VICTORY OVER WEAKNESS : Victory Assured (Part 3) (May 26, 2017) Keith Moore

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do we have a lot to be thankful for what do you think we have so much to be thankful for you know in the disciples that were walking with Jesus they went out and acted on the authority that he gave them and they came back and they were stood they stood Lord even the Devils are subject to us in your name and he said I'm a paraphrase that's great but what you order really be shot in the back is your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life according to Philippians you are those of you born again of us born again you are now a citizen of heaven our name is on the roster and we actually own real estate there Oh glory to God they're actually working on your place now getting it or did the Lord say I'm going and I'm going to prepare a place for you and as he said if it wasn't throughout I told you thank God well of how about standing back up and and agreeing with me we've prayed but let's pray this corporate prayer together for utterance you know no man the woman can do what needs to be done in speaking to every heart and every situation you couldn't know them wouldn't know what to say anyway but the Holy Spirit can minister to everybody and every situation simultaneously at the same time it's amazing but he can do it so let's release the faith father in Jesus name we agree together as touching this asking you for divine utterance asking you for quickened and anointed ears and eyes and hearts and minds to see hear and understand and receive we ask you for answers direction help we ask you for a supply of the Spirit and anointing and enable to overcome and to move up and move forward into your things grace for the next part of the plan in Jesus name we ask it and we say will not just be hearers only but by your grace we will be doers and as surely as we do it and act on it you'll manage and confirm your word great things will happen in our life and we give you thanks in advance for it in Jesus name Amen praise God somebody say thank you lord you can be seated how many have not been with us either last night or this morning let me see sure glad you're able to be with us tonight and we'll review just a little bit to catch up with you we've covered a lot of ground if we cover all the ground that would be what three hours before we start on tonight so you want to do that and now nobody said yes ha ha no I don't think we need to don't get concerned but our our main text is first Corinthians the tenth chapter and 13th verse first Corinthians 10:13 it says there has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful say that out loud but God is faithful now he's faithful we know he's just faithful generally speaking but specifically he's saying he is faithful in that he won't suffer or allow you to be tempted above that sure Abel is tell my temptation no temptation is very real and every one of us in life is subject to it I heard a fellow a while back talked about he had an experience in the Lord and he was no longer even tempted and you know couldn't be tempted well that's just not true Jesus himself was tempted in all points like as we are it's not a sin to be tempted you haven't missed it unless and until you give in to the temptation you yield to the temptation you act on the suggestions and thoughts and feelings that are wrong but it's something that's not talked about many times in church people like to because of embarrassment because of shame because any number of things they just like to come to church and kind of leave the impression oh no not everybody here is great nobody's having any problems nobody's making messing up making mistakes but that's not reality you can be a born again child of God name in the Lamb's Book of Life love the Lord and yet be giving in to temptation on a regular basis you don't have to right but it is happening many many cases and no judgment if you're honest you you're not going to judge somebody else because you yourself hmm have yielded to some some things that were wrong and you I thought well yeah but I've never done that well the Bible doesn't categorize sin like people do God looks at the heart and rebellion is rebellion disobedience is disobedience ignoring God's ignoring God sin is violation of light it's the Bible said him that knows to do good and does it not to him it's sin your vital to doing something you know you shouldn't be doing are you not doing something you know you should be doing but it has to do with what you know and violating what you know you have been and you will be tempted to violate what you know is good and right so mister don't confess that over me it's life brother it's reality and you'll you'll do one of two things you and I both will either resist the temptation or we'll give in to it we'll do one that one or the two well this is some of the most wonderful news you could ever hear first of all nothing no no kind of temptation is going to happen to you that's not common to people all over the planet there's not some rare crazy thing that nobody's ever experienced that's happening in your life to devil to tell you nobody knows what you're experiencing what you're going through that's not true it's not true because oh I guess I'm just different from everybody no you're not you're a whole lot like everybody else and and the temptations there is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man here's the good news god but God is faithful now some people have taken this and twisted it and tried to make it say God won't put more on you than you can stand have you ever heard anything like that God won't put more on you than you can stand this verse does not say that it does not even come close to saying that because God is not the author of the temptation he's not the one tempting you James says let no man say when he is tempted I'm tempted of God because God cannot be tempted of evil neither tempteth he's not the tempter there's a devil he's real he has those working with him he they are the tempters he brings to you thoughts feelings suggestions and tries to push it and tries to press to do things that y'all not do but God is faithful somebody say God is faithful God is faithful he won't suffer that's a King James word he won't allow you to be tempted above that you're able he won't let the enemy tempt