Can You Beat Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow With Only the Handgun

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome to something a little different from my normal content now most people that watch this channel come here for two things megami tensei and challenge runs and to be perfectly honest i'm kind of starting to get a little burned out with megaton now don't worry mega10 is still and always will be the main focus of my channel but for this video i thought i'd give myself a break and do something a little different i am instead going to be doing a video on another one of my favorite franchises castlevania now i haven't talked much about it on this channel but i freaking love castlevania everything from the music the gothic atmosphere the way it draws from mythology and religion and the addicting gameplay really a lot of the same reasons i like megaton to be honest it's unfortunate that there isn't much to look forward to from this franchise i mean don't get me wrong it's not a dead ip we still have the castlevania netflix series and the collections and also that new mobile game but it's unlikely we're going to be getting new content in the form of console video games from this franchise anytime soon that is unless you count spiritual successors and clones so in a way to sort of get more enjoyment out of the older games i decided to do a challenge run and one for one of my personal favorite games in the series arya of sorrow i don't see the gameboy vans in ds games getting much love nowadays most of the prey seems to go towards either rondo of blood or symphony of the night which is unfortunate because i think the 2000s was when the franchise was at its peak but anyway while not my absolute favorite i think don of sorrow was a little better but arya of sorrow does have my favorite weapon in the entire franchise the handgun it's basically a fast-firing projectile but is also the weakest weapon in the game it's actually tied with the bamboo sword for being the weakest weapon but unlike the bamboo sword it also has your attack stat which isn't stated in the description because of this it's only advised that you use it for backtracking to low level areas i am not going to be doing that i am going to see if i can beat the entire game using only this weapon the rules are pretty self-explanatory i can only have the handgun equipped as my weapon at all times but what about souls as you go through the castle you can sometimes absorb monster souls and copy their abilities i thought about allowing the use of any soul but i figured if i did that i'd just be using them to cheese my way through difficult bosses so i'm going to ban the use of souls that have lethal effects souls that have non-lethal effects though like the force field will be allowed i'm also going to allow the use of the power slide because it's not really a weapon and it's required to beat the game anyway so yeah but now that's out of the way let's get on with the run but anyway we get to the title screen choose game start create a new save and then get our introductory cutscene in this game unlike most other castlevania games that take place in the past arya of sorrow takes place in the future and in it we don't play as any trained vampire hunter or half vampire warriors or anything like that in this game we play as soma cruz a jc penny model spending his last year of high school abroad in japan the story begins with him going to his girlfriend's shrine to look at a solar eclipse but when he sees it he gets knocked out and then wakes up inside dracula's castle then we meet alucard who explains where we are and how we got here and then gets ambushed by a bunch of monsters alucard takes them all out except for one winged skeleton which we take out with a knife and absorb its soul now i know soma did use a knife here but it was in a cut scene so i don't count that but anyway alucard tells us to go to the masters chamber and then the game begins now obviously for this challenge we don't start with the handgun and despite it being the weakest weapon in the game you're not actually able to get it until close to the end and by that point there's not much reason to use it there's also no hidden glitch or anything to get it early so what i'm going to do is use a game shark code to give myself every weapon in the game so i used the code equipped the handgun unequipped the wing skeleton soul and now we can begin the first room pretty much goes how i expect it to dozens of zombies are spawning out of the ground and we're just going through the hallway gunning them down it takes about four hits to kill them which is pretty bad for the first enemies of the game but what the handgun lacks in power it makes up for with its range and speed it reaches a little over half the screen and unlike most projectile weapons in castlevania that have to travel to their destinations the handgun's bullet hits instantaneously and the rate at which it can be fired is also pretty fast just expect to be spamming the attack button a lot if you're emulating this game on pc i recommend using a turbo controller which is what i'm doing but anyway the enemies in the next few screens don't really give me too much trouble either the bats and skeletons all go down in a reasonable number of hits but it isn't long before i start encountering problems now were you expecting the handgun's weakness