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I wanted to buy John Bevere up to the stage tonight before he speaks come up here he's a friend he's a mentor the pastor a spiritual covering for me my life Ashley he's written so many incredible books preach so many credible messages but this is your 20th year that you've been come into victory conference whether it's foes in a row 20 years in a row yeah every second week of August since 1999 I have been right here with this family come on and we love you how many love John Bevere and this year your wife is speaking in the morning right and you don't want to miss Lisa she's much better than me we are so honored that y'all are here we've been saying a confession every week would you lift my hand up all this yours up and I'll get my thumb yeah okay there you go and we're a family not a crowd and I know it's awkward but some of y'all were waiting for me to say this you wanted to hold your neighbors hand some of the singles in the room it just got extra awkward on the count of three let's say this confession together here we go one two three I'm here on purpose because that I have a purpose my heart is open my mind is ready to receive because God is not finished with me yet my best days are right in front of me and I'm having a big victory in my life because Jesus lives in hello hey everybody stay standing I'm gonna I'm gonna pray before bringing the Word of God tonight can I say that you really are family to me I'm praying in the room today and my mind's just going back to 20 years ago we weren't even in this building we were at the or you may be Center we all had suits on I think there was even some statues am I remembering correctly John helped me flowers yeah but you know God was there and I was so blessed by the hunger the leadership of pastor Billy Joe and Sharon and you have always been elder brothers and sisters almost like a mom and dad to Lisa and I you're too young to call you mom and dad's so I'm not doing that but thank you so much and as I was playing praying today I just sensed the pleasure of the Lord and you know it's three years ago Paul and Ashley that the helm was handed over to you it was a god thing straight from the throne and I really feel that after this three years you're you're positioned and this is what I kept seeing when I was praying is when I lived in Dallas years and years ago when Lisa and I were first married when they built these huge skies skyscrapers they would spend months going down down down down and then all of a sudden when the building went up it went up fast and it's like it's been down down down the foundation is being prepared the last three years but now the buildings are going to start going up and it's amazing it's marvelous in our eyes because this Kurt Church just keeps growing and I knew that from the very first day that we had to deal with the homegoing of our dear Billy Joe daughter II but I knew that God was like the best days for victory are yet ahead and I'm just so thankful that we get to see this I'm looking at you know Caleb and Sarah now over the Bible school I'm like God here they are out in the field all over the world they're just have a passion for missions that was the heart of the founder of this Mound errs of this ministry Billy Joe and Sharon is to go into all the world and make disciples and so here you're having all this time out in the field you're sitting there going whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on a little time a pass right now God's close this is why and it just all just comes together and I just look at you and John and Teresa oh my gosh you two are amazing you are one of the most gifted young men or men I know in the United States and so much because I I just look at Paul and I said it just gets better every time I come here and I know this is a team effort I know it's Sharon you're you're you you know your influence it's all the children and all these team members that have been here for so many years so hey you got some great years ahead of you amen I said amen so my wife is coming she's not here yet you know one time I texted Lisa and I said hey babe do you know where two vana is in DFW Airport what what Terminal is it in she goes wait you're in DFW Airport yeah I said I just land I'm getting off the plane she said I'm in DFW Airport so that's kind of like Lisa's of my story but let me show you a picture of her her whole family I'm gonna put it up we've been married 36 years this October 2nd and I have never been more in love with my wife than I am today and I honestly and sincerely from the depths of my heart say that you know it's amazing how people will spend hundreds of hours preparing for one day their wedding day forty hours looking for a wedding dress but they don't talk about what are their goals for their marriage it's just the first day of a lot of days right and you know I have very specific goals for my marriage and you know my number one goal is is the day that Lisa Bevere leaves this earth she will be more in love with me than the day we got married and my number two goal is the day I leave this earth I will be more in love with Lisa Bevere than the day we married think about this make goals set the direction God does this predestination means pre beforehand destination means the finish line put it together you set the finish line before the start he wrote out your life before you began he set goals for you do this for your marriage do this for your life right because you have an amazing God and he'll cause your thoughts to become agreeable to his and so shall your plans succeed because he's destined you for something very specific can you say amen to that amen but there is our family you know we're expanding to boys this summer got engaged within four days of each other so our youngest who is just to my right Arden got engaged to a young lady from Alabama and my second oldest the one right next to Lisa got engaged to one of our board members daughters they live in Seattle so we have a wedding next month in Seattle we have a wedding in November in Florida and so my son Alec if you haven't seen it go to Instagram he did a video about proposing to a statue in Denver it is hilarious her name is Ruth she's rock solid so anyway he gained 4,000 Instagram followers in 24 hours after making that film he is brilliant but anyway there is one left girls get busy Facebook Instagram it's all about G babies for me okay that's what it's all about I want a lot more of these gee babies anyway it's great to be with you I have been watching on social media what has been happening in victory conference 18 it is absolutely amazing I mean it is been a god thing amen I never take for granted coming here even though it's been 20 years in a row I realized that it is a privilege but much much more it is an awesome responsibility and I don't take it lightly so tonight I really want to share really it's more than a message it's a burden you may have heard little bits and pieces in the past but God has just dropped this in my heart I did a bethel tour called the killing kryptonite tour in June we saw over 6000 people get saved 9 cities and 12 days we did we did New Orleans Atlanta we did Memphis we did Chicago but the most crazy crowd was Boston in New York City we were right there on Broadway at the Beacon Theater sold out literally saw probably 800 people get saved including the union workers they were crying and weeping and I'm like America is posed for a great move of God amen and I came home you know I lived on a bus for two weeks with 20 feet two buses 20 people this is the guy whose idea of camping his Holiday Inn Express okay so it was amazing what God did and so I'm believing that tonight I know I we've got leaders in here we've come together but I'm believing that God is gonna touch every single life in here tonight I don't want to bring you just a message I want to see your life impacted forever I want to see eternal things happening in every person's life tonight amen can we believe for that can you join with me put up your hand if you can believe with me I just don't want a message tonight I want to continue on with what's been happening each and every night because I know God has been speaking in this place each and every night and I wanted to continue tonight so father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we come before you thank you for what you've done already but I thank you for what