A͏s͏mongold Traumatic FIRST TIME Playing Among Us - ft. Moxy, Train & Friends

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[Laughter] all right we're gonna go with that yeah in this game it's kind of a big thing oh dude i look good now crossing over their territory i don't know okay okay all right we're ready all right so should we do like uh like a practice like show them like the mechanics on top of that i mean do you guys understand what this game is at all yet so basically um i'm the imposter and i have to kill everybody yeah and i'm not supposed so i'm not supposed to tell you guys i'm the imposter right yeah you have to find that out on that's a surprise yes okay if you see you know you're trying to lie you're trying to pin other people you're trying to get other make people feel like you know it might not be a good idea to kill somebody because they might vouch for you later you know stuff like that just braining them so you want to kill the people that that don't like you in real life and that way there's plausible deniability that they're accusing you because people assume that they don't like you in real life so they're accusing you of the game is that right yes that is what you do i can see why this game creates a lot of drama now okay here we go sorry in five seconds wait is this sorry i wasn't listening is this an actual game this is live this is live yes yo yo i'm pretty sure that was russell wait why is this what we talked about wait wait is someone yeah we talk here it was on the right side it wasn't like under weapons and he was walking away from the leaf shoot and i saw that i was running down from weapons to navigation hey russell did you see me where on top right no i saw you whoever whoever just said that i ran by you but yeah that was a trick question i didn't even see the body [ __ ] dude they're gonna they're gonna throw me by myself so so where's the body no the body is like apparently underwater i'm not going to say anything i'm not going to use it again because i feel like everyone said i feel like everyone's stacked so who's an admin with me right now no one's an advocate so i'm an admin alone who went left side on a navigation side like you you guys are relatively stacked like everyone seems to be like hearing each other one person's at weapons one person's at o2 someone's in navigation like i'm literally an admin like we're all close by right yeah i'm very near this body but i didn't see it the lights are off okay jesse where are you then yeah i didn't see the top right download it above watch download okay so so you see moxie then you're with moxie i don't know i don't i'm downloading i can't i don't know why they're fine instantly i fix lights insulin lights on trended lights so train train train went left side uh who else is left side reactor area all that stuff who's left side am i what anyone else where are you at on the map right now can i oh let me open it up it's like a thing i went to the left okay all right you went left to your left side so that pretty much never was done between like me uh easy rod jessie and mike i was like if i'm top top right and classy because you could invented i didn't even see the body like i saw the report because it was alright you can't tell you can't tell yeah okay okay dude i just did i just win so am i looking for somebody to kill yes okay all right hey okay i am so sorry to do this okay so asmin there is so on every map there's like a cameras and when the cameras are on we can all see things so you can tell when the cameras are on and off so i saw you go i saw you go into reactor easy rod followed easy red's dead you're not in there anymore i didn't see you come out so i think you killed and tried to vent i don't know is there anything or yeah do you do you want to accuse him back anything he's lying here okay that's that's that's a good that's a good question what are you saying might be trying okay oh there we go there he is all right so what's your defense asman i don't one it wasn't me okay okay yeah i believe i believe him yeah i believe i saw you going to react easy rod followed and then i didn't see you come out and you're not in the room and israel is dead i think we skip here asman would you say it's train then you think yeah is it trained where are you right now asmin i don't know where i am i agree it probably is trainers man yeah probably there probably is a train he's probably in the vents would you say you're underground and there's arrows that like teleport you somewhere are you using a teleportation device that looks like asthma asthma asthma every crew member has the word sabotage on the screen you have the word sabbath on your screen uh it has it says skip vote yep oh all right yeah i'm down to do that okay okay that sounds crew member like before i guess we're skipping boat guys with me was with you yeah he was following me around oh and and then what happened and then the meeting got called that's a little fantastic a little weird because i saw you waiting in storage doing what's going on thing is wires then i saw you go up and go to the right you guys actually skipped i thought we were waiting for ash wait no it wasn't actually me though right i mean because okay so how do i how do i do this what oxen deplete how the [ __ ] does my oxygen get depleted how does that even work i i don't even understand so it can they see me go down to these things or what i just have to run around and figure out what the hell to do okay let's see who's dead okay uh so it's outside camera room i i didn't see the body i was banned uh so i saw i don't hovering by player or asmond and i think husband went left side i saw him go left side towards med bay and oxygen was called yeah and i'm assuming jelly followed him and possibly he might have sliced his neck did we skip here what what are you doing if we get it if we get this wrong they can double kill next round wait how am i i'm not you know i'm never going to keep skipping guys i think it's too obvious i really don't think it's asmin i just i feel like it's probably trained self-reported now moxie's i didn't [ __ ] kill anybody what do you mean i'm sweating around so exactly yeah it's probably training moxie here guys probably i didn't do i actually i i feel like classy could have killed moxie on that thing i voted for oxy here guys i feel like it's oh shot no shot i'm voting for asmin yeah i agree it has to be moxie asman uh you know who to vote for right moxie uh vote for moxie nah don't vote for me man you learn him how do i has been so do i vote for somebody yeah yeah just skip that any last words jasmine what so did i win i just lost right so how did they so train was looking at me on the camera and that's how he knew it was me if russell's okay all right all right all right so you can still sabotage how wait i'm a ghost oh my god i am a ghost okay so how do i sabotage let me open up my map where do i sabotage oh i have to click my thing okay all right so i'll go over it hey fandy okay what's up okay i don't know what i'm doing okay so i saw you i come from right side where shields were at so i wrapped around uh all the way around the map literally did a marathon wrapped up their weapons ran back down and apple's dead on the ground where shields is at okay that's very true i just pulled one of the leaves out of the chute i wasn't in there so they don't know okay i actually believe that they don't know okay uh all right well i am currently in cafeteria i came from med bay they don't know that it's not ned bay but i came from left side area so you could have killed me one time in electric really early so i don't think it's you i think uh trains right on class where is the body bottom right it shields you is russell gonna win outside almost the whole round is he gonna take it home by the way i'm the one who did it but what i can't say anything from the top left i don't get to say right into cafeteria and i was at weapons okay no i don't see a thing that one part of the game all right like my pathing right now