Asmongold Reacts To "The Engoodening of No Man's Sky" - Internet Historian

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sponsored by that game everyone loves raid shadow engines scientists are racing to unlock the secrets of the cosmos questions we once thought impossible to answer are within our grasp where does the Sun go at night is math related to science if the universe is so big then why won't it fight me as we look further into the universe we see light from distant stars eons old perhaps hundreds even thousands of miles away hold on can I guess do min on that you bet I can this is one of the world's most powerful telescopes initiating six times zoom oh can this baby do seven I can do you one better maneuvering to eight times doom we gotta a texter bowling steady I can see it um blur bit whoa whoa get me eight point five times you're a madman upscale it to 4k opening the blind pull this titty uncrossing an increasing aspect ratio alright where is it come on now punch it there it is life on another world and to think we owe it all to one indie development studio Hey hello games that's some good content right there let's start at the beginning [ __ ] the height yeah its rewind time okay the year is 2009 Guilford England wait this is a man and he's just founded a company called hello games okay Sean and the boys are working hard on a brand new IP called Joe danger 2010 ad the game just came out it's a success damn okay you're a small team but they are ambitious let's do something bigger Citroen let's reach for the stars oh no me about Joe danger too brilliant it's 2012 Joe danger to has just come out Oh but I make a new game I'll just make the same game we need to do something even bigger than Joe danger - ok sure danger 3 no no even more out of this world something no man has done before uh-uh Joe danger the mobile game yes and that came oh my god seriously guys biggest thing I think no I'm just a stock image dude why don't you think of something Shaun pondered for a moment then turned and looked wistfully into the mirror reflected back was the visit of neil degrasse tyson if you're gonna make a space game first-person have never been done before how about that I'm throwing up in orbit to repair the Hubble telescope hey that's not a knife we didn't have sex with how much microwaves are coursing through your body now I talked Sumari hmm space game wait procedure I'm gonna see what list do planet seed Marie I want to see it FPS chess game they have that it's overwatch turn-based cod they had that it's called pub G Wow driving simulator they have that it's called Cod GTA but it's the whole world they have that it's called the whole world cyberpunk 1977 that just probably sounds like it sucks the Prince of Iran I can't make a joke about that or I'll get banned reverse battle royale war circle pits baby that's so [ __ ] stupid barry's mod no woman's sky a mom had been paying the dating sim game but multiplayer as Sidon Mainers quake to domestic okay all right darks holes but really easy they have that it's called Dark Souls one space game procedural generation ok planet okay that sounds good yes yes we all agree so they said to work coupled together a prototype and by vgx 2013 they are ready who announced another new IP alright no man's sky check it out to come check it out every fish is procedural [Music] [Music] Wow this just does look really [ __ ] cool Mike let's be real this looks [ __ ] cool calm down guys it's 2014 and it's III hype time okay no man's sky that came out Noah practically boundless experience vibrant with life and color and things to explore yeah what's over there you'll have to be the one to discover it and then Wow look at that big pink dinosaur holy [ __ ] and a moment late we're in space having a battle amongst a giant fleet claim a planet is war the galaxy with your friends okay that's it this is gonna this does look really cool it even won awards for its height and it will release in June 2016 the hype train was officially loading up and ready to chug out of the station to shoot at every stop of the journey there would be press junkets talking about the amazing scale of the day spread across 18 quintillion planets it's so vast that by the time you've been okay i'ma pause this people want me to look at the en tweet exploring it all I would have to new video is published Sean himself was doing the interviews because who is better to talk about the game than the lead guy himself now he went from interview to interview and with each question what sought any answers he gave raised people's expectations of the game's scope can you land on a comment yeah at the moment you can land on asteroid you could encounter other players can you grief other players they're literally building your own like massively multiplayer world that's really generated sand planets like in June rivets Oh walking sentinels heck at school so sophisticated that light diffracts through the atoms they had to redevelop the whole periodic table to make it work what even Elon Musk was hype for it wait what two years go by even a law might we'll try out no man sky this weekend maybe reality issues sir oh [ __ ] on musk was hype okay two years go by it's early 2016 well that hype train is really moving now yep perhaps one of the biggest in video game history ridet was struggling most of the game of fuel skeptics and naysayers are treated as ballast have thrown from the carriage Doyle's Baucom pre-war deserted and they are doing very well the date is booked in some are even taking the day off work and 70,000 so much hype there is that oh my god Jason Trier of the soon-to-be defunct Kotaku is about he announces a delay from June 2016 2 August oh my god liya the incensed audience cries please be quiet they said and death threats too but he