[Vinesauce] Vinny – The Subspace Emissary Experience: Death Reel Edition

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I'm gonna be playing Subspace Emissary which was the single player of this particular Smash Brothers now I'll tell you why I think this is the black sheep of the smash family but look at what it brought to us it brought snake and Sonic a level editor Falls tripping oh boy forget I said tripping I don't look forward to tripping that this is actual twitch stats from just before I started streaming you can see it is not the most popular Smash Brothers game on twitch [Music] I'm a little rubbish at Smash I can be good but I continue to suck intense no very hard no we'll just go for hard Kabhi Kabhie oh there's the first trip and I already hate the trips yeah Subspace Emissary was nuts look at this [ __ ] fighting clouds this was the first appearance of cloud in Smash Brothers it's been probably well over a couple years since I played a Smash Brothers game so at least in a serious capacity so I have to get my sea legs about me but it's like right in the [ __ ] you get right back on it a bike bike bike bike bike [ __ ] Petey piranha please I that was almost a block but I'm gonna blame input delay for that really put the way I swear to God call your idiot like there's no real attempt to explain why these characters are in the same universe what arrow gun so my we stopped eating discs and I believe it's because I was feeding it garbage you know the shovelware showcase streams that I do well during one of those I noticed that the we was just spitting the disks but disk dicks back out it was gone and then the dick will come out disk so I think it knew what I was giving it like pets babies horses and like magic pinball pool ball toilet game so it just stopped accepting discs so someone had a spare we that they just didn't use that was like pretty well like in good condition and they sent it to me so that's what I'm playing this on so all my save data is on the other one which is a shame because now all my saved data is inaccessible more or less but yeah I blame Eminem's I blame data design interactive games I blame like Garfield I don't know why but you know Garfield is probably something to do with it too this doesn't seem accurate to sky world just a random soccer ball I'm very suspicious of these items oh I'd absorbed my trophy thing I should have I should have finished Kirby first before doing this wow that was the worst Mario impression I've ever done pipe Fox like the intros to the characters the tees that we just got for Fox facts McCloud hey okay which many fans check from Zorro in to check that right there was a spoiler in like three seconds the halbridge versus a [ __ ] arwing halberd I call it a Hal bread the Hal Jordan the Hal Emmerich I love these little enemies most ineffectual but yet adorable enemies in the game something tells me they won't be ineffectual for very long and I'm gonna complain this game doesn't look too much better than brawl the lighting is nice this game looks sorry I did I say brawl I met melee sometimes I misspeak it's called the stupids brawl is better than brawl I think brawl is the best in fact I think my favorite brawl is brawl just like my favorite Skyrim is Skyrim you deserve that why do they why do they want the tinnitus why always everyone keep stealing his bananas it's just not fair look doesn't Donkey Kong eat anything else like do you really need they're gonna go bad like can you eat that many bananas in one lifetime let alone in like a week I'm asking too many questions Sakurai's gonna log on to the stream and he's gonna stop development of smash 5 because I've asked too many questions that's it he's dead that's a good that's a good photo right there look at that fire in spurts right there how did the peanut fit that doesn't make any sense wasn't Bowser confirmed to be like five feet tall judging on Luigi's [ __ ] measurements I'm serious Donkey Kong must expand out of his trophy prison can I get a close-up of this enemy because they're wonderful that means to be in Smash 5 along with every other thing ever I realized at that point I don't give a [ __ ] oh do you see this [ __ ] right here tingle first sticker is tingle do you all blanks never remove tingle tingle will always be on my sticker sheet I have a feeling Fox has been in that burning our wing for the past like 20 minutes Diddy looks like he's in love with Fox what the hell is that look he's given Fox bedroom eyes very good I want to create the most powerful turtle shell in history okay never mind bad idea bad idea it was what's this Nintendo loves the dark world light world concept wow that whole room is just japes in both worlds you look like you could use some coffee yeah oh good move okay now the jape room becomes a viable room perhaps come on okay now the japes have to have been put to an end okay [Music] Wow don't gloat is the lesson to be learned here wrong way and I lost the trophy [Music] jatin DG you said that like a minute ago so yeah mother three I'm finally streaming mother