Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 22

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Finally!!!! ❤️😍

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good channel btw, anyone who's into this kind of thing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/patallen13 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
a lot of the work we did is practical sir you weren't anticipating that you were not anticipating that the ledge oh this whole setup of this gag this is where i got hurt thanks to raycon for sponsoring this episode of vfx artists react stick around to the end to figure out how you can get 15 off your order hey welcome back to another episode of stuntman react we are here today with aaron tony now aaron is quite accomplished aaron what do you say is your specialty and what things might have we have seen you in well i started in taekwondo i've got probably about 15 years in the business i've worked on everything from power rangers pirates of the caribbean captain america civil war all right so we have some clips here today we're going to show them to aaron and get his thoughts and some breakdowns from a professional's point of view as to what makes these stunts special maybe what makes them bad how they could be better all right let's take a look this is one of my favorite things i was ever a part of i was deathstroke for a good majority of this fight batman is played by phil silvera motion capture is a lot of fun there's a lot of freedom for movement because there's no predetermined agenda about where camera is going to go or anything it's just two people in a volume and you're capturing movement and if you're a good movement performer there's a lot of fun and you see a lot of intricacies about your own movement what you like what you don't like and this this was so much fun because phil's whole thing is amen positive contact positive contact bro i'm like all right bro here we go this first flip right here was another gentleman because i i got hurt he does a really amazing rudy up that was shane daniels i know shane do you guys know yeah wicked that's amazing i think even if i was doing this i couldn't have done it any better shane killed it this whole setup of this gag this is where i got her when the staff telescopes and you know he does lachey up we were working on that and we were working on the shane and getting a nice kip off the thing phil wanted me to do a gainer and i worked on the game and i did it a couple times and on one of the gainers i over rotated and i caught my heel in the porta pit and it just wrenched my ankle and it was really interesting because tim and phil were like hill up and we want you to finish the scene so it was really nice of them that they let me heal and i was able to kind of come back and finish this and it meant a lot to me because i love this whole scene see it's really crazy to me that like for a scene it's all animation where theoretically you can put anybody in a middle cap suit they would pause production and let you heal to come back to finish your role as that character yeah it was great it was really nice the fact that they cut to my footwork you know shuffling steps i'm a big big advocate of proper footwork the boxer usually if he's right-handed dominant he fights with his left foot forward those falls that you guys are taking right there yeah are you doing actual falls in a mill cap suit or are you leaving an animator no we we're actually doing those oh wow yeah a lot of the the work we did is practical some of it's adjusted you know they do a little adjustments here and there but for the most part that's all me and phil i'm 39 years old now so i'm almost 40. i should be out of this business i wrote it down as a bullet point i was like be done with stunts by 35 30 36 i'm 39. we are working on falcon and the winter soldier right now and it's only because i'm on a show where i want to see this character through this will be my last year hopefully awesome oh yeah you got a girlfriend no well you do now meet a nice guy no of it norbit norfolk in orbit this was my second job in the business really mm-hmm i doubled eddie murphy as norbit and as respusha how was your date date i was just i just was over at a um uh western name's wedding rehearsal oh really oh man that's a hard one if you look closely my shoes did fall off i'm in my socks oh really yeah bye-bye shoes that's gnarly so this scene yeah it was hard but it wasn't they buried a huge pad in the actual grass everything was break away i had no problems and i just remembered the last thing i was like this is only my second job i really don't want to hurt myself right now and i was like whatever you do when you go through the window do this and so when you see when i go through the window i'm piked as much as i can to get to that window dang dude and they landed you perfectly on the perfect lap because they wanted that camera right in there we dialed that that in for for a whole day how do you dial it in like do you just do it a bunch or do they put like a bag on there that they do they'll always test with a sandbag that equal to your weight and they'll dial it in and they'll send that sandbag out and get readings as far as where their angle was how much pressure and how much you know some sort of stroke they would need to get the sandbag out and then they put me on it and then finally you get your finished product all right time for a little change of pace here let's take it back to 1959 no martial arts in this one no martial arts here just some horses and some cherries oh man look at this crazy movie [Music] oh dude this is so sketchy i've seen this scene it's still like oh jesus no what i think it's a dummy i think it's a dummy yes it is because you can actually see there's no reaction look at how he falls yeah a real per person would not fall like that a real person would go ahead and cradle themselves as they fell this guy was very stiff dude dude dude oh my god my man you can see him like crouching down and i'm betting he's gonna like he's like i gotta jump a little bit but if you jump too much you're gonna go flying he absorbs smart you good good on you sir you weren't anticipating that you were not anticipating that this is easy acting here you just do it [Music] horses but then they cut the nectar on those horses this is look because they actually pan up and show you what the heck oh my god oh my god is that a dummy that's right you see how his arms are stiff i mean it's also a testament to like the lost art of using a dummy well the fact that we're going that doesn't happen anymore in movies we can go ahead and see gm and it's like oh no you could practically use a dummy i mean they did it here it's great oh my god that's insane right there is that is that a dummy no that's no that's not that i think that's a real person yeah it looks like a real pr wait but what about his legs though what about his legs a lot of times in this business and i've done done it before you can wear sort of a nude layer on captain america winter soldier i had to bail off of a car door into the street and i was