to not be much of an issue until later in the game yeah it becomes an issue as early as the fourth screen when i encounter the axe armor the handgun only does one damage to this thing thankfully i can hit it from a safe distance and the bullets block their thrown axes but taking these things down is going to be a real chore and that's kind of how this run is going to be with this weapon if you know the enemies well enough most of them you'll be able to hit from somewhere they can't hit you but it's going to be a while before you take them down this is especially true with the first boss the giant skeleton yeah i've only been playing for about five minutes and i'm already fighting a boss well thankfully like most first bosses this one is pretty easy as long as i'm standing in the back corner of the room he can't hit me except with his extremely easy to dodge fireballs but again i'm only doing 1 damage to him with each shot and this thing has 240 hp so this fight lasts about 2 minutes but i do beat him on my first try and get to my first save point i explore the castle some more find the flying armor and use it to reach this upper part of the castle corridor here i get the skeleton knight soul which increases my strength by four this is actually a godsend right now because with it most of the enemies i was only doing one damage against earlier i'm now doing three or more and this is another thing i'm gonna have to be doing for this playthrough in order to make up for the weak damage of the handgun i'm going to be relying a lot on strength bonuses like this but this also means i won't have as many resources available for other things so i keep gunning my way through the castle and eventually run into graham jones a missionary and he tells us about dracula's defeat in 1999 and how in 2035 someone is going to come back to the castle to inherit dracula's powers and that he is here on completely good intentions and in no way interested in inheriting dracula's power after this we get to the next area the chapel and here we're starting to encounter more floating enemies these enemies give me the most trouble because while the handgun has great horizontal range it has little in the way of vertical range which makes hitting these flying enemies extremely difficult thankfully we're at a point where they're not giving us too much trouble yet another thing that's kind of frustrating about this area is the amount of stairs when fighting enemies on the stairs you can't get into a position where you can consistently hit them from a safe distance you instead have to jump and shoot but when you do this you can only pop off one or two shots at a time it's still not that much trouble though and before too long i make it to the boss the manticore this is another boss like the giant skeleton who i'm only doing one damage against but he moves extremely slowly and has a projectile that i can easily avoid it does travel a bit faster than the skeletons and he can fire up to 3 in a rapid succession but it can be easily countered by my bullets so as long as i'm ducking while shooting at him he shouldn't be able to hit me that is until he gets close but when he does this you can just use the platforms jump around him and then do the same thing from the other side if he gets close enough to you and fires his projectile at just the right time it can hit you but this has only happened a couple of times after about four minutes of me pumping him full of bullets without any real difficulty i am able to take him down and can now move on to the study the enemies here are a little tougher than in the last area but nothing i can't deal with that is until i get to this area here with these purple floating balls and end up getting killed by a rock armor making this my first death of the run this time i come more prepared and after some more castle crawling i run into yoko belnades the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter of sipho bel nades from castlevania three and she tells us that she came here with alucard and tells us to watch out for graham jones after that we go deeper into the area and eventually start running into minotaurs and take one of their souls this is another important soul because just like the skeleton knight this soul boosts our strength and this time it boosts our strength by 8 instead of 4 and like the last one this soul is a big help enemies that we were previously doing only one damage to like the toble poss we're now doing five with each hit before too much longer we get to the boss of this area the great armor once again this boss only takes one damage per hit but to make matters worse he has invulnerable spots on most of his body the only parts of him that are vulnerable seem to be his head and his feet so what i do is just duck and shoot at his feet i'm not exactly sure how the armor works because sometimes the bullets hit and sometimes they just bounce off the armor but the funny thing about this battle is is that unlike the other two bosses he has no projectiles so if you just stand on the edge of the handgun's range and just keep shooting he literally cannot hit you so i may only be able to do one damage with each hit but that's still more than he can do to me which is zero and that's exactly how much damage i take this fight takes about six minutes but i'm able to bring him down without taking a single hit and after we defeat