Viewers Decide The Videos #2 - A͏s͏mongold Media Share (Welfare Wednesday)

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what could you buy with your body count i'll make chicken cause it's one dollar that's all i can get with it wonder what happened to your voice to make chickens maybe three okay you keep going i don't even know what to say i don't [Music] oh look at the shirt look at the forehead look at his forehead this is making [Music] i could do it better i could 100 do it better i'd be easy i could 100 that'd be way [ __ ] better [Music] [ __ ] dude ass [ __ ] that's what you get dude watch your ice cream next time that's what he gets you can yell at me all you want i've seen enough movies to know that popping the back of a raft makes it go faster what oh what a dumb man that's actually yeah probably would okay it's like a fat yoshi this is good okay oh no wait it's gonna kill him these aren't real animals why would you make that why would you make that why make the thing that kills a little cute animal is this supposed this this is not gonna make me a vegetarian i'll tell you that right now i'm gonna eat [ __ ] meat right after this i don't care level two twink arena grand master why are you an arena grand master of level two what is this like really you're gonna actually kill uh you're dead you're 100 oh no oh no he's still gonna die he's no way he's not gonna die man he's got like eight seconds left what's he doing okay he's using wait he first aided oh the hunter just oh my god he has rune clock bandages are you kidding me and a grenade bro you just made that kid quit the game oh my god biscuit okay [Music] [Applause] okay that was that's so [ __ ] funny man sim versus incel yeah i love it there's no way that's a guy yelling that's not this is not a train there's no way that's a [ __ ] train what the [ __ ] there's no way that's a [ __ ] train let's see here we go i always thought the scene was too anime man this was silly it was so silly [Music] that was nice that was not very clever like it was this is not it was okay the pusher oh that's me true battle look at that it's a warning what a surprise i require i need healing see that's where you kick the whole group out get some more people the low iq red oh i know what they were about the show afterwards yeah i wonder who that was gonna be she's a wolf in mouse clothing okay ah the mouse is ghostly how stakes claim to happen [Applause] i don't know if that's funny i feel like that's just loud it's spread to japan now too what the [ __ ] what is that wow can be funny but there is a limit yeah i guess so okay let's have some sip of kobler i would probably watch that stream yeah i would probably watch that stream yeah it's completely fine yeah he's just chilling man like that guy probably has yeah he's so chill he's enjoying his life well actually not enjoying his life he's playing league but um you know at least he's chilling he's playing on a stream everything's okay what's better than this guys being dudes [Music] you're gonna be a pilot we love pakistan my pleasure my country is that when [Music] very [Music] destroy [Music] dad from our country yeah we have soldiers who want to live for the country and die for the country what the [ __ ] is going on over there let me see your haircut what the [ __ ] like you could oh my god we just slapped him in the head because the game was rigged oh wow what the [ __ ] it's the final boss oh [ __ ] upset i'm sad that he didn't get like more upset about it you know but like as it runs away and he throws the thing at it that's the best part man yeah it's the final boss pigeon exactly okay oh wow i haven't seen this in a long time holy [ __ ] that's a long time ago [ __ ] those were the good days man those were the good old [ __ ] days the old playstation wasn't is this another vtuber thing are you kidding me [Music] like is this [Music] but why uh good question yeah but why what is this the nick valentore don't shoot what i'm just gonna beat the shot yeah be careful man oh no oh [ __ ] oh i love these i love these the mario show it's great andrew 500 you are not the heart there it is dude oh yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] that oh man there it is and then she's crying but it's the best day in his life i wish i could do a show like that on twitch that [ __ ] would be funny but i would get banned i would get banned so fast dude mari like that [ __ ] is just it's degenerate i feel like you need that though thanks a lot for that i really appreciate it just like the actual show it cut off the good part until next episode yeah it actually makes a lot of sense must be a real genuine dragon ball z fan there yeah same hair it's not the same hair dude i i don't have the vegeta hair okay i don't know why you guys get that [Music] okay what that was something freddy did well that was weird i mean to be fair that was weird he just touched his hand who watches that like who goes and thinks oh wow it's 8 p.m i can't wait to watch that like i don't i don't understand excuse me i i i think that was really funny that was [ __ ] funny man g'day this is trick tuesdays for a request all the way from america okay here we go i've been married long time ago where did you come from where did you go [Applause] this makes you want to go to australia this is good like it's unironically really good what the [ __ ] i actually really like australians uh every girl there has huge ass titties