Animators React to Bad & Great Cartoons 2

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i can't imagine having a film broken out by frames they took advantage of the entire medium every single one of his movies is a masterpiece so you're saying that this is a fx animation today's episode is brought to you by draftkings hey everyone welcome back to another episode of animators react we are joined today by eric koenig who has worked on a bunch of stuff from the simpsons some classic warner brothers films he's incredibly talented he's been in the industry for a long time and has some awesome insights to share with us on animation what is your job specifically so i am in charge of special projects things like commercials or promos we've done trump cartoons over the last few years you guys probably don't use like pen and paper much anymore do you use it mostly like tablets and so when i first started i still did the paper animation with the pegs on it and then it was around that time that we switched over to the wacom tablet and you draw right directly onto the screen i use it for editing it's the it's the best yeah there's so much stuff to pick apart so let's jump right in we'll kick things off here with fantasia let's talk about the idea of animation is art that was the idea behind fantasia was that it incorporates music and dance and theater and filmmaking and color and painting all into these films and what walt disney was trying to do was go we are making an art piece [Music] you know i love fantasia but i also think he got a little wrapped up in his pretentiousness with fantasia there's some sequences like night on ball mountain which i just love and it scared the bejesus out of me when i was a kid and then there's other sequences that tiptoe on the boring side it was a lesson for walt that he primarily is an entertainer that he has a duty to the audience to keep them entertained fantasia has a mastery of effects animation there's a beautiful sequence with the pedal drops in the water [Music] so you're saying that this is a fx animation there's kind of two animators that get employed at a studio there's the character animators and the effects animators characters are characters the effects animators are water fire in this case petal droplets it is its own mastery these people are geniuses the good effects animator also it's a mixture of being well observed looking at realistic things like bubbles here in this case then you have to take those effects and you have to make them work in the world that you're creating so if it's fantasia there's a style of the effects that works for this sequence if it's a movie like prince of egypt there's an egyptian flair to those effects i remember seeing tests on a movie i worked on called the road el dorado and they would incorporate mayan designs into the fire that's awesome yeah and and you know i can't sing the praise of these guys enough i'll miss you your best friend it's your hero we're almost there so any discussion about animation would be completely fraught without talking about miyazaki a true genius master draftsman and the master storyteller you know he storyboards all of his own films so these are we're looking at actual his drawings and the thing that's fun to look at they're loose but everything is there the weight the storytelling the caricature every drawing that he does has that in it my first film i saw of miyazaki's was nausicaa of the valley of the wind i was so amazed by the storytelling and the design of all the creatures the big change that kind of came along with him was incorporating modern cinema into animation so you have camera moves camera pans 360 spins all the things that a live action filmmaker will use he was using in his animation he's one of my favorite directors and creators of entertainment and media of all time you know every single one of his movies is a masterpiece i love how you combine it with american cinema you certainly have the american storytelling but at the same time he's not afraid to slow down and like show things that are just kind of boring and mundane there's that beautiful scene on the train when they're leaving the bath house and they're just sitting on that train you know and their whole movie just stops and takes a deep sigh [Music] well you know you cry it's just gorgeous would you say this is a mix of space and reality versus goofy and cartoony it's a beautiful mix of both all of this stuff has a caricature to it they're grounded in realism but then he caricatures the faces and the expressions his characters are just the best yeah everyone is so well-rounded and everyone has heart and everyone has like a purpose and you love every character throughout the entire process you learn to love everybody hey if eric is cool enough to subscribe to us you can be that cool too consider subscribing to the corridor crew now let's take a look at something that you worked on cats don't dance i was right out of cal arts right out of college when i got the chance to work on this movie it was really made with a tiny crew with a really shoestring budget the fun part of it was was that there were only maybe 20 to 25 animators as opposed to the normal 60 that's on a disney movie and so we were all given a lot of responsibility too much responsibility at an early age got a little cocky you know and later on in my career had to take a step back i got rhythm in my feet what specifically were you doing here for this piece so i am animating the elephant there's a goat and a fish this is a scene i animated actually got to mix cg animation with hand-drawn animation here which is pretty early at that time the piano with cg so you mentioned that there is a cg piano a very well animated piano with perspective shifts it's super smooth it's mathematically precise so it's you know it's a 3d model but when we came out in 1996 so that's pretty early was having cg like cell shaded cg was that prevalent before this or is this one of those first times it had to be 10 years before tron is the big milestone in cg animation by the time we're getting there cg animation is actually used a lot more at the time what we used it for were inanimate objects like cars or in this case as a piano that would be nearly impossible to draw by hand because you would have to try and draw all of that perspective shift the thing that strikes me about this piano sequence is i see this a lot in futurama like the ships and like the other objects that are inanimate that aren't moving there'll be a 3d model that looks cg and it seems like it's a smart use of your time and effort because the piano is just the piano it doesn't stretch doesn't squash it's not doing anything it just has to move because the camera's moving so by making that a 3d object you're saving yourself the hassle of just kind of doing grunt work of a shifting perspective and you're putting all of your attention and energy into a character instead now how did it line up to the music with a musical the musical numbers are usually always some of the first things that are written in an animated film because you have to animate to the music on the x sheet are little x's that mark the beats of the music okay okay so i know on frame 16 down and then on frame 18 or whatever