him we meet hammer a soldier from the army who decides to set up a shop in front of the castle in the same room we also find the malpha soul which lets us double jump and allows us to explore so much more of the castle now but before moving on i head back to the entrance and buy the war fatigues from hammer which not only provides decent defense but also increases our strength by three i also sell some of my weapons that i won't be using now i know i did use a cheat code to give myself every weapon in the game but i'm not going to be selling any of these weapons in this game you can have more than one of the same weapon and since the code only gives you one of each i'm only going to be selling the weapons that i have more than one of that's how i'll know if it's a weapon i picked up or not now with our new jumping power we make it to the dance hall where we meet jay a vampire hunter who was involved in the same conflict that graham told us about but lost his memories because of it but anyway i go further in fighting some not so tough enemies and get to the big golem the first boss of the whole run that is taking more than one damage from my handgun once again this is another boss like the great armor he's big and he has some kind of shield but his attacks are predictable and easy to dodge and for most of the fight i can hit him from a safe distance i'm not completely safe from him though sometimes he likes to push you into the corner and will try to hit you with his arms but once you figure out his attack pattern they're pretty easy to dodge he also has this attack where he'll spit rocks at you from his mouth i don't know what that's all about but still it's easy to dodge and neither of these attacks do much damage anyway after about a minute of shooting him in the foot he goes down [Music] and our reward for defeating him is the skeleton blazol which allows us to power slide yeah i'm not really sure why we needed a soul for that i mean you mean to tell me that soma knows how to fight and use all these weapons but he doesn't know how to slide but anyway we can now access the inner quarters and as soon as you arrive here you're greeted by these maids that bow to you before trying to beat the crap out of you pretty funny if you ask me but they're not hard to kill just shoot them about a dozen or so times and they die what is a problem here though are the valkyries they always fly diagonally above you they always follow you around and if you try to jump and hit them they'll just fly further up then for their attack they'll come sweeping down at you in this u-shaped motion trying to kill these things is more effort than it's worth so really you're better off just running away from them the biggest challenge here though is the stairs this level has a much more vertical design than the other parts and there's more enemies crammed into these areas than before whenever you're trying to fight on the stairs the enemies will always be able to sneak in at least one hit the absolute worst thing in this area though is without doubt the boss the headhunter once again i'm back to only doing one damage with my weapon now the headhunter is a pretty big target and every time she gets hit she steps back so even though i'm only doing one damage if i just keep shooting i can pin her into the corner and she can't do anything sounds easy right well this is the first of only three phases after about three straight minutes of holding down the b button she turns into this old lady and starts flying around and casting spells she only has two of the fire dragon spell and the lightning spell and these spells are easy to dodge but what isn't easy is trying to dodge while also hitting her i'm still stuck to doing only one damage per hit and if i try to carefully dodge her attacks i'm only able to pop off one or two hits every time she does this i do this for like seven minutes straight and start to get impatient which results in me dying that boss is just going to be completely out of the question for now so i decide to explore the castle some more and grind as much as i can along the way i gain a couple of levels and also get the ancient belt a piece of equipment that increases my defense and also provides a small increase to my strength and attack it's a random drop from quetzalcoatl those bouncing snake things and thankfully there is a small room in the dance hall with two of them so just keep killing them leaving and coming back until they drop one it does sound tedious but it doesn't take me long before i get when i need and after that it's back to the boss i pretty much handle this boss the same way i did in the last attempt except now my attacks are doing five damage instead of just one the first form goes down much faster and the old lady is still a bit of a pain but with my extra damage she does go down in a couple of minutes after defeating her second form though she turns into this amphibian thing surprisingly this form is actually a lot easier than the old lady she attacks with her tongue and this misty cloud thing but when she attacks she likes to stand in place and her attacks have slightly shorter range than your gun so if you stand in just the right spot you can keep shooting her while she tries to attack you but fails this is exactly what i do and before long i managed to take the headhunter down [Music] after that i have to climb up this tower where