VICTORY CONFERENCE 2018 | Jentezen Franklin

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this mighty general of God has been such an impact on my life personally but on the church worldwide he's one of the most well known speakers evangelists pastors in the world spoken before thousands and thousands of people minister to people in authority been able to speak in critical times at situations he's written several amazing books how many have ever read a book by Pastor Jentezen Franklin powerful but I want invite him to join me on stage tonight will you welcome Pastor Jentezen Franklin from preach Chapel Church and we're a family we're not a crowd so once you lift each other's hands up all over the room we're gonna say the victory confession all over this place tonight on the count of three one two three I'm here on purpose I have a purpose my heart is open my mind is ready to receive because God is not finished with me yet my best days are right in front of me and I have victory in my life because Jesus lives in me [Music] come on and give the Lord the biggest shout of the night so far would you it's good to praise him it's good to praise him come on in advance for all he's gonna do this week we're all he's gonna do in your life new directions new directions [Applause] praise God look over at someone smile at them and say you look good and you smell good tonight tell them [Applause] praise gum what an honor it is to be back at Victory in Tulsa I love this church this is my kind of church I tell you what I think I'm just gonna move to Tulsa and come to church here once that's how I feel about this church is alive and well and it's built on the rock that's why and I'm so honored to be with pastor Paul and Ashley in the amazing ministry that is taking place here the first lady sitting down here we love this daughter e family is something else aren't they aren't they something else holy ghost people I'm telling you from the top of their head to the soles of their feet as we used to say full of the Holy Ghost and fire and not ashamed and I love you so much I'm so proud of what God is doing in this amazing amazing ministry and I get to kick off this conference and I'm thrilled about that you know what I'm excited about is I don't have to follow any of the other speakers that's not fun I'm thankful to God they made it if you have your Bibles can I preach trying to walk to tonight one good thing about getting older is you don't feel like you have to impress people you just do just come in kind of got an attitude about it I'm gonna preach whatever I want to but I found that you know whatever the Holy Spirit unction is in my spirit is better than my best outline and sermon then I preached in other places I got a little word that Lords quickened to my heart for this group tonight open your spirit up let God speak to you one verse of scripture in Psalms 119 Psalms 119 oh do you know that one Psalms 119 and I want to just read one verse of scripture and it is verse 18 open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from your law everybody reach up and touch your eyes and say open my eyes that I may see means there are things that when God touches my eyes I can see that I don't see until he gives me the vision for open my eyes that I may see wondrous things there there but I don't mean you can see God has to touch your eyes and I want to preach tonight a message and I'll give you the title in just a moment there was a man by the name of mr. Russell Conwell who founded Temple University the way that he founded Temple University which is a major university here in America is by a little book that he wrote called acres of diamonds acres of diamonds the story behind that book is amazing because it's sold back in the 1800s it sold seven million copies before they had internet before they had marketing before they had TV and radio and all that stuff seven million copies he took the profits and started Temple University he gave the speech about the book called acres of diamonds 7,000 times and that's how he had the resources to to start a university that's still going today thriving and today I want to preach tonight because I like to take the stories and preach from them that's just my what I like to do and I read this little booklet and it touched my heart and I felt like the Holy Spirit said to me I want you to teach my people about acres of diamonds from a spiritual perspective let me tell you the story behind it mr. Conwell traveled all over the world and he happened to be in the Middle East and he was taking a tour of the Holy Land and he had a guide and the guide began to tell him this story that he had that he picked up from one of the people that told him when he was given a guide to this guy of the Middle East he said there lived a man in South Africa this is a true story by the name of Ali hefyd he was a poor farmer he had a piece of land in South Africa he had an ox he had a plough he had a meager little log cabin it had a little fireplace in it where you could cook and it would warm the place very meager living he made just scraping by plowing that field with that ox and that plow it was hard work it was the farm life everything you got you had to sew for and you had to bring it forth by the sweat of your brow and this man lived and got by with a meager existence and back in the 1800s was when they discovered the famous diamond mines in India and someone came through that man's area and they began to tell him about you should go to India in India they're finding diamonds and becoming fabulously rich and all you have to do and this is how that you know stories get embellished the more they're told you know and it was true that some people had had found some diamonds and and had become rich but by the time the word got to him it was a story that went like this all you have to do is go to India there's a place between two mountains called the valley of the moon and reach down into the stream and pick up diamonds all in the stream and you will be happy and wealthy from then on happily ever after and you know we know a lot of things because we watch Lifetime movies or something and we learned