you're going to continue to do tonight Holy Spirit of God we welcome your presence and we honor you in this place do what you love do to do the most glorifying Jesus in such a way that we will see him like we've never seen him before that we may come to know him more intimately in deeply tonight honor us with your presence we don't want just a small portion we are asking that you would manifest your greatness in here tonight we pray that it would be done in here on earth as it is in heaven and for this we give you all the glory and the honor and the praise and the Thanksgiving and it's in Jesus mighty wonderful majestic holy awesome magnificent name we pray and everybody that agrees come on give it praise give it raise Thank You Lord God for what you're gonna do in Jesus name you can be seated faster than a speeding bullet bending steel with his bare hands Superman what if we are more like him that we realized think about it Superman draws its strength from the Sun we draw our strength in Jesus Christ the Sun the man is not from this world as a child of God we are not of this world Superman possessed supernatural powers we are supernaturally empowering but hold up one thing has the power to stop Superman bring in the previously invincible down to his knees kryptonite [Applause] is it true like Superman our strength is being dropped neutralizing our power [Music] all right unless you've been on a deserted island for the past 80 years everybody in here knows about Superman we all know enough to know that Superman and kryptonite are fictional but something I've discovered is that spiritual kryptonite is very very very real I actually didn't set out to write a book about Superman and kryptonite I was actually doing one of the most in-depth studies of the Church of corn that I've done in my 38 years of walking with Jesus and in this study I started seeing things I had never seen before and I started seeing the why behind a lot of the struggles the Corinthian churches the Corinthian church was going through if you look at the early church and when I say the early church don't think the Corinthian church acts 1 through 12 happened between 30 and 34 AD the Corinthian church Paul's first letter then was 56 ad so we're talking about a 25 year gap a lot can happen in 25 years I mean go back 25 word explosions but if you look at the early church they were invincible how many of you know the Bible cannot exaggerate the Bible tells us that three entire cities every single inhabitant of those cities got saved the city of lit a city of Joppa the City of Sharon there was actually a busboy who yeah a busboy in a restaurant who went down to the city of Samaria and literally rocked the entire city I mean these guys were having to convince people and I'm talking about leaders and Roman officers that they weren't superheroes or gods they were known as the ones who were turning the world upside down and that was the report given by the unbelievers but if you look at the church in Corinth history shows that the city of Corinth was not impacted by the Church of Corinth they were not nearly as effective as the early church now they had issues they had favorite preachers they were quarreling they were divided they're suing one another they're actually committing sexual immorality like even unbelievers weren't doing so fault finally Paul has to write to this church that he birth and he loved and he said for this reason many of you now notice the word many many of you are weak everybody say weak what did kryptonite do to Superman it weakened him it neutralized his otherworldly powers this Corinthian church its effectiveness in Corinth it wasn't near as strong as the early church and I turned 60 in less than a year so what happened was I'm getting near this birthmark and I'm like I expected us to be a lot further down the road when I was 60 then where we are and I started asking some questions a lot of us really don't like asking why don't we want to ask these questions and I was one of them because I don't like the answers maybe I'm scared of the answers but one of the questions I had to ask is are we more like the Corinthian church are we more like the early church right now because this is where my mind goes I may be speaking to 5,000 people here tonight where the other a million and a half people in this city I may speak at a church or a conference that has four or five thousand but I'm thinking where the other two million people we've got more money being spent on the gospel in America than the early church had why aren't entire cities getting safe are they supposed to just start out with a big bang like that and we're just going to end kind of fizzle out that's not what I see I see he's coming back for a glorious church not a defeated church not a surviving Church here's the deal because I'm not a preacher of doom I am a preacher of hope there is a prophet who saw a vision of us and that prophets name is Daniel and you already said about us the people no their God shall be strong what's the opposite of weak so this arm he's not going to be affected by kryptonite they're going to be strong and they're not going to carry out just exploits they're going to carry out great exploits I don't care if you're called in the marketplace to the educational field health care government professional athletics ministry God has called you not just to carry out exploits but great exploits so that the world can see that our God is alive that's a good place to say Amen but the key to this army the Daniel saw is the fact that they they were the people who know their God everybody say no now that is an amazing word is the Hebrew word yada and this word is found all throughout the Old Testament it's raw definition is basically this to know someone deeply and intimately it is used throughout the Old Testament in regard to God knowing our hearts how many of you know God knows your heart better than you know your heart right it is used actually in Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 where it says Adam knew his wife Eve and they conceived so the most intimate that two human beings can be on the planet the Holy Spirit uses the word yada to identify it now I I don't think that's a coincidence because how many of you know all through the Bible God uses marriage imagery to illustrate his relationship with us I mean you see statements all across the Old Testament statements like this your Creator is your husband if you come to the New Testament you will notice Paul writes therefore a man shall leave his father and mother the two will be joined together and become one but he said but this is actually an illustration so Tommy Barnett was not the first one to come up with Illustrated sermons actually God was God says the marriage is actually the illustration of how the church in Jesus are one now with that in mind I want you to watch this short video that castle great isn't that so they tell you how to fold the napkins yes oh wow I actually believe it or not and I saw it fold the Sydney Opera House no no I really did I can totally show you please answer good evening Oh even have you dined close before yes actually this is our favorite restaurant welcome back no babe I'm pretty sure we've never been here before that's weird well that might just once I guess what you like to order the fire sir so you know what I think I would like to have that salmon that that sounds absolutely wonderful in there that's one of my favorites oh great yeah and for you man oh I will have the filet mignon and the New York Strip and the 8-ounce sirloin all medium-rare please that is a great choice I will get those right out to you babe that's it's got a lot of food I'm not just ordering for one you know wait are you telling me that we're I'll be expecting yeah he'll be here soon it's a boy oh yeah oh my gosh okay this has got to be sorry I'm late for you thanking him so well I'm sorry dude dude you know each other yeah he is my boyfriend from high school yeah your boyfriend from high school can ask you did I come at a bad time no I really don't see the problem your Justin yeah I really don't see the problem okay who are you honey stop you're embarrassing me I just wanted us to have one nice night our favorite restaurant okay first of all never been in this restaurant and second what is going okay babe sorry I'm late did I miss anything okay seriously you take your hand off her at you what is going on [Music] Angela this is