VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 21

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it's seen oh my god this is the top three coolest action moments of all time what is the movie all of the background you're seeing is not real oh hi mark hey what's up welcome back to another episode of visual effects artist react we got Sam on the couch today instead of Clint rip Clint but you know I got the funnies and I got those natty reactions I have no idea what we're gonna be taking a look at today except for one thing that I'm super excited about which is the Mandalorians yes more on that later yes we're starting with the good weight okay this is this that's fully CG yes a SOI CG have you seen this movie I don't know what we're looking I love this movie movie it is a feast for the eyes what is the movie Gaunt's zero yonce is basically just one long fight scene with different monsters so if you're looking for something more than that you're gonna be disappointed if you're looking for one long cool fight scene with monsters it's all in awesome CG you're having a great time it's like this movie basically takes all the coolest guns smartin lasers Akira lasers mostly lasers from pop culture and combines it in the really cool monster fight scenarios dude you just went to town wait hold up Jesus this dudes multiplying in the air this guy getting shot and then regrowing is such a cool effect and it's not that easy to do with complicated models like this a boolean is when you have one object and you subtract another object from it so I mean this guy gets chopped by swords they're basically luli aiming you know the different parts of him and then like changing those boolean's to regrow stuff it's like a 3d printer yeah it actually is like a 3d printer [Music] this scene oh my god this is top three coolest action moments in all time but the creativity in the weaponry and this oh my god it is so insane just wait was it gonna slice through them like a lightsaber better than that better upload what does that mean upload where to outer space it's a teleportation gun that teleports chunks of the monster away from the monsters body brain imagine if in Star Trek when they teleported people they're like hey just teleport his brain that's how okay so cool like I love that they have to like oh it was like a texture map that's basically just like a cat scanned like brain yeah and that's like just probably an animated texture map that's playing on like a plane as they like you know moving away for sure wait so that's more of like a reverse 3d printing gun yeah somewhere in space somebody is eating a very good sandwich with some very fine deli meats check this transition so he's teleporting right one slice at a time it's first-person view what happens when your eyes get teleported whoa cool he's seeing it go in the moment it hits his eyes we actually see it cut across the frame and that sort of wipe transition is there some sort of like quantum pairing stuff going on here I was able to think when his brains in another location oh yeah this whole movie basically just one giant like real for the effects company that did it yes okay don't show any more I gotta watch this tonight it's not true it's [ __ ] did not hit her oh hi mark oh wow classic she's probably wondering why are we reacting to this where are the visual effects well I can't tell where are they they're on a green screen this entire rooftop is a green screen here's a thing for how bad but yet good that the room is this green screen is really well done I mean the first time I watched clips of these scenes I was at something's up with it but I instantly forgot about it and stopped it like analyzing it like it was good enough to where I was just like oh maybe the Lighting's just a little weird the cameras we're but I wasn't like all green-screen even compared to Hollywood movies this is pretty solid green screening did the perfect mirror symmetry of that building behind them they're kind of like rotated their 360-degree image just a little oh my god you're right for me the thing that breaks down the most on this is just the lighting and the edge feather on the actual brick especially that shot where he's coming out of the doorway there by the way like yeah where does that door lead where does that door lead this is the boss what they're doing is it looks like a giant panorama that's just at a very far away distance so there's no parallax from like that house just behind the building and like the buildings off in the distance it's just an image but it is tracked in 3d space just all at the same distance behind the wall it's weird but like it's directed in a way like so it's such a clear vision it's a good indication like if you have really clear director vision you're gonna make something unique these sets are insane where do you think they found this warehouse room to film in well judging by the previous Star Wars movies they probably made a giant green-screen stage and then filmed everything with the actors having no idea where they were or what a context of what they were doing but this is a TV show they don't have time to do all the effects for a place relax every single shot I don't have time for that okay what we're getting at is in this scene all of the background you're seeing is not real it is a real-time rendered image on a LED screen it is not a green-screen and it is not a real set either there's parts of the set that are real pretty much everything the foreground that the actors are interacting with is real but you know if you just go ten feet beyond that suddenly it becomes a fake set people have done this in the past before but the thing that makes this revolutionary is that they're able to utilize it with a moving camera mm-hmm the camera they are filming with is 3d tracked and the screen is constantly adjusting the perspective of the background to match the cameras perspective and that's crazy and the only way you can do that is by using a real-time game engine this is not done after the fact this is done the frame by frame so everything the camera is capturing goes through the lens and that's why it looks so natural the greatest thing about this is that it gives control back to the photographers to actually line up their shot it's a very seamless very streamlined process and it allowed this whole production to get all these crazy locations on a very small budget yeah it's crazy how you can do interior and exterior scenes with it at all times there's a guy with unreal loaded up on a workstation and if they are trying to get a certain shot they literally can just move all the assets on screen right there before they shoot it so you can always get a bike flawless composition so we were actually fortunate enough to experience this technology in person unreal invited us out to one of their demonstrations with one of their light stages now on the stage they actually had a scene set up you can see really clearly how the ambient light of this real-time environment is being rendered in unreal is actually affecting the lighting on us in the foreground and the edges look good because there's no like king that needs to be pulled like our hair actually looks correct the light blooms correctly around us and most importantly