VG Myths - Can You Solve Professor Layton's Minimum Tap Puzzle?

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good morning everybody and welcome back to vg myths the online internet video game tv show that was told it was absolutely impossible to do a challenge run of a brain teaser collection but they forgot one very important thing every puzzle has an answer can you solve the professor layton and the curious village minimum tap puzzle professor layton in the curious village is a brain teaser collection featuring over 100 self-contained puzzles hidden in a point-and-click adventure story our goal is to find and execute the absolute minimum number of touchscreen taps to beat the game starting the moment the game is booted up and ending when the end credits roll and if you're preemptively preparing yourself for some semantic shenanigans you can breathe a sigh of relief a tap is defined as simply as possible it begins when the touchscreen is given input and ends when that input ceases also worth noting the game doesn't react to your input until the moment of release so any half tap strategies you might think of will inevitably end fruitlessly this is a simple logic puzzle with a simple logical very long form solution one last note before we get to the details this is being done on the english north american nintendo ds version of the game and no other version is being considered each version has varying differences both in how solutions are entered and even some entirely replaced puzzles for the sake of simplicity we're only looking for the minimum in this specific version of the game the version which is most convenient for me personally being a nintendo ds game we're expected to use the touchscreen to do almost everything literally the only action we'll be performing with buttons in the entire game is advancing text with the a button moving between screens costs taps talking to npcs costs taps and absolutely all puzzles require taps to solve with the number of taps varying most puzzles are either multiple choice or have written answers multiple choice puzzles all require either one or two taps one tap puzzles featuring only a single button to press and two tap puzzles requiring us to select an answer then tap the submit button written answer puzzles always require at least three taps one tap on the input answer button one tap for every stroke in each character of the answer and finally one tap to submit a decent number involved dragging on the screen to place straight lines some allow for one continuous stroke for the entire answer meanwhile others require separate strokes for every single line even ones that are connected a few other puzzles have more unique interactive elements which usually means a ridiculous number of taps thankfully regardless of what kind of puzzle we just solved the post solution text can always be advanced with the a button there are a couple exceptions to text advancement though some tutorial pop-ups necessitate a tap to advance and furniture pop-ups are something of a special case some specific puzzles reward us with a furniture item upon completion asking us to give the furniture to either layton or luke requiring a tap to make the decision and thus effectively increasing the total number of taps required to solve the puzzle by one i was feeling particularly clever during routing and realized each character's room can only hold a maximum of 20 items if we give absolutely all furniture to one character they'll eventually run out of space upon receipt of the 21st piece of furniture the game will forego the first pop-up and send the item directly to the other character effectively erasing the extra tap requirement and while this is incredibly stupid and awesome unfortunately aru only picks up 18 furniture items by the end of the game getting any more will always take just slightly more taps sorry luke maybe you'll get a bet in the sequel obviously we'll be rushing to the end of the game's story in as few steps as possible and already have a cheat sheet of every single solution of course this challenge wouldn't be much of a puzzle if we could just run step by step through the plot periodically the plot is locked behind gates requiring us to have solved a certain number of puzzles before we're allowed to proceed with the final gate requiring 75 total i'll spare you all the details but i mapped out every single puzzle we pass by assuming we take absolutely no detours whatsoever noting how many taps each takes to solve if we solve every single one tap two tap three tap and four tap puzzle that appears on the main route we still won't quite reach 75 total rather than moving on to the five tap puzzles we can bump that number up by moving off the main route with a small tap sacrifice to encounter more puzzles the general store is a completely optional area that requires one tap to enter and two taps to exit meaning a three tap entry fee contained within are a one tap puzzle two three tap puzzles and a five tap puzzle if we ignore the five tapper in total we spend 10 tabs to solve three puzzles mapping out to less than four taps each we do something similar during the night time chapter in a loop of areas on the north end of town going around the long way rather than directly to our destination uses four extra taps but allows us to travel between two more areas which include three two-tap puzzles also mapping out to less than four taps each in addition we do one specific optional seven tap puzzle which due to the circumstances is actually less costly than doing a normal five tap though we technically aren't required to solve it we are required to talk to the npc who immediately throws it into our face exiting the puzzle requires two taps one to press the quit button then one to confirm but there's also a secret third tab since we didn't solve this puzzle and are thus one puzzle short of our goal we'll also need to tap on whatever npc gives us a replacement puzzle since at least three taps are effectively always required no matter what choice we make we can subtract those three taps from the puzzle's cost to find it's actually