is this some kind of joke are you are you actually seeing these guys Justin I have known these guys longer than I've known you wait what are you seriously jealous right now jealous Angela in case you forgot we're married okay and we spend the majority of our time together I I love you more than any of my other boyfriends that's why you'll always be my favorite you're your favorite is dessert or else I need to know about babe is there a problem over here okay really the waiter no Dennis seriously no good food will be right now okay all right these guys need to go and we need to talk we're done I cannot believe this you are being so selfish why do you always have to make everything about you you ruined our favorite restaurant excuse me yeah I've still never been in this restaurant all right it's a little absurd but I think you get the point right so let me ask you a question and I really want you to think about this how many of you would want to be married to someone like that nobody come on she's gorgeous she's got a great personality all right why didn't any of you raise your hands can i articulate why because even though he is her favorite she spends 90% of her time with him and she does love him more than any of the other boyfriends her heart's still divided now you'd never marry someone like that what makes you think Jesus is coming back for a bride like that if you believe that Jesus has come back for a bride like that yours deceived as she is he's coming back for a bride that has given herself to him the way he gave himself to her don't be fooled about that see when a girl when a girl gets married when a girl puts on a white dress we're about to have two weddings one next month and one in November when a girl puts on that white dress and she walks down an aisle of the church no she's actually making a pretty strong statement do you know what she's saying she's saying goodbye to every man on the planet 3.5 billion guys because she's giving her entire heart her entire life to that one man well Paul finally has to write to this church that he loves he birthed and he said many don't now do you remember he said for this reason many of you a week many of you have not given up your old sins your old boyfriends you have not repented everybody say repented of your impurity your sexual immorality and your eagerness for lustful pleasures so the problem here is this this church had not repented now we have a problem immediately and that is this when you say the word repent today in the American church people shut down they recoil they flinch and we actually have a really good reason to do that why do we do that because mean-spirited legalistic preachers who didn't even like people beat us up unmercifully with this word repentance can I tell you as a Catholic boy that got saved 38 years ago you studied my Bible for years I see that repentance is one of the most empowering life-giving beautiful words in the whole New Testament other than the name of Jesus so can we address this elephant in the room soar to speak first of all God calls repentance a gift how many of you know God doesn't give us kids bad gifts oh you missed it right there you missed that one God doesn't give us kids binding or constrictive gifts he gives us good gifts now don't think the Old Testament repentance that's a different word you know that you know what I'm talking about the sackcloth to ashes the hunger strike all that stuff no New Testament repentance is the Greek word Metanoia it's found over 50 times in the New Testament and here's its raw definition a change of mind it's in about-face that's its definition but now listen if I leave it there we're gonna miss the impact of this word because how many know that I can change my mind but not be fully persuaded so I love what Baker does Baker encyclopedia brings it a little deeper it says repentance is a change in the whole personality now I love that definition everybody's a whole personality so repentance is a change of mind but it goes deeper it it goes to the will it goes to the emotions it penetrates the heart it's when we are fully persuaded about something in the very core of our being this is why Jesus makes this day and he says from the heart everybody say from the heart come all evil thoughts murder adultery all sexual immorality theft in line if repentance is just a change of mine Jesus would have said from the mind come all these things are you seeing that now this is what I've learned in my years of walking with God and that is this the wisdom of God is very simplistic okay if you get a preacher standing up and I can't hand understand how he's saying I'm doubtful he's really giving the wisdom of God okay Jesus talked so that PhDs could understand and kids could understand you understand what I'm talking about what's the difference between the unrepentant person and the repented person the fundamental difference is this the unrepentant person says this in his heart in the core of his being I choose what is good best and right for my life the repentant person says this I choose what God says is good best and right for my life no matter what our culture is doing no matter what is acceptable in society I choose what God says that's it that's repentance now if you look at this video that I had our team make it was a little interesting wasn't it did you notice in the video that she was just as shocked by his behavior as he was her behavior in fact she's the one that accused him of being jealous and selfish they both got upset and she got actually more upset because she's the one that left the table now this is what I want to ask and I want you to think with me how could this ever happen in real life how could that scenario ever happen the only way that it could happen is if the people in Angela's life and when I say the people in Angela's life I'm talking about her family her friends and her teachers never once told her the whole time that she was growing up that in order to enter a marriage covenant you have to say goodbye to all your old boyfriends if they ever told her that she's gonna be shocked by his behavior especially when she confesses in front of all of them she loves him more well when I look at the gospel that we're preaching in America currently we sell Jesus almost like a used car salesman now if you're saved used-car salesman I am NOT talking about you okay I'm talking about an unsaved used cars friend you know what I'm talking about they'll tell you all the upsides but they won't tell you the downside so you drive off the lot then you're upset with them later because they didn't tell you the downsides you understand what I'm saying right so we preach a 30-minute message on the goodness of God now listen this is what's amazing we have to preach the goodness of God because the goodness of God leads people to repentance but here's the problem we get to the end of our 30-minute message 40-minute message whatever it is and we say are you away from God do you want a relationship with your Creator pray this prayer and let's let's become a Christian Jesus come into my heart I receive you as my savior forgive me of all my sins amen we never said one word of our repentance so what have we just done we are beginning to create an Angela but if you look at the life and the Ministry of Jesus look his first words in public the very first words he spoke Jesus began to preach repent of your sins and turn to God now notice the statement that in order to turn to God you have to repent of your sins right now he began to preach this did he continue Oh Matthew let me show you a couple Matthew 11 then Jesus began to denounce the talents we had done many of his miracles because they hadn't repented of their sins and turned to God look at Luke 13 jesus said you will perish - unless you repent of your sins and turn to God are you seeing a pattern here repent of your sins and turn to God are you seeing this now he's training up twelve guys and when he fine he knows that they are ready to go and represent him what do these 12 guys go out and proclaim Mark 6 so the disciples went out telling everyone not most of the people everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God Wow how about the rich guy in hell how many of you know people don't have to put a facade on in hell because they're there forever you understand what I'm saying look at the rich man says the rich man said no father Abraham but if someone is sent to my five brothers from