you beyond what he knows you can resist and overcome God's not tempting you he's preventing the enemy from tempting you too much is that good news enough this is good news not only that he won't allow the enemy to tempt you beyond what he knows you can resist and not give in to and he also makes a way out hallelujah so you can bear you can deal with the temptation you can resist you can overcome no matter what happens this is good news no matter what happens in your life you can say God is faithful and he's already made a way out of this well no matter what kind of physical problems financial problems relationship problems whatever it is you know God's there he's faithful he's not surprised by this he's already got your way out hallelujah now this morning we got into some things that I'm very excited about and for those of you that weren't with us I want to go over them as briefly as I can go to John 7 please John chapter 7 I've been in the ministry now for over 35 years not saying that's a long time it's just longer than a couple of years and have seen things that work and things that don't there's a lot of stuff in Christianity that's religious and it doesn't work it's phony and people believe it they've heard it but it's not Bible it's not right and there are folks who are not going to church and even some people that are going to church who have missed it in the same area not once not twice not 10 times not 20 times but over and over and over again and now they are hopeless feeling and they feel like they got no no strength Dave they said they were going to do it again they've prayed they've done all kind of things and then go back and do it again and what can you do in ask in a case like that when it seems like you got no hope you got no strength and when we talk about temptation don't just let your mind go to one or two things you can be tempted to doubt you can be tempted to fear tempted to get angry temper right tempted to use foul language tempted to to lie tempted to steal I mean there's all kind of things that you know we're wrong but even though you're born again and your new creation on the inside your body is the same as any unbeliever and if you might hadn't been renewed it'd be the same as an unbeliever and it'll still want to do the things you did before you got saved because your body didn't get saved you mind unless you renew it it's not renewed what what can you do I've ministered the people I've counseled with people I've prayed with people that were just at their wit's end suicidal so ashamed so embarrassed messed up in the same areas over and here's one of the worst things you can be in a place where even though you know it's wrong part of you wants to do it even after all this part of you still wants to do it and so you say maybe I'd like to be free but part of you wants to wants it that's what James talks about when he said don't let anybody say that you kept it of God but everybody is tempted when you're drawn away of your own desire and enticed your own desires not the devil that's you part of you wants that and then the devil is doing the enticing but I got some good news ready for some good news you're here this morning this morning you're gonna hear it again yeah good news even at the lowest point you could possibly be no hope no strength faithless part of you don't even wanna get free there is a way out we know that from our text right right God is faithful he won't allow the enemy to tempt us beyond what we can resist and overcome and he always makes a way out his way out a way to overcome John 7 are you there John 7:17 jesus said if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself now this is something that many have wrestled with what's God and what's just me what's God and what's people and here he gives us insight into how to get the knowing or the revelation listen to the Young's literal translation of this and like it titled it's very literal transliteration be aware of modern translations a number of them are just they're not a translation they are of paraphrase and a translation implies it's a word for word of what was said in the other language and many of these translations they're not telling you what it said they're telling you what they think it means right big difference let me give an example a number of modern translations will have this phrase on any number of different verses try to do this or try to do that the Lord never told you to try anything that would imply that either you know you maybe you could do it or you couldn't do it or maybe he didn't know whether you could do it or not neither one of those is true he knows if you knew it or not and if he told you to do it even if you were unable to do it before he told you when he told you with his command came the enabling and empowered like like when Peter said Lord is that you bid me come when he said come he can do it now Peter can do it now can you see that so be on the watch for those kind of things Young's literal says if anyone may will to do his will he shall know you'll know you'll get clarity but what has to happen you've got to be willing to do his will and you've got to be willing to be willing even when parta is not you can ask him to help you and he will work in you to desire to do what he wants even when you're not there is he good or see good go to Hebrews 13 21 Hebrews 13 21 this is a prayer and you can pray it for yourself in fact we're going to do it Hebrews 13 21 says when I said like this the Lord make you perfect or complete in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever amen so go ahead and pray this out loud do it because you mean it but said out loud father god I do love you I do believe in you and I'm asking you make me complete me in every good work to do your will work in me that which is well pleasing in your sight through Jesus Christ to your glory hallelujah thank you lord even when you're without strength you blown it in the same area 150 times part of you don't even want to get right if you're willing to get willing and you'll ask him to help you he will help you with that only inside to just give him a little bit to work with he can get you started and if you keep going you can come all the way out in Philippians 2:13 having prayed that prayer you can make this confession Philippians 2:13 and if you don't know this one mark it and especially if you've