VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 29

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Oh A man walking around like a dog. Oh, this is horrible Let's break these VFX down. Yeah, there's a lot of visual effects going on here Hey, what's up, welcome back to another episode of visual effects artist react we got some great clips :) we're gonna be looking at today a few that we've been wanting to talk about for a long time that we're finally addressing you've been Asking for him and we're finally delivering and there's a very special clip I have for you guys today It's called the call of the wild. It's about a man and his dog and a lot of snow I never saw this film but on NPR I heard a review everyone just kept saying there's some love with that dog And I'm like, huh, so I decided to look into it Mmm, okay. Yeah, you know actually that dog doesn't look that bad That's pretty pretty good-looking dog. It's a pretty good-looking pub. Look at all these dogs. These are all CG dogs So before we even get into the dogs everything in this movie is shot like on a blue-screen stage Frightening really like all the backgrounds you're seeing and all that stuff. They're all on a soundstage right now Okay, I can see it's pretty it's pretty nuts. How much CG is in this film So that means like if the dogs are CG the ground they're walking on is CG, too Because they're gonna be interacting with the snow a lot better If it was CG The concept of CG snow is something that I've been like paying attention to over the like it's about the last 10 years It's something called granular fluid simulation. It's like sand Oh, yeah basically But it's like semi fluid but it clumps in a natural way. So You can see a ton of it in action here and it's the subtle 100% CG shot. That is nuts, dude [film stuff] Mean the dogs look pretty freakin good. It's just too good It's like they look too good almost. the're very expressive. But I think that's the main thing. right Yeah, that's what it comes down to It's like from like a still frame. They look 100% real like that. Looks so good. Yeah like that right there Looks like a National Geographic photo of the dog totally but the moment they start moving they're like magic pups Basically magic props that are ultra intelligent And can express themselves in ways that are just impossible for normal animals I find myself actually kind of liking that a lot. If this was Air Bud, you know, you just have a dog look back and be like Yeah, you get no emotive value out of real animals like that. But here you can see the determination on his eyes He's like I'm ready to go. This all looks handy and I made it to me They're like how else would you do this? You know? Oh it most definitely probably is he man. in that case Clint What do you think the process is to capture this footage? well I mean you would definitely shoot a number of plates one without the dog One with something or someone in the space of the dog to see how their shadows react to the environment So you probably you bring a reference dog to set to constantly get shots of a real dog in that area Well, the producers had a very different take on this. Oh Boy this is our dog all the plates of interaction were done with a a man Walking around like a dog wait do I recognize him? He's the guy from planet of apes eight dude I bet he was so sore Oh my god, the amount of yoga you'd have to do to undo all of that all day long for months. [sign] Don't think they're actually taking any of the motion capture aspects to it There's an animator who's watching The Dukes performance and then making the dog animate in a similar fashion They're not actually tracking anything and directly translating it to the dog [laughing] harisson ford is scratching his ear I mean this is what i'm saying Tell me though is it harder to act like a dog on a motion capture suit or Harder for Harrison Ford to act like this man in front of you as a dog I think it's easy enough to believe that you are a dog when you're in that situation I think it's harder for a person like Harrison Ford to Embrace the fact that this is not a person and it's a dog I'll just tell you like if I do this this is hard for me to imagine here a dog. This is like good We're gonna replace him with a dog later Harrison Ford is probably not thinking I have to imagine he's a dog He's probably just thinking like the way I'm actually reacting to this guy in a mocap suit Is probably the same way I'd be reacting to a dog right now a certain actor might do it a different way But I think they all try to get to an end goal by a bunch of different means I think Harrison Ford is probably just like what I'm just a little strange. I'm rolling around on the floor with this guy Scratching his tummy cuz they had to I guess right there's money involved. They're leaning into these animals having performances So it makes sense to have a person inspiring those performances I would make an argument that this is one of those films that they need to release an alternate cut of they should release The the man cut of this one where we see the actual motion capture actor performing the dog's actions Look the Mahina scenes seeing the dog man is a goof but I think there's some really good execution still going on here There are moments where it's like obviously not a real dog, but it doesn't detract from the experience of watching it Oh, I think watching the full movie might change your mind biting me me, dude, you know This reminds me is hocus-pocus. The cat ain't hocus-pocus. It's hallowed ground Witches can't set foot here He talks I mean, he was a puppet right? It was a CG mouth moving and stuff. I think it was a puppet mouth I think I'm pretty sure of CG couldn't have been a CG cat this movie came out in the early 90s why it's so impressive It came out before Jurassic Park There's no way that was a CG cat you're gonna to pretty sure I'm pretty pretentious up now Because of me, my little sister's life for stolen, you know, see look at that real cat with a CG face That's what that is. Not a CG face appreciate computer-generated Clint. I'm telling you. There's no possible way. It was a CG cat I'm gonna get you my phone or no Okay, Rhythm & Hues the visual effects and animation company that created CGI went all-out making his feline features realistic Reduce The performance