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[Music] [Music] stop [Music] foreign yeah [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] rules [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] rules [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the memes chat it's all about the memes it's time to play the video game i think let's do it hey guys hey katie the memes guys it's all about the memes right there are a lot of memes that respond from this game so [Music] i don't know how the audio is uh tell me if it sounds like dog [ __ ] and it's too loud it doesn't i will now stream the game to the discord that we're in share my screen share my game my metal gear game this this is the one uh you don't get good quality because my internet will die if i give you good quality so here you go yeah sound permission sure who cares what discord hook helper.exe sure who cares go for it okay is that working [Music] can you see the video game yes yes i see it cool epic mini music yeah it's very cool menu look it's metal there he is we have all the boys we do all the boys hello tell me who i need to turn up or down chat also because i my name's dawn or dad am i loud enough you're probably a little slow hang on god damn he's so cool that's really [ __ ] cool just a little bit of fiddling and now okay that should be good enough let's get going let's play the game i don't know [ __ ] about this game play the tutorial uh yeah yeah probably should probably should okay okay i will i will it's it's like a whole new thing if hard is too unbearable i will i will fix it but hell yeah let's start it off vr has never looked good hello doctor radar on the upper right on the display i don't like the way he looks something about that head it looks like he got squeezed on the sides a little bit just a little bit hang on let me fiddle a little bit more with the audio what is the oh i guess the title button probably just takes you to the title screen probably there we go let's be a ninja what am i do how do i parry chat how do i head to the indicated waypoint whoa wow that's technology this is weird so sick which way am i gonna slice huh i have no idea all right let's get out of here ninja run thank god i have ninja run dude he's so good he's so smooth wow he really is wow no buttons required link could never this this part's kind of [ __ ] janky though don't run like that that's more like all right i've mastered the ninja run i've mastered the jump button that is how you jump so if you just hold rt then you just you just go over yeah yeah yeah i don't have to press anything at all it's awesome can i just call yes i totally can it's the assassin's creed model swinging your blade while dashing for example or striking your foes with a sliding attack right how do i do that and dash attack dash attack slide dash i didn't nice i'm going to slide i can do a doubler that's great i like the the foot knife pretty cool dash attack's pretty good don't even have to move have to stop swinging to climb walls though oh he's so flippy there we go kill them all there we go off to a great start that is don't clean your sword like that you're gonna cut your arm off ryden no he's got a robot shirt it's fine what does this one do why doesn't he have a gun maybe they outlawed guns after the fourth game well they they turned them all off remember oh yeah that's right attack light attack and then blade mode which is not working there we go who wants it who wants it idiots walk forward into the strike zone yeah it didn't work out for you did it buddy your turn oh yeah i'll give you a little bit of the up and down too how about how do i like that this is basically how every single cut scene was choreographed in the fourth game okay how do i lock on dude put blade holy [ __ ] this is strong attack [Music] that's just great that's 29 hits that's a lot of hits henry mercure thanks to the two canadian super chat it's my birthday this week and here's your gift happy birthday this ninja is our gift to you did that alert happen chat i was focusing okay perry this is very important you cannot win if you don't know how to do this an x x is which but i got every time direction of the enemy attack okay what what the camera why that one's probably up x all right also these are probably xbox prompts so if you're on your ps4 controller it's square lt hold and then slice them oh slice them [ __ ] this guy [Music] the alert didn't rise did you slap this game on the highest layer in obs um or at least moving unrelated gotta do some clicking on the side i don't think i have the i think i turned off the alert okay maybe it's on now i think i don't know give us money let's find out [Music] that's okay it doesn't need to be that loud wow it's pretty generous but i guess i didn't get like the perfect what the camera don't do that oh no is your is your stick like drifting a little bit at i got a perfect controller that was man okay so much sooner than i think is it at the same time or should i already be i think it's during the oh yeah i don't know and then you dissect all of your enemies he i think he's dead ryden don't stop just never stop you haven't gone for as many parts as you possibly can 300 parts and all the parts jesus i'm shopping give me more parts i demand more parts how many parts can i get all right slice them diagonally you haven't really hit them diagonally that much oh that's good i'm not stopping until i get my 100 combo okay that's enough i want 700 parts or no 600 parts it's good enough that's good enough oh there's still so many parts over here wait oh he's dead it's stopped and it explodes all right i've beaten the enemy [Music] great why didn't you do that to vamp okay i guess the game is i've learned everything i need to know about the video game it's time i hope there are subtitles but there probably aren't maybe they are i don't know that guy had subtitles yeah it might also be like a setting there you go three years there's obama we've come so far in just three shorts oh that's not him no that guy's got i'm sorry i just did a racism i'm sorry no that's obama voices are so quiet yeah i'll turn it up a little bit hopefully it doesn't but then the sword slashes are so loud do like that there you go is this where resident evil happens it is brown town your team deserves and then we have the robot ninja in the back of the car mr [Music] i once thought of groups like yours as opportunists enablers of war and we are now i know for a fact that you are but you're also really effective at what you do perhaps i was wrong about these private military pmcs we prefer private security providers sir sir where did snake go security yes well the security what year does this game take place in it's like eight years after the fourth one right i said three years today i'm pretty sure this is 2018. there's a saying i like which is just how i remember it one sword keeps another in the sheath sometimes the threat of burdens alone she's it's worth two in the sometimes you can't get fooled again it's the code the samurai lived by that sounds [ __ ] okay you are full of surprises i hired you because you're good at sword don't talk to me i'm about you mr prime minister what is happening someone's blocking the lead vehicle hold on i hope it's not a metal gear that's no metal gear that guy looks derpy as [ __ ] that guy's an x-com who the hell is this that's also a ninja how many ninjas are there this ninja has abs that's not good no this one has a red sword red sword big abs he's much cooler he goes oh this guy's dead as [ __ ] shoot his ass the only thing that could beat a ninja he's fast we need a good ninja with the sword nice and then we think he's got him dice him into 400 parts go go go shoot that ninja something tells me that's not enough guys no i think they're all gonna die he seems to be plenty of guys don't worry there he is that's the screenshot that's one of the few things i know about that this game is that image what is happening we got hit sir a cyborg of course whose ninja is this affiliated freelance ninja oh no come get your ninja oh my god thankfully this car is bomb proof is that an analog rocket launcher they got more well the guns are they're not as cool we turned them all back on we turned them back on what is that flag i do not know the flags of african nations very well whoa that's a lot of ninjas is that not a real flag i don't know i'm on it guard the prime minister probably a real plague all right i'll go kill an absurd amount of people stand back time for my 700 hit combo yes i am ninja they put me back together again very strong this time tactical high heels and everything holy [ __ ] it's magnet sword god it's so big oh dang i well that's just unnecessary okay that way we can't go back exactly you have to build the arena now i gotta fight three dudes holy moly i have a wife and kids to get back to and an eye patch let's do it let's fight him it's not metal gear without mine wait how do you dodge is there like a dodge button maybe there's not i don't know i guess that makes sense that guy's losing a lot of blood i got him i wanted to oh i'm getting some getting owned pretty good chunk of hell lock i don't know how to lock on oh there you go that's the lock button it's this button very tanky too why i should just parry him i think just hold oh i'm being grabbed oh i can't parry and grab get off of me jesus christ you gotta learn how to backstep bro oh that's the grab that's bad okay so yellow attacks mean get the [ __ ] out of the way we're building our vocabulary all right we did it get back there i will go to the limo i'll add the label to your solid downgrade let's go not that way no okay that would make too much sense to go the way the limo win we gotta go around so we can fight this guy yo multiplied thank you i'm slicing him he's getting kind of owned he's dead you're dead give me your loot really gotta sit around and wait for the loot to pop all right more dudes this one has a gun oh they these ones all have guns this tree is nothing i just cut down a giant like brick wall what the [ __ ] did i what am i doing we turned that tree into banana slices like yeah i want to kill this guy with the gun that's what i'll do all right i killed the guy with the gun now i'll parry this oh my god there's another one wait x's x the x button got it okay i'll do it this time for sure that wasn't good enough to to get the good stuff but oh well uh i am doing great there's so many okay the camera's being kind of annoying right now oh my god he really runs after you i didn't expect him to go that far he just really wanted me now i'm in deep trouble that's fine because they're dead carry timing on hard is very strict that's fine not really not really that hard willie donated ten dollars instead very excited for this one hats of my gamers where the hell do i oh i just need to ignore these dudes should i not i think you have to kill i think you have to kill all of them there's a fight there's no way i'm cutting through that thing all right let's try that one more time i'll parry you i parried him but i didn't do it good enough okay run the [ __ ] away from that guy wait what the camera stop i don't want to run on that car oh this i'm dead oh i'm dead now for sure i'm gonna get grabbed chad what's the get out of the way button what's going on i'm dead let's restart i have to do the whole thing over again no just this part okay you get dodge attack alter what does that mean after after probably after white what does that mean probably after this later okay why don't i just do this the bullets don't even hurt me you idiot i'm a robot you can't [ __ ] with me this just seems now we're gaming efficient oh yeah i am the storm this is gaming big damage is being applied am i going to get a bad grade if i do this i don't think [ __ ] died look at your owning i'd give you a good grade yeah i would give myself doing some strong attacks to finish these dudes off uh no that's okay if it ain't broke you know troop all right more guys oh yeah more guys okay i i don't think any of them are die they're all big there's three men that just blew up how come they armor through my like actual strong attacks but this they're not this but this is this is strong enough to not actually kill anything what the i got what happens if they parry me do i just have to eat [ __ ] is there anything i can do about that this is going great okay i have him in a corner right now so this is actually optimal i don't even have to run in small circles let's get them up again there we go slice the what the fence uh maybe probably just had to kill those guys now i think it's over right but we got all that wonderful combat knowledge oh my god he's a ninja too there's so many ninjas it's the hitman [ __ ] man everybody's so strong the power creep is insane like snake is garbage right now you can't do it oh there it is ray what are you doing here ray well like actually what is he doing here didn't they stop making these things uh it's like order six to six you know they just keep oh that building's gone wow oh this this one's a [ __ ] one he should have shot it directly down to the center of the earth that would have been way cooler godzilla versus kong was so stupid slice with [Music] holy [ __ ] stab one dude twice two swords oh they're scissors uh oh it's like the most intimidating type of blade in anime we've really found ourselves in it this time around huh stop stop hold on you're being a bad boy i'll fight your they make his face thinner or something minister ryden i want him yeah i don't know he looks pretty anime in this one personal course nothing personnel maybe that's what it is africa is just getting a bit too peaceful yeah yeah yeah we need more war i'm just filled with so much despair i crave war for war's sake no other reason money from the war money no just worth the money just because i'm crazy economy how's an honest warmonger supposed to make conflict is fun how's an honest warmonger supposed to get get get the bread on the table builders don't do it stop you're violating the law don't worry now i won't i will arrest you sir i will call the police [Laughter] he's still useful [Laughter] i like the camera work in this game already i like the faces they make great all right what do i let's just kill a metal gear real quick you know what why not no problem i mean there weren't much of a problem previously that seems like an appropriate first boss it's just a whole ass metal gear ray what but how slice his little leg stop walking onto his i can't not look at his there we go yeah yeah back to it oh god watch out gotta cut the missiles okay the cameras run away it's starting to piss me the frick off dude i don't want to look up there let me look at his leg that i have to obviously slice i am using my ninja run to deflect the shots i'm using dash attack to attack his shots so you're immune to bullets while you're running i guess so that seems pretty good holy [ __ ] jesus i don't even know if you just can't have that award all right good good damage let's do some heavy attacks never mind there's not really much time for that oh he's going to step on me kind of hot there we go that's just not dps efficient you just need to do the sprint attacks bro oh my god i really wish it would stop locking onto his face that'd be so nice there we go there's a leg but even still it's kind of hard okay do it yeah the big steppy yeah like that's even gonna hit me i'm not going crazy i'm slicing it slices armor don't worry i am incredibly good at slicing ridiculous [Applause] all right let's keep hitting his leg it's now exposed he's got exposed robot flesh okay well chocolate stepped on though the first fight i don't know how it's going to get better than this actually i saw the final boss i already know how it's going to get better than this what is this one just a big stupid slow attack this is like fighting any what the [ __ ] that was kind of weird it's like fighting any dark souls one boss they just get right up on his foot and you slash it you just don't really worry about anything else it's basically seed yeah okay do that that attack's really good i'm very intimidated by it i'm not like i'm gonna cut your foot off right now hold slice the gun yes i will i am the gun slicer or free blade mitt now big damage can i just keep slicing its exposed leg or do i have to break i probably have to break both of them but like but why who cares it's already electric maybe it's like three health bars per leg or something i don't know i'm i'm winning so i'ma keep on doing what i'm doing until i stop winning kind of annoying just not many opportunities to do a lot of damage to it except right here classic big stupid enemies that run really fast come here you i hate fighting the dog in dark cold stop being a metal gear you're under arrest big stephie no problem big damage definitely no problems great did that do anything i think that was uh i think i just have to do the other side yeah i think we do well then why even give me a health bar man of course i'm going to keep attacking the thing 43 health you've done more than half the damage well you do most just like big chunks of damage here if you go blade mode yeah okay other footsteps left foot this time brave get him oh yeah oh oh yeah that's pretty cool dude i really like it when they let you play through ninja i do too that was like a huge huge part of this game it's like look how cool this technology is don't you love it and i said yes i do yeah and they were right it's awesome and i do love it i wish every video game could do this i wish every game let me sprint into a giant dinosaur leg and slash it a million times doing small amounts of damage swam speaking of oh yeah other damage am i done do i win probably it's got no health left i already beat it turns out metal gear is not that threatening oh it has point one percent health dude that's pretty epic bring it down i will i'll try at least here i go bring it oh big laser beam stop that blade uh i failed ouch oh i got to bury that probably but that's hard okay do it again [ __ ] yeah i think he will even i went to blade mode instead of the parry mode whoa godzilla v-a v-a mash and x now okay we got some qtas utes get his ass slice him big slice i hope the title card pops up i think there are a lot of good opportunities metal gear you're welcome civilization all right now white show me some faceless moocs that i have to beat up now holy [ __ ] he's so cool he's very cool this away probably stupid or incompetent person oh no i'm a mook yeah we all know i'm the faceless mook but at least you have a face hey what have you been doing were you just sitting around watching me do the fight you [ __ ] he's like wow damn pretty sick moves like [ __ ] i gotta get out of here right now he just bruised we threw the metal gear like [Music] come here [Music] stop right there criminal scum it's like every mission in gta 5 i can't i can't go that high i don't have i don't have big jump yet uh can you can you slice it oh you're a genius oh yeah sliced well enough get this one bro we have a hammer and this game is full of nails i think i think slicing is going to be our go-to option probably wow oh [ __ ] oh well unlucky all right one more time one more how many things these things that they make all right well like actually the same one it's the same one my ass is the same one but yeah it doesn't have an arm anymore cut it off i'll slice it that's fine big jump over it or wow another one okay i thought i cleared that but i obviously did not it didn't work ow okay now i do the big slices can i just is this dps efficient right here probably probably considering you're anchored what the hell is this uh hell use blade mode to take down the heavy okay that was perfect now go on and keep dying you don't hit me please we're stuck am i even doing i have to cut its armor of course but it's hard it's too powerful oh probably something obvious i am just not acknowledging but maybe this is just an extended sequence oh these drop hells that's nice hey i'm pulled and thank god for that because i would have just died cut its armor what happened did my sword lose its sharpness i just cut through like it was nothing dude how do how am i expected to get out of the way of that one okay lt what what is happening you're here too far away didn't look like it but i guess so did you run around and circle for a little bit all right drop me more health please thank you how kind that's like a lot too it's a [ __ ] ton they heal you for so much do the laser see if i care i'll jump this time no wait there's no way the dashbank is the strongest way to do that bro how am i how do i dodge the first time i can't double jump no think good i just don't know there's a little bit more damage all right i can handle this no problem with my sword attack i'm doing it i love this i love it it's pretty epic that's for sure going good damage i'm holding okay now okay i think just bugged out last time i was trying to do exactly this when i got prompted but it don't work but this time [Music] oh yeah that's pretty epic first now we have phase two more missiles that's not even a problem to a guy like me i can beat this game anytime this one too ryden come on oh yeah almost there just a few more cycles and then we can put this thing to rest until we have to fight it the next time uh i was i thought that was gonna be a laser i was not a laser pick it up okay full health we're good thankfully it's presenting its face to me if it wasn't doing this i'd probably be [ __ ] we got we gotta cut the turret up into a million pieces we sure do so we did the only body watching this entire fight too is what oh the guy he's still just watching he's just watching yeah maybe let me actually ryden actually in in universe defeats this metal gear like instantly i will this time i really will i promise oh let's slice slice them all hold rt for what [ __ ] holding no no i don't want to oh you can just mash this button to slice i didn't even know that they're not even they're not even hello this music is so cool it sure is it's pretty epic i'm holding our okay hold rt that's what i'm doing right now they're they're not even close they're not even remotely close to touching me [Music] um but what if they were wouldn't that be scary yes probably except not really you're not meant to approach it i don't know how are you do i have to jump on the missiles like an anime or something oh there we go oh that's what it means by hold rt i thought i'm in blaine moon now i feel like a real [ __ ] speaking of which yes baby get them that probably would have been a cooler sequence if the missiles were coming at me instead of all over me and not touching me at all but we'll take it now tell me that was a seed if so you're wrong oh we died probably get it ryden ouch got a checkpoint that means here we go i'm about to do a qte whoa sonic oh yeah i've taken a tumble oh i just had a bad dream yeah i was knocked unconscious after getting slammed into that anyway is this what we need to do now oh geez now it's bayonetta i was about to say has anyone mentioned bayonetta yet it's kind of similar this is awesome this is pretty badass i'm smashing just stay down please put it away like a cool guy it's good every single time ryan does a big cut and then faces away from the bad guy and does a bunch of chord flourishes that the drink a d right good enough to save your sorry country from metal gear ray's [ __ ] wrath but not good enough to save the president from cyborg ninjas sorry you get what you pay for when you hire a d-rank ninja it's like target 2 why is he doing troll