Hidden Cup 3 | Semifinal #1 [Match 13]

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alright ladies and gents welcome to beam number one in semi final number one of hidden Cup three we are gonna look back at this tournament for years and years and years so I'm just gonna say this has been incredible the turnout has been unreal the hype has been unreal the quality of the gameplay has been unreal and the preparation has been really really solid many people think that couch aankhon here could be the Canadian could be hara who's had amazing six months and Age of Empires I'd say number two in the world and it's extremely good with his mezzo saves likes to pick green and all the things are looking like it could be someone like hair or maybe leary and Joan the maid showed us in all of his rounds how good he was preparing we didn't see as many nerdy micro moves we didn't see as much speed or Flair from him Dave but is always trying to get an edge not with like necessarily the micro but the prep and he has gone for Vikings here in game number one yeah and there's another thing to look out for for Joan amid what I've seen he really likes to over boom and he really likes to emphasize map control yeah so the later the game gets I think the more it swings into his favor yeah what I've seen so far once again we've seen this SIF matchup Maya's verse Vikings and we've seen it with the Cauchy and Khan player yep I believe against was it Sheriff of Nottingham no no if you remember Koch and Khan picked Aztecs in the quarter-final against Yoda round Oh first round he picked Mayans and sheriff picked Vikings like I forget at this point with he raided him with Eldorado Eagles oh you're like pushing him yeah and what that underlined in that game is that Vikings really need to fight in one spot and I think slam said it when you were casting yeah you need to fight in one spot and the Mayans they just need to hit the Vikings from every angle and try and disrupt that eek oh yeah it's good point yeah and we saw in the quarter-final Hal Aztecs fared against Vikings kotti on he he picked his mezzo save he loves his man and arm opening into archers he played really really clean and good with that but the the Yoda it moves with less crossbows and the boom into deserts worked really well I just wonder what is better to face off against Vikas is it Mayans or is it Aztecs I almost feel like joining the maid he's probably thinking yeah it was gonna be an Aztec pic here and Koch out maybe learned his lessons from the the round of sixteen and one for Mayans that's true yeah I mean they're pretty they're brought with a pretty decent pic yeah in terms of SIVs like you you have options with both Aztecs and Mayans but I think Mayans have a slight edge yeah that's because the Eagles are a little bit Tangier you can switch into the plumed archers to deal with is Erick cetera alright well we've seen a lot of laning in this tournament we have not seen any layman here players have their boards players have their sheep and to see Koch on coming forward a Koch on Khan's map is good he's got he's got a nice wood line he's back buries he has that gold but he does have two golds which are somewhat forward you could say the same for Joan though they're even more forward I like to just one map yeah if he gets the walls down she gets the walls down here he can potentially secure the secondary stone I'm not sure he's gonna get control that primary one in the front yeah but he has his main gold in the back got his deer in the back has wood line options mhm it looks pretty good for a Viking boom here yeah and it would look pretty good if you wanted to go for a Drudge we've seen a lot of early barracks militia and play it out into the castle age I think if you do that you maybe get your walls up Dave and do exactly what you said and I'm wondering if Tatiana nikana was clearly scouting he's scouting big-time he scouted the front of the base and hung around there for a while was possibly looking for the barracks didn't see it and now he's adding his own barracks and this villager could no no it's a it's a Mayan villager won't be attacked Joan the maid sees the barracks so I think do you had your own barracks yeah he's adding his own it's amazing does it be annoying yeah he's gonna be so annoying with this goat ah yeah yep just also letting Joan know that that he knows exactly yeah I mean it's pretty it's clearly obvious what Vikings is gonna go for or in this matchup but you know there's like a 1% chance Joan could mix it up with a different strategy yeah now the Barrett position and the way that Joan is walling is definitely more passive and the reason for this and this is actually a reason that Minds can get so many walls up David Mayans always have loom at the start because they research that and the Viking player won't have that so the Viking player can't send a bill to wall that area off and the Eagles just waiting so if you're caught John who's actually going to feudal age so you have to go human arm and arms Wow mmm this is gonna be interesting because John's gonna have a fully walled base here it's caught you I'm gonna go forward though because look at where Jones stones are it's true yeah it's an eyes-only forward Wow that would be an interesting move if he does well I wonder what Joan is thinking because Joan spotted the barracks but he isn't he does not know about the feudal age uptime so he doesn't really he's not really aware best-case scenario for Joan cuz he's staying in Dark Age is he will engage against these militia before their upgrade and Dave I'm with you I think either you go for heavy man-at-arms and for villagers forward and your first tower goes in the berries and the rest go on the stones and farms or you go from one range possibly like I'm thinking if you if you go for a forward and it's it looks too late now I don't think he's gonna come forward here you're on the stone anyway oh no nevermind I said it and I think he is is he going forward he's sending two villagers out right now it might just be build the range though yeah well what's well to me is how John go men-at-arms yeah I'm not really getting any benefit of it cuz you know Joan's wold already true but you make four militia to not get man-at-arms you have to get it right and attack the walls possibly Joan is just now getting loom I think it's kinda mower dude just to villagers for idea it's taking some real time though it's taking some real time so the risk of sending four villagers is you have more villagers walking less villagers collecting resources however if you send only two villagers you're also not applying enough pressure or as quick or enough pressure or sorry as much pressure I'm still not awake against Joan now I said the best tower spot is always on the berries and it is either the berries or farms because what Joan wants a sweet little stone the stone and the farms is a good one that one's like a kind of hybrid but yeah well true and I mean Joan's gonna see that does he come back with his drush no he's just gonna harass the gold a little bit he'll be in feudal age in time to stop a potential second tower yeah we won't deny that one and that one really only Rises one farm you know what really bothers me Dave is the fact that Joan has not taken this four deer in the back what John just killed all the deer from caught you yeah but like why not take your own deer is my question Hilti see you back there and then he'll have good I'm just concerned for him right now because he only has 500 food and if it's 500 food he needs 300 more to be able to go to the next stage I don't think he can fast castle with this I think cotton would like this counter tower on the farms to prevent him from pushing in I mean the archers are on the way they won't be able to do too much damage yeah but you're right he's gonna be delayed in that feudal age won't get to Castle 8 fast enough I like the use of the Scout here for Joe and the maid he Snipes an archer and now gets out of there also a lot of idle time for content but here's the deal when you go for rush fast castle if you were delayed by an extra minute or two the other player is gonna be just fine the other players been adding farms they've also taken some map control and they're creating military before you so I swear for villagers on the deer ends of mill and he's on his way to Castle age already I'm really surprised maybe he didn't see them Dave he sees one is it possible he didn't see the rest of them I mean if there's one there's more oh my god yo I just checked his vision oh you didn't see them I mean the deers walking around a little bit well that hurts and that is a really good tower now for coach Archer being annoying I don't know why he's pulling it back now may be a risk of the house going down - tower going up anyways yeah I like [ __ ] John's position at the moment man it's just about how the Eco is behind this when you send bills forward but I mentioned it he zico's been stronger because he only sent to starting the archer production the militia are pretty much useless now for Joan I do like how the militia though he's kept them alive a lot of players would have tossed those away what he's done by keeping them alive is keep all that for those archers at home yeah really yep good point well I'd love to see Koch on build another Tower on the Left wood line now what the man-at-arms have applied so much pressure it's put Joe in the main on the back foot you do have Viking economy and he did now find the deer so that's good his resources yeah it's actually looking pretty good right now my keys are insane click up in this position you've got a couple archers to defend I mean that tower is not gonna do a whole lot you can always switch to the wood line on the right she's doing right now I think it's possible he could even deny that tower if he sends the archers forward no fletching yeah if he goes around the other side maybe well there's that there's another tower there yeah sure it's kind of risky I thought he might run no rounds you saw the archers from Cochin so you know that they're gonna be coming at some point so if I were caught in I would send those archers around to that wood line on the right for a true because you know that he shifted his focus right yeah Howard the one clump of wood you can't go to the one at the front so there's only one option for him yep and that's at the right hand side and if I were Joan I'd maybe start thinking about switching into skirmishers right about now I think Joan when you're halfway to castle age you could even try and just go for really fast crossbow and and then go for a counter and then kott john will struggle to continue his push to I think what is good about caught John's pressure is that there's definitely not going to be a booming Viking player he's used his stone for a tower so he doesn't have the stone for another Town Center his economy is much weaker than it would have otherwise been if this pressure wouldn't have come in and I love these towers old but he's now purchased a counter tower Jones you see the less he left his base good quick loss around that outpost heads-up play if he keeps some archers there too he could garrison the archers in the tower yeah a lot more arrow fire but I think he might I don't know if he'll deny this one yeah I think he's still having the other wood line is huge and you mentioned khat Yan being able to maybe go over there hasn't scouted the wood lines being chopped killed one for a villager can he kill the other one she's moving oh and she wait a second it goes up well the man and arms are gonna go down they're useless now the tower will delay and here comes the counter-attack for Joan the maid and still if you look at the resources for khat Jen he doesn't have enough but Dave he's gone full armored scurbs this is super impressive yes reading all of the all of the place from Joan yeah and I think he's reacting before it even happens so nice yeah you have all the upgrades you can have in feudal age right now gotcha and so you got to be careful having armor there is huge you have four pierce armor now that once the cross must get bodkin they'll be a bit better against that but bodkin hasn't come in yet I really like how Jones put some crossbows in that one counter tower at the front and then as soon as he got fletching he could range the tower from haha yeah he has access to his stones if he wants to go back out there or maybe t see that location wall it up maybe hmm I think Joan will go worship yeah and walling between those two wood lines two would be the play maybe yeah always sending a villager forward okay max it it seems like max but it's also the play in this situation when your opponent is probably on their way to Castle age and they're going to be going for scurbs you could use some siege a nice micro from Koch on we've seen this throughout hidden Cup three this is we have a nerd against a strategist in the same final he's and it's five plus two range verse just five range straight up yep he's missing two range and he still wanted to engage that that was nice but the resources for Koch on everything's looking so clean so he can afford to get crossbow he can afford to get a lead sperm he could maybe soon build a castle too and go plumes but if the siege is here could be so so risky for Koch on over the next 60 seconds each he will he doesn't see it yet but he does now Joan kind of let him back there skirmishers engaging did my good Michael for both yeah Jenks there's gonna be a good day oh this is a bit sloppy from Joanie just lost two crossbows to that tower back at home on the left side probably should have sent them into the tower and continued with the tower war what do you do now if you're Koch on I think you know what Koch ends the type of player which might just try and micro down the Magon ELLs but always also the worth bills that's a good position for Joel and we saw this remember the Vikings versus tech war yep where the Aztecs were heavier in military but they couldn't go to the other player space because they had to come keep coming back to address the raids Dave four crossbows for Joan he he probably knows that there's another wood line being chopped this is something hot John didn't do in feudal age so this if he gets to that wood line this is going to be really difficult for kotti on he'll be running all around for John a little girl it's around this scorpion well yeah I wonder also if Joan is ever going to add a second town center there's some real concerns there oh we just did okay he's got a second Town Center we answered that question those cross was on the right you talked about them before that wood line is so exposed over there yep he's just keeping them there he's like yeah I'll see where your army is and then I'll hit you while your distracting there's almost almost so much you can do right you have you have two TCS you have the army that's really important to the north so thank you just now is going to click them there and this is gonna draw Koch on and Katya is currently behind in villagers in game number one oh we noticed it right away dude Wow he researched town watch a moment ago and will he lose that bill what perfect angle yeah the angles guys now the crossbows will probably go down because Jones so focused right he's focused on the mag Annelle push and that was great job from Koch I didn't lose a single villager with that quick reaction so town watch would do for you there now two crossbows from Joan the maid behind this wood line he's pressuring those wood lines big time he doesn't know about the castle and he finds out the hard way now oh my god that castle that's that's so many houses dude that's five crossbows how did that that's that's so unlucky to like the castle normally you'd kill it one at a time no it healed though almost the entire army there comes a manga Nell - from Koch and this could be a big big fight here scorpion goes down David's three Magon ELLs against one and some skirmishers so I know Katja is gonna have some row Wow yeah I know Koch ends gonna have belief in his abilities but I was always gonna be tough best-case scenario there Oh John space John space oh wow the plumed archers are here that town centre will be denied great job from Koch on what a close game looking so good for John the maid and then all the city ran into that castle lost five cross may now tried to place a TC for loss to maggin l lost a mag an L as well so maybe if Koch n gets another kill David's 56 villagers v is so close he's getting ballistics but like where's his arm yeah yeah where the crossbows that does he have skirmisher is on the way like this forward these forward buildings are so max forwards stable now with Vikings oh all the micro that's sake yeah six shots from both players again those are like instantaneous clicks on the Mangano's I I love the pressure that Koch on has put on though and we maybe will see a lead scrim now for Joan it is on the wagon oh oh wow i snipe two villagers and the mango Oh Dave there's two Gold's here for Katja he needs to free it up and he gets him a can L kill this is back and forth it's so close oh my god the level of play that they have brought to this game is insane oh my goodness yeah game one take one voice but I'm not warmed up yet as the caster but the players obviously had some warm-up games unbelievable here come the plumes and if I know Koch Eddie he's gonna get real close to this manga no yeah just micro nerd it down see yep take them take the repair bills and then run away with your mag analogous micro it down well played now there is some worry because the siege workshops still there and now elites Kermes should be coming forward for Joan so if it's elites Kerr mag Annelle elites kerr-mcgee Nels pretty much what Koch on has had with the exception of having some food archers and it is 66 villagers for verse 57 so Viking II covers my anikó both extremely strong we'll see who maybe gets to the Imperial age faster in this one I love how Koch n is placing all his hit all of his like irrelevant military mmm-hmm in different areas so he's got the skirmish on the right he's got the archers near the tower yeah and he's got men-at-arms in potential place through Joan the maid would expand to place cc's yep it's very very nice but at the same time Joan the maid has this forward he's got some Knights queued up he's got another magnet all queued up like he's not letting Koch and forget about that position yeah and I just I almost don't know what area Joan wants the pressure in right now and Koch I might be thinking the same thing Koch on tries to get a counter in and there's defense for on either side you see the sperms being cleared out on the right and then if if Koch on wants to counter-attack then we might see the mag and