VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 15

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What i liked so much about it was the technical depth and yet also well explained (edit: understandable to a layman? There must be an English word for what i'm trying to express) /u/neex comments were

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Def2Humans 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh whoa this is probably the best scene from the entire movie one of my favorite things about this whole scene is that hi welcome back to another episode of visual effects RS react we've got some great clips free today one of our most requested clips some really janky VFX I can't wait to tell is oh you haven't told me anything about this yet we've got some real good jank in this episode it's the best you don't know what's coming one of those guns last the guns possess a need oh never have you seen this movie No so magneto can control metal mount a marvel day like that fluid simulation he's got jokes do you see how the smoke tracked on the gun when he moved it there mm-hmm that was awesome there's even like a vacuum behind where Quicksilver is running and everything kind of gets sucked into that as he goes through it that's great this is probably the best scene from the entire movie doing slow-motion frozen slow-motion scenes like this are actually really fun and not that hard to do all you need to do is have all your actors stand still move the camera smoothly through them and then 3d tracked the scene and just add things to the air so that's why they have so many different pots and pans and vegetables and rain and debris and it's all 100% computer-generated we actually did this before in our frozen crossing alpha video which came out like eight years ago which is nuts you notice how he's like running up on the side of the wall there totally so for here it's easy enough they just filming him in super slow motion I hit him with a super high powered air blast fan but here they actually rigged him up he's hanging sideways running alongside that wall there that shot right there how do you think they did that one this strikes me as him running on like a green treadmill and the cameras actually sideways but then all the backgrounds been replaced to make it feel like Quicksilver is now sideways so that's kind of it but his legs there are interacting with the wall so they actually did a full CG replacement of the bottom half of his body what those legs are CG legs adjust that tilted sideways and watch it yeah you can really see more obvious when you tilt your head it really stands out when you look for it now like the cloth there's no cloth simulation and the motion feels weird to me yeah that cheek shot like when he taps the chicken so yeah that's a really cool moment a really hard way to do this is to remap 3d geometry onto the guy's face reproject the image of his face onto the 3d geometry and then warp that 3d geometry and take the lighting and the perspective shifts and Comp it back onto his face the easy way to do this is you just hit him with air at like a thousand frames per second another thing they did is formants stabilization they have the people staying there as still as possible but even with there's a little bit of motion and they're basically going through and freeze framing certain parts of a performance and keeping it rock-solid study having this sprinkler is going off in the scene was a genius move on the art direction by putting all this particulate in the air you can feel your motion through 3d space and you can feel the frozen time can we do a quick comparison to neo getting punched in the face and slow motion oh dude that was the best part of the whole movie dude [Music] that is sick so they're doing many different things the same way for this scene as the Quicksilver scene the most primary thing rain water in the air for one in Quicksilver they got the rain shape right rain is not long it's actually globular motion blurred water droplet has a 3d model this is ballsy those fluid simulations have for how low res they are shows you like how undeveloped that technology was but look how good like this facepunch simulation is [Music] Huey oh yeah I thought a dog [Music] this is really intricate though super intricate a lot of that stuff for actual real filmed elements that are composited in so this shot like this movie came out very shortly after the matrix is marketed as being from the producers of the matrix from the producer of the matrix it's like the next best things The Matrix came out so this is them trying to do bullet time but like it is not nearly as elegant like it just serves no purpose in the story like the bullet time in the matrix like was establishing how neo is seeing time move at a different rate where this is just like boy wouldn't it be cool to watch an explosion in slow motion but hey look they're doing some things right I'm seeing some cool stuff right now like you can see the explosion reflecting through the water on the surface oh you're right you look at that these days this shot would be done like probably all CG doing the people yeah but back when they film this shot they were doing the technique of basically yo-yoing people or they'd wrap them up in the cable multiple times and then yank it they go boom they done whined really fast and that's what's happening to all those guys they're just being unwound and they're flopping in the air and of course they're doing into the green screen so those are basically all just like green screen elements yeah notice you don't ever see a full car shot yeah you never see