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i would never i think youtube i think one of the cringiest things in the world is youtube was trying to do music welcome back guys and today we have got a big old mukbang i know you guys love them so i thought since we're stuck in lockdown here me and harry would jump on the app stereo and we're gonna do a mukbang and just chat about loads of different things and tell a few hilarious stories that we have not to mention guys um if you guys want to go ahead and follow me on the app stereo when i get to 20k i'm going to be doing a 1 500 pound giveaway um or 2 000 giveaway um over on there so yeah go ahead and follow me let's get to 20k enjoy the video guys happy days right we're live all right so wait people if you are listening yeah make sure you send in audio messages don't try finesse it and um and try and join the join the phone call because i ain't picking up it's just me and bog unfortunately you know what i feel almost privileged to have you on here and that's only because you said that you never do podcasts so this is the closest thing that i'm ever gonna get yeah i'm not this isn't a podcast though this is more of a it's like a cooling this is more talk show i'd say at all yeah no that's very fair we got a caller on line one how long do you think you two will be living together for oh [Music] the good news is that we are we've got at least another year together yeah we've said we're gonna we're trying to extend we're up for a year but then after that it could be the end mate how long have we lived together for now in november it will be seven yeah no way oh my god i've you spent seven years of your life living with me oh my god who would win in a fight between you two whoa whoa oh my god harry harry would absolutely found me i'm not gonna lie yeah that is brutal you weigh so much now here's what i will say harold i reckon in uh in a boxing fight i might win on points okay but i reckon in any other scenario i reckon i get absolutely bad you know what this app my god i had i i i didn't really know what to expect with it but i'm having a great time on this app good old stereo mate what is the funnest story that's happened to you all drunk the funniest time i remember i was being drunk was probably mykonos but i don't know about a specific thing that's happened like uh so what happened was i i went on a night out harry i think you might have been at home in guernsey actually i was so peppered i got back to the house me and a few of my mates got back i was like guys i don't have the key to my house i can't get into the house what we had to do was i i got like propelled by like you know you put your hands interlock them and then you jump on it and someone pushes you you up i managed to latch onto the balcony i pulled myself onto the balcony and then i had to we had to bring all the other boys up i don't know why we did that because all it would take is one person to get and you can open the front door but we all thought we were bloody mission impossible again here we squeeze through the tiniest window that harry had left open in his uh bedroom window from them uh we all get in i sit down and go whoa one ordeal and as i sit down and go oh [ __ ] that's uncomfy what's on the chair and then i'll reach in my back pocket pulled out the keys at you i've been so human after all that what's your favorite sidemen video being to um film obviously carl's being a part of some so what's your favorite these have done together i think you might have said well i think we have the same answer probably all right we'll say it on three ready all right one two three holiday that's my favorite type of video of all time i think overall well let me tell you what a free holiday it goes down at great howard i think we do owe the people an explanation because the video cuts off just before we go on an absolute tear of a night out always time for part three in it get your shoes on get your shoes on because we're going out it's parked right here on a trip we're going out bro this is what happened okay i know now please understand guys i was so peppered we'd been drinking all day on the yacht we had to be fair it was a long slog up to that point i just i need to say this beforehand like never act like this on a night out like it was so cringe now that i think back and i just think this is so cringy but anyway some guy was lying down at his table like straight up lying down and i made a comment to him i was there i went to him and i was like why are you lying down at your table i don't know why i i wanted to know but i asked him and then he just started switching at me he was there it's none of your business i paid for the table with my money blah blah blah like this and i was like which is fair which is fair which is fair yeah like yeah that's what i'm saying fair enough but you know if it wasn't peppered i'd have just walked away and been like okay that guy's obviously on stuff but instead i stood there and i said you don't need to speak to me like you know i mean i just started going back forth so bad and eventually banter came over to me and he's like can you please leave this area and i was like nah me and my we're talking and then it just went from there and then eventually he must have just realized how peppered i was and it was just embarrassing for me and so he dragged me out obviously callux came to the rescue he tried to yeah um i've got a question for harry do you think you'd make any other music because you know diss track season's over and stuff i don't think personally i would never i think youtube i think one of the cringiest things in the world is youtube was trying to do music uh oh no no it's the worst bro it's the worst so many people think that they can do i don't know what it is i don't know what gives people the confidence to think just they're good at something else they can do music because most 99 of it is stinky obviously some people are decent at it but no it's not it's not for me it's not for me i think there's a lot more people that think they're