that is where it's at i'm so scared from where russell's gonna win russell will win [Music] i'm literally almost at upper engine i was near reactor all right listen hear me out here well you're that means we could we could have not crossed paths and doesn't make sense oh no true if jesse oh no we're together the whole round it has to be we weren't together the whole round all right so is russell going up yo russell might go in okay okay so should i just follow can they see me as a ghost right now can i see me as a ghost no okay okay so what do i do here do i i sabotage and i'm gonna go over to o2 and i'm gonna sabotage that i can't sabotage o2 oh where's russell i'm gonna watch to learn mercy he's already gone he's so fast okay okay all right i'm looking around i'm gonna so uh russell that that was looking a little sus there wait what was um i don't know i just saw you next to a dead body so okay so it has to be fandy if she's accusing me like this nah no shot classy what classy hello bro you saw me waiting for you at the reactor and then i left no no y'all left a long time yeah exactly we left because well i was going to leave one the simon says and then you moved so i was like are you even actually doing the task and i was going to call the button i know then the o2 got called and so i was going to run some button and as i'm running to the button the body gets reported sandy what did you do don't help i didn't did i help i don't think i helped anybody right i walked by and saw uh russell next to dead body so it's looking a little sauce there russell yeah just it just has to be fandy and she's trying to frame me right now but jesse kind of vouched for her he was like always with her around if she wanted to kill him i bet they're gonna vote jesse didn't vouch for her you thought they're going to vote out he did good i think i did good from round one i could have killed you really said i could have don't sabotage when you're dead okay okay i didn't know that people said they wanted me to yeah but you were also the one dude that i blamed the first ever yeah ran by the dead boss yes exactly but i didn't even run by the dead body i ran down from weapons i'm telling you because the lights were off the lights come on oh if it was you then that's like no way [ __ ] god oh god [ __ ] up because i wanted to i wanted to get a kill but i also wanted to call the button to call classy and i thought it would be a good play but i was like yeah i'm not going to do it anymore can we play against yeah okay it's fandy yeah it's fandy it's 100 fandy there's no way it's not fandy 100 fanny like i i i wait pink and red or moxie in five up or on me classy's dead okay wait it's one of you too so i didn't do it now that's actually none of us i i didn't read chat i'm not gonna say anything either i'm not gonna say anything i don't know who there's a third party in the situation i just think it's fandy yeah someone but i feel like it sounds too good to me and i feel like you're trying to don't really judge me we all went on the leave we all went on the leaves i finished it first i stood still because the lights were off i walked to the right a bit jesse also walks to the right i know he didn't kill there's a dead body okay i know you didn't kill also moxie there is another person oh but how do i not know you didn't kill five of them over there there's no vet over there someone ran into a stack killed and won the kill was not a stack we like the kill was uh like weapons like navigation area hallway i only saw the report button did you see the killers you should report button i didn't see the kill i just saw a body on the ground and it was you and five up on our stack and then there's so it was it was in the old to stack jesse okay is that just jesse i don't i don't necessarily know is there a body on the stack so what do i do no i don't think it's moxie or jesse i think it's wrong the body's right next to the stack just no the body was not on the stack it was like you go down for weapons we were on the o2a on your area that's not what that's what jesse said okay i'm waiting to see i i just want to get an idea about how do you know that because i walked with jesse and i only saw the report button i know the body wasn't yeah i feel like jelly is gaslighting this really hard and i feel like no no no because jesse says the body's on the stack and five says it's not i'm just someone's lying it wasn't me i'm in my task right next to me okay i survived boys i survived okay all right so now i need to now i need to do fix lights okay so i'm gonna go and do this task right let me go and do this task what happened to the game okay wait is that oh it's done now okay so what do i do now how do i how do i do another mission oh i guess i can go over there and do this instead okay let me go over there and do that okay wait i just there's no way it's not her there's no way there's no way okay let me see what else do i need to do all right admin i have to go around here there's no way let me go over here yeah [ __ ] right okay thank god wait i'm not i'm not messing with you more people died russell you're bugging you were just chasing jesse why four people died what do you mean what why are you chasing jessie i wasn't i'm literally at the top i don't know if i should tell them hold on no no no no no no are you in reactor not doing the reactor because i just got in i went down to the bottom one already there now how many times i was going to the top one seconds left eight seconds left okay geez hey no i know and easy rod guess who's running away guess who's guess who's running away from because i guess he's running away from her russell and jesse and now he's dead where's it what should i just say i think it was running away from the reactor and now just he's dead not say you're [ __ ] top left engine tell [Music] where are you i was getting the leaves out which one top right uh i think so maybe maybe why i saw you chasing train train's dead i agree oh no no no no no no okay one i i back this up okay foxy max and moxie moxie it's russell and fanny i'll tell you why oh my god i saw i i saw an admin admin him okay jelly jelly with how hard he's accusing me has to just straight up be the imposter so it's jelly in someone else but i don't know it seemed like he was kind of camping i don't know what they said i just arrived oh my god that guy's [ __ ] done okay so now what all right stabilizing steering okay let me go do that oh [ __ ] okay all right let me do this all right pull and hold [Music] okay oh i see did i finish it okay good reactor meltdown where the hell is a reactor nice guys oh well jelly you said it you said it's russell and yeah but no but but i said vote russell first because russell was literally chasing jesse away from a reactor i said what nobody listened to me she was literally jesse jesse did you see russell vent or something what did you see wait no i was just real i was really so i literally ran how did i lose if i was alive this is why you lose uh because there's two killers left and if there's two killers left and then there's two innocents left the killers win by majority engine i literally saw russell dude like like charging jesse like a goddamn bull and nobody believe me i literally said vote wrestle kill russell everyone ignored me let's try again okay all right i'm gonna take this more seriously this time okay and then he so we've had about two rounds he's stopped again let's put on only mode i'm going to try to do this okay i feel like asman doesn't really understand the game that i feel like he should like get like a tutorial no i understand i'm gonna i'm gonna win this time nice okay all right here we go so now i'm gonna go yeah put on emote only mode this is where i win man like i figured out enough of these uh like it's gonna be easy guys i'll go over here go to reactor okay what do i do what do i put in how do i do this how do i do the thing is it one okay all right all right all right we're figuring it out we're doing it okay um okay die die no shot okay