and every guy there is an [ __ ] so i fit right in throws hot oil rats he's counting down he's gonna do it why yeah but why your bunny brought why your bunny brought why did he do that stop need to be vodka why would you do that i don't understand [Applause] there it is i was mad i know we all know yeah why would i don't understand what he did it for the updos maybe dude i don't know that was crazy yeah that was a that was a good stream remember i had 8 000 viewers on that stream i was like [Music] damn [Music] there's no that's that [ __ ] like i've seen this like two three times that's it's just not real right [Music] it's real oh my god you're drowning them what the hell are you doing drowning them why are you doing that let them go let the man go [Music] the [ __ ] is it called burger king why isn't it burger queen okay can we go back to the trailer please like i think that was funnier jump down jump down and then let's say some [ __ ] gay [ __ ] very clever yeah very very [ __ ] clever dude that man chick oh man you can't do that with a chicken man you can't do that with a chicken okay what's this what are they doing oh no they think they're sucking each other dudes dicks man oh yeah [Music] so they think they're is this movie actually good okay well that worked itself out yeah worked itself out wait what holy sh god damn wait that's one dude holy [ __ ] god [ __ ] this is actually a good this is a good fight scene i like this how's he blocking man that would that would break your [ __ ] arm yeah right oh my god oh my [ __ ] god oh he's taking his shirt off oh he's ready for it he's [ __ ] ready for it let's go jesus dude this guy's a [ __ ] champ he just takes the [ __ ] hits man god damn get the gun get to get a gun man what weight loss can cause your hair follicles to fall out man this normally is the unhealthy kind of weight loss yeah if you've been skipping out on meals for various reasons a rapid weight loss that comes with it can take a significant toll on your physique and mental health that's not nutrient deficiency such as iron no results no that's not a whole other story lack protein has been directly linked to hair loss [ __ ] man protein listen i eat protein like look at this here you want to see this this a goddamn bag of beef jerky i'm eating this [ __ ] every day i got my protein [Music] i remember simpsons used to be really funny and i used to watch it all the time i used to love simpsons man it was like my favorite [ __ ] show ever like i don't even know why i stopped watching it honestly is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought i think everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it i award you no points and may god have mercy on yourself i need to put this on like a sound board and play it whenever i read somebody's chat logs varian man [ __ ] this dude man [ __ ] this requested by sylvanas [ __ ] this dude this is [ __ ] i don't want to see that [ __ ] yeah good he cut it off increased media cue please it should be good now i think it's better wait they're feeding uh oh look at that they're feeding him something that's gonna make him die that's really cute stupid oh mama like yeah whatever y'all not understanding it you guys don't understand right out of here and it was disgusting you take that back it's about accurate yeah it's about accurate it's playing [Music] what the [ __ ] how does that happen six minutes oh my god this guy's huge look at this guy oh my god i think this guy won mr olympia look at what the [ __ ] dude that guy's massive you can't walk now man why you gotta throw the chicken in the hoop man that's some just eat them you don't that's working [Music] is this oh my god who is this all right listen at least this is funnier okay at least this is [ __ ] fun here [Music] is this what they listen to on like foursome stream i can just imagine this is like this is the whole stream you know you just listen to stuff like this and you know stream forza it's great what's she doing where did hannah go [ __ ] hey that's what you get what the [ __ ] man who makes videos on the internet nowadays says full i don't know what you want me to do this is this is good dude i like it this is really good [Music] i mean maybe it's the lower quality other ones but this is actually [ __ ] good [Music] a [ __ ] i got a horse yeah it was funny oh i don't think i was zoomer that's actually clever like for the most part [Music] i like it oh wow [Music] i thought that was the gnome sound for a second [Music] what's funny about this song this is a jam ain't nobody laughing everybody's just jamming everything's chill it's a banger maybe it is sherry bobbins who the [ __ ] is that i'm a media media that's for sure [Music] well that's not a stereotype yeah that's not stereotyping weapons i swear to god man like ant-man i never watched it because i thought that [ __ ] was dumb what the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] okay well i guess like that's some anime [ __ ] i never watched one piece or anything we just got a letter we just got a letter oh my god we just got i used to watch this whenever i was a kid [Music] oh wow wow i would have never expected that oh my god dude that's clever dude blue's clues was the [ __ ] yeah i i liked it it was it was enjoyable what is this why the blood elves left the awning you are late prince chao thought yeah i thought you will's pride is such a [ __ ] actuality it could not be helped lord