that everything that sparkles isn't isn't a diamond but you can imagine these this guy's hearing this he's excited so he sold the farm true story he sold the farm he said I want this more than anything he hugged his wife goodbye kissed his kids goodbye he provided for them a place with some of the resources put the rest of his money in a sack and he took off a soldier of fortune looking for great wealth and great riches he finally ends up spending all of his money searching everywhere that he thought it could be right in an act of desperation he wrote a note that said and I quote there's no diamonds anywhere and tragically he took his own life by jumping into a raging river and going over a Falls and dying this man this man sold that farm left his family in search of diamonds the man who bought his farm true story hooked up the same ox the same plow in the same field lived in the same log cabin farmhouse and ate the same meagre food and and just got by by scraping by and one day he kept plowing in the fields and he noticed black rocks everywhere big black rocks and he noticed that when the Sun hit them they had the rainbow colors in them and he would plow a little while and have to move a rock and he would throw them over to the side of the field or take them over and he had stacks and stacks of these black rocks that had when the Sun hit them the colors of the rainbow and one day he hit one really being exceptionally big and he took it home he said this is so kind of pretty and he put it on that old mantle that was basically a beam over the fireplace he couldn't that rock as decoration and about a month later after living there and farming that land there was a priest who came by to welcome this man and his family to the community and in mid-sentence he noticed that black rock on top of that mantle at the fireplace and he said where did you get that he said all there everywhere you can't hardly go anywhere on this piece of property you'll stumble and bust your toe if you don't watch it he said I spend more time gathering these rocks than plowing the fields that's why it takes me so long he said you don't understand what that is he said that is a diamond in the wrong and you don't even know it and he took it and sure enough this is again a true story the first rock was worth twenty five thousand dollars in the 1800s it was the birth of the world's largest diamond field the famous rotondo diamond mines that even today they still are mining amazing amazing wealth from the man who flung himself into that river and killed himself in search of wit of riches and wealth never realized that he actually had been living on acres of diamonds you might not realize it today now I'm coming out of that book and I'm gonna preach now out of this book you might not realize it today but you are living in acres of diamonds you'll find this story repeated over and over and over again in people's lives another such story is true story of a man who was living basically in poverty in a farm in Pennsylvania and he worked hard every day of his life he was a cat he was a dairy farmer and he had a stream that went through his farmland and the cows would not drink from the water because it was it had such a smell and such a stench and so he finally got fed up and dammed the water up and had to dig wells just to take care of the cattle and it was hard it was hard work every day of his life until finally he just got fed up with it and he sold the whole farm Inn in Pennsylvania for eight hundred and thirty three dollars to a man who came by who wanted to be who wanted to be a farmer and so he went off to school and he sold that farm for eight hundred and thirty three dollars what he didn't know was that smell in that water was pure coal and old and there was a hundred million dollars of old that was dug and came from where that river was flowing and today the city of Titusville Pennsylvania steel is built around those flowing oil wells that one man sold for eight hundred and thirty three dollars I guess what I want to preach is I wonder how many people have failed to realize the riches that we have in Jesus Christ and in his church and in the cross and in the Covenant that he left us I couldn't help but think about the story of the prodigal what must have been in his mind the prodigal son when he left his father's house and his father's wealth and his father's business to go out and seek for something that was out there no doubt he had for that told him and encouraged him the grass is greener on the other side you need to get out of your father's house you need to get out of these same old things and just living in the father's house don't you know there's fun out there don't you know there's pleasure out there don't you know there's stuff you're missing out on while you're living in the father's house under his rules and and and so much is available out there there's acres of diamonds out there there's fun out there like you wouldn't believe when he got out there you know what happened they used him up he had no resources left and he ends up eating swine's food right and in a place in his life were where it finally dawns on him I need to go back home he never realized while he was home what he found out when he left home he was going back home where he was right in the middle of acres of diamonds and I've watched him walk away I've watched them hear the lies of Satan young people oh there's so much pleasure out there there's so much joy out there try the drugs try the alcohol try the sleeping around it's all out there it's all out there it's not in the church it's not in the word it's not in living your life for the divine purpose for which you were created there's acres of diamonds out there only to sell out so cheaply and find out and they always do every time that everything they ever wanted and longed for was right back in the father's house they were living in acres of diamonds and didn't even know it there's joy here there's peace here there's grace here there's blessing here there's favor here there's resources here there's a good life here there's a good husband here a good wife a good family live-in you're sitting