VICTORY CONFERENCE 2018 | Dharius Daniels

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dr. dares me to come up here we've been saying a confession every night and I want to ask you to say this with me we're a family we're not a crowd and so we kind of lift each other's hands up across this room and we're going to declare this confession on the screen together on the count of three if you're new to victory welcome to the fam let's say this together one two three I'm here on purpose because I have a purpose my heart is open my mind is ready to receive because God is not finished with me yet my best days are right in front of me and I have victory in my life because Jesus lives in me give it up for dr. Darius Daniel victory let's give Jesus some praise in the house [Applause] now one of my favorite songs says great is the Lord and he is to be praised greatly here's the principle my praise should be a reflection of my revelation of God's greatness if he's okay he gets okay praise if he's good he gets good praise but if he's great and if he's amazing if he's incredible if he's phenomenal let me hear how great your God is about how great your praise is make some noise in the house victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so father tonight I thank you that victory isn't just a name it is a prophetic intention it is your intended outcome for your people victory thank you for a conference that reminds us of that empowers and equips us for that and I thank you for the part you've given me to play the contribution I am to make now pray for the anointing of your Holy Spirit to empower me to speak what you burden my heart with and operated that same anointing would make the soil of the hearts of your people ready to receive the seed of your word and we thank you for the outcome we expect as a result of this gathering tonight minds shift hope restored strong hose broken limitations removed possibility increase and your name glorified now we ask this in the name of the only one who gives us access to your ear we ask it in the name of our lion and our lamb the immutable one his name is Jesus it's in his name we pray amen I feel another praise in the house let's give it to [Applause] [Music] you can be seated it's my honor to be here and first of all the witness such an amazing incredible people of God move of God house of God give honor show deference and appreciation to and respect to the amazing legacy of leadership the two incredible founders of this incredible work had the precious privilege to meet one of them just a second ago god bless this incredible legacy this doherty legacy and how God has used it and and there's really no words I was thinking about Paul earlier today we I think we met a couple of years ago or year ago I can't remember and just his won the favor of God the undeniable favor of God that is on his life but to the genuineness and the sincerity that reveals a heart God can trust with elevation and I just believe the sky is the limit for you and for your leadership and for this house and for all that God is doing is in your bones it's you in your DNA you have no choice but to be all that God's called you to be thank you for allowing me to participate in this amazing conference can you praise God for a great church great leadership great legacy so there's something on my heart I'd like to I'd like to share it and it's found in the Gospel of Matthew the ninth chapter Matthew I like that my church is gonna have to do that next Sunday Brandon write that down next Sunday Matthew chapter 9 verse 27 now read from the New International Version of the Scriptures I really was a bit conflicted about whether or not to go this way tonight and I wrestled with it a bit but I really feel like it's the contribution I'm supposed to make and my commitment is to do my best to let God use me at his discretion so let's see what the Holy Spirit has to say to us from Matthew chapter 9 verse 27 it says this Jesus went on from there and two blind men followed him calling out have mercy on us son of David and when he had gone indoors the blind men came to him and he asked them do you believe that I'm able to do this yes Lord they replied then he touched their eyes and said according to your faith let it be done to you and verse 30 says these words and their sight was here's the operative word restored the site was restored I want to talk from this subject on tonight it's it's this I need it back I need it back I've been recently wrestling over the past month or so with this concept I'm calling a theology of achievement and it really rests and it is rooted in the revelation that God not only wants us to steward our time and our treasure he also wants us to steward our talents in other words it is his intention that we make full use out of the gifts the abilities and the acquired skill that we have obtained by His grace not to do so is to say to God you should have taken all this potential you've given me and gave it to someone else who would do more with it I want to argue family that the graveyard is not just filled with tombs the graveyard is filled with unfulfilled potential you see the potential God has given us is for the purpose to which God has assigned us and purpose is always an answer to a problem so when I don't reach my potential I'm not fulfilling my purpose and when I don't fulfill my purpose I'm leaving the earth with some problems God wanted me to solve there are some Goliath still walking that God intended for others to knock down and when a person lives within the dimensions of this degree of existence then it's really called settling it's it's what we're doing it's it's settling and settling settling is placing a period where God wants to put a comma settling is dictating your own destiny settling is allowing your good enough to supersede God's good enough and settling Rob's the world of God's best through us and as I've been thinking about this I started exploring this through