of the mouth was matching the performance of the eyes so I will give you that Clint Hey, if you guys are enjoying this video and are not subscribed Please consider subscribing because we put one out every single week and they're all really fun. I promise So, this is the mermaid alright, this is directed by Stephen Chow, he's one of my all-time favorite directors I think it's really a really weird movie. It's got some funny jokes some funny scenes, but it's weird. Alright just brace yourself. It's weird Alright this guy is trying to kill that main bad guy over here an assassin is so the guy in the black jacket is bad Guy, yes, what's wrong with his pants? Something's up Okay, oh he's split man, he's an octopus by the way, yeah, I can tell and that that's the bad guys bodyguards They're hunting down all these like fish people. So he's trying to play it cool or else. He's gonna he's gonna die here You're the chef, right? So cook the food Oh, this is horrible They're funny. They're cutting up his tentacles and cooking him a lie Oh, this is oh, this is horrible. Oh my god Agony oh my god. This is so twisted Look at this exit though He's like just The practical like octopus ball man window like Just the concept of the scene is so gross. Let's break these VFX them. Yeah, there's a lot of visual effects going on Yeah, okay, those tentacles look pretty solid, but you could tell they're so CG. Oh, yeah. All right, but they will tell Yourselves look fine. It's the comping into the real footage that is suffering a little bit Yeah, but you can tell this got fake shadows underneath him. Yeah contact shadows are a little kind of janky here. Yeah, it's weird It's like not bad, but you can still tell that it's pretty obviously the effects This reminds me of some of the stuff that we've made because it's like the visual effects are good enough to convey a point But not like Hollywood grade like grade-a effects But this is a non-serious scene the dudes frying himself, and he's even the reaction Yeah, yeah, that octopus clip is really jacked up And if you have any other jacked up visual effects clips that you would like to see us break down Let us know in the comments below Okay, so 1917 a movie about world war 1 but not just about the war but about the people who fought in the war It's it's famously a single take movie. The entire movie was filmed in one shot one shot Obviously that's impossible. You can't shoot this whole thing in one shot So you gotta fake it what visual effects so there there are easy ways to mask transitions If you have just something cross frame, that's a classic really easy way to do it And that is in this movie all over the place It's really easy to identify but there's a few times where it's right in front of your face and you don't realize it but let's say they shoot one take Of these guys, like crawling up and over a mound But they have to cut to a different take where they're looking at kind of the same camera angle But there's no way to wipe between them now You have to like somehow combine these two entirely different shots together in front of your eyes the whole time like a card trick Do this whole sequence crossing no-man's land was oh my god not like the the corpses sticking out of mud And that was it that was it that was a transition yeah, so they did a CG double Oh, I see what you're saying to morph between the two different shots this is a scene where we have characters starting at Point a at the end of one shot and they begin at point B in the next shot and in order to transition between them they basically Transition to a completely CG character to complete that movement from one location to the next but it's invisible Because they're so good It's a lot of like projecting the the ground and the crater on system geometry and just kind of like morphing it into place so that Ideally, it looks exactly like the beginning of the next shot so they could just cut the CG stuff out and resume the real footage Afterward that that's cool. I've never seen a CG transition like that. I'm sure they've done this before but like this type of use of it is really it's it's really advanced It's definitely hard to do and there's lots of scenes in this movie that are like them See like right there that was did you see it They cut to a digi double there as he drove in now, we don't have behind-the-scenes footage of this But I think we can tell we're like he goes and he goes through the actions of actually jumping and then they they they're done Shooting for the day they start up the next day with him jumping down into the crater and now they have to morph those two shots together with just a photo real Digi double and they just match his his posture Perfectly go through the motion to match the posture of him in the next moment. Those are the types of things you probably are not gonna notice when you're watching this film it it won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects this year because you never Notice any visual effects in this movie, they're everywhere and yet never once think about the visual effects World War 1 really jacked up If you don't know a lot about World War one and you're interested, Dan Carlin has an amazing World War one podcast called blueprint for Armageddon you you should you should listen to it Because it will give you a really really good perspective on how the 20th century kind of kicked off 1917 is a fantastic movie if you haven't watched it, you better go do it and also watch hocus pocus. It's a good Hey guys. Thank you so much for watching this episode I had a blast Ren had a blast Sam had a good time, too You know, it's great that we can all get together and break down these VFX shots for you guys So, please keep watching keep subscribing keep commenting. Send us your VFX shots. We love doing this. See you guys on the next one Hey, that's pretty good Hey, that is pretty good. That's pretty good. Hey, that was pretty good Good good
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Views: 2,488,516
Rating: 4.9554453 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists, VFX, CGI, visual effects, shot breakdown, behind the scenes, movies, hollywood, call of the wild, 1917, The Mermaid
Id: 2bRZbsk_wuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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