VG Myths - Can You Beat Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories at Level 1-Ish?

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good morning everybody and welcome back to vg myths the online internet video game tv show that never forgets to shuffle the deck tonight by popular demand we're spiritually continuing our level 1 kingdom hearts run with its true sequel the game boy advance card battling beat em up rpg that everybody very specifically asked for and expected can you beat kingdom hearts chain of memories at level 1ish but before you answer that question you're probably wondering what kind of reality defying nomura level semantics we're up to this time chain of memories features no equivalent to the exp0 ability meaning we'll inevitably level up if we collect exp you might point out that unlike the first game exp is a collectible that's technically dodgeable i have the same thought but while you can absolutely consistently dodge random heartless exp until it despawns boss exp is another story altogether later bosses flood the entire screen and boss exp is extra special taking approximately whoops i'm so sorry my voice just transcended scripts cough cough anyway i spent like six hours waiting for exp to despawn and it didn't i got bored somebody in the chat said it despawned eventually so let's just pinky swear and believe them and it's true science solved the end a true level one run is very probably outright impossible but experience is only as useful as what you get out of it while sora is going to be doing a lot of leveling up with just two self-imposed rules he'll receive absolutely no benefits whatsoever number one invest all level bonuses into card points and number two never create a deck exceeding 275 card points in chain of memories the player manually chooses one of three bonus categories after sora gains a level max health which is self-explanatory max card points which allows sora to put more cards in his deck and a special slate attack performed when stalking multiple specific cards at once since sora's max card points at level 1 or 275 if you invest exclusively in card points and never create a deck exceeding that number gameplay will be functionally indistinguishable from a true level 1 run with the rules finally set let's get this run started as you'd expect from a low level run the early game is no different from a casual playthrough in chain of memories in particular you won't see any actual challenge until the very late game with the final boss gauntlet most of your time until then will be spent grinding for map cards which are constantly consumed as you progress through the castle one map card is dropped at the end of most heartless battles and as a bonus challenge i decided to avoid collecting any exp from random heartless making this grind very slow and methodical honestly in retrospect i personally recommend doing without the bonus challenge so you can rush through the grind and get to the face bashing asap less optional is constructing your ideal deck along the way make sure to collect mogel points and buy some card backs this is my own final personalized deck it went through some minor changes in the boss gauntlet but kept to the same general idea most important are zero cards and cure cards positioned at the back of the deck for easy access counters are normally performed by playing a higher valued card than the one currently in play zero cards bypass this rule and can counter any valued card but likewise can be countered by any card save these for when bosses use their super special slate attacks as for the cure cards i had one at a decent high value and two at lower values the higher valued one is used for in the moment active healing the other two are a bit more complicated wait for a random friend card to drop stock it then stock the two cure cards the first card in a stock is removed from your deck for the rest of the battle but random friend cards are already a consumable anyway this lets you keep a free high value kira cast up your sleeve for if you're ever backed into a corner just be warned donald is still donald the rest of the deck i filled with a handful of attack cards 7 and above squeezing just barely under the deck limit this deck can't do anything fancy but considering how little room we have to work with it's plenty good enough for sustainable strategies against every boss keep in mind with a deck this small you'll need to reload extremely often whenever you get the opportunity preload your reload card and leave it just slightly unfilled to cash in later while no bosses can one hit ko you if you don't have your cards at the ready immediately you can easily get combo to death before you get your bearings your priorities should be in order healing till your health is at full preload until your reload card is nearly filled then attacking until you take damage need to reload or your opponent's face ceases to not exist starting with replica 3 each boss will thoroughly test your card playing metal they're extremely aggressive and make it difficult to get in any damage unscathed luckily humanoid boss