the lens of Old Testament specifically biblical characters and I started asking myself what separates those who are fully fruitful those who reach their redemptive potential from everyone else you see when I say redemptive potential that's important because once a person gets redeemed your potential changes when we're redeemed we can do things we couldn't do before we can go places we couldn't go before we can accomplish things we could not accomplish before maybe this is one of the reasons the writer said let the redeemed of the Lord say so whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy and even in this introduction I want to pause that I want to ask a question is there anyone in victory tonight that is grateful to God that you've been redeemed well if you are let the redeemed of the Lord say so I've been snatched from the hand of the enemy I've been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son the limits are off my life the glass ceiling is broken what was limitations are no longer limitations because I have been redeemed and you don't get the last saying what God does for me and my past that have the last say because what God has for me it is for me if you hear me in the house make some noise tonight I wonder what what separates those who like the Apostle Paul can say I finished my course I kept a faith I fought a good fight what was separating those not not who live the perfect life no one does that but who lives the best life who can say I am making optimal use out of the gifts talents and acquired skill God has graciously given me I am being a good steward over there I am giving the kingdom a return on that investment here it is I started asking as I as I looked in Scripture what what separated those who live that way and those who didn't and there's one theme that I saw consistently one the mattock thread that was interwoven throughout the fabric of all of the Old Testament biblical characters I studied and it can be captured in one word that one word that one distinctive that distinguishing characteristic that one word is courage [Applause] yeah observe God's conversation with a man named Joshua who succeeds a man named Moses and as God gives Joshua his initial marching orders he didn't tell Joshua to be gifted because he already was he didn't tell him to be are you hearing me yeah he didn't tell him to be anointed because he already was he didn't tell him to be spiritual because he already wrong was he says be strong and courageous did you did you hear what I just said he said be strong and courageous in other words everything that you need is already laying latent and dormant in you to carry out the responsibilities that I've assigned you to I would not have picked you to succeed Moses if succession was not in you this new assignment is going to place a demand on gifts and talents that have been laying later on the inside of you Joshua you were built for this you've been crafted for your calling you've been built by design you've been wired for your work when I created you I created you with this in mind you didn't know what I had planned for you but I knew what I had planned for you and when I say you ready you ready and when I say step into it you step into it and when I say it's your time it's your time and I want to know is there anybody in victory tonight that feels it only inside of you is my time he told them be strong and have courage that your worst enemy Joshua will be the inner me and that because your gifts and your callings are irrevocable they are without repentance the enemy cannot ungifted gifted you cannot be ungifted so the only thing that the enemy can do is make you timid and make you passive and make you apprehensive so that you don't make full use out of the gifts that are laying dormant on the inside of you so God said to Joshua be strong you didn't even tell them feel strong because sometimes you gotta be strong until you feel strong you gotta be strong until your feelings catch up because we don't walk by feelings we walk by faith did you hear what I just said we walk by faith and commend our feelings you catch up I will not follow feelings feelings will follow me and the God that I serve said be strong and I'm telling my feelings you gotta catch up be strong and have courage Oh Jericho walls failed cuz he had courage that Jordan River parted because he had courage David was not the most skilled warrior he was not watch this the most efficiently equipped one he only had a slingshot and five smooth stones but he did with a rock what people who have been trained in military warfare could not do with weapons because one thing he had that they didn't have he had courage and while they were running from Goliath he was running to Goliath because courage will make you run towards something with a rock that other people run from I want to know is there anybody in here tonight that trust that God and the rock will defeat Goliath in your life it's courage it's courage everyone say courage and the greatest success we could go all through a scripture but the greatest expression of courage was seen on Calvary [Applause] the cross was the ultimate expression of courage it took courage to go to the cross it took courage to stay on the cross it took courage to trust God enough to say if you let me die you'll raise me back up again courage courage family is the ultimate expression of faith faith is the womb from which courage is birth courage is the fruit of faith where there is no courage there is no faith because faith always shows up wearing Courage's clothes it wasn't just Jesus's love for us that kept him on that cross it was Jesus's faith in the father that kept him on that cross he predicted not only his own death but he predicted his resurrection because he was fully convinced and persuaded that God would be faithful to his word and do exactly what he said and come through in regards to the resurrection so here it is family when we talk about courage we