Elsa Knights come in and I don't think Koch Eon has scouted the stable he is not and he's definitely not going to be expecting Viking Knights also max I'm sorry also made is using the mag Annelle against this tower right now so he will clear up that wood line big attack assist own I don't think I don't think Joan wants to fight that against plumes and elites curbs not yet I don't think you have to fight that either we just got armor and he has ballistics right and core scotch on the nerd out micros ballistics and he still has controlled the gold stave so actually think that's a relatively good fight to take but I wonder if Kat Jian is gonna build another castle soon I wonder where that renounce now if they get to the back onto that gold potentially may be a big deal but I think Green will just like make the nerd walls yeah still a lot of clicking though there's currently six villagers that are idle because of this and then you have to click them back to work right yeah look how much clicking it's impressive and you need to do it here but just the fact that that Joe and the maid has forced this is huge the plumes come back the nights I think they should just run around safe and and remain a presence in the back of cat John's base I at this point with the Knights back there he knows the plumes are back there I'd love to see him go out and maybe make some walls on the left-hand side through ya walls maybe on the right hand side just secure because you know the plumes are gonna be running around you know your weakness is gonna be rating from plumes or Eagles later in the game in and Jonas on the way to imp now this is interesting hot John's built a lot of outposts and he found a three tile gold on that right side so there's no shortage of resources for him at least for now until this main gold and for toggle become important to him and now Imperial aged for copy on Dave they're both going to be in the inferior late soon on same villain to incredible but we mentioned wood Aztecs or Lions be a preferred opponent for John the maid and I feel like Mayans with with justice good archers and also having seed RAM having more mobile archers I feel like they're a really good match against Vikings in the Imperial Age I can't believe sorry oh yeah what are you looking I was looking at the raids on the left but there's so much going on right now yes trying to kill that monkey does wait too many units just scarves though right this curves but like with all of that going on Joan sent a manga Nell and the scorpion to the wood line at the north yeah see that and green pulled his villagers away before they even got there like he's paying attention to every single aspect on the map crazy and another castle going down on that main gold from him hmm where is he's gonna be exactly that's good yeah that's gonna free up the castle however Dave there's two Magon ELLs and there's also Jers wait does he want to castle the hill he doesn't see the castle he does not see the castle going up well he'll see he'll see the castles up here in a moment he'll be he's got battering rams though he's got battering rams oh that castles up I feel like it's gonna be so good it's gonna go up I feel like a lot of players would Castle the hill yeah Castle the hill that's such a better Castle because then it's really difficult for catch on to win a trebler and Dave I love the fact that Joan the maid is patrolling up this hill actually because he's trading first the ranged units and he'll also get to know if Koch Aeons gonna commit to going range students or if cations gonna go Eagles and we've seen Vikings go berserk and work really well against Meadows is well eagle is on the way and there's a siege workshop on the right-hand side too so jolin's gonna kind of pressure both sides yeah with the army from Koch yep and I think he can actually win this fight up the hill yeah he's gonna win the fight up the hill and remember this will tell him my opponent rocks not going for archers anymore so that there's actually concern here for Joan I love the forward castle I love the fact he's going to trip down this castle wall up man wall up but Dave castles they're not important to the Mayan player if they research El Dorado and they're going evils so elite eagles at we saw it before from Koch I could just raid the economy for Jonah and I I think I see got infantry armor is cued up now from Joan okay so he's gonna make the switch into infantry but I I think he needs the wall right now like just wall your economy make it safe yeah you know the Eagles are gonna be coming I think it's got to be champion too I don't think you can go for berserk you only have one castle and it's Hallward blew the skirt on the right hand side heading towards that goal but also the RAM push on that castle yeah so the castles gonna go down meaning cot Shan cannot take the gold and that castles got to go down right there's a tread there too seems like it's gonna be close Joan just needs to prep the defense for the Eagles and he will see the Eagles now as the Eagles dive in underneath the raddest own that castle is going down 100% going down yep and that's still that's a huge concern for caution because now how does he secure that gold yeah it's got the Eagles to push this forest back but the gold is gonna be awfully exposed and Joan has skirmishers in the back that conscience clearing up right now yeah as Cacho what's good about cotton though you just patrol one Eagle for all the skirmishers and you're fine and you can say the same here come the Eagles they're going to raid nice quick Oh amazing quick walls from Joan he just can't fight these Eagles right now I think this will be a big swing for the Mayan player Dave that former Castle is good but yes stone walls you called it you've got to protect yourself defensive castles can work though needs a lot with Eagles for the Eldorado like 100 HP yeah and now they just got the final armor upgrade eight pierce armor and 100 HP like this they can run under castles all day and I'm seeing so many exposed wood lines so many farmers that the Eagles can hit yeah we could easily see the bill count for blue drop by by dozens a two-handed swordsman takes so much time to get all the infantry technologies if you're going champions but Eagles you just get two texts you get the attack upgrades and defense upgrades and then you spam and also green is completely untouched now Dave and he can actually take his gold because Joe and the maid can't pressure him with anything it's amazing how many times I've seen this exact situation play oh yeah pro games we're just the maíam player is slightly behind and then they get to Imperial age they get the Eagles yep and the other player has in Walled yeah yeah I think that's why the forward castle was so intriguing to me because we could make arguments for why it was good but also why it could have been bad imagine if he would have just built it whole or use the stone to stonewall for himself I think the Eagles with 100 HP will even destroy the long swordsman here orchard but it's what blues trying to get into to counter this look there's eagles everywhere from Koch John look at the Ville count now they're idle count now for Joan can you come back from this I think he can if if Greene tosses away too many so Eagles versus longswords not a fight you want to take Eagles versus two-handed not definitely not a fight you wanted to yep and eagles are very gold a heavy churro if Joan can clear up these initial raids maybe stabilizes eco a little bit and then pressure I think the place he needs to pressure is the main gold from green and that secondary right besides but man if cotton plays it properly the Eagles have more mobility and catch on we said is the fast player look how many groups he has everywhere you look there are Eagles going into the economy he's gonna clear up that castle he just cleared out trebuchet 'z I just don't think Joan the maid is gonna have the time this this catch on player is a player who loves mezzo sibs on Arabia and you can see why it's amazing how quickly he's moving - castle on the right-hand side - on that hill from Koch as he slaughters he look at all the green everywhere yeah yeah it's it's too much yeah GG man it was a close game but Koch on weathered the storm impressively in fact because he didn't have his main goal he didn't have his for tile gold and the score is 1:0 in the first semi-final Dave what do you think about this it's hard to say but I actually mentioned it in the I think it was when we saw Koch on as Aztecs verse Yoda it as Vikings what do you think if instead of building the forward castle you build that castle on the left next year stone we build walls from that castle to the wood line keep this castle in the middle and then get a castle up on the right and then play it into late game against Mayans going berserk sand skirmishers yeah I think you got to play safe in this situation like I was saying it was its a predictable swing right and you have to know that but sometimes players get tunnel vision true where there I don't think Joe necessarily had tunnel vision here but he was super focused on what he was doing at the time like yeah rating the left-hand side reading the right-hand side getting that castle down the RAM Bush et cetera I think you got to take the time to just even wall up you don't even need to put the castle there just stone wall but also how sick was that from Koch and to find that three tile gold because you didn't find every tile gold I do it about would have been able to produce that yeah so that could have been what Joan was thinking he knew the importance of those Gold's and I think that's why he went all in for that area the game sends from Koch on to raid was amazing and Koch on wins Game one Arabia we've said that in virtually every single set that Koch on has played and hidden Cup three it's a player who is very quick so it suits him now Game two will be on one of the home Maps of Joan and we mentioned before the series started Joan didn't pick up and Cup was what was so impressive he had this strategy and again Koch on would have never seen it because these games will play before today uh I'm surprised he doesn't have cup but he has high tide he has Eldorado and his dad it's important to notice that for Eldorado his band Chinese hmm so Chinese basically either Chinese or Indians are considered the best probably on that map but yeah Lopes is also game four so maybe you wouldn't want to go for Indians as eyes caught um on Eldorado cuz you want to save them for slopes do you know to Jonas Yoda pick qamar and I think Joan is gonna go for a unique civilization pick two yeah I don't know if he's gonna go for qamar but we'll see this should be this should be interesting alright game number two let's see what happens you've got him excited you gotta be kidding me we have the meta nerd in Cayenne con he has picked Indians here he thinks Indians is a beastly pick and Joan the maid has gone for Incas and you know what's funny about this in the quarter-final Koch on Khan globally banned incus and now he's up against him cuz because he didn't globally ban it this time will we see Ville rushing from Joan the maid and towers at least towers dave-o at least ours so basically anyone who doesn't know ingress their villagers get the blacksmith upgrades for infantry units so there they can do an extremely nice villager rush yep their houses are ten populations so that's good and then their towers are cheaper yeah it's also a nice nice little bonus also Incas start with the llama I don't know why Joan the maid killed the llama and then is just leaving it to rot it's fair play right that's Antigua that's true he wants it he wants to nerve himself I guess yeah here's what I have to say about that well actually before I get down to the safe strategy I should point out other aspects of this map there's two tiles of gold and there's two tiles of stone close to each players base and the rest of the golden stone is in the center and it's always visible as well so I'm thinking this strategy is definitely about surrounding the middle and make new towers if you're Joan also dude let's actually let's think about the Civ matchup from John's perspective okay so he banned Chinese he's known as the best next best Civ for this map is Indians true what civilization counters Indians pretty good you mean Incas right would be Incas true if you get to the problem is Indians should have the better economy but if you are able to defend from that then definitely Incas and the other aspect of this is that Indians is a very strong Civ for slope scheme for that set so that's happening regardless and now Koch on Khan won't have that so Koch on Khan will be at a slight disadvantage there at least in most pros eyes but Dave if you're going to defend from a tower russian of Ville rush if you're losing stones and losing gold normally the focus is all on food and so when you have Indians who had the tremendous bonus oh that was close yeah John already did it but uh-oh look at what he soon the co2 with the deer push where Joan was here and caught Tim was sitting asked out right in front of that yeah trying to be super annoying and now he's taking the hills against it as Joan's luring the boar both players though on top of that but yeah I think I think what I want to get out here is I don't know if Ville Rush works on a map where you can't deny food like the vill rush on Arabia works really well because your opponent it can't farm properly but on a map where you have fishing ships I feel like Katja is gonna be able to feel a lot of the scouts and scouts are still going to be better than villagers in that scenario so I'm really curious to see what Joan the maid has planned because can you deny they got a no true because there's only so many wood options on this map yeah interests dude I have never seen this guys I mean this has been the theme here if Joan loses today everyone will have loved his participation in this tournament because of the way that he prepared for the games and I I personally and people can probably sense it I've have really been rooting for Joan because of that as the post of the tournament I really want people to prepare and we've seen that so it's so cool to see the clashes well Dave to have someone who's extremely fast extremely quick and extremely meta and catch on but then have someone like Joan the maid who if we knew who he was and if it was always Arabia might not have a chance for a scotch on actually make it to the semi-final look at Katja instead of pushing the deer he's his Scout is just wandering around Joan space-like what do you up to what do you want yeah what are you up to true he needs to figure out the strategy quick right yeah that's very good points scouting all arounds you can see the middle of the map as well so usually that would give you an indication of like one players are sending villagers forward but unfortunately for caught Jen they're kind of like the line between the bases isn't through the middle that's true you go around it a little bit yeah I see a barracks for Jones so this tells me maybe the standard man-at-arms play yeah amazing worth when scalp amazing work with the scout especially when you're up against him because like you said Dave you don't want to be surprised by this both players doing it though Joan the maid also has his eagle around like what are you up to buddy scouting the front of the base knows where the gold and stone is it's in the same spot for Joan that could be rough and here come the militia Nell and so it will be man-at-arms my question is will it also be a forward it's got the villagers coming forward you ask the question he answers it yeah no it's it's gotta be don't pick Incas to just sit at home how many fishing ships three four four green and three four blue do you get the armor first do you get the attack first always armor always armor attack is is tempting but when towers are going up you need the armor so your villagers don't don't get slaughtered immediate blacksmith with three villagers will probably go to the stone afterwards and it it'll be really interesting you talked about it what resource do you deny because usually you go after food yep so that it stops there villager production and it stalls their army production I think he's gonna deny this gold and then go after wood lions yeah well I love what Koch on did started play all all this could be wrong reason John it see he's in and he's getting the armor to once he gets the armor for the men-at-arms Oh buddy oh he knew it was coming but he couldn't prepare he lost one villager Oh disaster zone oh no oh no there's so many villagers coming out here are these just gonna rush it down Davis you're gonna try and stop it right here right now in Cavill so and in commanded arms another villager goes down for green the villagers won't die man for blue oh and all the villagers survived all this could be a quick game to what strategy that's such an unfortunate position for the gold from concha to the hill is it Jones position isn't Jones favor yeah oh man the towers continue to shoot villagers now Koch John's doing a good job here garrisoning in villages we can only do this for so long really weak though yeah and like there's one under the tower that's on two HP he's got his gather point on the TC set up there yeah and now all you do if you're Joan the maid is attack Greensville check this out check this out watch out watch how quickly the villagers will die but you know what Dave there's still the fishing ships behind all this keep that in mind and conscience doing an excellent job with the villager micro - yeah he's saving as many as he can I'm surprised he isn't dead yet let's put it that like like the angles on his villagers running away yeah it's really good oh and he ends up taking out the tower now now Joan needs to get the weak villagers back he needs to send more units forward the Noboru rush is when you send more villagers forward yeah get that we filter out of there he's getting more men-at-arms than the fray and they do have the armor dude the micro from Joan is so much worse though yeah it's so much slower from Joan this is ridiculous but he's still like it doesn't matter with Incas he just got a kill ugh it doesn't matter the villagers are so tanky he's sending one back on one HP is sending another one there's two on one HP one of them's gonna die yeah last one and the quick walls from God job he saves the villager what a play that's insane that's actually that's actually broken and now he makes the gates he's gate he's gonna trap him in dude he's like get out of my town man get out of my town and another quake wall from Cotchin con maybe narrowing down who this player could be for people who didn't already have an idea