been really going through some things and yielding to the same stuff if you need to write this on your hand do something get it in front of you because this is a weapon against the problems in your life Philippians 2:13 says for it is God which works in you both as to both means to two things to will is one and to do is the other of what of his good pleasure what pleases him even if you're not there you can want we've prayed that prayer in Hebrews we can say Lord you heard my prayer it was your will you heard it you granted the request you do when it's your will and I confess you are working in me to will to do it and to be able to do it praise God the new century version says it like this God is working in you to help you want to do it and be able to do what pleases him even if you don't want to do it you might as well be honest with him he knows anyway playing games won't get you anywhere with God all things are open and naked before the eyes of him with whom we have to do he sees right through all of the facade sees right down into us and if you hadn't wanted to do it hadn't been willing to do it he knows it but that doesn't mean that you're hopeless and without up if you're willing to get willing he said I work in you to want to do it and to be willing to do it and I will work in you to give you the ability to do it Oh hallelujah hallelujah somebody's getting free Oh somebody's getting free and somebody's going to stay free the New Living Translation says it like this for God is working in you giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him if you prayed that prayer just a moment ago and you meant business now you can say this with authority said out loud God is working in me giving me the desire to do his will and giving me the power to do what pleases him he's working in me he's where he's working in me now he'll be working in me later tonight he'll be working in me in the morning what to will to do what pleases him and to be able to do what pleases him thank you lord thank you lord now that's a big part of complete deliverance and freedom but there's another part that's that's God's help and grace there's another part and it's your part in my part because our flesh is our flesh and the Lord's not going to control our body for us no you can beg him you can cry you can tell other people make me do right make me quit make me do it they can't and God won't some people didn't like that other people say oh god oh god just you know I just want to turn my head off and just take me over just just take me over and control me and make me do right you're praying in vain God can't answer that prayer there's two prayers God can answer it's quite of him there's two prayers God cannot answer one is you asking him to do what he's already done yep he can't answer that prayer another one is you asking him to do what he told you to do that was worth you combing your head and coming to church tonight right is that right that's right there do you reckon a lot of people are praying those two those two things begging God to do what he's already done and begging God to make them do what he's told us to do we're told to keep under our body and bring it into subjection your body is not anybody else's body it's yours and if you don't control it it won't be controlled and the thing that will help you tremendously is to be able to use your own words to bind your flesh against something wrong I know we talked about this this morning but a lot of folk fort here sides that either were here do you mind hearing it again look with me praise be to God look with me in Psalm 15 Psalm 15 I'm going to read some other verses to you while you're going to the songs job 22:28 says you shall decree a thing and it will be established to you and the light will shine on your ways you'll decree a thing and it will be established to you and for you and light will shine on your ways in Psalm 15 verse 115 1 it says Lord who shall abide in your tabernacle who shall dwell in your holy hill who's going to have close fellowship with the Lord who's going to walk in his abode and in his presence verse 2 he that walks uprightly and works righteousness or what is right and speaks the truth in his heart said out loud he speaks the truth he speaks what the truth in his heart now the devil is the father of lying lying did not exist it was not a part of God's creation until the devil fathered it now that he the devil is the god of this world as 2nd Corinthians 4:4 says lying falseness deception permeates the world it's everywhere and it can contaminate you if you let it but in in order for you to be you and I to be faith people in our words to carry power and weight we have to be a person whose word is good you cannot be a liar you have to be a truth teller mark 11:23 says you know speaking to the mountain to be removed if you believe that what you say comes to pass you will have what you say what do you have to believe what you say well what if you lie part of the time then your own heart knows that your word is not to be trusted and so how you're going to have difficulty just like anybody else that lies to you part of the time you're going to have difficulty trusting what they say believing what they say and anybody that's fallen in the same area over and over and over again I'm a believer if you do something that's wrong it bothers your heart and after you've messed up you don't want to do it again and if you say I'm not doing that anymore I'm never going there again I'm never going to watch that again I'm never going to listen to that again I'm never going to eat five pies at one time again I'm I'm never going to the mall and maxing out all my credit cards again I'm never doing that again but then if you do it again next month you're a liar right right your word it's not true and you don't have the ability to bind your your flesh when you need to are y'all with me friends in order to walk by faith you got to be able to believe what you say and the only way that's going to be true is if you stop lying you stop not just phase it back you got to stop are y'all with me now do you want your words to have power and carry weight do you want to be able to be a faith man in a way then you have to stop lying because if you tell a lie you didn't get it from God where did you get it from you got it from the father of lies and your yielding to him so if you try