functionally identical to a four tab puzzle since we've already exhausted all the four tap puzzles this is totally worth it using this same logic we actually quit a different puzzle later on puzzle 070 is given through the plot and costs 9 taps to solve when considering the 3 tap sacrifice this is functionally a 6-tap puzzle and thus replacing it with a five tab puzzle shaves one tap off the entire run when including all these extra puzzles and detours we reach 74 total solved puzzles when exhausting everything four taps or less on the route solving that single five tap puzzle along the way allows us to reach the total all that said that is just the routing i'm not just looking for the theoretical minimum i actually want to do it in an actual playthrough and if you're thinking that would be easy enough if we allow saving and loading sorry but saving the game is literally not an option while the game technically presents us with save prompts at the beginning of each chapter saving always costs more taps than choosing not to and loading the game likewise adds on extra taps there's no way around it this entire playthrough must be done perfectly from start to finish and even the tiniest mistake sets you back to zero two taps north tap tap what [Music] what just happened not only can you just blatantly miss tapping on the correct object on screen even normal intuitive actions could potentially end the run if you aren't paying extremely close attention to what you're doing moving between areas normally requires two taps once on the shoe icon and once on the arrow leading where you want to go however if the area's entrance is represented by a closed door tapping on the shoe is entirely unnecessary just tap on the door once and you'll automatically traverse to the next area not only that some doors are less dory than others you need to be extremely careful where you tap always tap around the center of the door to off-center and the game might just assume you want to admire the lovely door frame there's also a unique oddity at the very beginning of chapter 3. normally if the player is required to talk to an npc or inspect an object before they leave the room attempting to leave the room will cancel the room exit either by telling the player to be more thorough or automatically initiating the plot dialogue either way you'd be wasting taps if you try to move early the sole exception in the entire game is here in dalia's room we're required to inspect the photo on the right side to progress the plot but if we instead ignore the photo and walk out of the room leighton and luke literally examine the photo while exiting doing a very impressive moonwalk examination that saves one tap there are only a few match puzzles encountered in the run but several require you to tilt the matches at different angles this can only be done by tapping them at their very edge and unfortunately the hitboxes for this are pretty finicky if a puzzle requires tilting always attempt to tilt a match with your first move that way if you fail and grab a match instead you can move it to its destination and try tilting a second time without wasting any taps the worst part of doing the run in one sitting is easily this required puzzle this is the only puzzle encountered in the main story that does not have a set in stone solution seven of these weights weigh the same but one randomly selected weight is lighter than the others you're supposed to figure out which weight is lighter through clever use of the scale but since that would take literally any more than the minimum effort we instead throw a random weight at the submit button and see what happens totally random guessing may not be a reliable strategy but it is a viable strategy which in a minimalist run is all that matters just reset the game and start over from scratch watching the opening cut scenes and running back to this puzzle asap over and over and over again until you accidentally successfully passed the dice roll clearing the puzzle with only two taps real talk if this puzzle were later in the game there's no way i would actually do this run after the rng puzzle is solved the major roadblocks aside from literal mistakes are literal mistakes if the game ever reads your handwriting incorrectly the run is immediately over remember it's not enough for your handwriting to be recognizable by a human it must be recognized by a very particularly peculiar ai fun fact playing games like this in brain age back when they came out permanently changed my handwriting they're the main reason i now write swirly twos and nines if you write them angular the game tends to recognize them less frequently there's also another problem this is how i normally write the number four while the game recognizes it without issue if you're paying attention you'll realize that's two strokes and thus two taps but if you write four like this it's only one stroke and thus only one tap problem solved right well look at the letter t uppercase or lowercase there's no way around it the letter t requires two strokes however requires is in quotation marks we don't technically need to write the letter correctly we just need the game to recognize it consistently after some experimentation i found that if you draw a tee like a really thin lopsided seven it usually figures out what you're going for but you know all this talk about handwriting recognition reminds me of a puzzle i'm gonna make this one really simple and easy the answer to this puzzle is the letter f but we're running low on time so please write it in a single stroke don't worry it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be written in such a way that it will be consistently recognized by our computerized judge professor layton in the curious village pause the video go grab a piece of paper take some time to think and write your answer you done okay if you wrote your answer like this or this then i'm sorry that is obviously not the letter f what were you thinking what you wrote is only possible in a single stroke if you double back and while you might be able to fool a human being into thinking