[Vinesauce] Vinny - Puyo Puyo Tetris Compilation

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so this is the pool for your Tetris which I've not okay apparently you can't stream this shut up this is a combination of dr. Robotnik's mean bean machine and Tetris and it's pretty badass okay no combos for Vinny oh what's that mean no don't do the garbage [ __ ] you I'm good I got this watch what's this I'm just you see I'm setting up I'm setting up them combos here we go here's one [ __ ] alright nevermind here we go what's that you gonna step it up a bit sorry it's like watching like a baby trying to put the blocks in the right order you know and on the right in the right shapes that's what it's like when you watch me play puzzle games Becker oh no another one you should really stop doing that Tetris thing you know that you should stop that okay kids with guns kids with guns taking over they won't be long this is truly the darkest timeline I may have mishandled some of my puyos stop you're taunting me now this is a game I grew up with so I kind of know how to play this one a little bit better I say as I do stupid things and she's taking care of beans I have to do Tetris is what the [ __ ] is it normal to sweat no I don't like that you need to stop you need to stop right now oh that's not what I wanted to do you lie they oh [ __ ] [Music] let's try that again hey I don't know what I'm doing someone needs to take the controller away from me are you kidding me you know it's funny I was doing this like a like an expert before I think when I go live as much of a [ __ ] as I don't seem to give when I go live my skill level decreases like ten thousand percent yeah you defeat it yes yes finally figured out how to play Tetris again I did it okay so swap is kind of cool I'm gonna do one component component one opponent and then I will do multiple components is that a Pikachu that was Pikachu so then then you have to go back to Tetris and manage your [ __ ] tetrominoes tetriminos where we're doing you scorching me I'm sorry but I got you scorched better not much I can really say during a puzzle game other than okay here we go basically whatever the characters are saying that's that's about as good as I can do that [ __ ] stop that please get a little nervous I'm a girl I know can we just stay on poyo Nell can we stay on boy in a full Eiffel please I don't know don't know good get me get me out of Tetris it's like Inception like I don't want to go back to the real world just leave me leave me in my pool dream world please Wow use a nice long one right now there you go please don't take that quote out of context how dare you how dare you I can't even read the chat right now and I already can I can sense it how are you able to do this much damage there we go there you go once down [Music] there we go there we go there we go now we're stepping it up stepped up a bit no please don't do that this is the worst stream commentary you can get no please please no god no yeah just get me out of that hell real quick okay okay what everyone's talking over each other I can't hear you what was that oh my god all my sweet [ __ ] Jesus Christ Jesus only Jesus Christ can save me now but it not even Jesus Christ could help me did you see that I just got killed by Anna Mae all right please my babushka please the bed blinds oh god no oh god I've been disconnected from my unit no nothing [Applause] [Music] please don't no poor yo please oh yes [Music] the thrill of the Tetris oh man I press the wrong button just there again I don't know why pressed up I pressed up twice I just created a monument of failure no mischief please just about to make something amazing happen don't know what to do [Music] good news I'm [ __ ] the anxiety zone well welcome to the anxiety zone while computer fish is amazing I want to be just like computer fish I need a revival I need a revive okay left stick move polios left and right down button fast drop up button quick drop a button rotate puyos right change color of giant Puyo b button rotate puyos left we're doing the whole thing I need a blue group blue blue yellow there we go yellow oh that sucks no do not do not do that no I from um exit bring it back bring it back to Puyo [ __ ] oh i misclicked that was the defense fault not mine god dammit hey my dude okay welcome to this welcome to the [ __ ] Puyo mode this is where you will do well then we will take you back to Tetris mode where your life will be pain this is this is hell no I don't want to go back to health oh my god oh my god last one final time forever Morty ever amen see one of them longers there we go now now I'm good as long as I'm not fighting God computers that was some I didn't actually mean to do that that was the controller has a mind of its own I swear there we go there we go I needed that I really really do that I like this game I feel like I was just about to vomit my intestines good game probably could've did a three-fer but that's okay I think she just called me a [ __ ] it's not nice what see like what you what the [ __ ] did you call me I'm a Navy SEAL I've got years of training I am an English Navy SEAL you [ __ ] there you go you kind of just tend to learn what are you do what are you doing to me you [ __ ] I've been told let's see Vinny your placement kills me emotionally Vinny I'm the leader of the English Puyo community you want to have a match online I don't know if you can tell but I'm absolutely terrible at this game I'm kind of [ __ ] this up aren't I yeah kind of no look at this this masterful display of whatever is going on here okay it's time it's time to handle this see that I didn't actually mean to do that yeah did you okay guys this game is good because it'll it'll make you smart this is what I've been told I've been told they use this on astronauts sorry cosmonauts that word never recovered I don't know what that was I don't know why I did that but I hope you enjoyed it now I just have a big gap so let's not worry about the gap and let's just let's just keep keep stacking here in this lovely anxiety simulator suck let's continue sorry I don't really care about the story but you knew that I mean come on you knew that nah man I'm just here to puzzle that's all I'm here for salty got it I want to be competitive I want to be good I want to be good at video games I want to be good at video game but I don't know how I was playing the free mode earlier and some of these characters have voices that make me want to gouge my eyes out yes I hear with my eyes I need not a blue any greens I think right [ __ ] my brain broke again I'm trying so hard I just want to be hardcore everyone then we can also do that - I don't know what this is going to accomplish I haven't figured that part out yet I will eventually huh expect if