i have to deal with the valkyries but also these yo-yo knights they're pretty hard to take out but if you stand it just the right spot you can shoot them from a range where they won't be able to hit you at the top you find the undyne soul which gives you the powers of jesus christ no seriously this soul allows you to walk on water by using this in that river area in the basement it gives me just enough height to reach the platform and allows me to enter the floating garden and the first enemies we see here are giant mutant chickens that shoot petrifying lasers out of their eyes thankfully though most of the enemies here are pretty easy to beat there are the normally annoying crows but they only seem to care about you when you get close enough to them if you hit them from far away they're just like nah man i'm flying that far the worst enemies here are the devils these things are from hell both literally and figuratively you know those flying enemies that were chasing you around earlier now imagine that only five times your size and with much more hp at this point you're better off just running away from them if you can there are also these skeletons that pull these screaming fruits out of the ground i have no idea how you're supposed to counter these things but when they come out you're taking around 100 damage the only other enemy of interest here is the golem these things have crazy high defenses and a ton of hp but they also have the next strength upgrade soul which gives you plus 12 strength one problem though you are more likely to get struck by lightning on the ground while winning the mega millions and powerball jackpots during a blue moon while all the planets are aligned after encountering a horde of all shiny pokemon while being drafted by the nba as a bird is about to crap on your head than you are to get the soul from the gull seriously i grinded this thing for like an hour and nothing happened so at that point i decided to just give up because the next bonus isn't too far off anyway we head on up to the clock tower where we run into graham again who thinks he's dracula because he was born the very moment dracula died now this area is just as annoying as the inner quarters pretty much all the enemies here fly around like these bird ladies that take several hits to defeat and every time they're hit they fly diagonally up making it impossible to hit them in a rapid succession there's also the infamous medusa heads which fly in wavy patterns across the screen on the way up we meet yoko again who warns us about graham again and at the top you fight a great armor it didn't feel like it was that long ago we fought this thing as a boss now we're already fighting it again as a regular enemy but anyway in the room just past him we fight one of the most iconic and infamous bosses in all of castlevania death now this game hasn't been that hard up until now but this boss cranks up the difficulty to a whole new level death floats around and swings his scythe in this circular motion it's not that hard to dodge but there are also these smaller sighs flying at you from all across the screen and there's no way to predict where they'll come from sometimes they can actually spawn right where you are except when that happens it's not hard to dodge these or the scythe but dodging both at the same time while trying to hit him is a freaking nightmare after you deal enough damage he'll then start spamming this laser attack which again is easy to dodge but you always have to be on the move if you stop running for half a second you're taking a hit and if you thought that was bad wait till you get to the second phase because this is where things start to get really bad death pulls out this double scythe and starts swinging it around like crazy he has this attack where he throws it around in this wheel-like motion around the walls this attack has a very wide range and comes out very fast you can jump to dodge it but your timing has to be perfect if you're a nano second off you're taking about a hundred damage though his worst move is when he charges at you this attack has a gigantic hitbox and lasts a very long time if you don't see this attack coming at least a few seconds in advance there's nothing you can do to dodge it and because of how long the animation lasts if he hits you once he's probably gonna sneak in a second or third hit his best attack for you is when he throws his scythe in the air in this wheel-like motion as long as you're ducking this won't hit but you also can't hit him when he's doing this either this fight was an absolute nightmare that took dozens of attempts but it wasn't impossible eventually i figured out the first first phase i could reflect his size back at him with the witch soul that i got in the inner quarters and i know i did make it a rule in the beginning that i wouldn't be using lethal souls but i'm allowing this one because i'm not attacking them myself i'm just shielding myself and reflecting their own projectiles back at them but after that all i can do is stick to my guns literally in my last attempt death seems to go for his wheel move a lot more and after getting pummeled by his other spinny attacks in previous attempts i've gotten pretty good at dodging them i still haven't figured out how to dodge his charging attack but i've at least figured out how to make it so that he only hits me once instead of twice