[Vinesauce] Vinny - Banjo-Kazooie Compilation

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hey welcome to the stream often requested and somehow a game i've never streamed aside from the occasional corruption this is going to be my break from RPGs and shoot and it's banjo kazooie it's it's a game I've been thinking about a lot lately and and I really wanted to play it for a while so we're gonna do it alright ready here we go yeah banjo kazooie nuts-and-bolts no I'm actually really kidding I'm very I'm very much kidding let's have some fun look at him he's a bear look a frog he's gonna squash the Frog with the banjo yeah I'm not doing 100% completion yeah it says Microsoft instead of Nintendo isn't that weird 2008 this remake came out Jesus Christ this room this remake is now nearly 10 years old how the [ __ ] did that happen oh wait a minute what how many banjos exist oh wait a minute I had a savefile what the hell I guess I had a save file I guess I officially got to this part oh wait a minute this is another game starts whoops OH someone in chat just hit Vinnie so bad he already lost 10 seconds into the game who is the nicest looking wench why it's front do you everyday she really takes my breath away yes you're right I'm rather proud my looks stand me out from the crowd for those who have never played banjo kazooie this is one of rares finest platformers it's about a witch who's beautiful and wants to be more beautiful there's no one prettier than me it's 2d well who this is subjective this is a cauldron how did cauldrons cauldrons got crushes on bears that are like [ __ ] 6 it's weird man I'm not okay with this cauldron so Corinne Tilda he's a good tilt is so pissed that there's someone better looking than her according to her cauldron that can somehow speak that she's gonna go wreak havoc all by the way we're here's Fantasyland or whatever the name of this place is we're just gonna go live here right at the foot of this beautiful tribute to a [ __ ] scary witch really this is fine they just go on adventures all day at the foot of this ominous mountain shaped like a witch head it's fine [Applause] they're in a consensual it's it's a it's a civil union it's not weird they're just roommates I know you'll soon be ugly what a pity basically Snow White was soon any bigger underwear after all the RPG stuff I've been doing it's nice that the story is which abducts child's bear must save child then that's about it that's really all there is oh I have a good voice for grunty which is so welcome to banjos house he's got a picture of a mole above his fireplace there aren't many people in this neighborhood it's pretty much just banjo and and his sister and a mole so I mean if you don't like if you don't like the people you live around you're pretty much screwed if you live here why bad Joe well this year's bloody cazuli sure is a strange looking buddy banjo can I talk to Dee I can't I can't do this I'm not true in that voice the whole game it's dangerous okay you want wonder good giant witch okay basic moves acquired you get some some basic moves here for those who've never played banjo kazooie it's basically mario 64 with bird and you collect honey and that's it no that's how you got everything you need to know sticky and banjo controls a little bit more floaty than say Super Mario and the Super Mario game Mario controls always felt very precise very tight very tight this feels a little bit looser I'm actually analyzing the controls of banjo kazooie this is weird I never thought I would get to this level but I know there's plenty of people here who have never played banjo kazooie and there's plenty of people who are like invite you to play that new paper game well you know what I think you'll enjoy this stick with it you might enjoy this game it's a lot of fun but yeah I think the game is um oops look at that buff banjo statue talking and for anyone who's wondering yes this is the remake on the Xbox this is the rare replay edition it's just it's a lot cleaner you can tell because of the widescreen and 64 games did not support widescreen natively I'm actually kind of right yeah thank you cauliflower I'm actually kind of surprised there are people here who think this is the n64 version and 64 graphics are [ __ ] trash compared to this okay so I just collect some of these right here here on spiral mountain that was the coolest [ __ ] thing ever known as a kid going underwater and hearing the music at all cool like that it's fine contraption so I'm told will make me young and cloody old let me go you fat hag my brother will come and kick your butt wait that doesn't rhyme rescue you he will not dare there's many dangers in my lair hurry klungo push that switch I'm tired of being an ugly witch texts it's funny that the most use my xbox one has gotten is the rare replay collection yeah so this is it this is the lair and you unlock kind of like the castle in Mario 64 again you'll see it Mario 64's DNA all over this thank you yeah so you'll see the DNA all over it I mean you could see it under a blacklight oh god oh god it's like a mosaic of Mario 64 DNA here's the painting with a picture but instead of jumping through the picture you actually have to put a puzzle piece in this is good the paper game oh yeah yeah I get that and this this year that real early on voices are clearly the best feature of this game oh yeah all the things have googly eyes and talk to you so it's basically each time you pick up a thing it's a tutorial from a googly eye fantasy character this is coming from a company that made gold tonight rare had a lot of range they were able to make good platformers good shoot racing games Diddy Kong Racing was pretty [ __ ] classic and yes this is the in some ways this is the birth of the collectathon Mario 64 was a less fun Mario 64 was a little bit less collecti like yeah you had to just go into the level complete your task then you exit this game you get jinjos then you get jiggies then you get these things the musical notes and then there's other things to collect like around you know along the level but it's still it's still pretty light compared to banjo tooie then after banjo tooie you get Donkey Kong 64 which was just a collectathon nightmare get your memes out now folks there's a little monkey fella through oranges and a bear mental Carl what are you talking about Carl absolutely mental each world has 10 but the beauty of it is that you can just keep exploring the world as much as you want in Mario 64 you just get kicked out of the world and then you have to start over and the world resets but no in banjo-kazooie you just keep going Chimpy hungry wants orange now feed Chimpy hey that congas orange put it back definitely not Donkey Kong and Diddy it's it's Chimpy and conga call will you talk him out the monkey doesn't want an orange call what are you talking about it's [ __ ] monkey news is shite while that is a very easy task in new mario odyssey you're gonna have to feed a real person like real pasta the ancient ways of the egg I'm listening beetle breath they have a rivalry hold the right or left trigger then press Y to shoot egg out of your mouth sounds cool anything else sure press B instead and you can shoot them from behind sheesh sounds painful I wish I'd never actually yeah this this is before banjo - we turned banjo into a first-person shooter it got a little weird monkey music m-space oh space and never mind let me just complete baby tasks so that I can get my reward my golden puzzle piece reward from killing monkeys that is a stock sound effect I've heard that effect in so many places the game definitely gets harder all there is some brutal jiggies that you can get later on this game does not stay baby game for very long no no mistake that's you know shooting an egg sounds painful it probably really is [Music] we juju mumbo totem I'm not sure you can [ __ ] into the things mouth this is something this is definitely someone's fetish Oh [Music] smacked him in the face also I would recommend watching speedruns of this game if you're a big banjo fan there was a good one last year that I couldn't believe the things I was witnessing wait so what do I do with this [ __ ] thing oh there we go I just had to shoot the eggs better who that [ __ ] that's what I'm saying like you could speedrun this game because look at how many I have I just started I already have five oh did I say five six me mum Oh best shaman in all game can help banjo and filthy feather duck one watch a hot boy no one really likes Kazooie so you're gonna be hearing a lot of that noise of kazooie gurgling what's kazooie gurgling fantasy juice clearly or perhaps Mario 64's DNA you know what I'm actually having a lot of fun still this game [ __ ] holds up it's still a lot of fun to play it's fun to look at and I hate to say it it's fun to collect it's the the collection elements are just right it's not annoying it's not overly it's not to the point where I want to stab myself in the eye with a I don't know a soldering iron nothing like that whoa so this brings us to the other part of the game that made this one of my favorites when I was younger from my household to yours of course where we put pepper on it and the beans is the transformation each world has its own unique transformation courtesy of Mambo plenty token give dactyl just that whole thing there the whole voodoo thing who do you who do do you think Mambo could make ayahuasca do you think he can spend send banjo on a [ __ ] spirit quest because that is kind of more what I'm what I'm after right now what's mumbos endgame fam I just read that in chat it's a very bizarre comment but I I don't know I don't know what's his what's his real mission it's his own game maybe there's like a fetish for like turning people into different things I don't know you should see how [ __ ] lazy I am right now my controller is behind my back like I'm sitting I'm Lee time reclining in my my my computer chair as far back as I could right totally lazy and I have the controller behind my back behind the computer chair while I recline it's I should be like euthanized boy I'm playing this game right now like I said you're gonna be hearing this gurgle noise a lot that's just part of it you go faster go faster [ __ ] Pina fight you not can jump in the baby game okay then you're gonna play Viva Pinata someday now just to put it bluntly yeah but I would recommend that you play it if you whoever you want to you know see it played you stream it for yourself at home and you could be a streamer to you I mean it's a it's a smaller audience but it's still fun I did that for 25 years before I became a streamer Final Fantasy 9 and now my next rpgs mario 64 i think are not marios to what oh that's an old PG magic Lab trick call for those are warps between areas when Tilda gruntilda's nicer sister I've crept down here to help you you know all of grunty's disgusting secrets while you do these ridiculous things disgusting like hell grunty brushes her rotten teeth with moldy cheese flavored toothpaste thanks I needed that info Thanks quality info oh yeah this is this whole game is gonna be sour please I know it is this is a cool level and this is great music also this is where the famed sand castle is where you can go in there and input codes and stuff this game had a lot of mysteries behind it like the ice key like what's the ice key to god this [ __ ] music is so good you'll reach new heights with my shock jump spring that's cos do we do it my legs are tired banjo doesn't do a whole lot does he don't worry the turkey does all the work simply stand on the shock jump disk then press and hold a [Music] this breaks kazooie's legs each time but it's fine the turkey does it be leaky you know good for water can bare block hole with pebble no pebble but there's egg with pebble mr. beaucoup balls pagoda bull boat loose the bull coupe leaky patched up now empty water for bear what the [ __ ] kind of logic is this there's the sand castle hey furball you're looking wise solve my puzzle and win a prize I'm gonna have a heart attack next time something rhymes in real life after playing this game snow more rhymes stop B a and then Jo I could spell dirty words filthy disgusting what I say during yesterday's dream anything can be disgusting if you try hard enough [Music] that register twice it didn't make a noise now I'm worried oh there's multiple hoes dick who's the dead I'm the dick all talk and no Gaul tell you them crabs sorry mr. Krabs oh yeah they're shark food Island Jake island stop and swap oh yeah that sounds familiar six eggs in the ice key there's the blocked 2min gobies Valley yeah there there was a I guess there was plenty of [ __ ] and this was at a time where you know people were like looking like Ella's real you know how do you play as Yoshi and Luigi in Mario 64 and then how do you get the Triforce and rumors were made up this was how to revive a certain character in Final Fantasy seven time so having like developers put little mysteries like that were never solved in their games how about the island in Goldeneye remember remember the island across the dam it's like how do you even get to that the answer is you don't it was just an unused level asset but at the same time people would just kind of start making up these things alright so you go to visit on the general um in Midgar alright then you go to bomb arm every you got a bomb every gossip stone and Hyrule then you go obviously you gotta go under the truck um and then after that you go you have to beat Mario 64 in under 30 minutes and then you get to the roof and then you get to play as Luigi after you get all the eggs in the I ski someone should just mod these games just for the [ __ ] of it and like actually make these things accessible and like humor all the bizarre rumors from 1998 just mod it into a game I'll stream it I'll pretend like it was there all along I won't make a big deal about it you know I'll get to the general in Midgar you know and I'll do all the tasks I'll defeat all the weapons including plasma weapon you know I'll bomb every gossip stone and then we'll get to the unicorn temple in this guy and then from there we will go to the island in Goldeneye and unlock perfect dark an unlock sorry all bond mode and Shenlong who me 16,000 strings of hooni Wow look at that animation that's smooth animations so smooth going up them steps man oh no no get yourself the [ __ ] out of here no okay there you go right in the eye it's gonna be a little bit more careful here weird eye but I designed for the Wii U it's baffling it's all [Music] shut up grunty that death was [ __ ] and you know it I shot them eggs that went over the crabs head by like one pixel pube Perdue one two one two this is why I can't speed run the show show that clip to anyone who says Benny why don't you try speedrunning and I get that whenever I mentioned speedruns cuz I do genuinely enjoy watching them I really do but I also get the question a lot Danny why don't you try doing a speedrun then show that to whoever asks and then show them Mike a rule fight in Donkey Kong Country and that's the answer he's just the president and like the marketing guy well that is a loud [ __ ] sound effect Christ a-ha write blubber I that behalf amigo old I got you chekura I got to make Kid Icarus Uprising no you're right that's absolutely correct I love Kid Icarus Uprising I completed that game twice though it turns my hands into lobster hands sometimes I don't want to be a lobster when I'm playing video games but that game definitely encourages Lobster like behavior I'm sure it's not an easy thing to actually make something guy yeah even the treasure chest is talking this came [ __ ] yeah but I mean I grew up listening to these soundtracks banjo kazooie is one of the soundtracks I have on my [ __ ] iPod