you haven't already guests expects lots of noises just just random random cool noises yeah I know I did it [Music] check this one out [Music] what do you mean spin attack there's no spin attack I did not witness a spin attack Sega and their spin attacks and Sonic ESCA voice actors this isn't the tetris music I need I need Russian music or it's not legit I need old like traditional Russian folk songs at least the game ramps up the difficulty at a fairly reasonable pace I don't feel overwhelmed I feel pretty I feel pretty good about the the okay nevermind yeah now we're having problems now we're having some problems why don't we just stay in Tetris mode for a while huh voice damnit if I get a double yellow and some interesting things would happen I'm just waiting for the double yellow it's not coming so she is saying suck right look you suck double yellow is not happening I have to give up my dreams double yellow as soon as I as soon as I gave up but that's life no it's don't say that my chats gonna freak the [ __ ] out if you say [ __ ] like that [ __ ] re perfect I don't know why they're saying ice storms and spin attacks and stuff when none of that is happening they have such vivid imaginations these animes trust me I know what I'm doing I have no idea what I'm doing don't trust me all right back to this hell back to back to this hell I've created for myself I'm in pull hell at the moment which is like just a mental block about how to form combos that works good you say goo goo how dare you say that to me nah her name is Ringo now you may think this has something to do with the Beatles which is why I played a Beatles song when I started but no Ringo means Apple and Japanese welcome to spice what is this of course the game has to have health bars and and crazy attacks and [ __ ] yeah you couldn't just sell a simple puzzle game like you were able to back in the 80s and 90s I'm ok with it we're gonna walk drive I wonder if these voice actors have any idea what they're doing when they get in the studio and then I wonder if they have any idea what they're doing after the work is done they have to be so confused then he's gonna pickle I got a little too ambitious I mean I still completed it but probably with one star what ok thanks whoops I don't I don't think and pull yours yet which is a problem I need to start thinking in puyos farm to master the the poyo dimension beefed it oh that's a cool noise [Music] [Music] I'm starting to think I'm not good at this what a shame because for a few minutes there I was convinced that I was a master but that was like a level of grief I'm gonna get my ass kicked I'm gonna get my ass kicked handedly still a Miss huh all right I'm pretty sure this game modes gonna be the death of me that was easy I'm learning I'm learning get a little bit better at seeing the combos this is this is good training never mind I take back everything I said so you have a mix of both Coolio's and tetris here and that includes tetris blocks that actually come down and squish the puyos and kill them [Music] the poor puyos they just want to live and they can't throw some more trash trash bin like to a bunch of garbage blocks all over the tetris beat this will burp what a sight oh let's dick that is dick don't do that garbage reflector oh man if only I could have that while I stream just quick practice or whatever this is what I was doing earlier to figure out how to play the game properly still still haven't done that yet but I'm working on it damn you did you just No stop that stop that you're ruining my combos brain is stopped brain is stopped combos not working please reboot please reboot and the voices aren't they still just amazing they're just so good aren't they guys the voices are so good I could hear them all day forever even though I haven't been following the story at all let's let's find out what's going on here checking out the story [Music] shouldn't the one on the Left have the Pikachu voice Nabi get in the back just get in the bag and stay in the back please [Music] alright okay okay all right Big Bang mode okay now that was got a little bit of momentum here okay what am I doing here I don't know I don't know I'm having them get [ __ ] mate [Music] okay I need a red one right yeah a red one there we go so again this is not like the main game modes this is just this is just for fun this is just [ __ ] around and again I love the variety oh I went to Target today by the way and I saw the Luigi balls I know it sounds weird but it's it's true what if you don't know what I mean what they did was they they dressed up the balls in front of Target like Mario and Luigi yeah the Luigi balls everyone there's also some kid and one of the aisles that was saying weird [ __ ] like I'm talking like six or seven years old and she was with her parents and she was saying like sure there's some song I guess she was like I'm a dime I put it in the ass it was really weird it was really weird and and I started walking away and the parents started laughing they were saying like you scared him away he's running away he's running away fast now I kind of was even though I was just done in that particular area but yeah it was it was a little scary it was a little scary I try not to think about it after it happened but now I'm sadly thinking about it I also saw Yoda Campbell Soup I think it was like Darth Vader and and and Yoda soup so what does Yoda soup taste like it just has to taste like a of a Kapil dick doesn't it I remember when Darth Vader and Vader Vader Darth Vader Gogu I'm going for like crazy Tetris combos right here guys and I don't know if it's gonna pay off I need the long holy [ __ ] do I need a long piece right now I need long it's not paying off guys this is this was a mistake oh let's get a little dicey let's get a little dicey the anxiety simulation has returned holy [ __ ] that was a mistake I think the the real balance like I used to play Tetris a lot when I was younger but not for years but the real depth of Tetris is knowing when to go for the Tetris and want to just clear a [ __ ] line because you always want to go for the Tetris but you can get greedy you can get tetris greedy you can get Tetris fever which I'm sure was in some issue of Nintendo Power at some point Tetris fever but it is very possible to just want to keep going just because that the Tetris would be oh so sweet but you gotta know when to quit man you gotta know when to quit it's anything I've ever learned from video games it's that and I still haven't learned it so I never mind [Music] yeah the other half of you okay okay crimp town oh [ __ ] the Dark Prince is called Satan in Japan really so his name is just simply Satan in the Japanese version that's not their names no don't enter you word the quality is entering