VG Myths - How Many Shines Can You Get In Bowser's Fury Without Jumping?

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good morning everybody and welcome back to vg myths the online internet video game tv show that's never wrong just intentionally uninformed last time we attempted a jumpless run of bowser's fury the short extra campaign added to the switch port of super mario 3d world instantaneously on upload day i once again discovered that my life is a failure making that entire video pointless to atone for my sins we're tackling jumpless bowser's fury one more time and this time we're cranking up the amp two extra steps how many shines can you get in bowser's fury without jumping in this video we'll be counting up every shine we managed to obtain with the new jumpless rule set and by the new rule set i mean the old one wall jumps and pole jumps are now completely banned i originally allowed them basically entirely due to the text scene during the game's tutorial that tech is now obsolete so the training wheels are being permanently demolished without further ado let's finally grab that first shine step number one is to throw your nintendo switch in the trash if you happen to buy digital like some certain kind of loser you'll also need to throw your digital copy in the trash and buy a second physical copy of super mario 3d world plus bowser's fury remember in the last episode when it was mentioned super mushrooms are the only power up available in the tutorial turns out that is not true on super mario 3d world plus bowser's fury version 1.0.0 in which all five power-ups are still available this completely normal behavior was for whatever reason removed in the day one patch which nearly permanently infects any nintendo switch console it's been installed on preventing any prior version from being played on it the only way to play a prior version is to either factory reset your switch thus deleting the inaccessible patch data or play on a separate console that has never downloaded a later patch that's why i stole becca switch thank you becca physical copies at least those available during the launch period still have version 1.0.0 on them so if you're playing on a fresh switch and turn auto updates off you're good to go now that we're playing the correctly incorrect version of the game we can obtain the cat suit before even leaving the first area of the tutorial thus allowing us to climb up all the walls along the way we previously needed wall jumps for we'll also be approaching the shine itself from another angle drop off the side of the island to reach the fence and run across to the lighthouse while doing a mid-air swipe to keep yourself airborne climb up to the lighthouse's tail then up diagonally a bit to face the shine dismount the lighthouse swipe toward the shine and when you're almost there do a midair dive to close the gap this officially completes the tutorial and unlocks budger with the jump counter firmly at zero the first island scamper shores has plenty of walls to climb up so all five of its shines are easily obtained it's worth noting since we never covered it before whenever you have to murder luigi budger is entirely capable of chasing him down solo while luigi flees from mario on-site he happily accepts his trip to the underworld when invited by budger fort flap trap also thanks to butter's bloodlust is equally easy giving us an additional 5 shines the blue coin shine and slip skate slope requires careful control of both mario and budger simultaneously for this tunnel in the middle carefully keep mario from colliding with any walls while steering budger above to grab the coins also of note is the key shine during which we can carefully patiently ascend upwards with budger bounces ultimately all five of slipskate slopes shines are obtainable throughout lake clapcat there are tons of relatively easy shines not directly tied to any islands either locked behind simple plessy obstacle courses or latte sipping simulators in total these account for 21 shines along the waterfall in lake lapcat is a time trial shine that looks difficult but is actually easy thanks to a very weird but very useful trick if you ground pound in the water then do a cat swipe you'll ascend more quickly and get a small launch just enough to climb a nearby wall this helps with several time-sensitive shines and is generally useful for getting around on the prior playthrough i'd abandoned this arena combat shine is impossible after all the enemies are dead there's no apparent method of gaining height to grab the shine itself however after that video's release i was informed koopa shells allow the player to gain a little bit of height when exited two problems though there are no shells on the arena island itself and if we try to skim over the water while riding in it mario will eventually get dizzy and automatically permanently discard the shell but if we throw the shell across the water it's under no such time limit and will continue moving indefinitely kick a shell off the opposite island follow it with plessy overtake it and grab it once again with our shell imported from across the ocean bounce off the center platform and dismount immediately after colliding with the wall getting us up to the ledge where we can do a simple budger bounce to close the gap this