or more several potions and bullets being fired later i am able to take down death can you imagine beating death with almost no health left only for his scythe to kill you during his dying animation our reward for beating death is the skull of soul which lets us sink while in water opening up a whole new section of the castle also on the way down i managed to absorb a soul from the great armor what it does is it increases your strength by 20 while active it may sound decent but it drains your mp crazy fast and for such a small bonus it's not really of much use but anyway with our new soul we can now go into the underground reservoir home of the first of the most annoying subtype of enemy in the game cognazzo they're devils that fly across a screen really fast and attack you with pitchforks basically they're like the valkyries only stronger faster and more unpredictable sometimes they'll try to stab you right where you're standing sometimes they'll stab in front of you whatever the case every time you see one of these things you're guaranteed to lose at least a quarter of your health though there actually is a trick to beating them easily like the birds they're only aggroed when you get close to them not when you hit them so if you get to just the right spot just close enough for you to hit them without aggroing them you can beat them without them noticing you but more often than not you'll already be on the move when you run into them and by the time you see them it'll be too late that's not all in one area you have to take an elevator but as soon as you get on it this giant archdemon starts coming after you and if that weren't bad enough there are medusa heads coming at you from all directions this area isn't very generous with save points either and since i used most of my potions on death i don't have any way to heal later in this area you get to this hallway with these tritons these are the enemies i was talking about earlier that give you the soul with the highest strength boost in the game thankfully they're easier to beat than the golems but the odds of you getting their soul isn't high plus the first time i encountered them i was already waist deep in this area and didn't know what was up ahead so i didn't risk it eventually i do make it to the next area though the arena but first we get a cut scene of graham stabbing yoko and then alucard comes and we can move on to the next area only to be punished some more this time we have to deal with gargoyles that fly in a pattern similar to the valkyries but are much stronger as well as skeletons on chariots thankfully this area doesn't go on for very long but at this point it's become clear to me that i can't keep going on with what i have i'm just not dealing enough damage i need to increase my strength there is an accessory that helps with this but it's only randomly dropped by the werewolves well in this area at the bottom right door of the elevator room there is an accessory that makes enemies more likely to drop items the rare ring you just gotta do this d-pad mini-game to get it once i get that i go back to the underground reservoir to get the triton soul which doesn't take me too long and then i head back to the floating garden where the werewolves are and after grinding them for about 10 minutes i do get the black belt which increases my strength by five now there is one more item that i want before i face the boss which is at the top right floor of the elevator room however this is without doubt the most frustrating annoying and unfair hallway in the game as soon as you step inside you're attacked by two of the worst enemies in the game lubricants and yes i know it's lubicon which is a mistranslation of rubicon from dante's inferno but i'm still gonna call them lubricant because that's what you're gonna need when these things are having their way with you they're basically the cognazzos on steroids they're stronger and they fly faster and here is a room full of them to make matters worse those statues can attack you with their hands and feet like come on was a roomful of the toughest enemies in the game not enough now you have to add hazards too so how do you get past them well their ai works the same way as the cognazzos there's nothing you can do to prevent the first one from coming after you but if you stay very close to the doorway you won't aggro the other one what you do is you move slightly around in the doorway while the first one attacks you and then counter him when he does you have to be very careful here though because if he hits you or you move too far to the left you go back to the next room it takes me dozens of attempts and i do mess up on the last one but at that point i've already done enough damage to the first one so i take him down and then take out the other on without too much difficulty after that it's pretty easy just shoot them with your gun from a safe distance without aggrowing them and at the end of the hallway you'll get the allrock's suit a good suit of armor with a strength bonus however you still have to head back the way you came and this time you can't just shoot them from far away anymore because the only spots you can hit them without aggroing them are where the statues are so i have no choice but to fight them now thankfully it's only one at a time and i can take them on without too much difficulty until i get to the end or i have to deal