face a lot of people do troll dude that one is way stronger than me it can jump so much further out of my way normies i got a train to catch skirt oh my goodness he's so quick god this really is brown town even the trains like pure brown the rocks are brown the ground is brown the buildings are all brown it's just it's just all brown it's all brown and all dust but i am blue blue rock state is the tooth super chat who knew ryan from playstation all-stars that's cool we got to take it out maybe hello oh there we go is it time for another boss fight i hope this game is just boss fights two whole ninjas no we're here right now any longer don't do it he's probably important and not super evil oh well ow this is the flesh wound come on bro he knew just how much to code he's also a very good surgeon have you considered all the others aspects of war technology the economy dude this is good for the economy forget me and that means it's a good thing kiss you ain't listening uh-oh he's gonna kill obama i've been throat sliced can you not [Music] really ugly no no no i won't give war a chance in fact i will not fight you that's a bad ninja stop him ryden then they get crane game to back up or just kill this one yeah that works too the tactical high heels yeah so that it's that way he can grab things with his feet oh this is one of the coolest songs in the whole game all right i guess we are just doing a boss fight right now wow okay hell yeah maybe there's a lot more bosses than i thought i will parry your ass dude i bet you're a big perry guy don't be shy whoa holy [ __ ] it sounds like a [ __ ] like slayer music wait it's up in x just like a direction but it's it's the direction of the like opposite direct the direction of the attack uh that first one is probably left plus x so i'm trying okay well i don't think i'm pressing the x button correctly it's square okay still maybe i was supposed to get my ass kicked that's why this cutscene's happening yeah this definitely seems like a guy who'll whip your ass at the start of the game they can fight him later i would i would i would imagine so come on what the hell is he doing that's a sakura attack i don't know all right i guess i'll just jump into that from now on dude ryden i need you to block buddy how the [ __ ] the metal gear job for this guy yeah okay stop the rock music no no now i'm like my hero hi now i'll need an eye patch for real and the blood of your enemies but you hold it back no no my sword is a tool of justice yes oh no it just happens to everybody here it comes fire sword oh [ __ ] and it goes up block it ryden yeah get him uh-huh here it comes that way you can take it out okay oh you hate to see it goodbye arm sunny help sonny help me go to europe grab some more of that blood real quick yeah why is it why is it blood blood not like well yeah it is blood blood it's not white goop ouch all right no problem oh god no i can i can oh geez okay bye actually no actually actually [ __ ] that too i am trying oh do you want to practice first i i had a tutorial i don't need it okay goodbye just just leave bro just walk away man thank you i was just waiting for him to attack me the whole time this is what happens when you bring a tool to a sword fight what yeah i don't get that either i'm gonna die or something gonna bonk him on the head that'd be really comical and make me happy lucky okay i guess not why did he not kill me he's pretty quick he could have just done it and then pulled the sword back up to deflect the bullets i think but that works too ninja deleted the wife tweet that said why oh how are people i'll blow it up i bet this works too i bet they die right here oh my god didn't work wow like a [ __ ] ton of them there's a lot okay use another one quick throw that one on the ground yeah there we go yeah there you go oh rock we've been rocked damn that ninja it's personal i hope snake's leveling living happily ever after in his little shack during all this him and his him and his dogs i hope my daughter's okay yeah i heard the wife's doing well [Music] chapter result 20 minutes d rank for combat i did sprint in a circle and slash a lot but you know you you can call that a d i call it effective but you look good doing it you know every cut scene my mouse spawns in the center of the screen i don't know why oh yeah three weeks later cut to the big plane in the sky i'll be the new eyeball i'm right cuts with a big plane in the sky it's like a star wars ship what the hell is this technology has advanced very long ways it's the sun's patriots what the hell if sonny does not bring me eggs i'm gonna be pissed off so good i've got a clean visual boris our ship is cool i am cool oh right can you hear me right yes i bet that means something to do with electricity and regression nano repair units from your foes and two absorbing their life god look at them electrolytes once you slice them open and extract their fluids nice something looks weird about this guy he looks like an alien looks like he got squeezed from the side a little bit he's got a little he's got a big alien forehead holographic memory typically which pair of evil gloves shall i put on today i am authorized to offer you upgrades and services in exchange for it yeah here's the shopkeep got it had the wall come down a few years earlier i would have a nobel prize on my shelf there i see land land hoe three bikes out no activity at the air base three mics you don't need to worry about interceptors great then we have time for a quick brief i know you miss me calf but i've been all over the materials that's what you said before montenegro look just humor me buddy objectives about another science babe with massive amounts of cleavage my kojima product you gotta let him breathe killed and a military junta has been established the terrorists brainjacked all the high-ranking officers they've seen they've been brainjacked that's not good don't want to get brainjacked there's no way of openly opposing the new regime that's what they called us this is awesome i love this game so far it's pretty cool it's pretty cool i like to zoom in on ride very funny and his arm supplier none other than desperado enforcement llc desperado enforcement llc hey thank goodness they're a limited liability yeah [Music] unlike my cool nicknames he may not even be touch but keep an eye out justin i am nobody sorry ready for insertion keep an eye out he says that's not cool man what year did this game come out 2013 2013 i want him to descend into the ocean and do the david hasselhoff in the spongebob movie oh and we do a gainer oh my wow we stuck the landing super well what stopped our momentum the ground i was hoping that we would like slam face first into the brick wall and stick out of it like luigi's oh my gosh he's that ninja this is look at him [ __ ] epic now he's ipad better eye patch well it's not really it's three weeks and we're still just doing that yeah why do we not have the robo patch what happened to that seemed pretty helpful off of tutorial island and on to first level island [Music] oh you're [ __ ] wow that's a strong kill do it little [ __ ] this cat's way better than any robot ninja wow check out the technology yo look what i made fund my video game project please how many parts does it take until i just like make the game crash you're telling me there's like 700 individual parts of this [ __ ] barrel no way man there are now if that's not worth like an a-plus rink i don't know what it is i just i just god what do you guys hey it's ryden i'm on the ground glad to hear it entering on foot was the right move that craft isn't equipped with what's the customized button customize button now would we i don't know the mq-133c was not cheap this is according to intel you could find significant cyborg deployment here if you were to be cornered by an entire squad it might get yeah understood some fighting will be necessary though get some electrolytes don't die kill the got it customize uh begin customization when you exit customization you will restart story mode from the last checkpoint okay whatever that means all right let's see here yeah that's fine that's a writing uh it's gonna be a bunch of stuff that oh hey hey hey wow great lots of things oh my god commando arm i can get the golden suit i can be a gray fox it's never looked better that's pretty sweet white armor red armor even even original uh it looks like our grade gives us points the higher grade means more points means more gadgets yeah i can't afford that yet but maybe soon oh new songs these actually oh this does have special effects so this is just better okay life get one oh is this hp up that's probably helpful bigger batteries oh enhancements i can enhance my ninja blade with oh hey energy or strength or it doesn't like with none i can't afford it absorption probably life steel which would be nice actually fuel cell updated version of ryden cyborg body form firmware that optimizes power usage optimizes power usage what does that mean maybe we'll have me spendable meter later skills this aerial pair matters thunderstruck aerial series that's oh this is the one where you do it like a a slice and you step back so i think this is like priority numero uno the thunder we pick we can do a strike you can cast the caller yeah yeah we do a key blast okay i can't afford it i got a d sorry mom said if you get an a we'll buy you the defensive slice but but i failed i have to call more guys that's like the whole point of these video games let's just call your friends wait but first of all oh [ __ ] this oh that's just great there it goes holy [ __ ] this is gaming this is breath of the wild no climate this is most of the fun in breath of the wild oh oh that's completely weightless well i did pick up a metal gear and just toss it around so it makes sense that i would be able to do this no problem what else we got talk to me kevin warzone out here this is how do i clear it out quick when you break my bro the streets got pretty hot after that we're definitely gonna see a few civilian casualties here luckily it looks like most of them got out of the city before things got bad they've basically got control of the entire town and are using the refinery as their hq and that's why we're hitting the plant keep in mind sure i don't know go cut some guys for most of these guys this is just a job in theory was that not what that is to me do i actually care what's going on or am i just trying to get that paper i'm trying i have a [ __ ] family to support dude like these things matter now hello big titty silence lady how's it going [Music] hello age 23 brain waves blood sugar check check check all this monitoring equipment i got a better view than if i was standing right next to you anyway i'll be saving anyway data automatically anytime something important happens in the field wow but contact what does that mean copy that good to hear that hasn't changed with this new body yep the basic system is exactly the same so did you want to save ah [ __ ] it uh she's the save babe why not and save complete simple huh copy and glad to hear you're okay after africa that ambush was pretty three crazy vehicles should have been plenty for that job and it would have been against any but it wasn't gorilla force wasn't even close where would an anti-imani faction get the cash to hire cyborgs cyborgs maybe there's some intel i missed a lead i should have followed up on maybe if i reacted faster or coordinated yeah you kind of suck courtney you're right all right all right goodbye i got some dudes to slice i can't be talking to girls all day i bet there's a secret back here though just oh just you wait secrets ooh secrets i know you're here secrets there's no secrets here any touchables are you come on come on man look at the map it's outside of the level i dude i can't i see