there's a dead body on lights i just saw jelly going into lights well player is in lights right now okay should i tell them that it wasn't me asman's just standing on the lights as when can you you care to explain what you're doing i did like a thing where like you go over to the right and then like you have to do a number thing from one to ten and then i went around and i went to this other thing and i was about to do it but i thought somebody killed me but i'm not dead wait i believe it okay okay this is on the right or the left it's on the left okay where else where are you right now i am well i'm at the body i reported them and that's good they're not gonna know jesse where are you i'm on that's good and i just saw jelly going towards electrical all right we're totally good with this one you were lights lights went off now i think it's i don't know jelly ran past me i was doing garbage shoot he went he's already dead i'm already ran past you i feel like i don't believe your story like why would jelly i don't know what i should go with barbecue in the dark because the lights have been offered we both did gel we both did okay what if we go with uh can't see anything but we he went left and i'm kind of behind jelly and he's dead instead of electrical should i just vote russell so i think i'm going to vote russell somebody's either was camping electric and killed him when he walked in [ __ ] they're asking me something but now what did you realize there's a body on top of you what there's a there's a body like a dead body on top of you i think there's like a weird like graphic bug where like if i run around like my flashlight circle isn't as big i don't know is that supposed to happen no no okay yeah the lights are off the lights go out yeah yeah and then you okay so there's like the point here yeah it's good it's just russell it's one of those two so it's not me because i literally i saw jesse in lights last year lights went it's russell 100 you ran in front of him like because he was the he was the imposter that time and he probably probably the impostor this time too so wait you can't even see anybody okay it's good now that apple dude just walked right over there because he was going to get the i'm watching this son of a [ __ ] all right i'm going the other way it's fine it's fine i'm not going to watch them the whole time okay this guy probably doing a quest or something hmm okay well it's not moxie um oh should i say something i didn't oh god okay let's call either either fandy or player vent and they they vented into the one like under uh on the engine vented inside to reactor went across everything how did they know this is dead you can't even speak yeah he can't speak that was russell everett okay so what happened this is like this is just a bug so russell pressed the emergency meeting and someone killed him while he was doing it well we're gonna have another meeting some might as well just skip this one what the [ __ ] use this we just use this one and then skip the next one uh okay where's everybody then okay so all i can account for here is i saw train instead of cameras he cannot kill this person uh moxie is with me by electrical he couldn't have killed this person neither could five up i'll be reacting i don't know what to do outside of cameras you're just standing i kind of want to tell them that it's me okay i literally ran right past you i should just let you know that it's me and come clean cafeteria no it was me guys it was me okay i didn't i don't believe that um i kind of want to vote vandy classy wait no classy where are you i literally went to lower engines okay all right all right here we go i'm gonna vote for apple man i bet apple like that guy's walking around man he went right to that where are you at i'm not sure i just saw blue right now admin where are you at right now uh it's like on the no the pretty i think i think it's bandy i'm pretty sure i think that's apple man because he went right i he said the thing about the circle maybe he's playing maybe he's just playing like he doesn't know it's because i i [ __ ] like if it wasn't me it's not me that's why i said it wasn't me yeah just a bug okay all right yeah i mean it's obviously not we need to lower the voting time though like if it was me then i would say it's me i did that i feel like this is just uh i would try to remember why bugs like this happen otherwise this prevents people from into voting i feel bad lying to people though and like accusing people of doing stuff like i feel bad before it's at it it's at the table the body's at the table and vote for this guy again dude i bet it's him man i 100 better tim why he's is 100 him we're waiting on fanny i know it's that guy there's no way it's not that good i thought people knew what we're doing okay all right here we go unlock manifold so where is that reactor uh where's the react oh it's right over there okay let me go over the reactor okay uh let's see how does this work i swear it's my sword [ __ ] dude i know for a fact it's him man i know for a [ __ ] fact i can't open the door bro it's gotta be him i ran weapons i think it's apple then comes and it was in columns it was like near the garbage never mind no apple did not kill her why do you think it's apple because he's running around in like a weird way next to the vents he's top left at reactor area that's the second time there's no way dude the only reason i ran weird is because you said the first thing there's no way two three four five six seven two one he's going he's out of the room again this is this guy's this guy's out 100 out exactly you already finished that why are you back in there oh do what why did you go back into the room where you finished your tasks already i don't [ __ ] know because i thought it was green i went back over to the same place because i thought that's where i needed to go again i went over the reactor i couldn't click on it again so i left you didn't leave you're hovering on easy rod if you see the if you know i was hovering around him because apple was there and i thought apple was going to kill one of us so i would know and i could report it but easier yeah but i'm not dead exactly because we were together okay so enter i would never do that and you didn't see zero no i wasn't there next time i'm the imposter i will not kill anybody yeah the doors are closed i'll be myself i'm gonna be a [Music] it's apple man i know for a fact like okay all right that one's done good all right we're gonna finish these other ones okay let's do this one okay all right what do i do here oh do i eat them all oh i have to feed it okay all right i got it okay download one day okay wow this is actually pretty accurate it's just the way windows xp used to work okay so i've done like five missions man i'm doing dailies this is like dailies and wow it was on electricity who was gonna who was just top left in a pack i really i went over i'm trying to play this new game and i'm [ __ ] playing the title statements against reactor in a pack that just ran away i saw it okay disney rod was there with us i know where the killer is exactly uh but who are the two people in storage i know who is home i know who it is wait is train apple okay go ahead i saw literally okay fandy can't so easier this train apple came in for a second on uh cameras on me i got off so that was him then he leaves goes into reactor 100 right he walks in i don't think she sees me on cameras she goes down i know it's him i come down she sees me she back pedals goes into reactor and then i decide to dip yep and lights go off classy fancy and uh easy rock go downwards i wrap around and then i see classic discovers i didn't see what class discovers the body i saw the report button and then fandy's know where to be found oh it's gotta be fantastic i think it's fantastic no i actually think it's okay because i ran down there after i had pulled my mission to react yeah i have one question just to what's the suspicion at top left i ran past two people okay i don't remember the colors