three guys you happy oh this is a spoiler Oh [Music] oh come on [Music] I don't know why I'm boy I don't know oh my god that's like one of those memories that's gonna live and Lucas is subconscious forever every time he sees water rain well that's okay because the pokemons are here what did what the [ __ ] did you say to me squirtle did you say sweat up do you know what you just said that was pretty amazing not so great if you didn't really do much pokemon trainer you you could stop taking all the credit now it was squirtle that took the damage and bruises and then you just blacked out and let a small child handle of these affairs for you oh wow I love their arms the paws off Paul sounds a bit like like sounds familiar I can't place it actually now that I think about it and if the first person that says Santa Claus gets pistol-whipped is the beloved Fire Emblem character rotor mr. broken oh yeah was it yeah Meta Knight wasn't Mennonite the most broken character in this game oh are you guys doing a lot but you need some lava [ __ ] hot that's the name of that care why they really went all out on the names [ __ ] hot like okay that just that happened too late or just didn't happen so not my favorite thing schmuck is great this good is what I was wanting to say schmucker's grief is even better really good flavor of jam for Vinnie I just ate a half a cucumber in several bites are you proud of me of all the thousands of chat messages that's the one I read I'm kind of proud of you man keep up the good work you should finish the whole cucumber alright bye Ike King Erasmus the day day has arrived Triple D host of diners drive-ins and dives I don't me personally my opinion is that brawl is better than brawl okay you're going to drain this battery good to go to drain this battery clean right now how many people you think we're gonna start the stream oh [ __ ] Smash brawl yeah Subspace Emissary I can't wait and then they hear that and then they just they just turn away and never come back to the stream this is canon this was the Zelda game that never was remember now this is in the timeline somewhere after Twilight Princess link pulls out the Master Sword and then finds Yoshi sleeping in the forest as a Skull Kid carves up Yoshi and wears his mask his skin as a mask why does Yoshi have bedroom eyes listen even wearing Yoshi skin as a mask is nowhere near as strange as blending beavers and putting them into a water supply I'm sorry to bring that up again but I need to reiterate that people at some point in our history allegedly blended beavers and then put them in the water supply like my life changed I had one world view and then I learned that and then I had a different world view the next day you know what I mean buck Ulis I think if you change the B to an S you'll have a good name for this thing stop that Devin so yeah they take their time with these games for one reason or another Wow am I really having this much trouble with with a [ __ ] white Y link oh thank god weird cuz every time a smash comes out and I'm in a different place in my life [Music] true japes [Music] this is still the most bizarre [ __ ] thing some moves so much I just had subtle Nintendo real subtle what you mean starting with ass it's okay I guess you don't expect it from Nintendo but lately they've been focusing on ass and like buff chests and like Luigi's [ __ ] quite a bit for the switch so it works sex sells and and Zelda's but let's not forget Zelda's plump at whoa and Link's shirtless swole pose that's weird did you just hear Pikachu say something that's very strange but Meowth has spoken why does the Pikachu scene enrage people so much it wasn't even from what I understand it was just a dream sequence I mean I like rustling the jimmies a little bit but I'm still not sure like is it just because is it just because you know we've had a speech list just pika for so long Pikachu's not supposed to talk period but what about ash hallucinating because he's dying what if he drank some beavers so it's because it was the anniversary they wanted to give the voice actress lines in Japanese and it was pretty touching alright you know I know Nintendo's into bobs and butts lately but I really hope we don't hmm I just did not for a second assume that that would be that kind of a dead end you know it look like a Pikachu's animation Lucca Plato it's because Vinnie how do you get Pikachu onto a bus you poke him on peak before Berg that's what I call this always want to be with you Jesse oh thanks miele's we love you too I missed a sticker Oh thought that was a good move a multitude of good moves look at my boobs Jesse what you're a mod why are you making me say that it's because I love you eat my ass Meowth come on drink the beavers Jessie okay I have a confession I've almost never used the Euro suit samus don't talk great well take my kill away from me even though it's not his name at all I don't want to name specific names but what if one of our friends was extremely salty on it to borrow my copy of smash she was like ah come on you know I'll give it back