VG Myths - Can You Beat A Hat In Time Without Jumping?

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You can't hit the jump button but you can do a bunch of things that are basically jumping anyway.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PM_VAGINA_FOR_RATING 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
Good morning everybody and welcome to VG Myths, the online internet video game TV show that gets an A for effort and an F for execution. A Hat In Time puts you in the shoes of a time-and-space traversing Hat Kid trying to get back all of your long lost shiny things. But Hat Kid isn't Luigi, which is why we're throwing her in the trash and playing as the one true main character, Bow Kid. Also, there will be a challenge run. Can you beat A Hat In Time without jumping? There's only one rule. At no point are we ever allowed to use the game's jump function. Thankfully, no semantics are required to define what a jump is: There's a clearly labeled jump function in the controls menu, normally assigned to the A button on an X-input controller. I moved this to R3, still technically accessible for testing purposes but realistically won't ever be pressed accidentally in the actual run. We can do whatever we want with every other button on the controller, completely confident that, according to the laws of physics, no jumps are occurring. Our first order of business is to collect tons of yarn throughout the first level, so we can get some helpful hat abilities. This being a platformer, jumping is generally encouraged. You're gonna need some sneaky workarounds to get over even the smallest ledges. The dive button lets us go airborne and gives us a tiny bit of height, but it's nowhere near enough on its own. There's a light parkour system that allows us to run up walls, but you need to hit the wall at a slightly higher elevation than is normally possible with dives. However, if the ground is slightly sloped, you can dive into the wall from uphill, the height difference giving you that slight elevation you need. Of course, you can't hit the wall too high either. Otherwise, you'll do a Ledge Grab. Pull-ups are legally a jump, so the only action available is dropping down. Though requiring tons of lengthy detours, ledge finagling like this allows you to traverse almost the entirety of Mafia Town and collect enough yarn to craft the two currently available hats. Then grab the game's first timepiece. Next we move on to timepiece number two, Barrel Battle. There's an invisible wall stopping us from just moving towards the camera, so that's a no-go. And while we can get a wall run started with a dive, we're not allowed to dive again before grounding ourselves. But hold on one second. There's still something extremely useful at our disposal which I know you've all been waiting for. It's time for our tried-and-true secret technique, Player Number 2. We may have been a bit too hasty throwing Hat Kid in the trash. Though she may not be Luigi, she is Luigi's best friend, which has to count for something. Like any good friend, she'll both figuratively and literally give you a boost whenever you need it. Dive into the left wall, mercilessly crush Hat kid to recharge your dive, run up and dive off the right wall, and you'll get just barely enough height to escape into the level proper where you can easily beat the boss and get timepiece number two. Even with our newfound friendship powers, timepiece number three is going to take some doing requiring us to jump up some fairly distant floating platforms that offer very few height gaining opportunities. I managed to get past the first gap by placing Hat Kid on the outer fence, then bouncing off her before making a dive. Thankfully, we don't have to leave Hat Kid behind. If you exit and re-enter Co-op Mode, she'll respawn standing directly next to you. On the other side, I use this potted plant to get onto the next fence, bounced off Hat Kid to reach the pipes then did a couple well-positioned dives to reach the upper platform. Once there, though, I got a little stuck. We can summon Hit Kid up here, but she's too tall to bounce off. This torch would be high enough for a boost, but we have no way to run up it. I was stuck here for a while until I got a crazy random idea: "What if I'm not the only person on the internet who intentionally tries to be bad at video games?" Go to and one of the first results is a completed jumpless speedrun by Ianwubby. By the way, spoiler warning: this episode ends with a mission complete. Turns out, I'd been barking up the wrong tree and Hat Kid is completely useless and can be thrown straight back into the trash because there exists a way more effective method to gain height. The physics programming for held objects leaves a lot to be desired. If you stack one hold-able object on top of another, the top object will transcend the universe and become a fourth dimensional being, no longer bound by any known laws of physics. Dragging it past parts of