VICTORY OVER WEAKNESS : An Unchanging Word (Part 2) (May 26, 2017) Keith Moore

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first Corinthians 10 and verse 13 first Corinthians 10:13 says no temptation has taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful everybody say that I'll add God is faithful in the specific area of faithfulness that he's talking about pertains to temptation being tempted he's faithful in that he will not suffer or allow you to be tempted above what you're able what you're able to resist and not give in to like we said last night there are a number of people that have taken this verse and twisted it and think it means or even say that it means God won't put more on you than you can stand and that's not what this said it's not even close to what this said I know a lot of people read it that way some people misquote it that way but no who is doing the tempting it's not God we saw last night in in James let no man say when he's tempted I'm tempted of God scripture said don't let anybody say that because God cannot be tempted with evil and neither does he tempt any man or woman with evil so God's not doing the tempting can we agree on that well if God's not going to allow you to be tempted then he's not restricting himself he's not doing the tempting who's doing the tempting the enemy the devil he's restricting the enemy on your behalf instead of putting something on you he's stepping in between you in the enemy saying no you can't you can't tempt any further than this no you can't no you can't you see that portrayed in other portions of Scripture where the enemy is trying to get access to God's people and even if they got some access to lots of xix no further than this no no further than this no you can't well that's not God putting something on you right you know if God's putting something on you and he's the one that your problem you're done for where you going to go is that right we might as well just give up and quit but he's not our problem he's the answer he's not the one against us he's the one who's for us but there is an enemy there is a devil it seems like people either talk too much about the devil or not enough and we need to be rightly divided get in the middle of the road about this there is a devil if you don't believe that you just don't believe the Bible and just like they're angels well there are evil spirits and evil messengers and they're unseen they are spirits but their activities are real and the child of God should never be afraid of the devil if you're afraid of the devil you don't know the truth you're not thinking right and if you've gotten your information about the devil and demons from Hollywood and movies and books you are completely misinformed because it has nothing to do with reality the enemy is behind a lot of those horror scripts because he wants to put fear in people but the truth is he and his cohorts are defeated folks Jesus has stripped them has brought them to note now they can still cause you a lot of trouble if you yield to them but we have authority in the name of Jesus hallelujah and what we bind will be bound and what we loose will be loosed and if we resist the devil he has to flee but there are many many Christians believers that are not resisting the enemy he is at work in their life he's doing on manner of things and they never resisting they never they don't recognize that it's the enemy now if you're waiting on something with horns and a pitchfork and a red suit to resist you're going to keep waiting because that's again that's where did that image come from that's got nothing to do with reality somebody said what does the devil look like the Bible tells you what he looks like in second Corinthians it says he transforms himself into an angel of light he tries to pass himself off as a messenger from God so if you're looking for horns and a pitchfork you gonna completely miss this he is a master actor and deceiver he is the father of lies there's never been a better liar deceiver more accomplished than healing all lying has come from him lying didn't exist until he created it are y'all with me he fathered lying lying did not come from God deception God has never been never will be a partner to any kind of falseness phony Nisour deception and you can tell it's a good indicator of how much people god are really godly and are really Christians and walking with the Lord real believers are honest people that have a relationship with the Lord that are walking with the Lord they don't go for lion they don't go for phone enos they don't go for fake are y'all with me and the Bible said that God is a spirit and he seeks those that would worship Him in spirit and in truth total openness total honesty before him the least bit of put on will be like a wall between you and him because you might fool some people but you can't fool him he sees right down inside you he knows what you know and what you don't he knows if you're serious if your plea and so if you want to really fellowship with him you've got to as they used to say get real I guess they still say that but anyway no temptation is taken you but such as is common to man God is faithful he won't allow you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation make a way to escape the literal Young's literal translation says he'll make an outlet he'll make a way out this is a this is a great truth to keep in your mind to keep on the back burner all that no matter what comes up God is faithful and he's made a way out listen you got a giant bill come up that you weren't expecting give me those two answers God is faithful he's made a way out of it if you got a bad report about your body huh God is faithful he's already made a way out right no ma I mean this works for everything you can no matter what the problem is and and when you hear the word temptation so many times people will go their mind will gravitate to a few specific things tempted to desire somebody else for somebody else's spouse or tested the liars still it's much bigger than that tempted to get angry tempted to be depressed tempted to doubt tempted to fear temptation covers many spectrums but when you're pushed when you're pressed to do something