was 100% right a week later the delay is officially announced ooh sorry laughs we need more polish CID Sean in as usual and it's fine to that Sean receive some death threats too by the way people get so [ __ ] mad dude it's like do you want them to bring out a game that sucks dog dicks no like if it takes longer for the game to come out and be good that actually makes me confident because nowadays they're like okay well it's not ready yet but here you go it's early access and it's $20 give me a [ __ ] break Warcraft 3 forged yeah I mean like they can't all be winners although he didn't take them as seriously we'll go to the police yeah yet sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious but the impatience crowd to relaxed a bit and said fine okay we will wait but we expect a level of Polish no man has ever seen yeah I'm sure that's gonna happen speaking of waiting here Jett oh man yeah have you heard of radiate II my wife I knew a plane crash I [ __ ] know what's get serious for a moment really isn't just a shame I I think I know a Luddite I said right the beginnings I was like this is gonna be [ __ ] rage shadow engines think differently play raid differently achieve your dreams I'm sorry sir you've contracted raids that's good congratulations Edd's Gor Gor above the undead [ __ ] my life goodness you just collected one of over 400 champions Wow in cry hello there have you heard about the online RPG PvP it's extremely well reviewed on the Play Store oh you remind me of my wife raid is more than just a game it's a reassuring pat on the back from your dad it's a warm bowl of soup on a cold night it's one last dance at your wife's funeral if you haven't played in the arena yet I'm gonna break into your house raid for Christmas okay using the Lincoln get an extra 50 K silver and an epic Jam oh my god moms did braids shadow legends add over so let's talk about the team in charge of all that polishing it's small tiny in fact I haven't been able to find a smaller team behind a triple a release all of these expectations are on the shoulders of just six people what expanding to a team of 15 by the end of production Wow July it's just a couple of weeks until the release date whatever the state of the game by now however much it's finished that's what's going out all right the hello games team celebrates with this iconic image the quintessential joyful their exhaust wait oh my god that isn't does to a man nonetheless they continue working on the day one patch and uh Sean if your game isn't coming out for another two weeks then why is there a box copy on eBay that's right it's a leap Oh embargo and is selling early access to the highest bidder and it reaches $1300 us why to some guy with the rid of handle Damien he gets his hands on it and starts uploading footage to YouTube and dailymotion wait what what Damien finished it a lot quicker than expected but he gave it a decent review there are things I don't like there are things I like but at the end of the day when I say to myself what is this game supposed to be this is what I'm looking at right here this is what the game is supposed to be okay no he did a few problems he was optimistic that they would be ironed out with the day one Pat of course why wouldn't I be Shawn it's another leak some retailers broke the official release date journalists too and they started screaming playthroughs of the game I [Music] tried to tease videos but their aim was terrible round of applause everyone we've officially become no man's censored by Sony our news story from earlier this week about no man's sky leaks has been hit with a copyright strike on YouTube they win bumbling around from platform to platform just taking out any video that even talked about the leak or show the trailer footage it was too late the footage had people talking more skeptically about the game uh-huh especially because there were no early review haha at bear and it was looking like all these expectations had become oh and the whole thing was about to face no one can he realized everyone's here we've all thought the gun right here [ __ ] height here we go let's play let me guess you can't play oh dear Lord it isn't finished gah hello Shawn it is me the auditor of games yeah I used to work at an astronomy lab but don't worry about that it seems like you've made a lot of promises promises that you have not kept let's go through the checklist would it never expect they've got any large scale join of all space battles nobody would want that are ringed planet no no fight well at least let me play as a trader some may call this junk no those sand planets from Jun look nice think I might huh please Jordan there must be river now no no it's not animals interacts with each other in the environment and no no packs of walking sentinels Shawn no I'm literally crying right now I even ordered radar-based pirates we already had this happen I'm used to it no affections with different attributes fly between stars systems manually but nobody's actually done it yet if I can maneuver like in the trailer I'll still be happy oh yeah that is our day/night cycle now my German by the orbit of the Sun yeah really land on an asteroid radio chatter name your ship hacking portals all that stuff about the elements sure very not good and ironically the only bugs this game doesn't have other butterflies in the demo theory buildings aggressive emojis tractor beam malfunctions animal husbandry oil slick world rank grass [ __ ] animals doing [ __ ] things ships interiors disappear as a gun let's not help flying works that's my only means of transportation leaving the planet on really paper holes in my graphics card nothing from down here textures buggin out animals buggin out animals break dots look at these busy hands hello that's a lot of stuff I get the