Voice of the Holy Spirit (Part 1-5) Keith Moore

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Psalm 1 123 1 trying to say the Lord is my shepherd is he yours I shall not want verse 2 he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters somebody say he leads me he restores my soul and then he says it again he what he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'll fear no evil for you are with me why he's leading me he's with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies how did I get there he led me there is that right somebody say he led me there you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over aren't you glad he led you there because man some good things happen to you when you got there surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life I might say this while I'm following him good things are following me because it's in the wake of his goodness that my life is overflowing with goodness and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever well what does the Shepherd do he leaves and he feeds and he protects I believe we're supposed to camp on the leading part how God leads hmm I want us to talk about as the Lord would help us about being led being led by the Spirit of God please don't assume you know all about it if you know something how many believe there's more you could know there's there's a lot more you could know and the further I go in ministry the more I'm realizing don't assume people know things don't assume the folks know things there's always new people and there's always people that just got saved recently right and they're learning these things and then there's folks that's been around for 40 years and didn't pay attention and there's all kind of things in-between and even if you know something the Bible said if any man thinks he knows anything he knows nothing yet as they ought to know it so thank God for any light we've gotten rivers we've received but how many believe there's a whole lot more to see and know about being led by the spirit oh my oh my this is an area that teaching and understanding of is not widespread it's not widespread there are millions of Christians that have heard nothing about how to be led by the Spirit their entire life there are all kinds of groups that this just never comes up and the only reason we have any insight into it is because of our Father in the faith Kenneth E Hagin who's in heaven now and if you're if you're familiar with his ministry or have read after his materials you'll see that the head of the church taught him personally about how to be led by his spirit in fact he has an excellent book what's the title of his god it used to be white with the Dove on the front how to be led by the Spirit of God how to be led by the Holy Spirit Kenneth E Hagin if you don't have that get you two or three copies right away am i right guys am i right outstanding and the revelation that the Lord gave him that came out through the ministry then is is many things that people have never thought about they've never seen it's always been a it's always been in the word but this is something the enemy desperately tries to hide it's not that it's so complicated or hard to get the enemy is continually trying to hide it trying to keep it hidden and covered up before I was acquainted with brother Hagins ministry as a teenager just beginning to learn some things about the Lord him beginning to be more real to me I became convinced as a teenage boy that if I could learn how to hear from God I had it made I became convinced to that and now a few years later what are you laughing about I know it's true I said I know it's true I'm absolutely convinced it's the truth if you'll learn how to hear from the Lord and if you'll make up your mind to do what he tells you to do you got it made right because every situation in life I don't care what happens what's the first thing you need to know Lord what do I do right what do you say show me what to do and how many know if you do what he tells you to do how are you going to come out that's how miracles happen remember Jesus mother told him at the wedding ceremony and feast of Cana am I said that right Galilee where they were what's he say to him whatever he says to you do it well honey understand you would have to hear what he said to you wouldn't you how did you know what he said to you unless you heard from me you heard what he said to you then when you heard what he said to you you have to understand what he said to you and if you heard it and you understood it the only thing standing between you and a miracle he's doing what he told you to do is that right that's the only thing that's the only thing go with me please to John the sixteenth chapter 16 and verse 13 16 13 jesus said howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will do what what will he do what Jesus say the Spirit of God would do for us he will guide you somebody say he will guide me jesus said he would he will guide you into all truth all truth do you know that's the thing you need to know in every situation what's the truth what's the truth about what's going on what's the truth about which way we should go what's the truth the truth will make you free for he'll not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he'll do what he will show you things to come which is part of him guiding us do we have a divine guide do it yes we do yes we do in Romans the eighth chapter one of the greatest scriptures along this line you could read and meditate upon he tells us precisely how he leads Romans eight Romans eight this begin about verse eight Romans eight eight they that are in the flesh cannot please God keep going but you're not in the flesh do you know that listen I thought I was you're in the body but you are not limited to flesh awareness but in the spirit I'm going to understand if you've been born again you are alive under God and you can and should be aware of spirit you are spirit God being the father of spirits the holy spirit you we can and should be aware of spirit people that are dead spiritually they are not aware they are they only live in the flesh that's all they are aware of and we just got through reading in in John there Jesus said earlier in that chapter about the Holy Spirit he said the world cannot receive him and that's what we're talking about is that there's not this awareness unless you are alive unless you've been born again if so be he said that the Spirit of God dwell in you If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he's none of his if you've been born again your spirits been recreated you're alive under God and the Spirit of God is in you now he can also fill you up and come on you same Holy Spirit but if you've been born again he's in you but if Christ being the body is dead because of sin now that doesn't mean that it can't function and exist you understand that but this body is dead as far as alive under God it's gonna have to be completely transformed it's gonna have to be quickened when the trumpet sounds because the sin but the spirit the man you and I I don't know if that should have been capitalized there but the Spirit is life or you could say our life because of righteousness hmm your body's dead even while you live but your spirits alive so much say I'm alive under God keep reading but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you does he if he's not in you you're