my soul and and making me sweat this is the announcer for smash 4 is it really this is Xander mobis ladies get an extra work [Music] have to beat them to cure them okay a whole bunch of chaos yeah is when I was at Target today they had they had Oh what am i doing mistakes are being made like like massive mistakes real early chat what did I just do why did I do that I know I'm better than this what have I done I'm not doing so good then again oh yeah he's doing he's doing better than me I was gonna say he's not doing so good he's doing fine he's doing fine not even you know you know you know man you know let me let me do this right oh you got a [ __ ] we treat these as blocks I've only ever done oh that's a thing oh [ __ ] you know what's happening here I'm turning it to anime voices no rotating I'll [ __ ] this game mode Nintendo if you need more voices or Sega if you need more voices you know anime voices I can I could do them Oh like I see I I can do it just let me do it let me do it oh I won don't ever say Google again you stop that right now Oh No starts to unlock itself what in the name of Christ have I done here did the individual tetriminos have a name like I'm wondering if long piece like it doesn't wish to be called long piece maybe it wants to be called something else I don't know Jim perhaps googoo yeah that's cool oh oh I'll take care of this I guess I get the picture best music if it's not babushka music I don't want to hear it last night I was doing like I had matrix moments guys like there were there were moments that I didn't understand what was happening but it was like I was seeing the matrix in the game and I finally figured out how to get like three or four combos without breaking a sweat I seem to have lost the skill since last night I plan on getting matrix mode again so you just give me a few minutes I'll get there I'm gonna try real hard just take some peyote real quick that'll probably induce matrix like hallucinations right what can you see I need to see matrix she got a gun that's not a gun what the [ __ ] is that a spigot is that an L wrench what does I call it Jacobs wrench a Jacob's Ladder well this thing's called again it's a dowsing rod oh well then that explains a lot I got I can't I cannot force myself to get into this story I'm so sorry score 15,000 within 30 seconds Oh fifteen thousand all right it's no problem right shouldn't be a problem I think it's gonna be a problem not a problem that was a matrix moment I did it I finally had my matrix moment this guy's got a [ __ ] ladybug on his head [Laughter] [Music] sound so it's thirst baby noises intensify god help us all do you know what I'm doing right now cuz I don't that was an anti matrix moment that was Puyo hell is what just happened boy yo hell has not subsided everyone was continuing just stay in Tetris okay seriously can we stay in Tetris for a little while on second thought let's not play poyo yeah there was a lot of doubt let's do it again I need better poyo I need to I need to get out of poyo hell good it's gonna be good there's more to there's more on the way can't say more on the way without the word [ __ ] oh whoa give us another one this is just just chaos this poor field could love bloom on the poyo field that's the real question SpaghettiOs [Music] and in a span of about five seconds I went from having a good time and Tetris to a very bad time in Tetris okay garbage and frozen oh boy okay this is really hard to think because they coming down a lot faster than I'm used to so this is this is now like speed poyo this game is it wants me to be good it's trying to get me good little does it know that could never happen can't see can't see [ __ ] can't see [ __ ] can't see [ __ ] [ __ ] please God no I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] that's gonna be a good one oh I won stop saying goo goo or I'm gonna good go [ __ ] this game I don't know how to finish that second so I'm not going to goo goo goo joob I am The Walrus nope sory [Music] great line I'm gonna [ __ ] she's in love with Satan what have we learned today chat uncle trunk down shut it down now dick God please stop it love does not conquer all a good [ __ ] risotto does God alright what do you rock punch you didn't there's no rocks in this game there's just puposes and stuff there's kupos there's Mughals I guess I'm setting something up I don't know what I'm cooking up something good I think I'll figure it out when I get back to it I need more longer I need more lung [Music] give me longer don't take any of it don't take any [ __ ] no oh hooyo loves the Dark Prince and just like that Tetris was ruined for me forever I'm not done yet whoa oh mistake big mistake big mistakes are being made over in Puyo mode I had a [ __ ] good moment that I could have used I could have done good things I could have done good things I didn't do good things it's just uh it's just no no no let's stay in Tetris let's just go back to Tetris let's go back to Tetris right now [Music] okay all right fight fight do that okay now I've done and I've done and gone and done that bend bend and then things them thanks Carl Thanks damn thanks thanks no no I didn't [Music] top 10 anime battles top 10 where I need some Purple's here now what am i what am I even doing here now I'm not really sure what I was doing over there but we're gonna figure it out when I get back maybe fucus stop your [ __ ] clay you [ __ ] trying to get the [ __ ] cut it's not as easy as it seems then I thought Mario Kart was gonna make me salty this is doing the job times 10 okay oh this is intense God step right up come on you know just [ __ ] come on now one more one more attempt at this I swear we're gonna do a few online battles not too many but a few a few just just as soon as I'm done with this one I got to complete this this is my greatest challenge yet and I've already [ __ ] up I've already [ __ ] up yeah but that protocol - what please give me dip or crash my battlefield is at least clear which is good this one too so I'm doing pretty good now it's a war of attrition now it's just how long can I [ __ ] stay alive mate problems I gotta say that was very quick though it did not take very long for us to get back to garbage block mode or trash flow model as I like to call it I've never called it that in my life until now but and once again the tides have turned and your humble narrator I stopped it to suck again at [ __ ] games give me green give me green green okay I just need a green I have to remember that I need a green [ __ ] I've created too many large gaps this is now the gap inning all mistakes and every mistakes were made beanBoozled again [ __ ] one more one more one more this is this is intense this is like my skill ceiling right here this is I'm like hitting my skill see I'm