VG Myths - How Many Moons Can You Get In Super Mario Odyssey Without Jumping?

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good morning everybody and welcome back to the first episode of vg myths it's been more than two years since the last video about our original adventure the jumpless run of super mario odyssey in the addendum videos we chronicled our quest to obtain every single jumpless moon we possibly could and while there were some awesome discoveries in the last two years there was never anything i felt was worth making an entire new video about until now this video is an addendum to the addendums covering the jumpless moons that have been discovered since we last left off before actually going over the new moons i'd also like to refresh you on a few important details first whatever counts as a jump is defined by the game itself no semantics are involved whatsoever if the in-game jump counter doesn't increment it's not a jump no matter how jumpy an outside observer might think it looks second we'll be making liberal use of both assist mode and two-player mode both of which make some key changes to the game's mechanics assist mode makes the game generally easier the important differences being mario tends to automatically grab ledges when walking off them timer challenge moons last longer and if mario falls into lava or a bottomless pit he'll be bubble transported back to the last solid ground he was standing on in two player mode the second player controls cappy able to fly him around manually ground pound and most important automatically bounce mario with a single button press effectively giving us a jumpless jump button additionally mario gets a new move in his arsenal pressing the throw button while cappy is off mario's head makes mario spin stalling him in midair of course i also recommend watching the original videos as a refresher link in the description with all that out of the way let's do the odyssey lost kingdom number 35 extremely hot bath this moon frustratingly seemed just barely impossible when we first went at it the moon is located behind the far pillar in the background where klepto waits if we move within an invisible trigger area we'll instantly be warped away and cappy will be stolen this trigger area completely encloses the moon itself making it effectively impossible to obtain the moon without triggering klepto first the dev intended solution has us killing klepto to regain cappy and capturing a podoboo to swim over but killing klepto looks impossible but bouncing behind the pillar is possible but doesn't give us enough height to reach the moon thankfully twitter user relaxmas found a jumpless solution back in april of 2019. first turn on assist mode the ground pound platforms near klepto aren't completely enclosed by the klepto trigger so you can stand on their left side from there if you get as much speed and height as possible you'll be able to dive past the klepto trigger this makes mario pass through the trigger while inside the assist mode bubble which does indeed trigger klepto but lets mario keep cappy unfortunately i'm bad at video games and that jump is pretty difficult so i decided to find an easier alternative solution remember how the assist bubble works it returns mario to the last solid ground he was standing on quote unquote solid ground does not include ground poundable platforms or the chimney you enter the area through lure the mini goombas to this corner and bounce to the right side of the level go right back where you came from this time bouncing off one of the mini goombas onto the chimney [Music] move from the chimney to the first set of ground pound blocks and move from there to the second set [Music] now just two player bounce to the far side of the lava and bam our last solid ground was on the opposite side of klepto's trigger area taking us directly through it with klepto out of the way we can capture a podoboo and finally grab the moon plus tiny bit of extra trivia while trying to get this moon i accidentally found a new glitch with assist mode on use the two player bounce to prevent mario from landing when spawning out of the chimney since mario was never touched solid ground before we won't be placed in the assist mode bubble instead butt bouncing as if we were playing normal mode i don't think there's any practical use to this and honestly wouldn't be surprised if somebody had actually already found it before but i'm proud of myself bowser's kingdom number 17 bowser's kingdom timer challenge 1. as a refresher the only problem with getting this moon is getting onto the spinning platforms in the first place once up there we'd be able to do wall jumps up the entire thing problem is we have to throw cappy onto the scarecrow to make the spinning block spawn and start the timer removing our main elevation method the scarecrow was too far away to do any fancy bouncing shenanigans from there we can get onto the spinning platforms by rolling into a flag on the outer edge of the arena and diving from the two parasols but there's nowhere near enough time to cover that kind of distance originally i'd hoped to get this one using the infinite nut jump glitch but couldn't manage it myself since then the nut jump has actually been done successfully but has been patched out of the most recent version of the game making it less accessible thankfully a completely different strategy possible on the most recent patch was found by former twitter user the ensers back in september of 2018. player 2 can move cappy around and even ground pound freely but must always stay within a short range of mario if mario moves too far cappy will be dragged with him however if there's a solid obstacle in the way cappy's inability to move through solid objects trumps his movement range the relative position and angle of the wall will cause cappy to slide past at varying speeds with the right conditions cappy will be mostly stuck and player 2 is even still able to influence his horizontal movement manually move cappy near the red flag to the left of the scarecrow ground pound and roll mario to the flag on the opposite edge of the arena the one closest to the parasols if done correctly cappy will be extremely slowly sliding to the right and you can keep them from sliding too far with light touches on the analog stick now things get tricky if you climb as high as we need to reach the parasols cappy will be forced upward to stay within mario's height range to combat this make cappy do a ground pound and make your move with mario you'll have to use both controllers at once ground pounding cappy a couple more times while moving mario into position once mario's on the second parasol put player 1's controller down entirely and focus on cappy's movement make cappy slide up just to the left of the scarecrow and try to steer him into it while constantly ground pounding and keep moving the camera up to ensure the scarecrow remains on screen cappy can't actually trigger it if it's not visible done correctly the timer will begin and you'll get a massive head start [Music] okay [Music] vicky [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] dark side number four break down road final challenge this is a repeat of a prior area tasking you with obtaining the same two moons but without access to cappy keep in mind