Love Like You've Never Been Hurt - Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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and I want you to look with me at an Old Testament in the story in 2nd Samuel chapter 10 can I just teach a little bit tonight and let the Holy Spirit sink deep into your soul 2nd Samuel chapter 10 verse 1 and it happened after this that the king of the people of Ammon died Payne and his son reigned in his place then David said I will show kindness to Haman the son of may hatch David said I'm going to show kindness to hainan the son of nay has as his father showed kindness to me so David sent by the hand of his servants to comfort him concerning his father and David's servants came to the land of the people of Ammon princes of the people of Ammon said to hainan there their new king do you think that David really honors your father do you think that he sent comforters to you as David not rather sent his servants to spy out the city and to overthrow it verse 4 and watch this therefore Haman took David's servants shaved off half of their beards cut off their garments in the middle here's a here's a forrest gump term up to their buttocks and sent them away and when they told David he sent to meet them because the men were greatly ashamed and the King said wait at Jericho until your beards have grown and then return and I'll stop breeding there what a strange story right and I'll tell you how it ends in just a few moments but obviously tonight I want to only deal with the subject of loving like you've never been hurt specifically what to do when you are offended and hurt doing what the king told you to do these servants were in the perfect will of God and they were attacked and done wrong and offended and hurt and humiliated and embarrassed Muhammad Ali the great boxer got on an airplane he was flying somewhere it's a public airplane and the stewardess noticed that he didn't have his seatbelt together and and she said to him mr. Ali please fasten your seat belt the plane is about to take off and he looked up with that grin on his face and he said Superman don't need no seat belt to which she looked back at him and said Superman don't need an airplane fasten your seat belt the point is none of us are Superman none of us are Wonder Woman every one of us can be and we'll be offended and hurt at some point I don't care how spiritual you are I don't care how long you've been serving the Lord it's just a matter of time Luke 17 and 1 it Jesus said it is impossible it is impossible that if that offenses will not come it's going to happen being offended is something you're going to experience in your family with somebody you love in your church with somebody you love on your job with somebody you care about it's going to happen it's not possible according to Jesus for you to escape it it's not possible for you to have relationships with people and at some point not enter in to conflict and have offense and a possible grudge and an unforgiveness even set into your heart if you allow it there's no way out of it it will happen no one's exempt no one's avoid from being offended didn't you end this just so uplifting right now but I'm just going warning you and if you don't need it right now put it in the medicine cabinet it's a matter of time before you'll need this little sermon you're gonna get offended you're gonna get hurt in your marriage you're gonna get angry you're gonna be violated by somebody you love sooner or later somebody's gonna hurt you somebody's gonna insult your pride it's a fact you will be offended and since it's a biblical fact that you will be offended we've got to learn how to deal with it because not being offended is unachievable the first thing I want to say to you is God will use the fence in your life to make you into what he wants you to be as a matter of fact sometimes it takes the worst things done to you to bring out the best in you and sometimes we need to understand that there are Heights you'll never reach until you pass the test of being offended and somehow getting through it with love in New Zealand it's the home of more flightless birds than any other place in the whole world in New Zealand 43 percent of the birds cannot fly it's an island and the birds can't fly there they have little stubs for wings and the reason that their wings are underdeveloped and they never grow full wings that allow them to fly is because there are no predators on the Island of New Zealand there are no snakes there are no wolves there are no Bobcats there's nothing that threatens the bird population and since there are no predators therefore there's no need to fly and where there's no need to fly you lose the ability to fly it takes a predator to create the wings that have the desire to go higher so you have to choose you can scratch around in the barnyard with the chickens the rest of your life or you can mount up with wings like an eagle and fly but you can't do it without opposition airplanes want to know one thing pilots want to know one thing what direction is the wind blowing in and then they will fly the airplane into the wind not away from it into it because they know the thing that gives them lift is the opposition of the wind blowing in their face 41 percent of the birds in New Zealand never develop their wings because they do not have a predator and sometimes we just want to get rid I don't understand I don't know why I have such opposition why do I have so many haters why do I have so many enemies why do I do people try to hate on my dream and my call and every time I do something people in my family criticize me the truth is the boar wind opposing the pilot the faster he can get up the heavier the load the faster you go against the wind and the higher it takes you it takes the opposition our position enables you to do things you could not do without the attacks coming at you and so sometimes it takes the worst things done to you to bring out the best in you such was the case in this story David had a friend the king of Amman whose name was Nahash and a hash died and the Bible said his son