banging my head against the skill ceiling like Charlie Bucket did in Willy Wonka when he was banging really Wonka of his head against the ceiling in the fizzy lifting drink room one more we gotta get one more we're gonna lose the last one for real now mate he's [ __ ] mental this game it's not like you're not supposed to win you're supposed to just suck suffer what did I tell you about learning knowing when to quit earlier what I was playing this if it's anything I've learned from video games it's knowing when to quit as you can see I've not learned this lesson yet [ __ ] punch [Music] no no [ __ ] hell I don't even really have much commentary during this guys I'm sorry like this this is requiring ah I see what happens when I talk son son this can be done this could be done they can be beaten yes yes determination yes Gogu one star [ __ ] yes I'm in Japan hello hello it is me Japan top 20 in the world oh dear God top 20 in New York Tucker Tucker god damnit Tucker oh oh I'm dead get ready to watch what it's like to really go to poyo hell ranked 30 in Japan do you know what that means no boy no look at look at the way the stacks are happening here that's that matrix that's matrix is what that is have some of that you know maybe maybe or maybe maybe I could do this maybe I can do this I don't know maybe I'm good enough maybe I'm a master at this game and I just don't realize it maybe I just [ __ ] up a cool combo potential that I had there maybe watching but no you can't do that can't do that oh my most indeed can we not do another match see now we don't need to do another match what are you crazy no silly at this point you don't have to do another match so that's what it's like to play Puyo who would have thought who would have thought that the thirtieth opponent the 30th player in the world in Japan so the world would mean sure death for me hey I wonder if some I wonder if I'm gonna die and these [Music] hey hey Gugu I did it I all cleared it I am I'm a maniac I'm so [ __ ] good at this game it's meant to Mike it's come easy this is what I'm hearing I don't think it's actually saying it's coming but that's what I'm hearing they listen by all rights I shouldn't be able to win this there's no reason for me to win this I'm doing so [ __ ] bad I need some wombo-combo but here's one here's a little bit of one nothing crazy but it'll do [Music] there we go now we're getting a little crazy Oh her voice is so unenthusiastic it makes me wish that I had the Google Voice back connection error the match will end connection error [ __ ] you oh my god what's happening what is happening now it's getting crazy again oh I don't like all these voices and noises it's making me under it's making me nervous [Music] mine too [Music] what already do you guys want me to play online so much to you you're always one in the stream is always looking at play online do Mario Kart online you're gonna we're gonna have a lot of fun been a lot of fun oh yeah yeah it's fun for everyone but me it's fun for everyone but me the pool players trying so hard wait till your player just wants to live Wow the poyo player so light look at this [ __ ] so light is is staying afloat and winning never mind yeah that's good thank you no no can I have some more of that and you were waiting for Mario Kart for the salt oh my my sweet summer children you don't know where real winter I thought I wasn't fighting experts goddamnit Ali please even with that combo that I just pulled out of my ass I still could not win Wow yeah well that was fun that was fun I definitely feel terrible at video games but I kind of am I hate everything right now be right back all right let's play some pool Tetris have a good time it but alright let's see let's see if I can if I can figure out how to play this game again I know I can do it and then at some point I'm gonna tell you my alien review or whatever you want to call it okay ready watch this it's gonna be a massive combo I got this all planned out and oh woops wait not yet not yet I'm still building it I'm still building the combo you're getting these things take time works of art take millenia you know you know that I know that and here it is oh wait no no that's not it yeah that's not it turns out there were never combos I lied well she actually does suck that's why I'm allowed to do this because I'm not getting combos rain down upon me that's Ringo Ringo wants to sing go [Music] mistake night controller controller action the controller you know something's wrong in this from what I understand they're at the peak of my anger there is no spin attack [ __ ] the fury of hell and a thousand gods has come down upon me I need out of soil health guess I should try to plug this thing in no I'm looking for I've cables all over the place this is one of the big problems with streaming because I have adapters and cables for like every [ __ ] situation and I just I kind of misplaced them because I just have so many of them this isn't USBC is it no this one is an USB see I don't know where I put this [ __ ] cable so then how do we do this how we make this one work it's the blue right the blue and put the blue up there [Music] dad did not do anything right nothing was done correctly oh there is nothing more frustrating in the entirety of the universe I don't want to want this piece get this [ __ ] thing out of here I want it sucks like take it slow here right I know what I'm doing I know how to do these things I just need to do them gotcha [ __ ] [ __ ] square blocks man the square blocks have caused more problems than any other block and I can't speak [ __ ] square is death and more more failure it's a mess I'll call it's a mess [ __ ] hell oh [Music] you just played yourself son I let him get away with this one he's not he's not gonna win I'm gonna pay for his transgressions [ __ ] wrong button [Music] stop that Jesus oh it's getting real crazy this is an intense match of Tetris I am NOT doing that great either also this is a really hard game to talk to talk over you can tell like it's actually [ __ ] me up I can't talk while playing this game this is not a good stream game for someone like me who relies on being an [ __ ] and battery depleted right oh c'mon you know c'mon it's time to do the pain dance everything hurts and that probably just scratched my screen awesome and cuz I'm making all kinds of stupid mistakes like what is this the [ __ ] am i doing here unbelievable unbelievable there's a Tetris for you [ __ ] yes never back all right how did he beat me how he beat me listen it's a good line are you there and just like that in the span of a few moments my life ended god dammit mixtape I think she said mixtape I don't know but he's [ __ ] now dropped to my mixtape fart told you about that mixtape ring out it's an apple cuz