that wasn't credible she wasn't going anywhere dude she was stuck and now Scouts on the field from Koch and he's somehow I think it's because of the fish he had the food production of his sustain Scouts but look at his fish yeah there's a fire ship now from Joan the maid he actually doesn't have a house catch on so he can't make his fire ship so he will take some losses or at least lose HP on the fish and chips but again he seems to micro the wheat fish and ships away when need be so good job there I think he made leave it's funny seeing spearmen against meso Civ - or South American cities are you - oh yeah yeah he wants something to attack there yeah and something to micro and and I think if that's right if that happens on any other map its gg we go to game number three and Joe and the mate is winning all these fish a week all of the fishing ships are weak oh how many go down one just went down - there's gonna probably gonna be three before come on Joan go to the north man there's more fish he spots oh boy we saw the APM difference there a little bit but he's still got the fishing ships David now got Giancana's attacking the town center what are you doing man he wants to he wants the llama I guess well that's wrong speakman are basically like you know there's just a confidence booster for Koch's ya boy because they're not doing any damage to the Vil's they're not doing any damage to the Eagles there's bodies on the field it's 35 eco verse 29 so I may be Joan as he was losing the fights with the micro he was like alright whatever I've killed a few bills I'm now gonna kill your fish yeah and he's making a switch into some Eagles and some spear he's got he's making more fish of his own - which is a bit concerning considering Green has to dock sound now but now okay now he's made it another fire ship so you should be able to defend that's a lot of fishing ships Jonah's added yeah yeah there's a sniper now needs to prevent 38 equal units verse 29 now you know it's a nice touch though and this is the first feudal age eco upgrade coming in from both players now double bid acts for Joan dude you gotta get you got to get the armor it's like you gotta make Eagles yeah but what's interesting is Indians have that short fish bonus still and catch on built a mill in the back so that's a lot of food there that's 400 food from shore fish maybe 600 if he takes that and it also has the deer that was one part of this map that I felt like it was really important but it's the first time I've seen it used I want to see a demo for the scouts again so you can see it you can actually see it this time no I saw it man I saw it I've watched that back he didn't see any dammit and one village you're going down yep good Micro from catch on he really needs to get a few more but it's gonna be tough with these spheres out here yeah he probably needs the attack upgrade to it it's a vital factor against these Inca villa see it sees that weak one though on the stone speaking of weak villagers day both players trying to save their bills think that villager will survive uh no he's got the attack bonus if he pulls back the Eagle won't lets the Eagle attack it yeah well played 450 food for Joan 100 food for Katya that is that's a huge difference and yeah we were talking about how Incas do well in the late game against the Indians if Indians eco doesn't get rolling yeah this looks pretty good for Joan cuz these eco is looking real stable and now he's going forward to secure the middle yeah you know what's what's interesting though while there's more food in the bank for Joan cat John has doubled the amount of villagers on food currently so he has a more stable economy yeah so I think the up times might be really close see if catch on can avoid the spears avoid the Spears pick off some villagers but you know what mezu sibs normally rely more on gold so if you secure the middle with some towers and go into full eagles it can be tough for indians to know what to do about that what a close game but I'm just surprised that Koch and survived it only because of the fish and it was only because he sent so many villagers out he noticed that week one on the snow and earlier he came back for it yep it's so hard on this map to keep weak villagers protected because you can't build farms next to the town center which is what you would normally do within Cavalleria would think oh I'm pretty safe here against Scouts but cartoons Mikey micro has been amazing and both players on the way to the castle age now yep alright so I just noticed Joan was defending his fishing ships on the right side I'm wondering if players is defending in the south as well I really wonder if players are going to go for the war galley tech I think it would it would make sense for both of them because there's so many fishing ships yeah and they can they can notice from the score like water boosts your scores so much yeah so Jones got to be thinking okay I've got a good score I know how much damage I've done to his eco he must have remade fishing ship yep I think he must that spear gets a kill and do you see the tech coming in in the barracks for kaca yeah interesting stuff going along towards beautiful micro there from cat Johnny Snipes another villager these Scouts have gotten so much value usually you wouldn't think about Scouts getting value versus Incas but they have and I love the little things - I love how Joan even has his two-week Eagles garrisoned in the tower to heal him up Wow yes he's gonna use those later and he's adding a third barracks oh this is gonna be an all in Eagle play from him very tough to stop this play but the cotton sees it coming supplies Dave he's getting supplies that means that means he's gonna make more than ten because it's not worth it if you don't so he's getting supplies he has tons of food too so he might be able to make a lot of these what are you doing Jones position slinger so for raids thank you go do you go slinging well yeah I mean you do both I think I think you prep slingers don't you range right away after he sees that Archer age yep so archery ranges incas have slingers unlike Mayans unlike any sieve in the game and that is like a hands cannon in the castle age very good against long swords and eagles have the mobility Dave I know that caught John's fast oh oh oh look at greens okay so Jonah's over there with a fire ship he sees the villagers on the fence I know he's the villagers on the farms and now we send the Eagles over and oh my god kuchen is gonna lose so many here yeah he's a nerd but you can't wall out Eagles this is this is insane and OH Eagles well I think the damage has been done in multiple areas lots of idle time so many pitchers went down there it's 46 economy verse 34 Dave I'd love to see that Lord golly switch for poor Joe and just clean up the fish and then you pretty much have the eco lead entirely yep men-at-arms longswords get a bonus for seagulls so they're very very good but the problem is they're slow so the Eagles can just run circles around them and then when he really needs to fight for a position he's got the slingers coming over coming up right now and they can sit on this hill sittel meanwhile pine yeah green won't have a wood line he'll have to go back to the one in the south but that's super exposed and it's in a position where he really needs to push - he really needs to push it's so interesting to me how Katja unbanned Incas in the quarterfinals yeah didn't globally van Incas here and then Joan the maids like alright thank you I like this if for this such impressive play from Joan to dude I mean cut John Koch on his plate so well how many bills did he kill what Scouts like four yeah yeah geez but it doesn't matter yeah this doesn't matter cuz Joan did so much damage early he consolidated behind that he got on water first which i think is a huge in this game uh-oh the quick walls fail and the tower is probably gonna go down here once the slingers take care of the middle the slingers are insane man closer to the tower get them closer oh whatever more Eagles are on the way he doesn't even care as he Teutons why does how is Green hitting all of these I think to slingers is enough for man-at-arms 52 peals verse 36 death down yeah it's once this hour goes down it's over oh he's going for the Yolo play in the middle watchin he's trying to get back into the game boys oh man and now John reacted this John reacted and he's building towers Dave it's gonna be a Dalek Castle doubt confirmed oh you know I love this place so much though cuz caught she knows that he's definitely out of the game yeah the only way to pretend yeah get back into the game is to secure the middle yep and yeah that's not gonna work my friend what a great game again the level of play we saw in Game one it was back and forth the entire time and then at the start here Joan the maid took what would normally be a big lead but God unstabilized Tatiana I think prioritize the food economy which you've seen him do with Indians on this before excuse me sorry I think Jones recognition though to hit the fishing ships and then just hold on get to Castle age and go for Eagles and slingers he knew that he just needed to hold his lead and he did exactly that day very quick game too and for slopes Jonah's gonna have Indians exactly and is not gonna have it was it's just such good preparation yeah I love it yeah and you could also consider the fact that if Joan wants to go Mayans on another map he used Vikings and game number one which he probably wouldn't use on any of the remaining maps it's always been like this this is this is why hidden Cup three has been so special for me because very rarely have we had two players who are the exact same style players playing against each other the last best of five yesterday was like that but this semi-final it's a strategist verse someone who is probably more technically skilled and the score is one to one now here's a look at the achievements for those wondering it's interesting that Joan actually had more food collected or wood collected and way more gold collected in this game cotton cotton he defended his two tiles but it was not going to be enough for him and we move on now Koch on what type of a map does he want to play he has bay he has crossed he has ravines to choose from for the next game Dave if I were catch on I would go Mongols and I would go Bay I didn't get shoots him you want something where like you're forcing the other player to engage you with micro basically because like you think about last game all only recent kocham was in that game after the initial fight was cuz he quick while the villagers was cuz he was microing with the scouts like all the little execution plays that other players maybe couldn't do at like the lower execution players yep that's what kept him in there so you want a map like Bay where maybe you can force fights and force the other guy to to try Microverse you okay so I want to bring something up I don't think that this is gonna happen but if Joe and the maid is the max in the grand finals of hidden Cup - it was Huns against Mongols max against the Viper and Max had Mongols and he sent no wait I forget which player head which Sid but anyways max sent forward villagers - lame the enemy dear and Steve do you remember that now I don't know if Hera was watching the finals or whoever Katya's was watching the finals that would I know if he wants to do that again though cuz that would didn't work out it didn't work out exactly it's just something to consider for a strategy I've seen before if it is a Mongol mirror matchup before we get in again we don't I don't know who cotton is you don't know who caching is I also don't let her Jonas we're just guessing here thank you to everyone again for showing up for the final day the goal today is 50 K guys we're getting close and thank you for being a part of history here and it's been so much fun thank you to all the new subs we have twitch crimes we have resub so many friendly faces $1 for every single sub goes into the prize pool and you can see the breakdown on your screens a Dave you ready let's go what's you saying the chat by the way so you say something Oh old friend me small phallus he hasn't been here for a long name oh yeah he donated $5 hello he actually said is Dave muted or does he have a very quiet voice came here has mushy stones is lushest tone normally if when people were like yeah Dave's awesome and she 90 sucks it offends me but I would never want someone to say I have luscious tones so you can have that one let's go Dave let's go into Game three all right and it is babe it is BAE yeah it just makes a lot of sense because catch on such a fast player and it is a manga war as well so let's break it down guys how many people call this pants all right we'll just get that joke out of the way but it's another map and hidden cup that gives you options just like the previous game you have food that's important you have gold that's important you have stone that's important and the position on this map is always difficult to know what to take so you can take water that's great there's a lot of salmon out here there's around 2,000 food but then you also have hunts and to take that hunt you're going into a relatively exposed position so Mongols what I've seen from the meta players this is what I fully expect from catch on is fast feudal fighting for water but then sending a few villagers over to hunt at the same time now if you're John the maid and you can tell the cot John is a better metal plate and it's a mirror matchup do you do something different as my question Dave I'm curious well it's kind of weird because every sip my trip I've seen here you can't afford to not go water yeah but I feel like the one sieve where maybe you could get away with it as Mongols so dizzy just go for land well remember he went business punished so hard for that though it's just it's weird yeah what to do well he's obviously confident not going for the water because remember he went Byzantines and a forward against King Sancho but he still he still went for fishing ships true to start out with yeah like he didn't abandon it completely I'm talking about not making a dock at all mmm yeah well I saw it one time it was from Tim and the qualifier and Tim did not win but it went to post-imperial age so even didn't win a post-imperial a Jumonville worse no he didn't against Angelina Jolie - that's very unusual because Tim is one of the best mumbles players I've ever seen yeah but but I think what what about this because what Tim did was he just went fast castle with the deer and he let his opponent fish what if you go cup style and forget about the water in feudal age and then go back on water in Castle age maybe that's an idea well he's got a scout here and maybe you pick off the villager from oh my god this is huge that that's the doc though right there that villager could die let's see how confident we're gonna see any micro walls we're gonna see the intent are you kidding me who is this man that's ridiculous yeah and now this scout for cons on fully that week and he could just you could just attack Joe and scout and Joan has no way he has delayed the doc though and now he's sending his villager out to doc do you think do you think he was because this seems a bit late for him do you think that he was planning on going for the deer and then he saw that he delayed that villager so much and now he went out to dog no I think I think it was part of the plan too doc because of his house placement he's sent the villa to the house and then it was the exact same house timing for kotti on right that's true but dude you said at the end of yesterday that it's very possible the Viper is out of the tournament I just want to bring this up for a second there are three players who are incredibly good with micro and click walls I'm actually just gonna start with chuckle what lit your air why would your with the bore oh no he's got loom okay okay he had to get loom for that that Ville yeah yeah and he's gonna block with the Sheep okay she's fine yeah dave was freaking out he thought you lose if it would be there but but Hera and Viper the two I think could pull that click wall off and it's almost expected but the reason I thought that maybe this was more Hera was because of all the excessive walling and some of the games that the the style moves that we saw in very important games and the other best of fives but regardless of who it is whether it's hair or Viper or maybe it's somebody else there's only one nerd in my opinion out of leary viper and Hera there's only one of them in the semi-finals I just don't know who yeah or yeah but we'll get into that I'll get into the interesting the interesting thing for me is that everything is working in Joan's favorite now other than the Scout HP true yeah delayed that dog villager quite a bit he made green get loom early which hurts your eco group and greens fish are way farther away good point I got the fishing ship out later so we were talking about how Joan might struggle with the meta because we think that Cochin is a better meta player yeah right now Jones in the lead it might just be 10 seconds but 10 seconds is a lot in a models were up ten seconds matters a lot also you have to say Koch I'm is really good with Scouts we saw in the previous game and one Scout can be super annoying here right here you attack the palisade Joan has to make sure wolves attack this palisade now Joe needs to make sure it's wolves yeah I'm with you Dave I think that that's a good start for Joan considering what we said always gonna find the villager too Jones gonna be in futile age and find that villager who ends that I think don't wince that no no he can't delay it yeah he can't delay look at look at that look at that it's like dope hey I want to attack you multiple times yeah so now he's slightly faster to the fire gal he's slightly faster to the second doc I love it god this series is so good already we're only game three I know well dad this is a concern Forgione's got to get out of here with the scout it's weaker now you better hope that was worth it because if he wants to pressure the deer you know what he's doing David I wonder if he feels like he's gonna lose his Scout it just wants to have scouting information on the deer so he knows how caught young goes out there yep and he's also pulling it as far away from his base as possible yeah so yeah he got to the deer and then he turned around that's funny yeah and now he's going out to his own deer and I bet you [ __ ] Jon's gonna send his Scout over to the deer right now and see if Jo and the mate is on them so I think we could see easily see a transition into scouts at all we could see a big demo it's very rare to see demos as early well you could get the villager