the dead then they wow-wow-wow will repent of their sins and turn to God how about the day of Pentecost did it all change now you don't understand tell you Pentecost Peter's got thousands of people and they all want to get saved it's not like they're just like I mean they paid the $25 ticket to get into the conference they want to get saved look what he says then each of you must notice he doesn't say strongly recommend it because they're all saying what do we do to be saved he said each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God are you starting to see a pattern here how about the Apostle Paul he got the revelation of grace that had changed for him Paul said I preached first of those in Damascus then in Jerusalem throughout all of Judea and all the Gentiles that all must notice the word must repent of their sins and turn to God how about God the Father acts 17 God overlooked people's ignorance about these things in earlier times but now he commands he doesn't suggest he doesn't highly recommend he commands everyone everywhere that about covers it to repent of their sins and turn to Him are you seeing a biblical pilot pattern here I mean it's not an isolated pattern it is a biblical pattern and what is the pattern pattern you're seeing here is there is no true faith in Jesus Christ unless there's repentance it's not a true thing it's a counterfeit face you ever try to spend counterfeit money you wouldn't be here listening to me right now if you did it's not a real faith see look at the whole foundation of the church the writer of Hebrews tells us the foundation of the church right foundation foundational teachings what's number one what's the number one repentance of dead works for penance from sin what's the next one that's built on that one faith in God in other words the writer of Hebrews says you don't have faith in God unless you've repented of sin so what Paul says this Corinthian church is your Bunch Angeles you haven't repented of your old sins so he finally has the right to them and look what he says he says don't you realize but you know what before it before I read this III I think I have something that will help what is the heart posture of the person that's truly repented you know what I mean by the heart posture they filter everything through this the heart posture is this I'm no longer living as the judge of what is best for me from this moment forward I will embrace whatever God says is best for me even if I don't get it that's the hard posture see here's the thing here's the thing there might have been thousands of people on that day of Pentecost right and 3,000 of them gave that they repented of their sins and turn to God there are probably a couple people living together they didn't realize on that day they had to not live together although probably a Holy Spirit started dealing with them but about four days later they heard one of the Apostles say hey the marriage bed is undefiled and adulterers and fornicators God will judge whoa whoa whoa what did you just say you mean God didn't want us to live together everybody in societies doing he no no God created you he knows what's best for you so know now they already made the decision four days earlier no matter what God says I'm gonna embrace it and do it even if I don't get it so when they heard that they said done deal but you see we got a problem today because we're not preaching this in America we're reaping our angels because we got ministers today that are divorcing their spouses and marrying the same-sex New York Times best-selling ministers so what happened there they were fine with all the promises they were fine with the inspirational preaching of the Bible but then all of a sudden they met up with the crossroads Society said this it looked like from a humanistic love standpoint this looks right so I'm going to now follow that the decision was made because repentance was never sealed in their heart before they got saved see I basically was a jerk I had no fruit in my life I was lost I was miserable I was empty and I gave my life to Jesus and I said I don't care what I see in you were because for 20 years I went to a church where we looked at all of you and said you are wasting your time you're all going to hell were the only ones that are going to heaven and then when I took my college course from my denomination on the Old Testament survey and heard that there were 656 contradictions in the Bible you couldn't prove that Jesus was raised from the dead and that Moses crossed the sea when it was a marsh I was like whoa and then I heard 75% of our doctrine came from men and 25% from the Bible that's when I was like okay for 20 years of my life I based my eternity on this I don't care what I see in the Word of God I will believe it even if I don't get it and that is the fear of the Lord and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding and people ask me all the time where do you get the wisdom in these books I'm telling you it's called the fear of the Lord I will believe it even if I don't get it and eventually the revelation or understanding comes so Paul says in this church he says don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom don't fool yourselves hey can I say this it's one thing to fool the person sitting next to you it's a totally different thing to fool yourself first thing Jesus says when they said what's gonna be like right before you return first words out of his mouth be very careful you're not deceived there's only one problem of deception some of you have heard me say for years it's deceiving the person who's to see believes with all their hearts are right when in reality they're wrong they fooled themselves don't fool yourselves those who indulge in sexual sin stop right there I'm first on the list so nobody's throwing stones here tonight I'm number one I think a few years ago I shared just almost share it again because there's a lot of new people here will only be brief when I was 12 years old a friend of mine introduced me of pornography you know what happens with a young man when he gets introduced to the prog raphy especially when God isn't not in his life and family right within months I'm addicted we didn't have phones tablets computers we had magazines so I got all these magazines I'm hiding more my mom won't find me right by the time I get into high school I am so eaten up with lust I am undressing girls in my high school classes and having the wildest sexual fantasies then I go to pretty University and I played varsity tennis at Purdue and I joined a fraternity you talk about adding fuel to the fire but my sophomore year a phenomenal athlete in our fraternity I mean I had the utmost respect for this guy he came up to my room one night and shared campus Crusades for spiritual laws I gave my life to Jesus that night I was gloriously saved it was amazing the night I got saved in January of 1979 instantly cussing left my life because I had the foul ass mouth I couldn't get a full sentence out without a four-letter word the that night instantly alcoholism gone gone but pornography and lust didn't leave so let's fast forward a couple years I'm now 23 I'm marrying who I consider to be the most gorgeous girl that walks the planet still do and I think it's all going to be fine now no it gets worse it's affecting our marriage not just in the bedroom outside the bedroom so in 1983 I started working for our church we had 450 paid staff members my job was I took care about all the guest speakers we had every known guest speaker coming into our church one of the men that came into our church frequently and I became close with him was a man who probably had the most powerful deliverance ministry in the 20th century his name was dr. Lester Sumrall so I'm alone with him in the vehicle in the fall of 1984 I think it was around September of 1984 and I opened up I said dr. Sommer I'm bound Wow did he let me have it first thing he said is stop it I'm now trembling right in my seat and I listened to every word he said and can I tell you something he really cared about me you know he didn't look at me and say Oh John you're young you're red-blooded male you got to stop some surge into your veins 70% of men in America look at pornography true statistic 50% of the pastors look at pornography at least once a month in America true statistic he didn't do that he just tore into me in a very godly way because every every words coming out of his mouth I know