exactly but one of the killers is one of the killers is inside camera room right now i was looking on an admin table yeah what i'm saying is those top two left people okay man this game is hard okay well i'm gonna vote fandy because easy rod is innocent we're gonna vote apple i know it then i can't be [ __ ] girl for this kill like dude there's no way it's not there's no way it's not people jesse's done okay all right here we go skipping jesse on six oh they're gonna vote fandy out you just said it wasn't fantastic no there goes fail oh no oh no oh no okay all right let's upload this okay good oh we're gonna win we're actually almost done with all the tasks i'm about to win okay here we go uh please insert card okay i was about to do my daily so i skipped there because you just said not to vote for fanny by the way yeah all right like i was trying to get one without pulling me out you just said where are you right now uh i downloaded uh something from a tablet and then it wanted me to get a credit card out i felt like i was playing bfa that sounds pretty true where are you right now it's very true flip the switch put made it yellow you should go from left to right and once a couple apples is these did these you know nearly 100 100 apple i know it i think it's jesse to be honest i know for a fact it's apple jesse's i saw him 100 percent the round that up 100 percent the round that uh like a [ __ ] million dollars around like the first round with a light switch i know it i saw jesse and storage like camping there i left lights go off and he did and he decides to just leave and then there's a dead body and that asman finds with with russia i didn't i didn't go all the way about electric i saw you you went to the top i saw outside of camera i had to do what i had to do the wires i feel like maybe we should skip here and who first off also who's the person that said that it's me and moxie is double uh classy okay hello anyways i think we should we i think we should skip anyways but whatever i'm going to win yeah well if there is still we lose but i'm about to win boys literal god oh okay the literal gods okay i'm not gonna vote anymore it's really really on this train i told you man i know it for a fact oh okay okay i know it man i just i just know it okay let's see uh i've gotta do a mission okay let me go do my oh my god dude okay getting out of there getting out there getting out of there wait what what man let them know about me man let them know i can't say anything right do your tasks oh can i still do tasks okay oh shhh where's the body the body is outside uh i [ __ ] died man classy where i don't speak now okay all right i had my last one you need to talk goal is to survive let's let the team vote together and get the imposters out missions okay i did i did the right side of oxygen you went together as a crew not individually yeah i believe that okay when i was in large engine the door is locked and when i came out the body was there but i tried to look around i can't tell them anything i'm not supposed to say anything because we know who it is yeah also i'm pretty sure i was on admin a train could see me on admin after i did oxygen okay i saw someone venting from electricity to med bay because i saw training admin and i saw classy in top right and i go into med band i see jesse on top of a scanner all right yeah i got into med bay about five seconds ago before i even walked in i had to remember who you see around the map yeah i get it yeah so i mean you guys can believe that or not but i'm really suspicious on yesterday i'll do that i'll do tasks uh i don't know you guys can skip on four if uh if you think i'm wrong here first off we have three and also we're gonna i don't feel super safe about you saying that now because i thought that you would have just killed me we're we're gonna we're gonna die it's over i think you're wrong about the app it's 100 who do you think it is not you should i'll just do my tasks i don't know i don't know you've been way too slow okay i think it's better i think it's between me and most people yeah all right so i'm just gonna keep doing that towards uh yeah but i think you wanted me to vouch for you no shot why would i why would you want to vouch for me where's the body right now the body's outside security it's outside security i'm in men we skip for votes if you vote here you're kind of trolling literally we have three tasks left okay so i can't on top of that i'm pretty sure it's moxie okay okay okay so now can i vote right now i don't know uh can i vote right now or sorry not vote can i can i do tasks right now okay i'm gonna try and do a task right now okay i see okay okay oh i can go through the wall now i'm on wall hacking i'm winning classify you saw that please right but you saw the vent open up and down while me and you were running and i okay i bought the body in admin you saw okay classified i just fixed lights it's afterwards it's literally you wait i was wrong classy please listen to me before you vote i'm running with you but i want you how could i be wrong [ __ ] you saw you saw how could i be wrong because he sees us coming and then he vents into admin and i see it through the fog of war the vent opening i go in there there's a body so so you're so what your story is is what you're implying here is that i kill and i bet on top of two moxie would have killed me way earlier in the round if he was impossible yes exactly oh no they're going to vote jessio oh no jessie's dead [Music] okay [ __ ] dude this shit's hard killed me honestly okay all right all right all right yeah i gotta go pokey that was fun i i i will try and do it all right all right put on emote only mode again put on emote only i won't look i've got everybody's stream open [ __ ] i hit the wrong button man i was gonna kill him oh okay where's the body okay um uh okay five i'm nice thing russell by the way it's chasing me yes i feel like five up is bad [ __ ] i also feel like whoever is inside of the vent by admin room is bad too um all right russell where's his body [ __ ] the the boss okay all right they were there like the whole time should i wrap him up i trust you russell because you kind of someone asked or someone answer this someone who knows okay where does the vent and navigation go uh cafeteria or the right home navigation goes to the bottom of the shield or the top of the above weapons yeah at the bottom no no no no no no it doesn't go to weapons no it does yes it does not inside no weapons yeah where are there's someone inside the vent in the hallway of navigation in the hallway i saw them try to jump out of it and then five o'clock oh that one yes that where are you right now asmin i'm over in like the the right side oh you're my weapon i'm putting five up here because five up doesn't just chase control people where's the body russell trust me i said some i don't know why i just auto skip [ __ ] i think i might be able to find out who it is [ __ ] oh no uh it's pink it's literally pink i'm not pink i'm not pink it's fibo no he wasn't anymore which ran into reactor and it was only him and jesse then i go in and jesse's dead defense five up there's my defense as i've been following train so i did walk in there after the reactor went off classy i watched i mean uh i watched you go in there i lost yeah i walked in there i saw classy go in no i saw classy go in here and you're saying you're following me now no shut up yeah i don't say anything i don't say and you're chasing around you're in the hallway of like i don't say any i don't get out of here i don't say anything man i i'm also gonna you never talk to the police but also he didn't i did not see him no for uh that's like on twitter this is real life russell said you were at navigation though like i mean i did the download but you guys need to like find a meeting go to the reactor oh no oh no okay [ __ ] i have to kill this guy be quiet don't tell them it was me where's everybody i wonder who this could be i wonder who this could be trained i already know who it is i saw