to resist him he's not going to go because he knows he doesn't have to you're yielding to him he didn't have to yield to you but if you'll submit yourself to God and then resist but telling the truth and resist the devil he has to flee keep reading it says he that back bites not with this tongue I still told my what'd you say no does evil to his neighbor nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor that's also what you say in his eyes of all persons condemned but he honors them that fears the Lord he seen it swears to his own hurt and changes not this is a word that doesn't change a word of integrity a word that can bind a word that can change situations because it won't change I know I mentioned this morning than be worth telling again that uh the Lord taught me this some 35 plus years ago one of the first times when Phyllis and I were answering the call to go into the ministry we had gone out to brother Kenneth Hagins ministry and to Rhema Bible Training Center for their camp meeting in July and this was 1980 I guess it was and we took the tour of the school and while we were going through the buildings the Lord quickened to Phyllis and me both that we were supposed to come there and go to school it seemed impossible but it was we knew it was real we talked about it driving back home for the 10 hours whatever it was and I got a an application for the Bible school and didn't do anything with it for a few days but then I we talked about it and thought we we need to put this application in we need to make plans we need to believe God and and so on as I'm going through there one of the things that it said do you use tobacco will you agree that you won't used tobacco all the time you with the school and associated with the school and the polymers I used tobacco my dad smoked cigars and and I smoked cigars sometime and we used to back in other forms too it was just you know it's common around our parts and and I thought huh it's this kind of a issue here so I thought about it for several days and tried to you know there's nothing in the Bible about can't use tobacco you know here last night when your flesh wants something you know your mind will do mental gymnastics lamb to justify and you know I knew I loved the Lord and yet I'm using tobacco and I can't you know I tried to get theological about it of course didn't know enough about the Bible to and to it but I tried to it and anyway at one point I realized now hold on are you really going to let tobacco prevent you from following the plan of God for your life are you going to let that cost you if you do it's an idol to you it means more to you than the direction of the Holy Spirit no you're not going to do that so now I'm not gonna do that but when I went to quit it was the stronger hold on me than I thought because I was thinking you know I quit anytime I want to click on a lesson but then you know I'd miss it and my body you would call for it and the Lord showed me what to do use my words and to say I'm not going to use tobacco at all I didn't have confidence to say forever so I said for a certain amount of time go with me to Ecclesiastes and you'll let me show you one reason that we did it that way it Cleaves estis 5 & 4 Ecclesiastes 5 & 4 when you vow a vow to God defer not to pay it free as no pleasure and fools pay what you have vowed now Jesus modified this by saying don't swear by heaven or the altar or by other things just let your yes mean yes and you know me no so we're told not to swear or vow by things but that doesn't mean you're not supposed to make commitments with your words keep reading better is it that you should not vow then that you should vow and not pay quiet will you'd be a liar right your word would have no meaning and have no weight you're better off not saying you're going to do something then saying it and not doing it it'll hurt your faith it'll give the enemy something to bring condemnation on you but that doesn't mean you don't ever say anything because then you're not using one of the strongest tools you have in your life to control your body James said if any man rather that just like the bridle controls the horse and the rudder controls the ship that your tongue controls your body and your whole life doesn't it say that you can use your mouth to control your body that includes your organs your blood your brain but if half the time you say things you don't mean it you don't follow through then when you try to use it to make something happen it won't carry weight then either we must stop saying things we don't mean and saying things we don't do we must stop if we're going to have victories if we're going to walk by faith if you say you're going to be there if it's within your power you should be there if you say you're going to do a thing then if later on you think well I wish I hadn't said that yeah but you did does your word mean anything or not in Psalms 15 I'm getting looks across the crowd some 15 who are you reading he said verse 4 he despairs to his own hurt and what doesn't change said out loud an unchangeable word what we're talking about is acting like our Father and His Word is immutable unchangeable and it is impossible for him to lie and because of that when he tells us something we can trust it completely absolutely no matter what kind of contradictions arise we know if he said it it's true if he said he'd do it he will do it no chance he might not well we are made in his likeness and image we are speaking spirits given the right to choose our own words and put faith in them and release them just like he does we're obviously not operating on the level of faith and vision that he does he creates solar systems with his words the universe no matter of things but we ought to be able to get hold of our flesh for a few days right and if you if will quit lying and make our word a word of integrity you can use it and the Lord showed me that back there those 36 whatever years ago I saw it okay this is what I'm gonna do I said I didn't say it the first day I didn't say it the first week I pondered it I looked at it I got it in my heart yes I'm going to make this commitment I said and I stood up and said it nobody was around but I said I'm not going to use any kind of tobacco for three months why three months that's where my confidence was it's why not say a year when I say well those three months have come and