VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 26

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It's always jarring when you hear Gavin talking about filmmaking and slow motion and special effects and then compare it to the same Gavin who thinks you can kill a cow with your bare hands.

👍︎︎ 460 👤︎︎ u/frik1000 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's actually really cool to hear gavin talk about those effects in such detail, i really wanna hear him talk more about the movies he worked on like dredd.

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/thetruthyoucanhandle 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

100 meters of rail, huh? The real question, though: did Gavin get the achievement?

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/ejsacasa 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

My favourite scene from that movie and I was blown away when I learned that my fave from AH was a part of it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/J-C-1994 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Haha. Recently subbed to these guys. Was never a fan of peeking behind the camera & sort of ruining that movie magic, but those stuntmen react videos just hooked me & all that went out the window. & just like that, an RT crossover.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/GodsSon521 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ABloodyNippleRing 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can't wait for next week's original new RT series:

RT Core: Reacts

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/foodporn_mods_r_nazi 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yessss, I love when Gav talks about movie stuff. Or just, his wheelhouse in general. You really get a feel for how crazy smart he is at times and I love the insight he has from working on stuff :3

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Aiyon 📅︎︎ May 17 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shrekt115 📅︎︎ May 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
there's only one shot that I could tell was a VFX shot when I actually saw the movie oh whoa yo what's up Gavin hey guys welcome back to another episode of VFX artists react today we are joined by Sam hi Sam hey what's up guys the film industry is dying because of covin 19 so better suck up these clips here because this is the last good movie you ever seen hey guess what we've got some great clips for you all today let's kick things up that bullet singing an impact is cloth I love I love the lighting from the ground illuminating them as they run by so I don't know like what internally within the movie justifies slow-motion but it was super sweet this is the big brain yeah they're trying to show off fast he's thinking Oh gotcha right you know we're taking for granted here how fast the camera is moving or like if they have movement and slow motion means the camera had to be moving ten times at speed to actually get it to look like it's moving yeah motion it allows them to actually capture all of those crazy particles in the air all the debris and whatnot I know some of that is is probably digital but I don't know how much of it is I would imagine that the cameras are definitely moving fast enough where you can't have a human operator well I don't know can you human operate this you know Gavin actually worked on this movie right you mean Gavin of the slow-mo ghost named Gavin from the guillotine Channel me Gavin from the guillotine Channel every single one yes I wear if you'd be down to chat about this real quick hey why not yeah I'm gonna call Gavin yo what's up Gavin no we're taking a look at this shot from Sherlock Holmes - how did you guys film this it was real forest in the UK and they set up I figured speed rail it was like over a hundred meters of track and I think at top speed the camera could mean around 10 meters and we had two phantoms on electronically-controlled heads and with different lenses in the movie they actually punch in from the wise to the tight and I guess it makes sense so they basically did the 300 thing where you have multiple cameras at different focal lengths and then they're just stitching them together for zooming in and out so my question is was there an operator on these cameras or were they unmanned and programmed it was like just like Aussie controllers that dick no pain controlling the heads so like I would set all the settings on the camera and I'd unplug it and it would slide all the way back down to the beginning of the shot and then it would sort of speed back so it's just and I don't my god plug in at the end and download the shots so they had like actual charges on the real trees in the woods which were going off and they have real stuff in the floor and then what we did we set up the exact same track again against a massive green screen and that's where they did all the casters of like the trees that I like split open and like coming hearts and stuff that was like some fake trees on green screen and another fun fact about that shot there's a scene where a guy picks up a rifle and shoots a bullet in it so it goes through the vest of Jude Law yeah that was a real bullet fired a dummy wearing the same outfit at firing range yeah we match the frame rate and everything so that bad that bullet travel is like accurate to what it would have been like if he was midair and that is like the correct speed of the bullet was that's medication to realism right there yeah I think it's a crazy secret hey thanks a lot for chatting with us dude I appreciate it yeah thanks sir I didn't