A Very Personal Mukbang With KSI

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This man GRINDS. He's worked so hard for it and we need to help him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Biirdy- 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
yo guys what's going on and welcome back to another main channel video today i have pulled all the stops out in order to get me to 10 million subs i have food and i have ksi oh jesus this is empty as well we got wings stopped today okay and it's a mukbang so everyone knows how that works we're gonna talk and eat nice that you like this you know this is easy this is the first video uh you've been on my channel in 2021 oh snap so you've been on more tommy in it videos than that you're working with the enemy he's trying to beat me to 10 mil and you're helping him i i did not appreciate this yeah yeah i didn't even realize that's crazy i know ah i got some tenders i got some did you get normal chips um large yeah yeah yeah sure shower wingstop by the way you know i was going to be um what was it i was going to have like equity in it and i i turned it down yeah one of the ways it was so good i didn't think it would pop off yeah it's rick ross knows food yeah yeah but um yeah if you're watching please subscribe please i need a fork well how close are you i'm on 9.4 tommy and it challenged me to 10 million when he was on about 6.8 wow he's about to hit nine but he's been banging though like i think he gets more views than us probably some videos yeah he gets more views than us on his streams i remember they're all kids though so yes it doesn't count although everyone's just going to say all the kids but they're not that should not especially with the content and the [ __ ] we say what the hell we're completely pg oh yeah completely never sworn i mean we'd get cancelled if we were sending a ship on their channel i mean i did and you go yeah i got cancelled several times i was like what's his name slap your yeah oh okay there's like a gang thing isn't there and it's like flat something like that no you're way off easy no but it is oh my god bro you actually look like a boomer once no there's like it's normally me there's a gang thing as well you're talking about is it called live or something like that yeah yeah the youtuber oh yeah what yeah there's also a thing that's like slap something like that it's a gang thing you don't know about that i mean right because i'm a rapper in it i do not represent anything that simon is talking about when it comes to gang culture he says he says that but we both organized to wear a bit of red because we know iron in a gang no i am part any of that i'm a civilian a civilian if some shit's going down i'm calling the police i don't care snitching shut up well your uh your street cred just went down i wouldn't snitch never nothing would make me snitch nothing nothing okay then beat up your mum what am i what if i don't snitch no if i sniff so you're gonna tell the police who did it and you know who did it what'd she do [Laughter] like steal my sock i'd probably it doesn't matter but yeah no what you've been up to anyway i see you've been streaming all the time it's weird that we're saying this considering we live together but we actually don't see each other well i feel like it's because i'm in my room just always on crypto crypto crypto crypto just trying to understand the whole scene or i'm out doing certain things exercise wise why do you make that sound so i don't know why i made that sound weird you made it sound like you're like going around having sex yeah that's i'm not doing that [Laughter] i'm just i'm training anyway and then oh it's simon videos yeah that's pretty much it all music stuff yeah and i film second channel videos and then stream that's it i mean i sometimes film the second channel but oh yeah you did it yeah i've been slacking for a while i'm not even gonna lie but i was in like or main channel but i'm just like filming yeah i mean you're just a bit of a workaholic but you've been a workaholic for years now well i don't we've all have yeah i mean the first house was the factory yeah oh my god yeah well the first house we lived in was literally me uvic josh and no one left the house you occasionally did yeah you left more than all of us by mile but yeah most of it was for shoots yeah you like it was literally religious like we would sleep at what 3 4 a.m yeah wake up at like 2 00 p.m i guess we'd eat kind of and then start filming again yeah well edit some videos and then it'd be you have to be in the call at like 9 00 p.m oh yeah we're recording yeah yeah let's jump on gta tonight that's because we had to edit our own videos oh my god that was mad fam i can't believe we used to do that you know whereas now i'm just like yep let's film a mukbang that's it yeah lovely lawrence well normally like you wouldn't even have a cameraman that's yeah you'd have a stand and yeah things changed i i mean it was needed it's how we um are more productive essentially