this is bizarre Ganondorf in a [ __ ] control room get heart still not not receive enough health to live Hey oh [ __ ] angry okay there no no we're good Oh meanwhile at the fortress of doom I have a hard time buying DDD as a bad guy I really do he's not a bad guy he's just a jerk sometimes he's a jerk sometimes he's nice all right well Pitt's dead rest in peace [Music] it took that much to just go back so I could start the level over again I almost didn't learn my lesson this this [ __ ] item is just pure trash it's so it's so pointless I'd be careful someone might disagree [Music] just I'm just gonna have to accept that one [Applause] that was my own goddamn fault I was hoping that would happen I thought it would provide a good a good bit of entertainment the last thing I ever want to do is this level again covers live or fun if you don't know the Smash Brothers series and you just see a hand on a TV why Ganondorf is in like a control room I mean that's weird enough but then there's the hand Pokemon trainers just stuck up their ghost corner I'll see you in a couple years even though that's squirtles voice hey how are you gonna get to Manhattan I forget about the PK [ __ ] Thunder thing no trophy Wow I just killed myself very good of this video game the smash Commission is gonna place the penalty on me for being too good at the game they're going to say be no how did this go do you need your game that we make too many years to come no this is not okay this is not okay it's never okay wow thank you thank you so much [ __ ] you can tell by the way I play Meta Knight that this characters is broken just just just watch see look at that I made it through what anyone else have been able to do that Oh Dave Grohl was doing an interview about like the Foo Fighters stop that holy [ __ ] the Iron Giant a Charizard time cool decimated how did the Iron Giant and didn't the Iron Giant who was voiced by Vin Diesel tell the child at the end he went it's because it's because I always want to be by your side good good good bye cool autoscroll was one of my mains for a while but yeah the moveset is with the dlc good [ __ ] damn oh Jesus all right little ditty versus big ditty what the [ __ ] oh thank you Falco no speaking of peanut guns brentalfloss made a new video I'm sure Brent wouldn't mind me um wouldn't meet mind me playing a little bit of it yeah it's the DK wrap 2018 where are they now [Music] damn so many years [Music] here we go again bringing guns [Music] [Music] perfect timing tiny the beach she's giving all the beach we don't know why but she's killing through the air and climb trees but tiny counts of murder [Music] not bad as they come up so often college town and decided to work as well best job animated it's fine to puppet it's educational child that mighty spring his job which you won't forget he blocks for digi Pepe Trump in my race chunky he's dead come on cranky take you to the free Frankie he's dead and so am I so Brent you my channel got banned what's up with the penis puppets oh come on I deserve that what didn't I would have met at Metalocalypse call me coin slave [Music] good [ __ ] [Music] this is not good opinions regarding other M Jesus did someone instead just say it's P cause so now this is why I really just it's you know where these just too big sorry you know that was meme activation mode on my part but I do think Ridley could be in the game he would just need to be like you know half that size like Bowser size a little bigger than Charizard pika cannot finish this fight it has to be Samus of course we have to see Pikmin souls Falkon neglect why would you do that Captain Falcon what what's captain Falcons first name again isn't Douglas that was not a dink meme I was just curious about what his first name was trees into a number of series exception galaxy was pretty amazing yeah game there's there's a number of like hidden game oh he likes guns if they shoot you're gonna die oh my god how am I already 151 with Diddy that's why cuz and maybe some spin-offs would be kind of cool [Music] Oh climber may may very well be my least played character in this game and that was not even ice climbers that was ice climber Subspace death real oh I'm sure someone will make it I only asked it if you make it just email it to me first for my approval so that way I can tell you to edit out all the deaths good [ __ ] listen if you edit a death real you have to include that [Music] goodbye Pitt all right bye link well [ __ ] god I hate flood I want the spin move again so bad oh yeah yeah oh man poor David Hayter that's it that's the only taunt snake has that up tilt look look at that leg how do you do that snake the guns aren't fans like fantasy they're like the FAMAS Wow Mennonites the best they say give me five minutes with Meta Knight and I'll prove real quick that he's not the best you can make any character seem like dog shipping ah thanks oh I thought I did it enough self effacing for one for one night but nice nice to get that kind of level of friendship and respect yeah and they told me [ __ ] sucks [ __ ] it's