Ringo in Japanese means Apple Apple oh oh sorry Apple on a second so wait a second the joy cons don't chart shut up Tetris no alright now let's see how rusty I am let's see how crusty I am guys oh yeah look at that crust you like that good crust [ __ ] yeah you're just gonna build small combos and try to figure out the [ __ ] I'm doing once again it might be a better idea for me to like go play the game for a bit and then figure out how to play it and then come back for the stream so stream is postponed until Vinnie knows how to learn how to poyo which is now it's all part of the plan yes okay what do I need here I need one of these right here one of those yeah combo I'm a combo master No we try that okay so first we start with come on you know we step right up they are building a Mario park if you weren't here yesterday the announcement was made Mario Park is real they're building it now it broke new ground on a fish this time there's gonna be a good story thank God they translated this game thank God we got localization this is the story we needed that's exactly right [Music] don't suck that one yep the flame did not pikachu not pikachu is beating me oh no I think I'm winning I'm weaning over not Pikachu what is happening over there oh my god what is happening yeah it's definitely peak its Pikachu II and [ __ ] what am I doing here I [ __ ] up guys [ __ ] up my name is John fish Leo marine I'm on a mission to clean the city oh no [ __ ] that's some [ __ ] right there oh no what's going on vested oh I can't actually choose how that goes in alright cuz it's yeah I see what's going on there I tried to get it in real slow like I know what that sounds like but that's that's bedroom talk and that's not appropriate for 50 television did you know in the 50s they had to censor they couldn't even talk about pregnancy on I Love Lucy like they couldn't even show the characters sleeping in the same bed the piss baby has thrown a lot of things that made [ __ ] piss baby [ __ ] I don't really have a lot of good commentary during this game this is my this is one of those games that takes up too much of my brain especially because I play it so late it makes it even more difficult for any kind of you know meaningful or interesting or insightful commentary it's just gonna be pissed baby declarations of happiness or sadness and just gutter old like grunt noises [ __ ] piss babies making a comeback was the wrong thing I love when that happens I love when I like undershoot the thing that I'm supposed to do [Music] Oh Joe hostage oh it's just Pikachu no one in tuna someone removed me from this anime hell I found myself in pretty good though especially considering I'm winning which is always nice I like to win doesn't happen often so I like this game-mode now yeah oh we're still going this is timed I got 30 seconds okay let's just I gotta keep up the heat throw the heat try this potion what do you mean Moonbeam where where is this Moonbeam amazing oh my god nope no attempt was made to give a single [ __ ] not a single [ __ ] was given put a pin weight so we've done we stack some yellow then we put a red on top of the yellow and then the red activates the thing so when the yellow happens it goes all mental and then yeah but we'll just continue stacking watch this I know what I'm doing seasoned professional oh boy [Music] seasoned professional I'm a veteran five hours of game time or perhaps seven this is - quoting Monty Python something completely different and that was something completely different [Music] I'm so confused okay primp dream it's time to see why everyone wants me to do this the juice comes out of his quote unquote please I think there's a misunderstanding leave me alone so what's happening here there's there's like an indifferent like I don't give a [ __ ] character there's potential innuendos there's rubbing this Rob Butch and others soap abuse [ __ ] God Oh God look at my pieces they're all [ __ ] up it's fine I can recover from this I can recover from all of this I swear I want anyway Jesus Christ you know those terminal seven pieces almost did the actually they kind of helped me a little bit just saying okay let's have really absorb the story now if I pay attention everyone don't go to sleep wake up everyone we got we got important story to absorb [Music] what's happening here [Music] I want to examine your hand there's power coming out now give me your hand [Music] I'm like did you recognize him no I'm not sure what's happening a hole is it on that movie why is literally every character right now someday did I use that word correctly to hear the dude just just talking to himself thunderstorm who's he thunderstorm there's no competitive there's not competitive mode right now there's no competitive mode it's we polish the prattled there's no competitive who you dudes will talk to storm on soon she soon them be it oh oh oh that's right he's he's playing by himself which is going to lead to a red hand then he'll understand the mystery [Music] whoa what there's no other way to interpret that line you know buddy you should probably be a little bit more [ __ ] careful when you say [ __ ] like that it's gonna get people riled up - no - mean - no I mean [ __ ] you know [Music] I've already gone and [ __ ] this up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dear [ __ ] God [Music] there we go oh I hate this dude's voice clunk he's a [ __ ] clown geing gobshite is what he is cover to cover and under the covers between the cheeks of love what is this game having a [ __ ] laugh I'm okay I'm fine I'm gonna be okay this this really is the product of a very sexually repressed culture isn't it it's it's wonderful it's it's astounding it and yet and yet for some reason it makes me laugh and I don't understand why it's like I'm a grown-ass men but seeing like characters in a children's game make very obvious innuendos is just a joy really I did laugh at the word my [ __ ] and depress II yeah III get it someone in church is said B now you understand anime the word squeak was just the word squeak the music the music its Buzzi music knife play he doesn't say knife playwright knife play no he's not saying nice play during the combo there's no way he's say a knife plate I don't believe it but if you listen closely it almost sounds like he's saying that a knife blade knight blade Knight blade he's saying okay Xander is Satan so he's not this guy - there's something inside him he can't resist [Music] it's not Xander nevermind it's not the smash guy misinformation Hashem - Rob God alright I'm playing a game I forgot for a minute that I'm actually alive and playing a video game he didn't just say mixtape today please do not kill no no do not kill III leave me leave me to my shitty combos and let me be in peace as I propel