Very Really Good #93: Pawtrón

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all right hey guys what's up welcome back to a very good podcast is episode 93 I can already [ __ ] I feel like I literally just recorded 92 but here we are dude we're here you made it and it feels good man I literally feels like yesterday I didn't I need to it's it's weird time is time is 8 days are going by really quick time is going by fast it all doesn't feel real you know it's a weird time dude it's just like every day it's like well now and now why you know it's a very uh hope you guys are doing safe though doing safe hope you guys are doing safe yeah you're due in a safe amount of time for your baby that is to in safe now I hope you guys are staying safe and hope you guys are staying well and doing safe yeah man it's [ __ ] so weird it's an interesting time it's just so weird like I think it's weird to think about like when this is all over if it a [ __ ] never ends like like we're gonna look back on this and like talk about it for so long you're like yeah that was weird oh it's [ __ ] gnarly hopefully I doesn't happen again it's gonna be very weird like when I'm like an old man I'll probably remember this shape because this is like a huge like the most trim it like crazy pandemic that's like ever happened since like the plague or whatever right how many people do the plague kill like like I don't know like five or something probably more than five what probably seven seven people died from the plague and that and this is like way worse than that plague that's that's a word that's gotta be spelled differently for sure right plague plug u o PL a gue plug ooh other plug you killed seven papillae butt plug you killed seven people oh that's so stupid um [ __ ] what's been going on dude what's up mm-hmm um [Music] [ __ ] man literally nothing it's so weird like not much to really [ __ ] talk about I've just been [ __ ] playing video games man I'm playing a lot I'm starting to feel a little [ __ ] little gross [ __ ] [ __ ] gamer dude you know playing so much but what else am I gonna do you know it's [ __ ] quarantined they're just quarantine quarantine it's a weird man I it was like I'm playing games so much as we're like yet the craziest thing happened I was like I was like cutting like an onion and I missed a bit and I like cut my finger a bit but like I was expecting like blood to come out right but not like nothing really came out it was just Mountain Dew that kind of was like seeping out of my skin you know so weird I don't know what it's just Mountain Dew in my blood now I don't have blood anymore just Mountain Dew I don't even know what - Mountain Dew about it right it's like and the weirdest thing like I have like I have like dry scalp you know but when I like scratch my head usually it's like sometimes the like white little dandruff flakes come off but not anymore now it's like they're bright orange like cheeto dust like he was just bright orange flakes of skin like what is that and I like put it to my tongue I'm like oh my god it's cheeto dust what is what is going on and I'm like so I called my doctor I was like hey what's I have like cheeto dust coming out coming off of my head and it Mountain Dew in my blood like what's going on he's like oh you have epic gamer itis I'm like wait hold on doctor what he's like you have epic gamer itis and there's no cure I'm like doctor what do I do and he's like you know what nothing because that's awesome and you're cool and I want to hang out with you and then he and then we've been hanging out ever since he's right off-camera the doctor and he's right off mic again hear him he's a mute hi those things that he said to me he wrote them down in a little notebook and that's how that happened then it's real what I'm saying is I'm playing a lot of video games and the doctor thinks so too [ __ ] man I miss like I miss go I miss like going to like a coffee shop right I miss a [ __ ] I'm just going to restaurants brutal ma'am Kiwi just made a weird barking sound um [ __ ] man oh I'm sorry I mean I've been twitch streaming I did too I announced last week that was gonna start I hid to stream since the last podcast or maybe three by the time this goes up I don't know but it's been a lot of fun man I'm really nervous I was really nervous to do it because I'm like I know I'm not gonna be funny the whole time and I was like I don't know if that's what people wanted or expected um but I think it twitch is very different you tube like YouTube I think like that's what it's expected of me but twitch it's like I feel like it's it's like a lot more chill and it's like I don't know it's cool to like talk to people and you know I don't know it's I had a lot of fun doing it um a lot of people and making fun of me for not being very good at animal crossing but like I just shut up I've been I haven't been playing that much and all the other people been playing more than me so they know things that I don't and then when I don't do those things they yell at me but I'm I want to play other games too so yeah if you guys want if you guys have any recommendations if I can comment them tweet me on tweeter out them tweet me at them tweet them at me and I'll [ __ ] I don't play some [ __ ] dude I'll play whatever dude I'll play [ __ ] like I said I've epic gamer right uh so and it's terminal so I'll pretty much play anything I'll play [ __ ] game of life bro I wish dude that game was awesome I already talked about my podcast became a life brother was [ __ ] shank or clue dude nice called it it is y'all turn please roll the die [Music] [ __ ] man oh I saw this story that's um he's like - well I tried to read the story