free I'll get away with it give me the suck juice I'm gonna make fun of the streamer tonight [ __ ] it's gonna feel good I'm gonna beat my [ __ ] [ __ ] well I'm doing it to Luigi hey Mario I got the results in its 3.4 inches flaccid Luigi how many times I gotta tell you it doesn't matter what it's like flaccid what does it look like when it's a [ __ ] cannon when it's a bullet bill [Music] and like Norman Reedus his lawyer like calls and say hey we didn't give you permission for Norman Reedus likeness and saccharides just sits there and he smiles smiles a wry smile a glint in his eye and he says no another character I have no idea how to play not like it isn't [ __ ] self-evident naked raitis check the 1978 New York Knicks Moses shkreli there's Tomatoes right there does anyone else feel I don't know mildly mildly too strongly uncomfortable with what's happening here like that [ __ ] Princess Peach pulls out a toad to absorb damage like she's grabbing him by the butt for one and she has a toad in her dress like she's just forcing that toad to take hits for her I like the way she plays the butt yeah that's normal I can say that that's fine and and Indust the illusion of me being good at this game melts away like a kumquat in the wind it was wacky and weird and I uh I liked it though is did you you know you just don't okay you know look at this [ __ ] cut see look at peach calm collected and cool Fox then you get to enjoy the tea I just stood there and let that happen mr. James and watch get ready for it's because jokes these bombs are so [ __ ] big Komachi a video whatever I might goddamnit that was rough [ __ ] that was even rougher that [Music] you let Douglas die to a mini-boss yeah oh all aboard Oh the footstool right you could jump off the head dong is dead wall jumping is [ __ ] weird in this game I don't I don't get Vinnie the banana why did the banana work I should let big Robertson's play big Robertson's is actually pretty good at video games did you see big Robertson's play the other day here let me let me get him [Music] hello yep it is I big Robertsons I'm here to play the video game you'll notice a 30% improvement in skill at least people are posting a VW mote but I'm clearly an original character very separate very separate character original yep totally unique and very well developed and fleshed out big Robertson this nickname is just fat tits no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes God asked me questions asked me questions about myself I big Robertson's the newest original character / streamer does big Robertson's is gay no sorry answer unclear come back later what's your birthday today I was born usually you like Doritos no no that's B dub C dub is a big fan of Doritos - but you haven't met him yet that's B dubs brother CWA's big Robertsons - v-dub are you actually Joel no vinius funny favorite flavor of Mountain Dew turquoise is your brother long richard yep yep long Richardson's is his name that's good good observation you really you know your stuff what's your biggest fear that one day the Robertsons won't be big enough to sustain me Finny do you have another brother called flat Chester yeah he's a bit of an outcast in this family however what size cuff do you prefer a king-size usually the the peanut butter cups but they have to be king-sized no substitute are we getting somewhere do you like do you like me as a new original character here at vine sauce good [ __ ] congratulations I've run out of material and just a couple days before my vacation I have a friend that streams his name is Pikul and he goes by P 4000m and he changed his name to Hal Paul boney let's see I'm on a stream team called soy sauce and there's another popular streamer that you may know his name is so L Wow this is funny Zamboni Zamboni Pikul Zamboni Pikul there's also of course gentle gen z mikuni non alcoholic Wow hahaha yes it was the robbed all along come on reminds me of that game I played last night the chicken one I mean the game that Vinnie played like what I give up Oh oh my god no Sam oh [ __ ] we're down to Douglas no you know toggle is wrong wait sorry big Robertsons has taken a break I'm your back - Vinnie now what if they combined diddy kong and ridley into a new character Diddley like an original character like it was like a yeah like a monkey a monkey dragon that was small enough to fit in the arena go to sleep all right no I wanted to do this with samus god damn it I guess this is how the diddly Kong fusion happens this is the beginning of the merge did he defeats Ridley but at what cost and in the end it was a lowly peanut allergy how could kill that would kill poor Ridley merge what I said tell me I didn't say Mar just hit merge okay so they tried to fire the cannon at Diamond weapon and then at the crater where Sephiroth was damn I was hoping it would be Rufus Shinra wait this might be better roofer roof or Shinra whoa oh my god oh my this is so [ __ ] cool oh my god yeah I had no recollection of the scene whatsoever which makes it even better Lamar's rickety-ass rocket this is