Keith Moore Perfect Protection Pt 1 Is God Your God

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Meeta God glory be to God glory be to God thank you master praise your holy wonderful name hallelujah glory to God glory to God when when you get more interested in doing something for somebody else than in getting something yourself then you're getting into the flow of God you're getting to the place where God can bless you big you understand that's what Matthew 7 talks about so all things whatever you would that men should do unto you do you even so unto them this is the law in the prophets and so that that is love isn't it two of the biggest mistakes that Christians make and oh it man it's happening all over the world too much it's thinking about the problems and thinking about their self that'll make you miserable I said that will make you miserable it'll steal your joy its steal your peace it'll hold you back it'll keep you in a hole did you hear me now what do things faking talking about you troubles your problems more you talk about them the bigger they get more you talk about your bills the bigger they get more you talk about your symptoms and your pains and the aches the bigger they get more you think about them more you talk about them the worse they get talking lack brings more like talking sickness brings more sickness talking your problem talking your lack big mistake not faith what was the other one talking about yourself talking about yourself oh man I won't even go there right now but anyway what if you just get focused on believe in God to help somebody else I'm telling you it's the way out it's the way out and when you do something for somebody else didn't you just sow seed didn't you just put some seed in the ground what's gonna happen next harvest harvest and it's the it's the way that makes you fulfilled it makes you happy how many would agree with me you hadn't had fun until God uses you to help somebody's dream come true you you haven't had fun until that is that you see the look on somebody's face when they realize that what they've been confessing and believing for for three years five years ten years is happening today oh come on now y'all can help me a little better than that you hadn't had fun I don't care how many new cars you've had and how's that you hadn't had fun until God uses you to make somebody's dream come true and they realize it's happening today this this man this woman ain't lying they are telling their me what they're saying and they got the money they can do it [Applause] call it a god now that's that's living life to the full let's enjoy lives and of course when you did that now you got more seed in the ground [Applause] let's go happen now even more harvest it is the way of love it is the way of faith it is the way of Jesus it is the way of the believer amen well you can be seated don't lose your excitement though well a lot of churches would dismiss about this time I guess we're not a lot of churches lot of that you know I'm going out and a lot of these times I'm going out I'm not speaking I'm speaking half of what I'm speaking to you timewise and now and every Friday night I have these good intentions I think well man you know I'm gonna we're gonna boom boom boom and we won't have to go to long course we're doing extra things and you know that right we got all these extra things going on the Lord's dealt with me to do extra on seed and then we're presenting the the teams but anyway what aren't you gonna go one of us you got to do on a Friday night I mean this hey we didn't come here just to log in the time we came to give the Lord something and we came to receive something would you turn with me to second Timothy the third chapter second Timothy chapter 3 for a number of weeks we have been on the subject of God being good the goodness of God not thoroughly enjoyed that too how about you I mean now I like thinking about that I believe I have more faith in His goodness than I did before we begin have to be that way if we're hearing any word right faith comes by hearing but I am impressed to begin a new series this evening and I believe it's timely and I believe it's you know that we should not delay and I think you'll see it as we go for go into it but second Timothy the third chapter and we'll introduce this if you didn't bring a Bible with you this evening hold up your hand we have great respect for the Bible around here and so much so that I don't care if you heard me say it tonight if you can't find it in the Bible don't believe it don't live by it don't build your life on it got to - amens I'm a man I hadn't been alive very long none of us had I could make a mistake I could say something wrong and there's nobody you know that's a hundred percent perfectly right about everything that they've ever said no preacher Paul himself said we know in part that includes him what does that mean yes parts you don't know well just based on the part you don't know you could come to some wrong conclusions hmm let me tell you this too the spirit of a person is more important than their doctrine I said the spirit of a person is more important than their than their doctor Summa so what if somebody's doctrine is that Jesus is not Lord they can't be of the right spirit it breeds that right that's a whole other subject but like I said all of us only know in part but say that out loud with me the spirit of a person is more important than their doctrine you know when you're hearing a ministry ministry gift don't just try to critique and take apart everything technically being devaron to sense and hear the spirit of the man the woman and particularly you should be seeing the Spirit of God come through right but you'll also see their spirit you'll get glimpses when a it's it's of a necessity you are it's kind of like when you get the pie out of the oven you have to open it up where people could see inside the oven you stand to get the pie and for a ministry vessel to get something out you have to open up for it you know to get it out because it's coming through you and it's going to pick up some of your flavor just like cooking cornbread and a cast iron skillet huh like drinking you know iced tea out of a glass instead of a plastic cup too too much you know fast and disposable in our world today but uh you you will you know you'll and that's one reason why people who set under ministry gifts especially TV or Internet or through their materials after a while you really feel like you know somebody and you meet them and they've never seen you before but you fit and you do know something about them because they had to open up to get that out and so that's why it's only you know there's only one way for a pastors or ministers congregation or our people or crowds to not be affected by bitterness or unbelief or sin in their life there's only one way get it out of you because if it's in you it's going to come across it may be some subtle ways but everything produces after its own kind parents and children pastors and churches ministries everything it's it's the law of Genesis 2nd Timothy 3 did you find it 2nd Timothy 3 verse 1 he said this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come I just want to stop right there now when he wrote this if they didn't think they were in the last days I'm sure