that's up there with Final Fantasy Chrono Trigger Chrono Cross and Zelda and then just banjo kazooie that's right I still use an iPod dude my ipod has like 80 gig storage I've been using it for 10 years it still works sometimes it freezes but I just reboot the [ __ ] thing and it's beautiful now choosing Krakus [Music] this is now this is a force death so that I can that's we takin death there at this point in the run in order to get back to this part right here so it saves a lot of time as you can see very vital strategy if you're lazy you're lazy [ __ ] like myself but if you're not then don't take the death but you know it's just a strat for this non speed run I swear I swear I'll swallow me Jacobs like I said I don't think is gonna be a 100% like perfect completion run I'm just here I'm here for the fun and for the for the music and for the bird gurgle noises tell me tell me your secrets button though ugly grunty's nickname was Jelly Belly which school okay thank you good info good info vital to my quests you'll need them for the final level and they change every playthrough alright so Jelly Belly oh god it is vital you're right it is [ __ ] so Jelly Belly and when it was the first one something toothpaste she uses like [ __ ] toothpastes to wash it wash your teeth right something like that grunty wears massive bloomers under that repulsive dress of her okay so I'm gonna have to remember this stuff massive bloomers Jelly Belly and [ __ ] flavor toothpaste got it whoa camera what are you doing cameras getting cool great suddenly chad has been destroyed I am I'm sorry I just was pointing out the existence of the thing I didn't say raise your spam dongers I didn't say that in my lazy sister often sleeps on a pile of treasure okay it's not that dirty massive bloomers was a little dirtier my fat old sister's favorite sport is broomstick racing okay she's not a good sister she's not very encouraging she should be like you know if she maybe if she showed her sister a little bit more love then maybe she wouldn't have turned out to be an evil witch you know maybe she went broomstick riding with her sister and sported with her there would have been you know there would have been an improvement it's always stuff to collect no matter where you look in banjo-kazooie there's stuff to collect or if this was Donkey Kong 64 it would be like every moment every waking moment if you don't collect something then you're an [ __ ] forever collect and then feel guilty when you don't collect she's also got this nasty pet dog whose name is Ripper who was a gangster my sister sings in her own band grunty and the monster mob are there that should have been grunty in the rippers okay bloomers eat a dick not you just you know life [ __ ] [Music] now advanced speedrun tactics failed take three Jin [ __ ] remind me of something I can't I can't think of what though Teletubbies they remind me of like ant eaters mixed with Teletubbies Oh doors meet a purple junjou up a banjo to collect you know your wildness scum scum scum environment you know like it's so like so like rats like sludge I am Clanker which is garbage grinder like I'm not like dirty water one fresh air [ __ ] scary Clanker you know that cameras getting a little [ __ ] whoa whoa there whoa there [Music] so is it official lore that Jin [ __ ] can breathe underwater are they like hybridized with the fish they've gills if not that's a serious lore oversight and I demand rare retract this horrendous horrendous story Jin [ __ ] are aliens they aren't alive we mean they aren't alive that's insensitive we excise ours fight us you must whoa this is how I fight I will execute them I'm sorry I am so sorry sorry how many crabs have I murdered thus far today and my playthrough I feel like crabs are kind of getting the worst of my wrath as an angry bear God then he's in a pickle don't drown don't drown don't trap yes Wow clutch your kick this is the rare replay Edition which is the same as the 360 edition I believe this is just like a port of the 360 edition because it has to download the game from the arcade believe it or not which is weird to me that some of the games like perfect dark and this and some of the other other things on the disc just download from the arcade and are not on the actual rare replay discs I need them there I need them air please depth perceptions a little hard right now I'm having some issues with depth perception and I'm not talking about how how low I am in the ocean I know exactly how far down I am this is actually a little harder than it looks sixteen megabytes 16 confirmed 16 has been expanded to like 400 mm this remake or in this h HD if you want to call it h d and this better looking port let's let's leave it at that shall we that those strings in my left ear right now are like really adding to the tension of not being able to breathe underwater it's kind of freaking me out it's unsettling man then you actually have to point at the bubbles and get them it's not like they're just given to you from a clam it's a moving fish it's a living breathing creature okay you can stop holding your breath no I know how many of you were holding your breath along with that you're good the all hunkajunk has been raised it's ok banjo its lore and an official can and that banjo gets a tetanus shot after he's done with this level it's fine rust eat too much garbage I guess clankers the real trash man got brought more crab genocide incoming those who are a fervent supporter of crab culture now is the time for you to leave unfortunately this game has me murdering them in large numbers with no remorse then again bears don't have remorse for their victims birds maybe I don't know I'm not sure I never met a bird that cared maybe scoop but that's that's a duck never mind and then I managed to poop one egg before going down the drain they're worth it okay what's guys what's bet down this or jabu jabu's belly tendrils I see a lot of this people are saying that this is better than jabu but both know it kind of from my limited perspective of what I can see of the chat right now I would say most people are saying jabu also I didn't realize that the timer had started Oh green yeah it's okay I got this I got this plenty of time plenty of time top of the line okay maybe I [ __ ] this one up a little bit [Music] clankers got some really [ __ ] bad indigestion this is that's me after Taco Bell we need like a massive tums just a massive antacid to help him you could sling it into his mouth be a massive bloomer slingshot [Music] yeah these textures these grotty [ __ ] disgusting like bloody tumor stomach textures really really shine really really a very impressive one upscaled okay I said Taco Bell before but I kind of met White Castle nice tendril [ __ ] I know what we're gonna get now this move uses Biko's wings as a shield against the bad guys cool does it make me a bull rudl it sure does I'm gonna use I'm gonna use Biko's feathers to get through a grinder I just heard someone in trying just described White Castle is tasting like a freaking sweaty jockstrap with an exclamation mark I don't think he likes White Castle very much I think banjo is friends with kazooie I think you know those two are pretty tight it's just everyone else around kazooie doesn't like kazooie and kazooie gives a lot of [ __ ] to people as well so i mean i don't know maybe they just know kazooie as being a snark or maybe everyone just hates Birds maybe there's like an intense bird prejudice but you know I've always had this theory that uh you know if everyone in the world doesn't like you usually the problem isn't with the world necessarily I don't know mathematics really trust me I got a D in math class I know what I'm talking about got to get the other mumbo we don't want to get mom boned out of getting his skull there's gonna be lots of rhymes and puns during the stream that looks infected Clanker you've been eating too much trash [Music] [ __ ] Christ see cuz it we've kind of picks on banjo you see that I'm telling you Kazooie I'm thinking maybe kazooie's kind of a jerk it's my that's my theory the thing about it is everyone gives kazooie attitude and then I then I go and see kazooie pecking at banjos head and banjos just trying to be like cool banjos like really like that that older like you know like trying to be cool and be nice to kazooie and guide her in the right direction but kazooie's like sneaking out at night like going to punk shows getting into all kinds of trouble bringing home strange birds banjos the only character that kazooie respects alright maybe that's me well there you go maybe kazoo he's just very particular about who about who she talks to and hangs out with and banjo happens to be the only one I don't know what what combination do you like better do you like the Baron bird with a button beard a button [ __ ] shall pay for what they've done but will that's like half of Arnold's dialogue in the movie that and that's the other half cool I see cool destruction and then the other half is back and back this is berrin bird so it's a little different I like the Baron bird a little bit better got to go in the blowhole that's [ __ ] gross dude but okay that was it that's the solution just touch it okay I thought there was gonna be a switch that opened it somewhere else but no it's just touch the thing okay it's some moist dripping from his tail there where am I going the only thing she's ever won was the dirtiest undies competition at witch school she often boasts of appearing on the cover of fat hag monthly posing in her long johns your lord look at that design for banjo in the bottom right there isn't that beautiful holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh hey there stop the stop the music before the next song comes on dear God these are the waiting boots chicken legs where's them speak you can safely wade through dangerous areas like the swamp for a limited time anyway bubble gloop swamp swamp cuz I'm like I didn't hear the new Arcade Fire I was never really a huge into them smelly feet out even the enemies in this game have to talk to you before they hurt you with their googly eyes so last time on my banjo kazooie playthrough we talked about the differences between the sexual reproduction devices of both bears and birds we talked about by booths we didn't we didn't talk about that at all actually no I'm Queen that was not a topic of conversation in the slightest [Music] huh egg war scum no no it's not play Frogg minigames yet I'm just I think you got like four [ __ ] jiggy's active at the same time Wow how am i doing this bad [Music] and fight wait a minute if I die because of a cutscene I'm going to have a conniption okay okay okay okay get [ __ ] get [ __ ] get some [ __ ] all of you all the frogs what are they what even are they okay we're good blob you're too tough for us flip it's take our gold Oh rare with your silly names for everyday creatures I forgot I had invincibility the frogs those were those were the frogs if I've ever seen them I wonder now rare is where rare is more on top of their game than that right all right this is gonna be kind of close if I even get if I'm able to stay on the level the thing is the camera keeps kind of slightly adjusting itself beyond my control so it leads to a little bit of there we go it almost got me off the stage a number of times we're good we're good though making good progress just need to collect a few more jinjos and I can make some soup am I excited for the new rare game is that the pirate one you know yes I thought I don't really have it a piss definitely excited for ukelele the rare game not so much why is my mic peaking so hard when it's on so such a low setting hang on a second guys check check speaking peaking peaking Monday Monday Monday when I got my replacement microphone I definitely noticed that when I speak a little I like Monday Monday Monday I hear a little bit of peaking peaking ducking specifically is that really what you have to do is this like massaging the feet all right tank tops warm party perhaps you'd like this tank top all right hurt me mole hurt me mo I go in your mouth oh God again this isn't a blind playthrough I just haven't played this game since the [ __ ] 90s so I'm a little rusty on my banjo memory that means I didn't expect to be swallowed by a turtle crying face famous picked up choir well now before I light it wait wait tip top aren't you in Diddy Kong Racing it's short isn't it show boy I don't see copy what you just hired for left 7 walk you know what I was looking at the chat forgotten already parrot is it good like let's pink try lesson Q that's purple purple blue purple red purple yellow blue purple oh yeah red yellow [ __ ] I got it wrong already ready or not brown purple red for yellow some of the yellow there you go Mike sounds weird wait really oh [ __ ] purple yellow [ __ ] I can't address microphone issue right now [Music] purple yellow what was it what was next blue then what blue pink well [ __ ] oh man this isn't helping it's um goddamnit tell me let's go again no no no we're good we're good we'll start again alright this time I don't have a microphone issue to distract okay wait wait a minute wait a minute you need to repeat the lesson perp yellow perp yellow blue perp that's all I had to do if I sang it like that before I would have been fine could you imagine I died on this minigame like I failed so many times that all of my hearts are gone perp yellow purple yellow blue good I have like a 50 percent failure rate at hitting turtles and magnificent a true master face here take this trinket I fired earlier all right so let's just double check everyone class does my microphone still sound like [ __ ] I'm just heading back over there anyway though I have a feeling of cool camera thanks oh pinata fire did not win at the baby'll game us alright we're gonna go back into the mouth do I really only have one golden feather that's weird guess I wasted them me wasteful in a video game yeah that's pretty likely oh look at that dis the shoes up there okay how did I not notice those before off cuz I was busy talking about my microphone probably oh yeah [ __ ] Jin [ __ ] hiding in swamps like how are they down there I don't understand if there's piranhas down there I don't remember much of banjo-tooie like I never really completed banjo-tooie but I remember the levels being way bigger than these I mean even comparing this to Donkey Kong 64 the levels in that game are [ __ ] massive compared to this these are really bad levels like tiny not to say the levels are like too tiny there's stuff to do in them it's just some of those Donkey Kong levels were [ __ ] massive in fact I would even say that Mario 64 oh yeah click o'clock Woods was big Mario 64 had some pretty big levels what was the one the mountain one with the monkey and the mushrooms I remember that one pretty pretty vividly that one was pretty big tall tall mountain what is it with nintendo and the word tall tall wasn't like Taotao heights a thing in zelda tall tall mountains a thing in Mario people-people city in Mario Odyssey really these boots is these boots is not working out huh how the [ __ ] think I need to go see a witch doctor it turns you into a croc that's not a n64 game [Music] okay is kazooie gurgling at the same tempo of the song and if not why not we think it might be off by like a slight like microcon tear well that's a unit of measurement if for those that didn't know that's that's um that just means a very small amount it's a music term that professionals use my say professionals I mean I just me just me and my cow okay professionals just a few no proctologists speaking of proctologists is there not a band called the proctologists because you would think that would be a good punk band yes Jen sometimes sometimes I can do platforming