that yeah you only ever see parts of the car and that's because they're actually being composited in so they're kind of doing the classic cover yourself a motion blur thing which is a little disappointing because it kind of makes this whole scene really blurry so motion blur cannot be bigger than the distance moved between frames so the leftmost side of that rightmost spark they go forward one frame so for that motion blur to be longer than the distance the sparks moves basically for it to be overlapping itself for these two frames it means that their motion blur is higher than what a 360 degree shutter would capture and it's impossible for a shutter to be higher than 360 degrees the third and sixty degree shutter means it's been open for the entire time your frames been exposed a film camera can actually only record a 180 degree shutter and this is already twice that for that spark so you're saying that little strip of blur should be reduced at having yes at least it's a really complicated way of saying they got too much dang motion blur in the shop interesting one of the big challenges for visual effects back in the day was high dynamic range imagery so for example the explosion here the fire it looks very flat the problem is you know fire it's a very very bright thing and when you have things like smoke and dirt and dust in front of it it's almost the same as putting like a neutral density filter in front of your camera which just cuts down the amount of light in the scene now it's happening here is that they're bringing the exposure the fire down but the actual exposure is not changing they're just changing the colors of this blown out fire to begin with so these bright white yellow areas are now just dark mustard yellow areas the fire is like way less bright than the sky yeah it should at least that bright this is a very big explosion that go flying and the sky is the brightest thing the reflection on the ground ocean I remember this whole movie was marketed on this shot alone was it pretty much okay if you guys have a specific shot for a movie that you want us to take a look at leave a comment down below letting us know what that shot is who killed captain Alex now this movie's got hard hard it looks like the fighting is actually pretty rad these are some dudes out there doing it because they love movies and want to make one I'm so ready for the shot anything big and important yeah Oh who made this that's what I want to know there's a bunch of dudes out in Uganda that just want to make action films and just started doing it that's how we all got into it yeah just do it just do it this energy these guys are taking for the performances it was like a rock solid oh oh man did their best with that track I just stopped putting effects into this part chopper I love it they obviously don't know how to use an effects program but it exists right of that they're still making it a thing like they're still making a film the most important thing when it comes to visual effects is making sure they are telling a story and entertaining the audience if your effects are distracting people and pulling them away from like getting to enjoy your story then your effects are failing at the job but your effects are enhancing it and getting people to be entertained and getting them to like your story then they're successful and doesn't matter how realistic they are I know we're being super like uplifting here let's break down an effect shot and talk about how we make it better I'm not exactly sure what's even supposed to be happening here did it land on it and take it down all right step one perspective making sure your perspective is correct the helicopter is way too big another thing if they want to make the shot look more realistic without changing anything else other than what they're working with the black levels on the chopper are way too dark you know there's atmosphere between you and what we're looking at here there's air and there should be haze on the helicopter and then hey you should make it match the black levels so to speak of like you know the windows and the shadows of the buildings behind it take a little color picker what's the darkest pixel of your entire shot and that should be how dark your darkest pixel is on your renders I'm just I still can't wrap my head around the size of this helicopter and what it's doing to this building yeah maybe the concert or the shot in general is a little out there hey in the last VFX artists react I asked for your help to get us three million subs and you guys did it thank you so much yes that's so cool that's the coolest thing ever and I promise you guys a cool party we're gonna go get fancy sausages this Friday it's gonna be the best sausage party ever mmm edge of tomorrow dude I love this movie so much looks so good one of my favorite things about this whole scene is that this is the first time you actually start seeing the aliens and I think they have some incredibly good character design for the aliens that day leans just so me moving they got the motion right in this so so this is this is actually a great mix of practical and CG stuff going on at the same time they actually built an entire Beach that they're blowing stuff up for real launching practical missiles and they lined it all with green screen and then they're they're extending the set just making it seem like this infinite space it's just friggin d-day yes oh dude when you said they had practical missiles yeah we're kidding but some probably a wire and then the basically rocket hanging from the wire so that they can direct the direction go oh it's actually how they do