it on camera oh okay okay whoa whoa i'm pretty sure it's easy as been asman we already know it's train just vote train okay it's apple it's your train that's what i thought last game apparently now i'm right yeah you are i i knew it i knew it get apple out of here the way you killed me was right underneath cafeteria in the admin room right so there's like a little camera that literally sees like the hallway don't you just teach them no then i'll leave i'll leave it there it's okay it's okay i'll go teach him you know teach him real quick don't queue right away just teach him and then queue give me some of the bathroom so you're telling me y'all saw me on the camera doing it yeah so um what the map the way four cameras uh the cameras are lit up red when someone is on them and they can see that area should someone queue and then like we can show them i queued and left whoever oh leader is queueing up and then we can show no wonder i keep losing the leaders there no just explain dude listen no wonder i keep losing security explain to him around where it is if you want i can i'll leave this party all right i got it now now i understand all right okay so now i have now i [ __ ] understand the first thing i'm gonna leave to start the game okay sure all right go show them who has uh the start game button just press that it's right in the middle on the slightly bottom just press start game wait what happened i think it might be russell and russell my bfk i don't know man nope it's not me dude i'm actually jealous when i killed you at the meeting because i thought it was really good when you did the fake download so i realized train did you leave so it didn't count to your stats definitely the reason but um classy do you have a start game button uh no oh yeah wait is that really what you know no it's not the reason the reason is i literally i've gone imposter five times in [ __ ] 15 hours and i know this one game you're using to show him i'm going to get the imposter we're going to leave all right yeah yeah yeah come here come here come here all right this is the camera on here it'll box just go on camera yeah i'll open up the camera so you see how nothing's happening to it right now that means it's not on uh no no now you see it's blinking red yo so i've been killing people next to the red one yeah uh so i'm over here follow me still no there is a camera right here uh come in this room uh just look on this thing you have to stand right here to access it you can see where all the cameras are and like what you can yeah and i was oh yeah i'll stand on uh some camera spots so i'll tell i'll show you where like they saw you kill me they literally saw you kill me right here like on the entrance yeah so uh so you gotta like kind of remember like this is like the hallways you can't see if i'm like past the hallway but you can't see inside the room either and then there's one on the far right side of the ship and that's the last one is there only one camera place the in the ship make sure yeah the look on the cameras you have to go on there there are also different maps one map has another camera thing but you have to flip through each of them the other one has a log book where you can see where people pass through camera okay wait we could also show you the admin table yeah and uh okay okay and you know events right like events yeah you just go around yeah yeah uh right here right here the admin table so you see like there's four bodies inside admin yeah right they these even show dead bodies like for example like right here right i just killed jelly like it still shows four okay and it's disabled yes i don't know yeah someone disabled comes so you have to come all the way down here and when comms are off no this is complicated on your map and you can't see uh you can't see cameras are turned off uh admin tables turned off and the way you fix comms yeah the way you fix comms is you turn the wheel until you hear like people talking and the red the easier ways you just look for the red light to turn off and it's right there you just see where the red light flashes off minutes okay i got it now all right that makes sense [ __ ] moxie yeah we can also show a reactor maybe so i've been telling you the camera [ __ ] glock in the head boom right there this is crazy i [ __ ] up so hard um you'll hear giant red beeping noises right this is so perfect it's inside the map or the right side of the map depending on what it says i just followed the arrows so this is a reactor if you don't fix this within the time limit uh you just lose so it cause it needs two people to fix it yeah one on each side yeah one on each side so sometimes like imposters in the late game will fake it that they're doing the bottom side and they're just waiting for their kill cooldown to come up and then they will kill that's a good idea you don't shoot like that the other one is oxygen which it's on cooldown right now but um if you where'd you go i'm just running around dude okay right here this is where you fix one of the oxygen and the room directly below us is where you fix the other one okay yeah so you can see the arrows you have to type in the code how does sabotage work only killers can do it so yeah and they have to click on the icons so there's like o2 icon and then it triggers this and there's a light icon where no one can see anything except i'm not going to fix this by the way oh so it sends out this thing like the oxygen depleted thing right yeah okay areas and and then like it clears like bodies and like you can get and if you don't fix it you lose okay i got it so do we quit out and then get another key just gonna play again that's fine yes plug in holy [ __ ] this is complicated are you a professional now there's a time bro yes i am starting i could have named myself train wrecks to confuse everybody would that be a good idea okay okay all right it's all right everything's fine all right go emote only mode boys let's go emote only mode i'm gonna win this one right here let's do it fix lights i'm gonna go over there i'm gonna fix the lights okay okay wait they fix it oh he fixed it okay oh sheesh okay all right i don't say anything right now i don't is that a monster uh this body it's just one uh i've been sitting on it for like maybe five seconds it's in navigation i suspect the people who rushed the right side first is probably the ones that killed them i'll let them figure this out the first two i went to oxygen yeah i'm not going to decide they don't know and i went to navigation and they don't know what is there i have no idea where jelly died where is i didn't do anything uh i am like kind of behind you i didn't see you what's the facepalms like i i don't know what i sound like downtown like what am i supposed to add to the conversation i i didn't know what happened oh damn i didn't see you there but okay well i'm suspected that the lion's right but i doubt it they they're turning around back on train where are you okay i i did the lights yeah okay russell where are you i'm in calms classy where yeah classified it's classy dude i was really talking to myself my fault yeah it's him 100 missions downloaded yep that went to storage vocals on the right side right side where bottom right side top right side yeah he wouldn't pause like that if it wasn't him middle like okay here we go okay asman were you i was next to train doing the lights okay i kind of want to tell them i saw them both in there i was entering lights right now all right where are you okay yeah we're good boys we have no idea where jelly's body okay boys bandy's going out the edge jared that's it she's just like the five of the fandy for this kill i have no idea where jelly died he probably died left side i don't know if i should vote on people or not okay is she going off the edge no she's not okay all right no one was ejected skipped alrighty we'll keep going okay let's do more chores i have to do my dailies okay we're gonna download that bro they better not kill me all right i'm gonna have to accuse somebody