with two of them but at that point i just run away there's also the second room which is a frustrating hallway of medusa heads and those red valkyries and moving floors but the reward at the end is a sword that i can't use so i'm just not gonna waste my time with it once i'm done with all that it's time to fight the boss balor and he's another one of those bosses that i have to jump to hit at least i'm doing 9 damage with each hit but this guy has a ton of hp the way it works is that his head is in the middle and he moves his fist around and you have to dodge them seems pretty straightforward but the physics here are really weird supposedly you can stand on top of his fists but there's no way to know when you can stand on them or when they'll damage you however as long as you stay on the right side of the room he can't hit you so what i do is wait for him to attack then jump up so that i can shoot his head over his hand and i keep doing this until he moves on to his second face here he constantly shoots lasers out of his eye that causes fire to rise out of the ground it may look bad but once you figure out the pattern it's pretty easy to dodge his defenses are also lower when he goes for this so just keep shooting at his eye and he will go down without too much trouble [Music] after this fight we meet jay again who now remembers that he is julius belmont the guy who defeated dracula in 1999 and that he's going to go look for his whip the vampire killer so that he can defeat whoever is the next dracula our reward for beating balor is the giant bat soul which allows us to turn into a bat and fly pretty much anywhere in any room though we actually won't be needing it to get to the next area the underground cemetery this is one of the smallest sections of the castle but also one of the most disturbing you'll notice these mummies walking around that you can't interact with and as you go further in you'll also hear these increasingly loud groans once you get to the boss room it becomes pretty obvious that all these mummies are part of the boss you'll be fighting the legion now this boss may look menacing but it's actually one of the easiest bosses in the game he has four sections that surround the main core which is what you have to attack to beat him as you attack the four sections the mummies will fall off and once you deal enough damage the section will also fall off you only need to knock off one to beat him but i recommend knocking off the bottom two just so you can hit him from both sides he doesn't have much in the way of attacks he has this laser that he doesn't seem to go for very much but other than that he just kind of floats around whenever he gets close to you just use the platforms to jump to the other side or when his bottom sections are knocked off just slide under them after this just keep hitting the core and he'll go down [Music] i should also mention that this boss is optional but i still wanted to beat him because the reward for doing so is the galamoth soul now in the inner quarters there's this one hallway with a rabbit that you can't get past because he'll pull out a stopwatch and teleport you back outside but with this you become immune to that and you can kill him the reason i wanted to do this is because his soul gives you the power to temporarily stop time like the stopwatch in the earlier games it doesn't work on every enemy but it is perfect for taking out those annoying enemies that fly all over the place and since it's technically a non-lethal effect i'm not breaking the rules by using it but anyway using my new bat powers i can enter the top floor the last area of the castle and as you'd expect the enemies here are extremely tough everything from the gargoyles to the succubi to the lubricants to the final guards you can also find the hippogriff soul but it doesn't serve much purpose now because i have the giant bat soul which i needed to get here before long we do make it to the final area where you would normally fight dracula but before we fight him there are some things we need to do if i were to fight him now i get a false ending so what i need to do is get three ancient books around the castle and some specific souls i already have ancient book 2 so i get ancient book 1 from the study and ancient book 3 from the underground reservoir i also need to get the giant bat soul which i already have and the succubus and flame demon souls so i kill a few of them and get their souls and with that we are ready to face the final boss we head into the throne room where we meet none other than graham jones so if you played any of the other castlevania games this fight plays very similarly to dracula's first phase graham teleports around the room and shoots either fire or balls of darkness and his only weak spot is his head this is kind of a problem because it means i don't actually have a reliable way to hit him because he's floating and because of my limited vertical range i can't stand on the ground and hit him i have to do some kind of jumping trick shot and even then my timing has to be perfect and i can only hit him once when i do this and i'm only doing three damage to him with each hit my witch soul can't reflect his projectiles either so this is going to be a really difficult fight that i'm not sure if i'll have the patience for it's situations like this where you start to dig through your inventory to see if you