VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 6

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Copy pasted from one of my responses on this masterpiece of a movie:

I've seen the movie 4 times so far, and every time I do, I discover something new that has me mesmerized. The movie is a groundbreaking accomplishment in animation.

The more I read/watch youtube videos on it (example 1, example 1, example 3), the more amazed I am by the work that was put into it, on a vision, tech and hours needed level.

I will never not recommend this movie. I cannot wait for the sequel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/giddyup281 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The frame rate really annoyed my eyes. After 10 minutes or so I got used to it but I didn't enjoy that choice they made at all.

To prevent more down votes... I still loved the movie. Just simply stating it bothered my eyes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cj0r πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wanted to watch this movie, but all that 12-FPS character animation shit in it and all the Netflix CG anime trigger my migraines, so I just can’t watch any of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought my internet was going bad when I tried watching it. Gave up after 5 minutes because the framerate was awful :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pascontent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was such a clever creative choice! Thanks for sharing a nifty fun fact to bring up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/juniperfield πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I knew there was something that looked strange about it, guess that was it, thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/taosk8r πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This movie and Mad Max: Fury Road both used framerates to develop it’s characters, in Mad Max, the editor removes frames in the (non car) fight and chase scenes to show how vulnerable and exposed Max feels in this world without a vehicle. I really liked the creative choices in both movies, but they each gave me a killer headache.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigMeatyClause πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Saw this in the theater, and though the movie was great I was thinking something was wrong with the projection system.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xerokine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
like no see that face is like is like oh hell now what would that hand in the finger shot is a really good example of where this starts to get really complex there's so much more happening in the shot than you think hey welcome back to another episode of visual effects artists react to bad grades yeah so today we're joined by Sam hi I'm Sam what's up Sam I'm the guy who's in the background here's my background real [Music] I'm kind of like the bigfoot of the VFX artists react series alright let's jump in what are these screaming children the Silent Hill - no it's not just World War Z she fell over oh no what is that why what the heck loud man Captain Planet is that a train no that face is like is like ah hell now if any backs out of there Green Lantern is his limits are only his knowledge of military history only limit pecans are a gun I was like oh this a gun from 1942 so common is he talking to the camera is this Kevin Spacey like how's the hard moment here oh here we go military history it's a propeller he's never fought in actual wars but he did go to system so an asteroid field right there I miss I mustn't fish take me hope yeah one punch man this is one punch thing I probably give you get saved there's no any falls into the Sun alright who are you I'm mr. red and I'm Ryan Reynolds I think he's wearing pajamas for Obi Ryan Reynolds body in Ryan Reynolds masks are a hundred percent CG for some reason they thought you know we could do we could make his entire body CG most tracks laying on his face easy peasy I can see why they'd want to do this because he's this magical guy with all this energy coming off of him and he's constantly conjuring CG things so they're gonna need to animate his body for most of these shots anyways well it turns out tracking something onto somebody's face in every single shot making another photo real is very hard to do because their skin moves all over the place he can't just track an object he attracted warping and stretching and the mask is distracting and honestly it's like that's the number one thing at the end of the day if you've distracted the audience you pulled them out of this emotional suspension of disbelief and you've reminded them if they're watching something it's fake it's just crazy to compare how far we've come well it's like they have this suit on the Green Lantern when they have the suits for time traveling in adventures end game and like you heard this to that you know so avatar was basically the first 3d film in the rebirth of 3d cinema Sam and I were out in LA at the very beginning of our career out here we did a bunch of visual effects for 3d work stereoscopic work and camera rigs but stuff basically I don't know if you met guys are familiar with the red one the original red camera but it's like this big if you want to shoot in 3d you needed two of these cameras and we had to do is he had one sideways looking at subject he mounted another one below pointed down an