they thought they were close and that's been a long time ago and we know this for sure we're in the latest days anybody has ever lived these are as close to the last days as anybody's ever got so far and for all we know could be the last of the last the master could be much closer to coming than we even know right could it be next year could it be next month could it be tomorrow well I think we should live Freddie don't you I don't think anybody has a leg to stand on to say no it's not going to be for another hundred years even if it was who said you got a hundred years or a year I think we should live ready I think we should be ready either for him coming for us leaving to meet him tonight I think not to do so is foolish and dangerous but he said there would be this progression that in the last days what what what would happen perilous times any of your modern translations what do they say instead of perilous huh difficult hmm stressed terrible but one word you could say is dangerous dangerous dangerous times the world is not a safe place did you know that the world is not a safe place Amissah well you know why we live in a safe place yeah well the world is not a safe place you hear sometimes people say well ha how's the world treating you man the world treats you bad the world will kick it and spit on you the world kill you know and I mean you hear on the news every day every morning every noontime every evening local news national news somebody got robbed somebody got killed somebody died in a car accident somebody was murdered I'm not talking about a thousand miles away I'm talking about in Branson come out of Springfield right the thing is we're we're accustomed to it but we live in a dangerous place this planet Earth this is nice enough stuff floating in the air right now to kill all of us huh if there's enough stuff in what you eat and drink even if you think you're careful to kill you right in fact there's probably stuff resident in your body right now stored in you fat stored in your glands your organs enough to kill you dead tonight if it was all loose to you at once this is brother Keith this this is not encouraging me [Laughter] [Music] well it ain't over ho hold on is it true or not we live in a very dangerous place and in the last days he didn't say it gets safer hmm in the last days he didn't say there'd be it gets safer he said he told us and when the Lord says it's going to happen then known if you said I'm rebuking that I'm rebuking that I had this believing it's gonna be everything everywhere is going to get real safe you can't override this where your faith your faith is based on this here's the good news we are in the world but we're not of the world and we have a God who is a protector Oh hallelujah and I want to begin tonight a series we're going to call perfect protection perfect protection is that okay with you will you believe with me on this and I didn't I'm not starting this because of anything I heard on the news or saw or any fear in me I refuse to have it but by the leading of the Lord he knows what's coming up right he knows what's coming up on the world he knows what's coming up in the country he knows what's coming up in your personal life and how many would agree you don't want to go out the door in the morning without having an awareness and a confidence that God's gonna protect you right he's gonna protect you in your driving you're going and you're coming you're working people you see the things you do and faith comes by hearing right so let's hear some word on the protection of God and let's get our faith built up and let's learn about his part and how he does it let's learn about our part right to make sure because there's a lot of times you know no we don't even have to ask I mean there are times things happen to you and things happen to me we weren't protected so yeah it gets quite when you say that you know it's true you have had stuff happen that shouldn't happen to you so have I you know what I was telling Mike the other day you know that thing we took off in Orange Texas in the middle of the night and then bugs had crawled in there stopped up our holes that give us the air to read estimates that there's a 747 full of people several years ago all died because of that same thing wouldn't bugs somebody had taped those things over to wash it and for got to take the tape off that's why you pray over which plane you're gonna get on before before you go on the trip say Lord I ask you to direct the selection of the plane and the pilots that I'm gonna be on right makes a big difference and the Lord had dealt with me right after I got that plane to get some covers for that but they didn't officially make them for that particular model and I looked around a little bit and didn't find any and and nobody ever really has problems with that I mean the factory was surprised that we had had problems like that but we were able to find some Perry that helps us on our maintenance and it found some online for a big big airplane that we're able to adjust and make work on that but if we'd had that that would have never happened that little cover had just been on there but see what I felt like is you know well that meant you know it's not really that issue with my mind but it came up in my heart and I felt like I had time are y'all with me now that I would do it but week after week passed by and I'm gonna do it do you understand well see if we'd have just got those covers a month early that would have never happened well I'm touching on getting ahead of myself a little bit here but we do have a part in this protection area and again and again people are not being led by the spirit you'll hear people say well uh just don't understand that you know well let's say me and Mike had have died that night this is history I'm Tom I well you know if the other hole had been stopped it was dark it was very serious of course I believe God would have helped us but if we died out there somebody would say well he's big faith preacher yeah all that stuff they thought look you know he's dead eighteen fifty years old and this and that well when another and some other folk may be in the church didn't know better they might say well I understand you know why didn't God protect our pastor why didn't go you know God why didn't you protect our pastor God why didn't you protect our pastor that ain't the question the question is why didn't your pastor listen are you with me and that's the question again and again and again you know what you heard my of my cousin if you were here who was in Iraq for two different terms of Duty one of the hottest jobs it's over there how many were here and heard him come testify about how God spared his life well when he first went over there he asked us to pray for him I mean they're the guys who go in the middle of the night and knock down doors and pull the bad guys out they got one of the hottest jobs in whole military they're the guys that had to go in and paint the targets on the ground for the aircraft and call in the support hot job and he won't mean to pray I said I will I will I said but you have a part to play in this you you must begin to be serious about being led by the spirit and learn about it so we sent him the serious Spirit led life one and two and if you're interested in that