have anything that might help and turns out i do sometime when i was exploring the top floor i absorb the souls of one of the lubricants which increases your stats as you lose hp seeing as how i'm pretty low i decide to give it a try and with my damage each hit goes from 3 to 22. i actually do manage to get to a second phase where he just stands in the middle and shoots black balls everywhere but he always shoots them in the same pattern if you stand in either corner of the room he can't hit you and thanks to the staircase i actually am high enough to hit him from here once you get past that phase he turns into this disgusting lovecraftian angel thing with giant hands and a ring of skulls that can shoot lasers at you from above i do die on this form but i'm glad to know that i now have a reliable strategy but before i face him again i do think i should grind a little bit especially because every level up increases my maximum hp the best place to grind is in the arena in the hallway with the two red minotaurs these things are pretty easy to beat and are worth a thousand exp each in about 15 minutes i go from level 39 to level 45 and now i think i'm ready so i go back and this time i let him whittle my hp down to about 100 so that my stats are as high as they can but i have just enough hp to survive any of his attacks and instead of trying to play offensively i just stand in the back on top of the staircase and blast him whenever he comes near while dodging his attacks pretty easily for his second form as i mentioned he mostly attacks with his hands in the ring as long as you're ducking around the edges of the room his hands can't hit you so what you do is you have to slide under the hands then jump up and pop off as many shots as you can and then slide back to the other side before the laser hits you as long as you don't mess this up too many times it should be pretty easy so i keep doing this until he's dead but even though i have all the books and all the right souls i get the bad ending apparently i actually needed to have the flame demon giant bat and succubus souls equipped when i dealt the final blow which means i have to keep track of his hp and make sure i equip those souls when i finish him off which isn't exactly easy without a health bar well i did just that i kept count of how much damage i was doing and when i got close to finishing him off i switched souls and finished him off by doing just one damage but i still got the bad ending so that's two different answers i've looked at both of which have been wrong well according to one answer i need to have the souls equipped when i enter the room and when he enters his second phase well that's easier at least so once again i enter the room with the souls unequip them equip them again right before making him go to a second phase and then when i finally beat him i get the result i want soma realizes that he is the incarnation of dracula and that the only way we can stop ourselves from turning evil is by defeating chaos now you may have noticed that black door in the floating garden well now we can open it we get dracula's tunic then go in there and run into julius belmont and he tells us that because we're dracula he's going to have to kill us and we fight him as a boss so julius is unlike any other boss we face so far he's a much smaller target and he runs and jumps around the arena attacking with his whip and some kind of aerial kick both of which do a significant amount of damage what makes this fight so difficult is that there's really no clear pattern to his movement you can't really tell when he's going to jump or kick or whip until it's too late you kind of just have to run away though that's kind of hard because he's faster than you though one semi-effective trick i found to avoiding his attacks is by turning into a bat and just flying around just make sure you keep an eye on your mp meter when you do this one weakness that julius has is that whenever he takes four or five hits he flinches and sometimes flies back but not always and sometimes he starts moonwalking now the gun may sound like a bad choice in this fight but it's actually pretty good because we're able to hit julius from a range where he can't whip us anyway once you deal enough damage to him he'll go for this super attack where if he gets sucked in it'll do like 250 damage which is what happened to me and then he'll start using simon's specials from smash bros like the holy water the boomerang and the axe this phase is actually easier though because these attacks are easier to avoid and after pumping him with a few more rounds julius belmont goes down soma then explains to julius what his plan is and then asks julius to finish him off if he turns into dracula but anyway on the other side of the room we go into a portal that takes us to the chaotic realm the last area of the game the area itself isn't too interesting it's kind of just a mix of the other parts of the castle but in monochrome and you can't access the map but you do fight the toughest enemies yet like the alistars the demon lords and the shadow knights before too long i get to the end and before fighting the final boss you get this cut scene where mina and all the other characters give you some words of encouragement oh yeah have i even mentioned mina a single time in this video really goes to show you how little relevant she has to the plot of this