what I'm saying about Kirby Kirby's like the cutest [ __ ] but is the odd the most destructive and world eating and in the end it was just Bowser and Ganon well Ganondorf I wouldn't want to mince words Dorf Ganon seedorf nope it I need you Jesus the problem with baddies isn't it one always betrays the other I think next smash brothers there should be master foot q Aris theme listen despite what people may say King Dedede is the villain look what he's doing to this poor [ __ ] that waddle dee did not deserve that Lu Gore has got this from Alec title additional source of monetization I'd like to at least show you some of the email I don't want to show you the company PI subnautica my name is Alec that's me that's my name I'm subnautica I'm working with on an eSports betting project called blah blah blah that integrates with twitch our team saw your channel and thought you would be the ideal kind of person to work on this project so you're a big fan you're a big fan then well that's me I'm my name is subnautica keep doing that research that exact spot on research that you guys do over at that team I'd like to speak in one incredibly long and broken sentence moving from topic to topic really quite submitted I deserve that and they're usually like eSports things like hello mr. sauce we found you and we've determined that your channel is excellent good content my dude we think you'd be perfect to sell this eSports product would you like to wear an eSports bomber jacket aunt live on your streams we've seen you and we think that you look great on your streams which is why we'd like to have you advertise a clothing product they just take the shotgun approach they just hope you know whatever emails they can get whatever channels they you know they see a bigger channel they don't do any real research they just see ah we liked at the streamer streams android games this is good this streamer shows off good product this is similar to our product that we would very much like to have this streamer promote on his Android [ __ ] show showcase garbage fests oh yes that will bring our product to many potential eyes many a viewer hello streamer we will offer you 13 quid to play our game Ward's Knights battle royale neighbor mobile Pikachu but spelled with a k instead of a see where the qu is excellent dear dear mr. vine sauce we have seen your streams and we think you are a very good gamer that's why we would like for you to advertise professional gaming equipment gear we have pro gamer chairs we would love for you to sit in because you are so very good at video games and we've determined that you would be the best fit for this product oh dear mr. vine sauce we have watched your Super Smash Brothers Brawl stream and we've decided to invite you to an invitational tournament we believe that you can compete on a high level of play deal deer deer shuffle where [ __ ] show piece-of-shit games showcase extra [ __ ] we would very much like to work with you for our product cigarette lighter for gamers you know the very next thing I was gonna talk about was beaver water but this is a battle for the ages but how does one human get so good at video game but what happened why that's not supposed to happen dear mister that's not supposed to happen vine sauce we want to sell beaver products with you please please email happy I don't have to do them every month Tomica New York comic-con is to [ __ ] good good stickers when is new kid icarus retro is working on one right now it's called donkey kong country uprising Kid Icarus returns tropical freeze it's a remake guys it's it's an HD remake of Donkey Kong Country Returns that's what they've been working on for four years but like you could zoom into dongs crotch and see the like the fur in vivid detail I don't know why I chose crotch as a zoomin point keep someone in chat says yo she has no capacity for evil but what about Moshe goddamnit [Music] [ __ ] nice try nice try [Music] look maybe you guys don't know what that voice is some of you do but that was one of me and Mike's old friends back in the day and he was really into like dark things and he sounded like that a bit and he also loved the Sith Lords he would like do actual like bad things to people like y'all go [ __ ] on my foot Lord oh no feel feel free continue doing the things continue being a [ __ ] but don't question why no one wants to be around you anymore I love how you and Mike constantly reference this guy well this this guy was like at the in joke of our lives for [ __ ] years and like there's mythology my friend Tyler puts it like this there's mythology for this dude yeah he was like a poorly written villain in a fanfic that was kind of his thing it was the floating brain guy yeah he smoked himself into a stupor one time I there's probably other substances involved and he he got so high that he uttered the phrase y'all I'm a floating bar I don't remember the full context of the story I wasn't even there but I love that story so much come on [Music] [Applause] yes yes good whoops yep I'm really good with snake really good with