it's available free online you can get it in the word supply it's all free but he began to devour that and eat it up and did you in if you were here you heard him tell but one of the last time he's supposed to go home in just a few weeks it was his second tour of duty in there and he said they always when they rushed in and the guys in the front are laying down fire they went up to the top of the house and put up their radio equipment to call in air support when and if and as they needed it and he started to go up that that stair and said the Holy Ghost checked him don't go up don't go up well they always do that but he didn't it was too strong he stopped and he thought we going I'm gonna do something after he went towards the backyard one God did go up got killed immediately there were a bunch of guys on the top waiting for him and he said that must have happened 20 times in those different turn well the people people say well I don't understand why I prayed why didn't God do the that ain't the question God is faithful he always hears our prayers he always answers them always always he's never failed anybody and he never will that's not the question what's the question why don't people listen well one reason is they're not taught to a lot of folks are not talked to they're taught to pray and then whatever happens well that's it you know we'll just see it's all in God's hands no no no we have a part in this thing and we are to learn how to be led by the Spirit telling it one of the most important things you will ever learn in your life differs between life and death how to be led by the spirit so we'll be touching on that some turn with me if you would to the the 91st song the 91st song what do you do in these perilous times these dangerous times can you do anything can you be safe in the middle of a crazy world sin field curse field crime field terror field world this is not a safe planet we're living on this is not a safe place but there is a safe place I said there is a safe place and you can get in it and you can stay in it hallelujah Psalm 91 now you're familiar with the King James I'm gonna read you the the English version on this Psalm 91 1 whoever goes to the Lord for safety whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty can say to him you are my defender and protector you are my god in you I trust there's a lot right here whoever goes to the Lord for safety whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty the secret place of the Most High what's the next phrase huh read it out loud from the King James for me he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty what else right there right there right there right there oh did you get that now you got God's part you got your part he is the protector he is the most high he has the secret protected place he has the protecting power what's your part what's my part here's one of them I will say this didn't you say I'll think it didn't you say I'll believe it what did he say I will say this should you say this should you say it more than one time in your life what should you say yeah let me read it to you from this translation you are my defender you're my protector you're my god in you I trust say that let repeat that after me you are my defender you are my protector you are my god in you I trust people millions of Christians have just left things too much in the air and they said well you know you just never know what God's gonna do and if it's his will he will and if he don't let's pray but you know of course it's just gonna be whatever is his will well know what did he say I will say this God defends me God protects me he's my God he's my protector what does that mean if he's my protector he protects me do you need to say out loud God protects me are there a lot of Christians who wouldn't say that yeah what would they say oh I don't want to be presumptuous I mean I know he can I know he can I know he can little it ain't enough my brother and sister the Bible said the Devils believe in God and tremble they know he can - you got to believe he will I said you got to believe he will and as you read this Psalm you see that the psalmist is expressing that he is confessing God will do this God will do this and he'll do this for me and even if this happens this won't happen to me and even if that this won't happened to me he starts it off by saying God is my refuge he's my strength he's my God he's my protector you need to talk like this every day and every night you get into a situation where you're attempting to fear it doesn't look good you're getting a lot of bad reports you're getting bad things you see it on the TV you don't go oh my god what are we gonna do oh my god oh my god what do you question you say god is my protector he protects me he protects my family he protects my kids right God is my protector he is my defender he is my God in him I will just trust what trust that he'll do what what you saying that he will protect you are you with me now sit one more time God is my protector he's my defender he is my God in him I trust that he will protect me said he will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly diseases I reckon that would include diseases that were engineered to be a weapon right if it's a deadly disease he'll keep you safe from all hidden dangers that things that people didn't find and from deadly diseases he will cover you with his wings you'll be safe in his care his faithfulness will protect you and defend you you need not fear any dangers at night our sudden attacks during the day our plagues that strike in the dark are evils that kill in the daylight a thousand may fall dead beside you ten thousand all around you but you will not be harmed well that's a far cry from you just never know isn't it that's a far cry see people think that's arrogance if you say I don't care if a thousand died beside me are ten thousand around me it won't happen to me whoa who do you think you better watch that talk you just don't know you just never know it's just that's up to God that is a lie that has been taught from pulpits this is the Bible this are hallelujah this is the Bible this is what we're gonna be in these perilous times God is my protector he protects me God is my defender he's my god and I trust him to protect me he said you'll look and see how the wicked are punished but he just got this in but it won't happen to you you have made the Lord your defender the Most High your protector don't assume you know this now well there's a great truth here the Lord is I'm endeavoring to get to it you have made the Lord your defender in order to be born again you must not only believe that God is real that Jesus is real that he went to the cross that he paid his prize you got to go and believe something else right he must become your Lord your Savior you confess him as my lord my Savior well it's the same way in every area you must confess him as my defender my protector everybody said that loud the Lord is my protector he protects me you have to talk like this he said and so you you have made the Lord your defender who can do that for you you got to do it for yourself you've made the Lord your defender you've made the Lord Most High your protector and so no disaster will strike you can you count on this is this the Word of God well