a mountain i want to go there but i can't i've been lied to by kojima combat manual [Music] no i have dash and i have slice and most importantly i have dash slice so this is fine oh okay yeah oh how do what do i do if they parry me can i counter parry their parry oh [ __ ] wait oh i actually had something good there for a moment then i squandered it squattered it does this just work you get a meter please turn that on you see oh oh that's what the thing does the the battery capacity okay yeah well that seems pretty efficient which time congratulations damn you ate their spines it's yummy how the [ __ ] do pairings hard grenades is jumping that's not what ninjas use i gotta learn how to parry that's just too fast there we go it's dead it's dead ryden we got him don't worry all right give me more guys i need help make them drop health i must consume vanderbilt thanks for the 569 through paypal the absolute unprecedented movement speed from this metal gear game yes this body he's very fast much more agile than old trails well you know how fast the tech's been spreading these last few years technology would have been much easier if riding with player character what enterprising soldier a fortune could resist and cyborgs are still human real thinking people way less risk of collateral damage than your typical uav strike and don't forget the pr angle nations start playing frankenstein with their troops and the public goes nuts pmcs on the other hand are off the ethical radar yeah they still don't even count pmc's in official death oh that's a question mark mug that's so cute maybe it's like an exclamation mark but it's kind of shaped like a question mark we got his medal in a way cyborgs are just sop troops by another name only all muscled up and less predictable but it makes you wonder where desperado find these guys no i don't know i'm complaining they're like walking vending machines that's very grim right vending machines full of blood what okay you know i'm afraid of vampires don't do that people who terrorize and take innocent lives for money they sowed their fate when they took this job i'm just and now i will deliver justice i'm jack the ripper i'm a bit cold right i'm awesome even for you anyway uh his school let's get to work time to increase the peace all right great sure all right let's go make some peace how did i do b not that yo 4 200 battle points that's more for killing a whole metal gear yeah he had a 22 combo which i think are perry's give me the customize oh this is very annoying every time i want to customize i have to reload my save and also go through a big fat loading screen i don't think you have uh enough i got it how do i use this firmware that allows faster more detailed feedback to be delivered to this brain uh detailed neural feedback allows ryden to freely sidestep enemy attacks in any direction and effectively counter their aggression but what is the button though but what button do i press probably there's maybe a uh vr training for it and also i'll take this why not probably just invested in the skills is a good idea i probably should get some life too okay once we get enough battle points there's a move list in the pause menu help help help me oh there we go awesome yeah maybe here's our comments dude [ __ ] i'm not i'm never gonna use throat slice ever i'm sorry guys it's not gonna happen so defensive offense x plus a to do the the backstab that's uh okay that's like super duper helpful okay that's like a huge lunge good good very good [Music] looks clear no one in sight what's the how long to beat on this say chat it's like 10 to 12 hours or something i knew this was like a shorter one might take me a little bit longer so i go through this we'll probably dial the bridge into the old town then head down to the rear of the refinery still i think do not let your guard down gotcha give me the charge yes treasure for me nano pace what is that uh is that like ration yeah let's go all right i gotta take a wicked wiz wit i'll be right back go do it gross head to the indicated waypoint i will wait there's a guy up here where's that guy can i do a drop kill that'd be so awesome in the lower corridor i see try to flank them or approach from behind okay uh how about get this item first it's called first get the item the repair nano paste and now wait action oh that's some good action right there we could not have killed that guy in a cooler way that was optimum cool kill definitely getting named for that one oh more dudes can i stealth kill everybody it is a metal gear game i mean yeah you have to be able to do it it's probably not encouraged because they really want you to slice them up construct your ar display some civilians are still in the city that is not good that is not my problem more like can i just normal slice this to open it i totally can okay so i wasted that meter for nothing a grenade what the [ __ ] how do i use grenades oh wow look at that oh wow oh recovery i see now i see sub i'll take the grenade i think oh well i don't want to kill that civilian no do it do it do it yeah you know collateral damage and whatnot it's fine i've alerted this bad oh he's fine oh jesus i'm being sniped i'm being sniped upon uh i'll make him stop sniping me by killing him with my big writing sword where the [ __ ] did he go oh they're quick how about you you want some of this throat slash i've learned the combos i'm a master at this video game now cutting the bridge apart can you give me my loot there was no loot that was none loot uh there's some more bad guys there's still dudes trying to shoot me back here i should probably take care of so let's go ahead and do that over the bus up and over good job come here you no shooting rockets at me we do not like to see that thankfully his friend is just waiting patiently for his turn all right it's your turn that's what makes it a good third person actually do it whoa they form a cube that's a grab you can't parry those we got him one hit oh i probably have to jump up and slice him like a cool guy but but i didn't sorry civilian just stay down try to not die oh i got them both wow you good he's fine he's so fine i can't even hurt him wait can i actually like rescue hello go home [Music] you're welcome bye-bye threw a grenade at him and he said thank you i didn't mind i returned from my wicked wiz wit he only got like a little bit of shrapnel i got grenades nice they're kind of awesome check this out um how do i stealthily dispose of these these goons probably can't run up the wall oh no no it's time well thankfully these things might as well be made out of like paper mache so it's fine ow i've been robots the first appearance of the geckos in a video game looking brawl i did not know that no really yeah brawl came out before mgs4 did and they're on uh shadow moses island brawl how much earlier was brolin before a couple months do it back okay that's probably pretty probably a pretty big deal yeah if people see that and say what are those there's also like a pretty heavily different love theme in control compared to one of them gf4 it's charging me oh i don't know how to block that that's a lot of damage i'm sure this cow is not about to hit me no no no hold on hold on now one chatter says yeah whenever you're in sneaky mode you have like batman vision press left on the d-pad i that is the thing that i've done oh [ __ ] okay strong powerful cow there's more dudes i can't be fighting ads while this is going on come on that's too much thankfully i have healing item yeah dylan so there's a there's unfortunately some still some civilians in the city so we have to save them okay we saved one of them by throwing a grenade directly at him [Music] he liked it he thanked me yeah it's all about it [Music] let's grab okay i think i'm beginning to realize like the language of the game like big red flash means very big yellow flash with crab it's secure except oh god big damage okay locking on kind of sucks maybe i should just not do it whoa partner stop i was in the middle of attacking that oh here we go i i don't i don't know how to prevent that do i have to parry it maybe it's [ __ ] me up really hard this guy died at least thank you doing all sorts of kicks oh okay well there goes my second healing gun that's fine let's use a meter that did not work b okay this works stab him stab him many times yes still alive though in the air yeah beat his ass oh there we go nice oh yeah oh check it out give me like a d for that one a c i did not do that good come on that's a little bit generous very good keep heading for refinery i will i will go another one can i stealth kill it please i don't want to [ __ ] with it again change sub weapon hmm that's your uh grenade yeah rocket launcher i'm gonna kill this guy can i what i can't stealth kill there we go there you go poke got him yes can i stealth kill all of that can i stealth kill the geckos probably maybe oh [ __ ] i haven't spotted well that's not good okay don't alert the geckos please everything else is fine on the scene i'm physically blocked off because my mental brain won't let me go i come here [ __ ] just got a lot of slicing to do real quick hold on don't rpg oh that's unfortunate i'm gonna die i don't have any items i don't know how to parry some combination of buttons that i can't remember it's it's i'm pretty sure the tutorial just said to like press x and like hold towards the end yeah it's hard so it's square i'm gonna get jumped on dude this is not good get out of there get out of there gotta move oh i'm just moving all right okay it's okay stop defying gravity just towards the enemy next apparently i'm dead i don't think i was getting out of that one alive i didn't think he would see me let's try again let's not immediately get caught too well the 888 with 669 through paypal saying oh [ __ ] rpg tate is finally learning the way samurai it doesn't say way of the it just says the way samurai the way samurai maybe they're calling us samurai books through paypal saying found this game at a five below when i was 13 and i have yet to encounter anything else that comes close to being this [ __ ] cool can i kill this thing when you were 13. not 13 uh bro brawl just came out ow rpgs now cows get up there ryden you suck that's how i was i was 18 when this game came out i'm old i ain't old i'm [Music] can i drop aggro and then stealth kill these am guys locked in i don't think it's that kind of game i don't think so you just kind of got to kill the guys so you you can defo parry those like lag attacks right like that's yes they're yellow they're orange but it does the big red flash whenever they go to do the attack that's not the big red flag that's true yes so yeah oh i can just do this what triggers this why am i allowed to do this right now just because he did like one specific attack don't go down oh [ __ ] we've been kicked i'll try parrying it didn't work there's an epic fail is he dead oh he had green slime coming out of him i thought i got him but i didn't oh i i saw the health pick up that's the saddest part is that there's health right behind that crate i just walked past it all right another one keeps heading for refinery let's just let's kill this guy first i think the geckos are stronger than the normal this is just gonna alert that didn't alert how the [ __ ] not that alerted okay no hesitated kind of weird very good ryden now try that but yet again but another time again why did he detect me that time what what did i do differently just fight him just i can't they're strong no i really i really like i i've i've been consistently don't worry chad i've read all of your backseating tips and i'm not relaying them i don't get it because because this is literally like the first like encounter of the game no it's too sloppy that's just a big l this is like this is like the first