go and 36 years of coming up at the end of the three months I realized I don't need it I don't need it I don't want it yeah but that using my word to bind my flesh because there were times that you can you believe during those three months there were times I wanted to but because my I'm not gonna lie I said it before God well with me saying I said it before the Lord I'm not going to lie I'm not going if I lie to God I've got nothing to work with now I can't our faith in my own words I got condemnation now can you see why the enemy wants you to be like this he can just keep you perpetually in a defeated state but he's the loser I said he's the loser because I don't care if you've been the biggest liar in the county that can stop tonight that can stop tonight and I don't know where your confidence is but if it's if it's a prescription drug addiction if it's a street drug addiction if it's a lying addiction if it's watching pornography addiction whatever it might be believe the prayer that you just prayed that God is right now working in me to will and to do of his good pleasure and then as you have confidence use your words and say I am NOT doing this if it's just a day come on out with me somewhere release your faith and then make up your mind nothing's gonna make a liar out of me nothing's gonna get me to compromise my word before God and what those three months where I used my word to bind my flesh gave God time to work on me hallelujah he was working in me to will because it's in two three months I willed not to have it didn't he know it can you say this friends is complete victory possible comply don't care how bad off you've been his complete deliverance and freedom possible and available bought and paid for yes by the blood of the Lamb he will do his part if we do our part hallelujah well I got you caught up with us are you glad moving over that those are there weren't work with us go with me to first Corinthians the sixth chapter please and you'll see Paul doing this the Spirit of God speaking to him but him doing this with his own body and we're going to get into something that we need to to be thorough in this subject it's possible to get completely free and stay free for years and then get back in bondage again don't have to but it's possible because it's a Bible fact the enemy will try to come back you never have to let him but he'll try and if you're not ready for it just being foolish in 1st Corinthians 6 first Corinthians 6 verse 12 he says all things are lawful to me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any there were folks in the church at Corinth and their people doing it today perverting Grace and saying don't put me under bondage don't put me under law all things are lawful for me well just because all things are lawful for you doesn't mean you need to do all things and if you if anything has you in bondage and you feel like you have to do it you need to get free and that's what Paul was saying by the Spirit of God all things are lawful for me but all things are not expedient or profitable or useful all things are lawful for me but I'm not going to be brought under the power of any of them then he starts mentioning he said foods he's on my food here meats is the word for food if he's talking about meat like we think meat the King James uses the word flesh meat here's food food for the belly belly for foods God will destroy both it in them they're they're both going away and the body is not for fornication before the Lord and the Lord for the body and God has both lazed up the Lord he lays us up to by his own power know you not that your bodies are members of Christ does it matter what we do with our bodies it does shall I take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot god forbid they they had major problems with sexual activity in the church Corinth because previously having sex with Justinian everybody was part of their worship their idol temples there were prostitutes that worked at the temple and this is just part of their life so to change all that and just have you know a husband and wife this was a major change for them and he's telling them this is not right he goes on to say uh what know you not verse 16 that he which is joined to a harlot is one body 4:2 says he shall be one flesh he thus joined to the lord is one spirit flee fornication it would ously mean run here's something else that's our part running hey there are times you need to review combined and there are times you need to get out of there you don't need and I don't need to put ourselves in an environment where we're subjected to unnecessary temptation especially in areas we've been delivered from we're fools if we do I heard a lady say one time you know that she was here a woman minister and before she got saved she went to a lot of bars and drank a lot on the party scene she had an amazing salvation experience but after a period of time she's thinking about her friends and associates that are still in that lifestyle and she wanted to help them and reach them and God was using her and so she went back into some of the bars to talk to her friends and their people and and she was sitting there one day and she said she found herself running her finger around the top of a margarita glass it was belong to somebody else and about to drink it and she was alcoholic and she realized I got to get out of here what am i doing in here I'm a fool can you see this friends the scripture said we'll read this also well let me finish reading this and then we'll do the other flee fornication every sin of man does without the body he that commits fornication sins against his own body what know you not that your bodies the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you're not your own people say well it's my body not if you're Christian what's my body what do you care what I do with my body if you are a believer it's not your body it's been mauled it's been paid for with a price it's his body so you need to ask him if he's okay with you doing that with it Oh for you about with the price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods go to Romans 13 please do we want to be free do we want to stay free I realize some of these things are not what your flesh wants to hear that's because your flesh wants to keep doing what he wants to do right Romans 13 13 let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and