segments fairly okay butthole surfers yeah I forgot about them my depth perception sometimes is good most of the time is trash 10 okay I got what you need I've got what you need right before I see that is a good doctor and it took is there are offenses on the singing yeah yeah gets fuzzy sing okay but the vas is das in here oh I know what that is come on don't be an [ __ ] get it you [ __ ] you useless [ __ ] okay we're good this camera is getting me a little dizzy all right oh yeah I remember this transformation I remember the pants specifically thinking to myself alligators don't need pants I like to cut holes in the logic of these dumb video game things you know like why would alligator or even a bear ever need pants I feel so much smarter when I do that that um that crocodile stock sound effect correct me if I'm wrong but has rare not used that in like every platformer they've ever made that stop sound effect is in like every [ __ ] thing ever that's how you know it's a rare game googly eyes strange names like this isn't an alligator this is titli Wiggly this is a grotty gras tiga to her her her I'm mister vile greediest crock of all play my game to win the prize press a to accept [Music] I got good rng just have to you know utilize the best patterns wastes not a moment no all the superior strats like I just ignore that one and I get [ __ ] over in this corner when none of them appear holy [ __ ] we're tied this is [ __ ] I was doing so well mine delicious first try the only one easy game now play harder game he breads avoid yellow grumblers crumblies they not ripe ready oh [ __ ] here we go come on come on just a few more here we go there you go oh you're not getting that oh you [ __ ] you're fast why are you faster than me you should cheating [ __ ] [ __ ] what a [ __ ] cheater lucky greedy wins must play last game only eat what is shown at top of screen ready I mean how much harder could this one meet up wait how does this thing know about the top of the screen told you massive cheater kind of almost have to anticipate when the thing is gonna change like right now change Wow I [ __ ] up at the end that I still won but I was expecting it to change I jumped the gun the wad was blown a little bit early mr. vial now is tougher challenge if greenie not scared you must win next three games to win three extra lives but each time greenie loses mr. vial kills you nope no no no some people in chat said that that was one of the hardest jiggy's in the game wait really I don't know if I'd believe that it is without the running shoes it is again I got good rng that's what people are saying remember when I did um those hard levels in Mario Sunshine and people were like oh you just got lucky yeah no you wasn't really even hard really oh I'm not going back no no no I'm not gonna try to beat the croc I'll accept the RNG if I get a good rng man I am happy out I will move on and feel like I am a king at that mini game knowing deep down that I am actually a fart just a big fart blast [ __ ] okay fella Shaun Murray developed mmm oh yes how about a Shaun Murray Peter Molyneux joint project fine saw stylet mmm oh I read everyone's comments it just just so happens to be what I see the most whatever whatever comment I happen to see at the time I mean obviously I read every single comment in the chat of course but I'm always on the lookout for interesting and positive comments that have some relation to the discussion at hand or it's just so incredibly stupid that I have no choice but to try to interpret what the [ __ ] is happening I'm so sick of grunty [ __ ] I don't even read her comments anymore Oh bad his crew nope you may as well just like kazoo we do all the work seriously this banjo is kazooie's like minion at this point cuz he's the one who's doing all the heavy lifting that's right minion I said the word you know before minions became a thing Mike and a number of my friends that used to play Smash Brothers together a lot had this thing for minions not the yellow stupid ones I'm talking about King DDD's minions you know the ones that he throws and basically they just like die because King Dedede is throwing them and then in smash 4 they removed the minions and then they just gave him actions and then done you know it was a bittersweet moment because on one hand it's like well at least the minions are free and they don't have to deal with King Dedede [ __ ] anymore but on the other hand you know you really want to just throw a minion sometime peach using toad as a shield that's kind of technically a minion it's also a little [ __ ] up of peach semantics can't spell semantics without semen cheeto this spell book you have found magic I have for you hey book brain what did you say you better not give my spells away we sure do bag lady come on boy give us the spells only one spell cheeto can tell enter the code blue eggs on sandcastle floor and treasure trove Cove help you it will hidden and lair other spell books are I'm not really actually planning on using the cheats so this was kind of it's a waste of my time and then of course the next blood bagel album will have a song called the temple of [ __ ] thank you chat member number four thousand nine hundred and sixty-three for that for that one [Music] what's the purpose of me [ __ ] down there you may ask no real reason the [ __ ] [ __ ] away from me beasts eat a dick so fries easy peek what would be the opposite of that hot Hardin Valley it sounds like a porn I guess that would be gobies Valley gobies Valley is is the the polar opposite I I the polar opposite I like this one this is a cool level and the music is great but first let's go into this England bogey-bogey said he was fetching them he's been gone ages our dad bogie okay does bogie look like you guys yeah pretty much just a larger version same same goggly eyes sorry kids no Christmas this year it's been canceled you've been you've been bad you've done bad things and you've done questionable things to people we saw the time you guys played molehunt in the bed that was weird don't do that again so Christmas is canceled until further notice oh no no I'm sorry that that's their father he's just dead [ __ ] he's alive damaged and the readers someone hope or baggage let me help in the only way I know how me perform CPR with kazooie's beak No he seemed to show me a trick he all right now bogie cuckolds ride over hi twitch mods hi no it's um oh no no I wasn't no nothing weird no no I was just um just messing around no I'm just kidding there's no twitch mods oh okay even the water has googly eyes that's cool presidents presidents speak everything jesus [ __ ] christ I want to give you I want to get hit with the snowball and the snowball will speak the teach serves your right [Applause] [Music] I'm good at this game no I'm a us we're a real good at banjo kazooie [ __ ] bested by a googly-eye Ice Cube embarrassing really just [ __ ] embarrassing but what you don't know is that that was intentional so I could so I could warp wrong warp back to the start think - the fog whoa jumbo I want you to think about this if banjos voice actor was like say 40 when he recorded his dialogue or like late 30s he's now like almost 60 years old the hell time is weird it goes by very quickly remember it was just like yesterday when I bought this game well Charlie Charles Martin a is like what 60 and he's still doing Mario I thought like I read an article where it said Charles Martin I had retired as Mario or something and which obviously is not the case but the way I see it is he really could they could just lock him in a room for like three days make him do all of the voices that he does every combination of grunt and word and strange like bizarre guttural like [ __ ] phlegm noise that say Wario makes and just do that have it all on record and then you know reference it as needed when you know when when they need to so Gene Roddenberry's wife Majel Barrett she was the voice the computer on the Star Trek next generation the Star Trek by the way so what they did some time before she died is they recorded her voice saying all kinds of words all kinds of phonetic combination so that in case anything happened she would she could still be the computer I don't know how natural that would sound but maybe in the future we'll arrive at some kind of technological solution where you can make stuff like that sound even more natural why would you eat that kind of a dumbass move well text to speech is getting frightening ly good I think in probably just a few years you could probably feed a text-to-speech thing like say me talking for 20 minutes and then it'll be like voice pattern recognizer that I can say stuff like I like big butts and I cannot lie all you brothers in the back can't beat my scrotal emergency scrotal emergency whatever you want choose your targets carrot what what is a scrotal emergency we need to figure this out [ __ ] Jin [ __ ] like who who a Traer was on on what when they devised this game I also get off a little on the idea in my pantaloons but mind you of maybe a rare employee watching the stream and having me like take the mickey out of 90% of the things that I see in a good way in a loving way and the employees JEP he's [ __ ] right no [ __ ] idea what was going on I don't know why they're Scottish but yeah sure I'm sure there was at least one scholar employee that's just what happens yep I try to do a [ __ ] voice it turns into a [ __ ] disgusting Scottish voice [Music] good well I did well there that was a good moment in my life that I just succeeded at don't you [ __ ] throw that snowball at me don't you [ __ ] dare you masturbated okay listen there's a dude in chat that just told me about what a scrotal emergency is and he said let's just say Krazy Glue or super glue whatever you want to call it that's all I'm gonna say about that not a mistake a little bit of a mistake oh you snow [ __ ] are annoying must collect all up in condition so hard to collect everything yeah yeah I know I said I wasn't gonna 100% this game but it's so addictive then Mario 64 comes around and it's like yeah you got collect those coins mofo cause if you want to 100% that game the collecting was you know you had to collect all like a hundred coins and stuff so then banjo comes along it's like oh that's cute a hundred coins that's it how about collect a thousand things but as still as I said last time I stream this it still wasn't in any way shape or form like what happened with Donkey Kong 64 which was just a whole level of collecting yeah 2e I heard was was a pretty I don't know what made me stop playing that game maybe it was just too much of a collectathon I think I got like two or three worlds in then just stopped I was looking forward to that game too I don't know what the hell happened what happened stream is weird I don't know what the hell happened I just look in chat everyone's freaking out how is this a name says that there's a scrotal emergency happening I don't know what that means exactly but then others are saying that there was some kind of robot moment and the screen froze Hey oh there you are who lives in this town I always wondered the lights are on maybe this is where cherry lives scoot lives next door [Music] place your bets how many more times [ __ ] amazing guys like hearing this snowman laugh over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and miss every one of his shots of all of their shots hey mr. walrus fancy a race hop on the slide if you do wait now all you need to do is steer your sled through the red slowly beat me to the end god you're some useless sock it's like Cooper the quick but worse [Music] talk [ __ ] get hit that was a grievous [ __ ] a general grievous [ __ ] but I think I can recover from it I think we can still make this happen as long as he doesn't bump me out of the way this [ __ ] I [Music] somehow did it okay oh you're too quick for me mr. walrus who's your metal I reckon I'll need to race them alone so somehow I pulled it off great okay Wow another walrus take this or watch out for a smelly brown bear his ugly bird partner that's not nice however is there too eager to give up your treasure why hello mr. walrus feel free to have a look around walls this cave doesn't the ice did they remove the ice key from this hey can you get me to that jinjo oh [ __ ] off you can still see the ice key [ __ ] rare in there there bamboozle key there jakey knob let's just put a [ __ ] key behind like a [ __ ] sheet of ice no it's great now and I [ __ ] do it man now put the [ __ ] key behind the plate of ice you can't get it now so what's the point of it ah now I'm a you're not thinking about the bigger picture here you've got a trickier consumer into thinking there is a reason who cares say it's for like a sequel or some [ __ ] goddamn miss chocolate okay people start me about that give that chocolate well you come and the reason why I put it there was because I knew it [ __ ] annoyed people and that was right we don't have any Scottish employees what the [ __ ] are you doing here what are you doing here the lone Scot on the team the single Scotsman on the team is responsible for hiding the I ski or smoking jet you said no Scott ski there's no way to like like prematurely evaporate the the costumes are all Wow actually actually hit me you can get the I ski in the Xbox version as long as you have banjo tooie as well like well I have the rail replay collection so I'm sure that maybe that counts no I'm actually messing around rare I think they genuinely planned for some kind of thing to happen I remember the n64 had maybe they plan on the expansion thing like the 64dd to be used or something like that also someone in Chad just said that they replaced the I ski with a Luigi skin l is real 2017 you have to install 2e okay I could give 7/10 of a [ __ ] less I'm not that interested in getting a nice key maybe it okay so well some people are saying it wasn't a 64 DB thing maybe it was the 64 DDD thing smelly bear is here eek the bear again take that nasty orange thing with you and leave [Music] look at that they even [ __ ] it's right there there it is the legendary ice key for those that have no idea what this was and what this meant to so many people for years people were trying to figure out how to get this and there's no way to actually get it in banjo kazooie and then it was something like - I think someone from rare said it was for banjo tooie stop and swap you get it in banjo-tooie and there's actually a coating for it okay gotcha but memory is a little fuzzy little bit fuzzy fuzzball where the twinkly is protect us from the twinkly muncher you know someone that rare how to laugh about that twinkly munchers Jakob but you have in a [ __ ] giggle it's Winky munches you know how many [ __ ] kids I'm gonna know where that is nah mate is just keeper in no ice cream I love it no no it's great it's the long skirt on the development team yet again making the decisions now [ __ ] lever I'm telling you [ __ ] twinkly muncher it's great no I love twinkly munches pretty sure I know what to do Oh a egg well might this not work well nevermind I guess we'll never find out I tried to jumbo Oh get in [Music] this mayor these bells sound very disco you're gonna write [ __ ] you know that you know that you're a [ __ ] right [ __ ] great job so I'm gonna make the assumption that I don't have to actually do that again and I'm gonna go in there and we're gonna we're gonna see it's not gonna be encased in ice it's gonna be beautiful and available to get [ __ ] it's encased in ice god help me god help me I didn't want to 100% this game off to a good start okay what are we doing up here oh we're stuck that's cool it's cool good job [Music] yes great great job Cuzzi yep cozy [ __ ] I did it now let's let's not die I'll hold our walls flying for