picture no wait for graphics rendering some can't even stop the game framerate issues constant crashes yeah major publications are having trouble playing the game on their machines even the best Natt is a stuttering well tabby that's a guaranteed crash disc of notifications that's a that's a game without restarting you'll get this and if you've got the pre-order there's already a spaceship that's a problem your special ship already comes with a hyperdrive inside it great right no because you have to craft it in order to finish the tutorial missions and if you haven't finished the tutorial missions you can't leave the star system so we've sold out your habit reorder you're stranded I give my kids no man sky [Music] oh boy I guess she pre-ordered my ships and bits [Music] thank you just a quick note about how high expectations were for this game and just how many people bought it on release so I love myself includes over three-quarters of a million purchases on Steam at launch was the single best selling game on the PlayStation Store that month oh my and a large proportion of people who do it in the hopes of playing with their friends didn't even well play it by ear in for a surprise this one is a literal game changer is it even possible to meet up with your friends in no man's sky the answer is absolutely yes it's possible on multiple occasions Shaun said it was definitely in the game will you be able to play with your friends yes yeah can you run into other people other players on the game yes well he was on Stephen Colbert show Wow someone posted this cryptic tweet it be shot clear no man sky is not a multiplayer game please don't go in looking for that experience oh so there's no multiplayer function but then the next line contradicts that I lose the chances of two players ever crossing paths in the universe this big is pretty much so it is multiplayer just have to overcome this oh my god so you're telling me there's a chance yeah right no it's more confusing than that because the Box doesn't mention online plane just network features and the collector's edition had its online play icon stick it over so customers going which one is rise just tell us if it has multiplayer or it doesn't have multiplayer Sean wouldn't give any answers smart but after hundreds of thousands of purchases people soon took it upon themselves to find out it to try to find spite the claims that it would be so improbable on the very first day two people noticed they were only four star systems from one another okay name is quite the same planet in a live stream oh dear are they phased that's the same spot and they can't see each other their face settles it it's not not multiplayer because it's so big it's not multiplayer because because it's just not [ __ ] multiplayer yeah and this led to quite a revolt what the father John is alive so amazing two people found each other on the first day that has blown my mind so why can't we see other players so many of you playing amazing so what's the game actually like good that is a difficult thing to say well it surely is stylish and pretty yeah and there are a lot of places to explore that but that doesn't mean there's much to find in fact the game boils down to a very simple loop hold down the trigger to pick up resources deal with a full inventory get an upgrade leave the planet go to another planet hold down the trigger deal with a full inventory get an upgrade leave the planet go to another planet that's on the trigger deal with a full inventory leave the planet go to another place steal the foliage that's soft $60 ladies and gentle six feet refuel your multi-tool refuel your life support refuel a separate part of your multi-tool that shoots bullets instead of the mining beam refuel down the stairs easy work that makes it look like you have something to do it's not real what followed was one of the most dramatic crashes and player numbers in gaming history sales in the UK fell by 81 percent in the second week concurrent players on Steam dropped from two hundred and twelve thousand in August to just over two thousand newer than one thousand by October oh yeah I won't follow - that was perhaps the biggest pile on in gaming history oh no reviewers on YouTube han't the game [ __ ] it up I had no hype and I can tell you that even without that disappointment this game is hot garbage as anyone point Shawn what I love him numerous times within the first two hours of the game I'm saying this is it [ __ ] this [ __ ] reviews in the media were all misses half devastating real most of the crafting combat and other activities you do on and between those planets ranges between bemusing and outright ban the criticism was deafening and a lot of it really funny and creative crew became a double sentiment of that day and if you haven't seen it yet that's why people are furious the game is boring they enjoy people discover the complaining about the game is actually more fun than playing it Wow a few years ago actually so they started complaining about it like they were grinding for energy jackoff after many people made compilations of all the unfulfilled promises one guy on the submarine asked you are really a list of all the missing features front page Wow Vince for no man's sky enjoy your downvote in fact the entire no man's sky subreddit was in such disarray it had to be locked why it's so by the end of the mall yes a bowl of Cheerios oh my October is one of the worst rated games on Steam with an aggregate of all mostly from more than 70,000 reviews the outrage of the game was headline news for weeks on dozens of games news publications and eBay and Amazon and second hand at Gamestop was crashing through the one-dollar for the game of please no more all wanna beat the hell only just begun the demo planet was data mined and found