that you should not do you're being tempted it can be strong it can be I mean we talked about last night Jesus was tempted so severely in the garden when he prayed right before the cross that blood came out of his pores he was resisting Hebrews said sin resisting sin he was resisting temptation and he was tempted in all points just like us it's not a sin to be tempted but he unique among all of us never sinned he never yielded to the temptation we need to identify where the pressure is coming from and we realized that's the enemy then what do you do resist it resisted and as many times as it comes back you resisted again resisted again I heard a fella say this some years ago a preacher and I thought it I thought it was outstanding it's a revelation it sounds simple but it's a great revelation he said he was in a big city and they had this new building it was a tallest building in the city and they invited him come up to the top floor and there was a little balcony he walked out on and he's looking out over the balcony said man he's so high up I mean the cars looked like tiny little toys and people he's so way up in the winds blowing and he said the thought came to his mind why don't you just jump a thought just a thought came to his like why don't you jump and he turned around said I'm not going to jump you job well there's nobody up there but him or is there where did that thought come from oh yeah not just the thought but in urge not just a thought but these thoughts are accompanied with feelings and one way you can tell the enemy it's pressure pressure do it do it yeah do it you know you want to do it do it he's a he's an annoying customer problem is it has worked all too well it is work but let's learn to recognize that those thoughts those feelings that influence that push go on do it do it and you need to turn it on and go I'm not stupid I'm not going to do that leave me I resist you many times you need to open up your mouth you need to say it right out loud I resist you leave me brother Hagin used to say this even the most holy saint of God has found at times come to their mind and thoughts and feelings that are not good that are wrong that are impure just because it came to you doesn't mean you created it or it came out of the middle of you it came from out here to you you don't have to feel bad because the enemy brought something to you just don't receive it don't dwell on it don't focus on it don't receive it resist it resist it and what will happen Bible said submit yourself to God resist the devil and he will flee thank you lot is that okay go with me please - John seventh chapter temptation is something they love people or haven't talked about it's something that church-going people tend to avoid talking about people come to church the ones that do and there's a lot of people that should but they don't and one of the reasons a lot of people don't is because they're embarrassed they're ashamed they they're yielding to stuff in their in their life that they know they shouldn't be they feel condemned about it and they they just stay to try to stay away from God to try to not think about it because the closer they get to him it comes up before them and they realize this is not right this is not good shouldn't be doing this and it's been preached from some you know that God hates this and God hates that and so they translate that into what God must hate me because I'm doing that it's not true I said it's not true he hates sin he loves you mister well if I'm doing that means he hates me know it doesn't know it the reason he hates the sin one of the big reasons is because what it does to you hide hurt you administers death teeth but there are people and I don't mean just a few then are in low low place spiritually in the thaty they have continued to yield to the wrong thing over and over and over and over again and they're the place where at a place where they plead they've repented they Ashton you know people pray for our main points of counsel the end of ranges and going back to it and again I have no hope taken before have no not specific but basically free and are weak and deflated and just do it again anybody tarnished it's not going to judge somebody like that you have to do some crit done some guy because you know yourself that you've missed here mini earth God's saying people categorize as miss Melissa might be bad this is real bad when you what there's thoughts looking at art and the Burien is rebellion this will be dismissal Venus looking at your heart what kinda keeper in that place but for you fail path wish faintly oh you got no it back for you get no strength a panic I found good news I have found I'm fine good me you can't be as I say at the end of your road poor and let me go Carly not only hey Miriam and you you've got no clue happy you might get free but here's another thing you want to keep doing it a part of you won't seek wants to do it doesn't work with what can you do how can you get free well friend you can yes I said you can I'm gonna I'm gonna give you two friends the Lord gave me and can sell them excited by yes that's awesome because it works even worse you can be as low as a person can be and you can come all the way out doing what we're about to say number one John seven let's read that nano and I'll talk more about John 7 and 17 I'll say it like this there are two things that if you'll do it victory is guaranteed number one you must be willing to be willing misses but I'm not willing I know but are you willing to become willing are you willing to get willing in John 7 and 17 jesus said this if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God whether I speak of myself there's so much light right here one of the greatest things Christians want to know is what's God and what's just me what's God what's what's man well here he says let me read it to you from the Youngs literal translation if anyone may will to do his will he shall know if any man anyone this is Young's literal translation the same author of Young's concordance if any one may will to do his will what will happen he'll know something you'll know you tell my Carlo will say in the other night about knowing coming out of gray right you