tight turns okay yes that's good information I swear I'll kink I'll get it I can get it I swear no really sir slush I think you're thinking of a wrong game sir slush is not in this game sir slush is in Crenn oculus Crenn oculus trigger so the r button makes you dive bomb do you mean the right bumper because if you mean the right bumper then we're in business it's the right bumper see I figured I'm good I'm good at video games I got this I figured it out all right I'll bet you any amount of money I can jump off with his hat and survive I mean I took a little bit of damage but I survived and remember kids Coldwater prevents Falls so if you're gonna go diving say 700 or more feet make sure it's in cold water it'll absorb the damage meant to do that I'm Vinny I'm curious do you legitimately not want to watch any anime or do you not want to watch it to keep the Jake's up I can barely watch the things I want to watch like I can't even keep up with the stuff that I have interest in it's like this if you told me to listen to salsa music that's a completely different world and yet I have not even discovered half of the music that I do like that's like saying Vinnie have you never gone tobogganing because you want to jape us no no not at all I would not watch animated jape the chat that's that's a really dumb reason not to do something so yeah I just you know it's just not something I've ever had any any real interest and check it out sorry one day I'll toboggan there's some anime they're universal even for people that don't like anime sure I'm a 100% sure you're correct but you know what movie I haven't even seen and I like movies I haven't even seen the Godfather trilogy so it's not like a prejudice thing by any mean it's not like for a good Jake it's not a ship ship and giggle Bowl there's just too much stuff in this world man there's just too much good stuff the disgusting gruntilda has rat bagels for breakfast remember that kids then she usually has dog dung burgers for dinner that's actually a good idea for a burger G and fire up the grill wart bags and finishes with rat sorbet for dessert okay thank you [Music] damn so uh speaking of rats really have to actually fart on the thing really I would have never guessed I guess I would have tried it eventually but that was a good cutscene I do a little bit of Gobi Valley kind of running into a headache these headaches happen a lot might be from stupid questions or maybe stupid streamers like myself maybe I am the stupid one maybe it's because my stupid head can't my stupid head can't not have a headache for like one week at a time maybe it's just terminal terminal 6 I'd like to blame my head I don't I don't want to I don't want to say anything but I think my brain just sucks alright we're gonna do that again see I told you my brain sucks my brain [ __ ] so I'm gonna absolve all responsibility and just blame my brain ok like Carl and the onion ok so I can't actually cheap that out so I'm gonna go nice and slow then [Music] it didn't happen you didn't see it a link between headaches is the next zelda game yes revolting gruntilda's bedroom has a rotting fish hanging from the ceilings not too bad I've seen that in Chinese food places also a Veruca plant growing in a pot beside her what's a Veruca plant and you'd be sick if you saw her enormous sweaty yellow undies okay I don't like the sweaty yellow undies because that implies peepee I'm not down with the peepee that saved at least 13 frames join me now and dump the bear that little backpack then I'll wear this disgruntled are trying to coerce kazooie to the dark side dump the bear there is more power than you can imagine unlimited feathers [Music] sand eels I prompt pretty sure those things from beetlejuice you know the things that scared the [ __ ] out of me when I was a kid those things you know the things grunty's best friend at witch school was the awful fatty Hattie when relaxing she usually reads big butts and guts while sipping a glass of her favorite camel spit milkshake like I said I'm pretty sure Brentt ILDA is the reason gruntilda's is so horrendous Brentt Elda's been like teasing her and revealing all of her deepest darkest secrets for [ __ ] years shrunk her wants rain how's your nuts bark bro kazooie what little eggs and feathers help no good water so we got Twinkie mutt twinkly munchers we got a tree with nuts I remember liking Gobi Valley I also remember thinking Gobi Valley was like level two or three maybe I was thinking of a different game that has an early desert stage Oh Mario usually has early desert stages yeah dk64 there you go you have you have yep yep by doses all blocked up it was your day Bob but like for Bob's Burgers here here let me try to unblock your nose by shooting things into it Bob are telling you - bad idea poppers Brielle RJ block the wall masters what are you doing [Music] Gluck whoa did I just collect my own eggs I don't even know you could do that yeah you really can I like to dream yes right behind the sound machine Oh for those that have no idea why I just sang magic carpet ride by Steppenwolf you may have seen it in a movie called Star Trek The Next Generation first contact that's actually how I know that song first I that was not the I just wanted to change the camera well actually really I'd like to first contact when I was younger but then it turned I realized it turns Picard into a murdering maniac a silly action hero man Worf actually has one-liners Worf has action movie man one-liners assimilate this and then eventually years later when I ended up watching the series I got to learn who Picard was who was a diplomatic stern but reasonable leader smart witty cultured not impulsive someone who made decisions rationally and with a lot of thought and his first action was never violence Picard was was always about trying to avoid the path that would lead to violence and hurt and then movie Picard is like no wow this firing guns screaming at people kill him he'll never come back like son you're you were a Borg you came back from being a Borg you know they can come back shoot him shoot him in the face okay we're gonna puzzle here oh no is this gonna be a slide puzzle I don't care for slide puzzles very much also I'm gonna die in a second Oh [Music] oh no that's not a slight puzzle so I got memory puzzle even worse what's that you got a shitty memory that's okay here's a mummy just to make your life a little bit harder shaped again [ __ ] out of here creepy hands alright that was a lot further away than I thought it was it's ok banjo if you got to take a deathlike I don't mind the Perdue is is very real right now alright hand listen listen you don't even the coolest and scariest hand in video games so [ __ ] off bowls these are the running shoes beaky wears them on her scrawny feet to make her run really fast for a limited time well played banjo you now learn all the moves all one moves all one moves acquired I'll [ __ ] out of here with this [ __ ] [Music] hang on a second something tells me it's not gonna be as easy as this I'm gonna need the running shoes for this just to see a to slow this okay oh my god no oh I've had that a thousand years [ __ ] you how do I keep getting honeycomb wrong of all things to get wrong honeycomb I always get wrong honeycomb cut damn it I'm a fan of how if you don't complete the slide puzzle either the memory puzzle you get sent back to the beginning you don't even like get warped just outside of the temple to try again they just send you to the beginning of the level at the pep secret there's a pep secret you can kill the mummy for good with a gold feather [Music] games like this are why like the older generation whoa that didn't understand videogames for so long thought they were making kids stupid alright so you shot eggs into a dog's mouth great no more no more eggs it's okay cuz that I meant to do that so I could get the flight pad so you shot eggs into an ancient dog's mouth so you could raise a pyramid so you could get a puzzle piece and your character is a bear with a bird in a backpack okay alright no more video games until you're done with your homework and you know what no more after that either no more video games no more video games forever why understanded did grunty do grunty devised this so we're like that's grunty's challenge grunty sure was busy built a desert and slaved a giant mechanical monster very very busy which lots of time lots of lots of goals accomplishing many of her goals including analingus it's a rumor I just I heard it on the Internet see now then where does my mind immediately go after that maybe not immediately it took me like 20 seconds to get there but now I'm wondering if there are [ __ ] like fan fictions on the Internet of gruntilda doing like weird and sex stuff like but stuff like I you know I wouldn't be surprised I wouldn't be surprised but why people are confirming it in chat it you're probably right but [ __ ] why but [ __ ] why [Music] no that's good no it's great no I'll not be done here good great no [ __ ] yep stay down yeah yeah you [ __ ] bad [ __ ] I deserve that I didn't line up my jumps properly either I kind of Wow I guess I line them up just just fine there get the [ __ ] I need assistance Marissa Emma Cooney if you're watching or Jen take the controller take the controller quick quick this is a blue kiddin Toby note what the [ __ ] alright you suck so much yo Vinny thanks for saying gruntilda porn was a thing I've got some cataloging to do my man exclamation mark okay [Music] all right so now I'm in a maze I don't want to be in a maze this music I thought I had to go to the middle Oh God Danis yeah I know middles not no that was not the solution while Kobe Valley is is straight up plugging my anus there are people who are sitting have said that they've never seen a failure in the maze before and they're shocked that it's that well explicit I'm gonna really explicit but I mean that's a pretty [ __ ] nasty death from banjo kazooie spiked ceiling crashing on them like that this is kind of like not it's not a baby game I joke about what games are baby games obviously but obviously this game was geared more towards a younger audience then say a game like toric where you would expect to be crushed by spikes I think this game is a little too hard for bait like super small babies like if you're a real like magic baby maybe you can do it but I think like like genuine babies just general babies are gonna have a hard time especially in Gobi Valley because I'm an adult I think and I I'm having a hard time here then again well I'm kind of terrible so I not really the best barometer for that kind of thing I would say [Applause] those bees are fake I can tell they're flat they're flat flip fake bees confirmed it's too hot for Goldy I need some shade please help me rough that really helped oh yeah well you know he's gonna go cool down all right yeah that works perfectly viable carpet I don't go for the carpet strats though carpet strats are for scrubs and so are living strats good this will be my last one for the night to hear his voice is this okay are people gonna get upset play records pretty sure this guy doesn't want me to presume how to beat this level though yeah I'm pretty sure that's that's one thing I can't do now you may be asking why am i shooting eggs into nothing and the reason is I want to aim my angle so that if I miss the shot it would just bounce right back to me but I was not skilled enough to do that so I gave it up Gordon he's saying very good but very good [Music] I'm easy study said that girl was what's this little fella he's got here a pet little fella but of indeterminate origin it looks like a like a jinjo crossbred with an anteater that's a fanfic if that isn't already a fanfic someone out there's got to do it don't ever tell me about it just just do it and pretend I never said anything but I kind of feel bad for the anteater I'm pretty sure this this is something Carl said too but I'm gonna go for it what a [ __ ] name like one of their animals defined by the things that it eats but that is that is such a [ __ ] bum deal for the anteater we ran out of ideas yeah we got a little lazy we decided to just what do you eat ants Teeter she's gonna name all animals and insects after the things that they eat from now on they have a name they're technically Tamid to met Commandos is that what they're called - man dowse trunk or wants rain I know we hey how many times have we been through this lava - can you speak where you going can I feel bad for that poor camel this is what you wanted last time this is what you wanted here it is [Music] [Music] now you may be thinking well what's wrong with this Oh God well the problem is that Tootie is now dead this is the this is the worst outcome by the way the world doesn't end people don't die it's just Tootie turns into Trek and gruntilda gets hot and Mambo goes on a date with her like I knew that was gonna happen but for some reason it just made me it tickles my funny bone at that exact moment and some of you may say but Vinnie you don't have a funny bone in your body and you'd be right you rapscallion for those who have wondered if my ears are okay after the the mario64 corruptions the other night the answer is yes I'm fine startled angry but fine it wasn't there was pain and anguish but I think it was more just disappointment [Music] I'll shut the [ __ ] up Grundy let me get my let me get my jig Oh God God stop let me celebrate in peace okay now we can go back to Gobi Valley and experience more pain burners Oh God bear please what are you doing no stop doing that don't do that that's exactly what you don't do what are you doing oh [ __ ] you kazooie I have to fly through his portal I'm gonna do that in a second as well let me just take some damage here only joking mortal we can only give you this oh oh well it just so happens I've been looking exactly for those things I'm excited I think he's gonna do a good job with the material he's a very very good director and apparently the story's a little weird a little dark Balch tough to make the chemist speak oh no that's it I'm leaving this desert find some peace of quiet goby will never find true peace and then in the next trilogy in another ten years we can see what's [ __ ] up about this new group a Jedi will call them Smeg my okay no pin it remember [ __ ] this up last time don't I need shoes also cool cutscene is there's got to be a cutscene skip I'm sure speedrunners know exactly how to do that yeah I need funny fest I need to find the fest before I can successfully accomplish this I think don't play the cutscene we don't need the cutscene just skip it that's fine that's five seconds lost because of a cutscene you don't need that [ __ ] get rid of it do we need them jellyfish do we need them to stop the cutscenes now I vote we have a petition when we send it to rare to stop the cutscenes that's [ __ ] that cutscene is stupid it's piss I tried to do something I tried to do something it didn't work it's a bad idea tried to jump because of my foolish antics I was unable to complete okay we're gonna try again this time I just have to be perfect and I have to do the right jumps that wasn't perfect [Music] - wunderbar Oh got you now got you now are you kidding me are you kidding me I was in there come on man give me a break they're clucked there's no wiggle room at all [Music] did I just nuts like go down the thing properly so I guess I have to just go into the thing at the exact right angle there you go you said yeah you have to slide you have to push to the right if you want to get it it's it's kind of precise okay can we not do this with the camera mommies underwater mummies man that feels [ __ ] good oh that mumbo tokens just gone forever now so that then kills the 100% run because apparently they do give you