this guy who really cares about me and I listened to everything he said and I said finally I said would you pray for me he said absolutely come close he prayed a really strong prayer and do you know what happened nothing let me get more specific absolutely nothing so find another minister uh-huh nine months later a man gives me his condominium to use right and on the fourth day of that fast may 6 1985 I was completely totally set free from pornography and lust and I am still free today thank God and can I tell you I've been bound and I've been free and free is so much better okay so I'm walking in this region for a couple years and I'm like god I don't get it I really humbled myself with dr. summer I really opened up to him why didn't you deliver me in September 1940 wasn't it for nine months later and God start showing them my prayer life now I got to back up 2 years in 1982 I read this book on prayer that greatly impacts me and in 1982 after reading that book I said I'm getting up every morning pray and I set my alarm for 4:45 every morning I was up at 5:00 and outside remote place by 5:00 a.m. and I pray to 6:30 at least every morning sometimes 7:00 and I'd be to work by 8:00 now you know when you pray an hour and a half how many of you know you'll always come back to your number one prayer you have like a default prayer like when you run out of things to pray about you go back to it you understand what I'm talking about cuz it's the thing you want the most right so my default prayer was God used me to win multitudes to Jesus God used me to heal sick people use me to get people free I would pray it with such passion I remember screaming God give me Souls or I'm gonna die so I don't know if it was a month before a month after but it was right in that time period - I opened up with dr. Summerall but I'm outside praying one morning and I remember the tree I was by I was on the 12th hole of a golf course at 5:00 in the morning 5:30 in the morning right and I hear the Holy Spirit I'm praying God use me to win souls to Jesus right and I hear the Holy Spirit say son your prayers are off-target Oh what praying people get saved and healed and delivered that's the devil but then I heard this he said son you can cast out devils you can heal the sick people you'd get people free you you can win people to Jesus and end up in hell forever now I really think it's the devil but then he said this and it was in a pleading voice and I had never thought this I'd never heard a human being preach it I'd never read it in my life that's how I knew it was him that morning he said son Judas left everything he had to come follow me for three and a half years Judas healed the sick in my name Judas got people free in my name Judas preached repentance and salvation and my name Judas is in hell forever okay I'm a Catholic boy I am now trembling and you know how when you're trembling in the presence of God you very cautiously say well then what should be my number-one prayer and he said to know me intimately and you know that day that day I started thinking about I thought that was Moses his number one prayer he finished well listen to this this is Paul our King David's number one prayer he finishes well this is the Apostle Paul's number one prayer he finishes well I thought I want to finish well so my prayers started changing I start saying God I want to know you the best a man can know you I want to please you the best a man can please you I want to know your heart I want to love what you love and I want to hate what you hate what's important to you I want it important to make what is not so important to you I want it not so important to me I want to walk with you and I start crying out for this right you say John what does this have to do with you getting free from pornography and lust it has everything to do with it because look what Paul says to the same Corinthian church that's amazing how this church opens up so much for godly sorrow everybody shout godly sorrow juices repentance leading to salvation don't get hung up on the word salvation it's the Greek word Soteria which mean healing preservation sinus and mind deliverance we're talking about deliverance right now I'm gonna put it in there for godly sorrow produces repentance leading to deliverance not to be regretted but sorrow of the world produces death I want everybody to look at me we got two sorrows it's not that we've got one genuine sorrow and one imitation sorrow they are both genuine sorrows you got it both sorrows confessed they've sinned Judas took the money back and said I've sinned to the priests if you look at King Saul he says I've sinned to the prophet Samuel yet the next words out of Sammy's mouth is you just lost your kingdom Balaam confesses to the angel of the Lord who many believe is Christ I have sinned yet God had Balaam judged with the edge of the sword and his prophecies are still in the Bible both sorrows have remorse Judas takes the money when the priests don't take it back he throws it back in the temple he said I've said that I've shed innocent blood both sorrows can have tears in fact I have seen godly sorrow with no suit tears and worldly sorrow with tons of tears what is the difference you can see the difference in the life of two kings King Saul commits right sin what does he do he disobeys God that's the root of all sin Adam didn't smoke a joint in the garden or jump in bed with a prostitute he simply disobeyed God King Saul disobeys God the Prophet sameyou comes back some to the corner that's what prophets do and Saul goes I've sinned but the next words out of his mouth is yet now honor me in front of my elders and my people in other words you publicly embarrassed me the focus of his sorrow was himself King David commits adultery to cover up his adultery he murders the woman's husband unthinkable a guy the prophet Nathan comes to him David goes I've sinned against the Lord falls on his face on his face for seven days couldn't care less what his leaders think or the people and he cries out in Psalm 51 against you and against you only have I sent the focus of his sorrow was him worldly sorrow focuses on you what are the consequences am I going to lose my position will I lose my marriage will I be able to preach anymore will I burn in hell forever it focuses on you godly sorrow focuses on him I've hurt the heart of the one I loved so deeply God showed me when I opened up with Lester Sumrall in the fall of 1984 he said son you were scared that this sin was going to keep you from the international calling on your life to preach the gospel the focus was you but after nine months of crying out to know me intimately when you went into that fast on May 2nd 1985 your heart was breaking because you were hurting my heart that was the godly saw that produced the repentance to led to your deliverance so Paul says don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God don't fool yourselves those who indulge in sexual sin look at this list or commit adultery or are male prostitutes or practice homosexuality or are thieves or our greedy people or drunkards or our abusive or cheat people none of these will inherit the kingdom of God why are we saying anything about this okay the number one foundation in the whole church and yet we're not hearing anything can you study history you'll never find a genuine move of God that didn't have repentance as its launch pad so why don't we talk about it because now we got to get ministers with a gospel that okay my child is a homosexual I I believe as long as they've been nagin miss we believe in it why that Minister probably never heard the preaching of repentance and probably heard pray the sinner's prayer and they were great they were with us all along but then all of a sudden one day God exposed I know what I believe is good for us outside of what God says that's the whole sin in the garden Adam and he chose what they believe was good for them when they saw the tree was good not evil they departed from saying God knows what's best for me I know that's good for me God is withholding it for me therefore I shall have it but you don't understand I'm just like wait a minute I came out of a denomination that years and years drifted away here's the number-one foundation we don't talk about it you know what Paul said look at listen what Paul said Paul said if anyone suffers eternal death it's not my fault I want to be able to say that for I then shrink I didn't keep back