characters have their own deck and play by the same rules and same limitations as the player that means whenever they use one of their special slate attacks they sacrifice the first stalked guard if you survive long enough they'll exhaust their own deck and stop using slates entirely this also has some strange side effects on the enemy ai they'll be way less aggressive mindlessly shift through their deck and keep reloading after using hardly any cards presumably because they can't find any cards they actually like on multiple occasions they were even so hopeless they reloaded their deck twice in a row larxing 2's ai is double terrible and you won't even have to wait for her to use up her deck if you're near her on the x-axis but far on the z-axis she'll fruitlessly clobber the air directly in front of her the hardest end game boss by far is hollow marlouche particularly thanks to his dash attack which instantly covers a wide area and takes out a huge health bar chunk your dodge roll gives invulnerability frames and he'll only use this attack when you're a certain distance directly in front of him get used to the timing and you can dodge roll directly through it once he exhausts his deck he hopefully won't have many high numbered cards left allowing you to get in some real damage stand in front of him and methodically counter his every play he'll always be stunned exactly long enough to let you finish one attack then notice you're directly in front of him and try to attack again once hollow marlouch is dead you can fight the real thing who despite the theatrics is a walking cutscene every attack is easily countered and he always waits several seconds before the next one with marlouche's on existence revoked and the second sequel hooked the kingdom hearts chain of memories level one-ish run is halfway done what did you think i was gonna stop there after beating the game with sora you unlock a totally separate campaign starring riku and unfortunately not only is a true level 1 run as riku impossible even a jerry rigged just for pretendsy's level 1 run is impossible riku plays with a different set of mechanics including a different set of level up bonuses riku can't manually customize his deck so max card points are swapped for attack power and his slates are all unlocked from the beginning but only usable in his exclusive super saiyan dark mode so the slate bonus is replaced with max dark points of the three available stats i personally believe dark points give the least combat advantage all those do is allow riku to stay in dark mode longer while it is a tangible benefit trust me you're going to be dying a lot more often from a lack of health than a lack of angst without manual deck editing you have to work with a dedicated deck unique to each individual world some are small and others are gigantic and consistent through all these decks is a total lack of cure cards the only ways to heal are with randomly spawning mickey friend cards and the one time per battle oogie boogie enemy card mickey isn't just your backup plan he's your only repeatable healing method and we'll have to start from scratch grinding for math cards considering every level up actually gives tangible benefits this time i consider this grind less optional traverse town is the prime location with weak heartless and the smallest deck in the game having a short deck might seem like a bad thing but riku doesn't have to charge up reloads like zora did the next reload is always fully charged activating immediately with a button press the only wait time is when waiting for the deck refilling animation to complete as every individual card flows past the larger your deck the more time you spend vulnerable every time you reload which is why we're finally making real offensive use of stocked cards and slates they'll do some decent damage sure but the fancy flippy kicks are just a pleasant side effect remember the first stocked card is removed from play and that's no penalty it's a buff not only will you remove your weakest links to make a more sturdy deck every individual slate will make you reload time just a little bit faster until eventually reloads are so fast you effectively have an infinite size deck this makes almost every boss in riku's campaign easier than sora's save for the absolutely critical exception the final boss and greatest challenge chain of memories has to offer and sam this guy is absolutely overwhelmingly aggressive and powerful and to make matters worse both his deck and yours are ridiculously gigantic reloading takes several seconds leaving us totally defenseless and giving ansem more than enough time to combo us into oblivion this battle is the golden crown of the entire game requiring absolute mastery in order to realistically survive long term we need to shorten our deck asap after a lot of experimenting i found you can dodge both amsem standard attacks by rhythmically jumping away be warned his electric attack is fired near instantly while his submit attack is on a delay the timing to potentially dodge both is deceptively short while jumping you'll need to multi-task and swipe around your