shell trick similarly allows us to finally get the first shine in claw swipe coliseum just ride a shell into the arena use it to murder boom boom and dismount the shell directly below the shine the second classwipe colosseum shine isn't so easily usable the waterway is now closed we'll instead have to bring a shell in from the above platforming course knock a shell into the water and carefully whack it up to the first ledge get up there yourself grab the shell and budger bounce onto the block have budger fully raise the block then use budger bounces to move the rest of the way once you're in the arena you can murder pom pom just the same as boom boom to bank the shine then finally is the third shine which is even worse there's another platforming course that this time is blocked off by breakable blocks at the end since bo bombs start a countdown timer when grabbed breaking these blocks would be extremely difficult so we're not gonna bother instead we'll take the easy way out and demolish the laws of physics themselves since the coliseum raised after collecting the last shine there's now a breakable wall at its front break this wall grab a shell face straight towards this corner and enter the shell you'll clip inside the wall bringing the shell with you afterward just knock the shell onto the arena and you can demolish boom boom for the final time miraculously what was once the most obviously impossible island can be fully completed with all five shy's pounce bounce aisle second main shine is a time trial platforming challenge i briefly attempted this in the prior playthrough but found it too time consuming to make budger activate the ground pound platforms using plessy is also a no-go plessy despawns the moment the switch is pressed and if you leave the immediate area the timer will cease but as seen before koopa shells will stay put this shell will let you reach the far tower in record time after reaching the top you'll have just barely enough time to do a budger bounce followed by midair cat swipe and dive to reach the shine including this one all five shines are obtainable all five of crisp climb castle shines are easy thanks to the propeller hat just keep the jump button held down and you'll gain tremendous height whenever you walk off a ledge and they don't have to exclusively be used on this island propeller hats can't be taken onto the water on plessy or teleported but remember the ice floe shine seen in the prior video we can ride across the lake on the same ice flow and reach trickety tower this completely trivializes all five trickety tower shines since we can totally bypass every platforming challenge in the lake lap cat cloud dash areas we won't be setting any new speed records but every gap can be traversed with the help of budger including the leaf to grab each shine at risky whisker island i briefly had a hard time getting over with the piranha plants to eat the fuzzies from this far platform thankfully bowser is more impatient than i am and eventually roasted us all alive revealing the shine the third main shine meanwhile is a falling platform obstacle course i used one budger bounce at the halfway point to grab onto the breakable blocks above the cannons thus letting us skip half the course near the end you'll have to do a midair cat swipe to slide over a gap and finally climb over the breakable wall to fall onto the shine this makes all five shines obtainable after beating the game you'll gain access to four more shines on first step island all four of which are freebies also after beating the game several plessy coin shines will open up these are time-based and often mix in on-foot platforming but have one saving grace budger is 100 capable of grabbing the coins himself just get yourself close enough and order him to pick up the coins for you letting you skip anything that looks like it might theoretically take even a microscopic amount of effort in total plessy coins grant us four shines most lucky isle locations can be reached effortlessly save for the instance found near pipe path tower to reach it equip the tanuki suit wait on plessy for fury bowser to show up and dash across to the aisle sacrifice plessy to the abyss and you'll squeeze over the ledge onto the island all locations together give us five total shines since pipe path tower includes almost no platforming whatsoever its five shines are also easily obtained and as an added bonus propeller hats spawn here which can then be brought to the surrounding islands on first glance mount magmeow looks like it'll be hell but with a propeller hat you can skip the entire volcano section and go straight to the lighthouse even with a hat though i was initially worried we'd have to invent some sort of hyper magic shell teleportation technique after beating cat prince bowley we're locked into the arena without any ledges to fall from and thus no method to gain height or at least that's what i thought while you weren't able to activate a propeller hat when exiting a pipe you are technically briefly in mid-air tell budger to rudely block your exit point and you'll bounce off his head letting you safely descend onto the shine as for climbing the mountain itself we're a cat with all the powers of a helicopter simply scale the outside wall while the obstacle course gathers dust letting you bank