myself into the trash please mixtapes [ __ ] bad shits happening on lights [ __ ] owl I've got a lot of garbage blocks coming our way there's a lot of garbage no problem mold problem I said that like a New York City janitor trash man mole [ __ ] problem oh no that's Boston I don't know where that's coming from nope no idea where the [ __ ] is it where the fact is egg come never mind lost it again now it's just mutated I don't know it okay all right who the [ __ ] this is someone living on the outskirts of Boston but grew up in New York and Pittsburgh and is also from the 1940s cartoon so yeah I don't know I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on now Chicago maybe he was from a Chicago at one point he lived there for like four years and then he moved over to stray [Music] jesus [ __ ] before you get a chance to really like sit there and stew about it it just brings you into a battle look it's a Big Bang battle we're doing a Big Bang battle now folks what will happen when he finally reaches sig will true love is it country love blossom on the poyo field nice play gingerbread piss how is that a [ __ ] wait a minute how is that like an insult peace please [ __ ] yeah we're just [ __ ] not doing it damage to each other this is this is gonna take a while if I don't get these combos I need the combos Pizza flavored and it's not much Greg Louganis slice that doesn't make any sense and he and I are definitely not sleeping together oh my [ __ ] god these are some clever these are some clever innuendos 32 year old man laughing it [ __ ] like this I don't know [Music] dear God dear dear God twisted games oh do you hear the noises he makes oh please please God please no you know this voice actor is a legend such as life these things happen that also happened just a bunch of them stupid mistakes and Tetris tonight that one was a legit mistake that the cube out of place cube I'll fess up to that one definitely [ __ ] popping I didn't just say that it was all an illusion it was all a dream which is the theme of this story to dream alright well that's the that's the end of that yeah that was pretty dope it was pretty dope yeah good climax good climax enjoy [ __ ] anyway umm hello hello hello so yeah I'm Vinny and Mike is here hello when van was doing the sound test before he said um blow your load on a toad do you want to explain what that what that was I've been so you've been saving that figured I was saving now I wanted them to know about you didn't react to that when it was happening no I heard it I made a mental note I made a mental note and I was doing check check one two check check one two check check [ __ ] you yeah oh your load on a toast he's got a whole like little routine that he goes through I I had never heard it before and that like all that detail like it's something else like she just you should record it and put it out there like on soundcloud for people to enjoy I got to think of some more the other ones I saw them I probably can't repeat Oh eat a [ __ ] meet a [ __ ] they were true a sock eat a [ __ ] was definitely a part of one of those yeah yeah I'm feeling gonna do a soundtrack or you could put a like music under it make a little a little ditty out of it a little bitty write a little bit no I know I know the duties there's um have you heard the one they go something like General Grievous is wanted [Music] what do you know he's got a Griffo see who's this oh all right oh yes I seen some of those those means where are they getting those like what's that it's a website it makes anything into a song yeah don't worry about it all right let's let's just do a verse mr. crab right yeah we're gonna be playing this with containment we're gonna be playing this with joysticks it's like a crab [ __ ] but it's the he's a he's a dude so it's his butthole I was talking about joysticks oh we're not on that anymore oh no no no this is poyo poyo Tetris and and ends poor yo and so what's this guy's name is sooo good Todd Dora Cecil and he's got a foot of fachi all right I don't know I thought I just wanted to play this I [ __ ] up oh I [ __ ] up Chad don't judge me too harshly well I'm no ma'am I [ __ ] Mike Mike why don't you tell him about the nice dinner I cooked you he actually [ __ ] surprised me so cuz I didn't know that this [ __ ] could could cook what god he's distracting me is that Co okay I am [ __ ] balls eNOS to the to high heavens controllers fault yeah I was [ __ ] that was that was awesome yeah do that again I want to hear that again yeah it was enough nap it's basically Oh God he says pee pee pee pee there is some gum some [ __ ] comic that someone showed me any was it like the joy of being know it was Mari it was Mario and Luigi and Mario was telling Luigi that he has to leave a pea in the princess's bed and it'll grow into like a beanstalk or something and and Luigi was like I he goes off and then then he's if the princess is like why is there piss in my bed like a pea you know like not you know mutton after this I don't like the sound of that I don't like to sound to people how do you think I feel I play through the whole story mode and then some and then it was like a game you go around like chopping up sushi and my [ __ ] chat I think I'm [ __ ] yeah this is [ __ ] I'd like to see on a little confident for a second there but it was it was all for naught yep it was not it was fresh heart not fresh heart not in my [ __ ] eyeball is what it was fresh hot son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's over I committed seppuku dokgo what am i doing I'm [ __ ] this up so really bad oh that was so bad I'm killing myself what accent does Mike have I can't pinpoint it I'm from Texas I'm from Texas how you doing so propane propane unluckily you know my hell y'all know that I'm from Graceland from Flint Tennessee can you read a little bit better I can't read it a lot better now yes all right we'll explain alone oh thank you very much let's experiment with our sexuality robot and bear that's gonna be a fun matchup in the bedroom this is why I have Mike over for thrilling bedroom commentary oh let's not do that that's stupid we don't we don't need that now I don't do it a bear and a robot it's covering each other's sexuality for the first time and an otter can love bloom on the otter field oh [ __ ] yeah I need a long boy give me a long boy Mike [ __ ] I got the wrong boy too late a gourmet [ __ ] chicken 10 DS come on man look the [ __ ] Bears bend it over to take your your monster robot young extendo [ __ ] the Magnum robot dog extendo [ __ ] it go it's like [ __ ] Go Go Inspector Gadget dick okay colour brick Sudan I'm not even I'm not gonna go there it was a white what is this now what are you doing Mike getting lucky Tetris yeah oh no eyeballs it he used to say all the time