really appreciate it I didn't realize how much actually went into like doing all this stuff it looks insane and you just kind of assumed oh they just shot it on a slow-mo camera but there's so much work in preparation and post effects that go into making this a full package thanks again to Gavin for chatting with us you can check out his very popular channel the slow mo guys link in the description so we're watching this clip because you guys left lots of comments saying check this out break it down if you have a movie we should take a look at leave it in the comments below oh no manners what a country bumpkin congratulate have the field be in all America alright there's real JFK how did they do that how do they have Tom Hanks shake hands with JFK we're gonna break down the scene and try to figure it out we're gonna be VFX detectives here we're gonna solve the mystery of how did they do this okay they just took static like a tripod footage of JFK speaking cut out the head body double copy/paste I think I can see the elements JFK is cut out from some old newsreel right it's the whole body because I noticed the frame shutter on the on the face but when you go frame by frame you can see it on the whole body the tie everything so what they're doing is basically taking old footage that's at a different frame rate and reinterpreting it to match the movie the background in the dudes standing around that's all modern that was all shot by Robert Zemeckis or the second unit director so everything we're seeing here except for JFK was captured specifically for Forrest Gump yep Tom Hanks here is probably shot on a green screen and tried to shake his hand with where JFK was and the shadows are just hand cut out shapes that move across JFK how do you interact with old footage of JFK JFK starts shaking his hand before Tom Hanks because his hand in it oh yeah look at that he's like yeah they just slip into each other it's like hi you know everyone does that yep they probably do bust out rulers and see Stan's employed a tennis ball in the right spot for Tom Hanks shakes it and maybe there's some ease even there with like a metronome you're like alright three two one step shake shake shake and like and you know like he's getting the rhythm and going through and then somebody steals to go in and like manipulate his hand to put it in just the right spot to match JFK's I just noticed a little fun a fun treat can I give you gonna get you guys a fun side street yeah ready the color of his tide changes those are two different shots so the handshake is one and then he turns and that's a that's a new piece of footage oh dude Sam you are you just got promoted from detective to captain this is a very pretty movie I love the way this was shot like all the sets and like the house or it looks super super cool they look super clean it's a very pleasing movie to look at the thing about this movie is that no one ever expects there to be any visual effects in this movie and yet I think something like half of the shots for actual VFX shots and I could why when I first watched the movie I was like there there's no visual effects in this film exactly because they're so flawless and also invisible most of the effects in this movie are simply like set extensions because they actually built the real set in small localized chunks the entire house ever in room is actually a different sound stage you know in a warehouse it's not an actual house so anytime we're seeing the house from the outside they had to render that wow they're in like a ditch you can kill again we hope you like it the car driving looks really good yeah hard to make car driving look good on a green screen or blue screen do you think they're even pulling a key on the stuff they're probably rolling it all by hand hey do you want to know a dirty secret about doing visual effects just because you have a blue screen doesn't mean you're not gonna be doing some rotoscoping because chances are you're still gonna have to do some rotoscoping even if there's a blue or green screen behind you blue screens help define a good edge so even if you do have to go through and rotoscope at least you have a really good idea of where the edge of that person is but honestly it requires kind of the same amount of work as if you didn't have a blue screen at all I mean for the whole Avengers thing they filmed it all on this set that was supposed to be like in the woods and it's all burned down and they replaced everything and I meant manually rotoscoping every single character from every single shot that they actually filmed all of the sets not used so another thing that they did in this movie is they actually built a real set that was specifically designed to contain water like a giant pool and they filled the entire set with water there's this whole scene where like the entire street is flooded and the house is all flooded the those lights off in the distance there yeah that's a set replacement they're the rotoscope artists are the real heroes here oh yeah in the motion-tracking guys like you get you get a good rotoscope team and a good motion-tracking team at that point you can just grab some pictures and thrill men it'll look good there's only one shot that I could tell was a VFX shot when I actually saw the movie and that's when there's a reporter outside of the house talking mmm yeah Alex lead you there so the thing that gave it away for me and I don't know why but it has something to do with the really wide angle linear perspective of a lens it's got that really wide fov that you see in videogames sometimes it isn't very well done but for whatever reason that