in acres of diamonds and everything you could ever want is right here in the house of God if you believe it give him a shout of praise the problem with diamonds is in the process of making a diamond it takes time a diamond is born because of intense heat and pressure without heat and without pressure it's just carbon monoxide it's just it's just cold it's just a black rock but if that black rock has enough heat applied to it and enough pressure put on it it will give birth to a diamond it's going to happen if it will submit and be willing to not quit and not give up when the pressure and the heat comes hallelujah don't run from your trials for in them you will learn more you will become more you will do more quit whining about you wish you had a better church pastor you're living in acres of diamonds plowing your own field quit saying the grass is greener on the other side you need the plow in your own field quit looking at somebody else's marriage or someone and I wish I had him I wish I had her you've got a diamond with what you have right now but you have to understand and say God open my eyes to acres of diamonds all around me he said I won't put more on you than you're able to bear but when I let you go through trials and when I let you go through pressure and when I let you go through the fire and get in the heat it's just because I've got a diamond I see this earth he said we have this treasure in earthen vessels God says there's a diamond in you but I can't get that diamond when you're on the mountaintop all the time give birth to that diamond when you're not under pressure and every bill is paid and you know exactly how you gonna do it you know exactly how it's all gone but I here's where you the diamonds get born it's when you're under so much pressure and there's so much fire and so much heat but in those hours you are growing in those hours the anointing is coming upon your life in those hours God is giving birth to the diamond the treasure that is in you clap your hands and give God praise if you know you pick up stuff in those hours there's a power that comes behind your words when you've been through the fire you know Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they went through the fire and if you're going through the fire all that means is you're gonna come out on fire and if you're going through it don't quit they're going through in every church their acres of diamonds no Church is without trouble every Church has acres of diamonds and it takes God touching the eyes of a pastor to show him things that the people don't see and others don't see but you see diamonds when I went to free chapel 26 years ago I had never passed her to church in my life my knees weren't knocking and they were missing I was scared to death I didn't know what I was doing I was 28 my wife was 20 she's eight years younger than me I want her to push my wheelchair real fast when I get old and so and so we were children children you don't know intimidation when people are looking at you and you're a kid holding a microphone and I'm up talking crazy stuff we had we had a hundred and maybe 180 people and I'd get up and say things like one day we shall preach the gospel from these Red Hill clay eels of Northeast Georgia to the whole world and those people would look at one another did he say the world hazel yeah I was seeing acres of diamonds I knew that God could do exceedingly abundantly you you can't wait to everybody you know everybody wants to jump on your little red wagon when it starts going down the hill but thank God for some people who will get behind you when you're climbing the hill and say I'm with your pasture we can do this I see acres of diamonds soup many are living in spiritual poverty right in the midst of untold spiritual wealth that's why the psalmist said open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things open your eyes but jesus said you have eyes but you can't see you have ears but you don't hear and you're only looking and listening at what the natural mind and and circumstances are telling you I think that's what happened to Abraham and lied there their flocks begin to grow God began to you know lot was a pretty smart guy he didn't have any favor but he got around a guy who had favor called Abraham if you don't have a dream get around a church he's got a dream if you don't have any favor get around a ministry that has some favor and connect to it and just the overflow will begin to bless your life get away from everybody's just like you and and Lotte just connected he just connected to Abraham and there came a time when there when their businesses got so big that the Shepherd's from Lots were fighting with it with with Abraham's shepherds and they were fighting over water and stuff like that and in grazing land and so you know really lot should have honored the elder Abraham but Abraham was a peacemaker blessed are the peacemakers he saw a family issue over money and he stepped in and he said you choose you choose and it was a very easy choice for life he looked around and he looked this direction and he saw desert he saw sand he saw rocks he saw scorpions and rattlesnakes he saw wilderness he saw the hot Sun at night he saw the Stars he saw no lights no glitter then he looked this way and he saw the green plains of Jordan he saw Sodom and Gomorrah lights look like Las Vegas Strip from a distance he saw all of this stuff and he turned and he said I'll go that way and you go that way and he took off with his family after acres of diamonds in the world but I never read anywhere where he ever found in Sodom and Gomorrha acres of diamonds he lost his wife he lost his integrity he lost his purity he his daughters did it was a horrible story but here's this guy Abraham he's out here in the wilderness and he says God opened my eyes and show me I don't understand why they're so blessed and sometimes we look at other people and we say oh if I just had that but Abraham's right where God wanted him to be and God says look at the sand and then God touched his eyes and suddenly he doesn't just see sand but he says as the sands of the seashore are so shall your seed me look at