better than they actually are at all i don't know who is it that just like if you're close to someone that's doing that just tell them yo i don't think this is it you've got to tell your boy you can't let you can't let it put it out you can't you can't do it it's this morning i know you two live together is there any pet peeve that annoys maybe one or the other of you is there anything that the other person does that might annoy anything at all i don't have a pet peeve but i have a moment that i'm like wow this this this wow oh actually i think i know what you're gonna say do you yeah what what do you think it is your potato and i'll tell you the the fish moment the fish the fish moment fish moment this is i'm so sorry i literally yeah i literally looking back on that looking back at that i can only apologize i was fresh off the boat from guernsey these new donnie's in london i'm like oh this will be this a bit nerve-wracking i'm sure i'll have a nice time they seem like nice guys i've been there for maybe i don't know six months or so him joe sugg and jj are up in jj's penthouse i'm trying to get some kip and then they burst in with a raw fish and just like smush the raw fish in my face and all over my bed what up daniel my bed [ __ ] stinks my face stinks i'm just bamboozled by this whole situation like what's going on i was close to tears i don't know what just happened big joe suck as well he's a big deal he's just [ __ ] smacked me in the face with a fish me steve steve and um yeah it made your room smell of fish for like a week what's your favorite birthday memory when we were back at the old house i had that surprise party i might say i didn't know it was happening my ex like set it up but i basically like left to go for a milder and then while i was having this meal everyone came to the house and i came back and i was like whoa surprise i've never had a surprise party before so it was uh it was lovely however i did spoil it because we have we had ring the doorbell thing and so i'm sitting in dinner and the ring app just keeps popping off popping off i'm like i thought maybe a couple things and then but literally like 20 times in like 20 minutes the things go on i'm like either someone's like moving in and out or something's up here so but i i pushed it to the back of my mind but i had an inkling that something would happen because the ring was just having a having a feeling um yeah that is such a classic way to like spoil something my question is who out of the seven boys do you reckon would be able to survive the longest in a zombie apocalypse love you both good night [Music] i know who i'm gonna say josh of joshua vic just based on ingenuity i was gonna say vic he's equipped to to battle anything of the app that the outdoors can throw him whereas i feel like josh josh is a little too comfy sitting at home live streaming for 24 hours that is true you know victor's been out and about likes an adventure i was just wondering what is both of your worst dates you've ever been on oh oh no oh no oh my god wait how about can we can we tell this one i don't i don't really want to no you haven't said that story yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry if you meet me in person i'll tell you the story but i don't want to say i don't want to put out babies [Laughter] do you guys have a favorite conspiracy theory that you're really interested in if so what is it do you know the sample you know salmon but it's pink you know it's not actually pink they just put dye in it perhaps a conspiracy no they don't no they do they do they it doesn't it comes out like gray and they make they dye it to make it pink there's the ross child's uh conspiracy as well i love that one yeah that's conspiracy that's probably that's not even like this is like people that people people run the world that aren't even like that we don't even know who they are like it's like the whole like jeff bezos has been the richest people in the world is not true like there's people that are just like that conspiracy is all about a family that just essentially run the run the world yeah wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of them put it that way this is more of a question for harry but um are you okay because your spotify is looking kind of sauce recently you know i'm not good what's wrong with my spotify at the moment oh this is terrible people are just judging me if my spotify it's not even bad oh my god no i know what it is i know what it is so this is so here's some of the songs i've listened to believe which is do you believe in love of the love obviously yeah i need you the most by the the kid leroy which is just like i need you the most there's one called you broke me first um oh my god harold this is a depression playlist the one that's doing me in is the anne marie song which is called [ __ ] i'm lonely i wonder why you take three showers a day and it must just be to mask the crying anyways there we go how far through your sushi did you make it dude i've made a valley enough but i am feeling very full but we are both trying to put on some pounds right now so i will finish this i'll get to that we are on our on our weight gain journey and even after this i'm going to slap a little mass gainer in the belly but i appreciate appreciate you jumping on stereo with me fella all right hold up hold tight the stereo guy and shout out to there's been over a thousand of you guys just chilling in here listening to me and harold just waffle um so yeah big up everyone an even bigger shout out to everybody that sent through a voice message you guys had some good questions and make sure you follow me and cal friezy click the follow button yes all right guys well it's been an absolute pleasure bogo once again you have brought the vibes and the energies so anytime my friend any time any time laters
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,789,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: HY_q6Vygxx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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