envying but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof the BBE says don't give thought to the flesh to do it's desires don't provide a setting or a situation or a provision for your flesh to do what it wants to do get it away from that and out of that make don't make it hard on yourself make it easy on yourself hmm can y'all take the rest of this okay I'm gonna give it to you go to proverbs there's a God which side and there's a man word side to these things Jesus told Peter and the disciples in the garden before he went to the cross he said watch and pray so you won't enter into temptation he said that a couple of times in that same twenty-second chapter of Luke so that you won't what enter into temptation the devil cannot make us sin he can't all he can do is work on any wrong desires we have and entice us to enter into it or pressure us do it do it just just tell the lie don't you don't want to hurt them tell the lie and you just tell it just tell it just take the money nobody will know just take it and there's pressure there's a push there's a push there's a push he can't make you do it what's he trying to get you to do it walk through the door can you see that he's saying he's saying here it is you know you want it you know you want it come on come on come on you remember if you know you can be delivered but before you got saved maybe into a bunch of junk that you shouldn't have been into and get saved and the Lord absolutely deliver you from all of it and make you totally free and even months and years later the enemy will come back and try to remind you of how your flesh liked it it's kind of like an old boyfriend or girlfriend that was wild and partied and and now you're married and you got a good relationship and it's like that old boyfriend or girlfriend up in the driveway on a Saturday night honking the horn and on hey remember me hey you know you want it come on you know you want to party yeah come on and this shocks believers sometimes because you can go for years and then all at once here this is again what you were delivered from the devil cannot make you do anything cain't doesn't have the power to you are a son of God hallelujah you got the greater one inside you but he can entice you and work on desires that you have in your flesh that are not not good and not right and he'd pressure and push and remind and remind and he's perfectly fine with you saying I'm not going to do it I'm just go look I'm not gonna do it I'm just going to think about it for a little bit here I'm not and he's like right right because what happens is you put a foot in the door that's right you're already yielding you're already heading in this is what happened with Adam and Eve out in the garden first of all what are they doing out there hanging around the forbidden fruit tree what are they doing out there hanging around there and then the enemy shows up and goes pretty tree yes it is he said look at that fruit is that some of the best-looking fruit you have ever seen in your life wonder what it tastes like and just about that time a drop of dew fell off one of Aleen it just looks the most amazing thing and he and he said and that's not the half of it when you eat this you will become so enlightened you'll be like God an implication is you won't really need him like you do now and there's all kind of things going on here but wouldn't it have been so much easier if they hadn't even been out there or they hadn't even heard it you don't have to cast down what you didn't hear right you don't have to cast down what you didn't see I don't even have to ask you are there a bunch of things you wish you'd never seen or never heard because the enemy brought it back to you a thousand times right trying to get you to think about it focus on it some more why listen to this and in proverbs proverbs where are you just proverbs proverbs four proverbs 4:14 and you see this language repeated because proverbs is the wisdom book wisdom has to do with with seeing the outcome of actions and seeing the results and future of actions he says in Proverbs 4:14 in or not into the path of the wicked go not in the way of evil men proverbs 4:15 avoid it passed not by it turn from it and pass away go away from it don't go by it in proverbs 5:8 the the writer is warning his sons about prostitutes and about the wayward woman and he says in proverbs 5:8 he says remove your way from her come not near the door of her house then later on in proverbs 7 he describes a young man who didn't heed disadvantaged young man who's going to the strange woman the this is the prostitutes house and he said verse 7 proverbs 7 7 I'll be held among the simple ones I discerned among the youth a young man void of understanding passing down the street near her corner and he went on the way to her house if you don't if you never go down the street there's no way you're going to go through the door of the house if you won't go down the street you're never going to go through the door of the house on that street and it's easier to just not go down the street than it is to pass the house the closer you get to it you're making provision for the desires of the flesh you're eating it and you're actually giving is like you're saying come on try to convince me tempt me yeah and you're playing his game and he and he would love for you to imagine that you are so strong and wise that none of his reasonings and poles can get to you oh we're not we're not going to do anything we're just going to talk famous last words i I went to a dealership one day I saw a car I and I went by the dealership what LF in the back yeah and and this crisis car was there and I was looking at it an assessment came by and he was real nice he said I said huh he said can I help you I said no I'm just looking here he said that's how it starts man I went off on me like a shot that is the truth that's how it starts what was Adam and Eve doing out there in the garden now just they're not going to do anything Yeah right no they're not going to eat anything they're just looking and the enemy will try to convince you well you know what will it hurt just you can go down the street you're not going to stop then when you hit the cleared and pull in the driveway you're not going in we're not going in no we're definitely not going in in an hour - you could go and you could go in on the front porch