how many understand people that they read this and they don't like the absoluteness of it they're like well you know late that no disaster would ever happen to you well well what are they working up safe you you just never know so say they believe that more they believe you just never know more than this don't they and you just never know it's not a scripture it's not it's not there have you have you ever read in the Bible where Jesus said well you just never know what God's gonna do Wow you just never know what's gonna happen you just never know you ever hear Peter say that or our Paul or Barnabas er huh find it an ax or any of the epistles or no you do find this a thousand may follow dad over here [Music] 10,000 all over here I mean that's like a town being wiped out isn't it and we got one believers standing and it was the one who would rather cuss than say you just never know [Music] [Applause] now I know that sounds extreme but friend your life can depend on this your life could depend on this and I just don't know I believe it like that I just I just leave it up to the Lord well that's what you want to believe but it's not the Bible well I got a right to my beliefs no you don't if Jesus is really your Lord then you don't have a right to believe anything you decide to believe nor do i we are told to believe what he said right and not create our own doctrines he said no disaster will strike you listen to this no violence will come near your home no violence will come near your home can we really believe this this is the devil to tell you stuff happens and the people that happened to they didn't want it to happen to them and you know I eat out of fire I mean eight out of ten sometime in their life five out of ten in the world it'll happen - what's he working up to get you to say you you just never know whether you gonna be the next one nobody wanted to be there but you just never know God will put his let me read that again and so no disaster will strike you no violence will come near your home and let's back up who is this far listen let's back up to the beginning of it whose is for those who say of the Lord he is Lord you are my refuge you are my defender you are my protector you are my god in you I will trust God will put his angels in charge of you to protect you wherever you go they'll hold you up in their hands to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones that's happened to me more than once things can happen so quick that can happen so quick that your mind didn't really have a time to grasp it but we've been in situations where that it seemed like a problem that the disaster destruction was imminent next thing you know you're safe you're somewhere else you're out of the way but what happened is you got moved this is already happening in our church many times you ever heard all these testimonies you've heard them if you've been coming here every Sunday and Friday people whole families youth individuals out in their cars or in town and doing different things and felt man look like they were done for next thing you know they're in a safe place it's all over that's what's happening these angels are literally lifting and moving and it happens faster than your mind can comprehend it so you're sitting there going huh I was just and it looked like we were how do we get over here a late time to scratch your head it's time to go off thank you look Thank You Lord you are my protector you take care of me and my family thank you thank you thank you right he said you'll trample down lions and snakes fierce lines and poisonous snakes God says I will save those who love me and will protect those who acknowledge me as Lord did you hear this I will save those who love me I will protect those that do what that acknowledge me can you hear a recurring theme here he started off by saying you're my protector you're my god do we have to acknowledge him do we have to confess and claim him as our God as our protector we do he said when they called to me I will answer them when they're in trouble I will be with them I will rescue them and honor them and with long I will reward them with long life I will save them glory to God glory to God glory to God somebody say glory to God now go to Deuteronomy 32 please Deuteronomy 32 hallelujah I had seen bits of this and pieces of this but I see it clearer tonight than I ever have it applies to the whole nation and nations it applies to you as an individual to your family to this church to the protection of us we must give God the legal right to protect us and if he spares us from having a car wreck when he didn't spare some of his other people that were born again - from having a car wreck he's got to have a good reason why did you hear me one thing you need to know about the Lord he is not indiscriminately protecting this one and not protecting that one no no no God is completely just he is righteous he is fair he's completely righteous and just in everything he does and everything he allows or doesn't do whether you know it or not there are reasons why I said there are reasons but just because God allowed something that does not mean that it was his will and this is what confuses people and it will God allowed it he must have had some purpose in it what about God allowing sin what's his purpose isn't that what about God allowing people to go to hell no God allows all kind of things that's not his will and it's because we have a will and what we will to do and not do affects him in what he is legally able to do and not do for us now listen to this and don't you know these are his words not me talking about it these are his words here in Deuteronomy 32 and 11 you get this clear in your spirit man it will answer so many questions for you and just open up a world of understanding Deuteronomy 32 oh thank you lord thank the Lord helped me to see just right then there are people that are what with us watching my internet right now and they got people with machine guns just right down the street from them see we we tend to think about us perilous times you don't have to tell them twice they see it every day these guys come to their neighbor's house and drag them out and carry them out and execute but God's protection works just the same I don't care where you are what dictators in charge makes no difference this word of God this word of God so my brother my sister in that war-torn poverty-stricken famine-stricken place you say it again we gonna say it with you God is my protector he's my defender my God in him I trust it may happen to a thousand and 10,000 over here but it won't happen to me hallelujah Oh either did you know the Bible teaches us to be aware of our brothers and sisters throughout the world and people who are being persecuted for his namesake and being martyred we're not to just sit over here and forget about it we're to be aware and I'm excited because this words getting out this word glory to God and that's all God needs I can't fix it you can't fix it but God God God and all he needs I don't care what what place you're letting the garbage heap what what war-torn ditch you're looking about us all God needs is for you to believe him and say what we just said in faith and say the same thing tomorrow and say the same thing next day and the rest of your life and his covering