when you're there acting you can just look around and see the environment you don't have to pretend you can just see it what's really cool about the stage is it also solves a lot of the common issues you face when filming on a green screen such as very reflective and glass transparent objects that you can still properly see through trying to pull a key on some of this stuff is basically impossible and this fixes all that it's so inspiring that literally right now I'm working on a mini version of this that we'll be able to have in our own studio it won't have the LED walls but it's gonna have the capability to 3d track a camera and as we're filming in in real time we are making a video about all of that and if you want to see it subscribe this is a creature and they can't afford to have you know eight episodes of a CG creature like this in every scene so they have an amazing actual physical puppet but shots like this where he's walking down the ramp that's a CG baby Yoda and what's interesting is that they actually fine-tuned and revised the animation of the CG baby Yoda to be kind of puppet like so make it seem like the real puppet the entire time that's a really common issue you face and visual effects is very often in reality it's not we've been trained to see in movies no squibs yeah when people get shot movies that's not what real bullet hits look like there's re and then there's Hollywood reality and everyone thinks that Hollywood reality is what things actually look like so if you make it look like real they think it looks fake certain points you're like obviously that's not a living creature even with the most flawless rendering and a movement and animation are you you're never going to convince someone that it's real but if you can convince them it's a puppet well puppets are real so now it's really exactly like pretty much anytime you see like baby Yoda actually walking it's a CG baby yoga so they're currently filming season two of the mandalorian right now and there's so much that they learned on making this one that they're basically designing sets around this concept and I love that idea so much huh I can't wait for season two and how they're just gonna kill it with their sets we're gonna watch which shirt all right Richard I like this shows fun one the man I haven't actually seen that which are Netflix just yet so I'm getting a little preview Wow wait I don't know hold up there what a huge cast wait you got the wrong again you got the wrong show Christian Wow you were saying we should watch the dragon part Ren and mature oh yeah it is the casting is on Henry Cavill has made a complete transformation in this character what is this Nick what is this The Witcher what like this is the original Witcher okay so it's a polish Witcher movie that came out in 2001 it's the original Witcher I don't know why you like the show so much Ren it sucks knows that saint-cloud he's a little too vaping sulfur they probably just had no money to throw a visual effects let alone anything like should we do the dragon we there's no way we can do it well then they're like sure they actually run in front of explosion they came out of fire I assume that was promising yeah it was comps it was comped what's the coolest thing you can imagine a dragon explodes three guys on horses fly out of the flames you're like yeah that makes sense I was tricked anyways if you guys have a TV show movie scene a good bed the effect doesn't matter he's doing the comical actually I have a special request I want to do a reaction to game cinematics so he guys have a game cinematic that shows a really cool effect dude I've got like 30 video clips stored in my brain ready to show you but yeah leave comments to it that works I've heard tales of your kind which we're very used to seeing dragons and in shows and movies and so these dragons specifically the gold dragon suffers a little bit this shot stands out to me as being a little rough and it's a TV show oh I get it those CG dragon feet are touching that wall and you can see like between its toes the wall is still bright and it's a little strange look look how dark the dragon's feet are the Dragons feet are dark because there's no light hitting them especially since it's like you have this huge dragon body almost entirely occluding this hole from all the light that to the whole girl should be pretty dark in general underneath him the lights coming from that one hole in the cave that's basically acting as a giant softbox yet the dragon's shadows here are crisp on the wall it's a little strange having crisp shadows from a giant softbox of a hole no I think the root cause of the shot here and what makes it seem weird is the fact that they're blending a live-action plate that's in a challenging lighting scenario with the CG dragon whereas I feel like if you were to re-approach this shot you'd probably be better to make the entire environment 100% CG what do you have a 3d model the dragon and you're trying to have them go through a live plate what you're doing is you're guessing the three-dimensional geometry of that space if you don't get it like spot on it can start looking a little bit weird where the scene feels flat or flatter than it should be and that I think we see that with the feet here I feel like they blew their entire VFX budget on the opening scene of the first episode yeah boom nice slice it's like chopping a crab leg man it's great this was a great like opening the show when I saw this I was like oh man this is gonna be great see that's dude and then his face there I mean how like his whole body just kind of like that's great though that's some good VFX yeah that's like in the moment in Gaunt's when his brain teleports way he's like man you friggin pulled that that humdinger on me by throwing the original Witcher so I'll never forgive me for that hey guys we have a special message for you yeah that's right bleep here is today when this video comes out and we wanted to do something super special so we went back in time and we grabbed one of the most demanded one of the coolest items ever the anime self-driving car long sleeve that's right and it's also gonna be paired up with a one-time-only retro dashboard magnet so you guys are on the store this weekend and this weekend only the anime self-driving car long sleeve and the dashboard magnet is gonna be available only then there's a bunch of other stuff on the store we got backpacks we got hats joggers celery we were selling celery celery seven inch carriage bolts that's it we hope you guys head on over to corridor digital dot store we've got the anime self-driving car long sleeve back from the vault as well as a bunch of other really cool stuff you know there's got a lot of guests on this show lately but I gotta say it's pretty pretty comfy here I could get used to this every Saturday 9:00 a.m. Pacific we got a new video coming out clap your hands [Applause]
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,844,666
Rating: 4.9629931 out of 5
Keywords: vfx, cgi, vfx artists react, react, visual effects, shot breakdown, movies, hollywood, the mandalorian, baby yoda, puppet, unreal, the room, the witcher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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