and he could get the fire ship if he's careful oh my god oh my god that's beautiful that's beautiful but the repair bill how important is that repair villager here not important enough and another fire ship comes in one goes down now for oh wow Dave that was really really really good for Joan yep epic now he's gonna kill the villager yeah and now he's just gotta back up and defend and repair himself Joe and the maid has a population lead right now on the lead he's gone out to the deer but ken has seen that Oh No this Scout is gonna be so annoying over here it will but the fishing ship has gone down now for Koch aankhon so he's behind on water I don't know how there's a three eco difference or such a huge population differences early Dave look at it it's 31 population for Jonah and it's 28 for Kathy on and Jonah made lost his Scout that's incredible well I mean he lost one villager and he lost the fishing ship too right so yeah right well these can you know it's gonna be so annoying dude at the deer for Joe just I bet you that bill will die that bill will die right there it's the weak woman on the on the left or on the run the right or not demos did the demos cancel each other out there look away at the scalp he got me too excited for that good micro back from Kathy on however he loses another fire as does Jo Jones got to get back and he really hasn't been repairing much which is fascinating to me like does he even have a Ville here he doesn't even have any ships queued up yet oh he doesn't even have and he killed the Scout but I think the Scout took the Ville there was five over here yeah so the Scout took the villager I think he's gonna add a stable then yeah a net now okay so if he just gives up on water which really surprises me he's going to probably always gonna try and demo the fish Dave possibly and he's gonna go for Scouts for map control why would you demo one fishing ship well I thought about it like that's that's actually what we've seen so I guess he's gonna try and come back on water but yeah remembered there's been a few players who would make a demo for three or four fishing ships I think it was Joe and actually who did that in the byzantines version four remember that he scouted the deer too and coq10 is on the deer right now yeah sees the bodies of those deer yeah he knows he's there so Scouts over there once you build up like two or three mm-hmm do a lot of damage or just even force them back to the TC and once Mongols are all fine yeah it's a big deal yeah cotton who realizes he's exposed it's also worth remember that reminding people sorry that you can't fool wall your base on this map unless you wall to the edge so the way cotton is walling does not prevent Scouts from running past he is kind of walling so he might be able to wall in the deer villagers so Joe needs to get he needs to get Scouts over there but I think he needs to arrive with a minimum of two if he wants to do damage otherwise catch on might be fine and Koch and Cotton's walling perfectly dave this is exactly what you need to do he knows that he's exposed he doesn't know for sure that Scouts are coming he's he's doing well on water and he is more food in the bank right now cat John's doing really well and Jones gonna see that Koch actually added fish so now demo needs to go after that some point I don't I don't think a demo is really gonna work against this player oh go after the fire galley Oh Dave the scouts are here though the scouts are here can he quickly can he just lose one Vil one feels fine he's gonna try a quick wallet okay so he's walling behind this and is he gonna save this guy not against two Scouts not against - oh my god it was so close though like listen it's impressive but it's also stupid like that should not be a thing it's just the people are so good and Davey didn't wall the left or or sorry not the left it's like the south of his base so yes he has fire right around the dock but the scouts can run right by they just have to be quick and Joe and scouted that he's gonna block him with the fishing ships oh my god oh my god what a play oh my god what a play that was huge said nothing wall no didn't need to wall just block it with the fish easy now who's on the way to Castle age first Oh Dave it's Joan Koch on Khan has had the resources he was just late to his market also doesn't even have oh no he has his blacksmith sorry and I see both players on stone - so he's going for the both players going for the early castle Age manga - yeah so it's 40 eco verse 39 this is fascinating to me because there's five fishing ships for catch on yeah and yet he's only well now - economy ahead that is probably due to Joe Michael Hughes John continues to take the deer - so he's made a mill way out in the middle of nowhere very exposed yeah but you're kind of taking that risk with mumbles right you got the scouts there to provide pressure yep at caught in space and then you're gonna rely on your eco bonus with this deer yeah so this was something that we added into hidden Cup threes Bay because we noticed water was still really strong and so we added more deer that way someone in khat John's position could have the water but there's still if they're giving up map control going to be behind it in another way so that's great and that's again preparation from Joe look at this Joe and tried to pick off the weak fire galley with the Scout and then copy unfold it just far enough away so that was impossible this is some high-level Age of Empires to own like goodness just disgusting if Joan is max though I feel like he's been practicing cuz I've never seen this level from him before I agree would like he's answering the micro with pretty good micro of his own yeah and we've seen the macro from Joan which is something that max has always had he goes for three town centers now there might be a completely different approach from catch on I think catch on since she doesn't have the map might build his castle early and go for more manga die for map control but then add the town centers after the fact I see him adding in barracks that is a bit weird actually it's it's not the fact he's adding it it's a timing of it is a little strange yeah why it's not gonna make Spears right is it so he can then make a stable yeah probably so he probably wants early manga died then yeah see there's the castle right there yep very safe but what I don't what I don't get about that is you need a second town center at least no I know and so you use so it's it's such a weird time for verax yeah it doesn't do anything for you right now except the waste wood because you can't you don't have the wood for a stable that's weird he couldn't use it for like by he's getting both side anyway he's getting both side Scott at the castle he's got a second - yeah yeah all right well let's keep an eye on the number at the top then because if it's immediate 3tc for Joan Joan should get lead there despite not having fish a fishing ships are incredibly efficient and they're still I want to say about 500 food left on water and so much food in the bag - for him and that's just because of the deer like yeah it's a heads-up play to go out there and look at look at what he's doing with all the scouts he knows he can't pressure anymore he's scouting the entire map wait a sec his vision dude wait a second he's scouting everywhere he knows all about the belt he knows all about the crotch he's going for a hundred percent scouting here there is I think there's an achievement for that that's amazing scouting and now he's going to the deer on the right corner what's now I haven't seen that I even Tim didn't do that i-i've seen Wow okay who is this person Dave that's some really heads-up play that's a really really heads-up play Dave Joe and the mate impressed me is the other stages of this tournament but I thought max because there was some there were some small things that he just wasn't doing there wasn't a ton of micro it was just really good preparation strategy but the way that he's played in this semi this is a level above what you would possibly even expect from max with some of these that's what I was just saying yeah that's what I was saying before like if this is max he's playing a such a high level now and he's put in the time to get better yeah look at the relics Dave there's three relics on this part of our screen that monk is gonna bring one back hopefully I think if there's one player that would be very dangerous if they get to the manga early it would be caught young and catch on already has bodkin catch on is on three TCS and is actually not as big a difference as I thought there would be economically oh this is interesting Oh gents does he get a conversion alright get a conversion though I don't like that that monk that is Age of Empires 2 monk orangey right there Joan was super unlucky with that split from Koch out away from the castle fire that wasn't that was something else guys he didn't even know the castle was there he liked he reacted as the castle shot the air yeah just split away saying it's just stupid like it's it's so funny over the years as the players get better the expectations just get higher and higher and higher and like it seems like the game is just broken sometimes you know oh just don't say a word there mr. fire tuck don't say we went from praising the players to that wait hold on no ballistics oh man well this is so good for that oh yeah why why have the made me die there and you know what he probably wasn't expecting was was the husbandry upgrade I'm pretty sure that catch on how I live never mind she does not have husband treats getting the stable now which is why I built the barracks earlier to probably get husbandry and bloodlines yeah but you cannot lose now okay boom up well not if that mangu I have something to say about it this is why you add the castle early and this is why we said cotton should play this way because caught you on such a micro nerd it's gonna get a conversion this time no well so I love how Koch odd and sent a few magnetite to protect his monk in the north so he can make sure that no Scouts snipe is monks oh my god this is so saying confidence to come in here yeah so good so freaking good and now ballistics cons playing so clean so so clean oh my getting ballistics though he's just keeping he's keeping John pen here yeah so John wants to fight this if john gets conversions it's a big deal but he just may not get any conversions this is super unfortunate yeah terms of earn g happens now armor for joan but if I were him I get bloodlines first okay he's getting bloodlines still I think numbers matter more you should heal up that weak magnet I - yeah I don't like the fact he's going out to fight with that no you you've already you've already discovered that content has higher numbers yeah it has probably better Micro sure though I wouldn't I wouldn't go out at all I mean he's gonna go to the relics though see in the past I would say it's now a patrol war now that they're getting upgrades oh my goodness but no Joan don't go back okay Joan see if they can out micro ballistics nice nice oh another pickup okay yeah you still you still you have to hit as you run but you got to focus on running primarily oh and the way his units path tiers awful it's awful for Joan he needs to heal he needs to heal him yep so one for two not that now this big of a deal it's as I thought it would look at it look at the splits from both they're both out my current ballistics look at this that's crazy this is this is my Mongol wars are fun right here this is what Mongol wars are fun we have caught John Kahn on the way to the Imperial age he does have two castles now to produce more manga died and I do notice that there's a slight difference in the eco technologies everything else is pretty close and Joe and the maid will be clicking up to em soon as well okay so Dave let's talk about castle positions is four to one with relics as well but on this map castle positions are huge and I don't like Jones castle he has to place that castle I feel because he's scared to move out with his numbers though yeah ideally it would be a little bit more to the right and farther forward yeah but yeah he's scared of it getting denied cuz he remembers that TC and I I hate in Mongol words when players make castles right beside each other yes if you take out one castle you're gonna take out the other and that's your primary production building right think you almost has to because of the risk of it all now copy on always gonna castle the middle which is interesting I was just about to say I think you need to drag this late build your next castle next to the stone build your next castle on the belt area with all the Gold's very surprised he's choosing to go for that castle because now you could argue that Joe and the maids castles are in better position to make trebs and trap that down I think conscience just super confident in his unit micro yeah yeah man he's always trying to help make the ballistics this is this is really fun to watch but Koch on 23 kills 11 deaths he is the player who's got to be taking the better fights a third Castle here for Joan so Joan knows I need to take that castle down it's all about castle numbers with Maggie died those two golds two for Joan very exposed I like how he has the former dear villagers on that three tile gold he's had them over there for a while something that Koch and has not spotted all right so faster Imperial aged for kotti on and he's making trip down all of his castles all three of his castles are making trips it will be a trip low to get there though yeah I'm gonna be slow to get there like especially the one in his face is gonna take time and Joan the advantage of building them close I already spoke about the disadvantage but the advantage is that you're trebs reinforced really quickly yeah maggot i reinforced really quickly now Dave Koch on is upgrading the manga type by getting chemistry in the university that takes a long time Joan is not getting chemistry he's getting masonry which gives his castles more HP so he wants to survive the TREB war and then worry about upgrading the manga die after the fact a you see now chemistry comes in that's a really smart move from Joan Koch and also exploring on the right hand side with a couple Magadh I doesn't see that gold though from Joan yep not yet let's see how this Joan's gonna lose this castle for sure but he's more villagers here to repair he is five hundred stone and there's only forty stone for Katja and masonry yeah I'm not sure about that Dave oh sorry I met Koch Ian's gonna lose oh yeah yeah you you said Joan yeah that's like super confused so it's like what is he talking okay this is gonna lose the console okay the castles gone you can come in for the trebs like this yeah just making sure we're on the same page here is all it is kind of interesting though if you're Joan because you can't necessarily fight the manga die from Koch on yet or can you know they're gonna be elite she's still repairing and going for trebs and more traps and it's gonna go watch yep oh boy that's the risk about building the castle forward right I'm so surprised that Koch Sean did that because if it goes late he seems like the better player with these types of moves I'm really surprised at catch on moves he could have he could have thrown the game with that castle there all of his Jemma crumbles of them two elite manga died in we faster we just got it now you're kidding me Dave you've got to be kidding me come to the session John has more manga died he sniped so many trebs and now he has all the trebs in the world to send forward what did time to fight and Mason right asleep manga died came in and it was like it was three seconds faster yeah concoction and elite manga die brood anyone who doesn't know it's such a massive upgrade from the regular Baga die yeah huge and once he got those numbers down initially he just it swung the fight so hard Dave I don't know how this is possible but Joan has 30 villagers on gold they had 30 villagers on goal in a moment ago and poor cot John still can't find that gold it's got one patrolling there no it's just patrolling back and forth oh man now see what what I think Koch on should have done has been patients initially oh oh don't leave your traps like Oh Joe not leave your trebs like that dude your mag and I are going over to deal with those two on the side he might have he might have enough yes he might be used some trap to attack he's gonna lose two traps but still kill the manga die - yeah - and he's gonna clean them yeah but but what's the difference now it's twenty eight to fourteen and manga dye numbers so like Koch on who had all the the lead in those numbers and was taking those fights over extended they really should have been more passed if I think and taking the map controlling and secured this gold in the north with a castle instead he just threw away trebs through way to Castle indeed if content has to react around sorry I'm getting super excited now but if Koch on has to react to these manga died then he might not be able that event yeah yep Jones got basically caught Jen's army at the front and then caught John's army equivalent at the side no away no way oh man hey Joan we'll just snipe that trebuchet no problem he has all the numbers in the world stave yeah and and conscience forced it to switch an elite skirmish sure this is something you never want to see in a Mongol war every time you see this it works about like I'd say twenty percent of the time yeah but eighty percent of the time you're gonna lose out to the mega died numbers from the other plants the Mongol player can switch to huh Tsar oh wait Joe and already switched to us are yeah it's one thing to switch to us are before it happens but like this was this is before the ranges came up he was already prepping the stables a moment ago this is disgusting can't believe what I'm seeing I honestly felt as though Koch on was just gonna steamroll on a Mongol war on this based on how the game was going his micro looked so good in Castle H well I built that cast him forward still it's for relics and still has a ton of villagers on gold so this could go either way but I think Koch ends gonna gotta come for it and site these tribes and that's the opportunity for John the made to eliminate the magnetite numbers as Joan you almost want to just target the manga died yeah that's what he's doing yeah he's kind of doing it was more of a patroller but you can patrol and post him he's also patrolling into the houses the houses are helping catch on thanks to you but the castles gonna go down another Castle farther back for Koch and he just keeps falling back here I once Joan starts thinking about that Belt area yeah and going after that TC up there Oh what