aren't talking about faith in Jesus we're talking about the faith of Jesus because it's one thing to have faith in Jesus it's another thing to have the faith of Jesus faith in Jesus is saving faith the faith of Jesus is miracle-working faith is speaking to dead things faith it's healing blind eyes faith it is shattering limitations faith it is one thing to have faith in Jesus it's another thing to have the faith of Jesus and isn't it interesting we are taught to emulate all the character traits of Jesus but somehow faith gets left out we say love like Jesus be humble like Jesus be meek like Jesus but we don't hear be courageous like Jesus Jesus models this for us and he is moved by this he models it and he is moved by it he models it and he is moved by it he models it first of all and then we see consistently he is moved by it and an incredible example of what I'm attempting to articulate is in our foundational text in Matthew chapter number 9 Matthew 9 we picked up in verse 27 it begins about saying by informing us that there are two blind men who are following Jesus we can stop right there there are two blind men who are following Jesus let's think about it there are two blind men who are following Jesus now if we continue to read the flow of the narrative we see that Jesus actually goes inside and the text says they also come to him inside here's my question if they are blind how are blind men following Jesus it teaches me something about the theology of achievement and here it is if I'm going to experience God's best and I have to learn how to win with things not working see some people need everything to be working to win and then they use what is not working as an excuse not to passionately pursue God's best for their life but these blind men must have said my eyes aren't working but my mouth is so instead of complaining about what isn't working I'm going to utilize what is working because if I don't have it I don't need it to get where God wants me to be did you hear what I just said see see that's what separates an achiever from a non achiever a non achiever was sit and they would give a discourse and a dissertation on why they can't go where they need to go because of their blindness but someone who refuses to live with what some call psychologist called learned helplessness we will call it a victim mentality and you can't go to a victory Church and have a victim mentality those two things don't even go together when you walk in here you feel the spirit of an overcomer more than a conquerer conqueror am i making sense no instead of instead of debating just complain they use what was working their eyes wasn't but their mouth was so they act somebody tell me where he is because an achiever knows how to get to the same place that other people get to with some things that aren't working some people are using their blindness as an excuse these two made it some people are using their family as an excuse these two made it some people are using their pasts as an excuse these two made it some people are using their geographical location as an excuse these two made it because if you're going to be an achiever you've got to learn how to get to where you need to get to with some things that are not working just because it's not working that me I can't find a way to make this work I'm not gonna bother this but one of the things that the anointing does that is often overlooked is the anointing gives you ingenuity when Jesus starts spitting and dirt and putting dirt on people's eyes and open the blind eyes that's ingenuity that's creativity the anointing will help you figure out a way to get it done is there anybody here that's made a decision that you're gonna trust the anointing of the Holy Spirit to figure out a way to make it work I want someone in the room to confess this tonight say it will work it will happen it will come to pass because the anointing gives me ingenuity if you believe God's gonna give you a creative way to figure it out pause for minute a giving praise two blind men followed Jesus saying something very specific son of David have mercy on us right they they very they're very specific and how they address him they say son of David have mercy on us this is incredibly important because the fact that they called him the son of David suggests that they saw him as the promised Messiah that would come through the lineage of David that they did not see him as some ordinary rabbi they saw him as the fulfillment of what the prophets of old foretold hundreds of years before why is this important because they saw him correctly listen to me family because the god you see is the god you get [Music] let me prove it to you mark 6 and Matthew 13 both tell the story of Jesus returning to his hometown in Nazareth and he begins to teach in one of the synagogue's as he's teaching people there begin to say these things isn't this the carpenter's son is it this Mary son is it this James brother and Jesus says a prophet is not without honor except for in his own home and among his own kin and he says these words one of the saddest statements in all the New Testament Matthew 13 58 says this and he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith now I didn't say he didn't do any it says he didn't do many it didn't say he didn't do any it said he didn't do many mark puts it this way in march 6 mark says mark who's writing based on on Peters articulation mark says this mark says that Jesus said that mark says that he could do no mighty miracles there he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them so a few got what was available for many because some people there saw a carpenter other people there saw a Christ if you see a carpenter you get your house fixed if you see a Christ you get your life fix the gods you see is the god you get and if the gods you see can only save you then you will be saved stuck and you will settle but if the god you see can do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask people or imagine that is the god that you will get and I want to know how big is your God how amazing is your God God the God you see is the God you get he says Jesus have mercy on us son of David and Jesus asked them a question he says do you believe that I am able to do this so they're living in a state without sight and they are existing they are living they are functioning but they are refusing to settle for less than God's best it's so much in this they were willing to pursue what they believed was a possibility because your pursuit of a thing reveals your belief in that thing they wouldn't have chased Jesus that they didn't believe he could help them he asked him a question do you believe I'm able to do this this is important because it teaches us the power of the question because the questions we ask determine the conclusions we come to and this affects courage and it affects faith the questions we ask determine the conclusions we come to and so if we don't ask the right questions we won't come to the right conclusions so the area I serve in where our main campus is is in Ewing New Jersey Ewing is right outside of Princeton New Jersey right outside of Trenton New Jersey Princeton is where that's where I got my MD from that's where I went to seminary now the only reason I'm with the seminary at Princeton is because um I applied to all robbers but they didn't let me in I'm serious I'm not joking yeah all robbers was where I wanted to go to seminary that's where I want to go to seminary get my masters and so one of my college professors dr. dauber Ray would not write my recommendation unless I apply to three scopes and so I applied to Vanderbilt because it was right down the road Vanderbilt offered me a 75% scholarship and I applied to Princeton I want the principle free but all Roberts if anybody hears from all robbers I'm still working through forgiveness in my heart if around 2001 yeah y'all didn't let me in I don't know I don't know why but um I'm back back to my point my point is yeah so in this in this air particularly right right us out of Princeton it's a very the area can suffer from what I call the idolatry of reason just reason just idolatry just idolatry of their own reasoning right too smart for God I grew up in Mississippi my my parents a too smart for your own britches right and and so and so oftentimes when I'm engaging people who are having a hard time believing some of the stories in the Bible like Jonah Noah things of that nature one of the things I I try to teach is to help them see okay you're asking the wrong question you're asking can a man survive in the belly of a whale three days that's the wrong question you're asking can a man build an ark and survive in at 40 days and 40 nights you're asking the wrong question you're asking can God make Ravens feed a profit you asking the wrong question because the questions you ask determine the conclusions you come to the question is it can a man survive in a fish three days the question in the belly of the fish three days the question is can the God who created everything you see do anything yeah can the one that created the son do anything can the one who created the stars do anything this is why when Sarah heard she was going to get pregnant she laughed and God came to Abraham and gave him the right question Abraham is there anything too hard for God see the question is it can a woman that age have a baby the question is is there anything too hard for God the question is it can you come back can you recover can God do it in this season of your life the question is is there anything too hard for God and if you believe you serve a God that can make the impossible possible there's nothing too hard for him so it's not can we do this is there anything too hard for God because the questions we ask determine the conclusions we come to and he says he says do you believe I'm able to do this you're not interesting so do you believe I'm able to do this obviously you believe I'm Christ because you call me son of David but do you believe that I'm able to address a specific condition that you're dealing with do you believe in me more than you believe in this see because just because you're asking me doesn't mean you believe it could mean you desperate so I need I need to know do you believe I can do this now obviously you're coming after me because you heard I did that you heard about mark five the woman with the issue of blood and how when she touched something that was touching me she got healed she didn't touch him she touched the hem and the hem was touching him and because she touched what was touching him she got healed right if they heard about that they they heard about in mark 10 when he was going into Jericho and there was a blind man named Bartimaeus sitting on the on the the side of the road begging and he started screaming Jesus son of David have mercy on me the disciples told him to be quiet he screamed louder and then Jesus stood still Bartimaeus was walking I mean Jesus was walking Bartimaeus started screaming the disciple said be quiet he screamed louder and Jesus stood still Jesus was walking Bartimaeus started screaming people in church gave him a new look but a mayor scream louder Jesus stood still there's a shout that you can release that will make Jesus is there anyone that wants him to stand still in your home to stand still in your church to spend still with your family they heard about that but he asked them do you believe I'm able to do this though right because it teaches us the anatomy of faith right the anatomy of faith which is all faith isn't the same jesus said we got faith the size of musta see we can move mountains right see is not just about having big faith it's about having Brawl faith because you can have big faith for one thing and not have strong faith for another so jesus said now do you believe I'm able to do this or have you been losing to this so long that you don't believe winning is