none of his he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you he's gonna fix your body problem - spirit problems already fixed he's gonna fix your body situation - therefore brethren we're not debtors we're debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh we don't have to live just immersed in and only aware of the flesh like unsaved people do for if you live after the flesh you shall die now that doesn't just mean you'll grow old and die sometime it means you will be experiencing death while you live if you through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body you shall live the two ways of living in the flesh and in spirit now that terminology is unclear to most folks they hear that and they know they've heard it many times that it sounds familiar but what does it mean what's the very next thing he says let's read it together back up verse 13 if you live after the flesh you shall die now galatians goes right along with this galatians 5 goes right with romans 8 and he keeps talking about the flesh versus the spirit the flesh verse have you have you read all that and he talks about walking in the spirit and he said if you're led by the spirit there in galatians you're not under the law and he talks about yielding to the spirit in the fruit of the spirit as opposed to yielding to the flesh and the works of the flesh how many understand flesh anger flesh lust flesh other stuff will lead you down the wrong path if you if you let that lead you you're gonna do things you're gonna regret you go wind up and losing some things its death in it that's what he's talking about if you let the flesh lead you you're gonna experience death and loss or but if you let the spirit lead you I said if you let the spirit lead you he's gonna lead you to healing town he's gonna lead you to prosperity Vail high he's gonna lead you to restoration resort he's gonna lead you to some good places what we're talking about earlier it's gonna get brighter and brighter if you following him now any of us can miss it any of us and we have missed it but any of us can miss it and make a mistake but you didn't miss it following him hmm I said you didn't miss it following him you missed it not following him how many believe that keep reading for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God hallelujah say that out loud as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God keep reading you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father now I'm gonna get ahead of myself a little bit right here maybe but maybe not really it's a preview we put it like that back up to 15 what you see here the first one he mentioned is what we're not led by is that right and what you'll see here is what the enemy tries to lead you by all the time if you're following fear you're following the devil and he will lead you into destruction and death you have to overcome fear to be led by the Spirit of God has anybody ever walked with the Lord long enough to find that out the Spirit of God leads you to do something it's gonna take faith is that right and immediately what will come the enemy enemy will try to bring fear to you is that right oh you can't do that and give you 50 reasons why you can't do that right and if you follow that fear your miracle was just aborted you have to overcome the fear to be led by the spirit come on somebody said out loud God did not give me the spirit of fear to bondage I have nothing to do with that I refuse to follow fear fear does not leave me I don't make decisions based on fear by faith I follow the spirit I'm led by the Spirit every day every night hallelujah I'm a child of God and I'm spirit lead hallelujah now now friend don't let this go past you you will be tempted to be led by fear on a regular basis the enemy of your soul will continually try to get you off track and off course through fear it's sad it sounds very familiar we can't do that I don't know how we can't afford there's no way you ever heard any of this I thought you said the Lord dealt with you yeah I know it but then we got out and got to looking at it and you know we can't do that what's leading you fears leading you and that's when you're gonna miss it that's ones that's when it's going to cost and some some things cost more than others but I don't want to miss it how about you I don't want to be robbed I want to find out what's on the other side of what the Lord's telling me to do cuz I've done it several times now and it's been wonderful it's been exceeding abundantly above why we asked a thought so I want to keep on doing you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear God didn't give you that but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry how father keep reading the spirit itself now most modern translations say himself and it's the word Altos his own self the Spirit Himself Jesus repeatedly referred to the Holy Spirit as he did me throughout the gospel account of John other places the Spirit Himself reason I'm saying that the Holy Spirit is not in it any more than you're in it what difference does it make well if we see you walking through the door we say there it is are you ok with that and the reason we're touching on it is because there are a lot of Christians that view the Holy Spirit as some kind of an impersonal power like electricity but no he somebody say he he is a person he speaks he reminds he leaves he guides and he is the best friend you ever had in your life right before Jesus left you remember he looked at his guys and what did he tell him I'm not gonna leave you helpless hmm hmm I'm gonna pray the Father and he's gonna give you another comforter hallelujah what's he saying boys you need help and I know you're all concerned because I'm leaving and you thought you know I was gonna be here to help you from now that's what they were upset man they were up that's why they kept saying we will go with you no no no we're going with you he said no they said we're going we have to die we're going he said no no you can't come right now but it's actually going to be better what could be better than Jesus standing there with you in the flesh the spirit of Jesus inside you 24/7 is matter hallelujah and he is I said he is he is and I just believe by the Spirit of the Lord he's going to become more and more real to us as you and I believe God and go through this do you believe he's going to become more and more real to us and we're going to be the the leadings of the Lord are going to become more obvious to us and more plain to us and more definite to us than they have ever been and we're gonna know what's him what's not what's his leading and we're going to begin to discern more and more clearly what's flesh and what spirit what's people and what's him was just us and what's him somebody needs to say Amen amen amen means so be it that's what's gonna happen that's what is happening glory to God what do you say this this last verse here verse 16 the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit
Channel: Beauty InsideOut
Views: 4,580
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Keywords: google, youtube, keith moore, how to, Faith, Will of God, prosperity, guidance, Voice of the Lord, God's will, Keith moore, knowing the Holy Spirit, holy spirit, know the Lord, God's guidance, hear the voice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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