all five magno shines roiling roller island is one of the hardest jumpless islands in the game for obvious reasons since the ground is constantly twisting we can't reliably get budger to move exactly where we want him to for bounces instead we're going to have to find another more consistent route up by equipping the tanooki suit we can cheese past most of the first roller by falling down the right side when the large arch is rolling up out of the lava then we can run off the rest of the way after it's raised a little at the second set of rollers it's a bit more complicated but you'll be using the same idea in combination with the catsuit fall down onto the upcoming platforms as they reach a landable angle and be ready to freestyle when no safe landing is available after you've reached the tallest platform it will safely deliver you to the lighthouse where you can finally butter jump up to the shine the second shine is unfortunately even harder a time trial obstacle course over the lava before even starting you'll need to wait and hit the switch with precise timing when the archway is facing diagonally up left if done at the right time the archway will be coming up the right side at exactly the elevation so it's low enough to run onto and high enough to walk off letting you hit the shine just in the nick of time with the last royal wing roller shine being an easy key delivery we collect all five total shines finally there are three shines locked behinds oh it's a kitty oh it's a cat we can't get the kitty because the kitty goes away oh oh but we gotta get a cat we gotta murder bowser murder bowser cat cat ride on cat it's two kitties oh it's a high cat oh we need to get a cat up up on for for cat oh gotta move gotta move cat make a moving cat we can ascend kitties happy cats three shines for cats [Music] [Applause] there are now only two shines remaining both of which look entirely obviously impossible they're locked behind plessy ring obstacle courses that move up into the sky while we might theoretically be able to make it through the course without plessy the timeline is far too strict for that to be an option feel free to attempt these yourself if you want but i'm throwing in the towel with every shine in the game covered our final shine total is 98 and the original bowser's fury jumpless run is updated to mission complete special thanks to all patreon backers including all the bugs uv has killed andrew cybert anon 42 rb drock saw on zero leslam chris nate alexanderbot can anyway carrera david 20 covers vincent hall alex nelson lively leader the quacky gamer luminescent dragon jason elgis baxoid prater vath rory kelly lane robert leishman liddy kitty jace harsh crustacean creep queen sapphire plum sweater procrastinating destiny epigevin921 alex likes to eat yield four and ace of hearts who random misfunctional cam the can one at the annual colita alistar echoes patreon doesn't let you use special characters in username so just imagine a lenny face or something idick zoe multi-core aaron bailey the green scorpion game champ says trans rights or human rights xander kozak celestial cookie eight by mystery this boom boxy john miller curbs d50 jorb kk james simon damien r yapawanza wavin platypu115 sans from undertale star captain eli shaba of clan ghost bear cronusanthium duoro25 blue moonbone idaho brit face the nonchalant nacho bragger jester kid very gucci wispy syrup riley anderson r combs neptunian baby salty sweet soulless game of chess abandon open game available officer schlaar robbie coenstrom what's that noise i'm game champ and i say i'm bad at video games but that is obviously a lie because i do some of the hardest gaming challenges nova scenique says hashtag landback sulfuric boss babies sith haggle sand dragon eric baron zero mars becker fyra shadowfire 638 silk toy ivy mackie admiral ampersand sylvie winged cat girl a literal cat amy cable and bison hand which watches death note good meowing colonel i was just perfecting my yeah yeah never mind flip chicken matthew elliott handy capable sound of rain ryan garvey milk succubus arcade grand nero greg campbell nikkiwiki34 how much could would a could chuck chuck that could chuck woodchuck could triple superstar nanny the heck is a cat gaming champion watashiwani home gene desk and only know what an echo is chrisgoggin fireblade974 literally judas now i only want to triumph norahanna hi gamechamp i discovered that i'm non-binary because of you so have some money we're all about love peace and chicken grease and izumo gamechamp is awesome she beat pokemon without getting hit beam animates charles custer gorad the insane one nathan riddle emma kurapika 11 noah webster sorio 99 jack silverson dakota riggs and maria let me know how much this video sucks and how to improve in the comments below and now here's han also a literal cat what's that noise what's that noise han han what's that noise i think that's as good as we're gonna get
Channel: Gamechamp3000
Views: 369,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamechamp, gamechamp3000, gaming, video games, vg myths, nintendo switch, super mario 3d world + bowser's fury, jumpless, without jumping, can you beat, challenge
Id: tz84O4joUvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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