yield to the wrong thing long enough you deceive yourself into what's right and what's not right you can't just keep doing something you used to know what's wrong you can't just keep doing that week after week month after month without deluding yourself into thinking you must have have convinced yourself well I know it maybe it's not good but it's not that bad I'm okay and long as nobody knows and so what used to be clear black and white has become muddled fuzzy self to see if any man's not a doer of the word he deceives his own self you can't even blame the devil for that you deceived your own self because there was a time the first time you did it this thing is not right you may have to go back 30 years 40 years 50 years but the first 60 years the first time you did it your heart bothered you you knew it wasn't right but after doing it for another five years it's not so clear anymore well how do you get back if yourself if you're deceived into thinking something's wrong is okay how do you get out of it how do you get back to the light it begins with this if you're willing to be willing and willing to do his will see you're not there but would you be willing to get there you're flashed don't even want to do what's right your flesh wants to keep drinking your flesh wants to keep shooting up your flesh wants to keep snorting your flesh wants to keep you know dude partying in the wrong way whatever it is your flesh wants keep building if that's the case now if you've never gone that far down the road it'd have been so much easier your flesh wouldn't be like that but the more you yield the worse it gets eyes with man are never satisfied flesh can't be fulfilled it takes this to satisfy you today you keep doing it'll take twice left next month or the next oh thank you Oh y'all thought that was funny to me didn't get my switch how do you if you're in the place where your body your flesh screaming for that and it won't sit and you've been yielding for and I'm telling mature Christian you can you love God and do drugs can you love God live still I know forgot that you first got to the Lord he was a musician in a band he's on the road and had some success and he gave his heart to the Lord but he's still out there with that crowd and he'd come back to his trailer and get high and read the Bible if that was his lifestyle he'd loaded up with drugs and read the Bible he enjoyed doing that [Laughter] did was he really saved yeah did he love guy he did you could tell you can tell by listening lady talked about it he loved God why is he reading the Bible he's hungry and he's wanting to learn more about God but see his flesh see your flesh didn't get born again what's going to do the same stuff he's been doing well thank God before too long as he fed his spirit and the Spirit began to get stronger it began to get clearer inside him you don't need to be doing this now some Christians look at that and all they you know they get so irate and so self-righteous but we need to see things the way God sees me God is not shocked because somebody messed up he has seen humanity for every generation there's nothing he hadn't seen men do now doesn't please him it can grieve him but he loves you yeah I want you to be close to him he wants you to be free and if there is in you a love for God and at least a desire to please him and do his will he's got something to work with to get you started is this okay brother reader you ready to help man first John two maybe maybe I got a reference for you this time last night I was just yeah hollered verses and no references first John 2:15 let's listen okay microphone Darcy 2:15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him don't love the world the love for the world is opposed to love for God and if you're going to get rid of something that your flesh loves that the unrenewed part of your mind wants and wants to see and wants to hear and wants to do it'll be because in your heart you love something else more elsewise there won't be the strength to begin to to get free you must love him and want to please him more than what you won't go with me please to Hebrews the 13th chapter Hebrews 13 and 21 if this is a prayer and this is a prayer you can pray for yourself at the lowest point you could possibly be you have you have fallen in this same area a hundred times more whatever it is and the problem is you're from part of you don't even want to give it up and you got no hope no no strength of faith what can you do you can pray this prayer right here you can say life I pray that you would make me perfect that word perfect means complete make me complete in every good work to do what to do your will and work in me everybody say work in me was if it was already there you wouldn't need into working you work in me that which is well pleasing in your sight even if you don't feel like you're willing even if your flesh wants to do something contrary to his will in your heart you can choose and say I may not be there right now but I want to be I want to be I want to do what pleases you father I want to get rid of things that displease you and so I'm asking you there's no reason why everybody can't ask this right now you just said out loud father God I do love you and I want to please you and I want to get rid of all it displeases you and I'm asking you in the name of Jesus make me complete in every good work to do your will I'm asking you work in me work in me working me that which is well pleasing in your sight I'm in who you ask it in Jesus name well somebody's already getting fries it's already it's already happening it's all I'm telling you a bunch of people just over the course of these services are going to get free and are going to stay free they're going to get free I don't believe this - just mother Keith talking going to get free I believe it's the word of the Lord will get free and stay free next week next month next year hallelujah because what what you don't realize is when you're in bondage to all these things you're not aware of all the good stuff that's not happening that's supposed to be happening for you because this is in the way and it's not that God is withholding from you it's that you're just not in a position