it's up and then crazy i have a recording of in the old days it was a tape recording you know and i had a tape deck by my side if you look at like really old footage of the disney animators they had record players wow which is nuts and they would like play the piece of music over and over and uh then you film your animation and then you would bring in your bit of music and then you'd play back the animation for the director and you'd get to watch the animation all of that is a thousand times easier now because you have one program that's crazy like you know we'll work on a project you know like okay we have 40 effect shots you break down our spreadsheet it's like 40 shots that's a lot i can't imagine having a film broken out by frames for every second there's 24 things you got to deal with and then that goes on for however many minutes of film you have when i was at cal arts this short had come out called family dog and it just rocked my socks and it turned out it was directed by a young guy named brad bird who went to cal arts and later on went on to do little movies called incredibles and ratatouille he loved looking at life and you want to incorporate as much of your observation from real life into your animation because when you have that kind of observation it grounds the animation and makes them relatable you're looking for something unusual this also goes into live action you know the most memorable live-action performances you can think of it's not them doing a robotic or simple action it's always that weird little thing that they add in and it makes a moment memorable and so when you have an animated scene and the character does something in a memorable odd way it just comes to life if you guys have other animations that you'd love to have us showcase here on the show please leave a comment down below it's great inspiration and we'll see if we can keep doing some more of these it's a really fun little twist in the formula guys we've talked about a lot of stuff today so let's combine all those things together and talk about one of my favorite movies of spider-verse when i first got into animation i would see something that would really inspire me and i would leave the theater shaking and you know as i've gotten older maybe a little more jaded i'd kind of lost a little bit of that rawness and then i went and saw this movie and got it again they took advantage of the entire medium there's elements of 2d animation 3d animation cinematic staging comic book staging they did it all they told a beautiful story all right time to swing just like this sequence is quite famous miles is moving on twos because he's awkward he's inexperienced whereas peter parker is moving on once because he can control it he's smooth so film runs at 24 frames a second in animation you normally can animate things on twos so any of the classic disney movies to scooby-doo or whatever is generally animated on two because you really can do 12 drawings a second on rare occasions they like to animate things on ones so as miles gains control of his skills he starts to move on once there you go now he's working on ones and he's gaining the smoothness it was a insider animation trick but it made you feel the weight of it the other thing i would talk about is just the posing of this movie they're using the john kirby posing you know he used forced perspective to give motion in his comic books because you know he only had still drawings but here they have the animation but they're incorporating that really dynamic posing to remind you that this is a comic book the other element to talk about is the hand-drawn elements over the characters they did the cg then the scene was brought into a hand-drawn animation program and he or she is going in and drawing the little nose lines and all of that frame by frame so it's combining the 2d and 3d to really like i said take full advantage of the medium yeah the style is just so cool and feels so fresh they're doing a second one aren't they they are they're working on it right now as i understand [Music] hey everyone it's time in the video where i tell you about today's sponsor draftkings now i know draftkings is about sports and that doesn't have anything to do with animators react but hey whatever the playoffs are coming up in october and football is starting september 10th so i gotta call the guys and let them know everything that draftkings has to offer for sports this september let's go [Music] hey nico what's up did you know that draftkings is back for this september with the return of football and they've got a whole bunch of prizes for sports fans because like did you i mean i don't know what's gonna happen with the bucks this year i mean they got brady and gronk what do you think about that i mean as long as they throw the ball along and make a good effort to run the ball to like to the goals i think they'll they got what it takes you know it really just comes down to that these boys can put their mind where the ball is hey what's up man hey nick guess what what what what what's going on man draftkings is giving away up to a hundred million dollars in total prizes to people this year with one lucky winner who is going to walk away with a million dollars did you know that sports is back hey ren there's all these things you can do in the lobby create your own drafts you can create your own teams you can create your own rosters i like basketball it's my favorite sport where can i access all this information so draftkings it's free to sign up for new users you can just click the link in the description below or you can go to and use the code corridor crew to sign up what's up clinton jones use promo code corridor crew i gotta go what is going on so perfect i've let all the guys know we're gonna take our shot anyway if you guys are interested head on over to and use the promo code coral crew it actually is the best way to engage in sports uh beyond just watching see you guys out there hey if you guys enjoyed hearing about animation on today's episode then go ahead and subscribe because we got more coming we also have the vfx artist react series and the summon react series we got a whole lot of educational stuff for you guys so subscribe well that was really cool it's it's been really neat to have some insight on an art form that's been really important to my life really important to your life and obviously important to your life as well we'll put a link down in the description below to eric's channel if you want to go check it out and thank you so much for for actually for giving us the idea for this show thank you so much it's really cool to take that initiative yeah and thank you guys you know i love love your series it's really fun to watch really inspiring big thank you to you guys as well man well i really appreciate that big thanks all around and thank you to you guys for watching and hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,579,128
Rating: 4.9512291 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists react, visual effects, animation, animator, breakdown, cartoons, Disney, Ghibli, Spirited Away, Spiderverse, Spiderman
Id: 48tmFORnHnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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