Haman became the king the young Prince and David in an act of kindness he said I want to do something kind I want to do something nice I have good intentions on doing this to this person he said I want to show an honor I want to send some I can't go but I'm gonna send some of my representatives some of my most powerful chief mighty men generals in my administration to of a are going to go unarmed as an act of kindness as an act of of showing our nation cares about the fact that my friend has died the king of your nation and he sends two ambassadors you know how we do if the president can't go he'll send the vice-president he'll send some dignitary and he sends two representatives of of the Kingdom of Israel to this man's funeral they are not even armed they're mighty men they're powerful and they're not even armed and they go as an act by the command of the King David to go and represent and do what they were sent to do and while they're sitting there some of the people get into the ear of this young new king at the funeral and they whisper do you really think that they have come to show respect they're not here for that reason they're spying out the land they're checking out how high the walls aren't checking the security on the gates they're spies and they're gonna bring back an army and they're going to attack and defeat you and the Bible said it wasn't true and the scripture said they were falsely accused there was no threat by these men and that king ordered that these men be taken and this sounds strange in our culture I'll explain it in just a moment and they shaved half their beard off and then he did something totally human humiliating they cut the skirt off that of their tunic they wore roads to to be that was formal wear back then and they cut the back of the skirt off or the tunic and exposed the rear in I mean come on that's funny you got to admit that's funny I mean it's bad enough that they shaved half the beard can you imagine one whole side the half mustache everything it's just totally shame Dolf and on top of that the Spanx I'm on the rear end basically exposes their rear end and sends them home like a bunch of crying babies they're doing what the king told them to do now I know it doesn't sound like it's terrible you know compared I guess if you were to interview Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who were thrown into a fiery furnace for their stand for doing what God wanted them to do they would say what's the big deal you got half your beard shaved and your underwear showing but but big deal they threw me in a fiery furnace suck it up buttercup what's the big deal it's no big deal if you were to ask Daniel you know here to say that's no big deal they threw me in a lion's den I had to spend the night with lions and all they did to you was was just expose your rear in and embarrass you and humiliate you but these men were wounded not physically they were wounded and offended and hurt and confused and disrespected and they the worst it actually would have been better for them if they to beat him or stabbed him or something and they went back because they were very proud man if they're to went back as mighty men with scars and and battle wounds all over them that would have been a different thing but to go back exposed and humiliated and embarrassed it was offensive and they were so they were so hurt by it they got wounded doing what the king told them to do they got it's one thing if you get hurt doing something stupid it's one thing if you get talked about doing something that you shouldn't have been doing but what do you do when you're doing the best that you know how to do they were doing what the king told them to do and they got attacked the cutting off of the beard the beard in to this day in that culture in the Middle East is a mark of of honor of maturity it's a token of authority it went went when it when they shaved half their beards off it tempered with the men's rank and identity and pride and cut their garments off to the buttocks the scripture said they were humiliated they were embarrassed they were offended and I'll just come tonight to preach for just a moment that if you live for God and seek to do his will there will be times when you find yourself wounded doing God's perfect will you're not exempt from it I love what David did when they started coming home wounded humiliated embarrassed he didn't let him come back that way but almost like the story of the prodigal son he heard what happened and he sent his servant out to stop them to intercept them before they could get there and he said you're not coming back and and and we're not going to let everybody see your humiliation and your wounds and your embarrassment the King said go to Jericho and wait until your beard grows back and we'll get a seamstress down there and cover your rear ends and fix your robes up reminds me of the prodigal son that when the father saw the son coming he didn't want him to come back and look like what he had been through so the father went running out to meet him with a robe and covered him and put shoes on his feet and put the ring on his hand and said when you get back there I don't want them talking about everything you've been through I'm gonna cover you and he said go to Jericho turn to your neighbor and say go to Jericho say when they talk about you come on help me preach I deputize you when they talk about you when they offend you when they hurt you when they falsely accuse you don't get mad don't get angry don't get bitter don't try to get revenge love like you've never been hurt and go to Jericho do you know what Jericho means you're not gonna believe this if you look the word Jericho up it literally means translated sweet fragrance in other words David was saying I want you even though you've been wounded even though you've been insulted even though you've been done wrong even though you've been offended and hurt I want you to go to Jericho I want you to go to the place of sweet fragrance I want you to stay sweet I don't want you to get bitter I don't want you to get hard and angry I don't