to be of course totally scripted and not randomly generated at all just gonna pick one of these at random if anything horrible it wasn't some level of magicians try even though I think it looks quite nice and places people wonder why you're showing this area again like what's so special about demoing the game on this planet oh no no it's just a place that looks nice not bad Marie if I said it ended the demo with some no it just looks nice man pre-scripted crazy thing that happen you know to mean the normal thing of like and then a monster emerges from behind the mountains you know yeah it's good thing you didn't do that people see what's going on with the game and feel lied to yes this is false advertising they say yeah an angry customers start scoping out a lawsuit Oh God on September 28th the aasa' bust through the door goes yep too many complaints we're going to investigate really hold on soon after the aasa' cleared them of any legal wrongdoing technically the only thing they're interested in is what's on the back of the box what's on the store page and what's on the steam page so it's technically because also advertising loophole this was technically not illegal doesn't mean much to an angry audience October 28 hello games twitter is hacked the hacker posts no man's sky was a mistake and is [ __ ] on the game in the replies actualize two-factor authentication on his LinkedIn and as yeah I got in they also sent us crediting emails to journalists which they knew would rile people up in public guard some people even show up to their offices to take photos and knock on the door at night and on the weekend they posted empty pictures of the office bottle this started rumors that hella games simply took the money and ran there's something about the [ __ ] unopened champagne bottle that's just so poetic I [ __ ] love it man this in addition to numerous balm and death threats during that period those ones Shawn did have to take seriously plan on celebrating venture from police and Scotland Yard and things like that and while Sony didn't quite throw them under the bus yeah it was more like a gentle push under a minivan when Sony president Shuhei Yoshida admitted that hello games did not have a great PR strategy for no man's sky the press took the ball without being lyin but despite all of this I mean it's the name they didn't so that if the PR strategy that you have is you just go on there make up a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] hopefully people buy the game and enough of them don't refund it to where you can still retire and it doesn't matter if it's a disaster like that seems seems good to me negative prints they were actually nominated for a couple of awards but by this point Murray and the other members of hello games were so downtrodden and so sure they weren't going to win yeah there they opted to go elsewhere for dinner Wow and the Innovation Award goes to no man's sky wait were they not their behalf hello games and congratulations to them and I'm gonna walk out stage like I planned that whole thing by this point just a little bit sorry for them and they all followed that was the final slur for meaning no particular incident but a lack of incidents silence over three months of not a damn word from no man sky we're totally we are us our customers where is my refund where is Murray shalt into the void the game was over and it was dead it's another procedurally generated video [Music] the year is 2080 oh sean has just graduated from university and is headed into the big wide world Wow he rises up the ranks at a number of studios amazing eventually working as a technical lead for black and technical director for burnout three never played that [ __ ] when burnouts developer is bought by EA he is in his late twenties and he and three of his buddies decide to leave and start their own studio incredible hello games this was a risky venture so we've done this incredibly foolish thing of like quitting our jobs and then we had to sit down and try and decide what the game was gonna be yeah create their first title Joe danger they work on this game day and night in fact even once they were arrested in their own office because the police thought they were there to rob the place because who would be working at 11:00 p.m. on a Sunday night but they had to work that hard alright like I said it was a huge financial and professional risk it's because they're over in the UK they don't understand work over there and so like they saw somebody working and a concerned citizen called the police they had no income yeah they were working in a tiny room above an old tile floor living off savings and to keep the project running Shawn even sold his house so he made a really tough and probably at the time seemed really foolish decision that's respectable it's kind of almost embarrassing for me to talk about yeah I'm so glad house and just basically went all-in and funded what we would do that's not something I would recommend but by June 8th 2010 they had done it the game was good and they could buy of relief because on the very first day it hit the PlayStation Store they made their money back but two years later yeah that's awesome released it was not the commercial success they had hoped for and they didn't want to just keep pumping out sequels that was a trap big players in the industry in for ninja who would do who would just keep making the same in his spare time Shawn started working on a prototype for a procedurally generated game they took another gamble and scrambled to get a trailer out in time to present a year's 2013 okay that's good so the project is official now and the pressure is on around this time Shawn is also looking to start family concurrent all this development he would go on to have three kids so the weighted