the environment will cause it to be displaced but still believe it's stacked on top of the other object, leading to a pretty peculiar sight. We can abuse this by dragging the top object on something while walking uphill displacing it to around the same height and position as the bottom object. Stand on the top object then pick up the bottom object. Of course, picking up a stack means everything in the stack will be elevated -- and wouldn't you know it, we're at the top of the stack! -- causing us to elevate at hyperspeed. You might think we'd use this to reach the Mafia Goon from earlier and, while that is possible, we're instead aiming for one of the air balloons at the edge of the stage. The elevation glitch is extremely difficult to control. If you're not moving in the direction or speed you want, make slight adjustments on the analog stick to reposition yourself, and hopefully, randomly veer on course. After a few tries, you'll land on the golden prize that makes the rest of this run possible. A single ball of Ice Yarn! This unlocks the Ice Hat for crafting, which you're not supposed to have access to until the next chapter. Thankfully, even after crafting the first two hats, there's still enough yarn in Mafia Town to craft this one. The Ice Hat, as normally intended, is a relatively useless ground pound mostly used for specifically marked bounce pads. But as anybody familiar with Death Wish is aware, if you briefly tap the hat button, you'll enter but immediately cancel the ground pound animation, giving you some height and upward momentum. This effectively turns the hat button into a de-facto jump button. Albeit, one that is significantly shorter and less versatile. Nevertheless, it allows us to get some good airborne height, even on completely flat ground. Heading way back up to that prior roadblock, we can now use the Ice Hat to bounce off Hat Kid who I should probably stop throwing in the trash. This Ice-Hat-plus-Hat-Kid combo solves all the distance jumps, but we still need to get up this mighty tall platform. There are invisible walls preventing us from standing directly on the flower beds but there is a tiny stand-able area just on the edge. Unfortunately, I still couldn't quite get a wall run started high enough to reach the top. While pounding every button on my controller in frustration, I accidentally found a way up. A fully completed ground pound will launch the other player in whatever direction they're facing. If they happen to be facing a wall, their momentum will be redirected upwards, enough to reach the top of the ledge. Continue as usual over the last two gaps to bank the third timepiece. The fourth timepiece, Down With The Mafia, is ludicrously easier than the last two. There's only one extremely simple platforming room. The rest is on flat ground, including the Mafia Boss boss fight. All his attacks can be dodged with either a small ice hop or hugging a wall. Mash him into mush, put the remains in a jar, and grab that timepiece to officially complete the tutorial. From now on, no singular timepiece is technically required to beat the game. We've got the wiggle room to pick and choose whichever we want. Though, of course, we will want to prioritize the ones that lock other timepieces behind them. Chapter 2 has a lot of timepieces locked behind its earlier levels, so we're heading there first. While there, I highly recommend buying the No Bonk Badge which, as the name implies, prevents you from bonking when diving into walls and drastically easing your frustration from this point forward. At seven timepieces, you'll open up Subcon Forest, which I recommend going to immediately. Here you'll be able to craft the Dweller Mask, trick a friendly resident into lightening your inventory of your completely useless soul, and access the Subcon Well. Actually getting inside the well takes some extremely quick and precise Ice Hat platforming and the reward is well worth it. Not only will you get one more timepiece, you'll also get the Hookshot Badge. Tons of timepieces are explicitly locked behind use of the hookshot and many others are just made way easier. This is also the last piece of our arsenal. The only thing you might not have yet is the Time Stop hat, which is entirely unnecessary. Every remaining timepiece will have to be gained with your own skill. One particular hazard to look out for on your quest for timepieces are zip lines. If you come into contact with one, you'll automatically stand on it. And turns out being a trapeze artist is a lot easier than they want you to think. There is almost no way off of this thing. You can't use the ice cap or die. You're expected to jump off. However, you are capable of attacking and, likewise, capable of being attacked. If you ever need to get on and off the zip line; for example, in the Mafia Town Purple Time Rift summon in Hat Kid and immediately whack her in the face. She'll get launched off the zip line in the direction you were facing. In this instance, she