to receive your heart is weakened your faith is undermined that's what sin does and all of the submissive all of us have missed it in the same area until my maybe your area was different from somebody else but it was the same area for you multiple times number one be willing to be willing be willing to do his will looking in Philippians so you you can ask what we just asked you can pray now let's refer to the first John you have to go there but if we prayed the Bible is that the will of God well then didn't he say if we ask anything according to his will what happens he hears we we just prayed the Bible did he hear that prayer you just pray and the verse goes on to say and if he hears us we know whatever petition we asked him we know that we have it before we go a moment further you know he heard that brain and you know he's doing it he is working in you yeah that which is well pleasing he is perfecting and completing in you that which is according to his will to do his will it's happening in you right now were you serious about your prayer then it's happening right now this is good news you know the great thing about God you can come to him and we do from the beginning always with absolutely nothing and he will give you whatever you need to get started to come up to come all the way out he'll feed everything to you hallelujah thank you lord Philippians 2 are you there Philippians 2 and 13 now you can pray that prayer we just prayed in Hebrews 13 but you can say this after you've prayed you can confess this over yourself for it is God which works in you and you put me in their works in me both to will and to do of his good pleasure not not only to do it but to will to do it you might say I don't even want to do it you can get there if you let him he will work in you to will to do it and then what you start what you get willing to do anoint you and give you the ability to do it both two things both to will and to do of what pleases him of his good pleasure let me read some other translations of them the new century version NCV says because God is working in you to help you want to do and be able to do what pleases him come on set out let God my God is working in me to help me to want to do and be able to do what pleases him he's working in me he's working it so what the devil wants you to do is to just throw up your hands and go there's no way I can't I've tried everything it's hopeless and if you say that and do that you're stuck you'll stay there it'll get worse but if we begin to believe the Bible and say what he said no matter how far down you are you start coming up why is one person able to say no to temptation and not yield to it or the other person just keeps yielding to it giving in what because one has strength in them to resist and the other does not when it comes from the Lord and the one that does not have it can get it quickly you asked for it you got it let me read the New Living Translation to you Philippians 2:13 don't let this first get away from it mark it you need to write it on your hand or something I mean hit yeah you get this in front of you get it in your mouth and in your mind I'm talking particularly if you've been falling in an area and you want to come out and you want put this behind you get this in your mouth and in your mind God is working in me giving me the desire to do what pleases him and giving me the power to do what pleases him Oh fraid if you've got the desire to do what pleases him and you got the power to do what pleases him what are you gonna do what pleases him you need anything else said out loud God is working in me oh come on suppose I set out let God my God he's working in me working in me he's working in me all day he'll work in me all night and again tomorrow and again the next he's giving me the desire to do his will and he's working in me the power the ability to do what pleases he Oh hallelujah thank you Father oh praise God praise God praise God praise God come on just lift your hands and thank you Lord we thank you we praise you we give you glory thank you for helping us in our time of need thank you lord thank you thank you fainting hallelujah thank you my good father thank you my good father nothing is too hard for you nothing to her difficult for you thank you for helping me thank you for working in me thank you for giving me everything I need to will and to do to design to accomplish all it pleases you all that is your good and perfect will thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you glory to God hallelujah put on the screen if you would Hebrews 4 and about verse 14 is over Hebrews 4 and 14 it says seeing then did we have a great high priest this passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God is he there where he ever lives to make intercession for you and I he's Forrest Oh hallelujah Romans 8 talks about that who's going to bring any charge against the one that God has justified and cleanse it's not God it's not Jesus I mean if God Jesus had wanted us uh found guilty all he'd had to do is nothing right don't come don't go to the cross right if the father had wanted us judged all he had to do is nothing don't send Jesus he's not looking for reason to judge us he and the master Jesus has gone to great lengths to not have to judge us the judgment fell on Jesus so that we wouldn't get judged he said since we've got this great High Priest hold fast to our profession other translations say confession this is what you say the master our high priest works with what we say he works with what we say now on the other hand the devil works with what you say - if you'll say what he wants you to say he gets to work with that - verse 15 we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities infirmity literally means weakness yielding to the wrong things being weak we've all been weak doing the right doing what you know is wrong it's being weak doing it repeatedly repenting and then doing it again pent and do it again that's being weak and the devil to tell you that your poor excuse for a Christian if you even are Christians and the God so holy he can't relate to you it's a lie Jesus has experienced every temptation that all mankind has experienced and he he