garethos he's such a [ __ ] man i am not interested in your fanciful me look at his ass his [ __ ] you're here to serve the alliance thus you will obey my commands to the letter who's just an [ __ ] for no reason yes forget now the undead have begun a new offensive to retake dollars rank 14 their primary strike force marched south through silver pines yeah but we managed to halt its advance at the base of the mountains my men are ready to fight my lord when shall we leave for the front we will be leaving immediately but your people will i like how he pauses for people man like god guys he's just such an [ __ ] defended by simmons uh oh oh he goes on all right i'll be honest like basketball is the most fun game to watch like i like football i like playing football way more but basketball is so much more fun to watch oh no the war i love you too man there it is dude no you're breathtaking i love you dimmer back whenever blizzard was cool remember that [ __ ] man [ __ ] man dude man i what man yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] you baltimore wait what why would you have to buy a new car this weekend you're a big enough schmuck to come to big bill hell's car bad it's our belief that you're such a stupid [ __ ] you'll fall for this [ __ ] guaranteed it's actually true jesus christ i always wanted to open up a used car dealership just so i could scam people it'll be fun oh no this is like me whenever i don't get the mount what am i a [ __ ] [ __ ] man am i [ __ ] riddle [Music] what the [ __ ] somebody's gotta kill me man the [ __ ] angers it never just goes away that goddamn contract is somewhere that got that [ __ ] files this guy's out of control greatest actor to ever live [ __ ] you [ __ ] jesus [ __ ] you [ __ ] mexico horseshit you've been [Music] no wonder people keep hiring them this guy's nuts [Music] oh my god wow this guy's out of control he's a genius yeah i feel like any movie with nicholas cage is guaranteed to be a six never a five never a seven always a six slightly better than average that's about it where's the constitution oh i'm sure we'll get to them i forgot about the constitution oh my [ __ ] god this guy's out of control just imagine filming that oh [ __ ] [Music] equal rights hey equal rights best twitch fails wait who's that what the [ __ ] oh my god that's so [ __ ] stupid dude welcome to chili's hi welcome to chili's listen i've been to chili's the other day and they got me my fajitas and they were cold i was not happy i ate them anyway though because i was hungry oh this is good i like this already okay buddy would you eat though next buddy snacks buddy what you eating snacks buddy snacks buddy buddy this is what happens whenever you have three friends and you have nothing better to do than record a video i want you to win oh no not again not again dude no what show what what uh what um what uh uh web um what um yeah i was curious maybe if anybody knew uh yeah there it is maybe i should play one of those man wait doki doki wait you do that in the game that's crazy maybe i should play that that'd be funny i feel like if i played doki doki literature club i would infest it would be like getting an std no but no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] that's a hundred percent fake there's no [ __ ] way that's real like i don't believe it yeah the speed buff no that's 100 fake [Applause] i'd be more interesting if he drove into a wall max max you really gotta [ __ ] put your own video on man that's one of my mods man he put his own video on there he put his own video on there man that's a big ass forehead though like i mean honestly like he has a massive [ __ ] forehead like that's that's like this is so [ __ ] good man i cannot get over how good this was like i really hope this dude makes more videos i [ __ ] love them and they're just they're just walking in man like it ain't nobody's business but he just walks in i feel like the ending of that series was my favorite part i [ __ ] loved the ending of that series that's the cutest [ __ ] oh no is that this is gonna be the girl that's crying [ __ ] them dude that's the way it should have looked both ways patrick is so stupid i love patrick he's so stupid though [ __ ] you zack [ __ ] you like to eat [ __ ] not just like man who donated that which stupid which stupid ass [ __ ] donated that who whose stupid ass donated that the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] why would they do that what what happened to his hand oh jesus christ oh it's monty python i see that makes sense yeah it's monty python i never like monty python thank you thank you friends friends i get it now for a second dude i didn't [ __ ] get it i was like wait what is that why is he crying i'm like okay yeah now now i [ __ ] get it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 795,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold welfare, asmongold sellout stream, asmongold sellout, asmongold mediashare, asmongold media share, asmongold weebs, asmongold reaction, media share, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, zackrawrr, asmongold welfare wednesday, stream decides, stream decides music, mediashare, welfare wednesday, welfare wednesday asmongold, asmongold viewer videos, asmongold viewer request, weeb, #2, asmongold media share 2, viewers decide 2
Id: HowVe5k4GMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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