will be over you glory to God his covering will be round about you and his angels will move you when you need to be moved call Rita God this is the beginning of this series but I tell you right now we're gonna hear some testimonies we're gonna hear some testimonies of even some spectacular things that God is doing and will do in the near future for some folks that were in danger in a time of need and that will assist em up here and read them and we'll shout with a holy God I mean that sounds like the book of Acts but well it is it's still being written still being written God hasn't changed he's still doing these things Deuteronomy 32 are you there verse 9 Deuteronomy 32 9 the Lord's portion is his people there's nothing more important to him than us Jacob is the lot of his inheritance he found him in a desert land in the waste howling wilderness he led him about he instructed him he kept him as the apple of his eye say that out loud he keeps me as the apple of his eye now get this as the Eagle stirs up her nest and flutters over her young spreads abroad her wings taking them bearing them on her wings so the Lord alone did lead him and there was no strange God with him he made him ride on the high places of the earth think about that every time I fly that he might eat the increase of the fields he made him to suck honey out of the rock God will help you get things out of places and situations nobody else even thinks they're honey out of the rock and all out of the flinty rock butter of kine and milk of sheep with fat of lambs and Rams of the breed of mason and goats with the fat of the kidneys of the weak he's talking about the best of the best and you did drink the pure blood of the grape but just Shirin waxed fat and kicked you know the Lord told Saul on the road to Damascus it's hard for you to kick against the pricks you're waxing fat you're grown thick you're covered with fatness then he forsook God which made him could also say that made him rich and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation and this has been a tragic trend with some even in our nation some have forsaken God and many have lightly esteemed him they provoked him to jealousy with strange gods with abominations they provoked him to anger they sacrificed to Devils and not to God to gods whom they knew not to new gods that came newly up whom you father's feared not of the rock that begat you you are unmindful and have forgotten God that formed you do we need to be mindful of our God hmm yes now without reading all of it you'll see that he talks about judgment coming on for time sake skip on down to verse 29 of 28 they are a nation for of counsel neither is there any understanding in them oh that they were wise and that they understood this that they would consider their ladder in that they would realize where this is going and where it's going to end up what about a nation that for sex God where is it going to end up you take the prayer out of this classrooms you take the Ten Commandments off the court house building wall you take prayer out of this you take the Bible out of this and the preacher can't say anything at this occasion and only on this TV channel you can't use this verse where does it stop where is this going this is going toward God less Ness ungodly then we use that term but there's a religious are that's another band that's ungodly and they don't even know what they mean when they say what is ungodly me ungodly how about the on Cola well then what's on : it's no Cola right no Cola what's ungodly no god and and do we hear this no no don't bring God don't bring you God into this don't bring your religion into this right separation of church and state got to keep them separate keep them to Lenny what people after then after getting God out of everything don't don't try to bring God in this hey God is here he's real he made this thing he gives you your next breath now you can deny that if you want to you can play games about it if you want to take a breath do you have enough sense to know who gave you that blink your eyes all things the Bible said are upheld by the word of his power he owns us multiple times over he owns us by right of creation then he bought back his own creation redeemed us with the blood of the Lamb he owns us second over by reason of buying us and redemption thirdly we would make it out tonight if he didn't sustain us and keep the sun shining and gravity pulling and your heart beating right he sustains us every millisecond and to try to act like there is no God and eliminate him from everything is being a big fool right and we got a lot of folk like that lose what's that got to do with protection everything now read the rest of this and you'll see he said would that they understood this and they could see where this is going their ladder in how should one chase a thousand and to put ten thousand to flight except their rock had sold them and the Lord had shut them up how could it be that an army that is ten times the size of another one gets defeated and the strongest superpower in the world gets defeated by something there's someone that shouldn't have a chance can it happen how cause he said their rock had sold them and the Lord had shut them up for their rock is not as our Rock even our enemies themselves being judges now without reading all this miss skip down verse 36 let me read 3035 to me belongs vengeance and recompense their foot shall slide in due time for the day of their calamity is at hand and the things that shall come upon them make haste for the Lord shall judge his people and repeat himself for his servants when he sees that their power is gone and there is none shut up are left and he shall say where are their gods not now get this where are their gods their rock in whom they trusted which did eat the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings let them rise up and help you and be your protection did you hear what God said What did he say you left me or are you listening now you left me you got you some new gods now you're in trouble now an army that's only the tenth the size of you is whipping you you're in a terrible distress now you pray and now you want me to protect you I thought you had some new gods let them protect you pray to them go to them now these my words are God's words let me show you another place the same thing judges judges ten why you turning the judges ten how did some ninety one start off huh when it gets to your part what did it say I will say huh oh do you see this is not yes we've heard this so many times until it can just go right over us but here is our part of this legal spiritual issue that gives him a right he said you got you got your own guards you left me you put me out you didn't want me can you put God out but keep his protection can you kick God out but keep his blessing and keep his no God we don't want you we don't want your Bible we don't want your word we don't know anybody praying to you we don't want anybody talking about you but god bless america mmm it doesn't work I said it doesn't work he said he said let them rise up and help you let them be your protection hmm whatever it is you you substituted for God our people substituting things for God in this country and world today like what what do they think is their thing instead of God hmm oh