just needs to enter the vault which automatically teleports both players to the next area. Or, at least, it's supposed to. Co-op is really glitchy. You'll come to learn throughout the run that Hat Kid's ability to despawn and respawn at your command is ludicrously useful. If ever you need to do anything particularly risky, like grab something immediately above a zip line, summon in Hat Kid and make her do the dirty work for you. Both players share all items and level progress, so even if she gets herself trapped you can despawn her and move on. This comes especially useful in the later, highly difficult platforming sections. Despawning and respawning Hat Kid before she falls down a pit prevents her from losing health, effectively giving you infinite retries. Of all the time pieces I collected, the absolute hardest was the Chapter 2 finale, Award Ceremony. Specifically the second award ceremony in Dead Bird Studio's basement. Before heading in, I recommend doing a little bit of prep work. Player 2 is normally not capable of obtaining an umbrella due to a ludicrously tremendous developer oversight. Rather than giving the umbrella to both players, the game will only give an umbrella to the player who appears in the umbrella obtaining cutscene which defaults to Player 1, even if Player 1 already has an umbrella. However, if you murder Player 1, Player 2 will be forced into the cutscene instead For some reason, vampirically absorbing Player 1's outfit. With dual umbrellas in hand, we can get back to Dead Bird Studio. The first section is littered with zip lines that must be platformed around with absolute precision. Without Hat Kid's umbrella, Bow Kid landing on a zip line is an automatic game over. The only escape would be to die and respawn or exit the level. Hat Kid's newfound ability to murder us gives us some much appreciated wiggle room. At this section, space is really tight and you'll need to act fast. Dive Hat Kid onto the zip line, position her about three-quarters of the way, swap to Bow Kid, and bounce across. Done right, you'll get Bow Kid to the far side of the room and past zip line hell. Soon after is a particularly tight bit of parkour. Get as far up the pipe as you can, face the opposite direction, ice jump at a very slight angle, run up the wall as close to the upper ledge as you can without running under it, and cancel the wall run while holding towards the ledge. This took a couple dozen tries, but is ludicrously satisfying when done correctly. The button pushing room normally requires zip line jumping, so we'll need some out-of-the-box thinking. The geometry of the scaffolding decorating the level's edges makes wall runs glitch out. Dive into them just right and you'll chain multiple wall runs in a row, giving astronomical height gain. Done in the right spot, you can casually walk straight up to the top of the room. The rest of the level is still difficult but can be cleared with all the techniques we've covered so far. If you really believe in yourself, there's nothing that can stop you from punching this penguin in the face and collecting your well-deserved reward. I should note that despite all the shenanigans, there were still a few timepieces I was unable to grab. After delivering a batch of cherries to Queen Vanessa's manor, we can use the speedrunner shortcut to reach the last room but, in this room, use of the Ice Cap or umbrella is banned, preventing us from getting over the insignificant step blocking the way. But nevertheless there are enough accessible timepieces to obtain the necessary 25 to enter The Finale. Most of the platforming here is surprisingly simple, requiring very little actual height gain. There is one tricky bit of platforming. We need the Ice Hat equipped to dive between the falling platforms, but need the Dweller Mask equipped to walk on the slide at the end. This would honestly be no big deal if we were really quick at swapping hats, but I like to make things needlessly complicated. Instead, I swung up to the lava faucets that decorate the side of the level, making a much more lenient dive towards the slide from up there. The Mustache Girl boss fight is mostly identical to a casual playthrough. Plant one final punch in her ugly mug, and the Hat In Time jumpless run is Before heading out, shoutout to Ianwubby's original jumpless run. They took a completely different route from me. I'm pretty sure they didn't even use Co-op. So if you're interested in seeing another route, it's worth checking out. Special thanks to all patreon backers, including: [reading the blue names] You're all Peck-Necks for watching and get out of my house.
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 1,106,064
Rating: 4.9160442 out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, a hat in time, challenge, can you beat, nintendo switch, playstation 4, without jumping, jumpless, no jumps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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