VFX Artists React to Bad & Great HALLOWEEN CGi

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so how do you think they would have made all these this is when i couldn't watch it i couldn't handle it this shot's actually done backwards to get her hair to flow the right way oh i forgot how brutal this was just wait dude hey happy halloween welcome back to another episode of visual effects artist react today we're going to be looking at some spooky movies kind of like him whoa so real quick we will be showing some things with gore but we're doing it from a making of cinema perspective so this is the blood you're seeing this is a bunch of food coloring and corn syrup any guesses as to who as to who i am give me a hand okay i got you i know cinema 4d oh you're morpheus uh close very close i'm the matrix you are the matrix matrix i'm storm toad i'm like a storm trooper toad technically i'm i'm captain phasma phasma toad nico what are uh yeah what are you nico um all right enough of the code breaking enough of the peasant killing let's get into these movies i think it was a good night nope good night one of my favorite horror films is a movie called the cabin in the woods this is a movie that pays homage to pretty much every single horror film to have ever been made it incorporates all the same like cliches and ideas it's very obvious that the filmmakers behind this movie everyone involved loves horror movies every monster from every horror movie to have ever been made is in this warehouse of little prison cells holding each monster and they're slowly seeing all the other monsters that are around them so this girl she's just kind of like a fantastical representation of guillermo del toro's sort of imagery right okay i got you this guy this is michael myers oh uh hellraiser we'll tear your soul apart hellraiser exactly it's not the same it's it's actually very different he's got like these saw blades in his face this is so dark with these shades like it's already a dark scene but with these shades it's just so freaking dark [Music] it's a dog cujo anyways anaconda is that left for dead is it a boomer is that a boomer look at that belly button it's huge so how do you think they would have made all these 3d modeling i would guess they did that for some of the things they did most of it for real they actually built out several different versions of those cube prisons at different scales oh interesting you have like the full-size one that people can stand inside but then they had smaller ones that they put regular people in to make them look huge and then they had really tiny ones that they actually put real bugs oh that's so cool creepy yeah that thing right there look at how gross that is that's awesome and it's like not that big but when it's set at the same size as the same prison that holds people it looks like this eight foot wide monster dude all this work for just one banging shot well technically most of these monsters get utilized at some point earlier in the movie earlier on in this movie there's even a scene from the video game fear i think the girl's name is alma it's an actual movie version of the video game just for a moment i love fear yeah such a good game that was like the first game that like scared the crap out of me i could name you could not play that game dude i want to talk to you guys about one of the scary movies that scared me the most as a kid and that was the ring oh that's cool all your hair like goes over the lip first of the well rather than reverse and played it backwards oh cool okay okay see i'm trying to think about this movie in the context of when it came out oh and this part right here specifically yeah people lost it do that rotoscoping behind his hair no i know is that actually rotoscoping or is she there let's break this down real quick this is actually a pretty simple effect basically you have your clean plate here where they're shooting in this apartment they're backing the camera up and they're gonna redo the take with the girl on a green screen crawling through a square hole that are the exact dimensions of the television this shot's actually done backwards to get her hair to flow the right way so they probably started with her leaning out and then she leans back and pulls her arm back to get her hair done oh yeah yeah of course because the hair like droops over the tv in a really interesting way yeah which you also did on the well it's a really nice subtle touch that throws you off and makes you think that things are being otherworldly yeah there's a couple things that i want to point out it's one thing to take a tv cut out the glass put a hole in the back and have your actress actually like crawl through the hole of the tv and then you just replace the background but notice there's two different versions of her here i think there's an actual version where she's in front of a camera and that's comped into the actual shot of the tv and then it's a different version of her that's crawling out of the tv and they matched it pretty well so when a 3d object phases through like a wall for instance it's not just a simple matter of like fading that person out so what they're doing here is they're actually manually being like okay so the front bit of the haircut is coming through first so that gets revealed first and slowly wipes outwards as the rest of her hair comes through then some glass type distortion effects at those edges and then they're rotoing her even when she comes out of the tv she's being rotoed and affected slightly you know to give her that tv flickery light look there's something that we haven't pointed out at all yet look at that tv screen it looks very good they got the reflections of the background very nicely reflecting off the glass of the tv i feel like that's easy enough to comp a reflection over top of it it's in the frame for just a little bit up in the top left corner and you just reference what that actually looks like at your tv at home and you comp it in well i mean that reflection looks really good it's very good that looks like glass if we were to do this now the tv would just be an empty box and you'd film your