enabled to do more things yeah i just need to get out of the house now like what enjoy yourself a bit more yeah well we we moved into london like we lived somewhere in london mysterious um we used to live out in the sticks and i felt like we moved in to go cool we're going to experience like we can go out whatever we want yeah and then people started coughing in that it was done for us i spilled hoover hoover why would i put my dick on that come on relax chill my dick has no reason to be there i don't know bro no reason to be in a lot of places the sidemen video has addicted me now [Music] yeah that's because i lost the nods on that's not losing if you're the one saying odds on for me to do something you haven't lost you wanted to do it well i lost so i had to do it yeah but you kind of wanted to anyway in it no no it's not like i always wanted to just shovel my penis good just funny in it i mean it was one of the funniest moments in the video so i'll give you that you've done a lot of weird stuff on videos you know yeah man i'm a weird guy pooped on a shovel yeah yeah pissed in the drain or fish hole that one is the best oh my god that is why your reddit is goated why because i'm just a [ __ ] weirdo pretty much well it's cause you do so much outrageous stuff yeah i'm surprised that i haven't been canceled more if i'll be honest i mean i guess i i get my fair share of cancellations but i think my audience just don't care and i think it's just getting to a point where a lot of people just don't care i mean nothing you ever do is malicious like yeah i think so anyone with a brain can understand like okay he might be idiots sometimes let's see you know what i mean like it doesn't yeah canceling you ain't going to make the world a better place yeah i guess yeah so what's the what's the point yeah fair but vegan's going to get you for this yeah [Laughter] i've tried vegan food you know it's actually decent i tried being food vegetables no it was like vegan chicken yeah i mean i was veggie for a year remember year and a half yeah that was a weird year [Music] scoped asked yesterday what's your most played song right now oh neither quedaker's tune sis uh the odd one i don't know what it's called it's not called syphilis is i can't remember what it's called i mean it's together alone it might be to get her though is that one where it's like echoey yeah bro i love that i think it's the best song on the album i've played that so many [ __ ] times i think it's hard what's the best one on your album better on my album i mean no pressure you know you haven't shared that tonight no it's like an afrobeat type thing it'd be really smart for you to say that would you mean to not say one of the ones that's already been released yeah yeah what was your best song say lighter the rest of the album's not even [ __ ] oh no i mean it's crazy like how much i progressed music wise from sweaty goals yeah that was a really weird really weird time and then what we filmed it in this like uni didn't we need uni in that like five side pitch yeah i don't know what mine is what do i listen to probably um juice world it has been juice well for the last yes literally just those two i don't care they're kind of like the same people i don't know if that's a par to kill the roy it probably is i think that's a compliment that's a common man yeah well i mean he is he is like juice's prodigy i think um he can sing better though yeah but i think you'll have a harder time being as cool because he's a little skinny little white kid from australia ultimately we just make good music then that's all that really matters you could be well i mean look at justin bieber bro everyone [ __ ] hate him you look like a dweeb and then i didn't just always liked you it is so mad that justin bieber like justin bieber think about that justin bieber himself watched you beat logan paul i think i've reached a point where i don't really get star struck anymore and i've just realized that everyone's just people you know i got to a point before where i was like oh my god it's the rock oh yeah oh my god it's such-and-such you know a celebrity i get that i know what i mean i remember you and chip i knew that was coming i was gonna say to you who who star struck you yeah you're gonna mention [ __ ] remember who's whose birthday was it was it bizzle's birthday i think it was lethal business birthday or something you got invited and at this point you're a very lonely guy yeah it was just me and you so you wouldn't take a date yeah i went um i remember turning up because we were like 18 or something like that like we were only just old enough to go and we turn up and it is like 24 year olds partying all black everyone knows this time i think he was chipmunk but i remember seeing him being like i really want to ask him for a photo but i don't want to and i remember you were just like nah man do it then do it go on it's like oh i don't want to and then as soon as i did it you were like can't be glasses i was like fanboy i was a fanboy