want you to start planning your vengeance how you gonna get them I want you to go to Jericho and stay sweet and then he says something powerful he says if you'll go to Jericho and just stay sweet your beer to grow back I'm gonna look at your neighbour especially if it's a woman then just say your beard is gonna grow back come on it's not the end of the world your beer to grow back your respect you'll come back your honor will come back your glory will come back they may be talking about you right now but let the king fight your battle and you just stay sweet you he knows the whole story he knows the whole truth and people will they'll say all kinds of things but you just stay sweet and let the king fight your battle don't get mad don't get angry don't seek vengeance just stay sweet go to charity Jericho let your beard grow back it's growing back praise God I don't care what they did to your reputation it's growing back I don't care what they said I don't care you know sometimes you feel like you've got to defend yourself and the truth is the best thing we can do is just go to Jericho and keep the right spirit and God says if I hold my peace let the Lord fight my battle it shall be mine victory shall be mine God knows how to vindicate his own children everybody take a praise break if you believe the team will fight for you if you'll stop fighting and sweep stay sweet I don't care if they whipped you all I don't care if that man cheated on your left it you don't have to get in all that you let the Lord fight that bad God is a God of vengeance he said vengeance is mine he didn't stop there he said I will repay if you'll stay sweet if you'll sit if you quit trying to defend yourself and just go to Jericho and let your beard grow back how'd it look I like the slow sermons it's so hard to stay sweet when you're offending in the natural we want to get in a shouting match we want to fight we want to defend we want to retaliate but the King said go to Jericho calm down calm down you know your words if you look up the word nitroglycerin it'll say this back to back it'll say a substance used to blow up bridges and then the next part of the definition is and heal hearts because if you have a heart attack they'll give you a nitro pill so your words can either blow up bridges or heal broken hearts stay sweet come on turn to somebody say stay stay sweet come on tell them say go to Jericho I know you wanna I know you want to let them have it I know you want to cuss them out I know you ain't that holy you want to tell somebody off I mean some of you got mad out in the parking lot come on don't act like you're a bunch of Saints just stay sweet preaching better than y'all letting on if I can't get a Pentecostal man I'll take a Baptist not a Catholic call for Presbyterian kid not go to Jericho stay sweet let you be or grow back let your Road let your shame be covered God's gonna cover it Romans said Romans 14 said dearly beloved do not avenge yourself neither give place to wrath vengeance is mine saith the Lord and I will repay because God does not take offense lightly God takes offense seriously and he said I want you to go to Jericho I want you to stay sweet I want you to let me take care of it and if you will keep the right spirit if you will keep the right attitude if you won't try to get vengeance but if you stay in the right spirit you know what happened when they did what he said their beard the reputation started coming back God started covering the mess and promoting and blessing them in the presence of their enemies and the King turns to Joab that Joab is bad y'all and he says Joab take the mightiest men you read it the mightiest men in my army and go down there and wipe the enemy out that did that to those people since they won't take vengeance I have the king will take vengeance the Bible said Joab went down there and handled the situation and he did more than shave beards and reveal rear ends I'm almost done but I believe this Old Testament story speaks to us today the Bible said in Psalms 119 great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them there is a place that you can get in God and I'm not completely there but I think I'm getting there step by step I got a ways to go but I refuse you know you can be a peacemaker and you can be at peace with the fact that everybody isn't at peace with you you just go to Jericho you just be responsible for you you just let the Holy Spirit do a work in you stay sweet and let the king do the rest I'm almost done but in that in that movie Black Hawk Down how many of you saw the movie Black Hawk Down it's amazing true story of Delta Force they go into East Africa to try to extract a dangerous drug lord and it just goes bad and two Blackhawk helicopters get shot out of the sky and crash and then they send soldiers in trying to rescue those who are still alive and I'm telling you they were under attack thousands of bullets and flying all around every one of them getting shot up and there's this scene in the movie and in the book where the commanding officer there in this place in their pen and people are getting shot bullets are they surrounded bullets coming from every direction true story the commanding officer turns to one of his soldiers and he says we got to get out of here or we're gonna die if we stay here in this place being wounded and being shot we're all going to die and he gives the command he says get in the truck get in the Humvee and drive we're all gonna get in and the and the soldier holds up his hand and he's got bullet wounds all over and half his fingers are blown off he says but Sir I've been shot and the answer from the commanding officer is a classic he says soldier we've all been shot shut up get in the truck and drive if you can't preach as a preacher on that I guess I've come to say that you don't have a conflict you you don't have a corner on conflict you don't have a patent on problems you're not the first one to be hit and hurt and wounded and shot we've all been shot but at some point you got to get in the truck and drive and say I'm not gonna be mad I'm not gonna be bitter