actor doing this all in one shot and you just rotoscope your actor make them you know black and white and up the contrast they kind of stand out and then you just cg back in some glass in the tv but it's also very possible that it's just a motion control rig and they just did it once with the actual tv there to get the clean shot of the screen that's a good point though because then you can preserve all those real reflections paranormal activity it has kind of like a vlog type feel to it this movie deals with tension brilliantly but also they have some very simple visual effects in this movie that really just pound home the point little shadow this is the moment this is when i couldn't watch it i couldn't handle it is that it yeah that was it i didn't get scared at all this was my hand watching that scene with no sound because i remember how scary it was how would you have approached this shot nico i always had a rope around her ankle dragged her out of bed and then just erased me in the rope that sounds like the most low budget solution because that's probably exactly what they did there are two ropes one from a person off to the side pulling her out of bed and then a second rope that is also still there pulling her down the hallway it's a pretty simple pain out it looks like just some you know to take some time but like this is the shot of the movie you can spend a little bit of time it's just rotoscoping is basically all it is it's a simple effect they're doing themselves a favor by shooting at night like this yeah because the ground is basically like a couple solid colors like gradient you know eric beck from indy mogul did this exact shot there are no behind the scenes of the movie he's actually just guessing how they did it what it's so well done this one's better than the movie they had to make these special ropes just to like grip her leg without cutting off circulation yeah so it's pulling on a wider surface area exactly exactly so they're hiding most of it with the sweatpants yeah exactly and that was the thing is that like i thought i remember her wearing shorts in that scene but upon watching it again she's totally wearing pants which would cover all of the stuff around the rope okay i mean i guess if we're looking at this movie we might as well look at the one actual digital vfx shot in the movie it's the final shot yeah this is this is more just time lapse footage just record for a long time have your actors stay very still that's so creepy just standing over him watching him sleep ugh i think this was the moment i couldn't handle it yeah i remember being super scared about this moment too because she starts coming towards the camera you're just like oh yeah it's coming for me i couldn't handle this but then they do the andrew kramer hey what's up andrew kramer here demon's face effect yeah it looks like they almost had him just jump numerous times and then stitch all the frames together that's a fake shadow on the door so i think you might be right i think that actually is how they did that just like him kind of jumping up and just kind of keeping that shape as similar as possible yeah so he jumped there and then he jumped again there yeah so orin peli the director of the movie made the movie for 15 000 and then when it got picked up other people put more money into it to make it a theatrical release and it went on to make 890 million dollars wow that is a blockbuster hit this just goes to show it's like you can make an excellent movie for almost no money you don't need to have the best gear in the world to make a great film blair witch was the same deal yeah no blair witch was actually made for cheaper would you like to learn how to dodge bullets would you like to learn how to jack into the matrix what is the matrix maybe you want to learn cinema 4d maybe you want to learn how to do vfx how would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world well subscribe to this channel because we do a lot of that stuff are you saying i can render that shot in 10 minutes i'm saying that when you're ready nico you won't have to render anything definitely subscribe to the channel and you won't be missing out on anything vfx related i promise we'd be wasting our time if we didn't talk about practical effects in horror movies and i know this is vfx artists react but i gotta talk about one of my favorite scary movies of all time and that's john carpenter's the thing this is before computer generated effects yeah everything it's so good all practical oh i forgot how brutal this was just wait dude oh man it looks so good oh my god look at that dude look at that like i still can't believe this dude looks so good disgusting oh my gosh oh yeah so good look at that such genius uses of fake floors and it's like such perfect little tricks like that's just a dude with a rod behind like the desk moving the head around it's super basic super big i mean the models aren't basic oh that shot we just got that shot just a little spider head crawling away in the background and then dude this when they turn around and they're like what the heck i'm kidding dude that's real fire they're actually burning that prop yeah everything in this movie is legit this movie was filmed in 81 i think it came out in 82 and it looks so good because it's real roboteen he was 19 years old i believe when he did this whole movie all this stuff had to be lit in a very specific way for it to look real it was very dark edge-lit and they had like a greasy gel layer that they threw over top of everything to give it that nice sheen everything looks wet and gross yeah and every single shot is like masterfully composed in order to hide all the things behind the scenes so this shot right here right you have the two effects artists underneath the table they're puppeting the whole thing you have a guy at the dummy's feet and he's you know pulling some strings too and they're pulling this head back and inside of the head it's full of a bunch of different melted plastic and bubble gum and whatnot the little pus balloons that fill up here yeah with like egg yolk it looks like what makes that shot powerful for me is