extra mumbo tokens you don't necessarily need it there's an extra 30 oh geez okay also hi Marissa I didn't expect you to show up to my banjo kazooie stream what a shock I very much expected you to show up Oh eNOS there's the last one Teletubbies I would have watched a jinjo Tubby's show when I was Bab and this is what we do it for oh I missed wanna freeze easy what man this is like potent [ __ ] to a kid this game this music the fairytale setting like I was a little on the older side when this game came out but I still loved it I could imagine if you were like five or six and you played this no wonder people have such a like strong like intense reaction to this game my potent [ __ ] was Super Mario Brothers and then when Mario World came out people didn't see me for a year whereas Vinny it's it's his seventh birthday he's been playing Mario Super Mario World for a year stupid stupid mistake I need to get up there stakes are made I think I've been up here already is there anything else to do up here with flight maybe I go to the tippy-top no all right not nothing special up here no Easter eggs just regular eggs bust her eyes okay let me bust her eyes and totally forgot about that awesome [ __ ] crud a jumbo improperly you never jumbo and properly you gotta get in that ass Larry you've gotta get aside to [ __ ] Larry there's something very cathartic about doing the tinky-winky voice amidst a failure in a video game I can't explain it you should try it sometime no [ __ ] way that was one of the best things ever we need a clip of that everything went wrong you can't it's just the left eye oh so that was those tapes the Vinny this is why I come to these streams oh you mean you just like to see me do bad do you want me to see me do as a bad I got a raise bogey okay I'm gonna race bogey but before I race buddy I need to do that alright great alright here he is I'm ready there they are but they just give you the racing shoes ok I was wondering like I was looking for the shoes to be honest [ __ ] you mogul like you gonna you gonna let me get the goddamn shoes before you cheat all your it you're a [ __ ] Nardo bogies got nards just barely one Doh lobster game pick my older mo I'm off to look for my cute presence Wow cool dad I had to get the presents for the kids this dude is racing while his kids are dying for their Christmas presents you'll be fine you get used to it banjo just hang out in the water a little bit eventually it'll it'll feel warm anyway mad monster mansion this was probably one of my top three levels in this game when I was a kid I likes poops and I feel like this is this is good spruce how can you run out of space in your house if here wouldn't you like to know dispose them what the [ __ ] did you just become my like personal assistant disposer has been asking me this question you need an extensive spring cleaning then we'll come over alright I'll buy you some pizza and you can take care of all of that but I think what I'm trying to say is it's for the best that I don't buy more [ __ ] anyway I don't need it get rid of it your guests are rather dumb let's make sure they're filled with their unwelcome solve the puzzle and you can take this infernal thing that stuck under me these [ __ ] laughs okay I don't have to do here let's see [Music] um we can I push this okay Oh for [ __ ] sake reset reset redo give me a redo that was a fun laughs this is some good laughs stay on banjo stay on the thing there we go [Music] I'm sure I did a similar thing as a kid just just [ __ ] about the room for a while until finally oh I gotta jump on the thing oh oh really that's an instant game over oh you son of a [ __ ] you absolute scum [ __ ] Wow why are you gonna be real [ __ ] precise precise as a rusty [ __ ] was when he played baseball patron saint Devine sauce you had one health left oh really I take that much damage okay I guess you don't have to precise if you got health I didn't have that that sucks nope still in the wrong spot oh man mad monster mansion is gonna be a pain in the ass [Music] gotcha gotcha let's go to the top of the mansion ah there we go little fella there's a little fella little green fella Oh okay we're gonna do this we can get to the top cream rises to the top oh come on well let me see if we can actually stay up here it's just all [ __ ] oh my god all right what had a better haunted mansion this or mario64 oh come on come on let me live let me live my life okay good just wanted to be a little bit more careful this one was saying kazooie's has to do all the work this okay fair enough yeah I think the mario64 one was pretty pretty good because it had that piano you remember the piano the one that deafened me there's that and it had some other cool cool ones but I think I like this one a little bit better to walk nap or while he's sleeping here's someone down there creeping it's not no one really that's [ __ ] laugh like grunty laughs that's what I say to you grunty that golden prize you may not take our old Napper so the idea is is don't wake the [ __ ] oh oh those are cool enemies I love those guys so watch them [ __ ] they're so good this game really does still hold up it's still so much fun there's ghouls there's fools there's coulisse more pirate yeah who is lower pirate have to find out the wine cellar this reminds me of eternal darkness there's a jinjo in here there's a jinjo in here I'll save you of course I was trying to break the one that I couldn't break I was like it's different there's got to be something that you can do with it does that provide you a little bit of goldeneye a twinkle the descending twinkle when I hear descending twinkles I automatically think goldeneye i'm total it million and he vine sauce toilet account members now is your opportunity show yourselves can you say that again but i really just jump into a pissy toilet it's basically a living toilet I like living toilets that's good it's good that's so that's the new vine sauce mascot wait do I really have to poop into it that you're not you're joking right I don't remember how to do this thing it was worth it we'll go back to there later yeah I figured it at the very least it will be worth it would be worth taking a few poops that's all it wants do you think toilets like being pooped in like that's their objective that's their mission that's what they do that's who they are or do you think they don't want to be pooped in that that's the worst thing that could happen stop no don't poop in me I didn't choose the poop life what is my purpose you eat [ __ ] my god yeah welcome to the club you need the ice key good how old Douglas whoa who's talking it's me a toilet what oh that's weird what do you mean my toilets talking yeah just uh coming in for a little business number two perhaps no no I'm just here to wash my hands how how are you how are you you sound like mr. dink Navajo no no no I'm not uh I'm not mister then who's that your neighbor oh that's weird that's weird you're weird why are you so weird just take a poop I don't think I want to oh come on now this was a very expensive toilet Monte's gold how its shown she'll be mad no it's gone gone gone show me it's an expensive looking chandelier don't you agree it would be a shame if something were to happen to oh my god that hurt me more than it hurt the chandelier well I guess if if you're like super English maybe you could make that sound good that rhyme that he attempted but I couldn't so I just [ __ ] that shown and gone that's no point gone gone gone Guang Shan Guang Shan I don't know Shawn yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure how you can make that work really I don't think it ever really will work but maybe that's the point maybe the point was that he was too stupid to rhyme because he's dumb because a lot of this games enemies are just stupid this dream brought to you by banjo kazooie by the way and the now-defunct rare Ltd wait a minute they're not defunct you sure daddy six Lum ease in chat says my mom says I can't keep watching vine sauce but I don't care what she says she's right my child don't be a [ __ ] my child that's a quote from Jesus by the way and he's doing the soundtrack for you Kalia [Music] ukulele again I thought I was a nice family-friendly streamer it's amazing that Reggie wouldn't want me to interview him for his family-friendly Nintendo systems stuff I did watch I don't really watch Pro Jared I don't really watch very many youtubers because I'm intensely jealous of them no I'm actually I'm actually just but I did catch the interview with Reggie with Reginald there was a little bit of a burn from Metroid Other M I enjoyed that directly to Reggie's face he [ __ ] shat all over other M and I was like yes Anthony Fanta knows at the needle drop that's him right it's a dream of mine to get red Vox on there and to have him just rip it a new [ __ ] and be like this is terrible this is blood bagel I ripped an [ __ ] a new [ __ ] I can follow him on the keys let's do this Black Keys are real small not bad bear but now watch me can't be this tune amazed I'll be while why do these Keys all have the same no cuz it's a spooky organ anyway that's that's my waving my E [ __ ] around for the evening I hope you enjoyed it I've met no one else yeah so cool sound effect I haven't banned for [ __ ] okay wait hum did you watch me [ __ ] in the bucket did you watch me [ __ ] in the bucket apparently the stream just cut out after I said E [ __ ] okay so at least you got to see me [ __ ] in a bucket I'll miss the Bukit balls pop a little boom oh [ __ ] you who grant Kirk Hope voiced the pots that you're [ __ ] in he had to re-record his lines for the NTSC version because Nintendo America thought it sounded too much like [ __ ] you that's wonderful goodbye this bass you know the grape says outside you have to spit the eggs into that's me but the thing is right it meant end of complained about it saying to redo at least five or six times for the agreed or same country and then they okay are you talking about your balls let me [ __ ] is the point of this pumpkin they had to send the thank you to head office multiple times before the release of banjo kazooie as they warrant convinced that it actually sounds like [ __ ] you those sound a little bit like [ __ ] you Wow or you need to go down the toilet as pumpkin if you try to flush a toilet a toilet Wow if you try to flush a pumpkin down your toilet you there's no hope for you sometimes toilets can be useful for certain footage that's maybe a little bit too let's say you watery let's say the footage is a little too watery for your your your trash but a little too chunky for your sink you know you can maybe throw some of that stuff in your toilet like say it's got the consistency of you know what no I'm not doing that to you guys you don't deserve it oatmeal yeah oh oh meal sure how great would it be if this rare replay collection was on like the switch and it included Donkey Kong 64 Diddy Kong Racing donkey kong country 1 2 and 3 and the ultimate dream that probably wouldn't happen because of Licensing nonsense of course is a goal denied I was so pissed Microsoft bought rare I actually sent it this is how much of a [ __ ] loser I am I actually sent a rare an email they never responded when the rumors we're that Microsoft was gonna buy them and there was no activity during the GameCube era I was like can you guys please make a game you know like if you're gonna go to Microsoft you lose Donkey Kong and you guys are good with Donkey Kong please like Michael Scott in the office like oh no God no I was i Ronald I was actually a stronger than my early early teens 13 nice nice communication this is disgusting also I'm almost dead little little pump punkin fellow can't take very many hits oh it's not that I just keep taking it's fine oh [ __ ] pirate lore oh yeah oh my god die okay yeah [ __ ] tendrils get the [ __ ] out of here tendrils please that's so loud compared to the other sound effects Vinny's in a pickle place your bets place your bets on me right now can I get this last one without dieing did it look how many people bet against me build on ik that's my my favorite company dil donek oh right this thing this is where I got killed pretty hard because I kept touching gruntilda's you know gruntilda is dangerously close to the word grundle and I'm just wondering if you think someone at rare was having a giggle having a laugh I bet there are people in the late nineties looking at this wondering what the connection to Umbrella Corporation was banjo-kazooie and president evil are in the same universe those are hexagons umbrella is an octagon even more conspiracy idol evidence the truth is there someone sent me a picture of Mulder's face just like in pain and an utter disappointment and the caption was when you asked her for pictures of UFOs but she sends you nudes instead and it's just mouldered disappointed just utterly defeated which is inaccurate okay because Mulder had a bit of a porn addiction in the x-files okay and they even in the new series return to that when they show him in the hotel wearing panties okay my name is Larry David and I like to wear women's clothing I like to wear women's underwear I'll [ __ ] off because a way you could handle that our pumpkin you really are a slow modified pumpkin defend yourself yeah I seem to recall rusty bucket bay being a pain in the ass just in a general feeling of the name but I could be completely wrong I don't I just don't know but if it is a pain in the ass like Chad is now saying it is then I might actually not do the 100% on rusty bucket by maybe that will be the non 100% run just to upset completion that's karma that's that's what I get for trying to be an [ __ ] camera [ __ ] rotate camera rotate rotate whoa whoa whoa whoa he goes the pumpkin can go fast pumpkin can go real fast real quick I want to see how speedrunners do this like I want to see a 100% run of banjo kazooie and I need to see what this looks like from an expert it's gonna be like monkey ball level of crazy oh sweet I haven't been using these another spell or more page I see you turned and grunty shale cheeto burn nasty witches so code I shall tell enter red feathers on sand castle floor and treasure trove Cove that's cool that was the worst possible result from that oysters clams and knuckles okay so is that um I was at a deli today I was buying a coffee and there was a dude real Staten Island New York kind of guy you know young like he looked like it looked like Drake a little bit and he's buying lottery tickets he looked like a white Drake let's the I'll leave it like that okay so he's buying lottery tickets right and he's talking to his friend he's like yo hardest ones win for life kid went for life kid he's like y'all y'all if I win this I'm a punch somebody yo I'm a punch somebody and I'm like standing in line there's there's only me him and his friend and the [ __ ] person behind the counter I'm like please don't win please don't win please don't win so he didn't win and then he bought another ticket he's like yo how much is a $20 ticket and then like there was a silence for a moment and then he recovered him he's like no no what not what number is uh the $20 ticket good recovery dude even his friend left sometimes I just like to listen to people like there's the dude who laughs with the dead eyes there's just one dude who shows up at all the delis who just just laughs like he kind of laughs without smiling and his eyes just stay completely like empty and blank it's really really weird actually it's more like that huh I've seen him at least three or four of the delis I go to and the thing about him is he talks to all of the people behind the counter he'll stay there for like hours I don't think I think what happens is he does drugs I know because he bragged to me one time about how