responsibility is really piling on but their hard work will pay off as they're finally gonna have a chance for some R&R around Christmas that's nice it's nice to get some relaxation never mind they woke up to find their homes flooded their cars boys and their plans for Christmas Day very much gonna salt that house to rain rain and flooding in the South of England yet around the hello games office they are completely inundated and they return from their holidays to find laptop or loading around at waist height but some good news they hadn't lost any data so they pull together soldier on developments are continues so there they are working in a damp office and then dingdong who who's at the door it's Danish mathematician dr. Johann Gilles he's seen the games a wizard and he says they are using my super formula in perfect English and there is a potential for a lawsuit crisis they didn't and he could prove it so they have a meeting and the claim is eventually dropped lawsuit evaded so back to work guys ding-dong that's good it's sky television who is it I've seen the game you were infringing on our sky trademark they said in perfect Texas all kazi's started in getting Microsoft to change SkyDrive to onedrive and that we're about to give gamers no man how could you copyright the sky lawsuit but this lawsuit didn't just go away give me a [ __ ] break threaten loomed over them for the next three years right up and today before release they own the word sky oh my god we have to like oh wait I wonder if in like 20 years every time you look at the Sun or you go outside you have to pay like I don't know like that you know we have to pay the UN a oil TV so they get very work and ding dong who is it now it's Ernie with some good news for well we like a game kid we want to feed her at front and center all right you a big star this could mean millions of dollars in additional ribbon that's good they said yeah but along with it a lot of press for this game would need to be done that's good being a small team they didn't have anyone for PR they had their designers they had their developers and that was about it so it's up to Murray Sean's in his early thirties now not super young relatively I mean not serious for this type of media circuit what do you mean dude this deal with Sony put extra pressure on them it's it come on it's not that it's Sony's fault yeah but they're locked in now with much less flexibility so when May rolls around yeah and they have no option but to delay even if they wanted to ask for an extra six to 12 months of development which they really need it's probably too much to ask for so they extend from late June to August only six weeks from here they can fix you can predict with gonna happen to multiplayer and a bunch of other promised features Oh so here's how the hype happened scope of game time and here's the line which shows the reality of development progress is steady and ends in August 2016 now here is the line of player expectations it should start out here and follow along the pole trailer comes out and puts us way up here in this trailer it features a pirate Ares that hello Games thinks they're capable of having in the game by 2016 that's the first big mistake now then it's announced for PlayStation and it costs $60 and there's a collector's edition how much is second even bigger mistake that puts us go into the moon and I think this is the main problem because all voice tags set expectations yeah they do for a $60 game this was seriously barren and disappointing yeah now if they have put it out for $20 as an indie game or an alpha no problem but we may gave it the triple-a treatment people rightfully aligned their expectations with other games in that category that is the main reason customers expectations with so skewed yeah into exacerbating the problem well every time he mentioned a feature in the game even in glassing fan sit their expectations to triple-a heights for that feature but it was an indie game some people think the interviews are the main problem in my humble opinion not so much most people never saw these interviews it's not WI his T 12 foot ladder Shawn standing on that's the main problem is to the 900 foot building he's perched it on in the first place so the obvious solution here would be an official statement hey guys but don't expect a 10 out of 10 expect more of the publisher just sank an enormous investment of marketing and opportunity into the game and that would be a huge middle finger to them yeah the publisher isn't gonna make you hype the [ __ ] out of your game but you can't talk it down either so it's kind of stuck up there in some ways during the interview he tries to temper expectations but it's limited can you build a space station no but let's not gloss over the interviews Sean is a technical guy he's a developer he's also the introverted type and the big lights and the stuff on camera does not come naturally to him is it super nerve-wracking to talk on stage of III yes Hunt going on stage at e3 like the hardest thing I've ever done that's something that I would have had in a nightmare before you know the main thing you've ever done yeah yeah still he stepped up and took interviews for his game from 2013 to 2016 what he's got to do the main thing people wanted to hear about we're the features can you have more than so every planet really be wormholes or at what point do you get you get points or anything from these interviews people took drawn to be a liar a Peter Molyneux or a chess club member out to sell his game at whatever reputational cost but I think the truth is more complicated than that Sean in the team our indie developers working on a new IP their project and plans are constantly in flux they have no idea how large chunks of the game are going to look especially not a couple