these houses are villagers up there we're up near that TC from Carl yeah oh he deleted them for pop space they have like 150 bills oh yeah a job space yeah that was good for Katja the house has actually helped him so he was able to get some manga died but I think he lost as many as he killed and now they're just even on the amount of tribes that have gone down that he's still going for skirmisher in a manga war it just normally doesn't work I think it maybe works 5% of the time yeah I said 20 oh did you I didn't hear that sorry you could at least agree with me I didn't I'm sorry I'm - I'm still not really awake and yeah 20% that's that's fine it works 20% of the time 50% of the time 25% of the time and now you have some Rams and if Rams rammed down the monastery those relics will be Jones and as long as he keeps that Huss our production up Dave I have all day for the world's yeah so impressive wow this is not a home map for kachi on that he should win he should definitely win this based on the style of player that he is we've hunted her for Joe and that's an interesting one and I love the attention to detail to realize how important that upper belt area is and all he knows about this gold buddy he sees everything so yeah those villagers will all died look at the vision from Joan you can't quick wall that she won't see every step that back corner and now cartoons main magadh eye army is forced to go up there and engage yeah we might have a magnet I fight up on the hill - yeah I know Trevor no trebs exposed for her Joan in the middle now I think he actually just wants to take out the manga die and then take out the town center instead of adding any siege there yeah okay's all right I'm just gonna destroy this TC real quick I'll wait to finish you all yeah I mean that will happen eventually and maybe this is the opportunity for catch on - I think it'll push out a little bit is and now he's looping around the scrims to the right he's got the maggot at the bottom oh I don't think Jones should be taking out this CC dude other repairs danger alright there's a lot of huh stars in the middle actually not too many hustlers for Jonah in the middle it's 60 military for Koch on and only 48 for Joan you are fighting uphill with less mega danger TCS down wow that's a lot of minutes from Koch on oh and there's a castle there for Koch on so I think Jones is just gonna have to take a flight at some point here you cannot lose manga died numbers and a Mongol were oh man and catch on has stabilized and now the scurbs make sense you just have to fight this Joan yeah why is he attacking the mining camp de why do units attack - dude that's so frustrating because this games so complicated and you patrol into mining camps still he has reinforcements days he's actually doing a decent job targeting the maggot I've concoction as well yeah so it takes longer for Koch and to reinforce because he's he's got the three castles farther back you don't actually know never mind I thought Joan had a fourth castle he doesn't he's going for trebs he's going for Rams and he's going for honor durs it's three castles - seven somehow how is that even possible there's another castle now for Joan she's RAM punching drain divert tassels are you serious yeah he's seven castles away it's my overlay for at the bottom-left it does it not count castles that went down maybe oh yeah uh maybe it doesn't yeah still work in progress guys we're actually that was just I told them that we wanted to implement that so we would test Dave's casting because he said that going skirmish with work twenty percent of the time in a model work but rams and the auditors they're going to do work against the scare him so now the Rams for Joan are pushing into the left side and they might be able to kill one of those councils I mean there's still a lot of manga died there's still a lot of manga died here man that's a dangerous number sorry front page oh man yeah these Rams will not take out that castle also my mom might be watching guys what time is it uh uh well there might not might not be church on a Sunday she could be home watching me I've got it gotta clean up my act look at the rating though from the hussars Joan yeah he's going back up to that top corner yeah Noah's gold might become an issue here for Katja I'm really surprised he went for Audigier let's see how it works Oh big draw was decent a lot of weak manga died in there now and the monastery will go down hey big deal that's for relics Koch John's not going away quietly though he is not going away quietly it is still Oh a hunt it's a hundred and eighty-eight population for both at the moment it's about manga die Joan you've got to get the manga die catch on is he has the crucial numbers he has 92 military right now 92 I don't know if you can afford to keep doing this but every time he thinks about making a push out with those numbers the hustlers come in to raid him though how annoying is that look look again Joan doesn't want to face the main army so what he does is he raids again and now the manga died or something's gonna need to go defend against that can you almost consider in jorts position like just making a stone wall across that entire belt area oh you will maybe I think it it's gotta be castles on Hills that's probably to play I I'm really worried that Jonah's gonna lose his position at Koch and it's gonna brick hey it looks like right now with 40 more military Koch on could bring this back oh and now we have a counter raid where kotti on could run in now there are three castles there yeah he sees it also I feel like Joan has too many villagers in this situation maybe he's been pop capped forever he can't produce the match maybe he's not producing out of two of his cows is actually well I think what's interesting about this is if Joan holds against the 90 military or a hundred military from catch on then he should have the resources long term to to make more so it's more about it's just can he hold against 98 military with 50 of your own he's got double the amount of military here auditors though coming out from these seeds work shots can they make a difference I want him to make heavy demo on water he's making docks right now yeah auditors rarely make a difference against mangudai they can make a difference against schemes but in this in these choke points though that's true if he pushes him back look at that look how fast you are - it's so funny the auditors pop out and catch on the confidence we saw earlier dave is returning incredibly confident play but can Joan hold this an auditor coming out of the Caesars raids for cotton in the north there's multiple raids in the north on the gold what a game monitor are you gonna pop out thank you pop out once the manga die run a little bit like now you pop out there's another in that seeds workshop the split it's still connected but beautiful micro from Cod shank on 180 pop for both now but look at the military count Dave it's now 90 against 80 so Joan the maid is caught up this is a ridiculous game I'll go back to the other screen here to see the relics because I know kochia needs to collect them again he only has one brought in that will be krumitz concern raids kind of helped them a little bit though because I was talking about how yeah I have too many villagers yeah it's true now look at the army counts yeah what's better here it's so close there's more hustlers in front for kochia normally that makes the difference and I think Joe needs to back up just he's closer to his production buildings though yeah he was also attacking magnetite instead of the hussars so that's why Koch on his repositioned on adjourn CRM was super expensive for Joan yeah super expensive okay now Joan backs up because he has hustlers in front it's just it's a patrol war now guys there will be a few splits here they're against homages but can auditors against speedy manga die and high HP manga diet normally don't do a thing well what is what what what is what was weird for Koch in doing yeah he is more maybe die I think again Joe needs to back up here back up quick if he's gonna do it oh boy don't lose your numbers like this guy I don't know if I'm even correctly saying this it's 50 for both it's 40 for both know it's way more manga died for a [ __ ] shot 46 to 31 yeah 46 to 31 and who knows this row here John you've got to back up my friends other wait wait a second wait how do we cast this game he's targeting the met he's manually targeting the maggot oh yeah he's got a backup Joan you've got a backup man 153 population for Joan and it's a hundred and ninety population for Koch and I'm really surprised 13 on gold for Joan and it's it's looking a bit stretched right now and meanwhile I mean coach John has four relics through 25 on gold right now it was almost we can agree that Koch I made a mistake at the start of him but I think we could also agree that Joan wasn't a it to punish yeah and like Joe and sending all his manga died up north there is no weird yeah it's so weird to me and and going for seed rim and Audigier it's just not to play in a Mongol rule no it's never the play on majority term is done very little when you when you do that you're not putting the pressure on Koch and anymore an auction has time to lay more castles and then instead of continuing with the elites curve he switches back in the Magna yeah exactly we would be saying the same thing or a similar thing about Katia with castle numbers in manga died after his mistake if it was punished so both players made mistakes or catch on held on and I I'm loving the amount of production he has had that said it's 90 military for both Dave it's 90 military for both but maybe we have a repeat of before where Jones and I get trapped because he has much less after that we'll play a moment ago he does have the hill and he has huh stars coming in and catch on thinks twice about engaging all right but you see the castle for catch on that's what Joe needed like both players actually failed to just play the game out long-term with castles and key positions and cons getting it now so you know what I think that Joan the maid should do I think he should use his manga died sparingly he can't lose any of them but he needs to change the point of attack and I think that if he gets his next ball of HUS ours into the farming eco from Kathy on catch on might need to deal with that with his magnetite and then maybe Joe and the maid can take another position yeah think that's gonna be the key right now it's so difficult for Joan to push this castle now he's gonna go he's gonna go for Rams at the top to try and push it no he's tres he's four trips oh he kept those alive yeah four trips wow he actually kept those alive I just said they were dead hot John needs to make a decision now does he defend that or does he push the three castles he had such a hard time pushing earlier I think he has to defend it maybe raid with us ours but you don't want to lose that castle yeah he's bringing some hussars back up there as his now he's trying to think about it he's seen the pack of manga die doesn't Joe really know yet now the trebs are deploying the hussars are still back here from Joan rating the gold look he hit both the gold again okay caught John sees this as an opportunity to raid with huh stars which I like ain't sending all the Mangan's I back Dave John the maid is not dead we are not done oh that you could play yeah to take that out I don't both players are just gonna be fighting for this gold but how much look at the house walls from John way the house walls from Joe one two three four five six seven eight ten houses nine ten sorry I think it was ten I didn't really want to count oh man what a fight here though for cot Chun he has more magnetite uh-oh uh-oh Joan this could actually be really bad for Joan killed the Casa trebs he's got the trebs attack in the mega die yeah mmm nice touch I like it when players do that I was getting trapped and I think yeah yeah it just all comes back to that fight in the middle a few moments ago the fight in the north and early imperial ikot Jen says who cares I still have the magnetite numbers and beautiful like Roger Roger is it's it's just bad in a manga war it's just bad you used never should do it unless you're in a position where you can afford see John under unfriend but not on day it's the first time I've ever seen that in a manga war here and now Joan the maids gonna lose the golds and Dave there's been so much production of manga diaper couch on there's no end in sight looking at his castles he has five manga I queued up in every castle right now and still has more golden come yeah Jones got three our gold right now one on gold now yep it's also gonna be rated just a bit with the huh SARS disease villagers the relics to look at katja relics cotton realized there was a weak blacksmith and then Joe and realized he needed to repair the blacksmith to keep them out well in the world that was weird maybe the final fight here for Joan maybe he needs a big one he does need a big one he's trying to loop around above I think needs manga died with the head start no yeah yeah he is maybe again he'll just run past raid and then pull the magnet die back and make more huh sorry we've seen this before yeah raid be annoying the problem here is gonna cream him I think so relics about Yun he keeps going back up to the top there where those goals have gone this is a good fight for catch on as well yeah very good fight see Joan just didn't react quick enough and now Koch on runs away it's still trying to avoid ballistics I know it's it's really been an impressive game from both though we we have guesses of who the players might be but regardless the the show that they have put on already today has been unreal I am just yeah I'm gonna be emotional for other reasons at the end of today but the quality of games has just take me to a different level it's like I I just I can't believe what we're seeing here but I don't think there's any bills on gold now for Joe just one relic right this is looking like an interesting pair of pants right now we got one side green one side blue don't wear them in public you can wear them you can wear them at home they're the comfy pants yeah this is the gold that that Joan will want to take cotton wisely kills the mining camp before the patrol and okay Jonas focus firing and the manga died but so it's gotcha yeah any it's way more hustlers coming into oh my goodness so many units coming in it feels like era the amount of times I've seen Hera make a million huh Tsar's too many damn times yeah and and the difference here is that Joan doesn't have the gold to make anymore manga die Koch on still does unbelievable the literal Mongol horde here the winged time stars God is in his name yeah that's true however it's going on but like and they're the Mongols are the ones killing them in the campaign but still whatever that's as close as we can get okay Ganga's Khan didn't do well enough and hidden cup to so we had to go for someone else or wait a second never mind we have all the cons there's there's more cons available for a teacup floor we'll see cha-chang con beast of a player meta player picked the map looked like he was gonna lose it Dave he has 60 military on our screen Joe and the maids not giving up this maybe needs to lose a few more waves of hustlers before he realizes how bad his situation is what is the what is the would situation looking like it's also really bad for Joe it's it's a good for rock channel now he's fine he has he is 27 on wood and it is currently four for Joan yeah I think Koch odd knows his position now he's like focus firing down the magnet I still has the hustler production behind it it might actually take some time for catch on to be able to take out the castle's but it has officially reached the point where Joan has no way to come back catch on is locking down every side denying this gold again and probably see if we're out ninety-five would yeah for Joan and Joan calls it Wow Koch on Khan comes back after early Imperial it wasn't looking so hot for him Dave well it's multiple swings in that game that's what I love about it yeah we thought at one point early that Katya had the advantage we thought that Joan had the advantage after he took out the fish early and then he took out that castle we thought John was gonna win for sure and then he made the mistake of investing in seed ramp investing in onager and going and putting all of his manga dye up on that hill yep and getting trapped yeah and so two separate throws but I think manga dye numbers were more important than castle numbers they're now castles ended up being more I think for cotton in the end but all that caught John lost was a bit of momentum the castle and then he realized he needed to expand to play math out properly I'm really surprised that Joan played that that way because Joan seems like a player who's gonna win on know how and that is not how a player who do knows how to play the game would play a Mongol work I think that he saw the squirms and he just assumed that Cotchin didn't have this true or castles and that he had already killed two castles so kocham would have max 2 more couldn't sustain the manga die production and then shifted his entire army to counter skirm hustle true and then when content suddenly showed up with more maggot i he was like wait what yeah what is happening right now and then he just come back from that point yeah that's what it was because it was not skirmishers that this statistic with the scrim things gonna be funny now but it was not skirmishers that gave content the opportunity to push back it was the manga tying it up yeah and so on under ram came out and then all of a sudden Joan was like well wait a second how does this guy have sixty manga died Dave sixty five thousand food collected for Joan the maid way more than Kathy on seemed like cotton had more hustlers though weird yeah would collected than cotton more gold now the stone was pretty big and Koch on having the castle numbers could have had something to do with his manga sign numbers but that was a close game ninety-nine percent of the map was explored by Joan so 95 percent when have we seen that before I think that's a third time in this store - man we've seen those stats in a game Wow just incredible stuff Darrell certainly did pay off for kotti on and the home map paid off for him he's up to 2-1 in the semi-final and now we go to another home map from Joe and the maid who went for incas of all things on El Dorado and got the win in Game two we have high tide and we have high doubt if it's high tide everyone's been picking wait a second no we don't have that no we have slopes we have slopes I'm sorry this is again we're just testing chat so what do you what do you pick here