real encounter of the game and we're like dylan they have to tell him exactly how to play every single moment of the game i just i i have chat off i can't look at it good stuff yeah that's a good idea there we go good good good sorry guys you're too annoying i can't help it i'm gonna get caught he sees me that's fine i can fight the robot all right i gotta parry let's just use this time to learn how to parry things all right well that's unfortunate fighting right here is not a good idea you'll die if you do that where are you carry them all no problem here let's do it come on baby it's charging is that variable i don't know i didn't see the flash me neither [Music] immediately following what dylan just said that's really dope thank you for the two dollars i love our audience really sick that's that's awesome thanks guys thank you thank you thank you well i have a [ __ ] rocket launcher so that's a drink maybe i should just use that you do have an rpg what if i just used a rocket launcher instead huh what if i stopped using the stupid little sword like some larping idiot how do i make dude oh he's alerted to my position multiple men are is he coming for me he is can i do like a he walks surely this is not going to work but okay i don't know how that works i walked into him he didn't detect me i'll take it so there's that one uh touch thanks now i just got a few more and then i'm good that guy's back turned oh you fool that's the worst mistake you could have made just don't look over here just whatever you do keep staring that way that was a grenade not health also there we go the other one is now dead turns out you don't even have to play the video game if you don't want well it might think it's the 499 to super chat i'm you're playing this game one of my favorites hope you have fun with this one as much as i did p.s will you play metal gear solid ground zeroes after check the website and thank you and i hope i like the website has been linked in chat i like it so far this is pretty funny that every single every single year game that we played thus far how i pressed the button okay we've always gotten any will you play the next entry in the series question every time well they want to know the next one is the best i can't wait till we get into five and people are like will you ever go back and play the prequels that didn't okay weird hitbox on that one [Music] i just need i need good i need good parries not this bad pair of stuff snuck that one in there that was i okay press the x button they said attack and perry are on the same button is the problem it's whatever the left button on your computer is it it's it's square it's square that's how you open the square that's how you attack it makes it hard i'll just do it again no he's already out [Music] can't parry that one oh but i can jump on his face if i was faster uh maybe it's time to use rocket launcher there you go suck on this too slow too early it was rushing that was too oh god damn it can't carry that one i think i'm gonna die again probably with 42 paypal saying something the way of this i thank you dillian for pointing out the mistake smile spelling my name incorrectly very good right now also matthew who just said back seating thank you for that get him let's do it real stealthy like there's one we got him cha-ching he's gonna i don't know how i did it last time i like detected a guy and then got really lucky with that guy okay stupid right now is he gonna nope not like that now they're both coming that's not good i need to get out of here oh there's too many robots all right let's do it let's just do it let's do it live i'm gonna get jumped up how do you avoid that i don't know how to probably have to be moving just run away all the time they let's go no i was in the middle of an attack oh here they go again there we go that's what i'm talking about nice nice nice slices ass nice and then i crush him who's next let's go who's next [ __ ] one shot him incredible yeah you just gotta parry it oh can okay that's very annoying oh i activated my lightning mode when can you uh when you get to do the like rip up their heart and heal attacks when you parry i did it though let's try damn i'm i'm not quick enough that's a tight window that window is tight let's try it again now until i figure out how to win let's just kill this thing nice alert didn't get alerted that time i don't understand how the [ __ ] does he not how caution that doesn't make sense come here you get caught but i'll take him down with me nice plunging attack now it's no it's no problem oh you're not you're oh yeah they just going down yeah oh it's go time except when you come across this guy i caught you got him is he actually dead do it do it [ __ ] shoot the rpg right now do it that's a good idea i like that he announces his attack i'm gonna shoot him with a rocket okay and that guy is none the wiser up there he's very confused as to what's going on computer chip oh he's behind the box glitching out oh there he is here we go i'm doing it i'm winning blue color thanks for the three or two dollars through super chat saying have you tried not getting hurt uh you did a great job of that uh currently right here nice so we got lucky and slade could click gain the dollar ninety ninety superchat hey are you guys gonna play revengeance uh nope check the website absolutely not boom baboon with three dollars to paypal it's crazy how this platinum game has stealth mechanics in it despite being as over the top as it uh despite being as over the top it is we have to take our chat to like an english really badly there are too many typos in chat well you work for nisa or something chat what's going on well it's more so that uh i i attempted to read it the correct way uh my my brain filled in the english the way that it's supposed to read but then i i caught myself and read it the way it was typed which was wrong all right we did it we did one fight greetings oh lord show yourself who is it shave this is where sonic fights silver here he comes they're silver it's dog it's dog robot dog with a chainsaw but why the zoids are cool man intelligence an additional prototyping device enables verbal communication i possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning it's a smart dog really smart dog what's the meaning of life why are we here suck my dick hot knife that does not answer the questions we caught it with our our foothole that's it start up the cowboy music intellect i may analyze orders but i may not disobey them should i disobey a direct order my memory would be white i must destroy you don't want that what good is an intellect if you can't use it your taunting is pointless exterminate okay chat it's time to leave it all behind let's do it i will parry this dog so [ __ ] good hey you should let me play i can unlock the secret really good and fast maybe just hand over the controller to the cool dog dog is not very cool i've seen cooler dogs oh [ __ ] what do i do ow oh god wow that's a lot of damage can i parry that it did make the flash you will die here he comes it's very important i'm locked on to the enemy why am i looking at a [ __ ] wall oh no it's gonna take a minute to learn this guy's patterns i think he's quick he's one quick dog that's a little bit soon you are invincible while blocking those that's that's nice it's way too soon come on no not good enough what okay that time it's a good time nice and nice too oh yeah oh i'm kicking his butt now so let's go let's go i got an achievement for that i'm i'm that's good enough i'll just block him where are you going what's up back up required an ad stop i don't want that ow and here's a bunch of guys well i can't fight those guys and a dog at the same time obviously so that's not very good that's okay the dog will hang back also these guys will give you health probably oh yeah probably give you drops unless they kill me first there's one dead man did you drop health mr deadman i i need electrolytes i'm i'm jonesing not today now i've been shot oh my robot body is not strong enough yo can i parry you i'll i'll get like stuff if i parry this guy let's try that no come on no come on that's what i'm talking about i take the spine out heal me nice i don't know what that means yeah did i was i supposed to press a button during that maybe i got a grenade that's not i think i think whenever that pla is that not uh like the right sick attacks or whatever whatever that that cotton jeep pops up maybe who's to say i don't know if it's kanji or not chat it's all the same to me i will not die way too i'm going too soon i'm scared it's because i'm scared that's why getting better though no i'm not then yeah i don't think can you block this uh you can block him that's what i've been doing but i don't think you can like carry chad says maybe you should do the zondatsu tutorial i don't know what that means but maybe that's uh there you go that's how you heal i think i think they've already given it to us we've just overlooked it i'm dead well that's okay for a first attempt uh how do i heal i would like to know let's go to the help section to receive some help let's see a controller hmm i could just tell you i've read it in chat a million times yeah how do i heal uh whenever time slows down like that or whenever there's a blue outline on the screen you go into slow down uh a slasho mode and and hit him then i slice them yeah yeah so whenever the game slows down for you or if you get a blue outline on the screen this dog's crazy still doing it yeah multiple fails more like stupid dog oh yeah oh yes oh we got a repair nano thing do i have that equipped how do i equip this uh it's the it's rb the sub there we go that's good that's good um i still have a [ __ ] rpg rocket maybe that'll do good damage after i kill these these guys underscore nbc with five to paypal 10 minutes ago saying see when you go to also hope you enjoy mprr uh thank you me too i'm liking it so far i think it's pretty badass i just got another healing item is it is it are these pity healing items because it recognized that i died in this boss fight so it's like okay this is anything's helped probably i don't know why i'm getting them now got it you're next bud i'm surprised i still have this combo going doesn't feel like i should but i'll take it got him yeah it seems to be pretty generous as long as as long as you stay hitting it looks like it just keeps going up come back dog nope what oh you got to jump over that one said closer okay that was just cool yeah if you back him into a wall you don't even have to parry it's true stop come here we're getting in that corner buddy okay he says no to the fly he jumps out of the corner protection that's a jumpy one there we go that's an easy one i get it now oh yeah sort of put lightning like this great oh yeah yeah that's right call in more ads [ __ ] help him if you want you could squeeze in a rocket right there oh i already know how to handle these guys now it's easy all you have to do is block and mash y and dragon ball doing it i mashed the [ __ ] out of y there we go slice them here there you go badass cool big heel i'm learning i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm a genius he's calling more leave it all behind just a dog why am i scared of you [Music] i'm beating his ass right now hell yeah why do we have to bring in the rock band for uh for the dog fight that's a badass they all need it every video game should have a soundtrack like this all of them what what what genre would we call this would we call it metal yeah just metal yeah isn't this like new metal or something i don't know i'm not a child i don't know enough about metal no i won't you will die it's actually very easy once i figured out you can just block 100 of the damage it became a little bit oh do it slice you today oh it's metal