this is how it works he's perfectly fine with you saying you're not going to do it all day and night as long as you'll take a step closer to it because you're already yielding let's say you're trying to lose a few pounds it's far easier to pass the grocery store than it is your refrigerator right because your refrigerator can be just feet from you and it can call your name is that right have you ever heard the refrigerator call your night it's easier to pass by the cookie aisle then it is your favorite cookie if you want to stay away from I got nothing against cookies but whatever it is your your you're playing on let's say you use your words and you're saying I'm not I'm not spending money and shopping for the next month then you need you may need to go out of the way to not even drive by the mall and the devil it's safe oh you're not that weak you're not that weak that's him talking to you you can you can handle this you can no you can't everybody's flesh is the same and it starts small and it just keeps getting bigger and closer and further and further and further and then you fall and how did I get here it didn't happen the last step it happened way back there and not only that you can build somebody else's territory where you don't have authority and you actually its advantage enemy you're on his turf and he'd bring he can bring the temptation so much stronger this is why there are times when you need to get up and go Joseph is a perfect example anybody remember Joseph is a perfect example of temptation of any kind he was a servant in Potiphar's household the Egyptian and God gave him supernatural ability as an administrator and he handled things so perfectly the Potiphar just kept turning everything over to him until he's running everything and it's running like a like a Swiss watch and they're making money hand over fist and Joseph himself is making money he's a slave but he's a rich man but Potiphar's life got to iron Joseph he's a good-looking young guy and so she kept making hints and she kept being close to him and saying inappropriate things to him finally one day she has it arranged everybody's gone everybody's on the house calls him in there to do some things and she makes her move and he didn't say we need to talk what did he do the Bible said he fled he ran right out of his coat she's got a hold of him and she runs right out of his coat she's talking to him and she's talking to an empty coat and she turns around and there's a trail of dust where's Sheldon he's gone because there comes a time when you do not need to talk for one thing he doesn't have authority over her he's in their house come on can you see this he doesn't have authority here he needs to get out of here out of here and because he did that he didn't follow that day let me get into something else okay what why does this matter it matters for so many reasons but in second Timothy if you go there sit out loud don't go near the door of the house if you if you've had problem with drinking with alcohol there are stores there are places there are bars even signs you don't need to see you don't need to be around if you need to take a different route use a different Road I've known the people who they they watch stuff on the computer that they shouldn't watched and fail so many times and finally they realized I need to get this computer out of my office or out of my bedroom and put it in the in the family room and I only use it certain hours what are you doing you're not making provision for the desire of the flesh you're changing your environment making it easier on yourself eliminating unnecessary temptation avoiding it stand away from it stop being weak in wise it's not being weak he's doing what the Bible told you to do he knows this doesn't he if he said don't go near the door of the house you're not gonna say oh I can handle it I can handle it I can handle it eisah pride that's ignoring what he said if he said don't go near the door of the house stay away from the house yeah but we just need to go over there and do some other yeah but come on I mean have you ever seen the enemy will work a dozen different things why you need to go by there well I got to I need to no no no especially for something that's been a stronghold in your life and you got delivered from you need to stay away stay clear make it easy on yourself not hard on yourself now in 2nd Timothy 2:19 the the foundation of God he said stands sure having this seal the Lord knows them that are he is and let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity why but in a great house there not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of earth some to honor and some to dishonor how do you become a vessel of Honor now he's talking about containers in the house some containers were used to house precious olive oil that was worth a lot of money other containers were used to hold garbage just like in your house today the garbage would be a vessel under dishonor the one that would hold the treasure of the oil which is a type of the Holy Spirit is a type vessel of Honor how you become a vessel of Honor Reda verse what do you do verse 21 if he if a man will do what purge himself from these he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified and meat for the Masters use and prepared unto every good work that he we already prayed that he is working in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure I believe this was a Holy Ghost word tonight right right here well what is the enemy bother us with temptation what same reason he did with Jesus when Jesus was baptized and he came up out of the water in the Holy Spirit came on him in the shape and form of the Dove immediately after that he was subjected to temptation forty days and forty nights why why then he was the son of God days and months and years before that why then why not after that it was because his holy vessel had received the Holy Spirit and the devil is afraid of this anointing what does this anointing do it destroys yokes whose yokes his jokes it removes burdens whose burdens the devil's burdens and if he can get Jesus to override what he knows is right to yield to the temptation he has disqualified him from being the vessel that he's supposed to be and if he's got condemnation because he's missed it his faith is not going to work if he doesn't mix his faith with the power there's not