we're all basically good people we'll all and and you hear people you wonder what planet they think they're living on they talk about this terrorist and that they're basically good people and if we just lay down our arms and just you know that they would just everything be great they're big different flag flying over this place by tomorrow you'd be learning a new language and if you didn't renounce the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and father of our Lord Jesus Christ you could die this is not theory this has happened in the past you got to decide who you God is yeah and who it is and what it is you're counting on to protect you and make it through some trust in chariots some trust in horses huh but we we we come on help me out now we us we we we will say of the Lord he's our refuge he's my fortress he's my protector he's my god in he'll will lecture our trust in the Lord my God [Applause] glory to God glory to God God said get them to help you get to you in to bail yeah let your European partners fix it for you let your let your you know people say well I we don't believe in God we're scientific where we believe us up you get enough people doing that and they don't realize where they're going it's gonna come to a bad ear when they start hollering and crying he'll say let your science bail you out you didn't want me let your slides fix it for you how many understands science cannot fix everything oh that's too weak are you kidding me scientists do you know how quick the brightest minds on the planet can look at you and go oh we don't know I we can't help you this is all we can do happens like that every day don't put you your trust in men trust in Princes whose breath leaves and that's it and they return to those put your faith in the almighty the eternal in the heavens the creator of heavens and earth cannot fail cannot lie never gets weary there's no end to his strength his wisdom and his understanding is infinite I believed in him I said I believe in him he's real he is my god he is faith Life Church --is God he's my family as God he's our God he's my god and we're counting on him he's one we're relying on to get us through another day safely right finish out our life down here and get our job done make it through this perilous dangerous place until we get through can you save me judges ten did you find it somebody said out loud again the Lord is my god it's my protector I'm not ashamed of him I don't want him out I want him in everything everything every part of my life hallelujah judges the tenth chapter judges 10 and verse 6 it said the children of Israel did evil again again in the sight of the Lord and they served Balaam and Ashtaroth and the gods of Syria and the gods of Zion the gods of Moab and the gods of the children of Ammon and the gods of the Philistines and they forsook the Lord and they served not him did you know in some of the worst famine affected and poverty affected places today this happened generations ago and people are dying and it's awful but they don't pray to God they don't believe in him nor did their father nor did their father before him they have forsaken him they have other gods and the politically correct world tells us well that's ok they have their religions and they have their blades well we can't fix the woes of the world there's not enough money on the planet there's not enough people on the planet to fix these problems there's only one I said there's only one who can do this and he can do it he can do it easily but they must come to him and let him be their God if he is not their God then he is not responsible for their protection I know that's a statement you may think is strange but I'm telling you the more you read this now you're going to find it out we know this we should see this if something happened to you do you try to file a claim with an insurance company that you never had a policy with you say I had a rack man y'all gotta fix my car they go who are you I'm a citizen you what policy did you have I don't believe in policies y'all insurance company at you yeah but they don't know you and they don't owe you anything right you have no rights with them you have no we call it a policy contract but in the Bible to be called a covenant are you with me now if God is not your God he's not responsible for you this is something that people haven't understood concerning the whole area of church if Jesus is not your Lord and there's so many people he's not they they are their own Lord but then if something goes wrong they expect him to fix it and take care of it but he's not their Lord and they have no intention of him being their Lord people don't understand this I mean how many remember in in the New Testament James it says is any sick among you huh what do what let him call for the elders of the church what church what church who's the guy going come that means he has a church some people already don't like this but it's the ones who don't want to make any commitments to anybody anything including the Lord they want all the benefits they want all the protection but they don't want any commitments leave me alone I'm gonna do my thing don't expect anything of me they didn't call for the elders of the church let them pray over him anointing him with all in the name of the Lord in the prayer of faith will save the sick the Lord raised him up if he's committed sins they'll be forgiven him when I first started working when brother Kenneth Hagin had prayer and healing center we did some counseling and people had just come in from all over they won't sit down talk about their problems let's pray with him leave with them advisor and we did talked on the phone people all over the world people walked in from all over the country and places brother Hagin says something begin to bother him about the prayer and healing center he didn't know what it was but everyone is tonight we'd pray about it we'd pray about it pray one night he got in the spirit and he said the Lord spoke to him buddy this what he said he said the Lord told him he said I never told you prayer in counseling I told you prayer and healing man it's easy to get off yeah you have to stay with what the Lord told you and so he wrote it down because he's telling us this the next few days we made some changes immediately but he said the Lord told him this he said besides that sheep should be counseled in their own sheepfold and if they don't have a sheepfold that's a huge part of their problem sheep should be counseled in their own sheepfold why number of reasons there's so many reasons see and I saw this lady we're having people come to us and they're telling us a fraction their side of the deal we don't know him we've never seen them that no background no history no experience and they're slanting it but when somebody lives with you works besides you for 10 years huh you you know what's really going on and so you're better equipped to help but see that's what people don't want to do that they want to run in and give you a twisted slanted thing and get you to tell me that I'm okay and I'm right and they're wrong that's why she shouldn't be counseled outside their own sheep folk and if they don't have a sheep folk that's a big part of their problem we have people that come in they want us to help them and we have