but New York Times was like you got a subscribe you got to subscribe to read this and it costs money and dude I'm not doing that I'm not spending money to [ __ ] read some [ __ ] article that some guy wrote about some [ __ ] you know so I didn't I didn't I didn't do that but I saw the headline and that's all that I need to know because what else can you I don't know Oh details or you need me details dude cool D heads or details you call it alright but it was like these to cut this to this this couple went to the some resort resort in the Maldives the Maldives I say and and then there because the coronavirus they were like stuck there and they can't leave and neither can the staff so all the whole staff is just like waiting on these two people and that's it so they're just on vacation all the time and I feel like that'd be tight for the first like few days but by now I'd be like [ __ ] man just give me home good imagine it's not gonna resort for that long like an island very good [ __ ] crazy you can only do so much [ __ ] laying by the pool I guess right well I mean some people would like that but isn't that so crazy if the staff have to like still work and wait on them if I was ever like dude [ __ ] Geir own [ __ ] doesn't matter no rules do you make your own [ __ ] food come back go back to the kitchen make your own [ __ ] food man we're all chilling and if they're getting charged for that dude [ __ ] make their pockets hurt they're gonna be so broke dude sucks for them but it's not my problem not my problem I miss the part where that was my problem spider-man [ __ ] I miss the part where that was my ball dude so funny dude I'm the other day my story I am I posted this video what i I was already [ __ ] not long ago I I'm gonna go to my archive charms checking it out on this day three years ago Wow a picture of me yeah five times change huh but no I posted a video of me of lip-syncing a song okay I'll show you the okay I'll show you the video that I was lip-syncing I'll pull it up um [ __ ] man it was so funny laughs Oh Instagram okay here we go dude okay this is what I was lip-syncing [Music] okay so that videos hilarious right cuz he's in a empty house it's dark hashtag bedroom floor and he's just singing about himself to the laugh at the end - oh my god I love it dude yeah that's the [ __ ] [ __ ] I love and I posted that and then everyone was like look it's you that is askew it's good so [ __ ] funny I was dying man they like so many people were like actually thought I would sing that and just post it and be like yep done me singing now I sing now well I did write that one time the songwriter because I did write that song [Music] what song that I wrote again I forget what one it was in another podcast I talked about writing a song oh yeah breathin I bleed when I fall down man what else has been going on he have been twitch streaming and [ __ ] a gaming upload a video upload video today the I uploaded a second episode of my episode series playing the episode game I play episode and it's the second episode I uploaded the episodes here so go watch out if you haven't according to my YouTube creator dashboard thing it's performing the worst out of my most recent of the my 10 most recent videos it's number 10 of 10 so that's always a cool thing to see but it's all good dude I'm trying not to worry about that [ __ ] try not to get down on it on myself about it because it sucks when that happens but you know that's the way it goes I'm happy with it the reception has been good I mean it makes sense why isn't doing its well it's like a you only probably gonna watch it if you watch the first one but who knows who knows I don't know I don't know anything but I do know there's nothing uh [ __ ] man what I oh dude [ __ ] it I had to I'm trying to eat transfer some money yesterday okay dude I just such a [ __ ] fiasco dude I went to the vet the other day cuz I'm a sick little dog I know I went to the vet and because key we had to get a bunch of shots and stuff and you know he was like my dog is an alcoholic so we need to go get some shots you know some patrón patrón P aww TR o n pot round kidiots some some vodka but like it's VAW wdk a like AA vodka it's like he's cute dog stupid um um [ __ ] my back here holy [ __ ] don't scare me umm neighbors um but no dude I went to the vet because that Kiwi needed some like shots and medicine and stuff you know like his yearly sought-for like his fleas he doesn't have enough for his fleas we like to prevent fleas and all that [ __ ] right and the vet was doing like this like closed-door policy right obviously because like coronavirus and everything so I went to I got there you know staying away from everyone you know keep my distance and you have to call them to let them in and like take I could take your dog so I called them and I gave them dog didn't touch them stay away from them they took Kiwi I know they're they called me they're like hey we're only doing rolling something eater answers right now so um [ __ ] so yeah if you could just like do that and then they'll be fine and then we can and then you can have your dog and then you can go I was like okay cool so I said that you transfer and then I was like great cool and then once they were done with Kiwi they're like hey Kiwis all done but we didn't get you a transfer it was like oh well I sent it so can I like to have my dog and then okay just go home and be like well we need to actually like get it you understand we have to actually receive it and then let you go I was like yeah I get it so I waited for another like 15 minutes and they didn't get it yet so I cancelled it sent it again and then they're like hey we still didn't get