that's the letter f professor layton in the curious village is smarter than the human brain and doesn't just look at the end result it actually factors in the motion of your strokes since the game is unaware of any f-drawing method that involves doubling back the letter you drew couldn't possibly be f and is probably like q or something some of you were probably really clever and wrote this in which case congratulations you wrote the letter b while your answer is close to correct and the game often recognizes a curse of f written like this it's not quite consistent enough to rely on the actual true correct answer uses an alternative f i was never even aware of until informed of it by this drum chat a cursive f with a backwards-facing looped bottom this version of a cursive f will be recognized by the game almost 100 of the time congrats if you manage this on your first try and special thanks to my elementary school teachers for teaching me cursive it may have taken me 20 years but i finally found literally a single use for it even if you execute all that correctly and reach the final chapter of the game there's still one final roadblock the literal final tap of the game leading to the final cut scene in end credits is on the location of flora's invisible apple-shaped birthmark on this painting do be warned the exact location isn't very intuitive since the camera angle and flora's clothing are different in the prior cutscene after a bunch of practice my personal strategy is to eyeball the point where the vertical line of flora's neck and the horizontal line crossing the center of her exposed shoulder meet even the game seems to be confused about the exact location since after tapping correctly the next cutscene shows luke tapping in a blatantly incorrect location near flora's neck with leighton finally discovering that the grand treasure he saw was just another mouth to feed the professor layton and the curious village minimum tap puzzle ends with a solution of 811 taps or at least theoretically it's difficult to say if i actually found the true minimum and given my audience's track record i'm willing to bet one of you already found a mistake 10 minutes ago if you'd like to try it out yourself i'll be leaving a pinned comment on this video with links to my notes so you can work from and potentially improve them if you actually manage to shave off any taps please let me know so i can edit it to be up to date special thanks to all patreon backers including all the bugs yugi has killed andrew seibert on on 42 rb drock saul and zero leslam chris nate alexander botkin onyou at greera david20 covers vincent hall alex nelson lively leader the quanky gamer luminescent dragon chase nilges prator faith rory kelly lane robert leishman liddy kitty jace harsh crustacean creep queen sapphire plum sweater procrastinating destiny epic evan 921 alex likes to eat e old foreign random misfunctional cam the can one nathaniel coletta alastair echoes at this point i'm out of ideas and just putting whatever zoe multicore aaron bailey the green scorpion game champ says trans rights are human rights xander kozak celestial cookie eight fitness drivers boom boxy john miller curbs d50 jorb kk damian r yap alonso wave it platypu115 world's slowest game of chess playing d4 like my life depends on it star captain eli shaba of clan ghost bear chronosanthiam dwaro 25 blue moon von idaho pritface the nonchalant nacho bragger jester kid very gucci wispy syrup riley anderson archons neptunian baby salty sweet slowest game of chess black waiting for white officer slart what's that noise uh her name is game bad at video games but be pokemon without getting hit champ sand nova scenique says hashtag land back sulfuric boss baby zeo a gal pronounced zio ago i'm sorry i googled it i couldn't find anything sand dragon eric barron zero mars becker xzy fyra shadowfire 638 silk toy ivy mackie drawn by aj2 the return of the haha funny meme name greg campbell nikki wiki 34 amphison admiral ampersand literal cat silviewing cat girl is gay and doesn't go to bed on time re-blog if you two are gay and or don't go to bed on time amy cable i think it's time we blow this scene get everybody in their stuff together okay three two one let's jam flip chicken matthew elliot handy capable sound of rain ryan garvey milk succubus arcade grand nero i think the person two spaces below me likes jazz but the main question here is do you like jazz how much could would it chuck the kuchuk would chuck could it's called raitone kaiojou game of champisan i know gosh darn nothing about these games and can't bowl you much this time i have no nose and i must sneeze fireblade 974 literally judas now i only want to triumph norahana according to all known laws of aviation there is no way a bee should be able to fly its wings are too small to get its fat lit beam animates charles custer or gorad the insane one nathan riddle maria 11 noah webster sorio 99 jack silverson dakota riggs it is generally accepted that velociraptor had feathers and may have even had wings infamous piece zebras miles edgelord chris chandler airtide mackenzie trees bees are the knees lily sap ellie katniss 1818 nb ellie blue sin parks colin monsma darknet tea coffee champ doesn't like to say funsy runzi idak is pronounced idac please stop making such long names i have sworn to never breathe in until the list of patreon backers is finished and i need oxygen carlo calcitera brisky dr feed margaret josephine brandon weller tim shea f amadon release idola lp4 nikoli t bernelli 200 quietness revis pug master and leverage let me know how much this video sucks and how to improve in the comments below you are currently inside my house by what method could this situation be made better please input your answer in the form of an action i'm sure he'll run out of space tomorrow
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 210,217
Rating: 4.9627891 out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, challenge, can you beat, professor layton, nintendo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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