angled mirror because he couldn't put them side-by-side they're too thick because you need the cameras to be you know just a few inches apart to simulate your eye distance it's just a mess it's just the worst way to film something you know in order to shoot a movie like Avatar you can't be running around with 80 pound rigs that's impossible so they did the whole thing in CG because that way you can just duplicate your camera and scoot it over and you get your CG camera now they film some things for real still but it's such an easier process to make a film like this 3d when you're filming it in CG these days you guys are probably familiar with like VR or there's a vibe for the oculus that kind of stuff and those little systems have 3d tracking now imagine 10 years ago you're James Cameron and you hire an entire team of engineers to build that technology for you custom you know what they can do is they can use these little motion tracked rigs of the screen and they're fed in real-time what the virtual camera would see it's like looking through a VR headset also a fun little fact in my opinion avatar was the first movie to have completely photorealistic flowing water in a river there's one shot in particular that stands out to me and I wonder if it still looks as good as I remember look at that and I look at that that looks great that's nuts like is trippy yeah that blew my mind when I saw it in theatres like that water is real but it's not out of everything in Avatar this is the one thing I took away from it is the water in the bottom third of this one frame that's the thing that's stuck with me the most from the visuals of this movie so if you guys are enjoying the VFX artist react series you might want to consider heading on over to our patreon our patrons get to vote on one of the scenes that we react to in the VFX artists react series and this time around they picked 300 so let's jump in [Music] this was the first movie that I saw where there were like an exorbitant amount of spear and sword piercing and just like so visceral I love the in and out of the camera - yeah it's so well done the CG blood - pretty its stylized but it's cool I like it they use like a zoom lens or they put like camera side by side I'll tell you after the scenes go you just know it all was my favorite part coming up right here the leg slice the leg slice oh yeah so good that's great you may not be able to tell but this scene is basically just like six dudes in front of a green screen all that background and everything else that's all fake it's just Erard Butler and a couple like rip guys stabbing these dudes and one of the things they did to get this awesome effect you'll notice there's a lot of slow-motion right if you zoom in while in slow motion it only takes a tenth of a second to zoom in and you're filming it like 10 times slower than regular speed that means you had to zoom in at 100 that's need in real time it's like that's impossible it's physically impossible they actually had multiple cameras set up at different focal lengths and they're filming the entire fight scene just in slow motion in one go and they're not doing any crazy camerawork or anything like that it's just one camera wide one camera medium one camera close and that's it they are basically stitching one shot to the other shot so they'll punch into the the wide shot and that hasn't zooming in the close-up shot is kind of matched into it and then that fills up the frame and now we're at the close-up shot and it's not an all low res and blurry because you're not justice cropping it on the wide shot super simple approach the scene but combine us with slow-motion some ramping and obviously some great color work and a good CG background it just looks great those ABS though man yeah that's really the key here is like the ABS are hundred centriole no CG there if you guys would like to be able to vote on scenes that you wants to react to please head on over to our patreon there's a link in the description below if you like what we do here please consider supporting us helps make all this possible all right back to the videos watching this movie I said it's so movie I'm like halfway through it's all hand animated to all of this stuff a guy gets hit in the head at the bagel anyone that happens to wear bagel pops up yes so there's something really cool that's subconsciously happening the same you aren't aware of it but it just it sells an emotion so most animations like actual cartoons aren't animated at 24 frames per second most animations get away with doing 12 frames per second so they do it at half rate miles he is being animated at 12 frames per second like a classic cartoon you can really see it here cameras moving at 24 frames per second but miles is frozen for every other frame in the shot that's so cool Peter Parker more refined better spider-man he's being animated at 24 frames per second for a second movie that's cool and what this is doing is just showing you that miles is not fully graceful yet he hasn't quite learned how to be spider-man as he becomes better and better at being spider-man he's becoming 24 frames per second it's such a cool idea one character's feels a little more clumsy and one feels just a little more fluid I cannot wait to finish this movie now we have plenty more cool shots to react to but so do you I bet so if you have any ideas leave a comment below and we'll check it out - back to the VFX shots [Music] yes dude I got am from a solidus there's the scene that promised