it do you know if you send it right now's like yep there it is there's a confirmation like Oh weird well we're gonna wait a little longer so it goes in I was like okay well I sent it showed it to that I sent it it's gonna take a while maybe and I'm sending you the money if it doesn't go through I'll send it to you later but sure I get it it makes sense you know maybe people are trying to finesse them and scan them I get it so I keep waiting I'm like okay nothing goes la another 15 minutes no like half-hour waiting outside in the cold for half-hour [ __ ] and then I'm like [ __ ] it okay I called them I'm like so that it's not going through I don't know what's going on I don't know if it's my fault or anything but it's just not going through is there another way I can like pay you like I can give you my credit card number or something I'm just like whatever I just like I just want to go home and they're like oh yeah we can we could just bring the debit machine out to you at the front door and I was like dude you could have done that the whole time the entire half-hour I was outside in the cold you could have just been like oh we could you get his pay with that dude I was so annoyed cuz why tell me they're all a and we're only accepting each transfers to be and then later on and be like uh-oh you just paid out of it at the front door dude I must've been only I feel I felt like I was on Punk'd that would've been like the weirdest [ __ ] prank to do right so the today's prank is we're gonna tell Curtis that their own the Vette is only Siddiqui transfers but we're gonna wait am happy make him wait a half hour and then we're gonna hack into the his his banking app to make his e transfer not go through and then when he's getting real cold and fed up we're gonna tell him that he can pay with debit and by the end of it he's gonna be like really pissed off and and then I finally pay an Ashton Kutcher was like my Mikey we like he stood up he like unzipped and Ashton Kutcher like jumped out of him and he was like ah you gosh guy you just got Punk'd I was like Ashton what have you been my dog this whole time he's like yeah this thought this prank was a year and a half in the making did when you adopted me I was actually Ashley Kutcher in a dog suit and I was like damn bro I didn't know that you had me fooled dude that's probably a better prank than this whole new transfer thing that you had elaborately set up and he's like dammit really [ __ ] I thought that was a good prank idea and I'm like no bad boy and he goes and then he goes a row of ravu funny peas on a plant because he's been a dog for a year and a half holy [ __ ] man but that was annoying that pissed me off but it's all good dude but I missed that though I kind of missed that it was nice going out doing and running an errand even though it was a very weird way to do it I can't I couldn't go inside the vet I couldn't literally talk to anyone he was very like there's always a glass between us but still it was nice to do an errand you know and to get pissed off about something like that I've cuz I haven't done that in a while dude so if I'm good [ __ ] good and then another II transfer thing last night trying to send some money and then they called my thing I don't even know if I fix it yet but they called my beginni a code put in the code and they're like wrong code and I was like right so I called them guess how long the wait time was 51 minutes so I had to wait with the stupid Denon and and if I can hold music for [ __ ] 51 minutes and then I don't even they're like oh you've got to wait for a bit we could actually pay debit the whole time and I was like no Ashton stop yeah I didn't know if I they fixed it and I'll check out for the podcast [ __ ] brutal man brutal [ __ ] bro but it's all good dude Ashton Ashton Kutcher I hardly know her [ __ ] man what else has been going on oh let's see what I wrote down to talk about okay yeah okay I saw this I wanted to talk about this thing I saw this um okay it's I saw this thing about the youtuber idubbbz then I want to talk about this subject I guess it's um and he's I don't know he his content caught videos like really well done I don't agree with the thing some of the things that he does and says you know but whatever you know people have their preferences I guess but there was one this whole big thing that happened because he made a video about sex workers and when I saw the thumbnail I was like uh oh he's gonna be like I thought it was gonna be like sex workings dumb only fans is dumb but it was pretty much the opposite you know which is which is cool but the whole like drama think he's getting like backlash I guess he doesn't know this he's getting like backlash because his I guess his girlfriend started like only fans and he was fine with it obviously and then and he was making a video saying that and he was like yeah I'm cool with it cuz that's you know that's her that's her body she can you know do what she want so this she can show it off if she wants to doesn't really change anything about the relationship and then all the people in the comments were calling him a [ __ ] like a beta or beta male or like a [ __ ] or a simper all that [ __ ] and bro that's just uh god it [ __ ] it really aggravates me because like the whole that whole turn but like simp term has become like such just like a mindless like response to anything there were it doesn't even like when you don't have like a rebuttal or any like actually like smart thing to say to someone after their argument here's like a simp you're a simp like it's just so [ __ ] annoying man and there's probably gonna be a comment on this video calling me that or you know