was the only moment where I was like wait a minute I think they did a fully CG shot there basically the moral of the story for parasites visual effects is that even if they're maybe not that advanced the fact that they are so seamless and no one ever notices them they achieve the results perfectly of never being known wait hold on it's that time of the year it's that time of the year to check who here is watching this corridor crew channel and not subscribed all right let's take a wild gander what is the percentage of unsubscribed people watching our episodes Sam 6512 both of you are wrong it is fifty two point six percent over half of the people watching this video right now I not subscribe to this channel I had a child earlier this year she's two months old and the first question she asked me is why aren't you subscribed [Music] relax I Tonya or the story of Tonya Harding played by Margot Robbie yeah so Margot Robbie is portraying a professional Olympic ice skater whereas she as an actor is not but she's on screen performing these incredible ice-skating maneuvers she can go ahead she can you know ice skate and do a little dance and stuff that's fine but this crazy ice skating stuff isn't definitely beyond her so what they have to do is they have to replace the face of an actual ice skater with Margot Robbie space I can't help this is real or not there's probably real still right yes be real still her hidden cut right there oh yeah yeah I can see it they're just a little too clear the clarity was a little too high looks right here like this all works this works really well I don't know there are moments where I'm like I feel like the face doesn't have enough motion blur or something it's just like I can see that it's Margot Robbie's face not terrible it's not bad no it's like it is actually really well done in my opinion oh yeah I don't know I mean I think this is an example of a good face replacement though it's a trick it's right on that line and like sometimes they go over it and sometimes they don't like just some stuff that works great there's some stuff it's like boy they cut out a face and put it on her that right there okay that frame looks funny okay okay I'll give you guys this job yeah cuz their facial performance here is very static it's and maybe that's due to the fact that they only have three months to do this entire scene I'm just saying when I watch this movie the face has never jumped out at me at all and that's the thing the only reason why I'm noticing it is because I'm looking for it well this movie I didn't pay attention to that at all thankfully they don't show you the BTS right before you watch a film this is the thing where it's like you watch any video that we've made people oh I thought that looks pretty cool and we could be like you're watch this Marc frame I frame it totally sucks Oh this looks great like this totally works the see the face is moving like you can see your eyes go from the ground to looking up you can see a smile happen the motion blur is dialed in perfectly the colors are dialed in really well the lighting is not really changing too much but there's so much blur that's hiding that okay they just shifted right there and now the face is so dead again it's so flat alright so we pulled up a video of the actual VFX breakdown for this scene so I'm really actually curious to see how they approach this shot so what we did was we set up a small studio on location to scan Margot Robbie's face and give us the overall head model with textures expressions answered it right there CG face done what a mole I want to see that version of this movie like just the floating head they said they use two different techniques I bet there's par sports just her cutout face probably and those are the parts that actually in my opinion don't look as solid if I was going to try to improve this in any way I would have just tried to like bring a little more life into the eyes and they had the eyes be a little more alive I think they would have sold me I think they would have tricked me the background crowd looks great by the way that like that doesn't even register we never actually think about the fact that there are thousands of people in the stadium that aren't actually there [Music] head on over to corridor digital dot store to go ahead and pick up your own hat sweatshirt any burden see green screen blanket or other great items we have there such as a corridor now Gina did you just say we have corridor genes corridor now genes oh when you guys are facing away from me it's really hard to understand what you're saying corridor digital that store quarter digital that store if you guys enjoyed watching this video don't forget to subscribe also we have a lot of other YouTube channels these days corridor caps the podcast where we got to speak our true feelings you're gonna go back in time can you met Hitler as a baby I'm sorry it's really cool I highly recommend it it's available on podcast sites everywhere and the quarter past the YouTube channel we also have node where we use our brain powers to come up with some of the coolest creative game types both in video games and in live-action something you can even play at home too thanks everyone for watching see in the next episode
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,662,199
Rating: 4.961442 out of 5
Keywords: Vfx artists react, breakdown, analysis, visual effects, movies, Cgi, Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downey Jr, Parasite, I Tonya, Margot Robbie
Id: qeZD9sQ7LV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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