aerials back in the day to when people didn't get shot by arrows it'd be a wire running to like a plate on the person and they'd shoot the arrow which is hanging from the wire so to travel along the wire and into the armored plate on the person that d-day scene they're running through mud it's water and mud it looks great on camera but that is a nightmare to film in and then you have to have these like real mech costumes did you know that it took like 30 minutes for all these guys to get into these suits it's what Tom Cruise did he was like I challenge all of you guys who can get in their suit the fastest and they got it down to like three minutes and just by doing that one little challenge Tom Cruise single-handedly sped out of production by like times 10 those suits are incredibly heavy so for all like the hero shots where they're having to run with them they're actually suspended from a crane just enough to reduce the weight right so props Emily Blunt for doing our own barrel roll this is the movie that made me a huge fan of it oh my god I like how her sword is CG by the way so he doesn't accidentally clip anybody with it just she just holds the hilt and they put the blade in have you guys seen Tom Cruise crashing the law recycle and oblivion no that's Tom Cruise right there boom oh my god he almost got his foot ripped off [Laughter] you got so lucky my right leg is torn to bits and now costume change oh this movie this movie has some really really cool visual aesthetics I love like the sci-fi aspects of this of this movie I love the set that they made up in the heavens you wonder why this looks so good all those reflections are so perfect like this would be a pain to Greenspring with all those reflections mm-hmm but look at the lighting it's it's so good it doesn't look anything look like die another day does it everything blends perfectly you wanna know why everything blends perfectly and everything looks so good that's because there's no green-screen that's because the environment around this set the huge dome projection they actually did a projection onto a big sphere around the set and they'd project the actual skies around them so the lighting matched their reflections matter that there's no green-screen to pull and it just looks so good that's awesome yeah they're capturing real sunsets and sunrises all of that cool looking scenery of the clouds and whatnot is actually real it's not generated at all I'm glad people are combining practical and visual effects because I think that's the best use of both you know when they come together and they work so perfectly together it's awesome now we actually had the opportunity to go visit the people that actually made this screen two weeks ago so they're actually doing some really cool new technology now where they're using LED screens instead of projectors that they actually haven't rigged up to the Unreal Engine yeah they're tracking your camera in 3d space so as you move the camera the background changes accordingly to match the perspective to your camera so it's Wow because everyone else watching it it just looks all wonky as like the image is just like changing really weird what if you were to put your eyes in the exact spot the camera is it just looks like you're looking into a new world so we'll be actually dropping a corridor crew video about that technology in our visit there at some point the future subscribe if you want to see it hey I hear you guys like visual effects and good for you we made a green screen emergency blanket in fact we went out and made an emergency green screen t-shirt Oh anywhere did you guys get the clean plate cuz that otherwise wouldn't work we also went out and made an emergency mocap sweatshirt we made a 5 panel navy blue hat two different colored winter beanie hat we made a Nalgene bottle with corridor digital all over it no leaks no cracks just good old-fashioned water container or whatever you want to put in there heck put a little beer in there you know I'm saying and if you're into things that are waterproof we made an SD card waterproof holder and we still have a bunch of black and yellow classic corridor hats in the store now if you like these videos and you're interested in keeping some awesome high quality clothes on your body I would recommend going over to corridor digital dot store it's right there it's ready it's high-quality and there's free returns so you don't have to worry about not free returns thanks for watching VFX artists react I hope you really enjoyed it never Stowers rated R we'd said we're gonna make it well we finally did it's actually up on the channel right now only 66 feels pretty appropriate I think so like it has it has a lot of hits we can all come together and take a moment from that that's gonna do I'll be one hitting the rocks I'll do it all head getting shot up so we all pick him home from the kid shot alright guys we have work cut out for us you can go watch the video it's super funny we had a great time baking it thanks for watching guys leave a comment down the description below down in the description I don't do these outdoors they're always bad but hey heart two counts send a VFX shot that you want to see us react to let's see um it down in the description it you know you know I'm saying Star Wars rated R we did it check it out it's gonna be sick I promise you
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 3,762,123
Rating: 4.9579082 out of 5
Keywords: breakdown, behind the scenes, making of, movies, visual effects
Id: RaDgjRw_J4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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