much drugs he does his older guy he was telling me like he was on this this this and this that was the last time I decided to have a chat with that fella and he was and he just talks for hours to these poor people that are just trying to do their job and mostly about himself like I do to you poor people for hours at a time but then again I guess you come here for that specifically so it's weird I seen him all the time I worry that he's gonna talk at me cuz there have been times I was late to stuff and he would just start talking to me and I'd be like listen yeah I gotta go I see how it is there is no how it is what do you mean no no no I just have to go like I'm late for a [ __ ] New Year's party please oh this level sucks holy [ __ ] take pictures that would be kind of rude of me don't you think hey can I get a picture of you so I can without your consent show a fuckload of people on the internet I guess most people wouldn't give a [ __ ] but I kind of care I may not want to engage the dude in like an hour-long conversation but I don't think I would I don't think I would do that nor actually say anyone's name you know as long as it's just a dude it could be anyone they're just stories [Music] no [ __ ] really that was about the best jump I could manage oh my god come babe a cup by you come pay for a oh my god yeah this this might be a level that I do not 100 100 good [ __ ] 100 [Music] [ __ ] that why is everything on this level want me dead well that's every level never mind this this one just extra wants me dead now get out of here you [ __ ] devil I recognise El Diablo when I see one I also think that it's a little infuriating that this level's music incorporates whistles it's a little annoying Stan Stan okay that's cool yeah let me let me go through the process of feeding my eggs to this thing and then formed water wait what the hell is this Oh cause it's oil you can't stay in the oil too long England Tom so wait a minute is kazooie and banjo land actually canonically taking place like does it canonically exist somewhere in England for Queen and country hey Einstein so that would make this and the star fox universe in the same universe because Einstein is is real life and and now this is real life because England and Golden Eye for England James for England for England James James James James James bolt okay we're gonna be waiting up here on this box for a moment while I take a sip of my beverage for the night which if you're curious is yeah CIM you ever had yeah come [Music] all the people saying yak come and chat is rule ruining my punchline there was no punchline nor was there a joke I tried I couldn't figure out I just figured maybe someone out there would believe there was actually a drink called Yakima just iced tea stem $0.99 iced teas you know what I'm trapped help get this thing off snorkel okay okay that anchor would have whipped that dolphin in half questions cool camera cool [ __ ] camera that sabotages my attempts I'm just guessing here I can no longer afford to guess [Music] then the [ __ ] health pickups have [ __ ] around them that could hurt you yeah okay Jesus so someone makes livestream fail videos like compilation videos and a number of people have linked me to one of them and I'm in it it's my mario64 loud corruption where I scream and ungodly on holy Sh Pali scream I jumped and kazooie at the exact right time to the music the shark must be some kind of [ __ ] mutant if I can live in I've had too much oily water yeah get [ __ ] destroyed there's people that didn't know you could kill the shark oh my god there's a lot of people that didn't know you could kill the shark yeah you kill the shark I'm surprised no one's ever tried that when they were a kid well who's scarier the shark or the mario64 piano all right who's scarier the shark or the corrupted mario64 piano I know the answer that's nonsense oh here we go here's the boss who dares enter boss boom boxes Holt boom box oh god it's nesting dolls of boxes it's nesting boxes you're some [ __ ] or as Jesus once said don't be a [ __ ] my son my child well look it's concur back when Kaka was innocent and not corrupted okay I see a knife and I see a stove top if I put the knife on the stove top does that create a meme buckets a [ __ ] hot lard why are you in the refrigerator banjo always sounds like he's having fun and kazooie always sounds like she's choking banjo just seems like a carefree fun-loving kind of bear good yes there's this [ __ ] again gin room oh yeah this is where I was last time that's right okay good thanks thanks peas oh yeah and I wonder you guys said this level sucks this room alone is just a pain in the ass [Music] then you really need that token at least you don't lose your notes anymore yeah yep the quarters cool eat a dick very cool worst voice ever I don't trust any paintings in this game after that previous level oh [ __ ] lore it's [ __ ] kroehner poulos it's the El Nido archipelago do you think Clanker and this boat have never never mind and again this is I don't even really need to do any of this this is just for completion purposes I guess no I'm kind of having fun even though there's level kind of socks [Music] I'm not getting that mumbo token I know it's shiny I know some of you probably really want me to get it I'm not getting it if I leave that one egg there someone's gonna have a [ __ ] fit those [ __ ] scrotums all right so this is this likes against the clock a little bit [Music] is there gonna impede my progress and possibly cost me this maybe no the answer is no the answer is yes the answer is I'm [ __ ] out oh yes [Music] shut the [ __ ] up gruntilda okay I have the good cycle no bad cycle actually go [ __ ] I'm talking about just just go just go go perfectly I got a ship where's the back of the ship this is the back of the ship where's this the front of the ship and this is the back of the ship this is the back of the ship don't be a [ __ ] don't be a [ __ ] get in there get in there yeah wait what the [ __ ] what's that beans kill camera cool camera I keep thinking like something is going off like some kind of alarm every time I come up for air it's just it's so loud it takes me out of the game wait a minute wait a minute hold the fort oh there's flight yeah I remember one time I said hold the fort someone in chat said fort held I for some reason I've never forgotten that all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here and I'll go up and squash grunty by sitting on her face getting my ass chomped a little bit here actually let me let me try something here insta-kill Wow okay I didn't know you could do that so even I learned something today I don't think we're doing sub our it would have been some hour if I didn't have to do now never mind over a minute never mind said sub our dreams crushed oh god damn it grunting [ __ ] up all right tell me more about the [ __ ] flavored toothpaste gruesome gruntilda's favorite pastime is collecting dragon tits teeth that's not so bad this poor guy called dirty birdie it was their first and only boyfriend you side with banjo but changed tack imagine you on grunty's back okay [Music] that's weird when she was younger that was a grunty used to have a med vulture as a pet it's a very strange coincidence that grunty's like I want you on my back [Music] so maybe I'm applying for the role of a voice actor so I can voice a bull and ukulele and I'm just testing my my strength as a bull oh wait ukulele went gold never mind um that's not happening lions [ __ ] my plans completely [ __ ] mate so I can pick Jo god the camera here is a little rough for example a minute [ __ ] off [ __ ] off might okay so click clock woods the beginnings of Donkey Kong 64 if you will here's the seasons Oracle of Seasons and ages of mostly just seasons [Music] oh you're [ __ ] might I like this music [Music] hmm yeah I don't need a gold feather to get a gold feather Oh I've also kind of had a a thing if you remember the earthbound stream I did slide about subscription crates and how I thought they sucked that is mainly due to my personal experience I want you to know that that is definitely if you enjoy them go for it enjoy yourself I mean I think it's [ __ ] but that's okay it's just that's just my thoughts it's like here do this thing and then I get it and it's [ __ ] garbage I'm like yep good good good good I'm sure someone somewhere has found a good one like bacon crate every month you get bacon related items to your house and dildos and all that stuff but you know it's I think unless it's like a real utility I'm not really sure if it's if it's worth it for me there are probably some useful ones like tool crate every month you get a new tool so that you never run out of tools and can always fix your sink and then and thus look like a tool getting tool crate vine crate it'll come with red dildos vine sauce condoms [Music] confluent are used kazoo a used band-aid and a limited edition piece of toilet and trash it's just full of trash you have to dig through trash to get any of the good stuff chomp chew NAB nut likes acorns okay I'll get you some acorns maybe [Music] I'll [ __ ] you oh no come on Oh oh-oh-oh I remember there was um there was one company there was some company I forget what they was boxes for men and it was like knives and bacon and guns well maybe not guns but that was the branding of it was you open it with a [ __ ] crowbar and you got a [ __ ] load of like like like strong coffee and I don't know you know stuff men like yeah but at the very least one thing I would say is with those guys you can actually see what you're getting before you get it that to me makes the difference because then you can see if it's worth it if it's just a bunch of random stuff you never know if you're gonna get Captain Picard's ball sack or an actual enterprise scale model you know I mean you'd want the scale model like I would hope all right I see like too many people here that would want the useless Captain Picard ball sack I don't know maybe I just don't know what kids want these days I have no idea anymore never mind oh that doesn't actually kill it resilient son of a [ __ ] [Music] feed me Seymour captain in what signifies that it's his ball sack it's it's a limited exclusive very cool I guess is there anything is this flour gonna grow tits or is that conquer unless this flower has tits this is a bet big game okay all that is nonsense my bramble field makes you Yelp yeah I'm gonna give bad reviews on Yelp to gruntal de for her [ __ ] shitty bramble field not as good as bramble scramble bramble scramble better music you want to know how I feel about water levels they mostly suck there's a few decent water levels here and there but I generally dread water levels and water temples and bunch of dungeons and stuff like that I've been conditioned I usually don't like swim controls but just tolerate them oh boy time to pollinate yeah i'ma pollinate the [ __ ] you doing Larry Pauline dick be go up forever that's forever let me let me park my B ass over this way there's a weird-looking [ __ ] B this is a bearbie combo I don't like it bear B [Music] land alright yeah hello fat that'll be we Zubaz are guarding grunty's golden honey piece we've been told there's a honey bear out there yeah that's son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] honey bear he's got a bird stupid bird on his back real real jerk odd-looking duck hello fellow bees so how do I have my chance get this item my fellow B brethren please by all means tell me your secret okay they're they're wasps hang on there you go [Music] all right [Music] got it I got all I got it land oh there's there's bird burb burb is now hungry oh no it's you two again God we thought he was safe here oh no go V you're never safe sorry Kobe Kobe's lot in life is to suffer at the hand of the bear in the bird Gobi is this games cricket rickety cricket you look pretty strong can you move this the [ __ ] do I look like I mean maybe oh yeah well what do you know I didn't know my own strength have I watched Louie yeah I've seen all of Louie one of my favorite moments from Louie is when the garbage men are outside waking him up and then they just magically appear in his house like just just stomping all over his bed oh oh like yep I know as a New Yorker I know that feel even as a Staten Islander [ __ ] stinky masuka's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gotchas I just wiped out an entire species they didn't yeah that's my wife sir they do not conch contribute well they're not really wasps all right cuz wasps do they make honey the wasps make honey no they're beasts they're just like scum bees nope they don't oh they're just a pain and they eat and kill other species but like see now we're getting into like karl pilkington territory where he's like wondering why jellyfish need to exist it's all part of the ecosystem turtles eat them I get that they're useless tall creatures with perfectly round heads not unlike Carlton's oh [ __ ] not unlike Carl himself ah I I really I don't agree that every species needs to be like looked at like oh why is this thing here you know if it evolved it did something right however I don't have a single excuse for mosquitoes if anyone has any okay if anyone here would like to represent mosquitoes in the court of law now's your chance [ __ ] mosquito Wow well I mean I know this is a huge chat I often say that there's so many different types of personalities that wonder you guys disagree and argue and it's just a big [ __ ] however I think I just found a way to unite the chat mostly however some people have brought evidence that their food for other on their animals well Carl has once said as we all know Carl is am a genius philosopher maybe they should find something else to eat I mean you're not just gonna starve to death you're gonna like eat other things you know if the Taco Bell closes down the block from you you're gonna go to Wendy's both are bad choices mind you but you know this house sucks are you really using car logic Vinny no yes maybe [ __ ] precarious Falls like I said it's weird cuz Karl does sometimes have a point it's it's not not awful not often and again the way he wants to eliminate jellyfish fellas because he thinks they're stupid and useless I don't agree with that obviously but there are times the every now and then Karl brings out a point that it's just shocking thousands of species have evolved to play on mosquitoes without them the entire food web would collapse and everything on earth would be [ __ ] I mean what happens when species go extinct like the dodo like who was eating dodo chicken you know like for example when the dodo died out who got [ __ ] out of that one like whose whose favorite meal got taken away from him it was the otter wasn't it [ __ ] otters carnivorous otters that's a real Oh [Music] get on your bird the sailors who killed them is it true that dodo meat didn't even taste that good I mean none of you would know but reports reports where that dodo meat was like kind of bad come on jumbo I killed all the Dodos by farming the rune sword while someone remembers remembers my streams very well I didn't even remember that it was Dodos out yet you're right I was killing Dodos that's correct oh my god oh god Lois oh my god the Dodos taste bad thing came directly from Carl Oh No all my memory banks have been infected I'm so sorry this is not good I need to like I need to lobotomize the part of my brain that has absorbed Carl's information but I could have sworn that there were some weird reports of dodo meat not tasting good I I just I mean if it didn't taste good why the [ __ ] were they hunted to extinction maybe it was delicious no grown Knab nuts eaten too many acorns I've got none left for next winter now you idiot NAB Knight you're an idiot play a record Oh deviant