game so you go to what i think is supposed to be the core of the realm and you have to fight these three things on this rotating wheel i underestimate how powerful these things are and i die pretty quickly oh and i love the game over screen you get when you die here you see soma on the throne as dracula and then julius belmont comes and tells you he's here to fulfill the promise he made [Music] now that is pretty deep but anyway i reset the game and attempt him again so chaos is divided into three parts each of which represent the colors of the souls you've been using you also might have noticed that your souls don't work here because these things apparently drained your powers as you defeat these things you get your soul powers back corresponding to the ones of the colors you defeated and each of them does something different the yellow ones send some kind of thing towards you i'm not sure what it's supposed to be the red one tries to hit you with these diamond things and the blue ones send some kind of big demon after you the blue one is easily the worst because it deals the most damage and is the hardest to dodge so i recommend taking it out first other than that there's not much to say you just hit them and dodge the attacks as best you can but once you take out the blue one it becomes significantly easier also the power slide is surprisingly effective against them because you don't take damage from touching them so i take out the first form and then move on to the final form the final form takes place in this weird i don't even know how to describe this but you have five targets here you have the black circle in the middle which is the core and these four eyeballs on the side now the eyeballs don't actually do anything themselves but as long as they're active the core takes less damage so you really do have to take these things out first you also have this bone snake thing slithering around and there's really no way to predict his attack pattern you just have to hope he doesn't come near you or hit you with its green bouncing ball the core has this attack where it shoots out the spikes around it and these spikes are very hard to dodge if you're not standing in just the right place when he uses it you're taking a hit but the worst attack is when it sends out these tiny green balls to the corners of the screen these things may not look so bad especially with how slow they move but when they hit you they deal a ton of damage and last a very long time how do you avoid these things while also trying to avoid the spikes and the snake you don't this whole fight is just another endurance test you have to bring as many healing items as you can and hit him with all your might and hope that he dies before you do of course that's not exactly easy with the weakest weapon in the game you really don't have the advantage of range here either because everything is crammed together and i also can't stand and hit him i can only hit him while jumping i did find that a good way to avoid the projectiles was to turn into a bat but this uses up mp so you can only use it so much my first attempt at this phase i get tossed around into all four of the green balls at once and i die so i gotta go through the first phase before i can try again but thankfully i seem to have this thing's patterned down by now it doesn't take me very long to take out the eyes and with my health low enough i'm able to do a decent amount of damage to the core with each hit eventually i run out of potions at high potions forcing me to rely on super potions to heal which is good for my health but not good for when my damage relies on my health being low i also have some food items that i picked up while grinding so those help me out too after eating my last ramen and my second to last super potion i wonder if i'll even be able to beat the boss like this or if i need to grind some more but just as i'm about ready to throw in the towel i'll land the final hit you get that awesome cut scene of the castle crumbling and after being reunited with mina the credits roll there you have it ladies and gentlemen it is possible to beat castlevania arya of sorrow with only the handgun this was definitely a very fun run to do and i think it was the perfect balance between difficulty and fun we had some easy moments some hard moments had to come up with some creative workarounds just like a challenge should be i know most people come to my channel looking for challenges of jrpgs and by that i mostly mean megami tensei but i am a big fan of castlevania and want to do more castlevania videos anyway if you all like this video be sure to rate comment and subscribe check out my other links in the description and if you want to financially support me consider leaving a co-fi donation till the next video i will see you all later [Music] you
Channel: Nyarly
Views: 925,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Castlevania, Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Game Boy, GBA, Advance, GameBoy, Metroidvania, Metroid, Dracula, Netflix, Soma, Challenge, Gameplay, Commentary, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Circle of the Moon, Konami, Advance Collection, Switch, Nintendo, Sony, Steam, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Belmont, Simon
Id: EkXorHrci9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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