gear that's probably oh that was my first that was my first instinct but i didn't want to look like a fool on the internet for being wrong that's a deep yeah that's what i was doing game don't worry i know what's up i've played a video game before oh [ __ ] they're not happy how do you see me you [ __ ] they could smell you oh these ones have shields though i don't know what i'm gonna do about that dude just die please thank you i just gonna have to do some good parries a thing whenever you're hitting them just mash all the different buttons like a two-year-old see if uh see what kind of different animations we got that's that's the wrong wrong number come on come on one of these damn there we go does that get rid of the shield that does get rid of the shield you gotta learn how to parry man dude if you don't know how to parry oh you better learn oh my god 14 20 to paypal 14 minutes ago shout out to the poor fog mods i can see hobo and darko breaking down in chat fight the good fight thank you yeah this is an action game so uh at the end of the day you just have to you just have to press the buttons better [ __ ] i'm pressing great right now i feel on top of the world i feel like i can kill those things oh oh god oh god oh no [Laughter] i thought that was going to be longer than it was oops uh that reminds me of after i after i beat the harrier and emptiness too and i fell i fell to the ocean immediately whatever i was trying to walk along the railing intense action sequence oh my god don't fall into the water i'm not waterproof run straight up a wall keep going oh my god turn down please perry there holy [ __ ] ryan's so cool oh [ __ ] i do have to fight it all right i don't know how i'm gonna do that i mean probably with rocket launchers i have to guess stinger missile damage course ow did you just run up and slice it in half wait i can parry those i saw it i saw my own two eyes harriet grab it and throw them back okay well i feel like that was good timing but it didn't i can't block it yeah i hit a second one let's try that again and 19 thanks for the 10 or three people saying we're exceeding thanks thank you thanks for the back seating yo [ __ ] it up there we go that's the wrong move there we go that's the right move hammerhead i hate you hammerhead i wish ryan still had the robot voice filter from the end of uh did he have the whole game in mgs4 i don't remember or did he only have it after he got critically injured near the whatever he got introduced slapped oh it blew up my mistake here i come playing after he got here we go suck on these yeah yeah i go slice it he showed up with the the trench coat no arms some in his mouth that was pretty badass he was monologuing about how he is the lightning really funny hold the button okay i will i will try try me again i'm holding rt it's it's missiles are not doing what they need to do we have to there we go slice the chop it's propellers it's so a b for pretty good get rid of that wall i got dudes to slice cool actually you know what screw this can i get some new stuff real fast how much how much money i got probably enough to buy some upgrades let's see god look at him let's see let's see life oh more health please endurance upgrade one yeah that's probably worth it uh okay that's only one though main weapon also probably worth it two hundred thousand it's kind of a lot i don't know about that one that's like uh it's like a like a maybe a post game thing even sky high updated version of writing cyborg body firmware that improves reaction speed and uh that's uppercut i'm just not gonna use that move that's okay i just want more damage give me more damn oh this is how you yeah there we go i want uh energy absorption absorption one sounds kind of nice i'm not gonna lie but just more damage is always good i'll take the life steal why not maybe it'll save me exit yes save it up is that a flash kick it looks like it looks like uh yeah you do a fox up smash and bicycle kick them into the sky [ __ ] yeah that was really important in bayonetta to get the airborne so that way you just typically pretty important in these kinds of games evil beat the [ __ ] out of them after you pick them up maybe i should arial opponent is a is a [ __ ] dead opponent maybe they should have invested in uppercut because these ones i mean it it's probably pretty cheap long-term in the long term so probably not too much of a just a temporary setback you're gonna get out get all this eventually anyways i'm a stealthy boy it looks to me like russian spies that sound like snake wait caution yo you gotta save the you gotta save you're over max 107 health right now i don't know how that works i guess it's just you know it's more than a hundred percent maybe that's maybe have more health yeah what that was in the parry is that what the okay so you don't like have damage resist you just have more health i guess so that's fine by me okay these bird guys kind of suck so that's nice i'm coming for you there one down blink get down i said oh and now you can kick the wings off of them it's kind of cool game i'm kind of badass i kind of feel like badass right now i wish i could do this like you know like my teachers and all the people that you know me my parents who are always saying like you know oh get a real job you know it's like shut up mom playing metal gear rising revengeance gotta study for your test no i don't i'll slice you in the face that's what i'll do i'm gonna slice the test i'll slice the chest in half and the bullies come up and they say give us your lunch made i'll slice the bullet in half too that's what i'll do violence in schools is a serious problem guys uh all right i got the rpg before the cut scene brother electronic lock on the gate why don't we go over it you have the right id data why not double back check the vehicle route again you know back at the entrance to the old city uh yeah to the maybe you can hitch a ride most likely to the chatter we played correct got a war remake they haven't played the hack and slash ones action well yeah it's not a remake well god of war parenthetical yeah i got to get that hand what did he just say i was zoned out get that hand right i don't know where the hand is doc that's it is it martin he said go back okay he said go backtrack there are oh i didn't mean to fall off that building oops can i still uh you don't see me that's fine okay let's not sprint off the building let's jump higher onto the building oh god it's time for action holy [ __ ] that's so sick you saw nothing [ __ ] god blessed and sakiro that guy would have kept walking yeah somehow this game has the best guards of all of them thanks platinum this one has like the the guards that are like the best at their job however unfortunately uh it's against writing yeah unfortunately they have to deal with ryden hollow chip oh god oh no i watched some of the uh the metal gear solid one and two digital graphic novels and they uh snake and they look like [ __ ] like monsters in those games or in those those media media they're all they're drawn all like like real rough and sliced i will all the time why didn't we do this first i don't know it just seems like the default did i touch this orange i did not touch that orange gimme that's good to help more rations they'll be out five health bars it's pretty sick slice aha that word why don't we try that to begin with oh [ __ ] they're bringing in cyborgs let's go take out the gunners but never mind not until after this fight they say uh how do i deal with this without taking a bunch of damage could shoot him with rocket i could throw grenade you ninja ran up the wall oh wait a minute i have an idea yeah yeah yeah i see yeah yeah can i really oh my god this game is awesome this game is sick this game is sick nasty it is pretty sick right now it's time for my ultimate ninja move ninja hand grenade jesus the gunman oh i don't know how to deal with this guy yet that's a new threat taking all this damage kind of around like nazi zombies hold on uh i'm homie missile probably want to save that but who knows ouch i'm trying here let's go back to old reliable strat just for a little bit oh god i've been buried i'm gonna have to watch the mod i see this thing come on but i found out ryan could come in lightning at the end of mvs4 because he was named after a thunder god else in that i've not found any other reason now i think that was like coincidental i think the end universe explanation as to why ryden all those guards uh on outer haven was because was because uh something to do with the big microwave tunnel going crazy that snake was in and it was it was big during the ryden i am the thunder speech coincidentally for dramatic effects i think it just really likes mortal kombat oh my god there's more at least we're [ __ ] this guy up like really hard wow he's just pathetic we get him oh he did oh he's not dead oh but you're blue though i see i see how blue you are sir oh god how do i don't know i think you have to hit those bits wait a slice i almost did just i almost just did something real cool let's do it again whoa slide slices i likes me some of that now i got full meter again i can just keep doing that over and over you know what you get a parry oh yeah oh yeah chat check that out things are looking nice today slightly keep going slice like nice yeah cut them up like a thousand times before you get to rip the spine out and eat it uh pretty pretty okay all things considered yeah that's like almost one skills worth of pointos that i just got yeah so it's not it's not too hard i suppose touch saying take a shot every time someone backseats chat no oh please do not do that please dad please don't do it for me we'll die too much for you too chad can you cut any of these like walls open [Music] no i was kind of i was kind of hoping that you would like slice and then it would like cut the wallpaper and peel down all dramatically i want to be able to run through and leave like a big looney tune hole in the side of the wall your footsteps something scary's out there i just i hear it i don't know what it is let's find out right now could be anything it could even be a boat robot every time i get to ride in all of his glory it makes me laugh hmm looks like a lot of cuttable tubes are in there oh he ryden only sees the world and things that he can cut now there he is cool hat he's with a tall [ __ ] uh oh oh that's a that's a tall [ __ ] yo what she got like a backpack built into the suit i also know this one well i know like her her thing i know her deal and i like her song a lot it's got it's one of my favorite ones she's got uh she has like a moto gp suit on yeah it's gonna get all inflated it's gonna puff up if she takes a big fall that's carrot cakeman get out what do you like her yeah i just dodged a bullet that was a kiss i'm heading for the refinery not a boy come on bro that's it that is needless to be [ __ ] everything up it's actually cool destruction isn't all destruction let's see can i buy more [ __ ] surely i can i don't know why why do they put the upgrade menu on a separate yeah that's weird i guess it makes sense because like every fight is its own individual encounter but even still seems like jumping through a lot of hoops to do something that's so simple and like chords in the game yeah just more strong strength plus one um what else what else life no i don't think i can afford anything no i'm too poor i'm out of here but now i have a stronger sword and that's good i'll use it to cut i'll use it to stealth which is what i will do now you're first dude the plunging stealth kill is so funny it doesn't seem particularly stealthy but you know i'm not complaining that one two [Music] thank you how many non-lethal take down these guys for extra points though crazy you have to uh you have to put your uh blade to blue