that it comes out of nowhere yeah you're not expecting a chest to just open up and then bite you it's a replica of this dude's body even the head even the head yeah because it tears off later oh that's right it took about a month and a half to build out this perfect sculpture of this guy this replica so this guy goes down boom they tear his stomach open perfectly timed and if you mess that up you've just torn the stomach open of your prop yeah they only have one take of this they only do this once so his hands get bit off and this is actually an amputee they gave him fake arms bit his fake arms off and he pulled back to reveal just like his nubs and tear the arms off oh man dude they get the tearing of that fake skin yeah it's all these little like masterful tricks going into making this look real and keeping it real it's just incredible this is just a taste that if you hadn't seen the thing please go watch it because this is just a taste of all the scenes in this movie they're all this good they're incredible so we'd be remiss if we didn't pull up the 2011 thing i really wanted to compare this not all of us are human let's put them over there on the couch they got tormund dude tormund is that a game of thrones [Applause] oh that's pretty cool so i'm looking at this and i'm just like that little monster does look pretty good for cgi monster it's nice cgi like it's a great looking cgi yeah no don't get me wrong there's some pretty sweet moments in this it's just a lot of it you can tell is cg which takes you out of the movie and for me if you were to compare the two of course i gotta choose john carpenter's version you know but that's because john carpenter was like a master filmmaker too 100 this leads to a very common misconception in the world and that is practical is better than cgi a lot of people believe this and they swear by it they're like it's always better when you can do it practically than using cgi or effects and it's like that's not how it works at least from what i've always kind of figured that like a mixture of some practical stuff augmented with effects is always better than just effects or just practice and that's what they were originally going to do with this remake remake it was mostly practical with some visual effects adjustments after the fact oh man that practical effect looks so good look how gross this is look how much of an effect this has on us right now just watching this like reality documented moment yeah so this i think studio adi yeah they did it looks so good all this practical work that's insane i think it was the studio and the producers who did this they said it looks too much like an 80s movie so they went back and they redid everything in cg i mean it that doesn't look really good yeah no no no it certainly does well they have the best reference they hired a whole special effects team and then just covered up all the rewards that is true so they are keeping parts of the original footage now that i'm seeing this breakdown they show like the cg head the cg face but then they cover it up with the real footage of the face my take on cgi is this at the end of the day cgi is a fancy cartoon you know it can look really nice you can hit strong emotions but it's still a quote-unquote cartoon that's the effect that it has versus a practical effect is more theatrical it's more and i mean that like the literal sense of being on a stage it's a thing that's real that you can hold in your hands and act with there's a certain level of coordination and authenticity that you definitely don't get with cg authenticity that's the key there i think and that's what a lot of horror movies are is that visceral reaction that you want to get out of people at the end of the day we know movies are fake there's a certain amount of appreciating the art and you i can appreciate good cg like i know what goes into it like there's a lot of great artistry there most people when they see something that's real like a prosthetic they can think of oh painting something that like that would be hard yeah sculpting that would be hard you get how hard it would be and there's just a matter of appreciating it go watch john carpenter's the thing and then watch this one and let us know what you guys think down below in the comments which film you preferred which film you were more in on you may have seen when we reacted to birdemic and how awful those effects were look at this dude it's like clip art i was reading through the comments on that video and there were a lot of them that were saying that we should fix the effects of that movie well guess what we are doing it we're going to make bird democ kind of good so subscribe so that you will be notified first thing when that video drops in about a week so this halloween this year is a little bit different in that you know the whole trick-or-treating thing probably isn't going to happen quite the same way so if you guys are staying home and watching a spooky movie i hope you have fun if you're having a couple friends over and playing some spooky board games or looking at each other's costumes i hope it's cool and all you gotta say is it's been an absolute pleasure making these videos for you guys i really do enjoy sitting on the couch with you guys doing these videos it's coming to this we're dressed up we're doing a halloween episode we started this what it's a year and a half now man wow good times everybody it's been fun no it still is fun that sounds like really morbid well it's okay it's a little more but it's halloween it is oh yeah good point hey if you don't subscribe i'll rip your arms off all right that's a good time for us to end the video bye everybody see you happy halloween
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,467,066
Rating: 4.9723711 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists react, VFX, CGI, react, shot breakdown, hollywood, movies, visual effects, behind the scenes, the ring, the thing, john carpenter, Kurt Russel, Cabin in The Woods, Joss Weadon, halloween, horror
Id: j_n4pOGw2DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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