here i feel like i'm doing something in the game all right let me just do the leaves i can't i can't get it okay good man this shit's lit this is lit man i just go all right pull hold okay okay all right that one's done good all right next what's the next tool yeah dude i'm i'm popping off right now okay uh yeah fandy's dead okay i went here suspect oh all right so i want you guys to know okay i turned on the lights first before i did it before i reported the body just in case if anyone's behind i was doing the leaves okay all right now they know who's on the lights or not lights there's no way they're not gonna vote for me i was doing the leadership class that's it that's the number one that's the best defense that anybody's ever come up with right now i'm in reactors hold on what was the mission top right top right to pull the shoot down oh why did you do that first round i don't know just one day you should you shouldn't be the ones asking questions the other suspect is in the accusers dead so that's kind of sauce to me yeah i bet it's classy uh i did the wires i saw security and i was going to react to another mission you're the wires outside security yeah how did you get to you would you would top right here how did you get the security from cafeteria i did the shoe top right in cafeteria then i went yep left i thought yeah yeah i walked in because i thought i had a mission there but it was the one outside of security okay okay so you didn't go in there and vent into security no i went through the hallway i didn't even go inside i went outside the hallway it wasn't me okay but you said you're doing wires and outside security all right that's good i want to let them know okay here we go all right let me do the rest of my dailies okay we're already almost done okay uh we're downloading yo oxygen got depleted what is this dude so i've got to go over there right but it could be a trap okay where's oxygen uh storage shield yeah you were right how does russell win every game i think uh i think russell should have been lumped in with the suspects on the right side that's [ __ ] so it was easy no no but i killed him i i killed jillian because he pretty much said his position okay you have to find the posture nobody like said it so he kind of okay he kind of stitched on himself so i think it would have been him all right i'm going to get i'm going to get him like i don't know dude like there was a i'll get him here navigation but i doubt he would snitch on himself so yeah that doesn't make sense but i'm starting it was easy right here all right all right all right off the rim i [ __ ] literally walked next to the imposter in the beginning in dark okay okay good all right i'm a crewmate that's good i'm actually my i like this a lot more i i really really like this way more way more okay let me do this one here all right we're gonna hold this down i'm gonna do all my dailies here got it that one's done okay i'm filling up my azerite bar for the week i i know all about this this is gonna be a real easy game for me okay let's go all the way down to here it's jelly dude i bet it's jelly i i it's gotta be man it's gotta be okay all right all right hey yeah what's up guys how's it going i'm gonna say one thing can i say one thing so jelly was standing next to that [ __ ] thing with the little uh you know like where they've got the four little things you got to put together and then i went up to it and i did it faster than he did it so i bet he wasn't actually doing it i've been live 14 hours okay you've been what yeah no i missed the timing on the first one like three times you don't miss that like i'm bad at aiming too like wait you could be awake for 50 hours and still miss i uh i called this button today because i feel i just want to say i'm very very very very suspicious on classy classy what uh what task have you done i went to navigation i did the ships then i did the wires i get him out of here he's a goddamn wire oxygen weapons 100 100 100 but classy i'm still asking like tell me your whole pathing from the beginning to the end always okay we'll see what happens and then he was standing next to that other guy too at the same time think about think about that no i do i was just trying to see if anyone would kill someone well don't worry okay i i'll play flat out i like asthma's accusation on jelly a lot more not i to do more tasks which i think is so [ __ ] weird if he was there in the beginning and he came back at the end of the round no one was even dead why are you saying that and then on top of that after i went over to him there was another dude next to me and he stood next to that other dude and then after we stood next to each other for like five seconds then he ran away wait what four people voted me i respect you people oh you guys are you guys are i think i think you guys i've heard you got 200 what bro what man this is like they let a killer go free that's a murderer man there it it is all right we got him we got him all right let's go to another one so can i do that that guy is that guy's suspicious man that guy's 100 suspicious if he wasn't he wouldn't have been next to me why would he be next to me oh [ __ ] there's no way dude why he he should not have been next to me i'm locked in storage here okay okay all right we're gonna go over the shields i'm gonna do this one right here where's that jesse well all right classy classy just just wait just why was i what listen no no stop stop stop i didn't say anything i'm not going to say anything just jelly do you want to say anything or you want me to just start this no way do you want to do you want me to start this jelly i guess you want me to start this oh so i see the body falling uh the the maybe door is closed i'm like someone said i had med bait no the body's falling right in front of me right outside of medbay i see a body running away i'm like instead of reporting let me chase this guy i chase him i barely get to see him in my vision guess who it is mr jelly you're not running away from the body yeah i told you dude that's a really nice thing exactly i [ __ ] knew it i was seeing my mother okay still be in gold saw me on the other side of the door and i just ran past i was not paying attention i'd bro it's probably russell and ezra by the way they pushed it yeah right now i saw jelly in the beginning the round going to mud but then he ran out and there was no body at the door yeah this body was literally just killed so that's what it's like did you go back from reactor into upper engine and med bay again no no so i went from cafeteria i peeked in med bay if i went inside i left you literally saw me yeah yeah you were in front of me yeah yeah there was nobody so we're voting classy next one i went to and then i went to oh i went to reactor reactor i'm on simon says yeah like literally all right right here we go to help me out as well he's gone dude okay all right i'm gonna go over the navigation bay i'm gonna do my dailies over there that was easy i have to make that soccer ball bro what if it's fandy gotta be fandy i knew it i knew it i i i knew it man where's it at who's on cams right now who'd you see going to nav see what's gonna happen it was only you and see what's gonna happen classy over there i i can't say a damn thing right russell russell no no russell's outside camera uh thanks for five dollars i appreciate that i saw you in an electrical environment oh you don't beat don't screw in justin i think it's a team i'm trying to figure it out man it's my first time playing didn't even go in here now i don't know a whole lot about the game i think i'm trying to learn okay he might look cute because he's not saying a word i think jesse's definitely i appreciate that man there wasn't a kill on screen okay who did you see we could take it off email only people that were up there were you because i i can't say anything yeah i feel like i'm trying to learn the game you saw me i'm not really sure exactly how to do things i just have to figure them out as time goes on [Music] holy [ __ ] train are you stupid or are you stupid bro i saw you come from st man just say it dude because you there's no way you're this stupid i'm being serious oh no jessie's talking for you they're getting mad because jessie's stupid okay okay all right i'm gonna do my missions let me do my dailies okay i'll do my electoral daily and there we go all right beat it okay next and let's do this daily and one one two three three there we go okay let's go all the way over there i would like to talk more about last round fandy what are you doing alrighty okay i saw you coming from like the weapons area so i didn't get to really catch you by the way so that's why uh oh they said it was either classier or easyrod because i saw fandy and russell whenever you're alive so i was saying yesterday then russell is definitely guilty if you're telling the truth russell let's be guilty because i saw russell from storage and going to electrical right now i i get it now okay never mind i don't know who went up or down i i was looking at train and then i saw you two come by so i'm looking at you and then but yeah i didn't see anybody go in to nab i just saw you i saw train walk into nav but i doubt yeah i don't know how to do that yet i don't know about that i just run around i just feel like i feel like the fake testing won't work because they'll know somebody else will do the task right next to you i mean jesse yeah and then you'll just be able to tell exactly you just lied though yeah okay we'll see what he is the reason why i'm saying that is because i only saw russell and fandy near camps and i saw you running to navigate yeah i'm pretty sure it's fantastic russell was on left side please tell them that you saw me yeah i do think i'm not [Music] well can i hear her well she's not saying anything that's smart okay let's go it's her it's her because she's a girl true dude so true dude truest as it ever has been okay got it i'm completing all these man i'm actually doing really well like i'm gonna beat the whole game before these guys even do anything like this is great okay all right that one's done now where's my next one i'm gonna go over here okay and i'm downloading more porn what the hell are you going into dude russell what was that it's it's dude i thought you were gonna kill me that's why you you were tracking me and doing the same away from you that does not make sense because wait maybe you could have seen that yeah you could have seen that actually but okay that's because she's a killer no it's not [ __ ] me that's gotta be it it's literally not [ __ ] open and just so you know training i'm not vouching for russell okay i'm just telling you russell was outside of camp you're making an awful recollection of what happened is what's happening no what i'm doing is fandy came from up and you came from down i just i just swapped okay that's all that [ __ ] happened out of the story was an upper engine he was never even there because i said yes swapped i just had them swapped why didn't you and russell kill jesse and me i'm not imposter dick [ __ ] that's probably why they're sipping if your name is red you are cleared for the rest of the game are you is your name right or not what's up is your name red it's going to clear you for the rest of the game yeah good one easy rod anyways guys he's trying to trick her i did it he was trying to trick her man why do you think let's go and after i do that we'll be able to be uh we'll win okay all right downloading more porn good there you go there you go there you go another block there we go one more good okay okay good all right where's the next one there's no more missions wait what well then what do i do now there's no more missions oh okay can i do this i can't you're done okay i'll follow fandy hey fanny what are you doing the closest this is the last time i saw easier with candy isn't that [ __ ] crazy guys is that isn't it almost like i was trying to call her out but no one would listen isn't it almost like that wow isn't that crazy i'm right again and to even think that there's okay so even last round there wasn't a double kill dude they keep calling her out and nobody wants to believe to vote for him yeah yeah let's just vote fandy i told you guys this entire time okay russell where are you goodness i am at the top left engine right now i just got it in the cafeteria which was wires it's fandy we know this yep very true russell russell well trained did you not just catch her is the uh that is the most truest i went up navigation i went through cafeteria because that was where my wires were in the cafeteria dude they're not separated i will take i will take that please if it's not fendi vote me okay i'll take it no no stop don't vote oh my god here's the problem here's the problem are you stalling if we vote fandy russell and jesse win if it's them too okay i understand yes let me let me try to get something through your mind right now i don't think it's if it was me and russell we would we would we would have gotten i know how to do the timing there's no way you would get reactor off and still get three rounds the only problem my only problem with the fandy call here is because i feel like fandy would have killed russell no in that regard cameras but i know it's fandy though so let's just vote her what about wait it's me should we do russell first because he didn't react last year reactor classy did react with me it no no this is all right we're watching her don't you do it don't you do it she's gonna do it she's gonna kill somebody hundred percent this is it she's gonna it's like we're her mods at twitchcon what are we doing right is right there come on fandy she doesn't know what to do guys i don't understand what like yeah yes of course it is yes [Music] what the hell okay how do i do this oh okay all right got it beat it this is like a mario party game okay next uh oh got it okay press to start damn that was easy oh you don't need to wait okay all right all right i got it now okay uh scan requested all right i'm getting scanned okay got it all right good and let me go down over here specimen room i can't go in there i don't know why i can't oh bro that guy's gonna kill me man he's got he's gonna kill me okay it was i knew it man i knew it i knew the [ __ ] was gonna kill me damn there killed three people already [ __ ] i just look at his name and i know he's gonna kill me i do i'm okay i wa i walk into lights wondering what's taking so long no runs out i go in there i'm dead on round one what's your team's reasonable dude i don't know okay let's see if they're gonna get all right let's see if they're gonna get a man there's nothing i could have done i don't know what to say no there's no way it can be fandy guys let's just vote train honestly honestly okay okay my guess is the kill just happened so yes it's just fantastic who's in med bay right now oh it's obviously fandy i voted so i can't say anything who's in that bay all right that sucks dude and like that dude that sucks i thought i wasn't gonna die like that you can open the door wait really from the stone thing or survive get the subject i appreciate that man yeah i think i can clear deal by the way i i think trends just bugging out on a full time just like last game wasn't jesse with us where'd he go yeah he went up to electrical with fans thomas easy rod i can't i'm not i can't say it i'm dead like i can't talk because uh their ghosts are not real uh it would be impossible for a ghost to talk so that's not gonna work that's there so uh let's see where i believe in canisters right yeah uh wales is a good task okay uh i i i while i check deadshot i don't know what that is you should always sabotage fake tasks make a story about what you did and be careful always give information who you saw where you were where'd you go you did some people can figure it out below no no appreciate that med school has been tough thanks for giving me something to watch through suffering most tests thanks to our five gifted subs i appreciate that man thank you okay here we