going to be release of healings and miracles like there was the same with you and me even though we might have been in the dredges of sin when we got saved we got saved and the Lord will clean you up and if you'll let him he will he will make you with your cooperation a vessel unto honor you might have been full of some bad stuff years ago but now you can house holy revelation holy anointing not a garbage pail but a vessel unto honor but you got to purge yourself and your life from things that contaminate and defile he said be holy that bare the vessels of the Lord it's not that God didn't like it it's not that God put out when he disgusted with you it's just you lose confidence oh but the blood of the Lamb still speaks off the mercy seat and cleanses from every stain hallelujah somebody say the blood has cleansed me has washed me and I will purge myself from all those wrong things and I will be a vessel unto honor sanctified and meet me fit for the Masters use and prepared unto every good work what was the enemy trying to do with Joseph wine to disappear this became you can see it in the text it became an obsession with Potiphar's wife why this is not natural anytime you become obsessed like that spirits are involved she didn't realize it he probably didn't either the time why Joseph has a call on his life there is the vision and dream that God gave him before he was sold into slavery and if you read the Psalms was it Psalm 107 long in there 105 it talks about that he you know until the time that his vision came the word of the Lord tried him he never let go of that vision even when he was put in jail you see him he kept his joy how can you keep your joy if you believe you shut up for your rest of your life he was convinced that vision he saw as a boy was coming to pass and God had called him and prepared him to save a whole nation had me yeah what's the enemy trying to do he's trying to mess it up what if Joseph had yielded to the temptation and one thing led to another and led to another and he had been caught up with her and then God got caught up with something else and got caught up with something else his confidence would have gone away he would have lent the vision slip away from him is everybody awake can you see this he would have left that vision and that dream get away from him and quit believing for because the enemy will come and say all you've messed up you messed everything up you've blown everything you can forget all that wouldn't have to be that way but if you give up and quit it will be that way somebody say no no no I will not be a vessel unto dishonour with this help we can be purged from what defiles and what hinders didn't he say run your race with patience doing what laying aside every weight and every sin that would hinder you that would slow you down it's not just about oh it's bad or it's bad it's about the enemy trying to stop you and what you were made to be and what you were made to do trying to rob your confidence rob your faith steal with a vision steal the dream that God gave you and get you just to sit down and wait to die somebody said not me not me not me I was a little weak not me in the name of Jesus no matter how badly you have messed up that's not your whole life you got some in front of you is that right you can say by the grace of God I'm putting that behind me we know how to do it God is working in me to will and do of his good pleasure I'm gonna use my words to help control my own flesh and between him and me there's nobody greater than him hallelujah praise be to God thank you lord let that soak in for just a minute thanks Peter in fact just close your eyes just close your eyes and begin to praise the Lord begin to thank you I want you to by faith look towards the future in just a few days if you would just close your eyes please not looking at me not looking around let the Lord work on you for a minute here by faith look towards the future not behind you Paul said forgetting those things that are behind I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus in not too many days our lives will be over we can't do anything about the time that's already passed but we do have a choice about how we spend our remaining days if you live another 50 years God time that's like an hour maybe yeah you know it's going to come and go so fast and you're going to be out of here he said don't love the world don't love the things that are in the world it's you can get caught up into stupor and it's like a drug and you can get caught up in trying to feed and satisfy your flesh and you wake up and 40 years has passed and you hadn't been pursuing the plan of God it's a trick of the devil but the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit is here and the power of the Holy Spirit to be free is here hallelujah singers and players would you come up please let's open up our hearts and let the Holy Spirit work on a son missie let's let him work inside some more he's already we prayed he's already working let's let him work some more and work further Holly do you just keep guys closed don't focus on things in the room and around you don't think about what happened today or what's going to happen you know in work or school or at the house push that aside and try to think in terms see your life the way God would see it not for condemnation but for how to redeem the remaining days set out loud father God everybody if you're serious you're to pray this out loud say father God forgive me for any wasted days or any ways today any wasted time anyway any times I've allowed the enemy to distract me discourage me I'm forgetting those things that are behind and I'm looking ahead by faith to the path you've called me to the shines brighter and brighter as I follow you and I'm asking you of your grace and mercy show me how to redeem the time show me the best and highest use of my remaining days and how to be purged from every hindering Fame every unclean thing every defiling thing every hindering thing and be a vessel of honor unto you Oh hallelujah
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 15,184
Rating: 4.8127661 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, love, joy, faith, Jesus, God
Id: p3ryjIFV_WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 4sec (4804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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