is as content do you go Japanese well I don't think okay so I want to just break down how mind-blowing it must be to play against Joan okay Joan picked El Dorado as a home map but banned Chinese which was the best civilization for that home map the second best is Indians so Koch on Khan's like alright I'm gonna pick Indians he does he loses with Indians and now the best save on slopes is Indians no hold on I gotta go further with this because it goes beyond this what caught you on Khan picked on slopes when he didn't have Indians before was Japanese and what's the best save on high tide Japanese the mind games here from John is just unbelievable they ban Chinese too which set this whole situation right yeah what else do you go what else can you go on ravines can you go for like Huns or something like what what do you picked you go for the troll strat you go like Incas to let counter him again I think when it gets worst you I think go for Aztecs I I think you go Celt Circe laughs because you're not gonna use Kelter slabs on any of the other maps I mean you could but probably not and Celts and slabs have really good mid game which can be dangerous against Indians so that's what I think now I have not looked and thank you Evo for the hundred dollar donation man he said great series go for 50k we're getting there we're gonna keep going with the games thank you so much everybody Dave let's go I think it's going to be [Laughter] slapstick the revenge ink Award what or Inca battle it'd be pretty sick wouldn't it I mean we've seen Incas beat Indians before it was just on a completely different map huh all right well ladies and gents this is been amazing first semi-final cot John con could not pick Indians which is a strong civil in this map because of the shore fish and and the fact that Mongols are normally used on other maps you don't take advantage of the hunt as much and he's gone for Incas Inca villagers are affected by blacksmith upgrades and we saw that when Joan the maid battered catch on Khan to death with villagers and eagles in game number two what do you do here with Incas though Dave do you do you can you afford to go up super fast and just send six villagers forward and he'll rush where do you vill rush those evil rats the fish or do you vill rush the other resources I uh I think you try and tower the fish yeah it's probably what you do but then you're so far from the other Res it's gonna take forever and also Indians can be up to feudal age pretty quickly I feel like he was just mad about that El Dorado game well if you think now I I actually I'm curious to see if he's playing to strat because he might also view this as a game that he's just gonna lose straight up you know some players if if they've get out save drafted they might think all right well I'm gonna try something Yolo because I'm probably gonna lose but if there's a planned strategy here we've seen Celts we've seen Mayans hey I already used Mayans and we've seen slaves be Indians on this and the qualifiers and really competitive games so the stones are forward currently for John the maid so if it's towers that could be dangerous huh yeah those stone positions you're right yeah the stone positions could be brutal this maps like that there's a lot of stones lots of gold's that are exposed and also Indians if it's an Indians war would normally wall and play clean with Scouts this game isn't gonna be clean at all Koch on Khan has scouted the side which has the shortest and you know what else is notable he's already scouted the side that John would be taking his resources which is really early and if this is Hara Hara and I spoke and Hera said I believe that for the main event what we should do with slopes as we should make it so there's no guarantee of having or let me reward this you don't know which side your fish are gonna be on and you don't know which side your opponent's fish are gonna be on so promote scouting oh my god it's really interesting because Joan is going for the deer as Indians and the Inca player is going for the short flesh well I think the Indians I think catch on is really confused right now he's thinking well wait a second white lies you not onshore fish yet bills where's behind him now but he's scouting the other side this could work out for him it's much it's really work out for him Wow Joan will not be happy to see that he's been spotted there Koch on will be like gotcha gotcha yeah he's probably so happy to see that Indians just lost their advantage - yeah like you don't go out to the shore fish yep why are you picking Indians I still think you should go to shore fish I'm really surprised you did that like maybe he thought about it too much there because he thought a tower would be coming but now the food didn't come for catch on is actually faster because regular villagers on shore fish is faster than regular villagers on deer Indian villagers on shore fish is even faster than other villagers so the up times will still come in Dave and there's still a lot of strats we're gonna see him look at the walls look at the walls from Cotton's point of view he's got Palisades all around the fish so we can see yep so you place these here this is just it's not a bug it's a feature it's one of those things always existed you have to spend the wood to do it but if a unit walks over that you can see it so this will tell him if Joe never goes out to the shore fish you can only do that if you Scout that area this is so weird it's really good from catch on though way I have to say the scouting is impeccable like instead of capitalizing on your sibs bonuses you're getting so scared by your opponents if bonus that you like go out to the fish Dave you should be dictating the game you shouldn't be dictated to the bills here come the bills and they're going out to the deer bills are on the way yeah so it's not even you need to forget the tower it's just a bill rush just get the blacksmith upgrades and just go for the Vil rush do you think that I don't know if this dad people can do this and guys he's not muted sobbing I wonder if we can get the statistics on Inca winrate up these are stats taken before de but I think Incas winrate off after 6,000 plus games on Arabia was top 5 Dave they're so good it's just weird because they don't get picked as frequently well I think players don't like the fact that their opponent is always knows exactly what they're going there and here come the bills there's relax Smith with six villagers so Incas are John Joe needs to leave hmm like now well Joan doesn't know Joan Joan has much less scouting he see got the Irish finally okay well let's see here don't get walled in don't get walled it just don't get wall that don't get wall then don't get wall then run run home okay you can't wall on this hill area so ya ain't there and looks like he's ahead with the villagers so Koch ends gonna have an issue whoa maybe you can wall at 100 Dave we have a villager and my coalition going to the shellfish and it's worth noting that wheelbarrow has come in for Koch on which makes villagers faster normally you get that for eco but with the Inca Ville rush you get that so the bills can can run around and attack faster greens never gonna expect this but he can whoa it in this is why you build the tower though this is why you build the tower there and hold on this is also why you bring the scalp which is now walled in oh my god oh my goodness man caught you on Khan he is attack and he has armor on the bills right now he doesn't see the tower from blue but the thing with this they worried this might be bad for blue is that he's now used as stone to make a tower there he can't make a defensive tower to defend against this tower push from green green could just make a tower all the way around yeah blues TC right now he is all done stone he is all this food but I don't know what he does with the food it's pretty incredible you know what would be even more crazy though as if he sends villagers forward to mill the shore fish at Kalyan conside yo that'd be heads dominance right but but certain dominance he's gonna need to leave his side caught chance following him watch and now he's sending one villager back like no no I was just running with one yeah I'm not running with multiples the exactly don't worry about them yeah he also changed it to a gold miner the guy I think he's intentionally click to the gold to make it seem like it was a gold mine and now oh my god jeweled went to the gold at the front but green is ready cuz is ready which he was abandoning his fish and got young cons like I guess we're just swapping fish this is ridiculous they're just swapping the fish but man he's not gonna be able to defend against this tower that's Remini stone that's true hey this is really bad for Joan this is so bad for John just wait wait a second man at arms man-at-arms man-at-arms gotcha gotcha this is that's wheelbarrow right there dude the bills are so fast with wheelbarrow fast wheel fast attack fast armor Incas never die good I mean I mean Katia does have a toe no don't do this TC yeah Joey the TC Joan he's distracted at his face he's running with so many villagers right now there's this village it's nomad now yeah I like what many look forward lumber camp from Joe and actually instead of the forward mill forward mill from Koch out makes a lot of sense look at the Ville difference though it is it is worth mentioning that until a moment ago with the forward mill Katja didn't have food to produce villagers after he lost his shore fish okay there's gonna be towers all the way around the TC just like I said what oh no man there's a lumber camp for dude I think Joan is ahead economically right now he's taking the deer on khat John side and he has two areas where he has it so spread out and he can like potentially batter down that Terry's walled in the villagers so he can batter down that Tower which one sorry there's so many towers oh that one no you can't actually if you wall diagonally like that it doesn't work you can only attack if it's not wall that's stupid oh my god Cotton's looking for the Vil's and he just passed them it's a lot of Lumberjacks he just passed them he didn't see that yet wait he might line them him he's looking all over he's looking what is happening here Dave no man so much pressure here from God oh there's stone here for made on the right side he could take that stone he wants yeah yeah and all but all those villagers a week so if greena ever finds him and he's looking he's looking for the villages look at John the made he was running around running away from cartoons villagers at the top and looped back around now he's making market at the edge of the map and maybe those can go to gold again Dave I don't even know what to the map we're talking about which one bottom right bottom right oh that one okay thank you because there's so many edges you can't say by the shore fish because there's two shore fish being used yeah the villagers have found the lumber camp on the left yeah archers out from Joan still know fletching on those archers no fletching yeah really struggle against and it's real bear ovals are so quick don't like her from Joan though and it's it's 32 verse 30 now with eco at both players are fighting with a lot of their eco what is going on here and it's so messy now you know what Koch on just spotted he could only see one deer on his side but that deer is the deer that Joan is taking so if he's being if he's paying attention okay these villagers are on gold right now they're all super weak yeah but he could also rush the food I just don't know if food really matters that I just don't know what is the play here a villager snipe from Koch on well played and that evens it out the archers would need to get fletching ASAP for Joan and you get fletching and then you can actually have a chance here and there it is who's ahead Dave definitely caught John it's just way more stable like he's got his eco at home is safe I always running around with a ton of villagers but I feel like Jones had even more idle time than him it's true yeah it's a crazy thing about this rush as you can you can do more damage despite idling the six of your villagers at the start and it's been more - I love the play from Koch on to wall in that one stone is being super aggressive but he's also as though they're going down oh yeah good play from John they clear that up while Koch yawns kind of distract and the micro from Joan is really good with the archers and we're fletching now if you're just fighting with Vil's it could be a problem and are we gonna see another swing here it's another swing in this amazing series now you can't make some Eagles that that's a good move feudal age Eagles for catch on this is so ridiculous yeah I know and Oh gotcha has been taking the fish on the right I didn't realize that also adding some farms I it's 17 on food for Koch oh that is a big difference to eight that Joan has the Micra with that villager to avoid getting killed by the archers yes stupid it was almost a bait as well like hey attack me so I could get a couple extra hits with my Eagles please Thanks and the Eagles are working 201 attack that when I attack the weak one gets it but there's other things he's focusing on now or eighties he's really not sure where to be so the Indian player took the deer and the Inca player took the shore fish this pretty funny resources look really really good for God she had no eye now he's sending those fishermen back to the gold - maybe Patek it's our I mean he's got 500 yeah own he didn't know it just fight he could just fight this is the thing you can't stop to fight with your own villes unless you want to get slaughtered so you stopped a fight with your own villa always archers okay yeah maybe the tower would have been the wiser move Dave this is so messy yeah I think you need you need a tower on that gold at some point and he's had 500 so why not just why don't just make it that they'll still not die she's gonna Council drop or something and cast late to the 180 500 gold yeah he also kind of let hit Joe know that he's over there which I don't like hey why do I do that but the biggest is though yeah gotcha I'm looking real good right now yeah the thing about this rush now I I'm not a huge fan of tower rushing but I am a huge fan of a huge fan sorry of Inca villagers and the Noboru rush and I if I was ever up against a player who was way better than me I always do this strategy and it's probably worked more than anything else and so you will lose villagers you will have idle time but because you can do whatever you want with your villagers at home you're probably gonna go to castle Age next and if you go to first and if you get to Castle eights first you can just go Eagles because the only counts are to your villagers right now as archers it's it's really good strategy and that's what we'll see Dave and I'm just really curious now can Joan hold on and if he does hold on what does he do Joan's base is looking looking way better than it did about five minutes ago even on the left hand side he's playing super safe now he's got a tower there he's walled in his villagers Wow the Queen City is leaky resource is hitting the resources from caught jam with archers now will a single villager die here one yeah how is he gonna trap him he is gonna trap him he is gonna trap them oh and though the archers getting hit by the tower and the Eagles this villager is worth throwing away if you can kill the archers and all the archers go down catch on Khan maintains his Eagle numbers he still has golds oh boy oh man now only one barracks but I think he'll add the second here yeah there it is and Dave he could Castle drop him he could send a real message to Joan yeah and I don't think Jonah's gonna be expecting him to be up this early Joan's heading Scouts he's going fuel eight Scouts so I think he knows he's I actually believe he'd think scotch on his up and he knows the only way he wins this is if he kills all the Eagles before Catchings in the next stage it's not gonna happen though he has armor he's getting back he's getting bloodlines he's getting forging links together coming for my villagers right now is he gonna castle drop right on that hill in front of the farms from Joan I'd almost mmm it seems perfect I mean if he gets the Eagle upgrades the reality is there's one can't stop yeah Joan can't stop him but fighting he's guilty all right right now yeah very [ __ ] I don't like that micro from Joan that is oh that's not great all right doubt Castle he deleted it though he's Incas so he still has the stone Dave I think caught us throwing a little bit he's fighting wait wait a few eagle yeah what then I could have wiped up all those archers as soon as he gets the upgrade is it a case of being so far ahead that you still win though could be done maybe but now the scouts are looking pretty good in this situation because they're clearing up the villagers yeah doing damage to the Eagles they're singling what kocham what you got get overconfident that was such an easy castle placement yeah you just save your Eagles until the upgrade you have more mobility there was no reason to fight there he just probably feels like I'm gonna win this game yeah still I would say he has the lead because cot Joan the maid is so far from going to the next stage but it just makes me think it's a bit you know too risky once Jo gets there though he can place the defensive castle right away I wonder would be good against any pressure yeah Jen I wonder if this is tough for Joan because you almost want to counter so green no longer tries to pressure you but you also need to have enough scouts Oh God you need to have enough scouts and archers to stop this castle that's inevitable there it is yeah comes he's got an archer on top of the foundation he's preemptively putting a tower there the scouts are coming back as well oh man I like how more bills are coming I like how more veils are coming caught John wants to make sure he gets this up oh man he's fully gone into scouts now yeah no way he's going out no way that anytime soon yeah he's committed tower here from Khartoum put the castle down it's a lot of eagles John they have full armor now Dave it goes to armor the villagers they're still still Eagles still eagles we know the tower is going up for Koch on and the scouts are gone the archers will contribute very little here and might just be a matter of Kashan bashing down that tower with the remaining villagers or eagles he wants a castle he did not want to tower and maybe castles here I mean it just yeah how much of John's face thank you I think Todd John had it right I think he was so far ahead that he could afford throw a bit there look how fast that went down he doesn't need to do this that's the film to TCS in