or fall short from declaring all that God wants you to know look what's really getting us in trouble right now in the church in America it's not what we're saying it's what we're not saying we are so scared of legalism then we have swung the pendulum the other side I'm gonna church a massive Church just recently and the pastor's plaque plaque right in front of him that he sees every Sunday morning is your number one goal is to inspire am i what so what are you gonna do if your number one goal is inspire inspire that's your filter disciples are learners they are ones that learn the commands of their masters Jesus didn't say going all the runs inspire everybody [Applause] see what's the problem we've redefined love see here's the definition of love affirm if I don't affirm you I don't love you that is the new definition of love so what do we do we the church follow along this cultural thinking and we avoid speaking truths in the New Testament because we see these truths as a violation of the very compassion and love that we desire but in the light of that watch this video and let's talk about it Hey look check it out Labradoodle what yeah right down there oh I love reading it's so good yes half lab half Moodle wait what incredible noodle yeah no that's not a thing ever totally is a Moodle isn't that day fan econ oh yeah what is he doing up here it's probably just enjoying the view man hmm wait isn't isn't Dave blind [Music] hey hey Dave whoa bro what are you doing just tell Dave what to do wait why are you blind uh no okay so then you don't know what Dave's gone through you can't really relate to one man just literally slipping right now okay you're gonna you're gonna get all up on him for slipping like everyone slips from here and there don't goofy slips I'm just trying to keep a guy from falling off a cliff yeah okay listen what what I think you need to do right now is you just need to love him even not point out what does that do it has everything to do with everything okay like if you if you point out his weaknesses and you won't feel loved won't feel accepted and I'm just trying to keep a guy from going off the cliff don't even stop it blind people so easily that with you know so many people won't like you also what if he doesn't like us anymore you ever thought about that Dave will be dead just say hey no no no someone is someone there maybe you can help me out I seem to have lost the trail somewhere you want to tell me if I'm going the right way you're right we should still just encourage them yeah Dave you know you're doing great head huh you know I love you out here man - I'm proud of you being out on this trail you're doing great man you're doing great [Music] okay thanks man watch I'll figure it out just gotta love him through his collars yeah you got it man [Music] [Music] do you notice how encouraged a was when Charlie says I'm so proud of you man being on this trip so he made his last few steps a lot more enjoyable but he still ended up at the bottom of the cliff dead charlie's goal was to inspire make it your goal to just inspire you'll end up anywhere make it your goal just to get people to come back to church next Sunday you'll end up anywhere because that is not the right filter the filter is are we conforming people into the image of Jesus Christ Paul made this clear those he loved he predestined set the finish line that they should be conformed to the image of his son anything that doesn't doesn't move towards that will eventually end up in error that's the end goal that God told us is so clear in the New Testament so that's why sometimes there has to be correcting and confronting and rebuking as well as exhorting everybody needs encouragement we all need it but if all we gives encouragement then we're gonna have a bunch of Dave's falling off cliffs did Jesus minister this way oh absolutely I remember I was speaking to 250 pastors they pastor some of the largest churches in America and I remember saying hey how many see the rich young ruler just got out of his Lexus chariot got his Armani robe on got a Sun sundial Rolex watch it's got his assistants around him looks at Jesus says what do I do to gets a day so how many of you can see that and they raised their hand 75% of those 250 pastors raised their hand so guys can we read the Bible this is the problem we're not reading the Bible there came running to Jesus and kneeling down this guy comes running slides to his knees and cries out what do I do to get saved would you say he's got a desire to get say he you better believe it but the Bible says they have an interaction Jesus in him and then the Bible says there's Jesus looked at him in loved him you lack something go sell everything you have give it to your give it to the poor take up the cross and follow me what's he doing saying you got a boyfriend in your life you can't enter a marriage covenant with me unless you break up with that boyfriend not for this guy it was his money for some of us it's the girl we're dating it's the homosexual relationship we're in it's cheating on our taxes lying to get ahead whatever it is Jesus really cared about this guy because Jesus knows that if I just pray with him and say follow me he's gonna come to a point where money's gonna say go this way God's gonna save this way and he's gonna go the way of money and he's gonna still say jesus is my lord but he's deceived because he never repented he never broke up with the old boyfriend yeah people want heaven people want eternal life people want peace people want joy people want to be healed people want their needs provided for but Jesus didn't use that to entice him to follow him he just walks by people's boats and say follow me doesn't doesn't say anything follow me because if that guy gave everything to the poor Jesus who knew this Solomon wrote he who lends to the poor gives award and whatever he's given he'll repay God will repay jesus didn't say don't you understand if you give to the poor god's gonna multiply it back to you a hundred times the told Peter that after the guy left because Jesus didn't use the goodness to entice people to follow him he wanted people to follow him because of who he is he looked through these people they went all the way across the lake and they were seeking Jesus he say you're seeking me for the wrong reason I filled you another free meal you're you're seeking me for the sign signs don't point to that you're not seeking me for the signs he said science don't point themselves they point to him that he is the Messiah and there is only true life in him can you imagine Jesus with this elder bored the next day uh we've worked on this guy for six months he's the richest guy the community can write it can underwrite Peru I'm going we're going to prove to you I can't wait we're gonna be with you I'm so excited get right up all of our outreaches we can start another thousand Bible schools one stroke of the pen hey could you have just had to pray the prayer and ease them into this I mean come on okay it's a journey just a year or two down the road we can deal with this situation it's such a lie you know Lisa didn't say to me John date Tammy and Sarah for a couple years and make sure you really really like being you know husband and wife before you break up with them stupid that thinking is yet we're fostering it because you know God is so clever he said I'm gonna make the New Testament in such a way the people with carnal minds can make up anything they want and create any kind of Jesus they want and so in America we want it sure is glad here right now Jesus makes the most amazing statement let me wrap this up he says Matthew seven said you can identify people by their actions not amazing you can identify people by their actions I'm dealing with this young woman she's in her early 30s she's a single mom she works for an international ministry but she's sleeping with her boyfriend so I'm sitting down with her in the office and I'm reading Scripture and she goes but but but and then I read another New Testament scripture said but but but and then I read another New Testament scripture and she got a little exasperated she said but John God knows my heart whoa whoa whoa wait a minute do you have to take a drill go to a tree bore a hole into the center of the heart of the tree to figure out it's a good tree or not I said just look at its fruit just look at its actions can I have in prayer one day and the Holy Spirit asked me he said did you