shower oh my god oh no [Applause] what do you need the goomba why do you need the goomba what do you need me to do with it what do you want it you want your duck your rubber duck huh oh god they didn't even bother to reskin that the music makes it so much worse i don't know how it's possible but it is okay you're all clean now buckaroo what is this moisturizer oh done [Music] you
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 248,492
Rating: 4.9761295 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Games, Gameplay, Playthrough, Mario Day, Mario Anniversary, MAR10, Mar10, flash, Super Mario Kart Xtreme, Fantastic Trio, Classic Mario Bros., Super Bazooka Mario 3, Mario Brother 2, Mario Glider, Mario Physics Adventure, Mario Street Fight, Mario Zeppelin, Rambo Bros., Mario Remix, Super Mario Rampage, Mario Robo Adventure, Mario The Robot, Mario Trolley, Mario Take A Shower, Let's Go Thingio, Super Mario Bros. Dimensions, New Super Mario Land, Highlights
Id: GLGL-ozwlrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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