deck you can trigger an incomplete stock of cards while the reload card is selected stalk a single attack card slide to the reload card wait for ansem to play a viable card and counter it you might be worried about his charge dash move interrupting the pattern but he always dashes towards the opposite edge of the screen first leaving you with enough time to play a zero unfortunately while i initially hoped this could cheese the entire battle it isn't sustainable long term countering ansem's cards inevitably triggers an automatic dark mode transformation while dark mode is supposed to be an upgrade it adds a bit of lag on riku's landing animation making our dodging strategy far more difficult as dark riku keep away from ansem and spam three card slates as fast as possible using any card other than your knights and zeros luckily ansem's deck is a grab bag of random values while yours are almost all at least seven so he'll usually only be able to beat your slates with a zero card also keep in mind riku has a large stock of enemy cards along the way you're absolutely going to need oogie boogie as a back appeal plus once he's gone captain hook will give you second chance to survive one extra hit after emoting all your slates ansem will still have a pretty huge health bar but now you've got the absolute most overpowered deck possible filled with nothing but nines and zeros this guarantees a counter against any singular attack card once he stops using slates cautiously approach him and counter his attacks as they pop up riku will automatically turn around to target ansem so you can continue countering as you make your escape the majority of this fight's difficulty is just surviving long enough to reach this point you should now be able to consistently safely drain his health bar with riku finally conquering the chains of the darkness and the heart of the cards or something the kingdom hearts chain of memories level 1 run is officially mission completish as for how completeish it actually was riku ended at level 28 and sora ended at level 40. you know one-ish special thanks to all patreon backers including all the bugs uvs killed andrew cyber mrs sekman leslam rb drock solemn zero chris nate alexander botkin on you and on 42 at carrera chosen muffin the base singer vincent hall vincent yt alex nelson yellow alert lively leader lady ashley the quacky gamer david 20 covers luminescent dragon jace nilges back sword z master prator faith blake long whether we wanted it or not we've stepped into a war with the cabal on mars so let's get to taking out their command one by one follows to ark from what i can gather he commands the siege rory kelly lane robert leachman queen sapphire crustacean creep litty kitty jace harsh plum sweater cam the can one nathaniel coletta zander kozak celestial cookie eight bim estrivas procrastinating destiny epic evan 921 alex likes c yield foreign super davio ace of hearts who random misfunctional jorb kk gussios allister echoes john prairie denmech camara movement zoe multicore brandon jessup aaron bailey the green scorpion game champ says trans rights or human rights maverick swordsman boomboxy john miller star captain eli shaba of clan ghost bear sns main lero rario dino nerd ghost christopher gunderson curbs d50 damien r yapolonzo wave it platapu115 sands from undertale dansarios james simon that one night five you gotta have a very high iq to watch gamejam 3k their humor is ludicrously subtle and without a grasp of theoretical gaming chronosanthium what's that noise twirl 25 blue moon von idaho brit fake drawn by aj's haha funny meme name the nonchalant nacho bragger jester andrew d wood kid very gucci blue boo baby hayden bass west 450 riley anderson of bellium chenzo neo sandman 4040 sith haggle r combs robbie coenstrom when we hit 200 patreon supporters gamechat 3000 has to read the patreon names in a funny voice for one video just for clarification that was their name i'm not doing any promises mars becker salty sweet world's slowest rock paper scissors let's try that again rock officer slard slowest game of cheese as white i move a pawn to c3 kimsey 59 pie boy tell me i love you game champ ivy mackie scenic quay is pronounced scenic way sulfuric boss i'm pardon bolted and i won't let you win eric barron palphius or cat moose and zero let me know how much this video sucks and ask why i didn't play the remake in the comments below nener neener you can't say this one was dev intended and get out of my house dan sim [Music] you may have defeated ansem but you didn't defeat the version of ansem that fell into d dansem d does that stand for darkness no stupid d is darkness that has fallen into the deepest abyss of d so it's darkness that's fallen to d so dansem is ansem the seeker of darkness but he sought the d he saw the day
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 462,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, kingdom hearts, square-enix, com, nintendo, challenge, can you beat, is it possible, vg myths
Id: SsXr0d1E33U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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