is touched with the feeling of our weaknesses and he has compassion aahs he doesn't just look at us in our sin with disgust now he despises what's evil but he loves us and even if we're tangled up with some stuff that's bad it's not just that he's disgusted with us he sees our weakness he wants to help us he's been here you can't say well look you don't know what it's like to be a frail human being yeah he does he was here and he emptied himself of his mighty weight and power and glory and became like other men how did he do it he's God and functioned like other men and was tempted like other men but he proved you don't have to yield to the temptation when his whole life and did not yield and succumb to temptation now the devil tried to tell you that well that's cuz he's Jesus and that's impossible he could do it because he's God but that's impossible no he didn't do it as God he became like us yes and he did as a man showing you could do it showing you can go day after day week after week year after year and not yield to temptation he proved it but if you do he's touched with the feeling of your weakness he cares about you and me in your struggle he was tempted to verse 16 what do you do what do you do what do you do here's what you don't do stay out of church quit reading your Bible quit praying mm-hmm and just deal further into the sin that's the worst thing you could do because all is going to do is get worse and worse and the death is going to get stronger and stronger your spirit gets weaker and weaker that's what the enemy tries to cut you off from anything that would feed your spirit form anything that would feed your faith from anybody that would love you and stand with you and help you he tries to isolate you from that he wants to destroy you what do you do when you fallen when you've been weak don't run away don't run away huh and you don't have to just come you know crushed come boldly what what how in the world could you come down well it's not because what you've done oh and how could you come holy the same reason that you could come at all by the blood of the spotless Lamb of God that's on the mercy seat there hallelujah by the justification of grace that's how you can come boldly knowing that he's already Chuck knowing he knows in from the beginning he knew you you were gonna mess up and he still pictured he knew you were going to just be stupid at times slow and take 10 years to figure the thing up and he still loved you and picked you because he saw something else he saw that beneath all of that dumb flesh and all that stuff there was something inside you in your heart that really does love him and he knew that that would eventually went out and he knew that you'd pick him altum Utley over the world over your own flesh over your own desires that you would ultimately pick him and because he saw that he knew that he picked you he called you how they Lou you and he's always there so what do you do when you need help come boldly to the throne not of judgment the throne of great you don't need grace when you've done everything right you can get bound justice you need grace when you've messed up you need grace when you haven't done things right you did things you need you shouldn't do you didn't do things you know you should have done you need grace and mercy and you know you know somebody there at the throne you have friends there you know somebody so you come boldly to the throne of grace to get something to get mercy and find grace to help in your times meek we've already talked about some of that when the Lord is working in you to get you to be willing to do something that you hadn't been willing to do that's that's grace right certainly not earned deserved when he's working in you to give you the ability to do something that not long ago you need know if you wanted to do that's grace that's mercy but with enough grace grace is a big word that covers so much another word for grace is divine ability with the love of God's favor and ability you can come out of anything you might say well I've never been able to don't an instrument I don't underestimate His grace though with enough grace you can come out of what you had been able to come out of in 20 years with enough help do you believe it with enough divine help you can't you can resist something you had been able to resist for years with enough grace and help your faith can rise up to believe to receive something there's been too big for you too far out for you you can find yourself going well that's doable that's reachable God can do that when last year you wouldn't dad believe for it with enough grace with enough help you can come out of anything you can come through anything you can overcome anything you can receive anything because nothing's bigger than him greater is He that's in me then he that is in the world Oh hallelujah can you say thank you Lord so we prayed a prayer what's happening in you God is working in me two things to will and to do of what pleases him of his good pleasure oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you got time for more you probably won't number two don't you thought about waiting till tonight give you number two but you want it now don't you want number two now so what if I tell you to tell it to you again tonight well if I just I won't hurt ah put on the screen first please job 22 job 22 and 28 here's number two number one was you asked for him to working right right to will even if you weren't willing and to do what you hadn't been able to do and then according to Philippians 2:13 you confess it you believe he's heard your prayer and you say it he's working in me hmm and time you most need to say it it's when you're being tempted when part of you wants to do something you shouldn't do especially then you need to say God's working in me he's working in me to will and to do of what pleases him but secondly and this is something that I've used in my own life for 35 years now at least any time I find I found my flesh weak in an area I have found I can use my words to bind myself from a bad thing from a wrong thing I can use my own words in Joba 2228 notice what it said you shall decree a thing and it shall be established to you