arts own Little Boots Devo leaving on its own come on deviantart adopted dodo eggs tasted really good that's why they died but see now if that's true that doesn't make sense because why not like harvest the dodo eggs you know and then not murder eyes them because that wouldn't goddamn it Oh [ __ ] sake alright mumbo I need your magic too hot for magic mom oh you [ __ ] you Jake to me they were a menace to farms so they got shot and animals we brought over ate a lot of women and their eggs those poor bastards it's a shame too because you know we could have had Kentucky Fried dodo had they still been around Popeyes dodo that this is weird but wasn't there like a [ __ ] thing where they thawed a mammoth and it was like kind of a like very intact because it was frozen so completely and people ate the mammoth meat dodo 10d yes Oh God really that happened who the [ __ ] is eating that old meat like you know you throw out chicken that's been in your in your freezer for too long you're gonna go for that I don't think orden Ramsay I'll coat is frozen oh dear God it's been frozen for 20,000 years while the [ __ ] Ferb what do you want from me bub oh you want these these poor caterpillars look they've got eyes like they're alive and [ __ ] [ __ ] massive I'll [ __ ] you anymore caterpillars need 10 this time we better be friends when you grow up you better not be my enemy [Music] if you're not with me you're against me frog music I love frog step as amongst my favoritest of the genres genres J oh sorry J a and H n sorry J Ahn alright I'm gonna stop now yeah no thanks you're hoping Mambo won't have some kind of bogus excuse about why he can't turn me into a [ __ ] be bogus totally bogus you're [ __ ] your [ __ ] bike inmate fine I don't feel good doing this to Gobi that's a real [ __ ] times and bluing just before winter all right that's it I'm off to the lava world they'll never find me there all right because there is no lava worlds right that's the joke didn't people like attempt to find a lava world because it was like no go be said there's a lava world it's it's into E isn't it let me guess I don't know this for sure but I'm gonna guess that banjo tooie has a lava world and go ago B is there so they made it the banjo tooie reference before the game I mean they did that a few times actually see this is why rare was so awesome me well one of a thousand reasons okay that's not the way to handle that if you want to see me shoot I have a new no II kind of new video of me playing counter-strike it is shoot no bad game a few you are at last I've been waiting I took it before he even offered it I've been waiting months to give you this way really okay no it was a gift it's fine it's fine I didn't just steal his thing that he loved [ __ ] you bird five [ __ ] dollar for every time I've said [ __ ] you bird in a video game alright well I've had enough of trying to jump on these leaves hope you enjoyed the jumping on leaf segments of the stream it is now ended [ __ ] birds there's another dollar this whole stream has been me cursing out birds let's check in on our friends nothing in here for you now bear we've all moved out promised there's some stuff in here don't play me like that by the way did you did you call me bear and not banjo also what the hell is this particular one doing in here still like if everyone abandoned ship and I tried I [Music] don't think he's got a hitbox least the house got completed yep I saw that one coming emaciated squirrel we need six more a collar or acorns before winter comes have you seen any oh you kind of did this to yourself buddy how convenient it would be for a bear to come and clean up my problems most young squirrel young conquer young conquer did that get chicken yet what was reaction so overwhelmingly negative that they just completely shitcan that game hololens is delayed okay so I guess that's gonna be a hololens game oh my god that actually worked I just got it like [ __ ] I got a shout obscenities in a silly box and then Vincent fell no more than 10 seconds later squandering an opportunity to look cool in front of his stream viewers nabbed nut Ned Ned's [ __ ] bird it's the only good bird on this level Thank You bear very soon be Big Bird must have sleep alright kazooie's a good bird bye definitely by definition but you know kazooie's a little bit abrasive so how many of you folks think that I'm a disembodied voice and that when the stream stops I go back into non-existence because if you answered yes you're right what if I told you I was in Google AI experiment and I've been I've been learning over the past six years how to interact with humans why do you think I like Star Trek The Next Generation so much I want to be just like the character data that was me I just want to be data or collect data let me collect okay okay map now where the [ __ ] is your last nut nut loose is your favorite anime is that a real anime probably shouldn't ask such questions for I fear the answer it's not really really them depth perception I don't have very good Johnny Depp perception right now so I'm struggling a bit I mean you have to line up like this this seems to be the preferred I wouldn't be surprised if it just for wait I'm going through the I'm going through the Acorn I am going through the Acorn the [ __ ] kind of collision detection is that I guess you just have to be perfect it was like a very specific perfect nut collect if B that's all of them oh that's all of them okay good [Music] that didn't work out at all okay winter it's the season I'm currently enjoying right now when I say enjoying I mean can this [ __ ] [ __ ] be over now I hate it I like being outside I like doing things outside I understand that me saying I like going outside is not gonna be a popular statement you know internet and all I didn't like I outside you know when I was young well when I was really young I liked outside before them internets and then like my teens I was like no half life is so much more fun and so is Warcraft and online stuff and and then I guess in the past five years I was like yeah no wait a minute I actually feel good when I go outside weird had that happen obviously I won't spend like 1200 one button I won't spend like 12 hours outside but I you know I like a few hours a day it's nice and it helps keep me in my moods even so that's why the winner kind of blows for me and also in the summer I keep more active than the winter I'm just like hibernating I'm like [ __ ] my mo is just on vacation yeah you hairy fool come back in the spring who's scruffy-looking this place got [ __ ] wrecked plant dead this is like [ __ ] true nightmare swimming under an ice core I don't usually get visitors in winter could you imagine this poor sap like he's indoors all winter he can't even leave his house at all and no internet no video games what the [ __ ] is he doing all winter there's like so much sleeping you can do I mean Jesus no books nothing [ __ ] blows oh no oh oh my god oh my god no I want to jump out of the water but I couldn't do it like I got to the surface I press the jump button and then it just went right back down I just I wish there was a slightly more accurate way to aim oh my god then he which is worse for you drowning or getting squashed at regular speed not slow or fast what the [ __ ] kind of specific question is that getting squashed at a medium pace what in Christ's name are you talking about where this thought come from getting squished at a medium pace oh I guess man this is like really really really morbid Chet but I'm gonna humor it for a second and say that if both drowning and that take roughly the same time how do you answer this question this question sucks I don't like it move on next question snowmen were Tommy wise out of the whole time oh whoa Irie Mighty Eagle at last watch me fly into the sky but I'm just trying to jumbo I have reward from their friend here it comes he just pooped that out of his butt that was out of the butt of the thing there I was out of his butt I don't want that [Music] I've I've I've I'm determined to kill these snowmen I don't like them to feathers left spectacular failure [Music] slippery there's snow physics oh when did he get him one day to get a mate oh he's he's dating like a [ __ ] massive jinjo like a giant squirrel sized jinjo and they said love couldn't be real between the jinjos and the squirrel folk of cos do we lend who says love can't bloom on the kazoo we filled the things I do for 100% oh you gotta fly you're gonna fly to get up there oh the students laughing at my misfortune he knows I don't have enough feathers or a jerk or a [ __ ] jerk he knows I have just enough feathers to make this happen but it's got to be perfect [Music] cool game that's cool that is super cool that because that is look at how cool that was though can I not go in that [ __ ] window I swear I've killed myself more with beak bombs that any enemy has hurt me in this game it's it's insane so I do have to be precise and actually though I have to actually get in there right 91-92 Oh what have I done Jacob why have you done you've torn apart this family Jacob I don't like click backwards anymore oh yeah right [ __ ] [ __ ] that's alright [ __ ] get some red feathers go back in okay now I just have to try to [ __ ] you man [ __ ] with me I hate banjo-kazooie I hate banjo kazooie so much it's it's gonna be fine I got this I got this brothers cuz if so then I'm done here okay I didn't think banjo kazooie was gonna be a game that would raise my blood pressure but I think it has gotta love that click clock was very infuriating very good very cool okay here it is here it is making the best of this skin he's gonna work out just great and get right puckered in the anus what is going on here what just [ __ ] happens there that's two two unsuccessful attempts where I was right in that thing's grille [ __ ] go I can't even get in there okay we get in yeah well let me go in crusty this is crusty as [ __ ] I don't like this I would have liked to affect it but my animation gets stuck see and and there's there's like cool physics happening like ice physics I can't I can't just pick it it's not easy it's awesome almost maybe maybe I can do this what that's the wrong one isn't it kill me do it do it here's a video to prove its not japes okay let's see someone's got a video here yeah dad now that is it that's the exact that's the exact place I'm doing everything I should be doing it's the right spot it's just now I have to just do it right nice chill relaxing game of banjo kazooie kabuki it's like I've come this far I can't I can't I can't not get it I have to get it so I'm gonna get it man does that one [ __ ] suck [Music] [Music] [ __ ] yeah trash room all this extra food watch me get killed in here by these two [ __ ] before I ever get the honeycomb [Music] that would that would have been great and then I would have just shut off the stream and never came back fine sauces then over I deem vine sauce complete it's for the best and now for the last two notes it's gonna take my time start with this one [Music] let's go beaker and chilled now we get a disco beat print gruntilda let's trust me I know what I'm doing alright so I need the B right so let's go get the B and we'll go out into the world and get that last jiggy I'll look the beaver friend now I can't move the boulder I just I'm busy sorry I gotta get the last jiggy now 100% run consists of just all the jiggies right form of B how about this I'll get the note in one year so forget about it put it out of your mind all right don't even think about it cuz it's just gonna annoy you and when the time comes I'll return to the game and one year from now I'll get the note it is the final jiggy [Music] yeah we could do a charity incentive I don't know if you know this but I'm in this for the long haul this is definitely part of this part of a new strategy I'm developing you'll see trust me I know you don't there's a dude who said that they unsub because I didn't get the note but they're still subbed make it happen son look at that look at those amounts they're so good freeze easy go be mad monster mansion rusty bucket bay and click clock woods [Music] someone said this is why people in JP you actually that's not true I almost never do [ __ ] like this you guys are shaping me all the time always giving me wrong directions payback gruntilda time [Music] welcome all grunty's the name banjos here to play my game my lair is done and he stands through all my tricks and traps and lands this final test will see me win when banjo fails then I'll be thin prizes on the stand bring joy from Tootsie down to cuddly toy my little quiz will make you sweat a Tootsie you shall never get cuz somewhere soon along the way your lack of skill will make my day because I reap it you'll go and I will win the prize on show go step on over the square press a to try if you dare and bubble gloop swamps giant egg what it's not inside you needn't beg a [Music] lucky guests you got it right the next squares you're a visual challenge stupid bear to tell me who it is something something see the picture on the screen do you know where you've been beam no this looks like a [ __ ] little muddy [ __ ] texture I know the answers but I'm gonna I'm just gonna take the death [Applause] [Music] bad start not starting with health is probably not the best option what is your little sister's name booty her name is 2d character from the game do you know this dumb things now of course I know its name I love its name Ned grab nut his name is grab nut magnet the giant plant click Lockwood from from a camel from Gobi music okay listen carefully to this tune which worlds it from you furry goon picture on the screen do you know where you have been yeah freeze easy monster mansion gives you a scare and why what in the cellar isn't there say red feathers okay prepare your body oh so it's this [ __ ] mini gaming [Music] it's jinjo blue egg mambo one second on the clock banjo stupid grunty's cool what was my name at which is school it was um cauldron but she's cute she's quite a dame what's my first boyfriend's name that was we got that one tonight does dirty birdie see the picture on my screen do you know where you have been yeah gobies Valley that one's pretty good more grunty questions which band do I sing so well it's um grunty in them I knew these was gonna be the big problems for me so when I go to which school you went to fat hag hi one rusty bass crane hangs over the side it holds a box ball what's inside TNT like a full health salon mumbos mountains surrounded by see there's a jinjo what color is he walk if I'm supposed to know that kind of question is how the [ __ ] at mumbo skull how many feathers were on top before really and click clock would the Eagles lame can you recall the stupid birds name he really know now the turtle one not this one [Music] guys this is [ __ ] me this is [ __ ] me up cuz they're in different spots I was going by wedding where they were I was I wasn't going by color I was going by location - [ __ ] the big box oh really guess we're doing this again I didn't have any [ __ ] invincibility feathers what in the ground must you sew an egg can't believe that click clock woods with my first boyfriend's name dirty birdie we're gonna get some repeats at least here's three facts about rusty Bay which one's true today ship has three funnels the engine room is for cogs there are four lifeboats [Music] likes this one at least I was able to do this one pretty easily and then yellows three them Reds no no this one's gonna be real close [Music] [Applause] [Music] pain and suffering okay a little bit better this time so far good and better start I'm pre-empting the warms a little bit better oh don't [ __ ] around proper octopus octopus man here we go got it okay character from the game do