snake really good with snake though now would be a good time to talk about input delay have you heard the good news of input delay in our Church of Latter day Saints well if you just let me into your home and give me twenty minutes of your time I can explain all about input delay I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go through this [ __ ] again you believe that [Music] yeah that's another thing too sometimes bands like I don't buy a shirt Oh God beetles how about I do one of each oh my god McCartney's not even my favorite Beatles but I'll [ __ ] [Music] Hey these little these little rapscallions who did invent jape right your jpeg now that's another thing someone thought I edited [ __ ] Wikipedia and dictionary dictionary.com to include the entry jape but that's not no no I didn't make that word up that's that's a real one I know I make up stupid words but that's a real one like you'll see that while you're reading lore in the Rings Game of Thrones I invented pizza - yep pepperonis it's not it's not that I'll just say this is like the most unnecessary minecart section and then I exit the minecart and I regret everything [Music] that way your other clothing does not get infested with like rot vitami to play GTA and they gave me like a goodie bag with a that's awesome that why does everything have to be crusty I made that word up well looks like we got an English major in the chat Hey oh gosh May J and I'm not that's not me throwing shade I think whatever your hustle is someone says I can't picture Benny dancing I just can't good for you you never you won't have to ever see that because it just it never happens it never happens I only do the stanky leg [Music] whoa oh that's good how about none of that grown man assaults toddler today he's 13 you [ __ ] sorry not a toddler he's 13 and apparently I'm a chicken listen I'm braver than you think I am did a top 10 singles of the year the newest Final Fantasy characters I don't know their names I wish I was a pro with snake I really do I'll be great I would say [Music] never really played Meta Knight really really hoping to figure out why this character is so good good all right let's see if I can do this without getting hit a single time I'm good like I thought about it and then I thought about it some more and I was like oh you know you know that banana throw was actually supposed to be a side beat but instead I'm throwing [ __ ] bananas what what in God's good name are you doing did he what it was all about it's like oh this is how you make this genre and me like not going out me not really particularly and you know and valve doesn't make games anymore it's like come come on and I'm not one for dwelling in the past to like what one day I'll figure out how to play as Meta Knight well one day I'll get it because I'm getting the old slippery wheats here you see this I really want to get it right never mind and that's why you got to get styled on by Luigi and Smash Brothers this guy sucked into his vacuum so many ghosts that by the end of the night he was pale he was like a lampshade he was totally totally stocked and and and his gone came from his car and I'm like I'm like oh oh [ __ ] okay so it's one of the dudes from Blue Man Group got it what oh oh you are too scum Joe a while like while I was signing [Music] well this is a shitshow okay that's the game over never mind fine I would like to apologize to the experts now watch the stream I know what it looks like to you you may be thinking to yourself well how could this guy not be an expert but there is a simple answer I suck at video games the other answer is of course there's multiple answers I don't play a lot of smash I like the way you thrust dammit I really wanted to retain Pitt for as long as possible oh that was a good run with snake for a couple minutes there that is so [ __ ] what do you do there do you just shield it oh oh I see the Meta Knight abuse I see I see what Meta Knight is capable of I see the abuse I've unlocked the skill the secret technique has been discovered I'd like to take a moment to remember Ike rest in peace Ike well here's another cursed image that someone sent me but I don't really know why I'm showing this to you but that's the way to celebrate looking at it me like thank you Sakurai for the amount of work you put in thank you for literally destroying your bones your family your children I guess thank you for destroying everything that you've loved and hold dear so that you could bring this game to us mr. Sakurai you are appreciated thank you for grinding up beavers and putting it into the wires so that we may have this wonderful creation
Channel: Quality Vinesauce Channel
Views: 256,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinesauce vinny, subspace emissary, vinesauce death reel, Vinesauce subspace emissary, vinesauce vinny death reel, vinesauce subspace emissary death reel
Id: 181dOehHCWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 18sec (3498 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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