and the light shall shine upon your ways who's going to decree it who's going to say you are the the Naas the new American Standard says you will also decree a thing and it will be established for you and light will shine on your ways well light is additional revelation and in his light is also life and quickening but it was initiated by you decree in something now with that in mind how many know mark 11:23 put it on the screen for us please mark 11:23 that great faith verse Jesus is speaking and he said verse 22 it said had faith have faith in God and he said here verse 23 he said verily I say to you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe now what is he to believe those things which he said he didn't say what God said yeah you need to believe what God said but this is telling about something else you have to believe what you say and come to pass you'll have he'll have whatever he says in order for this next part that I'm tell not to work you have to become a truth teller you have to be done with lying I mean it's got to be a pillar this down deep inside you that you take a stand on and say I'm done with lying I will not tell a lie if it hurts me if it costs me I'm going to tell the truth now this this is described in the book of songs talking about those that dwell in the Holy Place with the Lord in Psalm 15 Psalm 15 and verse 4 do you mind if I take my time on this lay in the foundation Psalm 15 the mere start in verse 1 it says Lord who shall abide in your tabernacle who shall dwell in your holy hill this would have to do with the biting in his presence where he is well he that walks uprightly and works righteousness and does what speaks the truth in his heart does this describe everybody no it does not does this describe all Christians sadly it does not I've had preachers look me right in the face and lie to me and you know I'm not I'm not talking about judging it probably hard to find in this room a person who has never told the lies in their entire last night soon as I said that you quit judging the other guy and yeah that's right okay but God hates it that's not just my words that's his he hates life not liars lying and if he hates it you should hate it and the reason he hates it is because it is the chief weapon of the enemy of his soul and yours lying is so contrary to God and everything that he is and everything that he stands for he hates it the devil is the father of lying and deception and it is the spirit of this whole world Satan's the god of this world and this whole world's environment is permeated with phone eNOS and falseness and deception it's everywhere Jesus said I am the truth hallelujah the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth the Word of God is the word of truth and it's the truth that makes you free but in order to be a man or woman of faith your word has to be a good word it has to be a word of truth and if you live part of the time even a little part of the time when you go to release faith to speak your own heart won't be convinced because you know sometimes what you say is not true it'll undermine your faith because in order to release faith you have to believe what you say only way you can believe what you say is if you know you're a person who tells the truth don't team take some more this in order to have this kind of powerful deliverance and be free where other people don't get free you need this you think about this people who have fallen in the same areas same area same area same area let's make it simple so you want to lose some weight and you eat too much pie and so you are going to eat a piece of pie next thing you know you ate half a pie and then you came back later and polished off the other half and then you did that next week too and did that next week too and you say you say I'm not going to do that anymore but then next week you're gonna need a piece of pie and next thing you know it's a half pie and this time you ate the whole pie your fine works that way when you say you're going to do something but it's not solid you wind up breaking it and doing even worse because of the temptation that's involved we must stop saying things we are not committed to do I'm going to do this I'm going to do that and never happens you go to the mall spend too much money max out your credit cards have a fight where you spouse some I'm not going to do that anymore I'm not going to do that anymore two months later go and do it again what's one of the biggest problems you're a liar your words not good so it can't hold you no with me friend your word can't hold you because you know it's not good you must become like this Psalm 15 4 don't get too concerned I'm gonna help you out some more full this is over with but we got to get this fixed and I'll show you how how you can do it it's easier than you think there's some wisdom here then that makes it far easier than you might imagine some 15 let's keep beating he said though we'll back up where will we verse 2 verse 2 he walks uprightly he works what's right and he does what he speaks the truth and his heart from his heart in his heart doesn't back bite with his tongue he keeps talking about what you say he doesn't do evil to his neighbor he doesn't take up a reproach against his neighbor that's more of what you say verse 4 and whose eyes of our person is condemned but he honors them that fears the Lord notice what else he does he swears to his own hurt and what Changez not the NIV says he keeps his oath even when it hurts the BBE says he takes an oath against himself and makes no change said out loud an unchangeable word an unchangeable word when you say it that's it there's not going to be a change even if it hurts you you're not gonna change now if you do function this way you won't be quick to say it you won't say things off-the-cuff you won't just say things instantly in offhand people people talk that way because their word doesn't mean anything and so it has no power to help them either their own word has no power to help them when they need it because they say you know you know that to their children if you don't stop that I'm gonna ground jump them do this someone do that and they and the child knows there's no need to even pay