for everything I find a very therapeutic so that was his well is hyper five preferred that in the long run but it's nice to be like oh cuz again these I can't take credit these aren't my recipes this isn't my creativity did I just do but it was a lot of fun I just [ __ ] bed myself over what the [ __ ] that happened oh then don't go out like that Michael then come on why did I want to play this again can you remind me I don't know what the [ __ ] you told me man you were like vinne I want to I want to get my ass beat in poyo I begged for it they know each other met their family what the [ __ ] did I just do to myself I'm not holding the pieces like no you know you gotta hold pieces that can help you later you don't want to hold them I feel like I need that I well you need them I mean it's not that you don't need them I help I hold I hold it I hold it when you can't find when you can't find a solution to your current conundrum you hold it and then you come back to it later see if you hold if you hold it too much you you you know tire yourself out please I guess so you can't be holding all the time look at this now oh my god you know I man did you hear that did she just said [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh someone was also telling me earlier tonight that there are some very like lewd subtext jokes in this game there are yeah chapter 9 the last thing I did with this game is extremely disgusting you want to just describe it to me in very very gory detail yeah it's just like let me see your hand why is it red I'm coming I told you I would come for you and they're not like but this is for kids what do you mean I'm coming for you well I mean it's just it's told in the con in the context of a story who's their hand read his hand why was his hand read who he was I don't know he was talking about climaxing - was he beating it he was no I guess no man like I said we've now and we've now we reached the climax it was a dream like listen I spend a lot of time charged with my crystals man it does not I don't get where I don't get all right hands you're never gonna catch me red-handed all right it just doesn't happen how hard do you have to [ __ ] whack it for your hands to be read at least more than five hours your hands are like [ __ ] neon crimson what is this [ __ ] thing and my tight [ __ ] christ I don't think that's what it's just I think it's AI s but no that's fine Zed Drive Golson Doros okay huh we were the last time we we were we were playing this like we were sitting on the couch and we were just zoned in the [ __ ] out like playing to get like we we weren't like talking to each other that much we were just like enjoying the silence for like for a minute there and I was like I was like my character is a professor of [ __ ] and then he left and then looked at me and was like that wasn't funny after laughing but I still left why why did I why did I laugh at that when it wasn't funny I have problems what's happening to us that's like [ __ ] off what the [ __ ] did this just start no I was gonna tell you about the Nintendo Direct where they showed the Joye cons with the HD Rumble and then they showed boobs on the screen it was like a titty game it oh is that real mm-hmm also it's the HD Rumble like it's just simulates like the feel of like a jiggly boobie and you're in your hands yep oh that's cool oh yeah I would never play something like that you know I'm not like you know I'm not like [ __ ] you know I'm [ __ ] up you know no no I wouldn't either I try out the demo for a little bit I try out the demo just to see the tech you want to see what way the tech is like the technology is you know where it's how far it's gone yeah you know I'm not gonna like it I mean it's virtual reality no what does it look like graphically it's just animate girl titties and and the HD Rumble simulates it I don't know what the name of the game is there's some some [ __ ] popular thing there list price but Nintendo had this at their direct dude Nintendo knows like their fans are getting older man you know they got to Rome they got a diversify they have to know not just their entertainment for like you know this is part of their Renaissance you know like I was saying earlier there's a license it's a 21st century here finally it's looking forever but they're finally doing it thank God part of that is an enemy to thee that's correct you know all you got to do is a little bit of market research just find out what's gonna sell you just yeah that's gonna be that's gonna hurt a lot isn't it a little bit it's like your character is actually saying [ __ ] you like I'm hearing [ __ ] you every time you dump on me dump on me I thought it was gonna get filthy around snipper clips Jesus Christ this is you case in point I said lights that dumped on me right in 6 home no no I'm not saying it's in like it's the same way that pantsu chen is dirty it's not implicitly dirty as you can apply the filth to it if I'm not trying to do this you got to believe me here got a bleed why don't you believe me why didn't you believe it this is all you turds I ain't taking the heat for this [ __ ] both of us wearing headphones and not using a room microphone do you want to keep doing this or you want to do snipper clothes what's this [ __ ] I'm not just gonna get any better at this just embarrassing myself at this point I was enjoying the babushka musical emotional music but was he I know are you here I know you want some pool all right well we're gonna put the pole on it they are beans technically they're little poyo beans I think and [ __ ] always damn it always you suck go like this and I'm kind of [ __ ] up here I want to build my comp combos but I cannot because I'm making mister I'm getting so much red holy [ __ ] like to stop with the red for one second I'm dead yep that's not good go green here and then I need a couple of other greens kind of really need some green right about now now that's too much green see now I can't even activate the [ __ ] thing because I built my tower of [ __ ] too high no yeah please I didn't do something like that I'm kind of I'm employee oh hell again help help get me out of poyo al all right I'm good kind of no no no please no oh god god no please no I need red [ __ ] alright yellow yellow yellow yellow I have to neutralize the suck perfect oh she's not gonna like that oh it's green please it's a little shitty I need some green please suck on that dick [Music] [Applause] why is your hand red [Music] purple here no no no purple purple purple purple purple cheerleader purple [ __ ] damn it don't do it get it enjoy I enjoy this [ __ ] [ __ ] it didn't quite go as far as I wanted it to damn it it's okay it's still one yeah I just started warming up and I'm already sucking again all right what am I doing