as you say simp and they're gonna think it's funny and no one else is it's just so it's oh god man like all the videos I made about like the the 22 convention or the video I made about men being trash like those videos are like those are my views right and I was doing them like I wasn't being like [ __ ] yeah yeah I was like trying to be like these are my views and I'm gonna try to convey them in like a funny way right so many comments being like just you know Curtis Connor king of stamps samp sip like [ __ ] it's just so weird that like whenever you're like someone says anything nice or like tries to like not like protect but like stand up for someone who is a girl at the gate called the simp like right away like if something like if you're bugging if your wife like if your wife was getting [ __ ] like a like mugged a robber was like hey give me your [ __ ] or I'm gonna I want to shoot your wife and the husband is like what I I can't do anything to stop this I uh wait okay yeah this is okay this is like if someone's like hey I'm gonna punch your wife right now and if you tried to like stop them like no don't hit my wife someone else would be like you're simp why are you let's improve dude simp behavior to not to try to protect your wife your [ __ ] [ __ ] dude just let your wife get punched man like what do you it's just so weird dude like what is the definition of simp on Google what does it say and Wiktionary okay a man who foolishly over values a woman and puts her on a pedestal yeah that's okay look I can I understand that to an extent like I can that totally is a thing that happens right but like if your girlfriend who you're in a committed relationship with your comply exclusive to one another and then the girlfriend is like I'm gonna start an only fans where I like show my boobies and then people will get me money for it like why would you be but like I just don't get that like why would you be bummed about that like no you a hundred alligator like I feel like though he was getting mad about that are like people who've never been in a relationship or had ever been you know intimate with someone and like who understands that I don't even I don't even know dude but even then like some people aren't wouldn't be okay with that but I guess you know you can talk about that and work through it and that's fine you know every relationship is different he's saying that that doesn't bother him in their relationship and he's mature enough they're both mature enough to like know what that is and like separate the two right and just her would be like [ __ ] [ __ ] shifty how dare you let your girlfriend do what she wants that's actually [ __ ] up that's like that did that's how she cringes [ __ ] to let your girlfriend do what she wants ro [ __ ] weird bro like I want to pull some of these comments that I saw there like tweet responses I think like h3 [ __ ] that guy like Ethan he tweeted about it and then all the responses are just like [ __ ] when did he tweet about it yeah he tweeted what if I dubs just loves his girlfriend wants a supporter which is a great [ __ ] point dude like oh he likes he literally loves a girlfriend what supporter yeah like one person said the people calling him is simp don't have girlfriends the one person responds yeah because they're young and don't know about this kind of stuff I had dubs is actually a [ __ ] don't get it twisted okay he ain't a simp he's a [ __ ] oh my god I got it said I saw ok another all gone but him wanting to support her doesn't change the fact that is almost wholly erodes the intimacy of their relationship ok dude man like [ __ ] people are just like saying [ __ ] you know like don't know anything about anyone they're like yeah well this is bad for them ok hey man you're not in the relationship though see you don't know if it's bad for them cuz you're not in the relationship and you don't know them as human beings holy [ __ ] man I [ __ ] pisses me off bro no [ __ ] just like saying [ __ ] that they there's like I did that's bad for you hmm hey man who are you though who are you though right [ __ ] man and one's got another [ __ ] two cents in everything bro I I do I'm guilty of it too I have a podcast and that's the definition of a person giving their two cents dude but that's the whole [ __ ] dude it's like it reminds me of the foot like this [ __ ] I see you on take talk a lot it's like whenever it's like a cooking video of someone mean like hey here's this fun recipe I like to make you guys can make it to all the comments are like wrong burnt cooked bad too much salt hate ketchup don't like it bad hey man let the person like what they like let them [ __ ] cook dude the [ __ ] man you're not any better dude some [ __ ] 11 euro being like us not how you cook a steak all right Brent what do you know dude you don't know anything maybe you have homework bro go do your homework that's not how you cook a steak it's so funny to think some 11 year old is commenting that cook they're wrong there's no mac and cheese powder on it you cooked it wrong where's the noodles in the hot water and then you strain them and he put the mac and cheese powder butter and milk in it cook steak wrong it's not it's not macaroni and cheese oh that's so funny dude or it's like ding clean your room but someone will come and test and their room will be for sure just as messy dude good man it's just so funny the people on the Internet are just like oh voice my opinion about everything and anything doesn't matter even though that's what I do is some as well but I'm not [ __ ] I don't think I'm ignorant about it right at least try to be I don't know I try to see both sides of stuff sometimes but it