go two people's skip train wait you cars yeah okay we're watching the son of a [ __ ] he's wearing the jason mask how do you really look at him they're right next to each other bro watch this dude he's literally wearing a jason mask you don't even know oh that's sneaky that's really sneaky okay all right all right he's gonna kill russell oh my god he just killed russell he just [ __ ] killed her oh i forgot to do my tasks you're right i i totally forgot okay okay got it i forgot to do my tasks yeah okay i got one done i left him alone i left him okay i forgot latest i just rushed to med bay area he's dead on scanner i am in specimen right now yeah no i'll do it now like i'm just train what do you think okay train watch the person die on violence so he knows it's not me it is easier odd we voted out the price i i was an election train were you not on vitals like justin's vitals and no one was dead i went all the way up and i did lights you just you you were bottom how the hell are you i was on vitals i've got a feeling if i probably vented in how did you how did you know when you saw someone die how did you know he was over there i do i do because i left russell at israel in after the drill i went to life okay what's this here all right well all right i don't know can you see this he said he wasn't specimen now he's saying it's a drill oh lights press the red rocks on the door they're closed open oh i didn't even know this right now damn that's crazy oh my god where are you okay i'm not near the kill i'm uh let's see i'm at okay by the way it's probably not at lights either way so i am i am in the hallways okay you could be dreaming please just trust me okay all right this time i'm going to do my tasks he lied about his all right my prediction is peanut you guys lost you know the game ends here easy rod stop it hard rod [ __ ] them dude dude oh my god [ __ ] em dude it was him i knew it i i am getting through thank you guys and half of classy are brand new and i can't tell if they're if if like i can't tell if fanny's just clueless or if she doesn't want to play so i could see her i could see someone killing leaving i just doesn't walk away it was just funny yeah did you do like do you know how to open the doors it's a red button yeah okay and thanks for helping me man yeah i i i saw you and he killed me and i saw him vent in there and you're like or anything like that yeah i know we're playing with a girl it's kind of weird but it is what it is all right we're gonna go over here all right and refuel stations how do i do this got it uh hold on that was easy dude i hate how the lights are off man that's the most busted ass [ __ ] should i report that death okay let me do this one here and buying a storm out there we go good bro and i ran a button i didn't even i didn't even mean to say either i'm like connor oh [ __ ] i forgot your mother it's jesse no it isn't okay okay i'm going off of what i said in the beginning do not if that was it had nothing to do with it wait i don't think about it should we just preemptively vote for family i only need to just get it out of the way right now it definitely wasn't me because i'm in office and that and just preemptively vote for fanduel and i want to throw this out here what i said had the color the color was uh either either round or orange or it wasn't okay there's two people i was i was in med bay yeah i didn't so there's one out of eight of us that could be the bad guy you're saving a brownie two actually two out of eight special no brown okay okay see how this is gonna be true right now where is the bottom specimen the body isn't like that that in between hallway of specimen and med bay it's freshman okay i i never made it that far i only did temperature and went to go fix lights wait there isn't even a brown in the game jelly i don't know what to there's people that were also in med bay i just don't know there's literally one kill i'm just saying this kill and there's another death on the left side of the map the kill was pretty recent i saw it on vitals why did the easy rod vote jelly and why not oh [ __ ] all right oh never mind i thought somebody's gonna get dropped in never mind all right i'm gonna keep doing my missions see what this is oh i thought i already did that okay there we go that's hard okay uh oh got it okay it's apple and jelly okay we've gotta stay focused here um okay uh close all that all right good and opening this got him got him okay we're doing pretty well now all right scanning myself there we go where's this body at both the bodies died at the exact same time vandy's body is in communications i'm not sure where i know when i turn lights on i turn lights on i'm gonna have one here you're with somebody else right train i think it could have been jealousy turn lights on and i looked and uh i think it's either is that you moxie who is it yeah i don't know my team trainer boxing trainer next to each other i saw jessie go inside i don't know specimen from med bay because i was i was behind whoever's in metabay which was obviously you jesse i saw you go into specimen i don't know why because i had a task inside of specimen okay but weren't you already there though these kills could be trained just because you guys are the lights is exempted from these kills i said it's in comms are there two of them are only one i only found one but the bodies died at the exact same time so this could be russell by the way because i was on i was on vitals and then i went to go look for the bodies double kill i guess i know i know you're going to say this i for one top right med bayer right yeah i didn't see wrestlemania because i wasn't i wasn't near lights there's no way i could have fixed it voting's about to end no i wasn't yet about inside are you outside like uh an office building uh i was like next to the thing the scanning thing and then there was i think i wrote it russell because it's definitely not me because he said he saw me at that time that you guys just voted me right there and still like there was no information and everybody just voted you guys are [ __ ] it's obvious it is obvious i saw you on campus oh no russell is gone oh no okay all right it's all it's all up to me boys it's all up to me okay i'll be able to save us okay let's go down over here okay wait how do i open this okay that's right yeah let me open this okay good all right now i need to wait how do i not open the door okay there we go uh jesse hey good play there brother okay so you're telling me that you saw me go in a specimen from med bay and then yeah and i ran into the bottom line i did not wrap the map jesse all you have to do is run out of med bay and then go to [ __ ] admin okay boys gg i'm gonna get some food and hang out thanks for the games guys look like you came from the left side this is this game is hard i i didn't expect it to be as challenging as it was okay uh let me just exit this all right good yeah we're gonna call the day i'm kind of hungry i want to get some food did you guys enjoy uh did enjoy watching that anyway guys uh thank you all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it we've had a very great stream today i appreciate everybody's support and um yeah i know a lot of people like this game and i figured i'd try it out and see how it is so if people enjoy it maybe we'll play it a little bit more so until anyway until next time boys until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 563,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold among us, among us, among us gameplay, among us xqc, among us twitch, among us impostor, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us with friends, among us part 1, among us review, among us imposter, among us imposter gameplay, among us asmongold, asmongold xqc, xqc among us, asmongold first time, asmongold first, among us drama, xqc drama
Id: Bgu7uJRnYAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 34sec (6154 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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