of years out from release and crucial yeah Sean as I understand that something mentioned in 2013 even CID and parsing is going to be seen as a promise in the year 2016 even if by then you've decided to cut it from the game that that's what's happened with Wow right a hundred times like if you say something this is gonna happen it's like if I say I might play this game today and die in the stream and I don't play the game I got like like [ __ ] [ __ ] a lot of tweets man you said I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] why didn't you play the game you said you might play the game I was expecting you to play the game why didn't you do it piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you and like yeah it happened all the time you promised me and I'm like I didn't I said I don't promise so like no you promised cuz use the word promise it doesn't matter if you put don't be for it because you said promise you shouldn't have said promise because that made me think it was a promise you know that's what happened for example orbiting around the Sun days turned to night because the planet is actually rotated on its axis this originally was in the game but it caused the player too much confusion you kept being reported as a bug in the beta as people left the planet and then returned to find everything different but nonetheless into the lying compilation it goes yep so while they're still essentially formulating the game the media all want a piece of Sean n to report on features first conversely Sean thinks the reporters might help them to tamper down things by emphasizing that hella games is an indie studio but that is not how journalism is done this is how journalism is done can you guys ask a very very you know inflammatory question or something like that that has a very complicated answer and then as soon as you get the answer that you want out of the person's five-minute answer you cut that down to four seconds and then that's what they actually said in the interview that's how you do it simple remise the look of your character the sort of full customisation confirmed in no man's sky [Music] create atmospheric particles that would diffract light adjust the right wave I told you that press kind of operates downstream from the community because things have clicked driven as to what stories you get served and things like that for the rumor would surface from red edges a straight webpage there's all this hype and the project has increased in scope dramatically and keeps increasing as the months go by until a point fairly close for the deadline Baca can't delay and the reality of what they can achieve and the little time remaining is steering them in the face they know they're not gonna be putting out a finished game they're worried there's nothing more they can do and the fear that they will disappoint the audience is growing on Shawn in the team start doing drugs I worry about like disappointing people upon release all of these clips are seen as proof that Shawn is a liar and what doesn't help is his body language I mean it's kind of the body language of someone who was lying and this is why I mentioned he's an introvert remember he's a technical lead actually a really good one but not a Salesman cut him just a little bit of slack because this is simply how he talks here are some innocuous questions and he answers them honestly Lee producers on no man's sky yeah I guess I'm a I'm a developer honest I suppose the yeah creator or something like that yeah cuz they've got a million [ __ ] people asking him questions all the time he's got the game that's coming out he knows it's gonna be [ __ ] up he knows everybody knows that they know it's gonna be [ __ ] up he's stressed out he's really stressed out might trust me I [ __ ] understand this like I remember there have been times where I've been stressed out and people have asked me a question and it's just like you just asked that question to a wall like if you asked me what do you want for dinner I'm like yeah I don't know and they're like do you want to have dinner I'm like yeah I don't know and that's just like my default answer to everything I I get it really like making games I don't necessarily love talking about the same body language and Jesus Christ they have him up on stage and in front of cameras and bright lights and on the god colbert report try keeping a nerve on that nonetheless three of that context the clips haven't cemented in the community as a liar back to disaster so the graph plays out right to release and that graph it's actually a track and that track is what the high train runs on so it comes barreling up the hill instead of neatly pulling into the station and what could go right through the room the disaster unfolds they are absolutely [ __ ] on so there were Sean in hello games surrounded by the rubble of their former reputation punished Ron was at his lowest point hated by the majority of the gaming community but they were still alive and they had made tens of millions of dollars they were left with two choices retire take the money start a new project and be a pariah a cautionary tale of the industry and hated by the gaming community for refx max or pick themselves up get back to work and with potentially no profit motive finish the game it allowed me to do something that I've always done in difficult times where there is crappy bosses that I've dealt with before or crappy situations at school growing up I got my head down and I sat in front of a computer and I made games which is what I enjoy they pick number two all right so here's the plan all right the team is assigned to fixing bugs and the most obvious problems go Shawn tells the team to stop reading all the overwhelmingly negative feedback on the game and he reroute all of it to his