can be tough but you know what I mean I just thought it was so weird that people are like place like placing themselves in that relationship and being like hey this is wrong this guy sucks for it it's their relationship man [ __ ] stay out of it dude it'd be one it'd be a different thing if [ __ ] if his girlfriend was like just [ __ ] stealing money from his [ __ ] grandparents then he'd be like ok yeah that's bad that's a bad thing but [ __ ] Poston [ __ ] booby and butt picks I think so if I couldn't make money from dudes who are just [ __ ] super horny sure dude [ __ ] man those same people do too who are like [ __ ] chirping them for it or probably like the people subscriber the only fans too you know [ __ ] man look you'll do what they want to do it's not hurting anybody right hi I'm plug my life [ __ ] okay should we do I tried to find a different uh speaking of tick-tock I try to find a cringy tick-tock of the week our shitty tick-tock of the week I couldn't really find one hold on I'll try to look by excuse me okay we'll do the one about this so I'm sure some of you guys have seen it already but okay about it I hate it so much dude okay here we go so this is like a tick-tock some girl made it and it was like a she I guess she set the snapchat to a to a bunch of boys and it was like show me your best growl and I'm just gonna play it okay so let's watch this [ __ ] dude I'm know it'll play again I just gotta say I'm I'm so glad that I never did [ __ ] like that and I didn't have snapchat really or any of this [ __ ] in high school heard holy [ __ ] dude imagine getting imagine getting his nephew snapchat from a girl being like hey show me your best growl and be like and being like oh okay I'll film it and send it to you and being like oh was that hotter what you like this yeah that hotter what nice [ __ ] swallowing my [ __ ] nose snot as compared [ __ ] no snot little redundant dude I can't that is so [ __ ] weird man and they're trying to be like hot about it - dude winking dude I can't I can't [ __ ] believe that's a real thing that exists bro that one dude who's like we're in a [ __ ] gaming headset and goes meow the only only normal dude oh yeah area here we go yeah that guy's jokes that's a butt that's the guy okay that's the guy you go for if you asked for a growl and all those dudes are like do you like is that oh god I don't is I supposed to be attractive right so I made that noise to me I don't even know what I do I just put my fist uh five fists up I think about yeah we're I think we're fighting now I think I have to fight you anyway I don't I was just growling I was like well I'm sorry I have no choice I have to fight you I have to literally throw hands with you my guy and you're like our hand they get on all fours and they go and they try to bite me and then I got a punch the tiger I hope I don't have to do that [ __ ] man it's so weird dude I hate it what a weird weird thing to ask of people and then just it's even weirder than that is to actually go through with it and be like okay give me a few minutes I'll show you I'll show you my growl Jesus Christ man it's so weird oh that's not a pretty real show me yo show me your best [ __ ] blue whale sound Oh show me your best [ __ ] Pokemon Caterpillar sound Caterpie sound do you remember those sounds the [ __ ] [ __ ] were they what are they called like the I'll pokémon red and blue cries here we go the Pokemon cries mmm God what if humans cried like that there's like I can't believe you're those are the Pokemon cries right that's sad that like every time you're gonna fight them they're crying cuz they're like please don't fight me was an innocent animal but no if humans cried like that if you're like I can't wait you're you're breaking up with me I I just I just can't believe this is this is actually goodbye I do you so stupid Pokemon cries Pokemon cry Pokemon feel bad um [ __ ] ma'am growling you know Jesus Wow uh what else is new huh what else is [ __ ] going on not much really should I end it where we have 30 something I got a comment saying the worst part of this podcast is that I go what do we have 40 something because I said I would I say every [ __ ] time but we're at 30 something so it's a little different oh [ __ ] man I'm trying to maybe we'll do something else for the podcast next episode I don't know because there's not really much to talk about now so I gotta like think of entertaining things to do now so I don't know we'll figure it out we'll figure it out um maybe we'll like I don't know I'll think of something let me know yeah how about that that'll do your homework that'll be my homework too maybe I'm like I can rank some stuff I don't know maybe we can a quiz or some I don't know if I can figure it out dude but thank you for tuning in this was episode 93 appreciate the love of and getting on these recently you know I think it's fun I have a good time talking about stuff on here and I like that you guys enjoy it as well so thank you appreciate it rate and review it if you're listening like and comment subscribe if you're watching and yeah tell your friends about it [ __ ] do what you got to do man yeah that's about it check me out on Twitter watching your video all that [ __ ] love you guys thank you for tuning in this is Epson it--the really good that was Chris Connor your host tune in next week to very really good radio alright see ya you [Music]
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 94,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, kurtis conner podcast, idubbz girlfriend, growl, podcast
Id: selIM8e_HU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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