us that these Matrix sequels were gonna be good they may have promised to us but it didn't keep it it's such a cool scene though I love the choreography yeah the move right here look at this look at that choreography [Music] I know if Parsley's look big but a lot of it looks really good I created a very very realistic I love this dude I can't remove wait till all the dog pile is that um I think it's all CG really this this is cool so you might think it's like oh it's just a clone shop but there's so much more happening in the shop than you think these guys in the background like a new baby back there just dudes that kind of look like Hugo Weaving like you can clearly see it's just another guy he's just a dude with the same haircut right behind him those are CG heads and those are flawless it helps that they're not a moding yeah a Scorpion King is the exact opposite so here's how they doing it they're recording Hugo Weaving yeah on a photo capture stage they set up like multiple cameras that are all recording him at uncompressed data feeds and he does his thing you know whatever he's gonna do so basically scanning is facing real-time while it does his performance and they're also capturing all the texture information with skin why doesn't performance so there's the capture right there it's actually really a creative way to do CG faces for people you don't have to have an artist go in and animate where the wrinkles are and try to do all the stuff you just keep waiting just does this thing and you capture every frame of it you're done this is the exact same technique they used for le noir mmm it's just an la noir you're getting like the low res texture and the low res polygon version you just up the fidelity of that that's what you get here but look it you cannot tell the difference between the CG and the real there those were both identical I think was 40 terabytes of data for a video capture of Hugo Ian's performance like I wouldn't imagine that these models of these faces were so high resolution that people weren't even really able to view them in even remotely real-time probably they sit up like with a terminal and they're just like compute and they step away for like an hour and they get a frame it's definitely a testament to automating the CG process the less of the artists hand that you can put into your footage I feel generally the more realistic it can look dude bald Keanu Reeves galleries we are one of his biggest fans and he apparently is one of our biggest fans he stopped by for a night to come down and goof off with us heading over to youtube.com slash corridor to check it out ask i watch this movie like a month ago what did you really with my boy I loved it he was like playing with blocks dude some old-school like Looney Tunes effects here but man what a great ingenious use of visual effects did like do some comedy so we're gonna look at some really messed up pictures for a second here and you guys would be surprised to find that these pictures they're in all the Simpsons episodes like these weird messed up pictures what yeah like yeah these are all in there on purpose so what you're seeing here is a it's a technique known as smearing so in animation there's no such thing as motion blur because you're a drawing one frame and then drawing the next frame and drawing the next frame but motion blur is what cues us motion blurs what cues us into motion this is something I've always been aware of but I've never stopped to see a frame from it Jim Carrey's character he's into cartoons and the mask is his realization of these effects brought to life so the animators had to do smearing in real life I mean you can see it here he's running up with his feet that's technically smearing right there yeah there we go Wow they're actually taking a cartoon effect here and replicating that in real life on film and trying to make it actually look real look at his hands there and the way that board smears like that's not regular motion blur and send the artist going in and animating these smears you can see it really well there - like the face is crystal clear and there's a long stretched head behind it now obviously if that was real motion blur the whole thing would be a blur yeah that's cool but they're being artistic with it it's an ingenious use of the technique to make his cartoon character exist in the real world and it's a visual effect that hadn't been done anywhere else nobody's done smearing in real life yeah whose Star Trek one of my original Star Trek the old the older one wait why are we watching the original fight scene from Star Wars the same things are we talking CG add-ons yeah dope Vader dope Vader what is this dang they're fighting like legit oh dude he's got moves Peter wasn't even looking he didn't need to look at anybody's called the horsemen that's what you said that's gotta me mm-hmm how do they get over one of the deep bacon dude the fire on his arm as he's swinging early that's pretty good I like the little reflections on the eyebrows all right so this is scene 38 reimagined by the YouTube channel fix it and post effects it in post you guys if you want to see the scene you should head over to their Channel and check it out well the link in the description below I really really like the scene and I think it was really cool of them to do this I know they were also working on it for a very very very long time look at it look at Vader's helmet you see the real light reflections in his helmet yeah so those lights were actually