i still have me sick but that party was yeah that was like full-on in between us jamster said would we ever do a song together um maybe via sidemen i expected that yeah i mean well i don't know like you don't have to sugarcoat it you can go most likely never let's say this situation let's say this situation comes to you all right all right i come into your room and i'm like yo written a song okay play it and it's sick and when i say sick i mean like does like designer panda like that song has never existed and i've just done it okay and i'm like i want you to be the last verse oh yeah damn that's all i gotta do it's just that's it i feel like that's with any eyes where it should be anyway like i've had bare eyes come up to me being like i've got the tune could you be on it and it's dead i'm like why would i jump on this but they don't like even if they give me like a [ __ ] ton of money like there's this person you're giving me over a hundred thousand to do a verse and this is so [ __ ] why would i do this who do you think i am like i've got money fun how are you gonna roast toby like that so i was just like yeah like i'm out of stage where i literally just pick music that i think bangs and i just run with it i write that that's integrity what you and randolph when they have like a couple more i'm waiting for him to make a studio but this guy is so involved in pokemon's insides yeah but fair enough to him he's you know he's he's made his own thing which is sick yeah he's he's said to me before he's like everything i do is always you know on the sidemen's like sidemen yeah or you know or you work a size cameraman etc stuff like that pokemon is the first thing he's had i just don't think he he doesn't have that interest right now but fair enough he's you know he's smashing he's not smashing pokemon you know what i mean but i think he'd love to be honest i wonder i wonder if he would you know if you gave him the option i you could you'd have a night where it's you know some role play would he take it he just gets laura dressed as pikachu yeah i don't think he'd take it i [ __ ] would you [ __ ] would just be an experienced put on this ash hat and be like i'm ready i've got some poke balls for you oh my god um all right it's from lewis 13. weirdest thing the others the other does you're just you're just always shouting yeah just so it's recording i know i know but it's it's especially when my girlfriend's coming through like she just hears you go oh oh man oh yeah yeah oh he has specifically chosen sexual girls i do say words as well pull in um i'm trying to think i think yours is just it's probably your singing but like it's it's not like you sing in your own song it's when you sing your song but you do it in a in a different voice oh so like when you're singing like patience yeah and you'll walk around and like when patience comes out or whatever yeah like the song's out you're not trying to hide it or anything and you're literally like so i i have like a head voice yeah well i literally just like rap and sing in that i don't know why it's just like i just go oh no yeah and i think sometimes you forget that you're doing that out loud yeah exactly and then it just i mean it's not that weird but wait this is from cam sully 2309 do we spend a lot of time together when not recording no legit no i think i think the pandemic is kind of [ __ ] things you say that but we do live together yeah but i think we were actually forced to be yeah yeah i think it got to a point where we saw too much of each other i mean we chat from time to time yeah i think it's because right because like i work there and you work in your room it feels like we're still at work yeah i can't like we don't ever go out and eat yeah stuff like that which i feel like once the pandemic loosens i guess it would be kind of weird what just me and you it would feel intimate yeah freddie said was the beerus chain worth it um yeah bro i never even [ __ ] wear it i know but no i think it is because i know if she hits the fan i can always just sell that [ __ ] and some [ __ ] gonna buy it for some stupid price and if they don't you can always take all the diamonds off yeah sell them separately yeah i kind of wish though instead of the chain i put it in like ethereum or like that's over in every video isn't it i wish i had i wish i bought like 10 million bitcoin five years ago yeah right now same thing you could but you know what i mean like it's yeah it's hindsight hindsight is 20 20. yeah well i mean my hindsight right now is luna is going to be one of the biggest top 10 coins do you know what do you know what hindsight means yeah right so you gotta have hindsight now of the future oh yeah [ __ ] okay well this is what i think so i think bitcoin is gonna get to over a hundred thousand i think ethereum's gonna get to 10k i think luna is gonna be a top ten because of how um the real world adoption i think um bsc coins meme coins are gonna still fly because of tick tock okay this is not financial this is not