personal devices emails forum posts Google news alerts player feedback it's all going directly to now then he starts breaking that down into datasets people who haven't bought the game people who have bought it and played it for a hundred hours people who have returned it etc then he starts compiling those complaints into useable data focusing on the people with the most sincere experience of the game then we start making a big laundry list of all the things that need adding and prioritize first thing to fix is that full inventory then community mod support then a third thing etc etc this is going to take an enormous amount of work to pull off and they're not going to make the same mistake twice so they would need to sharply adjust the appeal our strategy don't owe anything they said right now an admission of guilt I've made a severe would be met with criticism denied yep it's not that bad would be met with criticism corporate speak well we endeavoured to make the best game we could and we are proud of what we have would be met with criticism ha the problems have been caused by speaking too much so they were going to do a complete 180 instead of adding more fuel to the fire instead of accidentally promising fixes that might also not be delivered they wouldn't speak to the press again it female traits you're talking about I'd say that's a generalization they were going to speak to the community directly from now on so they told the audience they were working on it and went completely silent for one day past no word got two days a week have you heard from hello games they just had this disastrous release no haven't seen them I hope they're working on the game two weeks dude are you working on this thing just ignore them just work three weeks okay what the [ __ ] is going w TF it's locked a month they took the [ __ ] money and ran didn't they decide if it's not gonna help two months the real by now most people were convinced that the game was abandoned they had made their money it's all over then after over a hundred days of absolute silence a tweet foundation the first big patch it is me Sean but I bring you gifts it's exit signs it brought base-building new gamemodes farming cats and freighters as well as a lot of bug fixes you will have to try harder than that Sean - it still fell well shy of the promise game too little too late social and left returned to his team and got back to work a few more months went by and then another tweak Pathfinder [Music] [ __ ] Oh its usual I brought you online based sharing own multiple starships starship special is a why total specialization death modes vehicles you can drive around them and create race track spoken to that's [ __ ] awesome [Music] look at this that is really cool still man and this still a ton promise bet isn't in the game yet yeah so fun we'd wait once more a few more months went by but not what you sure what is it it's me again I bring you an overhaul for the storyline new worlds crashed freighters space comic terrain editing portals for procedural mission system interstellar trading and joint exploration polish right now people were really starting to warm to no man's sky again and to hello games the game has in many ways exceeded what was promised it's a substantially better game now people saw this wasn't honest ever I'll fix the game and the number of employees working on it was growing from a studio of 15 to 25 Sean Murray and hello games social media also started becoming more active and engaging with the audience the subreddit that was flourishing once more the price of the game second hand on Amazon eBay and Game Stop was going up oh sure once win buy stocks going on next a really big Wow to be super clear no man sky is not but that here's the full and proper multiplayer experience third-person mode character customization a galactic Atlas on an external website for the community all last overhauls to base building and crafting and resources and it also brought the game to Xbox it's subject with the release of next in July 2018 no man's sky was the sixth top-selling console game for the month it climbed its way back into steams top 10 it reached nearly 100,000 concurrent players while brought another twenty four million dollars this steam rating went from mixed to very positive people on board in a big way whoever Giants bitter creators weird underwater [ __ ] oh my stories and bases and environments and equipment in a keeps come new biomes more diversity archeology more things to discover by now Sean in the gaming inspector personification of the gaming community had literally patched things up and were making out on the couch which was when he released his biggest patch to mate of this video free VR support not a whole other game you have to pay for like some titles overhauls to NPCs tech trees basement dream this is crazy side animals around all sorts of stuff that was never promised in the first place and mister adding mister someone at valve who is a fan of the game said to me what you do now is more important than what you say there is only one thing that's credible and that's your actions yeah in fact I was Sawyer to get this video out that they put out another patch the other day with ship salvage ship upgrade more advanced terrain it resonates across improved via improved base building an inventory metric and quality of life psycho this is insane is it perfect technically there are still things on this spreadsheet missing but come on now we're starting to nitpick there was 59 you compare them to relationships with other games companies they could have gone the route of fallout 76 yeah paywall mods with fallout first charging monthly fee had downward spiral more and more in to pay to win scraps released without QA testing but instead they never added pay to win they