possible have you tried and failed so much that you don't believe achieving is possible have you talked to them over and over again hoping to have a breakthrough in their consciousness so that they would change their behavior so that the people that you love will make better decisions and value themselves properly and you've talked and you prayed and you've talked and you prayed and it seems as if you are not making any headway and Jesus still likes the question do you still believe I'm able to do this right because here it is James says in James chapter 1 doesn't he that I think he's like James 1:3 something like this that the testing of our faith produces patience right is that what he says so if the testing of my faith produces patience it means that that God tests my faith with time right if the testing of my faith produces patience it means he tests my faith with time so when he's testing my faith it isn't always about how big I can believe it's about how long I can believe can I keep on believing when it seems like believing is not working can I stay unwavering in my belief system when it seems like God is not going to make good on money on what he said the enemy's tactic is to wear your faith down is to cause you to suffer with faith fatigue so that you stop believing at the wrong time be not weary in well-doing for in due season you will reap if you faint not the devil wants to wear you down so that your faith will faint so do you believe them I'm able I'm able to do this and they said yes Lord that's I'm not even gonna bother that yeah because they called him son of David earlier now they call him your Lord yes yes yes Lord this is what we call the crystal centric monotheism it is it is what Yahweh was in the Old Testament you are in the New Testament and all of the names that we had to use to describe Yahweh in the Old Testament Jireh shalom Shama Adonai El Elyon all those names we had to use to describe him you are the singular embodiment of all of that so when I say Jesus I'm saying Shama I'm saying Shalom I'm saying Yahweh I'm saying El Elyon they says you are that and because you are that you can do this you are that that's what you are so you can do this this is where I want to land the plane and the text says when they said this he touched their eyes and he said according to your faith let it be done to you all right so now according to my power but according to your faith all right because this healing isn't it this healing was his preference but it wouldn't have been their reality without their participation here what I just said there this is okay now according to your faith meaning this was in this was this was my preference for you I was willing to do this but it required your participation and this is what the text says verse 30 and their sight was restored now I'm looking at that one word restored and it's leaping out to me here it is family because it can only mean one of two things restoration in the sense that this is kind of unlikely but it is something that we can consider restoration in the sense that God restored them back to his original intent for them that's digging a little deeper logically but it is a possibility but the more likely and the more plausible explanation is its restoration because these men hadn't been blind their whole life and he's saying I'm giving you back what you lost wait now there are number of different ways you can lose sight but one of the ways is injury illness you may be wondering passed away what is the relevance of this to us well we can see site here as a metaphor for faith can't we because the eyes in your head give you sight the eyes in your heart give you vision that's faith faith sees through here so could it be that for us that's what needs to be restored yeah this happened this this happened to me recently a few months ago I was journaling host Pierre said to me Darius something's been damaged and I'm like what and that was this great gift of God to my life a man of God who caught me and he was praying over this initiative that this campus that we were getting ready to do another part of country and that was stuff he was praying for and I said it never came to my mind to pray that big and Holy Spirit says somes been damaged because there was a day you prayed that big that was a day you believe like that but this is what it is this withhold spirit showed me how gentle it said there is disappointment damaged your faith and now you believe but you got safe faith because you believe and it didn't happen so now you've lowered your expectations to protect your heart from disappointment your suffering to be disappointed that you've gotten safe and you don't have as much courage and you're not going to achieve your best and you're not going to make the impact I intended for you to make because the enemy use that disappointment to steal your sight you don't see the same and yeah I was a man of faith and I was still moving around and I was still following Jesus but I wasn't seeing the same and as I close today I believe the Holy Spirit burdened my heart with this message tonight because I'm not the only one and I know very often maybe not in this one but when I say this I mean the church culture at large and the church culture at large we can specialize in facelifts and not heart transplants so we can't really we can't really admit that when I kept believing and believing here and believe in there and believe in being and believe in there and disappointment happen it it it damaged me and now I'm kind of second-guessing and numb if it be thy will o God and have you have you lost your sight and you don't don't know it [Music] somebody died that you wanted to live a relationship that you thought was going to be restored was not restored a deal you thought you were going to close did not close a person that you thought was going to turn around didn't turn around a habit you thought you were free from you got out of Egypt you were walking in the Red