I'm not gonna be hating I'm not gonna have my family mad all but I wanna get in the truck and drive and move forward this one thing I do forgetting the things that are behind I reach for that which is before turn to somebody and say get in the truck and drive we've all been wounded we've all been shot we all have a reason why we could give up and quit and be mad and offended but at some point you have to say it's time for me to love like I've never been hurt I'm going to Jericho God's gonna take care of it my beard is growing back my garment of praise is coming back hallelujah and in Jesus name love will win every time get on your feet and you've got a big crazy God is gonna fight for you lift your hands high all over this room lorry feel like God's doing something in Florida God's doing something at all the campuses I know God is doing something right here you've been offended you've been hurt long enough you've been done wrong and you might have done wrong but here's what the Lord would have me say to you number one you might have made a mistake but you're not a mistake number two God spoke to me the other day and he said I will never define you by your worst mistake people will religious people will friends will sometimes family will sometimes but God will never define you by your worst mistake but he's got a place that he'll send you to call Jericho and he'll let your beard grow back he'll restore yourself he'll let you garment appraised come back he'll close and cover your shame and your mistakes and your failures and if you're letting if you'll stay sweet he'll deal with the offenses in his way in his time I love that because God is merciful and kind I don't want him to hurt nobody but I like the fact that I can put it on him and if I'll stay sweet he'll do what's right you believe that how many of you like to just let some things go and go to Jericho I'm gonna just like to go to Jericho you're tired of being angry you're tired of being upset you're tired of it would it be something if God began to heal families and heal relationships and we began to eat together and talk together laugh together and hug and kiss and cry like families all to do like church people all to do turn your neighbor and say it's time to love like you've never been hurt and God wants to heal all the hurt say your beards growing back and God's covering the shame and for your trouble and for your shame you shall have double lift your hands high all over this room open up your mouth and for the next 30 seconds turn the volume up on your voice and begin to cry out to God and say Lord created me a clean heart and a right spirit if there's anybody that I haven't forgiven if there's anybody I'm holding a grudge against unforgiveness bitterness Holy Spirit go deep tonight touch me help me help me to have the Ministry of reconciliation all God helped me with that person with that's it while I'm preaching a face has come up before you a person has come right now let the Holy Spirit take you to Jericho let God fight your bones I know he will every head bowed every eye closed at every campus pastors gonna come in just a moment but if you're under the sound of my voice and you've been hurt maybe even by a church maybe even by a preacher maybe by a family situation maybe by divorce maybe by a father who wasn't there he's never been there we share stories in this book about situations even my wife's father who was just never there but God has a place where he can take you and heal those wounds and you can love like you've never been hurt and if you're in this room today or there in the campus in Florida or any of you in any of the other campuses and you would like to say Pastor Jentezen I need a restart I want to restart my heart first of all I need to get right with God but I would also like to get right with the people that I've been offended at I would like to get free and leave this place tonight knowing that I love like I've never been hurt I want I want you to understand that the phrase forgive and forget it's kind of crazy you can't forgive and forget some things how do you forget it forgiveness is not amnesia but you can remember it differently it can become a point of reference of how far you and your family have come since that thing happened if some things you can't change but God can make all things new come on and give him a big shout so if you're in this room and you would say pastor Jensen that's me I'd like to get right with God and I'd like to get right with people that I've been offended at would you just boldly raise your hand right where you're standing see those hands at every campus there in Florida in the chapel just raise that hand now raise the other hand and say I surrender I give up my rights I give up my right for vengeance I'm tired of pleading and how are you in my case Lord I'm going to Jericho give me a sweet spirit give me the right spirit take all the junk out I'm tired of it touch my tongue with a coal from off the altars of heaven and purge my lips of evil speaking and give me a pure heart and let me love you God I surrender to you you love me like I've never hurt you you love me over and over and over so God helped me to do the same thing with everybody that you bring into my life that the enemy wants to use to destroy me with God wants to use to take me higher and I received today spirit this says I can love like I've never been hurt if you receive it put your hands together and give God the biggest shout of the night it's a freedom pride it's a freedom shout praise God praise God
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 175,583
Rating: 4.8712473 out of 5
Keywords: Love Like You've Never Been Hurt, Pastor Jentezen, Jentezen Franklin, new book., Love never fails, offense, forgiveness, haters, victory, offended,, Faith Church, love, hurt, strong, revenge, get even, Sunday Morning, Jesus, Christianity, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Jentezen Franklin Sermons, jentezen franklin book
Id: ItVr2APyeEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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