the back - Zico is gonna climb yeah and another tower okay so yeah booming behind it I mean kind of booming behind this as much as you can boom with it jolting on food did John sell like all of this soon I think he might have to buy food when you're desperate you sell the stone buy some food to get more scouts out maybe that's just getting worse and worse and worse for Joan dude this is the revenge pic and I love that it's worked for catch on yep sick it's either viper or Hera I just I've got stronger hero vibes and the GG is called and what's awesome about that for kott john is he saves japanese in his arsenal so if joe and the maid goes for hideout next he's not at a disadvantage and he could go for that sieve which has been really common on that map so well played from CACCI on up what went wrong for joe he didn't he didn't use his bonus he did not use the SIF bonus there's a reason people pick Indians on this map and he'd let the Inca pick from kaca and get in his head and he didn't go up to the fish early yeah like I don't care if his Eagles there I don't care if you think the the villager rush is coming go out to the fish use your sieve bonus get up earlier get some Scouts onto the field there's a reason people pick Indians on this map yeah I agree yeah it was it was that and it's kind of hard to say how Indians fare against this strategy if we didn't see Joe and go to the shore fish early like that is possibly how you can be Indians on slopes and maybe this becomes some type of a meta but we didn't see the Indian meta like you said Dave and has actually caught John who collected more shore fish then then Joe did throughout this entire game now I want to see how how big a difference the food count was because do you remember that one point where I said Joan had five more bills he had more villagers but I think it was them out of food yeah 5500 food for cat John and he should have way less as Incas go difference is pretty huge for John the maid but all the gold units he made would then appear here's our fancy scene countered by archers or Eagles God and a lot of stone John John had no stone collected so all of those towers everything that I saw in the bank for him he was buying huh Wow how much city have you said he had a lot like enough to build a castle yeah I I saw like I saw like 300 yeah okay three something so I figured he was on stone but all right mm-hmm well guys one game that's all caught John needs to win and he will move on to the best-of-seven finals when's that today that will be today as well will it be high tide or will it be hideout for John the maid if I were him I think Joan has probably learned that the earlier he can get an advantage the better against catch on if games go super late again scotch and cotton might be the better player so I think I'd go for high tide which is more aggressive and make the moves early Dave let's go all right everyone welcome in this is game number five and it is high tide and it is Japanese Dave how big was it that catch and con saved this synth it's huge yep a lot of other players might have picked Japanese on slopes and we saw that play out yesterday we saw so many crazy games on this yes yes exactly but Japanese on this are clearly the best Civ I think at the moment the way the metas gallop throughout this tournament the good infantry the cheaper mills and lumber camps the good fish everything plays into your advantage here yeah and I thought about this cuz we think long and hard about settings and SIVs and we thought with hidden couple we didn't want people to be restricted in their choices because there's no sense in someone for to train for months and months and months to not be able to go for their strategy and show us what they're capable of and I actually feel as though if it was a mirror match of any other sieve this game would always ended 15 minutes because like either they both go water one person wins water gets a huge advantage and it's over or you have one person go forward which wouldn't be as possible but slaughters a bunch of villagers the other person slaughters I don't know where I'm going with this the point is let's just say this I'm really enjoying the mirror matches with Japanese because you know how you can go forward and go aggressive with towers and men-at-arms the weakness of that is typically that you give up the fish and so no players would go forward if they're gonna give up the fish unless you're Japanese and have the armor you got anything else to say do you know where you're going with to the next sentence you're you're here to help me man I got four hours of sleep last night and I had to wake up two hours before the stream today so I I just I asked my question for you is what do you think the play is gonna be for catch on do you think he plays meta water do you think he expects some type of afford from Joan I think you go I think both players are going men arms and then you add in the it's whoever gets the fire ships out first yeah whoever maybe kills a fishing ship if the problem with Japanese is that you're fishing ships are so beefy true it takes so long for them to go down art is the early fire ship even worth it like one second yeah that's true I think it's a good point I think if you're going fires you almost need to be going to dock fires against someone going one Don yeah yeah and you see the villager coming out now for Koch on now you know what was really cool about Joan's play against King Sancho for me when King Sancho when one dock fish no no was it originally one dock I think was one dock fires he thought that Joan since Joan was going for man-at-arms was gonna be committing to one dock as well but Joan made a switch behind the forward into going to dock fires and ended up getting a big lead there which I think ended up giving him the Eco lead which won him that game five yeah I'm thinking it's gonna be messy and I don't know if that suits catch on who's really good with quick walls or I don't know what skill set is better for this but I think Joan the maid if he's playing mirror is really gonna struggle against cop John based on what we've seen previous games oh he's gonna have to make it messy yeah person scout were nothing coming from that nothing doing yeah all right so good move from couch and to realize that villager was probably around there but what's important oops I just went to view luck whoops now I somebody said this on reddit last night I would love to go view luck more frequently for the players but it don't doesn't always work consistently yeah and it's also it's almost like cheating in a way as well if it did work on it are you gonna run into the TC we lost a little bit of HP there Dave so he is 3 less than Joan the maid but my point was caught John scouted the dock and I don't know if Joan did yeah Joan did not Scout the dr. Koch John you might just be assuming it's there three relatives you look go ahead a few times yesterday just to like try and figure out who the players are and it gives you a bit of a hint but like you said it just it doesn't track all the movements yeah yeah it tends to distract what they might click if it's working properly but how they move their screen and all that all the little mannerisms of each player does not show and wow the feudal times are identical and will we see the barracks for both there's the barracks for Joan he's hoping to push in a deer go ahead Dave barracks for Koch on is probably these two villagers no see this is the thing about high tide now he has a lot on wood for a second dog but he gone for a second dog yeah so he could get punished really hard for this so fascinating to me because that's true but if he loses three villagers but then kills the fishing ships from Joe and it's not actually that bad so you have an advantage of land and water for one player he hasn't he hasn't seen the barracks either with the ski he saw villagers going up to gold but if you're going on water you're sending villagers out to gold as well true so that's not even a tell usually that's a tell on land Maps the players going men-at-arms but now he's scouting around he still doesn't see the barracks okay he might pick off this Ville though that's going out to dog for Joan the maid yeah so he if he thought it was gonna be a to dock approach cuz that's what he's doing he should be checking Jonah's way worse with the scouting right now way worse with the scout oh oh he's gonna be futile age right as that villager think the bill will get walled in there it does and now the men-at-arms are on the way now you could argue that kotti on he's been good with scouting the fact there's a villa out there to maybe dock that could even just be a repair villager day for the fire ships and then the forward will come in and here come the man-at-arms I think it's a repair bill that's pretty next level I would assume Zosima we've seen the nerd walls from Koch oh yeah I'm not I don't think these men at arms are gonna get an opportunity to hit any villagers but what they can do is force idle time and force the response yep which will take his eye off water I would love to see Joan fight this Scout and/or use the Scout to block any quick loss how quick is caught young gonna be not quick enough not quick enough that's one villager down already that's what you have to use method arms are stay just shred bills and he could lose more - oh man goodness the golden tamakwa for him now yep it's getting real awkward and Joan's got a villager out to repair there but I think he's gonna lose that first fire ship yep yeah so Koch on will hold for now he lost a Vil if he can wall out everything oh my goodness wait okay so he will probably lose to here I don't know how there was a whole yeah was she dire or what is she gonna die hello yeah she delayed a little bit nice will more die this is so awkward it's just the time you're spending quick walling it it's it's insane yeah amount of attention that it takes all right so remember I mentioned you kill some villagers but then you behind in fish and then the amount of eco be pretty close so it's 28 to 29 right now but a sneaky doc see you mate he's relocated two of his fishing ships I think he's gonna go mainly on land though Dave if you're attacking oh my god it's gonna be a weak gate when it's up no you lady you're kidding me catch on he went from hero to zero right there that was the that was like the play of this semi final and the fail of the semi-final in the exact same be so tilted man he even made that tower there in like a sub optimal position just to kill those men at our yep that were stuck in that position and now the tower like what's the tough work really doing in that position now dude archers are on the way so a few our losses fish yeah still two fishing ships for Joan and is all conscience making fishing ships from two docks and the fires are coming in now well is Japanese fishing ship so it's unlikely that he would lose this but now he's really distracted and he doesn't know what archers and the tower is out of position oh man this is how this is how too much micro can come back and bite you some strokes yeah yeah it's true oh look at the archer trying to block alright and Joan has to micro away I would like to see Jones and villagers Dave and tower that gold because it's vulnerable tower the gold in the wood line right here where that arrows in the ground would be perfect is he gonna add a blacksmith how confused you think Koch on his right now because he thought he'd cleaned up Joan on water now Joan has arrived on water and now he he knows he needs to counter to archers somehow but there's a lot of other we're gonna see another doc hear from Joan second dog I think Joan should go farms I think you should I think you should commit to farm eco cuz he has 300 food just get to Castle age with this army it's already so difficult for couch on God that tower is just so bad yeah so bad it all stems from the fact that you have those cutesy little plays yeah please don't play off yeah often you're in a terrible position and that would line for him is just not good yeah and if he wants to add some skirm now Joan is looping to the right side so who will have archers with fletching for archers with fletching and three Japanese man-at-arms dude catch on it honestly feels like he's really really behind right now but that's if Joan does damage there's like no defense for this except maybe some quick walling funny now still a ton of fish still a ton of fish exactly still a lot of fish good demo shot from Joan on those two fire ships he's repairing but the villager is super weak yeah couple those fire ships two super weak now the villagers what are the quick balls like for Koch on he gets it this time now the archers they're actually they're gonna be fine I believe because there's no upgrades yet for catch on but they've got to walk around so you're sure and that that wood line yep Allen's an issue it's a big issue dude yeah I mean he is Japanese so it's cheap to make another lumber camp he's got some wood villagers alike everything is just so awkward oh man right now there is a lot of food because of the fishing ships though and does Joan redock always be talking nice a Dave I'm not even gonna look right now because we have to look at this but that isn't important part of this a villager goes down for kotti on there's a whole there's a whole and the man and arms are cancelling out the skirmishers another villager goes down it's a massacre it's a massacre there's so many weak VLEs in there no don't separate the man-at-arms from the archers why are you doing that Joan he's fighting them with dude it's a mob it's a mob fight right now it's a mob but it's such a bad play I think you need to use demanded arms against the skirmishers because now your armies countered it was working so well why did he do that I don't understand I mean at least he's running away with the archers now but if he would have just used the man-at-arms against the scurbs he would have killed more villagers at the woodland idle time yeah there's still villagers just hanging out there and he's on his way to Castle age so Joan yeah I guess he just maybe wanted to go up and go in Knights but maybe he got sick of micro again just like there's so much clicking he was trying to do 20 other things yeah maybe he just got sick of my crowing it Oh green seasons the Doc Koch and sees that redock from Joan he was searching for it I think he knows that Joan's up to the castle age yeah and conscience can be up soon to the fish yeah the fish through here yeah the fish paying off and if CACCI on sends a villa round to the north and docks up there that's 350 food of Marlin and it'll be a lot more efficient than it is right now stable for John he saw the skirmishers we're going into a few nights and he also knows that a lot of Koch ends villagers are super weak so if you got some Knights in the Eco yeah it's sure devastating I think my concern for Joan is the lack of food income he has seven on food so he wants to go oh he's adding Scouts actually but it seems like he wants to go crossbow and Knights but I don't think he's even gonna have the resources to get crossbow and bodkin and make a knight so he's got a balance that eco and it's sixteen on food for Koch on so few weathers the storm a little bit I think he can afford to do more it's making another doc like if you're going dog stew you're gonna have to get the war a galley upgrade yeah that's more food he has to choose maybe it's my Jeff see skirmishers no snipe the fish I don't know oh yeah he will and Castle age the only land army right now for caught young oh no he's got four archers yeah okay okay caught young interesting he just dove in with the scrums maybe he thought he was going to lose them anyways oh my god it's a weevil oh that's so good too cuz I feel like this is Hera or wait a second there's only four villagers in the teaser so you can just run under there are you kidding me the game sense from Joan yep only for Bill's surprise what eight is a Greek cannot play no he can't kill the ton of hills though Dave he killed him ton of villagers yeah that makes up for the fact that he hasn't been fishing that is like the the awareness to realize that you can run underneath the town center is insane yep cuz and now he could never happen does he sit under this tower he does if he sits under the tower all those oh man he might have the fish but he does not have the lands control right now new docks now and the war galley upgrade he could afford it how much could he get on water Dave if he if he swoops in with fires and takes out the fish its gg it's over yeah oh my goodness the score is largely due to the fact that Koch Eon has the fishing ships he does have farmers he does have villagers still working on resources and he does have his own crossbow now with bodkin and good HP the 57 population verse 50 Dave I don't know how Katja is affording this but it's got to be because of the fishing ships he's now going to get war galley and he's actually still in this it's gonna fight back I think the play for Joan is to run in and try and get the fish true yep because you know you have the land advantage on eco for sure by this point yeah you know you haven't lost a single villager in your base the going get his food income on the water he's actually going for university right now so prioritizing his military check this out on the left side of Joan yeah crossbows coming through does he have town watch this join up town he does he sees it he sees it yeah that's that's so good good reaction so good also ballistics on the way let's see how caught you on micros this and caught Sean's best move is to kill a few units but then run back yeah good play from both players there and good defense from Koch on on water I don't see his fishing ships going down he has so much on water still yeah Joan Joan Thruway two fires pretty carelessly there he's got a demo coming though he has it down oh my god those fires are super weak I've also love what Koch on is done good demo oh sorry I missed the demo there Dave but I'll catch on yeah very good but like Joan thinks that the army forgot John left and he's coming back in yep yeah Jim caught you on stabilize this and capitalize on the foodies getting from Beijing [ __ ] I just every time I look at the food count for Joan it's below 10 he's got 5 on food I just panic building a TC it he's react yeah these crossbows coming to the back of a space I don't think Katja is gonna expect the fact that he has ballistics and it's so unlike Joan based on what we've seen to not be able to transition his economy so unlike him I'm so surprised I talked about it when he was on his way to castle Jenny never fixed that issue and he hasn't been able to take the fish and chips out for her cash on comm