any attention until they raise their voices start shouting after they said it 30 times word means nothing and see that's that's not the kind of beings we are no we are created in the likeness and image of God we are created in a different category from any animal even the Angels we are in the god class of speaking spirit we can choose our own words and release faith and power with them this is like God Himself does what if God said stuff off the cuff what if he was quick to say things and then said I'd not forget I changed my mind you couldn't have faith you wouldn't know where to trust it and where not to trust it when you came voting before the throne before you got there you stopped master angel is it a good day to talk to him or not where where is he I miss and now I would go in there to say no he doesn't say it unless he knows it the end from the beginning and until he's ready to put all his resources behind it and then when he says it it's forever I write it doesn't need to be changed it won't be changed he's our Father we're to be imitators of our Father like dear children we don't need to say things loosely what we're going to do what we're not going to do but when we do say it it needs to be a commitment it needs to be an unchangeable word even if it cost us if it hurts us we're not going to break a word our word means something his word means something and we're acting like him our word means something and in that case you can believe what you say and your words become lady your words become controlling and powerful do you believe it says the complete English version says they keep their promises no matter what the cost they keep their promises no matter what the cost thank you Lord hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father now I should say this he talks about oaths and swearing that's Old Testament truth principle is the same but the master told us in Matthew 534 he said don't swear by heaven or other things he mentioned let your yes be yes let you know be no don't say I swear by this and I swear by that just say what you mean mean what you say and you're committed to that's your work will you come help us don't say you will unless you're gonna be there right right you coming to church tonight I wouldn't asking you to commit but you just did right if you say you're coming then if it's within your power or or you shouldn't say right you don't have to commit we we live in a society that thinks it's impolite to not give people to answer they're they're looking for and that's bad that's part of what makes you word a weak word don't give people your word unless you you've got it in your heart to do it and you're committed to keep it now you start operating like this and it'll it'll surprise people and then some folks won't like it but if you're going to get something different than what most people are getting you got to do something different than what most people are doing and this is one of those things your word must become a word of truth a word of integrity a word of commitment and power you don't say it unless you mean it but when you do say it then that Sun Yaak you're acting like your father he wouldn't say it unless he meant it unless it was going to happen but if he does say it you can take it to the bank right once he said it that's it it will come to pass he will do what he said he would do thank you lord click that let that sink in just a little bit you'll decree a thing and it will be established to you go to Ecclesiastes 5 please thank you Lord and I'll give you a couple of examples and then we need to save the rest of it for tonight sometimes if you say too much you stop thinking about the other thing and this needs to this needs to sit on us this afternoon this thing about our word and about God working you to will and to don't forget that Ecclesiastes and the hood we saved 5th chapter verse 4 he any sum up vowels and notes but the principle is the same you just don't vowel by this or that you just say yes and no when you valve out to God defer not to pay it for he has no pleasure in fools pay that which you vowed in other words do what you said you were going to do verse 5 better is it that you should not vow then that you should vow and not pay suffer not your mouth to cause your flesh to sin and neither say before the angel it was an error it was a mistake see this is something we need to be more aware of ah ministering spirits are assigned to us they hearken to the voice of his word in our mouth and so when we when we by faith mean business and we speak a word that we're committed to they are ready to act on it and when we say something we don't follow through it messes with them and you don't want to say before the angel sorry I was just stalking that's a phrase I don't care for I'm just saying it's a bad phrase what do you mean I'm just saying I'm just saying what do you mean by that my words don't mean anything I'm just talking no and then it talks about the works of your hands being destroyed we want to follow through we want to angels to be able to follow through and and what are they why are they able to do something for us that they're not able to do for everybody because we believe him and his word is in our hearts and our mouths and we speak a word that will we will change no matter if it hurts us when I first realized that we were Philistine I was supposed to go to Rhema and this has been back in sub in 1980 we went to the camp meeting there in July and did a tour of the school and who were touring through the buildings the Lord that was both Phyllis and myself we were supposed to go man it seemed like impossible we had no money country people never been away from home and now it just seemed impossible but it was there and all the way home she and I talked about it are we really gonna do this I had picked up an application took it with me in case well I filled it out and as I'm filling it out you I won't go through all the details but I couldn't I couldn't get my PI new two or three pastors I couldn't get them to recommend me not because they didn't like me they didn't like the school they didn't like the word faith and healing and prosperity message they liked me they said they'd