never added microtransactions or paid DLC they never made VR as a second game they didn't give up on the game or scale their resources back to do it they didn't come out of all gamers entitled they didn't have loot boxes they didn't start work on the next big project or sequel they didn't do much of anything except get back to work and just like that the game once panned by critics now had Awards rolling in Wow no man sky and to cap it all off the subreddit are no man's sky the game even got together and pooled money for a GoFundMe to have a billboard installed near the hello Gaines offices damn that's actually really cool must have been a harrowing moment for Shaun in the team they took a huge risk to start a small studio they clawed their way up to create one of the most notable games of the console generation disappointed pretty much every one with the release and took one of the biggest online beatings in videogame history for it the family post release we faced some really difficult challenges everything that you can imagine from like the worst of the internet we hit but then over the course of the next three years completely turned it around and came out the other side with a win it's the underdog story and I'm doing all of this early so I couldn't help but come to the conclusion that they were the good guys so what is the future for hello games in 2017 they announced hello labs a support program focused on original titles and games using procedural generation two of the team also brushed off to work on a small title called the last campfire but for the foreseeable future they're just working on no man's sky that's actually really [ __ ] cool that they continue developing a game alright I'm going to video on like a big sappy note so this is the end of the story but there's still another few minutes don't leave it's not an app okay in 2015 when the hype was at its peak someone wrote a Sean Murray erotic fan fiction Oh would want to see it so let's go my evening interview at hello chaos I arrived at the hello games office in the early evening as the Sun was approaching the horizon taking a deep breath I nervously pressed the doorbell the door opened and Sean poked his expressive face out to greet me hey you he exclaimed in his adorable British Australian accent oh I'm so happy you could make it and spindly Ealing with us I was so happy when I heard you agreed to let me come in for an interview I said oh yeah the interview I forgot he replied with his usual brilliant humour I laughed he's so funny Sean let me show you my office I have a surprise for you Sean said he sat down on a soft vinyl couch so let me show you this it's great softly it's the newest build of the game which added some new features he booted up the game on a ps4 in his office I stared at his face I like your beard it's sexy I've pretended to say to him in my head to myself I have a secret crush on him there was something about his humble demeanor and feeble yet handsome bone structure that was so alluring so here's the game he said eagerly it opened on an alien world just calling out to be explored I began to sweat here it finally was in front of me and all of its glory and it was being played wife erotic in front of me all of his glory like I nervously spoke could I try playing I said oh I suppose of course he said chuckling okay Sean I said more confidently I put my hands on his hands as he crypt the controller he looked me straight in the eyes why stare deep into his beautiful glistening eyes utterly transfixed sure he said he liquor of the PlayStation controller still spinning from his firm grip but I have another surprise to show he stood up my humor what please I said blushing is ready of Oriya v my shoulders guiding me confidently towards the coffee table it's the hello games team - what's cooking sir release the one true Shaun Murray not that babyface loser [ __ ] poseur from NCIS made sweet sweet love listen I wasn't sure what I was Borak sided about in late dawn-marie all finally playing no man's sky after exploring the planet's surface I ended my spaceship and took off just as I left the atmosphere and burst into the the breathtaking expanse of space okay it just came out of nowhere he's just like yet I got something else to show you [Music] oculus rift support he offered sensually as I turned I social standing oh come on she'd really generated space suit like what you said you know I'm everybody he shouted I heard footsteps slowly enter from the cramped office I soon saw mini space suits appear before me in game but as they took off their helmets I realized that they were all the same Shaun Murray avatar I was about to be redacted by a group of Shaun Murray's but they all had one difference the producted easily redacted let's different really know that's really good that curved ones i'm glad as magical as the heller games team began to redacted from somewhere in the room I heard Xuan whisper the real green redacted procedure also I did thing on the second channel please do check it out I thought it was quite good I was ILO videos of the second choice and a rhotic fanfiction over there talk about and that's it sorry it took so long well that was a great video that actually was a great video and beyond it being a great video it was also a great story [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 942,913
Rating: 4.8585129 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold internet historian, internet historian, asmongold no man's sky, no man's sky, internet historian reaction, internet historian no man's sky, Sean Murray, internet historian react, no man's sky fail, asmongold internet, asmongold historian, Engoodening
Id: w7KZ_l-3uEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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