and it's looking increasingly likely now that the only that Koch on comm could win this game yep the second TC he's definitely stabilized yeah yeah oh now the Army is it's being wiped up and we saw we saw what this could do I think I can't remember what what said it was but we saw someone wipe up army and then completely come in and slaughter the bills yeah as soon as that army advantage was in their favor I mean the bases are so close here yeah so let's see if he can capitalize like that but a manga Knoll now yacon so that's gonna be able to defend quite well if you're caught you on you pretty much realized at this point all right well I've lost villagers it's been a messy game but I have 400 food in the bank and I can go 3 TC ville production easily so uh he also just took a huge trip into his opponents economy and realized that the economy was not looking so hot so the siege defense is perfect and for Joan the maid he hasn't been the biggest micro nerd he's got a micro his heart out here Dave these are a week to their super week nice to tack round from Koch on almost expecting the split to it was close see if he tries it again all right Joan let's see here no split that time okay great Mike so Hubble Manganiello you got to get out of here oh no use playing with fire and they're all dead they're all dead we're talking about swings that's a pretty big 162 economy for Joan at 55 for kotti on dude but now you've got to make more crossbows yeah it just felt the pressure of being behind economically I think and tried to force the fight I don't think that's a fight that many players should try and take there I think it's better to back help and make your own maghen l so as a reason he took it and all some demos here from Koch ah not the best demos but he still has fires to protect the fishing ships and the fishing ships have made all the difference for Koch I need so many struggles on land I still feel like it would have been very much like Joan to send forward villagers and tower once you saw Koch on Khan's first tower but it didn't happen he's such a map control player here comes the military I don't even know if he'll get the siege workshop up in time he's gotta get it oh he's gotta get it he can't do it so now there's there's more crossbows for Koch on there's a mag and elf for kouchi on and the sneaking another siege workshop sneaky fires though sneaky fires are are getting near the mission and there's two demo ships here you could just wipe up is his army on see he could all right the demos are actually pretty bad the Koch on will have a little bit of time to maybe react to that well this is not a great position for Koch on to push into if you see two archer ranges with garrison flags yeah the siege workshop there you're like none and I'm going back yeah I like Howell we've see this on hideout where the one person grabs a relic and then runs away it's like no my relic and more fires for Koch on to stabilize but it's less about the fishing ships now Dave I think it's more about the food he had from the fish to add all the pills look at how many farms he has but right now bow saw horse-collar coming in for Joan so who will actually be ahead on eco upgrades but maybe that explains his food problems does not have a horse collar ah look at this micro keep in mind that Joan has ballistics and cotton Khan does not have ballistics and cotton can kill the unit and didn't lose one here comes to Megan oh oh yeah meteorites attacks pros yeah Koch and cons such a fast player look at the houses from Joan up near his dock is really funny it's a nice view there man I would live there too if I were a villager in for kotti on Imperial age are you kidding he's stabilized so Wow it's crazy and again it's another situation where we say Joan you've got a push you've got to do damage he's gonna feel that urgency actually might not do to the score getting another relic that month yeah good prep a late game you see this mug coming back rip Friar Tuck there he goes down and I love the castle in the game first castle the game really good position really nice and safe position yeah I'm really like I'm feeling bad for Joan at the moment because he has to do so much to have a chance but Dave the microlight very nice that man got a week from the earlier attack ground yeah easier to take down he's gonna run right into this castle yeah but he realizes and he backs away now Dave do you remember the other Japanese war we saw I forget who was between the Saladin Saladin and Alaric Alaric Alaric okay so one player was kind of in Joan's position but they were behind to him and they just went full elite scrum for a while and held on and yeah that was Alaric yeah so I why yes he at the middle it's good point had the middle whereas Saladin didn't yeah and in this position cotton is faster than Pandey has the middle and he has the first castle of the game yeah it's true yeah and faster to bracer also there's just as many units here for cotton so if he gets bracer in chemistry he should be able to just match whatever Jo and the maid has with numbers and then I'll tech it's it's really good unit awareness from Koch on he realizes he can take a fight there now he can he backs away gets a few shots backs away getting upgrades now Joan it's nowhere close to him no he's not and look at the micro focus on the confidence there's no need to do that but he's a crowd that was a really good attack round from Joan Joan yeah the splits for coming did you see that in the teeth so sick men so sick again another dodge and another kill yeah Koch on Khan is looking like he's prepped for the finals right now this is insanity playing so strong Koch on Khan is actually the strongest hero if all heroes were to fight you saw my YouTube video on that so that's fascinating that he's actually making it through or looks like he could the resources are going up for Joan they're going up Dave and can even get a big shot round yeah of course not of course not where it's not he needs only scurbs does one of these players early tech in to honor Drew's we saw that make a difference in the last Japanese mare who watching um I guess the question is do you need to he's on the way to Imperial HM yeah I'm not so sure it's a good point like Imperial a Japanese words are actually pretty pretty boring and it takes a long time to finish the opponent at all there's a lot of relics Green Joan only has that one pile of go oh no he's got a neutral gold up top he's got that pile in his face yeah and three at the middle or in sorry up top the rest are in the middle oh oh are you kidding me catch on gotcha it's like his brain just freezes when he's in a good position about to close out a game just threw away a trebuchet it happened in the the Bey game as well he has all the tech in the world right now he is chemistry is better squirms I'm just really surprised he's not pushed forward or tried to read or anything Dave if he's just kind of sitting there well he's bringing in this fourth relic he's got middle control yeah he's got a castle going down on that gold in the center and the only Gold's now for Joan the maid is the one in his face that he's taking and the one up north which can probably be ranged by any galleons yeah true yeah we see the micro here from catch on and Joe and the maid will not resign early Joe and the maid is gonna fight Dave and I think Joan realizes he can maybe hold in the middle which he already has done and go for water he's docking now they probably go for us on the towers to really slows down the Japanese work yeah but galleon now focaccia on a cot John realizes the threat there have been a lot of games where players have hit the Imperial age without bow saw but here's some stats for you there's been a lot of games destroyed of it I think more than any tour demand I've cast it actually it's almost the norm we saw that I think we saw it three times in the final best of five of the quarterfinals so he's going he's going for fire ships is he gonna get fast fire right away yeah he's getting fast fire right away he wants to clear him quick it's a bit of a worry though because Koch aankhon he knew that that was a vulnerable position and he switched onto water with galleons so he's taking out some of the bills you're right Dave maybe we see on a dirt I think especially for going I know it's gonna be tough again Scott John's micro but if there's one thing that can bring you back in a game where it looks like you don't have a ton of momentum right now it might be on injure but the population is so in the middle the population is close I think it's more so that con has the better position right now well if John wants to get back on water with the castle there this is the Death Star that we were talking about earlier if you fortify this middle position heap Green can always just run back yeah and sit underneath that yep also really important that catch on contact those relics that were in the center there's only one there now so we'll have the extra Gold's he'll have the water it'll have the relics as well now what the fishing ships are tank and damage in the oh my god the ribs ribs who needs caps RAM when you have Japanese fishing ships are you kidding me and the stupid reappear server the student weighing about that is that Joan the maid didn't realize so he lost so many units because of that yeah and Joan the maid still hasn't taken that relic in the middle now even just wants beer you're having gold issues like the camels protecting it man look at that who's like no it's mine it's so hard to use your gold in the Japanese Bordeaux the only thing would be on injure trebs and then samurai you'll never see cavalier switch you actually rarely see are blessed because everyone goes sperms fast fires they're not doing anything obviously Navy then too but yeah just not working out for Joan right now not working out at all I think caught young con it's just it's just letting Joan know there's no way that you can come back into this game I will lock down like base I will lock down the middle where the extra golds are I will take the relics and there's just I'm struggling to see what Avenue Joe today going for cap Graham and tower okay so he wants to push back on land completely ignore water for the time being and you know he's a little bit exposed to your crotch and at the south of his base true if he wants to push him that way yeah has also got a lot of pop invested both players are struggling to figure out where they should put their pop because they're both at 200 he's got a lot of pop invested on water and in the sensor there's a trebuchet from Joan right now and he's taking good trade with the skirmishers so we might we might see a situation where content has too many galleons kind of like doesn't delete them yeah yeah if he doesn't delete them then he could run into problems and those galleons can't rage that cold it's like one town - wow you're right Dave how many gallons are the 32 galleons and now there's 41 skirmishers from Joan right now and Joan has two more trips coming forward to take this castle out there's the gold he can take some gold in the middle huh and I see Koch on now going for auditor Dave but there is a chance that Joan could maybe go for Lightcap to counter that Joan is actually pushing back this is incredible this is his only chance here though yeah if he loses this push Sheba gets pushed back here then he's losing everywhere yeah you're right he's repairing his trebs he's sending in a ram catch on kanji hotels against that and repairing the TREB the castle goes down where the honors gonna get it right no because of the repairs oh man well now he always he's losing on skirmishers yep he does have a solo in the south from Cochin and tons of siege workshops and more archery ranges to hold the fort there yeah even just even the fact that Jones pushes now stalling is bad because catch on now realizes where he was weakest and he's obviously gonna deal with that oh my god those trebs on the scurbs though but yeah he's researching Audigier already completed that sending the auditors out he's prepping another castle he's getting the other relic Dave no we're seeing the beginning of the end here Koch on purpose which is really unfortunate because like some of the most entertaining games I've ever seen yep from this guy yeah also played the player that stood out to me the most so far in hidden Cup you have to say that if Koch on goes on to win the final two trips yeah yeah dude it's now he's winning nowhere and he calls it Joan the maid taps out Koch on Khan is going to the grand finals of hidden Cup three and later today that's a heartbreaker because Joan and and yo Dietz or Yeats they brought tremendous strategy to hidden Cup and they really open people's eyes as to what you can do it in hidden format but I think that the cream always rises to the top man that the quality shown from Koch on throughout this whole tournament he got through really difficult situations he was able to beat the strategy from Joan the maid and it's even more difficult for someone like Joan the maid to face someone like Hassan Khan in the best-of-seven my catch on deserves it what a series I think this all stems back to that slopes game I really do I think like he did his SIF draft planning around that he did or his SIF ban and his map draft planning around that and planning around him having a worse sieve and then he didn't utilize the Indian bonus and after that like howdy how did he come back from that it's just so demoralizing to lose like that when you've planned from the beginning he know what else really bothers me Joan the maid had an awesome Cup strategy which worked tremendously well and he didn't pick Cup as a home map so I I just don't understand that the El Dorado strat worked maybe he was really confident maja on high tide maybe he felt like that worked better for him but either way four to one is a pretty commanding victory therefore catch on and catch on moves on now I want people to vote here because I feel like I've been saying catching with Hara for a while but Dave said process of elimination if that's Hara there's no Viper and even the semi-finals and I don't know where Viper is there's Hara fanboys there's Viper van boys there's leery fanboys we don't know who is who but first we are gonna vote for Joan the maid polls gonna pop up on our screen and everyone who's watching right now can vote by typing a number in the chat I personally think this is the max Dave I didn't see any thing here today that makes me think otherwise what about you this is after William being MBL this is my most sure prediction okay is that I'm like 95% that this is the max okay although it if this is the max he really improved his micro skills his execution skills like it it was insane some of the moves he was pulling today okay so I'm not seeing the pole yet and okay hold on we're gonna have to redo this one ducks that's alright I got it I got I got I know how to do things just just redo this this is not my fault just to be clear this is overlay guys fault feel like yep this should be working next time there we go okay go ahead and vote sorry guys so far we have people voting for Hera for join the maid I'm going on the max maybe tatto at-ats is gonna be someone that comes up later cuz I still feel like Saladin gave me more tattoo vibes and Viper but this hidden cap has been a treat man but yeah max max had tremendous strategy and if King Sancho was leery or viper and then koch Giancana's hara he also had a very difficult bracket and he played beastly games lots of money on the line too for losing in the semi-finals you guys probably all saw the prize pool split the amount continues to go up thank you for the subs can't say hello to everyone and thank everyone but thank you all for the new twitch primes still gifted subs are coming in you guys realize you don't have to do this thank you vote okay actually can't say your name x-bow I appreciate you Expo thank you Gus thank you okay max doubt and tattoo wasn't Dell in the top three on every fricking Pole every every pool all right it's gonna be the least guest player again well well remember so right now we actually have it below the stream for people that might want to do this there's an actual guessing competition you can't guess doubt for every single one it's below the stream right now and you can click it and go to the link so what doubtless guessed the least correctly in the previous hidden cup it was not based on this like this is all trolling people but it was based on the official forum and now we're gonna do a poll for kotti on Khan Dave are you sticking with with what I think that this is Hara or do you think this could actually be viper or leery I think it's Hara I don't think Viper would go I mean I really don't think Viper would go incas against Indians on the on the slopes okay I don't think he would have been maneuvered into picking Indians on the eldorado either and I don't think I don't why would Viper ban Britain's the biggest one is he banned Islands yeah that's odd no that's to me says it can't be Viper banning Islands I just but again you think if this isn't Viper or the other players Viper I don't think Joe and the maid was Viper there's two more they're playing in the next semi-final and we'll have seven games to find out the only potential viper candidate would be then salad Saladin that would mean that Saladin was not playing up to a Vipers full potential I can agree I can agree with that every hidden Cup it's always about finding the Viper Hara 53% think it was him 53% think hair is moving on to hidden Cup finals and I feel like that would have been a good prediction ahead of time that Hara could make it he had the skill wiper and then it's gone so much better I'm sorry I love doubt walls yeah guys I love doubt all right we all love doubt but there's no way that he was doing that okay there's no way the guy who said triple ballistics no need to micro man in three times tank force nothing would be out my kering ballistics okay that's an actual doubt quote he's like Oh triple ballistic no need to micro yeah there's no way okay if you guys have never seen him stream all you have to do to understand this is watch him when he tries too quick while a villager against the Scout it's like Oh quick Walt might get one of them they might get one policy yeah I think people like doubt because he's a massive troll and he's also super relatable and that's so funny bad he's super oily
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 125,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Hidden Cup 3, HC3, Hidden Cup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 45sec (9645 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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