we help people all the time it's not a part of this church don't misunderstand me but you're limited particularly spiritually help us with this did you notice that phrase let him call for the elders there is a submission here he's acknowledging that they are his elders and this is his church and he's asking them to come Minister this gives them a legal right some folks see it some don't this gives them elite I learned this early I'd go out to visit people at the hospital and I'd see somebody in the room and I'm gonna go in there and speak to them or somebodies second cousin called cuz their friend's sister had a friend that was in hospital would we go by seal and so I'd show up I'd show up I want to help people so I'd show up well hey man you know you're you know go through the whole rigmarole on the gold thinking what are you doing here I don't know you so yeah but you know your sisters friends cousin called and said you know I don't believe it all that can you help them you have no rights you have no rights to use your faith to help them they'll see this or not we there's been cases infamous in mind that people call and they have left this church and they've gone somewhere else because they didn't like something but when they got in trouble they wanted us to help them with our faith spiritually and it wasn't that we didn't want to we didn't have a right to we knew in our heart they have taken themself out from under us it's not our right if you don't understand that don't throw it away we've been doing this for years and I'm telling you this is a real issue you can only help people with your faith to the degree that they're submitted to you and to the degree they believe in you they believe in you that's the way it is with God himself if you don't believe in him and you've not submitted to him he doesn't have a legal right to help you and protect you he himself set it up that way because that's right that's righteous it's pretty quiet in here it's true I don't know what else to tell you it's true it's true I Phyllis and I were brother Dave and Kim I don't think they'll mind me saying this they're building them a new house and it's going real good and we were driving by where they were working on it Phillips not going somewhere doing we saw it and something come up it need we realized and this needs to change on this out needs to be done immediately Phyllis and I took the thority over it it's in our house we took the thority over we claimed this to begin to happen we prayed and asked this and we believed we received it just like it was our house and as a drove on down the road the Lord spoke to me he said you do realize you couldn't done that for everybody I thought yeah of course not he said what he said you didn't even have to call Dave and ask him could you do that concerning his house you know the answer oh do y'all see this or not he said you the reason the reason I prompted you and Phyllis that you could do this is because he has already submitted to me and to you you don't even have to ask I don't have to call him and Kim and say can we pray about y'all's house I know the answer but that is not true with everybody right and nationally and globally how many Christians they believe in God but they're not submitted to anybody or anything don't dare try to tell him anything in their life it's just them in Jesus not really look at this judges ten six we already read it they did evil and they served Balaam all these other gods verse 7 and the Lord understood that people are weak and so he just protected him anyway because bless their hearts they're just ignorant no made he mad made him angry why well it'd be just like a husband and wife the Bible uses this example a a man that's been faithful to his wife for decades and loved her and protected her and cared for her and did everything for her and she just leaves for no reason and takes up with another man is he supposed to be cool with that but she wants him to continue to support her and if she gets in trouble she wants him to take care of it and fix it well no I said no the Lord does not hold to that and you don't have to hold to that he's merciful he is but you reject him he is not obligated to you he is not obligated to protect you or to meet your needs or take care of you in fact he doesn't have a legal right to do it he's the one that set it up that way now notice verse 7 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel and he sold them into the hands of the Philistines and into the hands of the children of ammon now I don't feel like I should get into this too much but what is protection one word for protection is covering you'll see it off of covering yeah and it's not just an abstract thing God's power and presence covers this whole church covers me and Phyllis and you as we move around all of us that believe him and love him and claim him as our God and our protector there is a real protection and it is called the hand of God sometimes it's called the covering of God he compares it to like a hand putting her wings over her young what does he describing here said sold them into the hands of their enemies what does that mean oh do you see this we don't want you we don't want your Bible we don't believe in you we don't believe in all that bloody religion we don't believe in all that that's just religion as crutches for weak people we don't want you we don't want you in we don't pray to you and want to talk about you we want you out what does what choice does God have legally with the way he said if he has to what does that mean that's what the devil's been waiting oh he would have he would have killed all of us long ago if he could but he can't get through that I said he can't get through that no man no woman wants God doing this no family no church no nation wants God out of their business they can talk all they want to but when God does this it is open season on you the curse and devils and crazy people you're on your own I don't want to be on my own for ten minutes I hope know that that covering is over me that protection is around me those angels are over me and around me I want to know that and everybody that's mine and everything that's under my hand I want to know it I want to know it I want to know it what's the beginning of it I will say yeah you're getting it I will say of the Lord he is my refuge he's my protector he's my defender he's my fortress he is my god in him I'm not ashamed of him I'm not ashamed of his gospel don't tell me to leave God at home I don't go anywhere without God no no I don't get in the car with that God I don't come to work with that God I don't eat without God I don't take a bath without God I don't cut the grass with that God God he's in me and he's on me he's around me and I don't leave home without him and I don't stay at home without him because apart from him it's scary it's dangerous man you can get killed quick this is a dangerous place it's perilous times he sold them he turned him he left them you could say in the hands of the Philistines he left them you don't want me okay there you go and the hands of the children of ammon and that year they vexed and oppressed the children of Israel 18 years all the children of Israel that were on the other side of Jordan in the land of the MRI which was in Gilead moreover the