notice I didn't say to one of the churches and revelations I know your intentions he said I know your actions why because by actions were identified now look what Jesus says not everyone who calls out to me me can I be Buddha here because the words are red not everyone who calls out to me Lord Lord you know the way people are in church oh the Lord this the Lord that Oh Lord this not everyone who calls out to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven how do you know he just did annihilated our evangelical traditions and that is this all you got to do is get him to pray the prayer in there in really Jesus just said not everybody prays the prayers going to heaven so then my next question becomes who then is going to heaven he answers he says only those who actually do the will of my father will enter now here's the problem we immediately go to law this is not law this is evidence if I take a knife and I put it into an electrical outlet and I'm alive that means there is no power in that outlet but if you're doing my funeral three days later there is juice in the outlet Jesus is saying that evidence if somebody really has a relationship with me as they've got the grace of God which empowers them to do what they couldn't do before it empowers them to obey the Word of God because I tried to get free from pornography and I failed I tried and I failed I tried I failed and I was getting exasperated and then I found out about the grace of God I found out the grace not only saves me and not only forgives me it not only as a free gift but grace empowers me to do what truth demands of me he said on Judgment Day many will say to me Lord Lord we proclaim the gospel in your name we cast out demons in your name we performed many miracles in your name that's our church we did this and then I will declare to them I never knew you the Greek word there is ganache 'kiss ganache co which is at the exact word as yada you understand what I'm saying my name is John in English it's Juan in Spanish you got it same word I never knew you depart from me you who practice everybody say practice say it again say it again lawlessness lawlessness is the Greek word anomia which means simply this you're not submitted to the authority of God's Word okay the key is practice and the most important state now I'm making all nights coming out so I better listen Jesus saying practice if you could keep that scripture up it would mean the world to me Jesus saying practice tells me that he is not talking about the man or woman who's in bondage to sin and crying out to be free I am firmly convinced if 1983 if I would have been tragically killed two years before I was delivered from pornography and lust if I don't think I would have entered into heaven why because every time I fell into that sin I cried out to God in repentance jesus said if your brother sins against you seven times in a day and seven times he comes back and says I repent you shall forgive him why because that's the way God forgives us I just preached myself happy on that one so he's not talking about that person crying out to be free who's Jesus talking about when he says practice he's talked about this guy my wife's been a little grumpy lately for like five years I think she's menopausal anyway but this young girl oh my gosh she just speaks strength into my life she makes me feel like a man like I can conquer she's so good in the bedroom thank God for His grace I can't wait for Sunday service that's the person Jesus is talking about watch this video I will place [Music] we go what's happening when you Kevin at it yeah who are you Kevin we don't have a lot of time I've been sent here for you your doors are about to close I need to get you out of you you want to get out of here uh yeah absolutely why come with me let's go alright so Kevin what we're gonna do is we're just gonna head down here I hope you're gonna be able to climb cuz we're just cool Kevin what are you doing does anything I've learned in prison is that orange is definitely my color oh no no no you want to leave everything behind if you bring that with you the dogs will be able to find you you'll be right back right right okay right bye team I have the package for head to the extraction zone right now Kevin what I need you to do is what what are you doing this bed is perfect for me okay you think that we're gonna be able to get that through the contours to my every shape okay I can't sleep without it Kevin let's go wait I thought Wednesday what today's Tuesday tomorrow's Wednesday they serve hot dogs on Wednesday are you serious yeah I can't miss that Kevin you can buy whatever foods you want whatever out there we just go what about Chester okay ways that hey you can take this hold on oh my gosh what is it oh the champion what is it now look I was saving these up for a long time okay hey Darrell you still want to treat cigarettes yeah look I gotta trees with Darrell okay what man Kyle got this like cigarette business I can't just leave him now Kevin I don't think you understand this your doors gonna close game I knew ditching Kimmy come out we need to go right now please just leave everything Kevin you need to come with me right now we need to go be better than all this coming you don't understand they'll find the way I got it I won't be able to come back for you I just need more time okay like this is my home gonna get out I know I can I can't just yes I've seen a figure out this wizard this is my phone well given Jimmy that's given so 10 security problems [Music] wait wait wait please don't leave me here please I can let it go I can't let it go please wait please I promise I go please [Music] [Music] what Kevin refused to let go of kept him until that prep him in that prison till it was too late recently I was reading Matthew 25 Jesus tells about these 10 bridesmaids five of them were wise five of them were foolish I think that's the first thing that shocked me it wasn't one foolish and nine wise it was five and five all of them had lamps which speak of light all of them were looking for the bridegroom they weren't unbelievers fried gutten comes and the wise ones enter in and the door shut like with Kevin they pound on the door and they said Lord Lord open to us and he said I don't know who you are and they were left in outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth in the late-1980s you've heard me say this probably four or five times here God gave me a riveting vision I saw those unwise virgins it was a sea of humanity and what I mean it was so big I couldn't see the end of it behind me were the gates and Jesus in the city I never saw them but I knew they were there God let me see is the faces every one of those people called Jesus Christ their Lord and I heard him say I don't know who you are I don't know you depart from me and I saw the excruciating shock on every one of their faces the ones that were in front and right then God put a passion in my heart not only for the lost in the street but even more so the lost in the church Paul finally writes to this church and he says stop sinning it's amazing is it wasn't until last year that I discovered he said exactly what Lester Sumrall said to me for two years shame I say remember he's talking to a church to your shame I say this um you don't know God at all one every head bowed and one every eye closed Heavenly Father I have proclaimed what you've commanded me to proclaim and I thank you again Holy Spirit for your faithfulness I'm asking open eyes open ears and open hearts with your heads bowed and your eyes closed I keep hearing Paul's words don't fool yourselves so forget about the person to your right in to your left in front of you behind you let's focus on what happened with you during this message see if you only understood some of you you were given the greatest gift while you're sitting there tonight I preached this message one message but it was heard four thousand different ways he actually opened your eyes and you saw things and you're uncomfortable don't be uncomfortable the reason you saw these things about you is how much he loves you do you remember jesus said their eyes they have shut their ears they have closed their heart they have hardened lest I should heal them when the Holy Spirit opens our eyes and we see areas in our life but all of a sudden we realized man I I'm that area of my life I don't allow the Word of God to speak into that is actually God's love for you because he