mode come on come on yes another one bites the dust well you just sprint up to them very silent like a ninja yeah cow robot are we in pripyat where are we i don't know still in brown town this looks like a call of duty four level yeah it really does yeah the the ferris wheel chernobyl that dude's not gonna see me it's not possible his eyesight's too bad it's not even good enough pressing the b button they're killing the big robot stabbing in the robot brain it bleeds robot blood okay maybe the guards aren't that good yeah maybe not excellent very well done sweet was that nay harry winner maybe that wasn't even an encounter worth a grade yeah yeah it's not a graded fight i'll take that already back almost up to 12k again yeah get a lot of points for stealth killing we intercepted call for backup during your last fight the caller's position is on your soliton radar you can engage if you wish there's any good stuff back here it is your choice there's an orange let me get that oh yeah gotta get that thank you now i have a hollow chip i don't know what that does but i have it attention use the action button the cliff is just ahead at the end i'm trying to fight a cute tall girl is the refiner in his backyard so what it's a sheer drop the refinery is not connected to the city at all no it was only built two years ago there should be a narrow path ryden's drunk half the time whenever he delivers don't get cocky most likely it is desperado running security down there well all right i won't get cocky i'll just slice i'll get slicey that's what i'll do what okay hey one cut that's not enough vince i need you to god this fence is so heavy it's heavier than the [ __ ] tree i chopped down bro gotta give it some more cuts come on come on there we go i i guess the devs intended for you to just [ __ ] go ham on it oh god that's do a little teleporting oh god get away there's so little that's great it is but it's impossible to find the japanese voices for the ultimate edge that was badass dude and the and the other one and give me that too okay look chat i'm doing it i'm not sucking hurt oh you're getting king grabbed i've never heard like any of the japanese metal gear voices i never heard any of them the english ones are so good hey for me hey wow 4500 4500. nice what's what's everyone's favorite voice performance from this from the series thus far do you guys have an answer voice performance yeah i don't got the best voice the answer to that is obviously um ottacon ottacon yes the best voice i like liquid snake from the first one he's good good that's a pretty good i sliced my way my my my favorite i think my favorite lines have come from uh ocelot but i really liked at like voice wise uh i also like i also like i like him in four a lot where he's like really like just like really falling apart gurgling and yeah it sounds like he's underwater you know i think i like uh metal gear solid one snake's voice as well it's like a little different in each of the games oh jesus christ it's getting these these little gravity's got to go away thank you whenever he's whenever he's voicing a big boss it's like a little like a little deeper that wasn't okay [Music] what oh should i i don't know what direction to be holding should i be holding the direction or okay i think it's towards the bad guy come back you can do it come on cow i believe they're another two canadian it's almost like real money the super chat is saying kojima as voice of god was best va did is that actually like that that was in the credits but was that actually did he actually provide any lines in the game hold on dude what the [ __ ] okay now i'm getting pissed off roll for ocelot or the seal that says a good that's a good one [Laughter] there we go that's the stuff i'll slice you i'll rip you get on and i'll heal up oh man you just gotta parry one thing once and then it's just it's over no more fighting shouts once you beat screaming mantis i don't remember that yeah me either sure breaker in mgs5 i do i do like me some troy baker uh in the anime that i've that i've seen he also voices snow from final fantasy 13 which is what i picture in my head when i close my eyes and hear his voice i'm excited to hear him as revolver ocelot i think he's gonna do great do we animate anymore that got him my favorite voice is ian and me from mgs2 enemies oh god oh there it's it's trippy yeah laser trigger yeah is he only gonna do video games now or is he just like not voice i think he's i think he's i think he's too high budget for anime nowadays really he's made a [ __ ] wow good for him he was ignoring yeah come on i need my sword to be stronger that's what i need throat slicing i'm doing all the combos that i know how uh he did he voiced baki from baki the netflix ona uh from 2018 to 2020. i saw i think five episodes of that and got really bored there's some buff mid in that show yeah that's all i know is the thumbnail isn't that a muslim show it's not a wrestling it's like a deaf martial arts show oh i thought it was wrestling and there's a lot of bad dudes a lot of strong bad dudes let's do it that was bad let's try that again okay just i need i need one of you to attack first grenade i can't parry that just don't walk on and also don't get grabbed that's bad okay get rid of the rpg men the rocket missile thing i can't get up that high though that's the problem holy [ __ ] this is a hard fight trying to grab me all the time they have robots specifically for that here they are actually trying to grab me manually oh my god how do you yeah how am i supposed to not get [ __ ] up there we go is that good enough no oh the triple oh the triple kendo slice jesus christ stop my one complaint about the game is the camera so far everything else i like the camera kind of [ __ ] sucks [ __ ] like like a lot of it if only we had chat grenades i don't i think i do have an emp grenade uh but i can just break you know what no i can't i'm just gonna i'm just gonna i'm just gonna [ __ ] come down into here run run around a little bit i've lost them [ __ ] no they said the [ __ ] word it's over it's over for them now they suck didn't somebody earlier say like oh [ __ ] i i didn't i didn't oh my gosh oh geez don't grab me we're in the fight what is the what is the camera's deal what the [ __ ] is it looking at why am i looking this is like really frustrating actually i put myself in a bad spot oh man we're in the pit it's okay a lot of guys not a lot of room it's fine i will tank my way out of here doing lots of damage see no problem the blender ouch hang on for option settings for the camera oh no if you convert it you can change the sense no wait center oh that's map yeah no no not what i'm looking for no bruh what are you doing climb it there we go yeah it's especially whenever you're in like confined space handle this bad boy freaks out okay i could not reach that bad boy oh man it's it's [ __ ] [ __ ] this place okay [ __ ] this room not a good room that is done it was pretty unnecessary me to even like bother to break that but it's what's gonna that's what's gonna happen i've been kicked if i have to use all of my all my [ __ ] to win this fight that's okay die [ __ ] there we go we're getting them now ouch it's not fun to deal with that was pretty intense i mean i can just hold block i guess not actually he made some of his bits blue they're all blooming okay give me your health please nice thank you suck next you're not what are you where's your weapon bro oh you have none but you're still holding the pose he has he has no arms yeah he has no he's just holds his hole that's weird don't do that chop his other arm yeah you know what why not oh give me your parts oh [ __ ] that's great that was not a clean fight but it was good enough we did succeed how many healing items do i have now i have i have two that's plenty it says at the left see it no underneath your vp let's see maybe this has a another one for me yes nice it's like it didn't even matter the nano paste i love nano paste oh okay very yummy come on i don't think you can yeah you have to go oh i don't know are you some of the controls are a bit weird are you mario double jumping no you can't double jump sometimes you just go and sometimes you don't oh we're about to fight fat men true big fatman oh this looks like a boss arena to me oh it got way darker all of a sudden i was wondering when you'd come jack the ripper no one calls me that anymore stop though where is he that's not my name i can show you a better time than that crusty old bear what do you mean if you catch my drift wink wings the cold wind of france now i only kill people adult now i kill people but way harder and as a ninja i used to use guns and like like stinger missiles and [ __ ] no longer you and i still got the rocket launchers lost my whole family everything but i butchered those [ __ ] [ __ ] elves that's when i realized i'm glad we get to say [ __ ] now this is a huge step in the series video games are finally art about time understand why you walk like that all right bring it on oh okay dude nice not once did i feel threatened i was adrift it's bdsm babe at times i even envied my prey this that's cool and all do you want to fight and then nice boobs ma'am and i knew what i had been missing what's that his ideals gave my life meaning ideals jack ideals jack hi protect the weak sure i guess still that's green jack so nice so mean and if i must kill to protect why are you like breaking your own [ __ ] that one was already kind of broken it's okay nice god i wish that were me you have less in common than i thought i'll take that as a compliment yes if you would kill for your ideals then surely you are ready to die for them end of hand blade she's the arm one is it is she gonna go doggo mode oh no she's going hackathon sure mode and she's getting horny while doing it she sure is [Music] oh my god i must kill this stranger and she's gonna do cool knife tricks with her mini arms okay i like her staff made of arms that is pretty bad at wait there's more it's daytime again also defeat i will but i don't want to get grabbed though so first things first thing out the hurt a little bit we got her to 99 we're already one percent in now i see this 100 times uh honestly you know jesus okay there's more no i just don't want to fight those ones right now come on oh it'd be so much easier if i whoa ma'am i don't know your attack patterns yet i need you to chill okay so you do that that's pretty funny i want an epic duel not with that is [ __ ] i should not have blown myself up with that red barrel okay okay it's just you and me it's just you and me no it's not i don't think all right it's going to be you and me oh i've been grabbed you see oh i can't avoid the whip this is [ __ ] annoying dude ouch [Music] i could stop is it better to keep one alive because if one is alive another bash won't spawn at least i get plenty of health from him that's nice yeah that's a cool attack i wish i could focus on you and not worry about getting grabbed hey boy there we go let's do it let's do it let's do it nice blocking idiot more like slice nice step like we're like oh she got more arms [Music] oh it's time to play touhou for a little bit yeah oh my god the camera back to all reliable strats goddard oh [ __ ] oh slice there we go only the normal amount now and now she's naked and i say wow that's epic oh god no no no no no i i don't it's so annoying that it forces you to stare at her when there's other guys on the ground trying to attack you cinematic it sure is whoa was that intended it's cinematic uh okay oh no don't grab me whoa that's a wwe move that was a good she is flying so oh my god we just this is this is like an actual fighting game oh there's guys here i couldn't see them is the problem and now i see him well this is gonna make dodging her attacks