you know the dumb things name nope blubber blubber captain blubber I somehow remember that okay captain captain's cabin and rusty Bay what's on the bad lucky guess but I guess that kind of makes sense listen up what character has this that sucks I have no idea oh well you can wear the things voice when you move over it your moves are slow it's the name of your jump attack credit that was a mistake I don't need to pick that up you want to hear us which band do I sing in so well it's um I cannot lie I tell the truth what's hanging from my bedroom roof rotting fish gobies Valley looks at helmed it's a jigsaw in the sand grabba see the picture on my screen do you know where you have been yes treasure trove mad monster which character has the dumb voice go B go B it keeps me safe and free from harm what have I is a lucky charm I don't know this one I think there's a dragon's for ya I did know that one just one chance to get this right when a joker and help it right pick up items on the ground which one makes this silly sin so easy each Joker card that you have got will skip one question that's your lot charmer helps you on your way in his pyramid what did you pay blue eggs this [ __ ] thing again oh boy I'm gonna have to do this without I can't I cannot afford to take damage here and I'm still [ __ ] up the order of things incredible Vinnie Bennett memory games vine sauce you're witnessing him right now okay we're good same as before didn't mean I remembered it she remember but we'll see if this is heard where would you be [Music] I'm gonna say walruses cave yeah mumbos Mountain is a thriller what's the name of the gorilla conga Dave a tower in which they hide on mumbos Mountain what's inside took her the termite picture do you know where you've been yep yeah I very much know where this is or I know it all too well it was the source of my rage for night 20 10 to 15 minutes mumbos Mountain it's not dull what in the eye of mumbo skull maybe um mumbo token clankers cavern it's a pain what's attached to clankers chain master pen boy [Music] no one can win I was assured by the makers of this board affair I want to win how I long to be real thin now you can take the prize on show while at the winding stairs I go you won't catch me I've made sure all the credits you'll now adore which prize shall we take kazooie the washing machine it's a washing machine cauldron oh how about that grotty ugly thing I think we should take to tea that's what I meant cuz it was all weeds I kind of want the washing machine good game we did it [Music] deputy keyboard to have her morton buzz bomb bigwig clucker these names a lot of keyboard tapping cartoony bits and more scribbling edy jinjo brian like o'brien scene crayon are steve sandy but [Music] there is grant kirkhope nachus shrapnel these themes are so these nicknames suck Simon lingo farmer Ripert [Music] Ted Nintendo's president at the time yeah mochi when this game was made yeah now they even have specific credits for this version those lights in the background are flipping the [ __ ] out so much keyboard tapping I'll [ __ ] the ancient one um tumblr rare big cheese's Vinny 99 out of 100 vine sauce Metal Gear Solid big cheese there is there's Ken lob Phil Spencer all right dear God so we're just doing a victory lap now does this ever end beans beans on it okay well I'm gonna stuff a thing in my face give me a moment he said chocolate you sickos that's my first chocolate I've had in two days and man do I like chocolate two full days can you believe it yeah looking at that toilet makes me want more chocolate you can't have the in Ben Joe are the stars of this game the party for grunty's got away so get back up there and finish the job [Music] [Applause] I'm not going yes you are let's go they're celebrating and this whole time grunty is still [Music] somewhere in hell I want that guy to unsub to apologize that's right that's right you get that last banana the final one the final one [Music] turns out it's 2018 already so I mean I'm gonna do it all right just here it is all right here we go guys I'm gonna get hello what happened hello well it did this drink Oh who's having whose vineyard I do not know who he knew this I'm sorry no it is just me no today we come to our pee okay listen I slowly begin to unzip your click Lockwood myself frozen crusty beautiful I slowly begin to work my dessert into your gaping three-branch you become pregnant I collected the final note do you wish to continue yes or no that was weird let's do it let's finish this game don't eat petrol someone said they're gonna eat petrol what the hell are you doing you mean drink petrol monsters chased you there a hounding then you'll get a grunty pounding please do not pound me grunty we won't have to wait a year at least we don't have to wait a year I considered I very considered the possibility very strongly considered the possibility of having that be a charity incentive and literally leaving it for our full-year but as much as I would love to jape as much as I would love to be a massive dick I would have trouble sleeping at night knowing that there was one musical note uncollected I just couldn't do it disgusting smell or visitors for dig pot I like visitors a wonder you get any sewer breath get any strange birdy thing mean she said that we're looking for gruntilda do you know where she is sure do mr. bear gruntilda's awful you know she was sick in me earlier on if you can get rid of her I'll be free don't be sure your silly pot soon I'll have you nice and hot see these filthy clothes I've got what i won you'll washed a lot don't worry ding pot will sort her out if you can find us a way up to her just sploosh on in and I'll fire you up to the top come on kazooie you had a chance to peck the witch's butt let's go so this is just like refills man the red feather refill would have come in real handy earlier what's going on here oh I don't even remember this all [ __ ] oh the power of cheese unlocked [ __ ] yeah double health that is a wonderful thing to get for 100% in the game I can't believe that furry pear got right up here it's so unfair but now the stupid bear must fight this battle tests your skill and light oh there we go okay I don't remember how to do this fight by any means so this is this is me just at square one basically let's trot this [ __ ] okay it's all been leading up to this [ __ ] off Grundy oh [ __ ] not gonna work Oh eat a dick I don't know why I shot an egg yeah there you go see how this works now beautiful not grunty for the record one [Music] big old gal I just maybe but when I fly you won't get me that should be a [ __ ] you know that should be yellow feather this is gonna suck I don't whew know this but I'm not very good at the dive-bomb things look at that look at that brilliant brilliant display that's right Mitch he did pretty well Mitch she knows what he's doing he's been playing this game start to finish still doesn't know how to do the [ __ ] moves doesn't even remember what it's called hey that right Mitch that's right Mitch [Music] sudden banjo music okay [ __ ] all of that grunty you are so going down as soon as I figure out how to use this move I was not planning on grunty stopping there almost there go right now [ __ ] face [Music] just always like a few nano [ __ ] ears of punk [ __ ] hair away [Applause] it doesn't come to grief here's a spell I can hide beneath not cool grunty you know grunt sounds like another word useless jinjo sneer and hoot get right back now or something food I guess food was used to measure basically the ending of Majora's Mask on your legs on your feet you're not [ __ ] around right now are you grunty the mighty Gingin ater activate me how dare you cheat but I don't care I can't be beat and that double health still it's still hard oh you have to wait for them to close redoing eggs [Music] really after all this [Music] I hate you grunt oh very much absolutely love the idea that you can't block the homing one so very shameful so very very shameful but you can block it but you need to [ __ ] you need the thing it's [ __ ] end this now to put this to rest sick of your [ __ ] grunty we're going late - it is a very late stream ok and I really have much of a chance there move to the side that time I don't have time to do a ground pound it's crazy oh that actually hurts that from that that wasn't even that high hahaha this game tonight has been frustration night with banjo kazooie I pressed the wrong button I'm freaking out freaking out man that hurts - can't even touch grunty this is horse horseshit going for the [ __ ] speed kill here I knew that wasn't gonna work I did it anyway stupid stupid stupid [Music] alright okay okay alright never mind the fast kill alright okay alright unbelievable never would have expected to see something like that oh my god grunting to you you [ __ ] suck well technically I suck but god [ __ ] damn I hate this fight right now here I will in my defense say that I should not be doing a boss fight that requires concentration add quarter after 4:00 in the morning but then again that is my fault too because I actually started streaming late tonight I mean how much more banjo there was gonna be I didn't know click o'clock woods was gonna take so [ __ ] long but yeah that's that's not gonna happen again I can't go off the level like that that was absolutely beautiful I was so close to before which is just a few more eggs to vomit into the jinjos [ __ ] and it would have been fine where you going first grunty there's that fun move again oh [ __ ] that kind of getting a little impatient now so I'm rushing and I'm taking dumb damage alright there we go now it's time for flight going for the quick kill this time I'm not doing any stupid maneuvers like that I'm gonna get that thing alright here we go here we go banjo kazooie it's time to put this game to rest that was almost as bad as before actually this is what I'm saying about like you can't go too high because if you go too high then you're [ __ ] your Mulund because then you have to point down and then you might do what I did before like oh my god I almost just did it again okay and patience is gonna get me killed again [Music] Oh oh that was the wrong time for you to move the [ __ ] out the way alright okay okay but that's [ __ ] with that one it's gonna take my time and place [Music] that's not Michelle often before myself I [ __ ] it I'm absolutely [ __ ] it the stream will be forever this is the stream that goes on and on and on my friends I really just wish there was a better way to aim your [ __ ] shots or is it keep happening that's really stupid damage to take - it's just just gonna stream until forever [ __ ] you it's forever I'm not going to make an attempt for commentary because I need to whatever brain cells I have left I need to focus them into this fight so for in this game I have no luck or could it be that I just suck from my mouth these eggs will vomit as hard as rocks as fast as comet ah I've had enough of this rancid [ __ ] I will take to the air and grunt I will hit III hate this part so much I'm now afraid that everything I do is gonna lead to a death here see do you see what I mean [Music] come on I press the button no longer will I be aiming down for if I die I will wear a frown I can't believe I did this the first time to be honest I'm I'm shocked that I didn't kill myself the first time I did this I was so close to beating gruntilda off by a [ __ ] Millican tear yet again alright I hate this part alright losing enough Wow [ __ ] Wow okay here we go again [Music] one button just believe and believe in me and I will be able to do this believe in me I believe in myself it's gonna happen [Music] you can get multiple eggs in a row it's [ __ ] things are devious give [ __ ] grunty [Music] it was the combined belief that did it or I just stopped playing like a [ __ ] [ __ ] but that both of those and you just take your time and plan out while I think I guess I kind of just had to learn a pattern anyway Art's not happening tonight by the way assistance just to let you know we'll do a double art on the next stream [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] rest in peace here lies grunty for that boss fight was extremely [ __ ] why is there a human in this game what is this my strategically-placed coconuts what melons I should say always always having it shape that kazooie at least they're all together on a beach why didn't we do this already it's just an onion it's just a [ __ ] onion Holi wobble really it's just a cauliflower with eyes just call it what it is cauliflower with eyes frustrating and tiresome was that bossfight puckered and clenched made my ass tight for now the game is finally finished sometimes I wish I was finished my love for banjo has not diminished for though the game had kicked my ass I finished and beat the game with hopefully some class for my rhymes are both unoriginal and uninspired Carl play a record you're fired I don't know how retired rhymes with fired or with the other yeah my rhymes are unoriginal and uninspired perhaps it's time that I finally retired [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm going to bed I'm tired there's a million ways I could have gone about it but I [ __ ] you Carl you're fired is justjust just fine just fine fine whatever a funnier character we've never had for jar-jar this is wonderful ain't he dead did God every character in the game apparently someone had said the titties being censored was very specific like they weren't allowed to show them you saw there was a little light jiggle too so they had to put like melons in front of them secrets used in next game we're going to be in another game yes yes I did we don't say [ __ ] anymore that the game just said [ __ ] and I'm pretty sure so it'll go like get their panties in a pretty and a right twist it is English they do say [ __ ] like it's you know like it's the word though da I [ __ ] up wait really according to Marissa the a I [ __ ] up I didn't even know that was possible I'm gonna have to see that can someone make a clip of the [ __ ] up it fell they didn't get to the top I was looking at the chat really it's not pre-recorded it's actually an AI that happened some time oh it can't happen okay this isn't like a rare one one-in-a-million event okay here it is oh yeah hey foul yeah they fall and they keep jumping the timing is different from the n64 version okay name over Preston [ __ ] pieces grunty that was uh that was a [ __ ] of a fight and that was a [ __ ] of a final banjo stream worth it we're done banjo kazooie's over I've really really enjoyed it I got a little frustrated at the end but again that's just that's a hard fight that was actually a legitimately difficult boss fight but you know we it's done and I love it the game is great I'm so happy I played it and all of my reservations about streaming a collectathon or unjustified that was a lot of fun so banjo tooie is a guaranteed stream at some point in the future I really really hope you enjoyed it I'm actually shocked that there's over 5,000 people between twitch and YouTube watching this right now that is insane for what time of night it is right now so really all I can say is thanks for sticking around thanks for watching me [ __ ] up thanks for enduring my jape and I will see you on the flip side so good night to you my dearest friends for now the stream comes to an end for all the pain that we have suffered I leave you now with rhymes with suffered good night
Channel: Blood_Wraith ‎
Views: 307,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, banjo, kazooie, compilation, highlights, banjo-kazooie
Id: FaXx4aTFmCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 27sec (12207 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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