Sea and Pharaoh came and chased you down and if he didn't drown you did site comb you tried it and it didn't work cycle and tonight the Holy Spirit wants you to know you need it back that this next season of your life requires this new season requires old sight that you need that sight back that belief back that belief that made you run to the giant when everyone else is running from it you rent to it you come at me in a sword and a spear but I come at you in the name of the Living God that giant slaying site and God says you lead it back that was the purpose of the pain that's why the enemy created that disappointment because he wasn't just after your present he was after your future he says let me hurt them now because if I hurt them now with grief and with disappointment if I get them now I don't just have them now I've got their future and they're going to be timid and they're going to be safe and they're not going to go all out they're gonna run from Goliath not to them they're gonna settle for life without sight and I know it hurt I've been there some of you don't this is this is one time that I'm okay if you can't relate this is one time as a communicator I could say I am okay if you can't relate to what I'm about to say I don't like what people to be confused but if you can't relate to what I'm about to say I'm happy but there's a pain that hits your life that mutates to a thief's pain deep pain becomes a thief that doesn't just hurt you it robs you and if you can't relate to that I'm so glad cuz that means you hadn't had that kind of pain but there's some in here like me who can say I know what it's like for pain to rob my appetite I can't even eat pain to rob my sleep and that's not to hurt you that is to rob you of sight sight that you need in this next season of your life you need it you gotta have it to be your best and tonight the Holy Spirit wants to do for you what Jesus did for the blind man in this passage he wants to touch you so that your site becomes restored because you need it back you who I came for tonight tonight you get it back tonight you get it back tonight you get it back and I'm gonna pray for you because you can't keep living blind not another day [Music] not another day not another day [Music] I need it back I need it back [Music] I need it back I'm gonna pray a prayer but before I do for some of you this is not for everyone but for some of you there's gonna be a step that precedes this prayer and that step is forgiveness that step is forgiveness because that's what precedes the healing that some of you need because for some of you life happened right and that took your sight but for some of you injury happen you got hurt [Music] you got hurt it took your faith in people you got hurt some of you got hurt it took your faith in church you got hurt and you don't see the same and for you your first step is forgiveness that is what precedes healing three years ago I went through the most excruciating season in my life and for years I I just fought and fought and prayed confess I forgive forgive and there's this one woman of God in North Carolina that I spent some time with who specializes in heart healing and God used her she looked at me and she asked me a question I'm I actually you and then I'm gonna pray for you she looked at me and she said Darius I said yes ma'am she said do you accept the blood of Jesus as full and satisfactory payment for what they did to you I said excuse me do you accept the blood of Jesus as full and satisfactory payment for what they did to you she says because when you forgive you're writing off bad debt when you forgive you are saying what you owe me you can never repay that even if you tell me you're sorry even if you try to make restitution you cannot give me back the nights I cried you cannot give me back that the time I wasted an emotional agony that you're sorry isn't gonna fix that so I have to accept the blood of Jesus as full and satisfactory payment for what you did to me you owe me nothing and before I pray for some of you because that pain is what took your blindness took your sight and caused your blindness I'm gonna actually do you accept the blood of Jesus as full and satisfactory payment for what they did to you your sites coming back would you lift your hands if you're at this altar please father your word says as we lift our hands we lift our hearts so these hearts are lifted to you tonight and I pray that you would do for them what you did in the text I pray in Jesus name touch their eyes touch the eyes of their heart give them their sight back may they see the way they saw I pray for a revival and a resurrection and a renewal of faith I pray for the childlike faith you said we should have as citizens of your kingdom and I pray that you would remove every barrier every hindrance every stronghold every yoke that would inhibit your people from believing you freely we bind the spirit of fear and timidity and we release over your people a spirit of courage the spirit of Joshua the spirit of Jesus who was not just a lamb but a lion I pray awaken the lion in your people and may we roar tonight in ways we have never roared before I thank you for hearts healed I thank you for eyes open I thank you for calling suspense and I thank you for releasing people into the most fruitful and productive season of their life and we declare what the enemy meant for evil you are working it for our good we no longer need it back we got it back in Jesus name body shout in the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 35,854
Rating: 4.8472419 out of 5
Keywords: dharius daniels, paul daugherty, sermon about courage, how to get stronger, how to be couragous, sermon about being like jesus, sermon about david, victory conference 2018, victory tulsa, sermon for men, sermon for women, sermon on being strong, how to get courage
Id: nFNcFtzQ_5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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