financial advice this is just what i think i'm not gonna lie to you after bitcoin and ethereum i was like you have no idea what i'm talking about this is this is yeah yeah but i feel like that's most people i mean that's why like if you're in crypto you're early because a lot of people just don't know a lot of you just know bitcoin ethereum maybe and doge eclipse guy xxi what age will you be when you stop living together damn um i think it's probably next year that's uh i have to start you know it's it's mainly because of our girlfriends yeah they're trying to break us up man they want us to themselves yeah that's what it is no no we can't actually blame them no no no no we actually just need to um grow up go up yeah like everyone else is [ __ ] doing that we're literally the only ones living together which is yeah harry harry and cal yeah yeah yeah although harry's definitely not growing up no so i don't know if i want to say we're the same as harry i really want to eat these bones by the way but i just don't want to be too black for this suck out the protein and [ __ ] i want to eat the bones but it just does it anyway no no no i don't want to ask him too mad well this is the last question so the answer for that was uh probably next year yeah yeah all right beth last question predictions for the youtube tick tock fight we got deji versus vinnie hacker yeah i think they're just gonna easily win that if he if he trains like he keeps saying he is yeah then he should quite like if he trains like you did for jake he's losing yeah he's losing 100 it's done if he trains like he did for jake i think he still might have a chance because i don't know what this other guy's like so deji to win yeah yeah gibb i think gibbs got a hard fight game has a hard fight like the guy is fighting actually knows how to fight my box he's the only one out of the whole card i don't know did ddg everyone kept telling me on stream oh yeah ddg is fine yeah yeah apparently he's pretty decent that's what everyone's like oh no he boxes too yeah oh okay he'll win yeah obviously we want him to win he's just i think he can win yeah i mean he's been trained like a [ __ ] crazy man like i've been seeing his my zone [ __ ] bro trains twice a day i'm like bro relax my zone is the band that tells you like your heart rate yeah yeah yeah he's he's doing the most but yeah like obviously the guy he's fine has just yeah has boxed before he's got good technique hopefully he's a you know gives a lot more he you know thinking a bit more i don't think he thought the jake paul fight he didn't yeah he wasn't thinking about anything apart from just like well punch yeah like when he was dazed he still went forward yeah and like when i got dazed from logan i didn't go forward i didn't go no no no no when um he hit me with a great shot um oh no i think this is after but he hit me with a good one good shot where if i flashed like a sort of flash and i was like damn alright calm uh there was one so with the with the knock down one uh when he hit me in the back ahead and blah blah blah um that's when everything was like moving weird like everything was like whoa i don't know it's like i was drowsy or some [ __ ] but then obviously i was like logan could finish me here if he just [ __ ] comes forward and she's kind of run a bit for yeah that's why i was just like so what gibb did was move forward he should have just gone okay i'm hurt let's fall back retreat let's let's take this round off yeah and regroup and move on austin mcbroom versus bryce i think austin's winning now i think bryce thinks he's thinks he's sick but he's not yeah get me in the ring with him i'll [ __ ] nah nah i can't do that have you ever noticed his arms uh no he has really short arms the next time you watch a bryce little tick tock you see if you put your arms down to your side yeah yeah they normally come down to like halfway down your quad okay yeah bryce is going just to his hip oh [ __ ] he's really like short like he kind of looks like a t-rex but like a really wedged t-rex oh [ __ ] but yeah no that's it i mean i'll finish my food i'm stuffed yeah i mean i was eating the bone so like i was i was done well um subscribe please because i've actually gained some subs i think in this whole period since he challenged me i've gained about 110k subs oh geez well he's getting two and a half million yeah man yeah but yeah thank you guys for watching live like you enjoyed and if this gets uh a million likes i will um dry home talia you haven't no you have to drive home no in a video for 10 seconds no if this hits a million likes now you have to do that no sure sure that's easy sure quick doggy yeah so a million likes and uh as we all know everyone does everything that they do for a million likes thanks for watching peace
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 5,366,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog
Id: CoJ1A7Bpxc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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