the stars I'm touching your eyes and giving you vision to see beyond and that's how many you will influence saying to you tonight that you're living if if the Lord touches you the Lord gives you vision and anointing it doesn't matter how the wicked may seem like they're prospering if you will get God's wheel and God's purpose and God's anointing and God's vision for where you are there's acres of diamonds right where you are cuz if Jesus is there victory is there if Jesus is there provision is there if Jesus is there favor is there and if Jesus is there success is there I need everybody to give him a shout for where you are right now hallelu there's a phenomenon that takes place in South America it's where the Amazon River the mightiest river in the world meets and rushes out into the Atlantic Ocean I've been to the Amazon I've been down it in canoes and I've been in places where it was so wide that you couldn't see from one place from from one Shore to the other it's a massive massive massive River and yet it gets very narrow at some places true story one time there was a ship that was in distress out at sea this was before they had radios and they had modern technology to communicate and they used to on the ancient boats communicate with flags if one ship saw another ship then a messenger would run up into the the top of the of the sail there and there was a little place he would stand and he would have flags and he would send messages through flags and that's how they communicated and someone on the other ship would be looking through a telescope trying to see if it was a friendly boat or or was you know who is it and what are they doing and they would send flags and communicate there was the ship in distress because they were 200 miles from land so therefore they could not see any land they had no idea where they were and they had not had any water for two days and they were thirsting to death and so there came a ship on the horizon and when they saw it the men had a burst of enthusiasm and someone quickly runs up to the bow of the boat and takes the flags and says we need water we need water desperate desperate we need water and then they look back to see what the ship would say in the ship said back with the flag signals let down your bucket let down your bucket come on I'm working hard up here let down your bucket they turned I said they must didn't understand try again and the guy said said desperate for water thirsting to death please help us please help us thirsty thirsty thirsty the guy says back as they're turning off going off the horizon in the opposite direction let down your bucket let down your bucket when they did the story that that's in the book he tells this he said he turned to to the guy and said what are we supposed to do he said I don't know we ain't got nothing to lose let down your bucket and he lets down the bucket from that big ship and when he does he pulls the water up and it's cool clear delicious water what had happened is for 200 miles there is a rush and a surge of that fresh water coming off of the Amazon River into the ocean and it pushes down the heavier salt water all the way to the bottom so for 200 miles out there's clear cool delicious water in other words they were right in the middle of living water cool and clean and they didn't even know it if we could only get people tonight to believe that if you're thirsty if you're empty if you're dry all you've got to do is let down your bucket there's living water here there's healing here there's miracles here there's deliverance from addiction here it's not out there it's in here and Jesus is the living water Jesus is the life Jesus is the miracle you're looking for let down your buckets he's healing for your body there's blessing and favor for your life let down your bucket every need and every provision for your body for your spirit and for your soul is right here in God's house people have had been sore right under their nose and quit so near and missed it I'm glad I was like that one thief that was hanging Jesus Christ the treasure of heaven is on the cross and on one side there is a thief and he's looking at the blood he's listening to the groans he is seeing the fulfillment of thousands of years of prophecy the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world the way the truth and the life the one who has eternal life and he turns and with his dying breath he begins to curse the man in the middle on the cross another man on the other side is looking at the same scene but something opens his eyes and he sees the same blood and the same wounds and hears the same lips saying Father forgive them they know not what they do and something somu's him that he says when you come into your kingdom Jesus remember me and Jesus turned to him same distance same same one sees nothing one sees acres of diamonds one sees a miserable way of dying another sees a ticket to heaven and eternal life and enter into a kingdom and a place of authority with him they both are looking at the same thing but one sees acres of diamonds and Jesus said this day you shall be with me in paradise because I am your acre of diamonds come on as shout amen aren't you glad you saw it you know there's a lot of people they just don't get it they sit in church and they just don't get it but I'm so glad I found a KERS of diamonds I found the greatest treasure in life it's not a car it's not a house it's not a promotion it's not a success it's not a position it's Jesus he is if I don't ever get another thing I'll shout the rest of my life his praises he's my acres of diamonds everybody take a praise break and thank God for what you've got name right now not if you had this that the other right now you are living in acres of diamonds got a healthy body you're not in intensive care you've got food on your table you got a roof over your head you got a car I didn't see any mules out there I didn't see anybody yeah so Mercedes and Lexus and okay you are blessed and you better start acting like it you living in acres of diamonds your whole life will pass you by and you and you you'll forget the blessings of the Lord the goodness of the Lord I'm