here [Music] see told you mistakes are made shame shame that is it could have been a really good combo there but you don't give up you keep playing until you start having dreams about little beans Pete I really want to know how they got away with doing Pikachu in this game like make no mistake that is Pikachu that bandage on the back of it that's where its sole escaped alright so I guess now we can suffer it's time to suffer online alrighty mistakes are made it's demanded shift abandon ship new strats backup strats this is bad I miss my gut nervous I got nervous I told you bad very bad alright now I just have to just just play hope for the best but yeah I kinda didn't want to start like that obviously but hey that's not too bad right enjoy oh and another one two five chain oh it's not gonna be good for the tetris player send that right on back to you friend science is it's what he's saying science I can't tell it sounds like he's got a cold I did it Oh sunny Singh cyan cyan all of his tax her name it's all blue everything's blue stuff greetings my fav is let's be friends I don't know how that became my favorite the game just assumed my my personality there let's be friends what if I don't want a lot I stay with the tennis I haven't really practiced in a while so minerals Puyo Puyo uh-oh mistakes are made I made some mistakes give me the babushka music it gives me strength [Music] business Moses and that's what would happen if net neutrality is in danger or some [ __ ] decides to disconnect just before losing yeah he ragequit Ritchie ragequit Ritchie that is a shameful I'm struggling I'm having some sump oil meltdown is happening right about now [Applause] there we go what a favorable outcome no question just just trying to wrap my head around this real quick yeah [ __ ] that up a little bit yeah yeah [ __ ] it up I [ __ ] it up and then my brain could not process the remainder of the I couldn't do the equation of where the things needed to go I wasn't it wasn't a pretty sight we good how could you not fall in love with the fishes it sounds like that come on it's a little lag happening right about now some of my inputs are not happening as quickly as I would prefer oh I can't rotate sums weird something's weird I'm having trouble rotating oh that's nice [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on I'm genuinely unable to rotate properly I love it now it's rotating again but now slowly nice horse [ __ ] this is what you get for your [ __ ] City lag get [ __ ] gotcha yeah we find a new opponent I'm not I'm not [ __ ] around with that one again that's a BEM it's a bean boozled you have been disconnected okay okay just put me back on then like practiced with poyo Oh wrong character oh [ __ ] I didn't want this character okay so what am I doing here again things stuff things go get some of that scum [Music] oh my god she's not playing around Oh [Music] God God God God God [ __ ] I can't go back to poyo or Tetris I cannot go back to Tetris I [Music] have to end this now and I very well may holy [ __ ] yes yes [Music] [Applause] I did it great I'm now a beginner everyone you can tell 4835 worldwide with a bad internet connection I'm [ __ ] this should be fun go easy on me I'm using tilt controls all right I don't think I'm gonna be able to beat this dude but I'm gonna try again kind of already [ __ ] up my my thing here starting earlier our weak choking is the children it's a choke job I'm gonna win look I'm winning yeah I'm winning I don't know what I'm doing I just I'm not going all the way to the side I want to go to and it's I'm like placing blocks all [ __ ] up or puyos all [ __ ] up totally by accident by the way oh my god you really need to got purple over there [Music] so many Reds just keeps giving red over and over and over again dammit I might be able to kick his [ __ ] in just through sheer brute force I think I can do it yeah yeah come on give me one more purple please [ __ ] the spot I need the purple I can't get it to there now I can this should be interesting blue there's a bunch of green oh you're just so fun now mate I still not [ __ ] plenty to go before the title of [ __ ] can officially be applied in fact I may be the one who's [ __ ] soon enough [Music] easy it wasn't easy at all it wasn't easy at all okay gonna be okay it's gonna be okay oh my god it's not gonna be okay oh this is so far from okay this is very far from okay I keep [ __ ] doing it yeah this is the part of this is where I'm losing it now because I keep making really stupid mistakes and like blocking my own combos oh wow okay I wasn't even looking over to the right so I had no idea that was going down like that yeah so I can I could go go left my brain isn't working anymore guys it's probably over I can't actually formulate what I have to do next so I'm thinking I'm [ __ ] a little bit we're just we just cancelled each other's damage out completely that's not true that is not sure oh my god decimated all right I'm gonna try one more someone whose 3743 worldwide can we can we stop doing this kill me can I get opponents that are a little bit closer to me yeah it's I'm in the bone zone now so any any good poyo playing and tetris playing I might have been able to do is being overwritten by bone please God do not forsake me I beseech thee to give me good combos that's what's up that's definitely what's up oh yeah come on come on [Music] please please + + here we go final one oh it's it's different this one's different or we're down we're losing in points come on I was just about to wind you [ __ ] of course you're [ __ ] you know that you know I had my fun I'm gonna I really I can't play this anymore my my face hurts from playing this it's great I have fun playing it one day I'll play this one I'm like you know actually awake and maybe I can can have some better matches though to be fair I did all right I just I'm losing my energy I'm losing my focus I'm losing my I'm losing my midi-chlorians you don't want to lose those but yeah that wasn't so bad
Channel: BlueJoseph
Views: 128,566
Rating: 4.9253473 out of 5
Keywords: Puyo Puyo Tetris, Vinny, Binyot, 2017, Vinesauce, Chat, Joel, KY, Switch, Nintendo Switch, #ds, 3ds, Moonlight, Sonata, You're already dead, Omae wa mou shindeiru, Nani, And now for something completely different, Kenshiro, Fist of the north star, Salt, Rage, Hell, Brain, Amitie, Arle, Carbuncle, Ringo, Tee, Ess, Ai, Raffina, Sukedoutara, Rulue, Maguro, Risukuma, Sig, Klug, Witch, Draco centauros, Schezo, Jay, Elle, Zed, Lemres, Feli, Dark Prince, Satan, Ecolo, Ex, Matrix, Art, Stream, HIghlights, YES, Screaming
Id: oXUMzRByl80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 43sec (6223 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2018
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