if cappy isn't allowed into an area to begin with mario won't be able to do the two-player spin maneuver the first moon was already pretty difficult we had to do a fancy wall hanging reverse dive to get onto the upper area rush to the end of the breakable blocks for the key then rush all the way back with most of the blocks already destroyed for the second moon you're normally expected to trigger a bonsai bill on the bottom path and lead it back to this breakable wall the moon awaiting inside getting through the bottom path jumpless just isn't feasible instead we'll have to reach the end of the top path dip down low enough to trigger the bonsai bill as fast as possible and then platform darn near perfectly to lead it back yes okay i'm hoping yes that's gonna work for us in order to actually grab the moon at least two of the lower blocks will need to have been destroyed slide down wall jump and dive into the alcove keep doing wall slides and eventually you'll dive into the moon uh actually this works bam finally we've saved the best for last this next one isn't just one moon it's not even just a multi-moon it's one of the most important moons in the entire game and the only reason this video is being made that's right this is actually happening it's finally time for us to obtain showdown on the inverted pyramid this one is particularly significant since it's part of the sand kingdom story in order to make most moons in a world appear including those spawned by the moon rock you must complete that world story effectively making dozens of moons impossible if we can't get this one the moon is a reward for finishing the harriet boss fight at the top of the inverted pyramid climbing up the pyramid the usual way isn't happening right after entering you have to go through an obviously impossible 2d section our only hope over the past two years has been the potential discovery of a method on top of the pyramid from the outside and in march of the year 2020 our wish was finally granted by twitter user nyeush turn on two-player mode and make your way on top of this ice block the timing to get the proper amount of height is pretty strict but if you get the maximum height possible you can dive up to the ledge next to the outdoor 2d section now comes the hard part the geometry at the far left is a little wonky with a very precise dive you can clip mario through the corner i believe specifically by aiming for this chip in the wall and with an even more precise dive you can clip through bounce off cappy and reorient yourself standing on the same ledge but on the opposite side of the wall be very careful with this next step since the wall can push you back out if you're not careful bounce straight up then move parallel to the left wall you can land on the inner portion of the face carving at the halfway point do not overshoot your mark or you'll be pushed out and have to do the whole thing over again the last jump is the easiest temporarily change back to one player mode to enter first person view and get a better idea of where the above stairway is located once you've got it memorized swap back to two player and make a leap of faith be ridiculously overly careful while punching harriet in the face and you'll finally have one of the most elusive jumpless moons super mario odyssey has to offer [Music] oh my god of course you'll also have to beat knuckletech to officially complete the story but he's a total pushover once you punch him in the face you'll unlock almost every single moon in the sand kingdom letting us get started on a ludicrously satisfying all-you-can-eat moon buffet of particular note princess peach finally decides to make that trip to the desert she'd been contemplating the last couple years and we can get the taxi sidequest line started unlocking exactly zero moons are you serious almost all the moons are obtained basically no differently from a standard playthrough just go nuts and have fun the only standout exception is sand kingdom timer challenge 1. by bringing the newly spawned glide on over we can bounce into the obstacle course but that's not enough since we have no way off the ground once inside and bouncing up from the outside isn't feasible instead use two-player mode to trap cappy behind the scarecrow move glide on back aways get a running start jump and pop out of glidon in mid-air the obstacle course will spawn around mario letting you easily wall jump up to the top adding up all the moons confirmed possible the new maximum jumpless moon total is exactly 800 but of course because i'm an idiot and didn't plan out my souvenir purchases nobody i'm aware of has actually managed to get all 800 moons jumpless on one file yet the best score on the leaderboard is only a pathetic 799 but i can't help but notice somebody's best score is missing from this leaderboard which leads me to one very important question how many moons can you get in super mario odyssey without jumping special thanks to all patreon backers including andrew cyber the friendly resident of subcon forest mrs seckman leslam rb drock saw on zero alexander bock and chris nate on you chosen muffin and creer at the base singer vincent hall vincent yt alex nelson and on 42 lively leader the quacky gamer backsoy jason niltus luminescent dragon pencil twist ashley z master david 20 covers praetor faith lane robert leishman rory kelly whether he wanted it or not we stepped into a war with a cabal goopy fella crustacean creep queen sapphire plum sweater lake long cam the can one drill commander nathaniel coletta 8-bit miss trivis celestial cookies andrew kozak ace of hearts who alex like c epic evan 921 jorb khalid kater maverick swordsman misfunctional procrastinating destiny brendon super davio trent long yield foreign aaron bailey allister echoes and then he turned himself into a pickle funniest thing i've ever seen brandon jessup epigantos gamechamp says trans rights or human rights gusios i have taken over gamechamp's mind what do you want me to make him say next john prairie multi-core periodic science foue the green scorpion so boomboxy christopher gunderson dyno nerd ghost john miller curbs d50 leero rario sns main star captain eli shaba of clan ghost bear dancerio splatapu115 sploot this challenge was a tatas waving yappalonzo you broke the wrong crate test failed lusos andrew d wood ande blue moon vaughn idaho bragger jester britt fake casey gothier chroma chronosanthia drawn by aj's haha funny meme name dro 25 kid the nonchalant nacho berry gucci what's that noise and zand dragon are you it's almost five o'clock oh no what have you done let me know how much this video sucks and how to improve in the comments below no that wasn't a jump at seven thirty two seven thirty four eight eleven eight thirty four eight forty three or eight forty seven mario just gets bumped up when the block below him is destroyed and get out of my house [Music] spin the wheel take a chance every journey starts a new romance a new world's calling out to you
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 682,714
Rating: 4.9689388 out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, can you beat, challenge, super mario odyssey, nintendo switch, without jumping, jumpless
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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