children of ammon passed over jordan cross their border came into their land and against Benjamin in the house of Ephraim so that Israel was sore distressed and that's what happens when God's protection comes off a and the children of Israel cried to the Lord and they said we've sinned against you took him 18 years well if you ever find yourself in this kid in this place don't wait 18 years don't wait 18 days you're getting yourself kicked in you're getting yourself hurt and destroyed something's wrong cuz they supposed to be happening to me you best get to repenting put your nose in the carpet say God forgive me help me to see where did I open the door what did I doing this you're my god and the Lord said to the children of Israel now listen this is when they came back to him after 18 years and they said we forsook our God and we've been serving Balaam and the Lord did antrum he said did not deliver you from the Egyptians did not deliver you from the hammerites the children of Ammon did not deliver you already from the Philistines so Mike I remember delivered you from the sidonians - and the Amalekites and the mayor knights oppressed you and you cried to me and I delivered you haven't we been here before I delivered you yet after after I delivered you from the Egyptians the amorite ammonites Philistines because I don't in the Amalekites the man that I did I protected you and I delivered you and I got you out of all that yet you have forsaken me and you've served other gods so I will deliver you no more go and cry to the gods which you have chosen let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation do you see this this is the mouth of two witnesses there's much more can a man a woman family the business a nation the church reject God and keep his protection no you cannot so all of this stuff about getting God out get me miles schools getting him out of court house get your mouth for public property getting him out of the courts getting your mind your business getting him off the TV it can only go to one place it can only wind up in one place and that's our enemies having power over us ungodly people don't believe it but it's in the Bible it has happened over and over and over again but even in the midst of it so what if what if too many people do it God will honor your faith I don't care what happens if a thousand follow inside and ten thousand events friend these are heavy casualties all around you yet it will not happen to you why because you have made the Lord your God your mother the Most High your protector and your fortress you didn't reject him you didn't refuse him you don't want him out of anything you want him in everything and you'd say it when it was not popular and you don't apologize for God you don't make excuses and you're not ashamed of it no but you can't pray before this why cannot watch me God we just ask you to protect us this afternoon you know I don't like that well tough I don't like getting hurt this ain't we playing religion we believe this right man that this is tough this is tough when God tells you hey go cry to room you that's hey yes sir you replaced me with get your science to fix it let your technology value out of this let your education get all your brilliant minds from your university let them fix this for you these are not my words God said go to them let didn't get you out of this they can't I said they can't and only a fool would swap the great almighty Jehovah for flesh and blood or a computer chip or a test tube how ignorant can you be but we're not that ignorant we are not we love the Lord our God with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind and all our strength and we don't care who sees our hears we love God we believe in God he's my refuge come on stand up said he's my refuge he's my fortress he's my god I trust in him glory to God lift up your hands lift up your hands come on praise Him praise Him praise Him Oh hallelujah hallelujah sing you are my god you are my god now I will praise you hallelujah glory to God when you say it I mean say it from the depth of your being you are my god you are my god hallelu [Music] [Music] No nobody my god ah my god I've appraised you to be great you are my god crazy like [Music] [Music] [Music] and I feel safer tonight already y'all feel safer you know you get in there protection you get in that word and you realize just how good a God he is and you know one of the things brother more start messin get God having legal rights in our life you know and giving him legal rights is so easy there's good news tonight if you have never given God legal rights in your life we're gonna pray a prayer together and you can give him legal rights you can give your life to Jesus Christ you can confess him as Lord and make God the Lord your God you can then you can say he is my rock he is my refuge and out him I trust and if you've walked away you say you've been walking away and you've walked out from under that protection you can come right back in you can pray that prayer with us tonight and you can come right back into that that protection tonight amen amen so I want to everybody to affirm or reaffirm their faith tonight as we pray this prayer pray this with me close your eyes and pray let's pray this together father God I believe in you I trust you I rely on you I believe in Jesus I confess him as Lord of my life I believe that he died for me and he rose again paid the full price and is soon to come again Jesus because you are my lord I will serve you I will be protected I will be under the shadow of the Most High and I thank you for it I receive this by faith in Jesus name Amen Alleluia if you prayed that prayer tonight you now are you gave God every legal right to your life so you can now say I rely on him I trust him he is my rock he is my refuge amen they're going to sing as we go but if you prayed that prayer tonight for the first time or if you came back to God for the first time tonight there's gonna be people standing along the front there's gonna be men and women standing here and they want to hear that you came back to the Lord or that you receive Christ for the first time it says if you confess me before men when you come down here you're confessing him before men so come down and confess him before men and he'll confess you before the Father amen so as they sing we're going to be dismissed but it is if you confessed him as Lord tonight don't go out the back come down the front and let us know Amen Alleluia Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock be back amen you are dismissed as they sing [Music] raise your there you are the my god [Music] [Music] my god [Music] my god crazy you are my god there the [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 34,161
Rating: 4.7961164 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Perfect, Protection, Pt, Is, God, Your, More, Grace, moore, Keith Moore, word of faith, Keith Moore Teachings, Faith life Church, Faith, life, church, keith, word, of, faith, preaching, teaching, god, Holy, Television Show, Hope, Talk, end, times, broadcast, FreewordofGod, free, Kieth Moore, kieth
Id: VAxeJgaj0Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 38sec (5798 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2012
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