a little bit more difficult thanks hey you have to do the 2d fighter how many attacks okay that many oh my goodness damn shine come here it's three right no it's like five it's like a million it's however many you want okay come on dude trying to do an army of little robots there we go great damage fantastic damage she's so quick though no no no no big damage right now huge damage right now come back here you dude this looks like we're [ __ ] in midgar final fantasy 7 looking [ __ ] yeah oh i hope the next phase isn't at 50 percent cause that'd be really annoying yes uh always you take so many hits that's not how you there we go that's what i'm [ __ ] talking about that's just me gaming oh yeah 50 there we go maybe not yeah i think so come on come on oh here we go now this will happen well let's take this elsewhere checkpoint or it's looking for a new set piece okay whatever you say give me the lyrics thanks that was more epic oh my god i can't i don't even have the opportunity to block after that one come on now here we go oh god oh jesus at least these little guys give me like infinite health that is that is pretty nice of them what the [ __ ] is that hello i'm trying it would help if my camera sensitivity were turned up a notch which i do have control over but it's good enough yeah where are you from you are oh big damage oh that's great fully clear watching to the tooth to super chat saying [ __ ] shiva makashiva mexican shiva mecca shiva indeed is it shiva like final fantasy shiva i don't know what that means i thought that was mortal kombat she was like the goddess with all the arms right oh yeah i don't i don't think they're necessarily making like another video game reference get her get her ass oh yeah big damage you're like so close to dying can you just can you just is shiva though is that the one with like the like the the transcendence the booze crisscross with like the eight arm god oh my god it is over yeah for you maybe dumb [ __ ] come [ __ ] die tall girl it's time to make you not as tall dude standing on your opponent's weapons in media oh you're all frozen now what are you gonna do you're all cold you'll never be warm i guess man i feel like i was just kind of flailing around for half of it but it was cool i lost sure did so this is how they felt dying wait no hold on i am sorry he [ __ ] i bet he does what is this talking about [ __ ] [Music] why would i surrender we are exactly where i want oh no oh [ __ ] what but now they will be free [Music] thankfully i'm even tankier than snake so this is fine i think time to get you out of there we're sending a helicopter secure and healthy understood [Music] okay i will thank you we did it another mission complete what's the rank see not bad that's a bccb oh i missed some maybe those chapters are just like not rated i don't know maybe they're not in combat chapters yeah i'm getting a lot of points what the hell this is going to be easier yo i got the weapons [ __ ] i got hurt guys this game's kind of awesome customized yes uh unique weapon is this actually worth a damn to use whole arm made by leaving multiple tripod arms together spear probably got that reach probably i don't know i kind of like the sword maybe i just save up for this unless can i enhance this further no i don't know energy but is the big kids sword even like all that strong i don't know it's gotta be right surely this is like the best weapon does have special effect uh chad i'll allow you to backseat me a little bit is is this sword just like the best sword i don't want to waste my points i don't want to dump a bunch of points into something i'm just not going to use or is or is shitty or i'm just going to get a better version of it later i will take the fuel cell that's nice it's dlc for a reason several people say yes another sword is not worth it um plorum seems better because range the fox blade is the best sword in the game okay i'm willing to believe that i mean it's it's like how expensive it is i can get that in like a couple more missions that's no problem foxblade is cheap mode that's fine i'm playing on hard i'm already fun fighting an uphill battle wait can i afford i could afford some of these is that the alakazam of this game i could be a gray fox we could be that ninja i think these are just skins are they not are they i don't i mean i can i can customize my body so actually chad do these do anything or is this just cosmetic is there is there any actual gameplay benefit to changing your clothes do we know sure some of us know they're just skins that's just cosmetic okay then [ __ ] them then [ __ ] them don't want it don't need it not gonna have some excess points for like gray fox later maybe we'll see maybe for now i'm gonna just hang on to my sword it's a good sword all right we are yet again in another brown town this looks like gta 4. dude brian's got a cool car so you'd be a little conspicuous just walking the streets relax kev i'll blend right in white is it time to become uh why why am i wearing something [Laughter] [Music] dog friend so yeah are we gonna get the motorcycle segment let's throw them a bone canines enjoy bones yes that's let's play your dog kill him that's the secret final boss ninja right there [Music] [Laughter] cool dog who ordered the tacos unfortunately we don't have a sombrero for the dog so he does not blend right in why do we drop the head hasta la vista we just left a trail for someone to track it what the [ __ ] was the point of any of that just we just wasn't [ __ ] it was funny all right this is a really good video game i like it a lot affiliated research center somewhere in that area yes according to the intelligence the lab's been dumping illegal waste into those kevin fyi they're also involved with the cartels in human trafficking what allegedly anyway that's [ __ ] up this just gets better and better tell me about it we need you to infiltrate the lab and find out everything you can of course you'll have to find it first we still don't know the exact location so i'm looking for anywhere the lab might hook up with the sewers yep if they're actually dumping waste they've got to link up somehow find that connection sneak into the lab and see if you can find evidence implicating them on anything no problem stealth's my specialty totally well there's one thing i'm good at it's still the kind of research they're doing there not really maybe something related to all the people they're trafficking like experimentation maybe it's possible are they making robot ninjas out of the human trafficking victims oh right it says here the locals say black crocodiles live in those sewers watch out ah yeah you know how it goes could they be talking about you jeez maybe just an urban legend but still be careful i will scout ahead you will provide that dude i love the robot dog sir yes sir thank you robot dog we have a friend for all of your help let's do it all right uh except let's do that next time because i've got to go at seven on the dot and this just seems like a really good place to stop for now i don't want to get like halfway into this so it can be just a shorter game or friday that's okay that sounds like a plan plus if the game's really not that long then this'll it'll all work out it'll be an amount of streams and then we'll stop save me save girl yes does she have a does she have a quirk about her it's one thing to get your flock pumped up on the glory of dying for the cause but it's not often they actually go through with it themselves you gotta have a public face after all the guy who gets to claim responsibility on the evening news in a weird way does i have showed some serious dedication not that i'm about to praise him for it yeah still a terrorist a suicide bomber in the end if that's what you want to call crazy [ __ ] steal can you call wolf after i would like to call wolf that's what i was going to do all that explosion did was put a dent in abkhazia's budget more rushes really they're the ones rebuilding the refinery the coup didn't work out he couldn't overthrow the government he was barely a blip on russia's radar so you're saying the bombing i have a feeling that like most of the story of this game is going to be in the codex as to like probably so that way there's no lull in the action that would be my guess samurai committing hot kitty it seems much much faster paced than the metal gear game just just a little bit the cut scenes are maybe 15 minutes long what does wolf have to say ambulatory gears detected in sewer network oh that's not good desperado's already spotted us damn desperados security even were the lab anticipating our assault they would not set up patrols down here it is too far from the lab i'm glad that we beat this robot dog's ass and how do we put it back together i cut it into a million bits there is no delineation but you got a good doctor and software good vet who is doctor so they're using a mexican sewer as their training ground no is very impractical don't implement on the field training for every ai in their force in most cases ais are fed simulated data vr ryden you should know this i i forgot they engage yes so then why are they here i believe they are collecting data to improve upon their vr training code to build a benefit by they must go out in the field to experiment and gather data it is probable they are using the sewers to help improve their ai's behavior in enclosed spaces that's the sort of subcontracting work this lab does that sounds kind of contrived can't you just like find pictures of a sewer and then model the sewer based on that and put it in the virtual world toxic waste ain't that good enough fortunately ain't that like the point guess not all right uh well now that i've had those thrilling conversations now i'll save again my initial impressions about this video game is that aside from the camera i think it's very fun and pretty good and i'm glad that i am liking it as much as i am because i was worried i did not like it i can't wait until the uh i have a feeling it's only going to get more ridiculous as it goes oh oh absolutely absolutely hey we have an additional one we have an extra little the energy bar now oh we do that's that power up hell yeah maybe i'll learn to enjoy the camera more and actually figure out how to how to wrangle it but it's it's pretty counter-intuitive based on again just initial impressions but it's good and we'll play it another time what anime are we watching tomorrow guys we're watching patreon discord channel that you can join by going to and signing up we dropped recreators because everybody thought that it sucks everyone got yeah recreators like it wasn't really bad enough to finish so everyone said let's stop watching and then we did yeah so we're starting we're sorry what is pretty good i don't know i just heard i heard it's a good one it's been on my list for a while i'm i'm excited to watch it uh and then we're gonna continue assassination classroom and play part of high q where they actually play volleyball [ __ ] yeah after like 37 episodes oh man they should play more volleyball i can't wait unfortunately it's that time okay i'm gonna roll the outro now thanks for coming gamers see you on gamer monday or gamer saturday but not on gamer sunday never game or something never gamers okay bye outro right i'm trying now and also i'll close the game there we go [Music] you
Channel: Friends Without Benefits
Views: 26,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weegeethegod, Weegee, Weegee Plays, FWOB, Friends Without Benefits, Gaming, Lets Play, dad as heck, deezus, major duncan, Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid 4, Snake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 52sec (9292 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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