blessed not when I get it I'm blessed now not when I reach it I'm blessed now some of you single folks if I could just find him he would complete me and there's married people there saying I wish I'd single I mean if you got equipment probating your joy that when I get this and when I find him or her if you're not happy now all by yourself you ought to go home and turn the TV on watch whatever you want and then walk around and pick it up if you want to don't pick it up if you want to my gods you're blessed quit waiting Oh suck somebody and get into Jesus in the season you're in [Applause] you know you know they I'm just a pastor like people like people these little couples they come that levy Devi that we want to get married we want to get married no hold hands and I have two seats in front of my desk and they don't want to sit in separate they sit in the same seat they can't stand to be apart and they go around please Jesus please don't come again please Lord let me get married let me let me have my honeymoon please Lord don't let the rapture take place but about three months after their marriage Oh even come Lord Shiva n-- so come Lord Jesus signs of the times are everywhere I don't know who I'm preaching to but God told me to tell you he's tired of your griping and moaning when you get some joy people will find you when you get some joy the hook-up will happen in God's Way when you find some joy and where you are right now what you've got right now you'll be like a magnet to the one God has for you get up on your feet and shout I'm gonna get happy now I'm gonna rejoice now I'm living in miracles now I'm living in grace now I'm living eternal life in me right now no wait I get to heaven no more sorrow no more I found out that there's acres of diamonds down here I'm gonna enjoy the ride sit back down you know ministry ministry I need to quit while I'm ahead I feel sorry for people you don't even know what you don't even know what you don't even know what trouble is let me tell you when you're in a trial some of you think it's a trial because they were talking about you around the coffee mug today that's the tribulation try when you get in a real trial it'll make those little things seem like you could get a phone call in the morning that whatever you're stressing out about tonight it could that could be nothing when somebody's got a death and life situation or some you don't understand we ought to be the most joyful people we ought to be the most happy people we ought to be the most here's a big word thankful people for what we have I'm content I've got Jesus and he's more than enough thank your Lord you're good and you're good all the time somebody up in the balcony better get up and shout for Jesus I'm almost there Oh some of you married folks some of you married folks I wish you would be like the preacher he's a holy man of God I doubt it first of all you know if you're not careful you start thinking the grass is greener if she what she really shows me attention she really sees how talented I am all my wife does he's putting me down you need to become a man you need to become a man I'm sorry I'm preaching like a pastor I need a cool I need to be sweet I'm almost done but here's the thing that hit me funny was getting this little message is that the guy took the same plow and the same ox not a different one not one that lost 30 pounds took the same dirt [Applause] and found diamonds where he found nothing and here's what the Lord told me to tell you if you don't start acting right you gonna wake up one day and she's gonna be gone he's gonna be gone you know what's gonna be funny if somebody's gonna take the same husband same wife you don't want to hear the truth y'all y'all y'all like that other part you don't want to hear the truth somebody's gonna take the same job that you want about somebody's gonna take the same business that God gave you that now that you're in the intense heat and pressure about you're about to sell it for anything and run away but somebody's gonna take the same city the same church that you're so frustrated just a bunch of Devils no they're not they just are in the making and diamonds are about to be born if you will not quit you will reap if you faint not being my wife in married 30 years I'm telling you I love her more tonight than I've ever loved her I don't want another woman I don't want to hear another woman I don't want to talk to another woman I love my wife she still looks good 92 still got my high school figure sorted it's changing though you understand what I'm saying demas hath forsaken me the greatest evangelist of all time the great Apostle Paul demas hath forsaken me having loved this present where he saw diamonds out there when he had a man who wrote six books of the New Testament and he left it in search of acres of diamonds he would have certainly written a book like Timothy one of his one of his students he would have certainly we would have been teaching and preaching for all of these hundreds of years from the book of demas that he went chasing couldn't handle the heat and the pressure I'm saying to you in closing there's so much we've overlooked there's acres of diamonds turn to somebody say dig in your own backyard is what the Lord told me to tell you he said there's hidden potential in those children in that husband him that wife in that present job in that ministry that God has planted you in don't wait and go looking for it somewhere else there's acres of diamonds right where you are the Lord said there's hidden potential and current relationships there's hidden potential in the location you now lives and here's what he told me to tell you I'm just gonna say it he said before you make a big life change you better look carefully around you for you may be city-owned acres of diamonds hallelujah throw your hands up with some Thanksgiving though your hands up that the Lord is good right now not some day one day I'm gonna get happy and have a smile and be a contempt right where I am just like I am right with what exactly I have I will be thankful unto Him and bless his name let's get up on our feet and I want you for the next 30 seconds to turn your