wearing a t-shirt and they basically put a nude layer on me so that i could wear pads and wear everything under so i wonder if at some point he was wearing either moleskin or had on a nude layer so that he protected himself also they just tossed the chariot at four horses there we're all focused on the dude in the background there's four horses running over a chariot holy crap how does that that thing must be built on like foam or something yeah it's got to be really really light so that it doesn't mess mess with the horses it doesn't hurt our gentlemen on the ground dude yeah because they literally just go through it no animals were harmed in the making of this the dye gets destroyed right my god just shredded he's dead and then the real dude looks like hanging on there i've seen that stunt before though the guys hanging on between the horses sketchy as heck maverick the new one i think micka rogers did that stunt that's a great stunt there's a rumor that someone died while filming this scene and it kept the shot in the cut against the witches of the stuntman's widow i've heard this so before all you guys freak out and think we just showed you people dying that's not true no one died while filming a scene apparently no one actually even got seriously hurt the closest was that one part where the guy went over like the front of the chair he bonked his chin on like the hitch that was apparently it the rest of it's all actually professional controlled stunts where people didn't get hurt but it sure doesn't look like it if you guys are enjoying these videos we come out with them every saturday subscribe so you don't miss it [Music] [Applause] dang it so i had to pull a jackie chan clip for today's episode this is from dragons forever with uh seymour hung in bio and jackie chan my man this is beautiful the way this is shot and the way it's paced yeah you don't see stuff like this anymore rarely everything here feels so special that freaking acrobatics right here yeah look at this matrix oh that's where tony john got it from umbl is the original og of all acrobatic awesomeness dude still to this day come on man you see how thick those those shards are oh my god he hasn't touched them i know i didn't even brush them look at that and you know that he dropped onto that and probably serrated himself look at that oh i'm sure he was all screwed up it's gotta be candy glass right well yeah yeah i would hope so but candy glass can still cut you can still mess you up that was a nice setup so it was like okay i'm just gonna leave you up here and i'm gonna dump you off and you do exactly what you need to do that thing flexes it does definitely not steel so that's wood so the team built that that still sucks oh my god that's painful i don't know if there's high dense foam i know that jackie chan later on you know in years has been a great advocate about safety but i think this man just took it look he hits this really even look at that he actually used his arm a little bit came off and he was like okay see it okay great what kind of injuries are you looking at for getting a shot like this lower back ribs shoulders concussions dude watch this guy die do it send it send it the ledge is that padded i don't know it's a good question it looks like it might be but it i could also just see it not being added he's wearing a decent enough suit where he could go ahead and pad his back he would have to that looks like it might be like a padded concrete thing on top of this yeah just a little bit yeah you're right dude i feel like his shoulders just popped out of their sockets right there so good and then he dies [Music] oh this guy there he is takes his kick so hard it was chin chin went into his face there's a rope pull right there too yeah yeah a little bit how were they hiding wires in these movies before vfx well they were thinner so they they would use piano wire a lot of time and there's a reason why they don't anymore because sometimes things would snap but for a lot of this you know if you're just doing hand pulls and stuff it was great the biggest thing that sets this aside from everything else is you have these performers who can actually do it and they've trained their entire lives to be able to do this stuff yeah and so you can go wide the shot doesn't have to be crazy they are the crazy ones yes exactly and i guess that's why i'm kind of almost done with what i'm doing because i feel like i've done a lot of what i've wanted to do throughout the years and i want to get into more and more of this i want to still perform but bringing this this back is very very important i couldn't agree more you know seriously i just want to create fights like this you can i that's the that's one of the life goals one of the life goals is to like totally bring it back like this yeah man absolutely yeah clint if only we knew some stunt men who could like join us no yeah right i don't know i challenge you guys to send me a jackie chan clip i don't know about leave it in the comments below we'll take a look at it live right here on the show and break it down i might actually have one okay have you seen thunderbolt is that the racing one yes i have not seen it but i know of it he knows everybody hasn't seen it i think that counts so nobody can comment thunderbolt anymore aaron just took it sorry this episode of vfx artist react is brought to you by raycon let's talk about these everyday e25s first off they look sick they're slick these ones are blue but you can get them in a bunch of different colors the everyday e25s have seamless bluetooth pairing more bass this time and they come in a very compact design look do you like podcasts me too do you like music yep it's got you on at least two episodes of joe rogan podcast because the battery life on these bad boys lasts for six hours they come in a sick little carrying case that charges the headphones the freaking earbuds charge in the case all right what else could you ask for are your earbuds dead put them in the charging case carry it with you you take them wherever you want the e25 earbuds start at about half the price of other premium earbud brands and they sound just as amazing as the other top audio brands out there so go to buy recon dot com slash cord or crew to get 15 percent off your very own pair let them know who we sent you guys thank you so much for watching if you want to catch more of aaron's work you can follow him on youtube at erin tony instagram and twitter thank you so much for joining us it was a pleasure it was so good to meet you and like i'm glad that we were able to vibe on all of those stunts together so if you guys want more of this we do it every single week so please subscribe see you guys later
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,528,402
Rating: 4.9754376 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, react, breakdown, vfx, behind the scenes, hollywood, movies, action, Norbit, Eddie Murphy, Batman, Deathstroke, Arkham, Motion Capture, Ben Hur, Jackie Chan
Id: rA6euBRYma0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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