there on set I feel like really the most difficult part of this whole scene was getting out guinnesses face onto that actor they're using shots from the movie so they'd have to stabilize the original footage and retrack it back in to their shot you strike me down I shall become all-powerful that picture of Al guinnesses face is not from this moment of the scene so the lighting doesn't match yeah it's not like a 3d model is a 3d model do you know what the way this is shot lightsabers in front of his face hood they're covering him up in all this action really goes a long way to cover it up cuz it just need to be something that you glance at out of the corner of your eye don't waste your time out of making it more than it has to be but to me what this thing really does is it speaks to how powerful the individual has become in the world of visual effects and you can have just a couple people if not one person sitting down remaking this scene from a classic film and arguably making an even cooler from their bedroom in there come on their computer and that's the world we live in these days when it comes to visual effects it's pretty pretty cool Wade runner what a trippy trippy trippy movie one woman's a hologram the other one's a hired prostitute that's so weird wha-hoo we boys [Music] you just really sweaty now this is one of the cool scenes in the movie because it's weird but it's also really cool and you can't turn away from it so you're probably wondering they must have practiced this a whole lot it did take a certain amount of practice because they did both have to do the same performance but what would that hand in the finger shot is a really good example of like that where this starts to get really complex it's not just like two images kind of transparent on top of each other they feel like yeah they're clipping in order to make make the fingers and these two bodies kind of move in and out of each other in 3d space basically they have to take the performances they have to then also project them on to rough 3d models of the characters called projection mapping projection mapping is a really common technique that's used in visual effects it's kinda like those sidewalk paintings those chalk drawings where if you stand at the right angle it all kind of lines up into an image our really old video brush with that gross with F that was all projection mapping so he did the effect like the graffiti kind of coming to life or like being stretched out and lines up and pops in the real life we just projection mapped it let's imagine trying to animate a 3d model to perfectly line up with the footage just so you can stamp that footage back on to it so that way they can kind of go in and out of each other in 3d space and that's so complicated and it is super super super complicated it also looks super cool and was totally worth all that work also it's an effect that serves a really deep emotional purpose in the character and it makes it even more powerful for that reason you know Bladerunner 2049 has the best digital human I've ever seen in my entire life really I don't know made again for you so Harrison Ford is completely seen yep [Music] I didn't realize until we sat on this couch that woman right there was completely CG oh he was CG yeah I didn't get this seat you can even notice it I call myself a professional VFX artist well I was thinking did they find someone who looked very similar and very close that when they did a say it went and to prove that they could do it they recreated her in other scenes soon the original Blade Runner that is insane is absolutely insane cuz they're also simulating like the slight anamorphic movin though yeah but depth of field the reason this works also have incredible expertise going into it is no extreme expressions no extreme movements solid directional lighting that's what data for me yeah motions a little weird well this bullet my brains making me dizzy you don't have like a button you can press to kill this robot you know you made it and why you have to shoot it likes get blood all over your office there was some work or get shot in the Nina credits space credits and stuff if you guys love this series the FX artists react and you want to see us do more of these some really cool concepts please consider subscribing to the channel we actually have some pretty cool projects coming up we just got another motion capture suit from x sense we have some really crazy ideas do you guys want to see us to try to do an obstacle course where we put on the motion capture suits but all the obstacles are virtual so we have to like look at a screen and like try to figure out where to dude like if you complete this course and on corridor Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves came out and he decided to goof around with us for a video we were filming at a gas station and it got robbed Wow who would have thought go to court orange check it out if you haven't you want to see us react to something leave a comment so I see the whole weekend all that stuff so enjoy this way guys this weekend's on us but you know what this week this weekend you're you're hanging out with the crew you know
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 6,918,849
Rating: 4.8791885 out of 5
Keywords: vfx breakdown, react, CGI, avatar, green lantern, matrix reloaded, vfx artists react, visual effects, hollywood
Id: 5PiYGLR3Wv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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