recommend me for their school but not that one but I got hung up because you had to agree to not use tobacco and I was using tobacco my dad smokes cigars I grew up around it and I liked them so looking at me funny kid you love God and smoke oh yeah there's millions of folks at that section and so man for weeks I'm thinking they won't you know the quite the thing was you know do you use tobacco are you going to agree not to use tobacco you come and go to school and and I'm like I got to agree that I'm not going to four years and you're laughing but flashes flash right I mean I don't care what it everybody has had something and this is reason I'm bringing this up this is one of the first times the Lord taught me to use my word and so then I'm back and forth about them so I'd go a few days and not use any tobacco then I'd use some tobacco I'm back and forth about it and finally one day I realized do you believe the Lord's dealing with you to go to this school now listen this is I had no idea that we'd wind up personally knowing and helping the Hagins that we'd be involved in the healing school that hadn't started yet teach in the school leave out for 20 years you know none of this all you know is am I going to give up tobacco am I really going to do this and say I'm gonna do this and I found out it was harder to Clint than I thought you know I thought you know I can I can take it and leave it when I want to I just didn't want to you know right well we got verses for that is that right yeah he'll work in you to will and to do I didn't know those verses yet I wish I had known but it helped me more but the Lord knows your heart and and it don't don't I realize are you serious saying you're going to pick tobacco over doing the will of God come on that you gonna let that cost you obeying and doing what you told you to do I thought no I'm not going to do that and it dropped in my heart I didn't have the confidence to say I'm never going to use to back again but I had confidence to say I'm not going to use tobacco for the next three months I've mentioned while ago there's there's wisdom about some of these things about where your faith is it and so after pondering it for days I said it I said Lord with your help in Jesus name I will not use any tobacco for the next three months now we're gonna find out it's my word good yeah right I released faith where I was I didn't say why not say a year why not say forever because I hadn't used any since that time it's been 436 unusual but that's where my confidence was and that's where I was willing to leave I could release and keep my word and I'd really a tit in three months and I can resist temptation knowing you know well if I decide I'm going to do something different in three months I can I can do this for three months if your face not there say it for a week right and you know whatever it is if it's watching pornography if you're spending too much money I'm not going shopping I'm not gonna watch the shopping channels I'm not going to the mall for a month release your faith and your words can anchor you and bind you from something back to something evil something bad something you're trying to get away from and every time it comes up you maybe your Flash is pulling on you pulling on you but you got your word and if your words no good you can't be a person of faith can you see what we're talking about I'm not going to eat any desserts for a month whatever it is I'm not going to drink any alcohol for a month whatever it is has been bugging you and between you believing in confession that God is working in you to will and the do and your word that's helping hold your flesh on the other side you'll make it hallelujah and like me that three months may turn into 30 plus years okay because I saw I didn't need that and it would hurt my witness with certain people and what I was doing I love God my dad smoked cigars he loves the Lord but am I gonna let this keep me from going to Bible School and I won't let this keep me from going in the ministry you know I even if part of me wants something my heart must want God more and love him more that even if I'm weak in an area I'm willing to be willing and I'm willing to believe him and even use my own word to help stabilize me and secure me if just for a bit of time and what what that does that gave God three months to work in me about this and by that time I was stronger and knew I didn't need is that Alright sight stand on your feet everybody thank you Father do you believe with me now that a lot of folks are getting free and are going to stay free a lot of people who are getting free and I'm going to stay free thank you look from things that other people go their whole life and never get free from but we're more than conquerors we're victorious ones by the greater one on the inside if you would just close your eyes just lift up your hands to the Lord and just praise them and thank you for answers Lord we thank you for answers we thank you for help we thank you that you are the gracious kind and good and merciful God thank you thank you thank you come on just thank you thank him for working in you to will and to do of all his good pleasure thank you thank you for helping you to become established in a word of truth your own word being a good word thank you Lord for helping us to break free from all lying and all deception and all falseness show it give us wisdom and show us how to function and how to release our words and how to speak when we should speak and not speak when we should not speak thank you said out loud pray this out loud to father God strengthen me with strength by your spirit in my inner man and fill me with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding and I say by faith I delight to do your Will O God and I can do all things through Christ the Anointed One who strengthens me hello you praise God praise God praise God
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 20,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, faith, love, joy, Jesus, God
Id: VSAp3ISewfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 1sec (4981 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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