doesn't want you in the situation where your heart is closed and your ears are closed and your eyes are closed so that you can't be healed he wants to heal you we're not talking about living a perfect life we are talking about giving your heart your life completely 36 years ago Lisa walked down the aisle she said I do can I tell you she's made a lot of mistakes in the last 36 years up to lately as well but I've made a whole lot more but not talking about a groom tonight we're talking about a bride but can I tell you something that's never changed in the 36 years it's never altered once she gave me her entire heart her entire life and that's never changed in 36 years that's what we're talking about tonight the prodigal son hey listen the prodigal son made that decision his father came running after him some of you thinking right now Jesus a little angry if I see him might have this disgusted look nun I know no no no he's got a look of hope he's hoping you will respond because God has given you a free will and you want to keep that area of your life hidden that's fine one day it will be exposed but it will be at the wrong time when the door is already shut many of you are sitting in your seat right now the Holy Spirit really dealt with you about an area of your life and you realize I have not turned that area over to Jesus Christ I I don't really allow the Word of God to speak into that area and you said a man I couldn't wait until this guy was finished tonight because I'm ready to break up with the old boyfriends right now you know who he is you know who they are the Holy Spirit was very gracious in showing you if you're here tonight you'd say John I'm ready to break out my up with them I'm ready to repent and give myself completely repent means break up with the old boyfriends and give my self in my life completely to Jesus Christ if that's you and you say John I need to do that tonight I need to break up with those old boyfriends right now I want you raise your hand up high if that's you whoa look at the hands just put them up high if your hands in the air I want you to do one more thing I want you to stand to your feet no brides ever been ashamed of her grin [Music] keep your heads bowed your eyes closed everybody else some of your sitting right now and you know you're supposed to be standing you want to stand something's holding you back what is it what is it in that prison cell that's better than what's waiting for you a lot of people just stood up please God will never force you to make a decision to have a relationship with him never will he force you he gave you a free will but I'm asking you please just make a decision yes sir yes ma'am yes ma'am all right listen to me carefully if you are standing there is a specific reason the Holy Spirit dealt with you about a thing or two or three whatever it is and you see that old boyfriend that that sin you've not broken up with that you've tolerated ignored kind of shoved it under the carpet when you're reading the Bible or End Church and the Holy Spirit was gracious to you you know I want you to break up with him right there in your seat I want you to sit there and bury that thing forever and when you do and you are fully convinced that you are ready to walk the aisle to give as a Bride of Christ to give your life completely and totally to Jesus free from any entanglements with all boyfriend's if you're ready I want you to slip out into the aisle and I want you all to come as far down to the front as you can and while you're coming I want everybody else to give them a huge hand come all the way down here come on down come on down okay I'm proud of you I'm proud of you hey so proud of you come on car get my hand [Applause] [Music] come on give him a hand [Applause] [Music] come on come on close there's a lot of people behind you come up here close come on up close come all the way up all the way up so proud of you so proud of you and I'm so proud [Music] so proud of you so proud of you and you and you and all of you I'm so proud of you so proud of you come on give them a hand come on keep coming there's a lot of room over here keep coming [Applause] all right now I want you to look at me I want you guys to stay with me look at me look at me everyone why do you have these sad looks on your face okay I'm gonna ask the Holy Spirit to do do something for me okay would you close your eyes why am I having you close your eyes because I want you to open up the eyes of your heart I'm gonna ask the Holy Spirit to get it give you a glimpse I want you to just close your eyes and open up the eyes of your heart and Meyer little softer because we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna flow together here in a minute I feel it okay now Holy Spirit I'm asking you give everyone a glimpse of Jesus do you see him now you're not gonna see an angry look did you see the smile he's actually almost chuckling he's like exuberant with joy right now I see him see his arms they're out they're outstretched do you see that oh my gosh I mean if he died for you when you don't even know about him how much more now that you're entering into this little eternal covenant with him you see him now lift your hands [Music] holy spirit soft keep it soft fall fall on them fill us with the presence of Jesus there's this presence right there can everyone stand in this building and give him honor okay don't clapping oh no no no clapping software on the music cuz we're gonna flow together a minute there's his presence right there right there now what's amazing is we haven't even prayed yet and he's already the Holy Spirit filled them fill them there he is right there thank you so much I want you to speak to him from your heart I'm gonna lead you in a prayer I want your mouth to speak to him I want your ears to hear your mouth speak I want you to speak to the one you're beholding say this Jesus thank you for speaking to me thank you for giving your life for me forgive me for living my way apart from you my Creator but today that's changing this day I give my spirit soul embody everything I am everything I have to you you are now my king you're now my lord and I am in covenant with you forever fill me with your spirit I lift my hands and I receive I'm cleansed I'm clean because of you I am now declared holy please fill me with your presence there he is right there Jesus thank you thank you you know he's drawing near day everyone in this building that's drawing near to him there's this presence right there it's getting stronger faster master fast there he is right there the fire of God it's beginning to burn in your heart in the core of your being it's people being healed right now oh yeah that disease must go oh yeah leave Bax are being straight and backs are being healed backs are being restored somebody's intestines are being healed right now by the power of God that's the fire that's literally you feel the warmth and the fire right there in your intestinal area I command that : to be whole in Jesus name there's his presence right there just focus on him lift up your hands one more time wash wash every single man and woman and child in your blood I break the condemnation that pulled you back the guilt the shame I free you tonight may the joy of being in relationship with the Lord now be your strength there there lift up your hands there I just sense there's healing emotionally and physically going on right now and it's like the Lord is giving his kids a hug so just live it up your hands one last time so now I want you to just thank him for what he's done giving praise [Applause] Oh all right I want all of you to be honest okay how many of you could sense his presence honestly put your hand up Wow I want to see a show of hands how many of you I'm healed I don't have a doctor to confirm it but I know it may be you you can sense something different your physical body put up your hands all over this place it's just beautiful you
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 50,876
Rating: 4.8771696 out of 5
Keywords: john bevere, paul daugherty, victory conference 2018, sermon on rependence, how to get saved, sermon for men, sermon for women, being a christian, how to live for christ, sermon on living like jesus, how to live like jesus, how to get better
Id: RZvGmn1yPd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 33sec (5493 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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