volume up on your voice box to number 10 and I want you to lift up your voice and I want you to out shout The Devil's complaints and griping I want you to lift up of thanks to him look at my children look at my family look at my house look at what God's done look at how good he's been to me look at me a college student at all Roberts University how in the world did you get there you live in in acres of diamonds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah boy I feel this thing I feel like if you'll thank him for what he's already done he's going to do things now he's going to do things for you when you have a spirit of thanksgiving that that will cause his blessings the diamonds are about to give birth come on lift your hands maybe your children maybe your children aren't looking like a mess but I promise you they're a KERS of diamonds they may be an addict they may be an addiction but there's an acres of diamonds if you won't give up God won't give up on you every one of you under the sound of my voice this is what the scripture teaches it said we have a treasure in earthen vessels do you know what your body is dirt you know what you came from dirt you know what you're going back to when you die dirt but there's a diamond in you there's a purpose there's a calling there's a there's a born-again you on the inside a new you my brand new you that's waiting to be born all you got to do is say God I want to repent because I've been going around wishing I was this one and wishing I had that and wish I looked like that wish I had her hips and her lips and I wish I have that one in that one you ought mr. Potato Head just trying to change everything just be you praise God there's a diamond in this dirt I'm gonna be happy I could be in an intensive care unit tonight I'm gonna give him praise with everything that is within me I'll give it thanks he's been mighty good to me tell me on a clap nail we oughta lift it up like we've never lifted it we're alive in acres of diamonds his name is Jesus Jesus I saw it that's so embedded on the cross from me God the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and I saw holding a microphone in Tulsa preaching the thousands I'm living in acres of diamonds and you are to hug somebody right now and say we need to get happier than we were when we came in here we need to get more thing we got a lot going for us we've been looking at the grass on the other side [Music] and this is the saddest world you'll ever know this is the work most pressure and heat you'll ever have one day you're gonna get to the other side one day you're gonna hear him say enter in to the choice of the Lord no more sorrow no more tears no more death no more cry or cancer wards no more leukemia no more children die whoa what a treasure we have in Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I don't know who I'm preaching to tonight from the top all the way down to the front row but if while I'm preaching you hear the Lord saying it's not somewhere else it's where you are it's not what you don't have in the miracles in what you do have you have acres of diamonds inside of you if you sense a quickening to this word get out of your seat and get down here as quick as you can the anointing is about to fall the anointing is about to cultivate what's it you there's a calling in you there's a purpose in you there's a dream in you there's a vision in you there's an anointing in you and the pressure if the heat has not been to destroy you it is to give birth to the diamond that is he you have acres of them those children you're raising those babies that you have that the enemy whispers you just you got a college degree and all you do is change diapers but you don't know that you're holding acres of Dimes whoa hallelujah I want every housewife I want every mother to throw up your hands and shout over your children I have a curse of diamonds my kids are a curse of diamonds they're not born to be drug addicts they're not born to be alcoholics they're not born to be losers they're going to be diamonds a royal diadem in the hand of my god just lift your hands now they're gonna come and they're gonna worship let me tell you what you do let me tell you what you do when the window when the heat is on and the pressure is intense this is when you begin to worship this is when you put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and the Lord says I'm going to birth diamonds in this room tonight there's people under the sound of my voice who God can raise up financially and you can be absolutely a miracle worker in the area of finances if you will believe throw your hands up all over this room open up your mouth if there's sin in your life call on Jesus give their sub diction in your life call on Jesus he's opening your eyes to something wonderful he's opening your eyes to forgiveness and grace he's opening your eyes to a new life so just say I'll receive it in Jesus name now worship start waving your hand I believe God is looking at your feel God is looking at you feel [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your hands and giving you home there's diamond [Music] [Music] see a cursor Thomas I see grapefruit I say miracles [Music] only praising somebody needs to get loose and raise somebody thinks you praise him but you had to praise him like you need to praise Him praise Him like the answers already here raise it like the devil's had to vacate your premises praising like you believe the dream is still alive praising like you believe his favor and his presence is enough to see him victory is on the way good success is on the way right where you [Music]
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 38,175
Rating: 4.8827162 out of 5
Keywords: jentezen franklin, victory tulsa, victory conference, 2018, sermon for men, sermon for women, sermon about realizing what you have, sermon on your season, how to enjoy life, where to go, realize what you have, paul daugherty, oral roberts university
Id: v2LJDohGWsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 47sec (3347 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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